Gutfeld: What an amazing message sent by American voters
'Gutfeld!' panel discusses the outcome in Virginia's governor election
This is a rush transcript of "Gutfeld" on November 3, 2021. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.
GREG GUTFELD, FOX NEWS CHANNEL HOST: So, that was a big night. No not because Kat finally finished her Snoopy jigsaw puzzle. Good job, Kat. See a little perseverance and pay off. Wow, that went over well. All right. But also the election count, for the latest election count. Let's go to our map. Sorry about that. Let's go to the real map. That's not wrong. It's just incomplete. Here's the actual map.
Finally an accurate count. No fraud and that one for sure. Like they say Virginia is for lovers. But what an amazing message sent by American voters by now you've heard the explanations. Parents had enough of destructive racist wokeism, the involuntary indoctrination of their kids, the ideological robotic brainwash forced in all facets of their lives. Not to mention Terry McAuliffe robotic dancing.
TERRY MCAULIFFE, GOVERNOR-ELECT OF VIRGINIA: Thank you. God bless you. And let's go out (INAUDIBLE)
GUTFELD: My god. Someone please check Terry's medications. Yes, moves like Jagger. If Mick were having a series of strokes. It makes Al Gore look like Jennifer Lopez. Except instead of having a big ass, he is one. I haven't seen dance moves like this since Kat drop the lid join on her own lap. But thankfully parents were basically the opposite of Brian Stelter at a buffet. They were people who had enough.
They were like Harrison Ford in the movie Witness. A cop undercover as a pacifist Amish farmer, only to be taunted repeatedly by a guy who goes one step too far.
HARRISON FORD, AMERICAN ACTOR: You're making a mistake.
GUTFELD: Oh. I love that scene. That was America doing the punching and that guy being punched, everything woke that's been shoved down our throats. But my favorite part of last night other than the magic mushrooms in the mirlo, the joy from watching that incoherent word Regurgitator over at MSNBC collapsed into a heap of nonsensical verbal puke.
NICOLE WALLACE, MSNBC HOST: I watch Glenn Youngkin's interviews on Fox News and he did nothing but Claire's -- he did not -- I mean he worshiped at the altar of Donald Trump on Fox News. He flew in insurrection flag at his rallies, he simply didn't -- he played dumb about a Zoom rally. He did not really put much distance between himself and Donald Trump on the big lie or the deadly insurrection in which police officers were maimed by flagpole.
So, I think that the real ominous thing is that critical race theory, which isn't real, turn the suburbs 15 points.
GUTFELD: Oh, wow. Yes. CRT isn't real. And weapons of mass destruction was. How glorious was that implosion? It was like watching Michael Jackson set his own hair on fire. Insurrection flags, no such thing as CRT. She's blurting out talking points like a malfunctioning Stepford wife. She got any more miserable. She'd be these low brain dip wads.
KIRSTEN POWERS, CNN SENIOR POLITICAL ANALYST: This is now I think, also the Republican playbook is to use these issues to scare people basically. A feeling out of control, you know, that that everything's out of control with their children and they need to be protected from these people with demagogues and this agenda. Right?
BRIANNA KEILAR, CNN ANCHOR: Yes, let's be clear. Some of it was dog whistle.
KEILAR: Right? Some of it was Dog Whistle racism.
POWERS: A thousand percent.
GUTFELD: It took her -- it took her two times to figure it out. So what happened to these two? I mean, McAuliffe might be breakdancing but these people are broken. It's hilarious. Powers is trying to sell a book called Grace while she sells lies about race. She really should get rid of the G in the title if she's that desperate for relevance. As for Brianna, stick to what you do best. Eating insects.
KEILAR: Are you ready?
KEILAR: Actually, I'm less scared of this. OK.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Oh, the crunch.
KEILAR: Double wing hanging under my mouth.
GUTFELD: You should. Yes. She went from eating cicadas to eating crow, at this rate she'll be snacking at a Brian Stelter's garbage can. That's not a euphemism. But you see the grift. If you win, it's about racism. If you lose, it's about racism. And for CNN it boils down to denial. They deny that their obvious bitter loathing for most of America spells their doom, but don't feel bad for these losers.
