Oct. 27, 2020 – This is a rush transcript from “The Five” October 27, 2020. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.
GREG GUTFELD, FOX NEWS HOST: All right, we are back in the box. I'm Greg Gutfeld, with Dagen McDowell, Juan Williams, Jesse Watters, and on Halloween, My Little Pony comes dressed as Dana Perino, THE FIVE. Now, I got to say he's working his ass off here.
DONALD TRUMP, UNITED STATES PRESIDENT: Now, I've got to say. I'm working my ass off here. Sleepy Joe, the guy goes to his basement.
GUTFELD: All right. As the election approaches, we are watching two competing magic acts. While Trump is in three places at once, the Dems give us an invisible Joe. He's laying low, saying very little, and the little he says he gets wrong. It's historic. Biden is the first candidate to say the less of me, the better. Maybe he's banking on the fact that it's not about him at all. It's about the other guy, what's his name, was it George?
JOE BIDEN (D) PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Four more years of George -- George
-- going to find ourselves in a position where if Trump gets elected, we are going to be in a different world.
GUTFELD: So is it four more years of George Bush or four more years of Joe's host, George Lopez? You decide. I tell you one George is a really, really funny dude. The other is Lopez. But if you were looking for a vanishing act, Joe is your guy. There's nothing up his sleeve or anywhere else. And unlike Trump, he won't tell you what he thinks.
His evasiveness on fracking reveals he's waiting for instructions. As for packing the court, he boldly states let's have a commission, which is like boldly stating I want a nap. But driving through Pennsylvania this weekend, I saw no signs of Biden, but I did see Biden signs. While Joe hides, his voters don't, because voting for him, it's safe.
Not so with Trump. He's out there. But with the exception of rallies, his voters aren't. It's because for the first time, sadly, saying who you'll vote for could get you hurt. But where there weren't any signs, there were indeed American flags. Maybe those are signs too, a wink, not a shout. As the left avows punishment for those they deem evil and cities erupt with riots -- sorry, peaceful protests.
It sent a message to half of America, the deplorables. Take a lid and they have. But unlike Joe, they will wake up on Election Day. Because they know if they don't, the magic trick will be a disappearing America. All right, Juan, we are back in the boxes. I'm in a van in the middle of nowhere.
You're in a van in the middle of D.C. I'm shouting.
What do you make of the contrast -- what you make of the contrast between the enthusiasm and action of Trump and the kind of like absent lethargy of Joe Biden? I think I set it up in an unbiased fashion.
JUAN WILLIAMS, FOX NEWS HOST: Is that right? Fair, fair, always fair. I like that thing with George Lopez. That was so fair to Joe Biden. You know, what I think -- when I look at these rallies, Greg. I think to myself, you know, this election has become a referendum on Trump. He didn't want that.
He wanted to be able to make it a choice election, but it's not.
It's really a referendum on Trump at this point. And the rallies, you know, I think to myself the rallies can be fun, entertaining to go watch. But the rallies aren't convincing anyone that COVID is going away. The rallies aren't convincing anyone that somehow Trump has come up with a good healthcare plan for America. That's just not -- that's just not true or real.
And in fact, the more he talks, sometimes he gets himself in big trouble.
The other day, he said American doctors are in fact reporting more cases of Coronavirus because they get paid more if they do. Or another time, he said Gretchen Whitmer, the Governor of Michigan, again, he attacked her even though she has been the subject of an attempted kidnapping plot.
He attacked the Governor of Pennsylvania, Tom Wolf, said it was threatening him. I guess threatening, not physically, but threatening federal funds for the citizens of Pennsylvania. So I think to myself in addition to these rallies being potentially super-spreader events, I think half of them have been linked to spikes in Coronavirus. I think he hurts himself often in these rallies and that's not good for him.
GUTFELD: OK. So Jesse, I'm going to quote -- not quote, but bring up Scott Adams, who brings up the concept of reciprocity, that when you have a candidate giving 110 percent up to the finish line, you feel compelled to reciprocate and vote. Do you buy that?
JESSE WATTERS, FOX NEWS HOST: I do. People are giving their blood, sweat, and tears to wait and drive to a rally with 10, 20,000 other Trump supporters around him. It's funny to listen to Juan try to spin massive crowds for a presidential re-election campaign as somehow a bad thing.
