Gutfeld: The media is the most universally distrusted product since quicksand

This is a rush transcript from "The Greg Gutfeld Show," September 14, 2019. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.


DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENT: I was even willing to stand out in the rain and get my hair soaking wet. It would have shown it's my real hair at least. It wouldn't be pretty. But it is my hair. It may not be great, but I will say, it's better than most of my friends who are the same age.


GREG GUTFELD, HOST: I can't really argue with that.

(Cheering and Applause)

GUTFELD: The media is at it again, making a crap and spewing false outrage. Here's the current state of the CNN Newsroom.


GUTFELD: I have to say Cuomo and Lemon, they have a natural chemistry. That was them. Anyway, so remember last week's rally. There, Trump told reporters that people waiting in line for the show are soaking wet, which immediately triggered CNN's expert fireman to leap from their bunk beds, slide down their fiery red poles and come to the rescue in their matching velour pajamas. To do what?

To point out that it's 80 degrees and sunny outside the rally. It's not raining. So how could they be wet? Well, maybe someone should point out to CNN. There's this thing that happens when it's hot and sunny in the south. It's called sweating, Mr. Stelter.

Sorry, I --


GUTFELD: I find it hard to you believe that this fella isn't familiar with that concept.


GUTFELD: Brian, it's that's stuff you feel when you go up one flight of stairs.


(Cheering and Applause)

GUTFELD: Me, too. Me, too. All right. We all sweat. By the way, I have about 10 women in the front row.


TRUMP: I have about like 10 women in the front row and you come from North Carolina, and they travel all over the place. Hold up your hands. These are great women. I see them so much. And I must say, they have other things to do. They look rich as hell to me.



GUTFELD: Poor people have nothing to do. Which is good because they were forcing you to buy light bulbs that cost a fortune.


TRUMP: They were forcing you to buy light bulbs that cost a fortune. So I said signed something a couple of days ago, that gives you the right to continue to use the incandescent light. I'm not a vain person. I know I have no vain people, especially these incredible ladies in the front. But I look better under an incandescent light than these crazy lights that are beaming down on us.



GUTFELD: Oh, please, please, please say more about the bulbs.


TRUMP: There is a big danger. In fact, they have labels, "Don't break this bulb." What are you going to do? You're going to throw it away. I promise I won't break it. On the new one. So you're going to hopefully buy the new ones, but you can buy the old ones, too, and you can save a lot of money and you could even look better.


GUTFELD: He's not done with the light bulb.


TRUMP: The light bulb, people say, "What's with the light bulb?" I said, "Here's the story." And I looked at it. The bulb that we're being forced to use number one to me most importantly, the light is no good. I always look orange, and so do you.



GUTFELD: No more cows. No more planes.


TRUMP: No more cows. No more planes. I guess no more people, right? Because Kevin is just like a cow, he is just smaller.


TRUMP: I had to pick somebody for that one, Kevin, and I just looked at that beautiful political face of yours.



GUTFELD: Beautiful political face. But it's the media that now looks terrible, always switching sides to cover their asses like a cheap tarp on a donkey. Take John Bolton. I like him. You like him. And we all love his mustache.


GUTFELD: Here's some fun facts about his mustache. His mustache once dated the Barbie twins.


GUTFELD: His mustache once qualified for the Olympics in the deadlift, but chose instead to pursue a life of crime. His moustache once owned a winery, it actually stomped the grapes itself. His mustache actually has its own mustache. His mustache tastes like delicious, fresh raspberries.


GUTFELD: Don't ask me how I know.


GUTFELD: Now, the left hates Bolton. So when he left the White House, you'd think they'd rejoice, right? But no, they scream injustice. See, they got it both ways.

Whining about how bad it is that the guy they called a mass murderer for years is now out of power. But that's the media, the most distrusted product since quicksand.

Bolton's departure is easy to understand. Trump isn't an interventionist, Bolton is. Two different philosophies, so we knew the split was coming, and the boss always wins. Trump is a CEO. He hires you and see how it goes, and when it stops going, you go. Or you end up holding towels in the washroom.

It's how things work at work. Which is why politicians in the media and other dopes who've never had a real job, don't get it. They want lifelong gigs borne from connections and friends, none of which Trump has time for.

And as much as I respect Bolton, the President of Red Eye, I get it. It's a new era. We have a CEO who believes he should be in the room with the bad guys.

Meanwhile, as the media rolls from phony outrage to phony outrage, you guys remember the recession? Trump gets proven right again. Remember the crap he got for worrying out loud about disaster relief getting hijacked by crooks? He was right. And he was speaking for you when he said it.