They relied on sex pests kumquats over at the Lincoln Project for commentary, whose despicable hoax and portraying parents is racist blew up in their ugly faces. And now they're the ones in suit covered black face. Fact is the only expertise Lincoln Project has is knowing the best place to watch boys soccer practice. To read up on that. Speaking of perv enablers, where is Rick Wilson or John Weaver or Steve Schmidt?
Boy, today goes silent. Somebody better remove their shoelaces. There is done as a bag of microwave popcorn cooked on high for 45 minutes. And they deserve it. After creating that tiki torch hoax, which was meant to destroy Youngkin but instead destroying the lives of a few stupid Democrat operatives. They should be shunned for life. To call them scum is an insult to everything currently living on the rim of a public toilet. No offense, Andrew Cuomo.
Now you keep hearing the phrase, Bellwether that this election was a canary in a coal mine but in reality we were the canary for a year. We were chirping to anyone who listened that wokeism was racism and drag. And it would ultimately drag the terrified Democrats into the abyss. But the Dems don't watch this show. If they did, they could have seen this coming. Now there is screwed as a $12.00 hooker leaving Hunter's room at the Motel Six.
Why do cheap poker lines always work? Instead, they listen to the clueless creeps at CNN and MSNBC. And now you see those dopes finally coming to grips with their own dopiness. Their dummy Come lately.
ANDERSON COOPER, CNN ANCHOR: You know, the debate is among Democrats tomorrow is going to be, you know, the same debate that has been had now for forever. The liberal wing is going to say well, you see what happens when we backtrack from our --
COOPER: -- our principles and the monitors are going to say -- they're -- we're just -- there -- it's too far to the left.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It's a tedious debate.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The Democrats are gonna have to come face to face with this issue of wokeism.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You have a lot of people saying, oh, he won based on something that's not real, that doesn't exist. CRT or wokeism or whatever you want to call it. I can tell you. I mean, that's all fair and soft.
GUTFELD: Hmm. Well, their story change faster than Biden in a Vatican bathroom after his little accident. Because -- I still remember that he pooped himself. Probably didn't happen, but the jokes still work. It's funny. If we had said any of that three weeks ago, those chumps would have called us racist but now they know they bet on the wrong horse or should I say horse's ass. At this rate, they'll be approaching reality by 2044 when Baron Trump finishes his second term.
Finally, let's salute a real groundbreaker. Winsome Sears, the first woman of color to win a Virginia statewide election. And she did it as a Republican.
WINSOME SEARS (R) VIRGINIA LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR ELECT: I'm telling you, that what you are looking at is the American dream. The American dream. I am not even first generation American. When I joined the Marine Corps, I was still a Jamaican but this country had done so much for me I was willing, willing to die for this country. USA.
GUTFELD: Jamaican me hot. I don't know why he said that. Anyway, she is living proof but you didn't hear about it on The View on CNN or MSNBC. And why? Would it be because she's a Republican? Well, that's half of it. The other half she was black. Fact is the true racists prefer their people of color to follow one set of beliefs. You leave that plantation and you're dead to their masters on cable news, which is the real story of this election.
It exposed who the real racist are. And as predicted here on Monday. Last night they got their tiki torches shoved right up their butts.
GUTFELD: Let's welcome tonight's guests. He's a killer comedian. Literally he moved to Alaska to build his career. Comedian, writer and actor Jamie Lissow. The only beard in his life has appeared on his face. Outspoken editor in chief and contributing editor in The Spectator, Chadwick Moore. His concord books, T.V. and podcast and next year he takes on puberty. The Guy Benson Show host and Fox News Contributor, Guy Benson.
And she's like a remote, hard to operate too many buttons, and you keep finding her under the couch. Fox News Contributor Kat Timpf. Jamie, how's it going?
GUTFELD: How's Alaska?
LISSOW: Alaska is great. It's dark. It's getting dark right now.
LISSOW: And it's dark. That's where you see movies where it's dark like 24 hours a day and all that stuff. And it's awful. And people go, yes, but isn't it beautiful? And I go, I don't know. It's dark.
GUTFELD: Has it changed you at all?
LISSOW: I think it has changed me. You know, I feel like I'm a little bit tougher.
LISSOW: You know, a little bit tougher.
GUTFELD: Yes. How so?
LISSOW: Just -- well, can I bring this back to Sears?
