'Gutfeld!' on the Smollett story

This is a rush transcript of "Gutfeld!" on December 10, 2021. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GREG GUTFELD, FOX NEWS CHANNEL HOST: Happy glorious, Friday. And what a Friday it is. It seems like only yesterday that the media had made a fussy over Jussie.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I don't like that it's being put out there in the media that this is a possible hate crime.

GAYLE KING, CBS NEWS HOST: There are a lot of questions in this case but I know Jussie Smollett is a really, really good guy. I just want justice to be served in this case.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: And the media has really cast so much doubt on his story, which I find so personally offensive.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: He's given a detailed account. An account that Chicago Police have said has been consistent. He hasn't changed a story. They also said it's credible, police have said that and also that he has been very cooperative.


GUTFELD: Ah, and now today it's as if there's like no news on this guy. I hope he wasn't kidnapped by white supremacists. Maybe he went on another midnight trip to Subway and was attacked by Jared. I kid. He's too old for Jared. What does that mean? I don't know. But I didn't -- didn't he go to court, wasn't he found guilty? It seems like one moment he was everywhere but now he's gone like rollerblades or a Cuomo.

So, let's pay a visit to all of those in the media who first reported on that vicious racist attack and see what they're saying now.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Oh, that's so predictable. You always come to crickets for this stuff. We knew the Smollett case was B.S. from the start. How about you tell that CNN lady Brianna Keilar to stop eating my friends. He ate my cousin last week. Shout out to Will Cain by the way.


GUTFELD: That was interesting. He's a big fan of Will Cain. All right. It's true. They buried the story like it was a friend of Hillary Clinton. That's because when the media loves the news, they scream it from the hilltops. But when the story exposes their bias and idiocy, they hide it like Brian Kilmeade's bald spot. Speaking of bald spots, how did The View handle it today?


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It's not, you know, Kamala Harris's fault or Joe Biden's fault or Cory Booker's fault or anybody's fault that their natural reaction was to empathize with somebody who we all at first thought was a victim of a fault anyway.

JOY BEHAR, ABC HOST: It's Twitter's fault anyway.


GUTFELD: Yes. It's not their fault. It's just a natural reaction. Yes. Natural reaction if you wanted it to be true because you invested so much in the notion that America is full of white male racist. But this is their MO, turn the news faucet on, then magically turn it off. Because the media is hoping the same people who easily bought the Smollett hoax when they championed it, won't find it now that their own feverish fantasies turned out to be false.

Now I'm going to tell you the story of Smollett from the press side view. When the story first broke, we were all sitting around a green room, betting how many Twizzlers Dana Perino could eat. 400. And we were all thinking the same thoughts. I wonder if Jessica's water broke. Anyway, that she wasn't pregnant then. Actually, we all knew Smollett was lying because the lie was too much on the nose.

Like a hysterical plot point from law and order. But we couldn't see it just yet because we're too afraid of being called racist by other people in the media. Even though we knew the story was as plausible as seeing Brian Stelter at SoulCycle. Because what Smollett concocted was the exact kind of story the media preferred and demanded. It fit their learning assumptions of a systemically racist evil White America.

See, it's not a hoax if it reflects your own fantasies. It's like a psycho stalking a famous actress and convincing himself the actress has the same feelings for him. To him it's not a fantasy, it really exists. And I should probably apologize to Kathy Bates. Unfortunately for them the media's need for racist hate crimes. It's like Xanax at The View. The demand far outweighs the supply. Meanwhile, some scrappy local Chicago reporters bravely chase the hoax down.

Rafer Weigel and Rob Elgas, they need to be commended. Wiegel actually was criticized for going on Fox News to discuss the rapidly disintegrating hoax. And his defense, Fox was the only network to ask him to come on. No one else would. They were too scared that their own narratives would collapse. But what he was doing was real journalism. No wonder the legacy media didn't recognize it.

But that's the good news about the press. The bad news for every one of those guys, there are 300 Don Lemons. So why did the media fall for this? Well, you can't accept a ludicrous story like that unless you have two elements in place. A nickel bag and a bong. I wish. Actually you need to be primed for it. And then you want it to be true. The priming consists of a repetitive grim narrative pushed by outlets like CNN in which America is full of bigots.