This week, the F.B.I. arrested top administrators of FEMA and a contractor CEO on wire fraud and bribery charges involving billions of Hurricane Maria relief. Any word from CNN? Let's go to Brian for response.


GUTFELD: You know, to think that's the last thing a meatball sub ever sees.


GUTFELD: Stop it. All right, I waited too long. And you wonder why the media is hated and why the media hates you because you now see them for what they are. You know who doesn't see them for who they are? These clowns -- Walsh, Sanford, Weld. The three jackasses of the apocalypse.


GUTFELD: Here's why. The Republicans have never been more solidified behind a candidate. Now when you only primary a President, if that wasn't the case. So these dopes are challenging Trump, not because the party is against him. But because the media is. That's crazy. It makes you think, if they can challenge Trump then just about anyone can.


ANNOUNCER: It's the Republican primary with candidates like the bad untalented Joe Walsh. Not the awesome and amazing Joe Walsh who is awesome and amazing. This Joe Walsh is a fraud and loud mouthed bigot.

Plus, Mark Sanford, he told everyone he went for a hike, so he could have sex with someone who wasn't his wife. That was smart.

Bill Weld, who is he? Good question. We don't care.

So why just them? If those bozos can run, why not an actual bozo.

He is still alive, right? Or how about a Stridex medicated pad from the 1980s, once used by Leif Garrett.

Or everyone from "Full House" who isn't facing jail. Any stripper with a heart of gold? This waterskiing squirrel. The guy who played the one- armed killer in "The Fugitive." Yes, what's his name?

The color magenta often overlooked, but a decent color. When you pair it with pale blue.

The Trivago guy, but only if he shaves and quits boozing. The Trivago guy, but only if he doesn't shave and keeps boozing.

This avalanche. Howie Mandel. A cat. Two cats. Twenty seven cats. The Andromeda Galaxy. A Ford Galaxy. The first mailman to keep wearing his shorts in the winter.

Lou Dobbs, Lou Dobb's look alike, Steve Jenson. "Fox and Friends." "Fox and Friends Weekend." An actual fox in the cast of "Friends."

But the best person to primary Donald Trump, Donald frickin' Trump because only he can beat himself.


(Cheering and Applause)


GUTFELD: Let's go to tonight's guest. She talks faster than an auctioneer on Ritalin, attorney and Fox News contributor, Emily Compagno.

(Cheering and Applause)

GUTFELD: He is dry, he is often mistaken for Death Valley, writer and comedian, David Angelo.

(Cheering and Applause)

GUTFELD: See is smart, tart and heart full of hearts, host of "Sincerely, Kat" on Fox Nation, Kat Timpf.

(Cheering and Applause)

GUTFELD: He uses Google Earth to take his selfies, my massive sidekick and host of "Nuff Said" on Fox Nation, Tyrus.

(Cheering and Applause)

GUTFELD: Emily, Emily, Emily, Emily, Emily, what do you make of the Republican challengers. Any thoughts?

EMILY COMPAGNO, CONTRIBUTOR: My biggest thought is, why wouldn't they use whatever things that they're hoarding, like Sanford says, "Oh, I have this great idea to reduce the debt."


COMPAGNO: Well, then why wouldn't we share them now? Right?


COMPAGNO: Why isn't it like the three-point Volvo seatbelt where they came out and said, "We're going to give this to everyone in the interest of everyone's safety?" Like if they have these amazing ideas, and they think that they can do better, then why aren't they sharing it with the administration now, so we can all benefit since it's their same party in control?

GUTFELD: That's such a good point. Although, I would never do that. Like if I had a really good idea that would save lives, I'd wait.


COMPAGNO: And sell it on the black market.

GUTFELD: Wait, because I am a jerk. I'm a jerk. I want to make money. Suffering be damned. Suffering be damned. David, I don't know what you're more upset about or angry about? So just go for it. Is it said about Bolton? It's about the primary challengers. Is it about the -- you hate the media more than I do.

DAVID ANGELO, COMEDIAN: I do hate the media.

GUTFELD: You do?

ANGELO: They're useless. They do nothing. I can't -- how is CNN in business anymore?

GUTFELD: I don't know.

ANGELO: It's like you had two years, you were wrong about literally every single thing you've put on television.


ANGELO: Who is left of the viewership?