Never in history have we seen people try to say the more people to show up to listen to you, the worse you're going to do on Election Day.
It didn't work in 2016, and it's not going to work in 2020 right now.
Donald Trump doesn't need to change a thing. Donald Trump is in the driver's seat. It's Joe Biden who's actually struggling right now, and you can tell why the media is trying to change the way they frame his light schedule. They used to say his light schedule was smart strategy. Look at the polls.
And they're not saying that anymore. They're saying his light strategy is a risky gamble, and it is a risky gamble. And here's why he's not going out.
There's a host of reasons. One, he cannot contract COVID-19 because that destroys the central premise of his candidacy, which is I'm safe. I'm going to lead by example. I'm going to wash my hands, social distance, wear a mask, and protect myself.
So if he gets it, it's lights out. Also, he's going to show up and no one's going to show up to listen to him, and it's humiliating. And the more he shows up, the more stupid things come out of his mouth. So it is smart, I guess, for him to lay low, but it's not going to work. Right now, Trump is storming these battlegrounds.
He is now ahead in the Real Clear Politics average in Florida, in Ohio.
Last poll came out in Pennsylvania, Trump is up two. Last poll that came out in North Carolina, it's tied. Last poll in Arizona, Trump is up one.
The same thing is happening is happening in 2016. And the media did it to themselves with their fake poles and the fake news. It's setting it up for a huge comeback.
And right now, Joe is on the defensive on fracking, on oil, on corruption, on taxes. And the Trump campaign is dropping a massive ad by hitting Joe for siding with the rioters against the police.
GUTFELD: You know, Dagen, what I don't understand is I listen to the pro- Biden media, and they constantly say how likable he is, which is probably true. But why not have Mr. Likable out there more if he so likable? Why are you hiding the most popular guy in the world?
DAGEN MCDOWELL, FOX NEWS HOST: Well, I like people too if I don't have to see them or hear them or associate with them at all. So I understand that.
One of the reasons that -- one of the reasons that Joe Biden is laying low is because -- it's not the super flub, is it George Bush, maybe it was George Washington, or maybe it was George Jetson and his boy Elroy that he was talking about.
It is the moment when a politician screws up but actually tells you what he's planning to do and the way he views this country. And Joe Biden, Jesse mentioned it, did that in the debate when he said essentially I'm going to get rid of the oil industry because it's dirty. This goes to potentially destroying millions of jobs in this country, destroying the prosperity that rural communities have experienced because of fracking.
It is handing power to nations that hate us, that want to wipe us off the map after we finally reached the top position in oil production in the world. And more than anything, it's raising prices on all Americans. It's a tax when you raise people's energy prices. We use oil and natural gas because it's plentiful and cheap. And he's promising a regressive tax that hurts the lowest income Americans the most.
And that is his world, where America is poor, and there's more power in the hands of government, and that is hell on Earth.
GUTFELD: All right, last word to you, Dana. What say you other than how happy you are to be back in a van or in your home?
DANA PERINO, FOX NEWS HOST: Yes. Jasper is not allowed in the van, so that's kind of a bummer, but I understand why. Although, I don't know, Dave would probably let Jasper in the van. So the word of the week is energy.
Energy when it comes to feeling out on the campaign trail and President Trump is out there doing it. And he's also focusing on that issue, as Dagen just laid out.
One other thing I would mention, though, is that the Democrats and the left, it's showing a lot of energy when it comes to donations. There's so much money heading into these races. Republicans are being outspent in many of the states, and you don't see Republicans complaining and demanding campaign finance reform. They are just out there trying to compete.
GUTFELD: And so shall they. I don't know why I said that. Coming up next, furious Democrats vow revenge after Amy Coney Barrett is sworn in as the newest Supreme Court Justice.
WATTERS: Angry Democrats are raging against the confirmation of Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court and they're vowing revenge.
NANCY PELOSI, HOUSE SPEAKER: Should we expand the court? Let's take a look and see.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We've got to have a wide open conversation about how do we rebalance our courts.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The Republican majority is lighting its credibility on fire. And the next time the American people give Democrats the majority in this chamber, you will have forfeited the right to tell us how to run that majority. My colleagues may regret this for a lot longer than they think.