This false narrative was the table setting that served up whatever race hoax would pop up. And there were lots. Banana peels left outside. That had to be racist because only white people have access to fruit. A rope at a race car garage that was about a similar to a noose as a play to fettuccini. Workout gear in an Oakland Park also became a collection of nooses. Who knew that Jack LaLanne was a Klansmen.

And covered furniture became a man in a KKK robe in a hood. Who hasn't made that mistake before? Is that the Grand Wizard or a lazy boy recliner? The media primed the environment so that any racist hysteria could become reality. Smollett being the enterprising race grifting baiter saw this as a perfect opportunity to enhance his career. And so he did. It's what narcissistic predators do.

He could have gotten away with it, but his only problem, he's an idiot. He hired two black guys to play two white guys. It's not only a violation of cultural appropriation, but it's just terrible casting. That's like casting Gwyneth Paltrow to play Rosa Parks. And who's wandering around a frigid Chicago night holding rope and bleach. Angry penguins that are into bondage on their way to clean swimming pools? That makes no sense.

And perhaps the biggest improbability of all, what white MAGA heads would ever recognize Jussie Smollett. He's asked to show his I.D. and family gatherings and yet the media pot at all because like a really bad drug dealer they were getting high on their own supply. Feeding off their own race fantasies. It's if they could believe in anything.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Is the problem with your worker's comp claim is that you haven't been injured on the job?

JOE MACHI, COMEDIAN: Are for knows imaginary pain can hurt like a (BLEEP)

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: -- yourself committing arson.

MACHI: That gas station could have warned you not to smoke.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Did brothers you hard to pretend to beat you up testify it was staged after promising not to?

MACHI: That's an oral contract. We'll get your hopes money back.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Call the law firm of Harris, Swalwell and Schiff and leave the lying to us.


GUTFELD: The apple was a bit gratuitous but OK. Now the press also enjoyed acting smarter than you because they saw this crime coming and they should have since they're the ones who created this Frankenstein monster. So when they got screwed by their own gullibility they fell as silent as President Biden looking for his shoes in the fridge. And if they were wrong about this, what else did they get wrong?

COVID, immigration, letting Andrew Cuomo act like a freelance massage therapist. The list is longer than a receipt from CBS. So, will the press learn a lesson from this? Don't make me laugh. I have MSNBC for that.


GUTFELD: Let's welcome tonight's guests. She's so sharp she's not allowed on inflatable raft, host of Sonnie's Corner on Sirius XM Patriot, Sonnie Johnson. Her show is on so early bird. Let her have the worm. "FOX AND FRIENDS" co-host, Carley Shimkus. He's my fourth favorite cane behind sugar, candy and co. "FOX AND FRIENDS WEEKEND" host, Will Cain. And her wit is drier than your grandma's elbow in December. Fox News Contributor Kat Timpf.

Sonnie, thank you for coming dressed so festive.

SONNIE JOHNSON, HOST, SONNIE'S CORNER: Thank you for having me.

GUTFELD: My pleasure. When this was going on, I just wanted to live inside your brain. Just to know thought by thought what was happening back in 2019. I obviously more -- I don't really even give a damn about Jesse. I care about the media. Because when you go through all the facts of the story, you ask yourself, how could anybody believe this? What were your thoughts during this?

JOHNSON: I'm glad that if you were part of black America, not the media not Don Lemon because for some reason it's like if Joy Reid or Don Lemon says something that is automatically black people feel that way, no, it's not -- that is not the case. If you want to know how black people feel, then go act Dave Chappelle.


JOHNSON: So when Dave Chappelle starts talking about juicy, that's how we were feeling.


JOHNSON: That's where we were at. We were laughing. We were ridiculing. We were having fun. And I think that -- when you talk about like canceled culture and how people are afraid to talk -- to speak up, black men were not afraid to speak up. Black men were calling this for what it was at the beginning. And because they were, they were called sex -- the homophobic. They were -- they were toxic masculinity.

It was -- it was something wrong with black men for laughing at what they obviously knew was a damn joke.


JOHNSON: So like, please, if just we got to a point where you realize that Joy Reid and Don Lemon does not speak for us.