ANGELO: Just sitting down at the end of the day getting on the couch, like, "Hey, I want to feel like I have carbon monoxide poisoning. Let me listen to -- let me hear what Don Lemon has to say." They're wrong about everything.

GUTFELD: Yes. Could you imagine a company for two years putting out a faulty product?

ANGELO: No. They were wrong. Everything about the election, they got wrong. And then they just transitioned into everything about Russia wrong.


ANGELO: And then along the way, they'd be like, "Oh, Jussie Smollett. Oh, no, I was wrong too."


GEORGE "TYRUS" MURDOCH, CONTRIBUTOR: Juicy. It's pronounced juicy.

GUTFELD: Jussie Smollett.

ANGELO: They are useless.

GUTFELD: They are useless. Yes.

KATHERINE TIMPF, FOX NATION HOST: How can you have a meltdown when he is in, because it's bad? And then when he gets out, you also have a meltdown about that?


TIMPF: I am starting to think they just like meltdowns.

GUTFELD: They do.

TIMPF: But for -- I agree with you. I really, really liked John Bolton. You know, every interaction I've had with him has been positive, nice guy, funny guy. However, I could not be happier that he is no longer in a position of power, because we have this cycle where we use war to solve problems, and then that creates more problems, and then that creates more war. And it just keeps going and going and going and it's hard to get out of.

And one of the things that I really like about the President is that he seems to understand that and seems to be trying to change that. So I'm happy to see that Bolton no longer has a job there.

GUTFELD: It's interesting how the media are -- they are like upset that the President's personality is warlike, but he is peaceful. They'd almost want the reverse. They'd want a nice guy who kills a bunch of people.



MURDOCH: Yes. What they want is they want "Forensic Files" with a happy ending.



MURDOCH: That's what they want. I mean --

GUTFELD: It never has a happy ending.

MURDOCH: It never has a happy ending. I think the problem with the media was, Bolton was a very victim of a word that they know nothing about it and I'll say it slow.


MURDOCH: Integrity. He had a belief system, which he felt very strongly about.


MURDOCH: the President's plan was not something that he agreed with, so instead of being what they would do, and be a yes man and leak their anger out to them, and being A, in turn to help them undermine the president. He basically said, "I can't agree with this philosophy. Here's my philosophy." And the President said -- and this wasn't something that didn't happen over a weekend. This was like a year to figure out what we're going to do said, he said, you know what? It's time for us -- you can't help me with what I want you to do, and you're not going to change your mind. I'm not going to change mine. Your service is no longer needed.

There's nothing wrong with that. It's called integrity. And that's why he was released.

(Cheering and Applause)

GUTFELD: We've got to move on. This happens almost every two months with my private masseuse. You know, something happens, we have a different philosophy about what a massage is. And he disagrees, every time he disagrees. All right. Up next. What was the best thing to happen at the third democratic debate? I don't know. You tell me, I fell asleep.


ANNOUNCER: “The Greg Gutfeld Show” presents, The 2020 CAN'T-idates.

GUTFELD: So what did we learn from Thursday's debate, aside from how much we hated Thursday's debate? Well as predicted, everyone loves talking about Trump.


JULIAN CASTRO, D-PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: There will be life after Donald Trump.

BETO O'ROURKE, D-PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: How dangerous Donald Trump is, the cost and the consequence of his presidency.

SEN. KAMALA HARRIS, D-CALIF., PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: President Trump, you've spent the last two and a half years full time trying to sow hate and division among us.

SEN. CORY BOOKER, D-N.J., PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: We know Donald Trump is a racist.

SEN. BERNIE SANDERS, I-VT, D-PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: We must and will defeat Trump, the most dangerous President in the history of this country.

SEN. AMY KLOBUCHAR, D-MINN., PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: I may not be the loudest person up here. But I think we've already got that in the White House. Houston, we have a problem.


GUTFELD: Oh, god. What a mom joke. Okay. That's too bad. They feel that way because Trump respects all of them.


TRUMP: I respect all of them. See that, I am getting to be much better as a politician. You never thought you'd hear that answer.



GUTFELD: And then Trump's campaign flew this banner over the event. "Socialism will kill Houston's economy. Vote Trump 2020."

(Cheering and Applause)

GUTFELD: That's Trump. That is Trump. Even when -- even when he's not there, oh, he is there. Then we saw this thing.


ANDREW YANG, D-PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: My campaign will now give a freedom dividend of $1,000.00 a month for an entire year to 10 American families, someone watching this at home right now.


GUTFELD: That's like about 10 massages.


GUTFELD: And then there was this.