WATTERS: And AOC trying to fire up the base, tweeting, expand the court, moments after Barrett's confirmation. But Mitch McConnell says rules are rules, and elections have consequences.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We are a constitutional republic. Legitimacy does not flow from their feelings. And the louder they scream, the more inaccurate they are.
WATTERS: Dana, this kind of tails off of what you were saying at the end of the last block when you basically said rules are rules. You play within the rules and you don't try to just destroy the system when you lose one.
PERINO: Yeah. I was trying to think -- I was linking these two segments.
Because when the Democrats have lost, they have immediately cried foul on the process rather than trying to figure out a way to win. You know, I think Senator Schumer's words would have more weight if he didn't say that every single day, that the Republicans are going to live to regret everything.
And his question about legitimacy bothers me. One, I feel like it hearkens back to the question of whether the 2016 win by President Trump was actually legitimate. It was. But they continue to push that. The other thing is senator -- excuse me, President Obama would have been able to seat three Supreme Court justices as President Trump has if Ruth Bader Ginsburg had made the decision earlier on to retire and have that seat filled, and that was not what happened.
I admire her for making that choice. But that's not the Republicans fault in terms of legitimacy. The other thing is last night, there was all this blue check mark ridiculousness, saying that Amy Coney Barrett should not have gone to the White House for a swearing-in. When yet -- a simple Google search would show you that every Supreme Court nominee, or just about everyone.
I went through -- I looked at Sotomayor and Kagan. You go to the White House for just a celebratory swearing-in. She was officially sworn in today at the court. She's on the court. It is legitimate.
WATTERS: Yeah. But Dana, you know we are in the midst of a pandemic, so you're not allowed to have birthday parties. You can't go play basketball.
You can't go -- you can't do anything --
PERINO: Well, I would say yesterday -- the White House looked a lot different, don't you? I mean, they were social distancing last night. It's a lot different than the one before.
WATTERS: No, I know, I know. Juan, do you think that they are going to try to pack the court if Joe Biden wins and they get the Senate?
WILLIAMS: I don't think it's a matter of pack. I think it's a matter of balance, Jesse. Look, I got to say --
WATTERS: Expand it. Expand the court.
WILLIAMS: Let me just say the Democrats -- the Democrats started this back in 2013 when Harry Reid -- when Harry Reid lowered the threshold for approving lower court judges and executive appointees. I think that was 2013. And then in 2017, you see Mitch McConnell come forward and say I'm going to apply the same standard now to Supreme Court nominees so he could get his way on Supreme Court nominations.
And so now, what you get is a cycle of retaliation, and you get Democrats in a position, if they are able to reclaim the Senate, to say we are going to look at serious ideas for how you can get that court to be balanced and to properly represent all of the American people and not be an extension of one political party. I think that's a wise thing to do.
Because everyone knows right now, the American people don't want the Affordable Healthcare Act to be repealed. And that's what the court looks like it would do. They have the votes if they want to do it. And of course, the American people want abortion rights in this country, 60 plus percent.
And yet the court and Amy Coney Barrett stand there as huge opponents, ideologues, on this issue.
I mean, that's where people get the idea that somehow the court has lost its credibility. So you get the Democrats saying, well, maybe we could put a limit on how long people serve on the court. Maybe we could have Supreme Court justices rotate onto lower courts, all sorts of ideas to restore credibility and trust in the court as not just another polarized political institution.
WATTERS: Juan -- OK. Greg, do you see what Juan has done there with language? Just restoring credibility means adding more liberal justices.
See how that automatically gives you credibility when there are more liberals?
GUTFELD: Here's the issue. If we've lost credibility and trust, we should go one by one with each judge, so Juan can say which one you don't trust or which one lacks credibility. Because no one is saying -- all of these judges think individually. I mean, there's a lot of surprise coming from the Republican-appointed judges. Everybody knows that.
But when you change the language, it's a sign that you're trying to screw people over. So now, it's no longer called court-packing. It's called balancing. So I guess they should change the name of the Green Bay Packers to the Green Bay Balancers, right? I mean, you know what. It's like -- it's always a sign. And what about this secret sexism -- I'm repulsed by the fact that people are so deeply offended, especially the males.