LISSOW: OK. Did you see the picture of her on Instagram?
GUTFELD: With that machine gun.
LISSOW: With the machine gun?
GUTFELD: It was the A.K. I don't know what it was.
LISSOW: I think it was -- it was a gun we don't know. And -- but I saw that -- I don't know if these guys saw it but dude, there's -- I saw this picture of Sears holding this machine gun. A.K.-47. I was like, oh, I cannot wait for the new Tarantino movie to come on. This is going to be good. But did everyone makes excuses but it's like the reason things are turning the way they are as people are tired of everything, right?
LISSOW: We're tired of all this stuff. We're -- right? Thanks for the one clap. No, I honestly thought it only deserved one. But -- because the protocols got ruined everything, you know, it ruined comedy.
LISSOW: Like comedy was screwed. And even when we had shows, they were weird. Like I went to a show once and the performer on stage wore a mask the entire time he was on stage. Yes. And it just kind of ruined it. You know, he was a ventriloquist. And -- or was he?
GUTFELD: Oh. That was a two parter.
LISSOW: Yes. Since I moved to Alaska I got all two partners.
GUTFELD: Yes. You got a lot -- you got a lot of time in the dark.
GUTFELD: Yes. So Guy. What do you -- do you think the Democrats learned any lessons from your keen mind?
GUY BENSON, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: I think some of them who are more rational and interested in winning might learn some lessons. But their base, right? The activist class on Twitter.
BENSON: The people on MSNBC and CNN most of them are not learning anything. They are doubling and tripling down on calling everyone stupid, ignorant manipulated by misinformation, and racist.
BENSON: And it worked out so well for them last night. I hope they go with that for the next year. I would welcome that. I actually live in Virginia. I voted excitedly for this ticket. Republicans had not won any statewide races for 12 years in Virginia than they swept last night. And I will say to your monologue, I didn't think that Glen Youngkin had this in him because he's sort of like this earnest suburban dad type guy in his vast.
He sent -- I read this today. He sent a fruit basket and thank you note to the Lincoln Project. It was a troll of the trolls and I applaud him. That is a good move.
GUTFELD: God knows what they did to that fruit. I can think of a few things. Chadwick, how're you doing over there?
GUTFELD: I am fantastic.
MOORE: Great.
GUTFELD: What did you think of last night? What were your thoughts?
MOORE: Well, two questions. What is an insurrectionist flag?
MOORE: Did anyone catch with that? The dog whistle -- if America -- we're told America is such a hateful, racist, awful country. So racist you've got to send your racism in Morse code, apparently.
MOORE: With these dog whistles that nobody knows what they're talking about.
MOORE: My big take though, is that this was not a referendum on critical race theory. I don't think that, you know, Susie Jenkins with her three kids in the suburbs in Virginia still even knows what it is.
MOORE: I think -- and I think the reason why the liberal media is focusing on that is because I was actually on COVID mandates, COVID annex especially when it relates to the schools. You know, I think that a bunch of parents were pissed off that their kids were home for a year and wanted revenge. The masking of the kids, the mandates all that but I don't think CNN can talk about that because they still need COVID panic.
KAT TIMPF, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: All the kids stuff is so horrible but it's real.
MOORE: You're right. Yes, yes.
GUTFELD: It is. It is interesting, Kat. All of these things kind of came together. And it seems like the Dems are on the wrong side of everything, but they can't -- they can't admit it.
TIMPF: Right. Yes. I'm not going to say that telling parents they should not raise their kids and that school should be government indoctrination camps had nothing to do with it. But a lot of the exit polls they said, you know, it was economy was the top issue and you said the Gallup said 52 percent, think that government's doing too much. So it's pretty clear people want smaller government.
So of course, they're going to keep losing if their -- what they look at and they see, well, obviously it's because they were being racist in America is mostly racist. I mean it's hard to -- I don't know if they actually think that or not because it's -- there's no evidence of that.
GUTFELD: Yes. You know, I think it's -- I think what happens is it is now just doctrine and they have -- they can't let go of it. It's part of their system, and it's going to ruin the party. Unless somebody pulls the plug but I don't see it. I think they're just -- they're barreling towards the abyss and I couldn't be happier. Up next. Above to get rid of cops totally flops.