JOHNSON: Then I think we could actually have better conversations because nobody looked at this, like racism. We all looked at this as imbecilic nonsense.


JOHNSON: We spent very, very little time focusing on it.


JOHNSON: We came back to it today to laugh again. And then we laugh, you know, like, it is not as big of an issue for us as Don Lemon and Joy Reid what have you faking it.

GUTFELD: It's so true. And so now, this is going to lead me into a sexist question, Kat.


GUTFELD: All right. Sonnie brought up the point about the men versus women and when I was watching the clips, it was only women. Only women that were defending this. You couldn't find a male clip. Even Don Lemon was like a little hedgy while he was for it, then he was kind of like, oh.

JOHNSON: And tell Jussie throw him under the bus.

GUTFELD: Exactly.

JOHNSON: Jussie threw him under the bus. Then he got mad.


GUTFELD: -- two white MAGA supporters who threw him under the bus. Is that a sexist comment, Kat?

TIMPF: Yes. They're probably all in their periods. Right, Greg? Well, they could never be President.

GUTFELD: Well, I agree with you on that.

TIMPF: Oh, yes. Women can never be president because there'll be on their periods.

GUTFELD: No, I'm being sarcastic. Crazy, lady.

TIMPF: I don't know. I didn't take it that way.

GUTFELD: OK. What is your -- what is your take on the media?

TIMPF: Look, look. I don't know. Women, I don't know. Women, I don't know anything about women, even though I am one. But my take on the media, I think is obviously this would be a great story where they will be able to, you know, they -- all have their notions that they already have, their takes that they already have, they could just kind of insert it in like, what are those things called with the Mad Libs?

GUTFELD: Mad Libs. Yes.

TIMPF: It was like a Mad Lib where they can insert it as a Mad Lib which -- and -- they pump each other up.


TIMPF: So I think it's less about -- actually thinking about could this have really happened this way? Or like, why would this person who was a T.V. star be getting his own subway? And why would -- why would you need subway that bad? They're not thinking about that. They're thinking about, you know, the views and the clicks and how to -- and then they try to one up each other.


TIMPF: And how hard they'll take it.

GUTFELD: Yes, yes. The subway thing was interesting. You know.

TIMPF: Yes. You know.


TIMPF: He can't afford Uber Eats like.

GUTFELD: Right. Yes. I don't know. I don't know. All right, Will.


GUTFELD: You're in the media.

CAIN: I am.

GUTFELD: Just like I am. You look great by the way.

CAIN: Thank you.

GUTFELD: Yes. I can say that too. You agree with me? It's the women who fell for this, right? I'm joking. A sexist would say, what do you make of the media response?

CAIN: You know, I think you nailed it, as long as we're trading compliments in your monologue.

GUTFELD: Thank you. Thank you. You made an OK sign. Did you see that?

CAIN: Oh, I did. Oh, no.

TIMPF: We'll have to blur it out.

CAIN: I truly think it's all about narcissism. While you could find perhaps male clips in the media, you could find male politicians. You could find none other than Joe Biden. And so what I think is going on is all about narcissism. And we talk about this concept of virtue signaling so much. I think the media is full of insecure people looking for external validation. And they cast narratives stories at all times.

And they cast themselves as the heroes of the stories. I am the virtuous character. I'm sitting on the set of Good Morning America denouncing racism. I am a good person filling this empty hole inside of myself with a microphone. I think that's a lot of what's going on. And they have to keep looking for the stories as you point out, if it's not Jussie Smollett it's Bubba Wallace. Whatever it may be to continue to be the whole -- the hero of this story.

GUTFELD: Yes. And also, I have to say, Carley, that it's like -- all Jussie saw was like a trend that he could profit off of. It wasn't his fault, right? He was just looking at what the media wanted.

SHIMKUS: So, a couple things. First, not a sexist comment by you. Because - - I'll be perfectly honest, when -- I remember when I got the news alert on my phone that said Jussie Smollett hate crime. First of all, I said who's Jussie Smollett? I think I knew he was. And then -- I mean I believed it because I don't think anybody would ever think that you would stage a hate crime against yourself. And that's on -- that's on him.