O'ROURKE: Hell yes, we are going to take your AR-15, your AK-47 ...


GUTFELD: Good luck with that, Slender Man.


GUTFELD: The only thing you'll be taking is my order at an El Paso Arby's.


(Cheering and Applause)

GUTFELD: Thank you. So how about Joe, right? Now, Joe made some points. Then he started yapping about a record player.


JOE BIDEN, D-PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Play the radio, make sure the television -- excuse me, make sure you have the record player on at night.


GUTFELD: Yes, I bet he thinks Bluetooth is something you get from eating blue paint.


GUTFELD: And some whippersnapper tried to take him out.


CASTRO: Are you forgetting what you said two minutes ago?

BIDEN: They are automatically --

CASTRO: Are you forgetting already what you said just two minutes ago? I mean, I can't believe that you said two minutes ago that they had to buy in and now you're saying they don't have to buy in, you're forgetting that.


GUTFELD: Talk about elder abuse.


GUTFELD: But the only real fun came when some protesters started in.


BIDEN: Things that are important, things that are unimportant.

CROWD: (Chanting).


GUTFELD: Crazy, I don't even know what they said either. Maybe, if we saw them we could make it out.


(Cheering and Applause)

GUTFELD: I still can't figure it out. David, high points, low points.

ANGELO: These people --

MURDOCH: What I'm saying --

ANGELO: It's like you can have -- all they had to do it just get one normal person up there. It's all they have to do. It is so simple, and they can't do it. And it's like, you watch and you're just like, you're all bonkers.

GUTFELD: Yes, Yes.

ANGELO: It's hard. It's difficult. They say all of these things and then again, I hate the media so much, all they have to do -- they keep saying, they want all these open borders, unlimited immigration, and then free healthcare for everybody. Just one -- George Stephanopoulos, you know, gets in, "Excuse me. How do you do both of those?"


ANGELO: All you have to do is ask that one question and their entire platform collapses.

(Cheering and Applause)

ANGELO: And they didn't do it. But I do appreciate George Stephanopoulos. You know, he, you know, did the thing. He is a friend of Jeffrey Epstein's. It's nice to see, you know, he went to the dinner party at the house. It's nice that he can still moderate a debate. Unlike a comedian, we get cancelled all the time.


ANGELO: You go to Jeffrey Epstein's house for dinner party after he is convicted of child molestation, and he's moderating the presidential debate.

GUTFELD: I didn't know that.

ANGELO: God bless him.

GUTFELD: I didn't even know that. Kat, how did I miss that? I don't read enough.

ANGELO: No, I'll tell you why, Greg. It's not in the media. They don't report it.

(Cheering and Applause)

ANGELO: They cover it all up. They are useless.

GUTFELD: Kat, what was your high point, low points?

TIMPF: I was just absolutely infuriated by what Beto said about take taking away guns, "Hell, yes, I'm going to take your gun." Okay, tough guy. All right. I know that he thinks he was being cool, and that he was being progressive.

But actually -- and maybe he's just been too busy, like skateboarding around his liberal bubble, so he doesn't understand this. But there are actually millions and millions of responsible legal gun owners, people who do own these guns, and by him saying that he is going to take them away to make it safer, he is implying that the mere ownership of one of these guns means that you're going to use it to commit mass murder.

That is not only illogical and stupid, because as gun ownership has gone up, violent crimes has actually gone down. That's a fact. That's not only stupid, it's actually so insulting to all these people who are just trying to exercise their constitutional rights.


TIMPF: Which anyone who wants to be President should know something about.

(Cheering and Applause)

GUTFELD: He lost all of Texas. Tyrus?

MURDOCH: I am going to be real with you, Greg. I am going to be real with you. There was a really good football game on during the debate.


MURDOCH: And I know you were very serious about, "Tyrus, I'm serious. I don't care what's going on. You need to make sure you watch this debate."


MURDOCH: And I was -- I had a friend watch it for me and like --


MURDOCH: He text me some notes.

TIMPF: You're welcome, buddy.

MURDOCH: I just like to say -- but they're like, "Yo, well a Democrat just said he is going to take your AR-15." And I was like, "Say what?" I flicked the channel. Because I have that different creed, you know. We live by a different creed. Well, we live by a wish.


MURDOCH: You know, you guys hope for the best. We wish [bleep] would try to take my stuff. So I was like, "Who was it?" I was, "I bet it was those two old white men. They're always trying to taking stuff from us." And I am a little worried about them because they actually got stuck behind them. And he was like, "No, it's the skinny guy that looks like the Kennedy that nobody loved." And I was like, "Which one, dawg? Which one?"