GUTFELD: They said hell no to getting rid of five oh. Voters told the far left nuts to shove their pro crime B.S. up their butts. Saw that one coming. On Tuesday, Minneapolis voters rejected the measure that would have dismantled the police department because studies show cities with fewer police are as chaotic as feeding time at The View. Voters were asked -- you know, the audience to get -- the audience -- every audience member gets a bag of sardines.
No one's been to SeaWorld? All right. So voters were asked if they favored amending the city's charter to replace police with a Department of Public Safety. And it would have divided control between the mayor and city council, but the amendment failed 57 to 44 percent with nearly all votes counted. And speaking of cops and mayors in Seattle, home of Roz Doyle, nobody cares about Ross Doyle.
TIMPF: I don't know who that is, Greg.
GUTFELD: The worst character on Frasier.
TIMPF: I don't watch Frasier, Greg.
GUTFELD: All right. The mayor who raised is being led by Bruce Harrell, a Democrat who called for more police funding. Roz. He ran against Lorena Gonzalez who endorsed cutting the police budget in half, which would make the 9/11 response times longer than cooking Thanksgiving turkey. It's a plan as smart as giving Antifa free spray paint and Zippo lighters. So mad about Roz I can barely think.
And in New York, newly elected Mayor Eric Adams isn't just pro cop. He's a former cop. And while he's still pretty liberal, he's vowed to support the NYPD. And when it comes to business, he's sounding less like de Blasio and more like Bloomberg. Fact is New York's economy does better with more shoppers on the streets and less poop.
ERIC ADAMS, MAYOR OF NEW YORK: You won't shoot up my city. You won't stab young people in school. You won't sell drugs and guns on my street. We're not going to just talk about safety. We're going to have safety in our city.
GUTFELD: Hmm. Bottom line, it's almost like people all over are remembering that cops are a good thing. People are taking to the ballot box and saying, we don't like being murdered. But it's like my mom always said, Honey, you look great in that police uniform. But one day law enforcement will catch up with you and your senseless bloody crimes. Speeding of, Guy, off and you dress up as a cop.
Just pull over male college kids. So are you happy about this progress being made to restore the police?
BENSON: Just to be clear, I am not a member of the Lincoln Project. So that is not true. A vicious smear. Is that village people joke too and Chadwick here as well.
BENSON: I haven't noticed. We're both wearing pink I noticed. On Wednesdays we wear pink. It's actually a fox rule (INAUDIBLE)
GUTFELD: That's called a pink whistle.
BENSON: A pink whistle. About Minneapolis.
BENSON: So Ilhan Omar, the congresswoman, she was strongly in favor of this. I believe she voted in favor of it.
BENSON: But I find it interesting in recent comments because crime has gone crazy there. She wanted to abolish the police department and totally reimagine it, whatever that means. And then when crime spikes, she blamed the police for not doing their jobs hard enough. So it's sort of a neat trick and a lose lose. But what's great is this lost. She lost right home mentality lost not in Alabama or Texas, in Seattle, in Minneapolis.
And so my question is, Is that racist? Because it's hard for me to keep track of what the rules are because I thought defunding the police was the woke thing to do if the voters of Seattle said no, are they not racist?
GUTFELD: Exactly.
BENSON: We need answers.
GUTFELD: We need answers. Now I hear -- I heard Ilhan is so distraught. She moved to Philadelphia. Yes. The city of brotherly love.
GUTFELD: Thank you.
MOORE: All right.
GUTFELD: I used that joke on The Five today. I recycled that. I thought it was so good, Kat. I used it twice.
TIMPF: Proud of you.
GUTFELD: Thank you. Thank you. I'm proud of you. Is this surprising the pro -- the pro cop turnout?
TIMPF: No. And it's also -- it's kind of easy for him, right? Like he's saying, I'm going to be more business friendly. It's like, that is a very low bar.
GUTFELD: In New York.
TIMPF: -- close the mall. He's not going to close the mall. He's not going to say OK, you know what, in December you can have outdoor dining and think that that is, you know, a legitimate solution in order to be more business friendly than, you know, it's been in, you know, very recent history. All he has to do is allow there to be businesses.
GUTFELD: Yes. Exactly.
TIMPF: Boom.