SHIMKUS: Like he's the one that deserves the most criticism here. But then when the news started coming out about the details and people started to defend him, that's when it got political and icky, you know. And then there are so many other things about this whole trial like the Kim Fox --



SHIMKUS: -- where she was going to drop -- she dropped the charges. And that's why I think he did think that he could get away with it because he has been probably coddled his whole life why he took the stand because he just thought that he could get away with it because he has before.

GUTFELD: Yes, exactly. Well, we'll see what happens next. He's going to appeal it and he thinks he's going to get off but who knows? We're going to get the brothers on though. Just for workout tips. Just for workout tips. All right. Up next. If you don't wear a mask while eating, you could be in for an in-flight beating.



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Please God makes this in.


GUTFELD: If you don't mask up between bites and sips the flying fascist will smack your lips. And Fauci says don't get chummy unless your head is wrapped like a mummy. Delta, American and United Airlines have officially lost their minds by reminding passengers to wear their masks in between chews and sips. There's a joke in there. And -- get rid of it, Greg. And if you're flying Spirit, they ask that you please rematch between puffs on your crack pipe.

They're all in compliance with the TSA, requiring that mask if you want at all times, even while eating and drinking. But as with most pandemic policy, this is just litigation theater. Last year, the Washington Post reported on a Harvard study that found that when it comes to COVID transmission flying can be safer than eating at a restaurant. But in this new screwed up world, even the smallest risk must be eradicated, which allows the airlines to treat you like convicted murderers and charge you hundreds or thousands of dollars for the privilege.

Meanwhile, Fauci's got a holiday entertaining tip sure to fill your home with comfort and joy.


ANTHONY FAUCI, CHIEF MEDICAL ADVISOR TO THE PRESIDENT OF UNITED STATES: Let's take the holiday setting. When you get vaccinated and you have a vaccinated group and you are in an indoor setting, you can enjoy as we have traditionally over the years. Dinners and gatherings within the home. That's the reason why people should if they invite people over their home, essentially asking maybe require that people show evidence that they are vaccinated.


GUTFELD: Yes, that's going to happen. Show evidence that they are vaccinated. While we're at it, why don't have to guess weigh themselves before they walk through the door? You're too fat. Obesity is a risk factor for COVID. Get out, Uncle Steve. Leave the booze. So this Christmas. If you see Dr. Fauci under the mistletoe, tell him he can kiss your ass. Finally - - should have ended the segment there.

Finally, I've been the biggest defender of the airline industry throughout all this pandemic. And I get it. You got $25 billion bailout and so you'll do anything the government tells you to which includes treating your customers like kids in detention. Screw you. Fact is when you lose me, Delta, you're losing more than a customer, you're gaining a very angry vindictive elf. I'm still fly -- I'll still fly your airlines but I'm going to eat a gallon of beans before I board.


GUTFELD: Yes. So angry, Carley.


GUTFELD: Have you been yelled at a plane yet -- on a plane ye? Have you been --

SHIMKUS: Have I been yelled at?

GUTFELD: Yes. Have you been -- have you been scolded?

SHIMKUS: No. I haven't been scolded. I have heard the -- put your mask on in between lights announcement that they make which is like insane.


SHIMKUS: And one time I heard it, the guy next to me like rolled his eyes too. I was like simpatico.

GUTFELD: I got in trouble for rolling my eyes.

SHIMKUS: Are you -- by a flight attendant?

GUTFELD: Yes. She threatened to write me up.

TIMPF: Where does this write ups go?


GUTFELD: I thought she was going to duct tape me.

CAIN: In your file.


GUTFELD: I have a file?

SHIMKUS: Wait. But can I say the most annoying mask-related flight story that I witnessed was a guy had fallen asleep on a plane and his mask slipped down below his nose and another passenger got the flight attendant. Wake him up so that he could put his mask back on properly.


SHIMKUS: You got to be kidding me.

GUTFELD: See this is -- this actually triggers that kind of evolutionary violence in you. That's something in your space. If somebody didn't -- I slept -- Will --

CAIN: Yes.

GUTFELD: This is not necessarily the flight crew's fault. They're -- someone, the FAA is putting pressure on them and making them the authority. It's almost unfair to them and of course there's a minority of flight attendants who enjoy it like the lady who yelled at me.