About this woman that's a really, really successful woman becoming a Supreme Court Justice, just because they disagree with her politics? They would rather have a white male like Merrick Garland? I mean, how sexist is that? It just shows that it's all a bunch of -- it's all bogus BS. And by the way, boo-hoo, we knew this was going to happen.
You were going to lose, tough beans. You can't tell the other team with the ball that they can't score.
WATTERS: To Dagen, take us home.
MCDOWELL: Well, the Democrats are planning to pack the court all along.
Sheldon Whitehouse and his little group of other senators a year ago, including Mazie Hirono and Dick Durbin, threatened the Supreme Court itself to quote, "restructure it." Let's talk by the language. But if the court took up a gun rights case here in New York, so they've been planning this all along.
They were just waiting for the moment. This is a huge win for the Republicans, three Supreme Court justices, 53 circuit judges, about 30 percent of the appellate total, and 162 district judges. They are throwing this synchronous hissy-fit that can be summed up in two words, complete losers.
WATTERS: Oh, all right. Dagen McDowell not pulling any punches. Coming up, the media is pulling out all the stops to protect Joe Biden and damage President Trump before Election Day. We will explain.
MCDOWELL: The media is awfully busy running interference for the Democrats and Joe Biden ahead of the election. First, press buried allegations Hunter Biden and refused to cover the story. And last night, some in the media boycotted showing a major accomplishment for President Trump. CNN and MSNBC decided not to air the historic vote in the Senate that confirmed Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court.
Then, predictably, the media used the moment to attack the president and Republicans.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We have an impeached president who lost the popular vote and has appointed and gotten confirmed one-third of the United States Supreme Court.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: He's embracing power. He is embracing pageantry. And he's doing it because he can.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: To have hypocrisy that egregious riding your soul for the rest of your life. When you forced the pendulum that far to one side, it comes back, and anybody is not expecting that once there's a Democratic Senate majority and a Democrat in the White House is kidding themselves.
It's coming.
MCDOWELL: Greg, have at it.
GUTFELD: OK, so I'm going to use a phrase that I got from (Inaudible). I think it describes all kinds of derangement. It's called drunk off the cork. It's when you amplify your emotion based on the very little information like you're -- basically you're an information lightweight. So it's easy to scream, you know, burn it all down. We need to destroy the court or Trump is Hitler because you are ignorant.
Ignorance allows you to take extreme positions. But if you read stuff, if you listen, if you absorb, you look at the nuances and the complexities, you find it's harder to dramatically demonize people. You can't say this person is evil. You can't say this person is God, right? So Trump's derangement is -- and the Supreme Court thing, which is an extension of that, it's a disease of simpletons.
They prefer to get drunk off the cork instead of putting the effort in and drinking the whole bottle of wine, which is what I do nightly.
MCDOWELL: Amen to that. Dana, I just want to bring up one CNN graphic that was on the screen. Trump's Supreme Court nominee about to be sworn in at another potential super-spreader event, that's how they framed it.
PERINO: Well, as I said, I mean, if you actually saw that event, it was a different looking event than they had had in the previous time. The chairs were spaced apart. People were wearing masks. And believe me. Amy Coney Barrett doesn't want to be known as the super-spreader of all events. So I think that they handled that well.
I was surprised that they are so surprised that President Trump would embrace power, but he has the power. And I just -- it's kind of annoying.
However, if you are concerned about how the media is treating this thing, it's a good thing that Fox News exists. I mean, have you seen our ratings?
We are beating the competition, including the networks in all of these big nights.
When people want to tune in to find out what's happening like on debate night, for example, Fox News is the winner.
MCDOWELL: And Juan, I've seen this word, the gatekeepers. The gatekeepers are back. And this is from the mainstream media like the New York Times.
And to me, that just means oh, goody. Now, we can just decide what news the American people want to or need to hear and see and read. It's disgraceful.
WILLIAMS: What's disgraceful? I saw -- you know, I'm a big newspaper reader. On the front page of the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post this morning were large pictures above the fold of the swearing-in of Amy Coney Barrett. So, to my mind, that's pretty strong coverage.
But you know, think thinking about even the networks, you know, the reality is that the process was covered. Her confirmation hearings were covered.