GUTFELD: Kat, the lady over here makes a point. But the point -- the point is actually, it's -- who is the luckiest Mayor on Earth? Adams because he's coming after de Blasio who turned the Big Apple into the big crapple. New York is disgusting. And all he has to do is clean it up.
MOORE: Exactly. Exactly. He just has to not eat french fries on television. High.
MOORE: I'm -- I mean, I hope we can trust him he's going to do a job. I'm not buying it. I don't trust any Democrat who runs a moderate and pro cop. I mean, just our president is the greatest example. You know, so it's going to be vaccine mandates and transgender admirals and, you know, jailing parents and whatever. With -- but it is interesting that these white liberals who tend to metastasize in places like New York and Seattle and Minneapolis, you know, they had their kind of orgy of blood and destruction in 2020.
And now it's kind of like the morning after and they're hungover and they're looking around, like, oh, God, what do we get into? Who do we elect? What's he done now? And now suddenly, you know, they might be BLM in the streets, but in the voting booth, they secretly of course, worry in what safety and they do want to get stabbed in the going up or milk.
MOORE: But they still, you know, it's all performance for them.
GUTFELD: I hope -- I hope you're wrong. But somehow I think you might be right. Jamie, what do you make of this whole -- this defunding being reversed? Police in general, you love the cops, don't you?
LISSOW: I love the cops. Unless I'm holding. The -- drugs or guns. The -- there -- it's I love seeing cops. It's comforting. And especially in New York City, you can tell by whatever street you go down, the more cops it's -- it just feels better. It's a different vibe. I was here about six months ago. This is why I want more cops. And I'm in the Time Square area where those characters are, you know, this guy's a dress up. I have a weird feeling those guys aren't officially licensed.
LISSOW: And I'm with my son, and he's little and so he goes, I want to get a picture with Mario. And I'm like -- I didn't -- I didn't want to say like this isn't good. We don't know. And then, so I go. it's five bucks. Let's just go over and get it. As we're walking towards Mario. True story. Mario takes off his head and starts smoking a joint. I'm not kidding. And now my little boy -- now forever in his mind has this image of Mario and his dad smoking a joint in the middle of Times Square.
LISSOW: You know what's funny? Real quick. I was in -- I was in Minneapolis. I think it was last May or June when all this stuff was going on.
LISSOW: Like the looting and the rioting and things. And I was just there recently and I will say I don't know what caused it but I went to the Mall of America, did the prices are like skyrocketing. When I was there last year, everything was free.
GUTFELD: Anything else?
LISSOW: Not really.
GUTFELD: All right. Up next. Will Dems make it their mission to replace Joe with a new politician?
GREG GUTFELD, FOX NEWS CHANNEL HOST: Will the Dems give the heave ho to sleepy Joe? Do liberal voters want relief from the zombie in chief? Yes, even the rabble rousers don't want a guy who poops his trousers. It's true. With losses all over the map, Democrats want a choice that doesn't need a nap. According to a new survey almost 50 percent of Democrats think replacing Joe Biden at the top of the ticket will improve their odds of winning in 2024.
Check out this poll. As for Joe's job approval, just 42 percent said he's doing a good one. Despite strong support from Hunter Biden's art customers. And those numbers like Chris Cuomo's female audience are shrinking all the time. Meanwhile, the same poll found half of America, half of Republicans believe Trump is still their best chance to take back the White House of a lot size election results.
It's clear that people are sick of the left's identity politics and their kids' education where the three Rs all equal racism. With Biden as the face of the party, it's no surprise the Dems are thinking about getting a new face. It worked for Nancy Pelosi, but I wonder what does Joe think about all this?
TOM SHILLUE, COMEDIAN: No, no, man. No, you don't look at polls? Don't look at the polls a -- you know, when I got into this business, there was no polls. You work the Amtrak, shaking, hands squeezing shoulders, smell a next. I love smelling next, and you know, men and women all right. I smelled a lot of male neck in my day. I had two full time staffers, true story. Their whole job was wiping Brylcreem off my nose.
GUTFELD: Nice. All right. Chadwick, I have a theory that they -- this is part of the plan that no Democrat had had any inclination that Biden was going to be around. They just needed to get him into the White House.