CAIN: That's the key like any -- like any authoritarian regime it's all comes down to the enforcer and some flight attendants are clearly enjoying their new power.


CAIN: While others let the rules slide. Same by the way with the maitre D's in New York City at the restaurants.


CAIN: Some restaurants, they don't need to see your vaccine status. Come on in. Your children can have a meal. Others, your children must leave.

GUTFELD: One of the defenses they tell me is because the city is sending --

CAIN: Undercover?

GUTFELD: -- undercover, that's why they're doing it because they're scared of the fines. I got -- I got lectured by that at the restaurant that I used to go to but I don't go to anymore for that reason. Was because look, you know, we have to do this, if we do this, I'll get fined thousands of dollars.

CAIN: Yes.

GUTFELD: And I said, well, then I'm not eating here anymore. And hoping that he would say, we'll get to a table, Mr. Gutfeld.

TIMPF: No, you just can't eat there anymore.

GUTFELD: No, I just can't eat there anymore. Never make threats that you don't want to follow through with. That why (INAUDIBLE)

SHIMKUS: What did the flight attendants say to you?

GUTFELD: OK. I'm sitting there.

TIMPF: Oh, here we go.

GUTFELD: The mask is like right here, right? And she goes, can you pull it up? And I go, OK. And I pull it up. And then she comes back and she goes, what do you want to drink? And I go, I'll have a wine. She goes, you don't have to do that. And she goes (INAUDIBLE)


TIMPF: I can hear you.

GUTFELD: Yes. I can hear you. I can hear you. Can you hear me? And then I go, OK, and I sit back and my manager is next to me and she goes -- she goes -- first she goes, that's your warning. And then she goes, I'm going to write him up. And I'm like, going (BLEEP) all right. Kat, this might be a sexist question.

TIMPF: Perfect.


GUTFELD: It seems to me, only female flight attendants are doing this.

TIMPF: Maybe true. Maybe it makes them feel powerful. Because I saw something similar on the train -- I was on the train, it wasn't a flight attendant. It was a wife.


TIMPF: On the train from D.C. to New York. And there was this couple that was there. And they were very liberal. I know this because they spent the entire time talking about how liberal they are. And she was talking about how she loves when people yell at other people for putting their mask, you know, if their masks aren't on right. I'm like, of all the things in the world to love.


TIMPF: Imagine choosing that. But there was a moment where he they were eating, drinking and he saw a mascot and she goes, put your mask back on. And he goes, I'm enjoying my coffee. Leave me alone. And I was like, oh, none of that is about a mask. That is a broken man.


TIMPF: And he loves being the woman who is breaking it.

GUTFELD: Yes, yes, yes. Horrible, Sonnie. What do you -- what is worse? Fauci saying that you got to like ask for papers from your relatives, you know, at that holiday gathering or the flight attendant, the fascism in the air?

JOHNSON: Greg Gutfeld making me get on a plane to come to do the show. That's what's worse because I have to actually literally go through it. No.


JOHNSON: Actually, this flight was a lot better than the ones that I've taken earlier in the year because everybody, their mask was just everywhere. And nobody was saying anything. And I was like really, really shocked that literally nobody was carrying it this way. And I -- but I think that it is not the laws that make the flight attendants so iffy about saying something.


JOHNSON: It is Karens. They are so -- they're not scared of the person that they're asking to put a mask up because they know that person is probably going to be a law abiding citizen. They just want to adjust their mask. They're scared of the nut case that sees the mask fall that's getting ready to act a total fool on a plane.


JOHNSON: Because they have no -- nothing better to do with their life.


JOHNSON: That's what -- that's what the main fear I think has come in is that they are more afraid of the Karens.


JOHNSON: Than they are of the actual laws. And when it comes to fees and fines, they're like A, either we're going to get a government bailout, we're they're going to come and keep putting their foot on our necks or we're going to keep our customers happy and have them flying with us. So, you see them when they turn down the mandate when they're like, we're not going to do the mandate anymore.

OK. But look, government, we're going to make sure they'll keep their mask on (INAUDIBLE) little overboard with doing it. Please don't hold that against us.


JOHNSON: In case we need another $25 billion.