What you got last night was a foregone conclusion that she was, in fact, confirmed by a Republican majority that exercises pure power and saying we're going with her no matter what, even if it's in the days just before an American election, and hypocritical because we said no to President Obama on his nominee months before an election. That's the -- that's the news there.
And of course, you don't cover news if there's no story. And once the confirmation hearings were done, once the vote was done --
MCDOWELL: Oh, come on.
WILLIAMS: -- what's the story?
MCDOWELL: Jesse, they covered --
WILLIAMS: What do you mean, "come on." What's the story? You tell me.
What's the story?
MCDOWELL: A female Supreme Court Justice being sworn in. That's the news.
That's what you show.
GUTFELD: By a black man.
MCDOWELL: You show the votes.
WILLIAMS: Because Greg a minute ago said that would be a sexist act to say oh, just because she's a woman or just because she's a mom?
MCDOWELL: All right, Jesse, they covered -- you know what, they -- all these networks --
GUTFELD: She was sworn in by -- also by African-American so maybe everybody says racist.
MCDOWELL: Yes, racist and sexist. Jesse, they covered the hearings because these other networks were hoping that the Democrats would beat up this woman and make her look bad. That's why they covered it and they didn't get it. Maybe that's why they ignored it with the vote last night.
WATTERS: I mean, you can't call yourself a news network if you don't cover the news. CNN didn't cover that. They didn't cover the last Comey hearing.
They didn't cover the riots. They didn't cover a lot recently. They didn't cover the Mideast peace deal that the President signs. So, you know, I don't know.
CNN, they won't cover a Trump rally, but they will cover a Biden rally. Fox covers both and that's why we're doing so well. The networks, they cover the President 93 percent negatively and they cover Joe Biden 66 percent positively. If that coverage was for white and black people, you would say the media is stone-cold racist.
So, here's my solution. I think they need sensitivity training. They need to be sensitive to Republicans. That would help us a lot.
MCDOWELL: Yes, thank you, Jesse. Networks --
PERINO: I love that.
MCDOWELL: I do too. Networks as informative as a fifth-grade fart off.
Ahead. Rep. Ilhan Omar and the squad have some very big plans for Joe Biden if he wins the White House. See it next on THE FIVE.
PERINO: Congresswoman Ilhan Omar and the squad are banking on a Joe Biden victory to get through some big progressive policy items. And she thinks Biden will be easily persuaded. Watch.
REP. ILHAN OMAR (D-MN): We will have a cohort of progressives that are very clear about their objectives for wanting the implementation of Medicare for all and the Green New Deal and raising the minimum wage and not allowing for fracking.
PERINO: Plus, senators Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders are reportedly in play for cabinet positions if Biden wins. And I just want to play this one other sound from Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on what she expects.
REP. ALEXANDRIA OCASIO-CORTEZ (D-NY): I believe that it's critically important that the Biden administration appoint progressive leaders. The fact of the matter is that this isn't just about the progressive movement.
This is about making sure that we're not just going back to how things were and rewinding the tape before the Trump administration. But this is about making sure how are we going to not just make up for lost time, but leap into the future.
PERINO: Jesse, the progressives have been fairly quiet up until about this week. And I feel like maybe they're thinking that they need to start raising their hand to say like, by the way, we are watching you and we deploy on November 4th.
WATTERS: They couldn't have just waited one more week, Dana. They had the spout off. It's not very disciplined. I would be pretty upset if I were the Biden campaign that they came out like that and drop bombs. You know what, though, Omar and AOC, they're not going to bully Biden, because Biden is not going to win.
What's going to happen is Biden is going to lose and the Democrats are going to go into a civil war. And the left is going to say by the lost because he wasn't left enough, and the rest of the Democrats are going to say he lost for another reason, and I'm just going to sit back and dance on both their graves.
But it does look bad when a freshman Congresswoman who's plagued by scandal, you know, whose district got caught red-handed in voter fraud, who as Greg points out, and I like to giggle about, evidence does show she married her brother, and now she's kicking millions to her new husband from her campaign, totally illegal.
And she's bossing around the nominee, Joe Biden, who's in his late 70s, about what he's going to do with Medicare for all and the Green New Deal?
It makes Biden look weak like he has no control over his base and his base has total control over him.