GUTFELD: And then replace him later, right? He was there -- the player to be named later comes later.
MOORE: Absolutely. Yes, but come Kamala? I mean --
GUTFELD: I know.
MOORE: I mean, she's --
GUTFELD: Yes, she's no backup QB you want to put in the game.
MOORE: That's true. I don't even know how it would look.
GUTFELD: -- analogy, Kat.
KAT TIMPF, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: Thank you. Yes, I backup. Q.B. means quarterback. I know that.
GUTFELD: Yes, exactly. All right. Wait, you're finished?
MOORE: I think, I mean, well, I don't know how that looks like, what happens if they -- OK, well, I don't think many people think he's going to finish his first term.
GUTFELD: No, no.
MOORE: So, then it's Kamala. But then how do they do that shake up without looking like a complete disaster?
MOORE: I mean, the instability is one thing they want to convey. So, I don't --
MOORE: I mean, they're kind of screwed.
TIMPF: Yes, I don't --
MOORE: Joe Biden or Kamala is the best chance for the Republicans to take the White House.
TIMPF: Says nearly half don't want him to run. More than half of Democrats do want him to run again, who are these people?
MOORE: Right.
TIMPF: I don't think Joe Biden is one of those people, right?
GUTFELD: I mean, people wondering who's not going to -- if he's going to finish his first term? He can barely finish his first turn. I should probably just start, I should probably stop making those jokes.
TIMPF: You can't.
GUTFELD: I can't. I can't --
TIMPF: You physically can't.
GUTFELD: I physically can't stop. I don't even know where they come from. Jamie, I feel you have a lot of big thoughts about Joe Biden.
JAIME LISSOW, COMEDIAN: Huge, huge thoughts. I -- let's just say this to Kamala, she, she better be ready. We are three mumbles in one flight of stairs away from her being president. He's just such, he's such an old guy, right?
LISSOW: He's embarrassed, he's embarrassing our country. He was on Air Force One the other day blinker was on the whole time.
GUTFELD: Really?
LISSOW: The -- I just don't trust him. I don't trust the guy who probably has the nuclear launch codes on a sticky note next to the button. And I don't think we should have a president where when they briefed them, they start off with, "you're Joe Biden."
GUTFELD: Then who, then who, Jamie?
LISSOW: That's the question. This is the best we can do.
LISSOW: The only time I ever agreed with Biden, like I felt like I related to him was when he fell asleep at the summit. Did you do?
GUTFELD: Yes, I'm going like -- that's exactly what I would do.
LISSOW: Yes, I hear the word summit, I'm out.
GUTFELD: Yes. Guy, if Biden and Trump have a rematch in 2024, who wins? That's a great question. Whoever wrote that? It wasn't me.
GUY BENSON, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: If they had it now, I think Trump would win the rematch at the moment. Who knows what things will look like a few years from now? I don't think he'll run for reelection. I think he'll probably finish out the term, I hope. And, and I think that he will step aside and wait for the next person and sort of allow that new era to usher in. I didn't see the headline on this poll, which was most Democrats want to replace Biden in 2024.
I'm like, oh, same. Actually, I agree with the Democrats not in quite the same way. But to Chadwick's point, the heir apparent, the Vice President is the political equivalent of box office poison, right? She is just awful. She shows up, she laughs at her own jokes that are even worse than yours, Greg. And it's just very, it's just very awkward vibe that she has. He made a joke about me on "THE FIVE" today. So, I'm just getting back. It's fair, it's fair play.
GUTFELD: It's fair.
BENSON: But the problem that I think the Democrats would have tried to sort of shove her off to the side is she's got a lot of armor of identity politics, right?
BENSON: It won't be easy to get rid of Joe and Kamala, in one fell swoop. And I don't know how they will do that. But I think they'll probably try.
GUTFELD: There is a conspiracy going around that I'll just spread. That's what I like to do. That if, if, if, if they can get Kamala off -- out of to resign out of the V.P., Joe can appoint a V.P. of his choosing, and then he resigns and then that person becomes president, and it could be anybody they want, right?
BENSON: To make that person than the incumbent.
BENSON: For some advantage. But what would they do to persuade Kamala Harris to give up the power that she's been seeking her entire life? That's the tricky part.