GUTFELD: Yes. It's just -- it's frustrating because I'm a faithful customer of the of these airlines and it's like, I don't like -- and they're all fans of Fox. That's what I -- that's what -- I feel bad. So I know it's not -- it's the pressure from above and there's a tiny percentage of Karens that work there and that our passengers.


CAIN: Really quickly. I can't wait for the household that follows Fauci's orders and kick someone out for not having a booster.


CAIN: You've only had two shots.

GUTFELD: Yes, exactly. Yes, I'll give you some shots. I mean to drink. All right. Up next. Do competitors think it's uncool that a trans swimmer dominates the pool?


GUTFELD: Is there more to women's sports than what's inside your shorts?

A trans-swimmer makes more than a splash as women's records get tossed in the trash. University of Pennsylvania -- it exists -- there's a swimmer, Lia Thomas, is transgendered and breaking more records than I do in the Planet Fitness steam room. That's big enough. You don't know what I mean.

She's a senior and competed as a man up until this season. She's been undergoing hormone therapy, which he says has lowered her muscle mass, which happens to me whenever I watch a Hallmark movie, am I right?

But that's little consolation to her biologically female competitors who are getting crushed as she smashes records. I mean, this is a sport where shaving your arms creates an edge. On a recent swimming podcast -- I'd love to listen to that. Hey, what's on the news swimming podcast? Freestyle and a little press to whatever.

Lisa, thank your teammates for their support.


LIA THOMAS, UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA SWIMMER: The team has been unbelievably supportive since the beginning. You know, teammates and coaches as well. I feel very supportive. They just treated like any other member of the women's team.


GUTFELD: But not all her teammates feel the same. I can't even say anything. In an OutKick exclusive, one anonymous team member said, quote, pretty much every one individually has spoken to our coaches about not liking this is my favorite part. Our coach just really likes winning.

He's like most coaches. I think, secretly, everyone just knows it's the wrong thing to do. And adding, when the whole team is together, we have to be like, oh, my gosh, goalie. That's great. You're amazing. It's very fake.

Now, I for one know a lot about making others feel uncomfortable in the pool. The Speedo was not quite big enough, and you're supposed to wear it on your lower body. Lesson learned.

All right. Carley, I just assume you're an athlete.

SHIMKUS: Thank you.

GUTFELD: Yes. Women's sports were created so woman could not just participate, but actually win.


GUTFELD: And how even that is kind of collapsing. And it's coming from this -- from this other world that it is conceivable that in every female sport, the winner could be a transgendered player.

SHIMKUS: Yes. Well, I too liked the quote from the anonymous swimmer on the team when she said the coach just likes winning.


SHIMKUS: In the words of Donald Trump, maybe a little too much winning. Too much winning is happening. Because when you are 30, what is it? Thirty- eight seconds ahead of that competitor, it's not a competition. It's just a predetermined outcome. So, it's not fair to the other female athletes. Absolutely not.

Caitlyn Jenner has talked about this before. And her perspective is that if there is a young girl who takes a hormone therapy at a young age, then she can compete in female sports. But when you transition -- when you're already an adult, you know, two years ago, is I think when Lia started taking hormone pills. It's not fair.

GUTFELD: No. The fit -- you can tell -- when she was talking to physicality, Sonnie, was there, the voice was there. To deny that -- to deny that because you're scared of being called homophobic or transphobic, I'm sorry. That is not feminine.

JOHNSON: You got the reason they wrong.


JOHNSON: They are denying it because this is the first time that I believe school could actually win in this competition. That's why they're denying it. Like they were very, very honest with you about why. The coach wants it so that he can win. This isn't about her. This isn't about our ideology. This isn't what we actually -- hey, we're going to win this.

And guess what, not only are we going to win, but when you look in the record books, we're going to be there in every single cabin. We're going to run swimming forever. It's going to belong to us. And they just own it now.

But the funny part to me is, I like to watch progressives get eaten by other progressives.


JOHNSON: You did this. Now, let me watch you fix it.

GUTFELD: Exactly.

JOHNSON: You know what I'm saying? You created this, and they're coming for your institutions. They're not coming towards our institutions. They don't want to be there. They want to be with you.


JOHNSON: So, they're going to come and they're going to eat you. And I'm going to get popcorn. And I'm going to watch.