PERINO: Juan, Biden's response to all of this, like these -- that type of suggestion is that he beat the socialist. But can he continue to beat them back? He is -- if he does win, or even if he doesn't, he got to this point because the Bernie bros And Bernie, in particular, got behind Joe Biden in a big way.
WILLIAMS: Well, I think that's right. And what you just heard from Ilhan Omar and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is that they accept that Joe Biden is the one that's going to be president, even though they don't agree with him and all of his stance. I think that's an important point to make.
And the second thing to say is that, you know, a lot of people want to say, oh, it's the left wing, it's the socialist. But you know, you listen to Goldman Sachs who's made -- they've made a lot of money despite the economic damage caused by the virus. And what are they telling investors?
They're saying, Joe Biden will be great for the American economy.
Why, Dana? Because they say they will be less uncertainty, less uncertainty in terms of economic policy coming from Washington. There's going to be less of those kinds of trade wars and sudden economic arguments between the Fed and the White House --
WATTERS: Democrats are citing Goldman Sachs now? OK.
WILLIAMS: I'm telling you what Goldman Sachs are saying. I don't say that they're Democrats, but I'm just telling you, that's what you're hearing from people who have had tremendous economic success. They want Joe Biden.
PERINO: What do you think, Greg, about Ilhan Omar talking about the cohort that is going to be able to push for their policies that they want?
GUTFELD: First of all, I am so disgusted with Jesse. So, what if Omar married her brother? Who are you to judge what is love, Jesse? Love can take any shape or form. And just because she married her brother, how dare you incest shame her? It's disgusting.
By the way, you apologize.
WATTERS: I'm sorry. Omar, I apologize.
GUTFELD: OK. There you go. All right, I think Omar and company assume correctly that Joe is a turnstile for leftist. He's just there to take the ticket and tear it in half. And these people are not going to go away.
They're the most vocal of the party. And the party is a -- is now a tragedy of the commons. The leaders are folding before a small group of extreme militants in order to save their own political and career hides. So, they've sold citizens down the river.
PERINO: Dagen, anything in response what Juan was saying in regards to Goldman Sachs? I mean, I haven't read all of their statements, but I don't
-- actually, we have to go to Joe Biden. He's giving a speech in Atlanta, Georgia. Let's take a quick look at that.
JOE BIDEN (D), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Thank you for that incredible introduction. My name is Joe Biden. I'm Jill Biden's husband, and I am Kamala's running mate. You all think I'm kidding, don't you? Folks, it gives me so much more optimism about the future to see that Maya and so many inspiring young people like Maya -- that's President Trump. He's having trouble being heard over there. They're a very polite bunch.
Look, folks, I think Maya, you're inspiring and so many young people like you I've met all across America are getting so deeply involved, helping create the change that you know is possible. And of course, I know you've had an incredible role model in Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms. I tell you what, she is something else.
First of all, two things you got to know about her when you meet her.
Number one, understand she's smarter than you. That's the first thing I had to learn. And the second thing is she's got a backbone a ramrod, and she has a moral compass that's true north. I really admire her. You've done an incredible job, Mayor. You're a powerhouse of a leader and you've helped shape and support this campaign from the earliest days. So, I want to thank you, Mayor Bottoms, for your vision, your partnership, and your commitment to the campaign and the people of Atlanta.
And thank you Common and Offset. I tell you what, I know that's the real reason you came, the entertainment. I don't blame you. But I tell you what, great to meet them both and for them energizing and sharing their message of hope with all of us.
I also want to recognize the elected officials joining us today.
Representative Billy Mitchell, Representative Calvin Smyre, who have been with us from the very beginning of this campaign. And we got to send back to the United States House of Representatives, Lucy, and Hank, and Stanford. All three of them are first-rate congresspersons because if I win I'm going to need them badly. And by the way, Nikema, I think it's important that you win as well along with Carolyn Bourdeaux.
Folks, I think we're going to surprise the living devil out of everybody this year. I can't tell you how important it is that we flip the United States Senate. There's no state more consequential than Georgia in that fight. You have two competitive races here at stake. You have two great candidates that are going to need all the support they can get. Reverend Warnock and Jon Ossoff, both great candidates. No, they really are.
And by the way, if we had told you all a year ago or told those guys out in the street a year ago -- good to see you man -- I told all those guys out in the street there a year ago how competitive Georgia was going to be, you would have all looked at one another like you're crazy. But look, it doesn't take long for people to figure out when the game is up.