MURDOCH: And he was like, "O'Rourke." "Oh, hell, I mean ..." Anyway, clicked back to my game and thank God, I did because it was a really good football game.

(Cheering and Applause)

GUTFELD: Emily? Who upset you the most?

COMPAGNO: Who upset me the most? I think Biden because he is such an outdated crypt keeper and yet for some reason --

TIMPF: Emily, that was savage.


TIMPF: I love it.

COMPAGNO: For some reason, he keeps being ahead in the polls. I have absolutely no idea why. I thought his answers were so lame and inadequate.


COMPAGNO: Disqualifying. He has no place in the national conversation and the quiet ones that were actually trying to say something specific and had plans to back it up were drowned out by the more Gladiator moments that the media covers so excitedly and then to me when Andrew Yang at the end starts talking about freedom dividends in the form of him handing out cash was like freedom dividends? Oh, we already have. That's freedom of speech. That's things that the military earned for us.

(Cheering and Applause)

COMPAGNO: Died for us. So that we have. That's what being an American is. So I thought the whole thing was a farce.

TIMPF: I love when Biden said that no one should be in prison for a non- violent crime.


TIMPF: I was like, if this guy wins, I'm going to start money laundering immediately.


GUTFELD: All right, we've got to move on. Up next, Hillary's e-mails are back, and now they're a work of art.

(Cheering and Applause)

AISHAH HASNIE, CORRESPONDENT: Live from "America's News Headquarters," I'm Aishah Hasnie. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is blaming Iran for drone strikes that wrecked Saudi Arabia's oil production. Pompeo calling it an unprecedented attack on the world's energy supply. Yemen's Houthi rebels are claiming responsibility.

About half of the Kingdom's oil capacity has been disrupted. There's concerns now about gas prices spiking here in the U.S. The Energy Department is prepared to tap oil reserves if that's necessary.

Well, Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh is reportedly facing another accusation of sexual misconduct. "The New York Times" reporting that a former classmate at Yale witnessed Kavanaugh exposing himself to a woman without her consent.

The allegation was reported to the F.B.I. during Kavanaugh's contentious confirmation process.

I am Aishah Hasnie, now back to “The Greg Gutfeld Show.”

GUTFELD: She lost an election, so now she's an art collection. It's an exhibit in Italy called the Hillary Clinton e-mails. It is 60,000 pages of e-mails printed out -- how Earth-friendly -- stacked on a fake Oval Office desk, and they called it an art. The "Huff Post" reports Hillary's team somehow gets wind of this exhibit. And they sent her over there magically, when she sat for an hour sifting through her e-mails.

The artist is quoted as saying her appearance was a "surprise." Yes. Like Epstein's suicide. Nothing in the calculated Clinton world happens by surprise, but okay, fine. She just felt like flying across the world to sit behind a fake Oval Office desk for an hour to make like she was President. Fine, because she's not. Am I right, Felix?


GUTFELD: Felix, thank you for that. Kat, this is a woman who would plan a sneeze six weeks in advance in high refrain to do it. This is not impromptu.

TIMPF: Yes, no. She is not very like spontaneous.

GUTFELD: No, no.

TIMPF: Good off the cuff.


TIMPF: I just love you know, Republicans really need to get over the whole e-mail thing. How many times have you heard that? It's always like, Republicans stop talking about my e-mails. Get over it. Get over the e- mail thing. Can we get over the email thing? I can't -- and then she just decides to go publicly flip through them?


TIMPF: Are you insane? That's like some dude, you know, talking to his wife like, "Babe, can we just get over the affair? I'm so sorry." And the next night being like, "Do you want to watch an old sex tape I made with the other woman? I got it cued up on the Apple TV."

(Cheering and Applause)

MURDOCH: Classic dude, classic dude moment.

GUTFELD: Yes. You're almost out -- you're almost in the clear, you bring up the sex tape.


GUTFELD: Tyrus, is it because she just can't say no to anything. Like, she can't say no to a paycheck? She can't say --

MURDOCH: Are you sure she is saying no or she was like, "Yo, what have they got?"


MURDOCH: Are these the ones from WikiLeaks? Like we need to go check it out. So she spent eight hours going, "No, we're cool. We're cool. We're cool. I need this one. We're cool. We're cool. We're cool." Because I am watching, this s a classic "Forensic Files" episode. The killer going back to see if there was any evidence and what she didn't realize, the 961 was stuck to 962 and that's where we found out about all the illegal activities and fake donations. She had to go to make sure that the artist didn't have to go.