GUTFELD: Yes, it's the left eating itself, Will. I mean, you've been a sports guy forever.

CAIN: I was a swimmer.

GUTFELD: You were.

CAIN: Yes, I was a competitive swimmer from an age about six to 18. And I played water polo in college. And there's not a single dude who never looked at his times and thought, I could be winning all those girls events. I might be in Olympia if I were a girl. Every high school boys swimmers like, yes, I could do this.

GUTFELD: Is there a solution, though? It's -- I keep feeling like, OK. What if -- OK. Let's say it's a team sport, and each team has a trans-athlete on it, do they have to match that trans-athlete? Is that how you do? Or do you just make everything coed? Or in the individual -- or if it's an individual sport, then do they -- is it only trans versus trans? Because this clearly is going down a path that doesn't make sense.

CAIN: Yes, there is no solution for this, this is wrong, it should be called out, it should be made clear. This is wrong. It is not one person's empathy over an entire gender's empathy.

GUTFELD: And that's an interesting point. We live in a world where one person's feelings matters more than everybody else. You understand that feeling, Kat.

TIMPF: I just love to spend my Friday weighing in on complicated issues that I don't need to weigh in on in any real sense. No one's going to ask me to solve this.

GUTFELD: I'm asking you to solve.

TIMPF: Like I don't know what it's like to be trans and I even less know what it's like for swimming to be important to me. So, I don't know. All -- I think it's bad that we can't talk about it though like, this girl said it's all fake. If you want trans acceptance, you should want trans acceptance. And that's not the same thing as fake acceptance. And this is a complicated issue. And to say that this is complicated, it's not as simple as what they're doing now. That's not a transphobic thing.

GUTFELD: No, it's not. No, it's not, it's reality.

TIMPF: Yes, and I'm a pretty liberal socially. I think pretty much anything I'm, not only fine with, but encouraged. I like people to have fun.

GUTFELD: But I do think that like there is -- we are -- we are bending over backwards for a -- for a certain kind of phenomenon and sacrificing something that could be permanently destroyed, which is like women's sports. But if you don't care about women's sports, you --

TIMPF: I don't care about anybody's sports.

GUTFELD: I know that, yes. I do.

JOHNSON: This is their -- this is their ideology. Their ideology passes through the culture. And if they have to put it into every single aspect of the culture to make sure it sticks permanently, then that's what they're going to do.

GUTFELD: Yes. All right. Here's my favorite story. Camels were ejected for the Botox they injected.


GUTFELD: Should dozens of camels get dumped for enhancing their humps? Yes. Camels were banned for the rest of their lives for getting more surgery than the Real Housewives. Forty-three Camels, not to be confused with what Kat smokes during lunch, have been disqualified from a popular beauty contest in Saudi Arabia for using Botox fillers and other cosmetic enhancements. Not to mention the breast implants.

Some were even accused of an inflating body parts using rubber bands to make them look better. So, that's how it works. Anyway, roll past that joke. That joke.

Anyway, it's a big loss for the disqualified but they're still eligible for next year's swimsuit issue. Now, breeders compete for more than $66 million in prize money. And if they win, they can sell the camel for a higher price.

But it raises a question, is it wrong for camels to use the very same tools that humans do to enhance their beauty, whether it's Botox or fillers? We go to someone who understands this more than anyone. What do you think?

TIMPF: Yes, I got a face full of surgery. I think I'd be more voluptuous looking if that were the case. But what's up? Oh, I don't know. I didn't get this. I didn't -- I didn't know that a camel could be hot, you know?

GUTFELD: Yes, yes. Oh, you haven't looked?

TIMPF: I've never looked at a group of camels and been like, oh, no, no, that one has it?

GUTFELD: Yes, yes.

TIMPF: So, I don't get it.

GUTFELD: You know, pretty soon, Carley, we're going to have trans camels.


GUTFELD: Trans during the competition.

SHIMKUS: Well, we all know that Hollywood is a horrible place and I guess - - this is such a ridiculous story. That was unnecessarily. Unattainable beauty standards are also affecting the animal kingdom now. How dare they?

GUTFELD: That is such a good point. Sonnie, are we are the unrealistic beauty standards that we demand on ourselves spreading to the drama dairies? Nice, thank you.