GUTFELD: And ask her to do work. All right, going to go out on a high note. Coming up, are men more torn apart when they suffer a broken heart?
GUTFELD: Are men more disturbed when they get kicked to the curb? Is it time to lose the notion that heartbroken men don't show emotion? A new British study claims that men experience more emotional pain and heartache than women after a breakup. Or as the Brits like to call it, Bobby in your (INAUDIBLE) -- used to be right chopped your blimey wanker -- sounded British.
Researchers use an anonymous online forum, the only kind I use, to study 200,000 postings about couple's relationship issues. The number one problem when the guy isn't named Greg. The second something called communication. But the key finding was men were more likely to open up about the pain of ending a relationship than women using words like regret and cry and heartbroken. But one way to get over it, watching the new British dating show "The Love Trap" or as I like to call it Bangers and Mash.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: David, who do you think is a loved trap?
GUTFELD: If it only were that easy, right? So, I guess we figured out what they put in blood pudding? That's a British delicacy. Frankly, this whole study didn't account though for what happens when two bro-himes break up, how's that work?
JOE MACHI, COMEDIAN: 10 horrible news. I was only able to score two tickets to Leopard on Saturday and I'm taking --
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I thought we were dude's bro.
MACHI: We are bros, too, but got a 2017 Wrangler Sahara. We take the top off and blast tunes and his brothers the (INAUDIBLE).
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Dude, you're like the God of my seeds. Bro --
MACHI: Hold on, there's a phone call. It's Kyle. He can't make it. Will you go with me?
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Pour some sugar on me bro, let's do this.
GUTFELD: That was beautiful. I teared up, Jamie. You seem like an emotional guy. You've had -- you obviously have had relationships, you have children?
LISSOW: I have. Yes, I wish I had that love trap thing for when I had gotten divorced. There's been so much easier because after we did it, she said a bunch of stuff. Looks like I wouldn't have been able to hear it if she looked down the thing. He, by the way, some relationships aren't meant to last and it's OK.
LISSOW: You know, like when I got divorced, I think it was one of those. OK -- here's a way to know if you should get divorced. When people start telling you negative things about divorce and none of it sounds that bad to you. You know what I mean, like my friend goes dude you can't get divorced man you're going to have to move out of your house and get your own place. I'm like, when is the soonest we could do so?
Yes, but dude, you'll only be able to see your kids on the weekends. When is soonest we can take on like that? I don't want us to take these kids to school. But I actually thought there was something wrong with me at one point.
LISSOW: Not wrong with me, but I'm not like your typical -- I live in Alaska. A lot of manly men. And that's not me at all. I went to the doctor, not -- I'm not joking at all. And I go, could you test something like testosterone? I feel like things hit me harder. I cry in the middle of greeting card sometimes like it's very tough. And he goes, yes, we can do some tests. He doesn't test he comes back and he goes, we did your testosterone and we tested stuff. I'm glad you came. It turns out, you are what's called a huge wussy. And I go, that's ridiculous. There's no way that's an actual diagnosis. And he goes, OK, you got me. It's not an actual diagnosis, but I knew I could call you that, and you wouldn't do anything based on the testing.
GUTFELD: So good. All right, Kat. What do you make of this? You're a girl.
TIMPF: I sure am. I find it devastating.
GUTFELD: Really?
TIMPF: Yes, because I thought the reason that guys would get so upset and want to get back together after we broke up was because I was so special. Apparently, not.
GUTFELD: No, poor thing.
TIMPF: It's like they all know over there.
GUTFELD: Yes, they do know. Everybody knows. Guy, what do you make of this?
BENSON: Well --
GUTFELD: You know, it's weird, because let's face it, you're gay. Chadwick's gay. I know -- I hope your parents aren't watching. So, what happens there? I mean, you're both the emotional then according to this research?
BENSON: Yes, Greg. Well -- what's most difficult and the most painful breakups for me have been ones that are secret relationships, and you can't really confide in anyone about your sadness, right? So, you can't call up a parent and say, a person I've been seeing it was going great and then he had a show at 5:00, and then he got another show at 11:00, and now he just ghosted me. You can't say those things.
GUTFELD: I'm so glad both my parents had passed away. If they saw this, Guy might be ruined. You're pretty good tonight. I got to tell you. Chadwick --
MOORE: Yes, Sir.