MURDOCH: You know what I am saying?

GUTFELD: So, Emily, this is -- I have a theory that this is a proof that she has no friends. Like now, Huma wasn't even around to tell her no. You usually have a close friend that comes up to you and says, "Hey, don't do this, Emily, it's bad for your career." But like, nobody said that to her.

COMPAGNO: No. And also, I feel like this reminded me speaking of Huma, of when the e-mails were all printed, and everything from Hillary said, "Huma, please print, please print." Literally, this was her dream. She has been waiting years to be able to see them all printed out in front of her and to be able to read through them.

And it was like one of those Instagram moments that millennials do where they literally fly across the world to achieve the Instagram moment that she did where -- whatever her caption was, that wasn't that funny. I already forget.


MURDOCH: No, and whatever the fee was to be there. Things are a little tough right now.


MURDOCH: You know what I'm saying. The money is not rolling in. The old Clinton Foundation is in the red, so you know --

GUTFELD: David, you know what I think? I think that while she was doing that art exhibit, Bill was like, getting on with his own art exhibit.


GUTFELD: He was sitting at a similar desk.

ANGELO: Right. Either that or he is fondling all the marble statues.


ANGELO: That would have been -- you know, Trump, it's like, that would have been the perfect time to arrest her in front of the e-mails. And now, you just bring all the agents and swoop in, and say, "We got you now. All the evidence is here. We're taking you in." Also she's got -- how could she not run?

GUTFELD: The thing is, her obituary, the first line is "Lost to Trump."


GUTFELD: Yes, she has got to have to do --

ANGELO: She is going to come back.

GUTFELD: The crowd is so bad. She could -- she could still, you know, kind of like stumble back up on stage.

ANGELO: Instantly.

GUTFELD: Even if she is confused.

ANGELO: She shows up. All she has to do was show up with -- find Joe Biden and ask him what year it is. He'll say 1978, she is the front runner.

GUTFELD: She is in front of the guy.

ANGELO: She is in again.

GUTFELD: Exactly. All right. Still ahead, the new Hollywood black-listers and their unlikely nemesis, next.

(Cheering and Applause)


GUTFELD: All right. Is there anything more depressing than Debra Messing? Last week, "Will and Grace" remember that? Their stars Eric McCormack and Debra Messing tweeted about an upcoming Trump fundraiser in Beverly Hills. McCormack asked "The Hollywood Reporter" to report on everyone attending this event. So the rest of us could be clear about who we don't want to work with.

Then Messing followed suit asking for the list of attendees as well, which set up a wave of critics claiming the tweet was akin to McCarthyism that would make Eric, Joe McCarthy and Debra, Charlie McCarthy --


GUTFELD: For repeating Eric like a frickin' dummy. After some backlash, they claimed they only wanted to know where Trump's major donors were coming from. [Bleep]. They wanted to nail everybody down to the gaffer.

Meanwhile, Kirstie Alley tweeted quote, "I refuse to be part of the Hollywood ass hats who can't see that not working with Republicans is stupid and nasty as refusing to do business with gay people. Stop acting a above the fray, you damn hypocrites. We are the same species. Let's help each other out your damn yahoos."

(Cheering and Applause)

GUTFELD: How weird is it? How weird is it that Kirstie Alley is the new Hollywood rebel? Almost as weird as this?


GUTFELD: I don't find that weird at all. That's my Sunday night. Tyrus, only people who live in a bubble with no friends would do this. Like they -- they felt that they could just say, "Hey, let's just nail everybody who disagrees with us. Because it's not going to affect me." I mean --

MURDOCH: Is this from personal experience? Like stuff that happen in your bubble?

GUTFELD: I don't have a bubble, you know that I float everywhere.

MURDOCH: Okay. My point is, she made a great point where if you single somebody out because you don't like them, or don't approve of them, if that was any other situation, like, I want a list of everyone who is supporting Michelle Obama's new book.


MURDOCH: If somebody puts something like that out, everyone will be shocked and disgusted. Like, "How dare you?"

GUTFELD: Yes, Yes.

MURDOCH: So because you --

(Cheering and Applause)

MURDOCH: I mean, it's the same thing. It is no different.


MURDOCH: You want to shame Sean, cost somebody a job for their belief system.


MURDOCH: How is that -- why were they not --

GUTFELD: In Hollywood? In Hollywood, the land of creativity.