When the Carney show goes through town the first time and people find out there's no P under any one of the three shells, the next time it comes back, it doesn't get much attention. Well, that's what the Trump administration has done.
Let's give the people of Georgia to new senators who will fight for your interests, not for Donald Trump's interest. And not continue as for doing others have to make fun of my running mate. I love how these guys try to degrade everything and everybody. It's got to stop and it's going to stop with us. Folks, it's go time. There's one week left. Millions of Americans, over 60 million Americans have already voted and millions more by the end of this week.
I believe when you use your power, the power to vote, will change the course of this country. Right here in Georgia, with all of you, these are the final days, so keep that sense of empowerment with you. That sense of optimism. What we can do. What we will do. What we can overcome. What we will overcome.
Look, folks, I've been around a while, but I've never been more optimistic about America or the American people than I am right today. But I know it's hard. Over the past few months, there's been so much pain, so much suffering, so much loss in America. More than 225,000 dead Americans because of COVID-19. 7,800 right here in Georgia. Millions of people are out of work on the edge. They can't see the light at the end of the tunnel.
And Donald Trump has given up.
Over the weekend, his chief of staff of the White House said, I quote, "We're not going to control the pandemic." At the debate last week, Donald Trump looked at me and said, "We're rounding the corner." As my grandfather would say, "He's rounding the bend." He said, "It's going to go away. We're learning to live with it." I told him, "We're not learning to live with it.
If you're asking people to learn to die with it. And it's wrong."
Donald Trump has waved the white flag, abandoned our families and surrendered to this virus. But the American people don't give up. They don't give in and surely they don't cower and neither will I. I will put in place a plan to deal with this pandemic responsibly, bringing this country together with testing, tracing, masking. It's estimated that if we wore masks in the next few months, by his own experts in the CDC and other agencies, if we wore this mask in the next few months, we'd save 100,000 lives. 100,000.
It's estimated we lost over 135,000 lives so far needlessly because he's done virtually nothing. But still Donald Trump refuses to listen to science. We shouldn't be politicizing this race for a vaccine. We should be planning for its safe and equitable and free distribution when it comes, and it will. Providing for funding for PPE, masks, gloves, all the things we need to set national standards for our schools and our businesses to open safely because they can.
The House of Representatives already voted the money to provide for safe opening of these schools, but Trump was either locked in his sand trap in his golf course or in the bunker in the White House. He's not brought anybody together. Think about this all if you're old enough. Can you think of any president where there's been a national crisis who didn't bring all the parties together in the White House to try to solve something? He's done nothing. Nothing.
Well, I'm going to bring Democrats and Republicans together to deliver the economic relief for families, schools, and businesses. I said before, I'm not going to shut down the economy. I'm not going to shut down the country.
I'm going to shut down the virus.
Look, Donald Trump crashed the economy that Barack and I left him. Like everything else he's left and inherited, he squandered it. We can build back better with an economy that rewards work not wealth. We can do it without raising taxes on the middle class. I guarantee you, no matter what you hear this president lying about, no one making less than $700,000 a year -- or excuse me, $400,000 a year will have one penny in taxes raised.
Not one penny. It's a guarantee. But we're going to ask -- we're going to ask the wealthiest and the biggest corporations.
91 of the top corporate companies in America paid zero federal income tax.
We're going to ask them to begin to pay their fair share. No one will pay at a higher rate than they paid at the beginning of the Bush administration. That's who we'll deliver tax relief for working families, the middle class, to help them buy their first home, help them pay for their healthcare premiums or childcare or caring for an aging loved one.
Trump got a Supreme Court Justice, and you know why he did it, it's clear to everybody now, to destroy the Affordable Care Act, to take away the healthcare for 20 million Americans who have it. And over 100,000, 100,000 who are covered because they have preexisting conditions for the first time, including 340,000 Georgians. A hundred million Americans would lose their protections for preexisting conditions, including more than four million here in the State of Georgia.
Complications from COVID-19 are going to become the next preexisting condition because of heart scarring, lung scarring, allowing insurers to jack up your premiums, deny coverage and women will once again be able to be charged more for their healthcare just because they're women. Donald Trump thinks healthcare is a privilege. I think it's an American right.