GUTFELD: What are your thoughts on this? I'm getting brutalized.
MOORE: I think we see breakups. It's really, really hard on the liver.
MOORE: Really hard on the wallet. Lots of trips to the Free Clinic. I think, I think men just behave differently in breakups and you just have to screw everyone and drink everything. And that's how you kind of -- you got to get it out.
GUTFELD: You got to get it out.
MOORE: Women are doing that a lot when they're broken up.
GUTFELD: That's true.
MOORE: But then you get two gay guys breaking up and then by like a month, they've screwed all of New York City between them. Because it just got to get that pain out, you know.
GUTFELD: You got to screw the pain out. There you go. There's a slogan for Mayor. All right, up next, he'll edit a classic masterpiece to satisfy P.C. police.
GUTFELD: Another woke fart is trying to destroy art. Yes, it's a woke dad who turns fairy tales and its scary fails. A dad on TikTok, that sounds wrong already has gone viral for videos where he edits gender stereotypes out of his daughter's Disney, Disney Princess books. For example, he took a scene from "Princess and the Frog" where the princess bakes cookies for the prince, it changes so that the princess was making nachos for herself. I'm surprised woke mob hasn't pounced over that Mexican Cultural Appropriation.
And talk about progress, now the princess is a strong independent woman with refried bean breath. Anyway, we came up with some of our own woke fairy tales to help no more princess in the pee. It's now the non-binary bike messenger and that vegan lasagna. Forget Little Red Riding Hood. She's now LGBTQIA activist in rainbow socks and skates. The iconic classic "The Little Mermaid" has become the healthy side cisgender myrrh person. And finally "Snow White" is now Snow White Privilege. At least the dwarves have stopped greeting her with hi-ho. Kat, thoughts?
TIMPF: I don't know. I feel like if I had kids, and they had a dad, and the dad was doing this with his time, I'd be pissed off at him.
GUTFELD: Yes, exactly.
TIMPF: You can find something better to do because it's like all you're doing is guaranteeing that our daughter has no grasp of cultural references whatsoever.
GUTFELD: Exactly. What do you what do you make of this guy?
BENSON: I would rather him do this with his spare time than run for school board somewhere.
GUTFELD: Oh. bet he would do both though. He's probably --
BENSON: Multitasker.
BENSON: Wokes are always busy.
GUTFELD: Exactly. Chadwick, are these -- are these actually more offensive?
MOORE: I hope his wife's boyfriend likes them.
GUTFELD: Very good. Very good. Very good.
MOORE: Thank you very much. Yes, but a lot of them are like baking so like bake, people like to bake and that's racist or wrong.
GUTFELD: Yes, it's like -- yes, and trying to make somebody happy.
MOORE: Trying to make someone happy, yes.
GUTFELD: It's disgusting, Jamie.
LISSOW: It is. You know, I think it's called TikTok because it's a countdown timer to you wasting your life, first of all. Would you believe I wrote down a couple things that I like, like -- in my first one, it says Snow White Privilege. But I had a couple more I want to share with you, because this guy is moving on to change some movies, he's going to do Herbie Fully Racist is coming out, Big Heroes Sis Normative, Lady in the Transphobia, and my favorite, James and the Giant Pronoun.
GUTFELD: All right, archetypes are universal. Let's face it. They work across every culture. Why are we changing them? I don't like TikTok. I don't like that dad. That's all I got to say. We'll be right back.
GUTFELD: OK, before we go, I'm told people love outtakes and people love Joe Machi, so here's some Joe Machi outtakes.
MACHI: Tanner, I've got bad news.
Tanner, I've got some bad news. I was only able to score two tickets to Logan on --
Tanner, I've got bad news.
Tanner, there's horrible news.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Logan, you're the God of my seeds for a side --
MACHI: Hold on.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: But dude, you're like the God of my seats, bro (INAUDIBLE).
MACHI: Hold on. There's a phone call and it's Kyle. You're killing that take.
Tanner, there's --
GUTFELD: Nice, all right. Thanks to Chadwick Moore, Jamie Lissow, Guy Benson, Kat Timpf, our studio audience. "FOX NEWS @ NIGHT" with evil Shannon Bream is next. I'm Oprah, and I love you America.
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