MURDOCH: And then here's -- where's Twitter?


MURDOCH: They're supposed to take down things like that. But they literally -- what if that list came out and one of those people were shot or harmed?


MURDOCH: They're responsible. Where's Twitter at for that? Aren't you supposed to take down stuff that is supposed to be negative and harmful?

GUTFELD: They are. I mean, Emily, you are a lawyer or so you claim, although we have very little proof of it. Is this just like McCarthyism? Perhaps worse?

COMPAGNO: There's a good argument for that.

GUTFELD: Thank you.

COMPAGNO: My issue with this is how hypocritical Hollywood is. Like these are the same people who called for a complete boycott of Georgia and the film industry, right? That's 92,000 jobs; $4.6 billion in industry related wages, and they're just going to wipe out their existence and wipe out their jobs.

Debra Messing, I looked it up, she made $20 million last year according to CNBC or whatever. And yet she -- and they live -- there's what? Sixteen percent rise of homelessness, the largest unsheltered homeless population in LA. She told Susan Sarandon to "Shut the F-up" because Susan Sarandon was talking about the surge in people of color and women running for office under this administration. She said, don't give them credit.

My point is just that there's such hypocrisy from top to bottom and so sure, it could be McCarthyism again.

GUTFELD: There, I'm glad you agree with me after that long, long answer. You know, David --

(Cheering and Applause)

GUTFELD: David, are you on any list. Are you on any list?

ANGELO: Oh yes.

GUTFELD: You should be on a list.

ANGELO: I am blacklisted in Hollywood. They dug up some of my old tweets, I was critical of Osama Bin Laden.


ANGELO: They really had a problem with that, so --

MURDOCH: Shaming Bin Laden again, eh.

ANGELO: And I do miss out though because I missed on a lot of things though. Like I don't get the opportunity to be groped by a producer for a nonspeaking role in the CW.


GUTFELD: Kat, does this is make you more likely to watch "Cheers" now that Kirstie Alley is really an American folk hero? She is an American folk hero. She said, "Who's the hero during the McCarthy era?" She is that person?

TIMPF: Well, she's definitely right. It always drives me nuts when you see these people who they think that because of their political views that that makes them morally superior to other people. It's so pompous that they don't even realize, "No, no, that actually makes you the [bleep]." Like, I don't -- I don't know why they don't realize that.

And also, I just don't get it. The whole urge to boycott. If I personally were to boycott anyone in any company that supported politician with whom I did not a hundred percent agree, I would have to go out into the woods and live in total isolation.

And as appealing as that sounds, I don't think I'd be very good at chopping wood. I don't think I'd be good at whittling a stick down so I can make a shank and spear a pheasant.


TIMPF: And even if I did spear the pheasant -- even if I did spear the pheasant, how would I cook it? Because I don't have any wood.


ANGELO: Good point. That's a good point.

(Cheering and Applause)

GUTFELD: All right, I agree.

TIMPF: I thought this through.

GUTFELD: I could tell. I'm very impressed. All right, up next, the cancel culture has a new target, and it's Ross and Rachel.

(Cheering and Applause)


GUTFELD: If you're woke, then it's no joke. That's the case with these so-called outdated humor of "Friend." In honor the show's 25th Anniversary -- we're old -- some joyless columnist reminded you that this show was actually terribly offensive, accusing the show of many things including a lack of diversity, fat shaming, and transphobia.

I can't imagine what they'll say when people watch my show 25 years from now and see this.


GUTFELD: That was a sitcom.

ANGELO: It was good.

GUTFELD: Kat, what do you -- what's your stance on "Friends"? Did you watch a lot of "Friends"? How do you feel about it now?

TIMPF: My mom wouldn't let me.

GUTFELD: Really?

TIMPF: So that made me want to watch it more.


TIMPF: And I did. I turned out great. So I think I'm a very like inclusive person in terms of the fact that I have friends from all different backgrounds, all different beliefs. However, if you have ever used the word "problematic," and we're serious --

GUTFELD: I hate that word.

TIMPF: You are not welcome in my home.

GUTFELD: No, no, exactly.

TIMPF: Ever. Okay, you're upset that a show from a different time has jokes from a different time? Yes, that's how time works, Jessica. That's literally how time works. You need to calm down. People are dying.

GUTFELD: You know, there is a disorder in which the afflicted of the disorder cannot endure other people having a good time. These are those people. I guess, you'd call them leftists. These are the people, you can't go anywhere -- you can't do anything with them.