JOHNSON: Sixty-six million dollars, like, OK. I want to breed some camels. Let's see what we can -- let's see we can do here. But you got to see -- this is the funny part. Everything that happens over there comes over here.

GUTFELD: That's true.

JOHNSON: So, if you start thinking about the fact of the tax credits they put out for the llamas, and how all the people in like California and the hills started to buy llamas for the tax credits, watch. They're going to have a llama beauty contest very, very soon coming out of Hollywood.

GUTFELD: I didn't know there was a tax credit for llamas. If you --

JOHNSON: If you -- if you -- if you raise and breed llamas on your property, especially in California, there's a tax credit for it. That's why people have started to buy -- who wants a llama? Nobody wants a llama. Why are they running around with llamas? Because it gives money. And now you're going to have a beauty contest.

GUTFELD: Yes. Will, what do you think?

CAIN: I think this shows anytime there's a competition, you will find cheaters.


CAIN: And, Kat, not only is it fun to think somebody said now that camel has it, but there's another guy that said, if you pumped up her lips. If somebody said, that came close. But if you tweak.

TIMPF: I don't know the difference between a hot camel and a camel who is not sexy. And I think that's a good thing.

GUTFELD: I can do that with the lights off. And I have.

JOHNSON: I think the dollar amount beside the camel's worth is what differs you to. That's all I can come up with.

GUTFELD: You know what? That was a perfect Friday segment.

Up next, the do dilly dally board jokes are right up your alley.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Greg's Leftovers.

GUTFELD: Yes. Time once again for Leftovers. It's the jokes we didn't use this week, but now they get a second chance. As always, this is my first time reading them so they may suck. Who knows?

All right. Former staff members for Kamala Harris described the vice president as a bully and a soul-destroying boss. Harris denied the rumors that said to an intern, I suppose you'll be wanting the entire day off for Christmas too.

One of Kamala's current aides tweeted a picture of himself looking happy with the caption. I absolutely love my job. And just for that, the guy got an extra food pellet this week.

It was reported this week that the White House was working behind the scenes with the media to get positive press coverage. They sent flowers to CBS, thank you notes to NBC, and hand lotion to CNN. That's more I like it.


More masturbation jokes. Hillary Clinton released her master class online where you can pay to watch or read the unused victory speech from the 2016 election. For an extra 50 bucks, you can also hear a bitch about how she didn't get asked to the prom. Nice.

After nearly 20 years, Keanu Reeves is back with an updated Matrix movie. Except this time, the blue pill is Viagra.

Texas officials announced they've seized 160 pounds of fentanyl coming across the southern border this year. Experts say that's enough to kill 200 million people or give Hunter Biden a buzz.

This week, Miley Cyrus and Pete Davidson appeared on the Jimmy Fallon show, forming what astronomers call a talent black hole.

A bomb squad rushed to an English emergency room after a patient arrived with a World War Two artillery shell shoved up his rectum. The surgical removal of the bomb has been dubbed the Battle of the other bolts. He later admitted his favorite porn site is the History Channel. That's good. And here's the weird part, the guy's wife is named Peg.

Also, World War Two ass bomb is the name of my favorite bar down.

Progressives in Congress are backing a bill for a four-day workweek, although they're facing opposition from their core voters who don't want their work week doubled. Nice.

Alec Baldwin and his family were spotted in New York City picking out a Christmas tree. They went with the first one that didn't duck when he pointed at it.

Retiring MSNBC anchor, Brian Williams, had his final broadcast last night he said, he'll find it hard to stay away from the lights and cameras, especially since he invented them. He signed off by saying that after 28 years at NBC, he plans to spend more time lying to his family. And that's pretty good. I like that one.

And finally, New York restaurant Junior's is struggling to get the high fat ingredients they need to make their famous cheesecake due to the supply chain problems. Out of respect, flags will be lowered to half-staff outside Brian Stelter's office.

And that's Greg's Leftovers. Don't go away. We'll be right back.


GUTFELD: We're out of time. Thanks to Sonnie Johnson, Carley Shimkus, Will Cain, Kat Timpf, our studio audience. FOX NEWS @ NIGHT with evil Kevin Corke is next. I love you, America.

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