Look, if we all get out and vote, you'll not only restore ObamaCare, but we'll strengthen it and build on it so you can keep your private insurance or choose a Medicare-like public option. We'll increase subsidies and lower your premiums and deductions, out of pocket spending, reduce prescription costs by 60 percent. That's to the experts are telling me, and they'll tell you. We're going to make sure we keep the protections for people with preexisting conditions.
And by the way, I'll protect Social Security and Medicare. Meanwhile, Donald Trump says if he's reelected, he's going to change how we fund it.
Ladies and gentlemen, the actuary at Social Security said if he does what he's proposing, if he's reelected, Social Security will be bankrupt by 2023. Go home and tell your parents who work like hell for that, what that's coming up.
Donald Trump fails to condemn white supremacy. He doesn't believe there's systemic racism as a problem. And he won't say Black Lives Matter because they do. We know they matter. That's why a season of protests broken out all across the nation. Protesting though, is not burning and looting.
Violence can never be a tactic or tolerated and it won't. But much of it is a cry for justice from a community that long had the knees of injustice on their necks.
The names of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Jacob Blake, will not soon be forgotten. Not by me, not by us, not by this country. Folks, they're going to inspire a new wave of justice in America. But true justice is also about jobs, good-paying jobs. The least as the mayor got done here, a $15 minimum wage and financial stability. We're going to pass a national $15 an hour minimum wage.
Nobody should have to work two jobs to be above the poverty level. It's wrong. We're going to change it. And by the way, when we do it, what all the experts will tell you, even the Wall Street types, we're going to raise the economy, raise the standard of living for everybody. When folks at the bottom do better, everybody does better all the way up the ladder.
We're going to give black and minority families are real shot to own a home, start a small business, send a child to college debt-free so they can build wealth and pass on opportunity through the generations like everybody else who's moved to the middle class has been able to do. We're going to invest $70 billion in our HBCUs and minority-serving institutions so students like Maya who studied at Howard or students at Morehouse, Spelman, Clark Atlanta University, the future generations of proud students continue to get the very best education.
And by the way, in the White House, I've committed, there is going to be in the outreach community, a section of The Divine Nine will be included.
That's a promise. You know, I've been told that I kind of grew up with a little bit of a chip on my shoulder being an Irish Catholic kid in a town that kind of looked down on it. I tell you what, you know, I didn't realize I do, but I realized I do have a chip on my shoulder.
When I read from serious people about eight months ago, something about how if I were elected president, I'd be the first president who didn't go to an Ivy League school in a long time. Like somehow it meant I didn't belong. I know Senator Harris will be the first HBCU graduate to serve as vice president. And I say it's about time a graduate from a state university and a HBCU graduate are in the White House. Don't tell me we can't do it because if we're sitting there, you will be there, too. I promise you.
Folks, I'm optimistic because I know that we can meet the challenge of the climate crisis by unleashing American ingenuity and manufacturing to create millions of new high-paying jobs, investing in technology and research.
Folks, this is all in our capacity. We can do this.
You know, there aren't a lot of pundits who would've guessed four years ago that a Democratic candidate for president of 2020 would be campaigning in Georgia on the final week of the election, or that we'd have such competitive Senate races in Georgia. But we do because something's happening here in Georgia and across America.
People of different races, backgrounds, Democrats, Republicans, independents, they're coming together to transcend the old divides and show it's possible. And this is the most important election in any of your lifetimes. It's a battle, as I said at the outset, for the soul of America.
And we're showing who we are, you and I, Reverend Warnock, Jon Ossoff, all of us. This country can't afford four more years of Donald Trump and Mitch McConnell. They can't afford four more years of leaders who think they're only responsible for people who vote for them.
Folks, I don't see America that way. This has to change. It will change with me. Every American, including the guys on the other side of the fence will be seen and heard and respected by me. If elected president, there will be no red states or blue states, there'll only be the United States of America.
I was reminded of that earlier this month when I went to the sacred grounds of Gettysburg. Abraham Lincoln taught us about the need of a united nation.
I was reminded of that earlier today when I was up in Warm Springs, reflecting on Franklin Roosevelt, taught us about the need to heal our nation. Folks, I'm running as a proud Democrat --
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