(Cheering and Applause)

ANGELO: I feel like, how upsetting is it that we live in a world where "Friends" is too edgy? Is this what's happening?

TIMPF: Yes, I know, that's how I felt about my house when my mom said no.

ANGELO: Like "Friends."


ANGELO: You know, this is not the dystopian future I signed up for. I wanted like flying cars. You know, we'd have like a secret police and stuff. It's not just like, not like this. This show that was on network TV. It was for like, people -- look at it, it's like what? That's the equivalent of like the Sex Pistols these days.


ANGELO: It's that show.

GUTFELD: No, that's Allen Ginsberg.

ANGELO: People are too -- you know in the old days, they had -- remember it was seven words you can't say on television. These days, it's 15,000 words you can't say in private conversations.


(Cheering and Applause)


MURDOCH: I'm going to keep it real again. "Friends" literally had absolutely nothing for me to watch. It was a bunch of white people who lived with dates, and so they all lived together and nobody got shot or pregnant by each other.

TIMPF: Oh, no, no. People got pregnant.

MURDOCH: By outside people?

ANGELO: And they get shot. There was that one --

MURDOCH: My point is like, it was literally --

GUTFELD: Someone got shot in the foot -- no, they got stabbed.

MURDOCH: Whatever.

GUTFELD: Do you know anything about "Friends"?

MURDOCH: All I know about it was when it came on, I found other things to do. But I guess I'm a bad guy because I watch the old stuff. I love those stuff. I watch "Archie Bunker" and I laugh my ass off because --

(Cheering and Applause)

MURDOCH: George Jefferson and Archie Bunker were showing two stereotypes from two different races out. They clashed and I got the humor. It was funny. See, that's the thing. Even "Friends" as lame as it looks, I'm sure you guys laughed. I mean, you watched it forever.

GUTFELD: It was a funny show.

MURDOCH: You're still watching it. I never got it. I know the one dude, Ross. I was -- I listened to him talk once and I fell asleep. So I was like, "I'm over it." But whatever, whatever. Whatever. Like, listen, I don't want to hear it. You bug me all night. I don't want to hear it.

TIMPF: I didn't even say anything.

MURDOCH: The point is -- you didn't have to.

TIMPF: It's a good show.

MURDOCH: I don't want to hear you about shows, Happy Gilmore. You're like the last person. The point is, it's comedy. Dave Chappelle had a great new thing came out and everyone was like, "Oh," because he told jokes. He made fun of people. And he was -- he was rough. He made fun of himself. If "Friends" bothers you, here's an idea. Don't watch anything.

(Cheering and Applause)

GUTFELD: Yes. Turn it off. By the way, Emily, all of these people that are writing these criticisms that whether it's at Vox, I don't think they will ever produce anything of merit. So what they do is they just sit back and as gawkers of life, you know, they just tear down people who produce things. That's all they do. They have no lives.

COMPAGNO: It's like a restaurant critic.


COMPAGNO: He doesn't cook. They're just there to complain and pick everything apart. Yes, but the mount of content that is an existence both on TV and just in life. It just boggles my mind that everyone is focused on this old show that just is having its anniversary and being resurrected on Netflix, and that's why everyone is freaking out.

I never watched it. I didn't really care for it. But why can't that be the attitude that people have if they have an issue with it. Like, it's just whatever.

(Cheering and Applause)

ANGELO: I don't think people are actually offended. It is the media.

GUTFELD: Yes, it's the media.

ANGELO: And as we know, the media is --

AUDIENCE: Useless.

MURDOCH: It was all kinds of bad ass -- I think you were going for the word "fake." But --

GUTFELD: No, it's true. It's true. I watched I watched a bit of "Friends." I thought it went weird when Ross did join the KKK. That was very strange.

ANGELO: That was a --

TIMPF: No, that was Joey.

GUTFELD: No, Chandler, when Chandler was in the area of nations, remember?

MURDOCH: I am not falling for that because it would have been way more Emmys if they did.

GUTFELD: All right, "The Gutfeld Monologues" fall tour has began. The next show is Sunday -- Sunday in Atlanta, plus stops coming up in Omaha, Jacksonville, Durham -- Durham? And Knoxville. Tickets available to all shows. Go to for ticket information.

(Cheering and Applause)


GUTFELD: We are out of time. Thanks to Emily Compagno, David Angelo, Kat Timpf, Tyrus, our studio audience. I'm Greg Gutfeld. I love you, America.

(Cheering and Applause)

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