Gutfeld on the new Covid restrictions
States issue new coronavirus rules ahead of Thanksgiving; reaction and analysis on 'The Five'
This is a rush transcript from “The Five” November 18, 2020. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.
GREG GUTFELD, FOX NEWS HOST (on camera): Hi. I am Greg Gutfeld, with Kennedy, Juan Williams, Jesse Watters, and for Thanksgiving, she's stuffing a beetle, Dana Perino, THE FIVE. Is life worth living without Thanksgiving?
In Oregon, violators of rules against large gatherings could face jail time where they will be gathered in large groups in jails with other violators.
UNKNOWN: For the last eight months, I've been asking Oregonians to follow the letter and the spirit of the law. And we have not chosen to engage law enforcement at this point in time. Unfortunately, we have no other option.
GUTFELD (on camera): No other options. In other states, leaders vow fines and also jail time, while some just freak out.
UNKNOWN: First of all, let's try not to be obnoxious and offensive in your tone. If by the states' numbers, you hit three percent, the schools close.
What are you talking about? You're now going to override. We did it already. That is the law in Arizona and a red zone. Follow the facts. Well, then you are confused.
UNKNOWN: -- parents are still confused as well.
UNKNOWN: No, they are not confused. You are confused. Read the law. Read the law.
GUTFELD (on camera): He needs that large q-tip to clear out his ears. I wonder if his brother still has it. Meanwhile, photos emerged of Gavin Newsom partying up as he lectures you on shutting down. This as the PA governor orders you to wear a mask at home, which is fine with me. I've been doing that for years. But this is getting gross, seriously.
We are adults who already work together to save the most vulnerable lives.
I mean, you flattened the curve, not the politicians. You save the lives, not the media. You pulled it off, not them. So it's hard to be lectured by bozos who did nothing, and it's hard to sit by while rules are enforced differently differently for other people.
It's always the righteous who break their own laws, flying off to Maui or faking quarantine. And then they wag their fingers at you who are the heroes. Then they excuse the mob who don't just violate social distancing, but also your personal space. Your event is the super-spreader, there's of course, is heroism. So it is jail time if you visit granny, but a women who spits in a cop's face is out in a few hours.
In a pandemic, how is that not assault with a deadly weapon? Well, when the media shapes the story, cops are evil, so spit away. So the public should be pissed off. We know it is fun being a tyrant, but we know what to do. We don't want a relative to die, so don't insult us by saying we don't care.
Your threats make a scene.
So my advice for Thanksgiving for all you is why not make some signs and call it a protest? Tell everyone you are speaking truth to turkey. Just wear a mask and keep your distance and do it for granny, and not for the governors. All right, Kennedy, you are the libertarian in this company. It is an interesting challenge, because this is really about what America is.
It is about freedom and risk. Give me liberty or give me death. We can have both.
LISA KENNEDY MONTGOMERY, FOX NEWS HOST: Yes. And the idea that you have to sacrifice freedom for security has been shown to be a false paradigm. But you know, you said just make some signs and call it a protest. All you have to do for the busybodies outside your kitchen with binoculars is just hold up some Biden/Harris paraphernalia and say, no, no, no.
We are celebrating. We are celebrating the victory. And they'll be like OK.
No, that's fine. The virus knows. The virus is political. It knows not to attack people who are standing shoulder to shoulder celebrating a great victory. But we do have to be very mindful of our own actions. That doesn't mean -- and I sincerely thought that once election day came and went, that that would be the end of the virus fussbudgetry, but it has only begun.
And that's because people who are in power, who have a dim view of other human beings, now want to control them more than ever, especially with a vaccine on the horizon. Because they know with the vaccine there is hope and that means that the doors will once be open for businesses, churches, and schools, so they have to do whatever they can to concentrate power, and those could have a long-term bad effects.
GUTFELD: I wonder if anybody will look at a surge in cases two weeks after the Biden celebrations? I doubt anybody is going to do that So Dana, they also said -- experts are saying no singing, no loud music, and no alcohol, what is left for you?
DANA PERINO, FOX NEWS HOST: Well, I can't sing at all. The alcohol thing, we're going to have a fight about that. But I was thinking, it sounded like for me, if the issue is, you know, speaking loud or singing, I laugh loud.
Like -- and I enjoy a good laugh. That's one of the great things about Thanksgiving. So I do think that for some of these people who are in government or -- people who are in power.
OK, so let's take Governor Cuomo Governor Cuomo or somebody like Kate Brown out in Oregon. Like, I don't have a responsibility. Like, I can only take care of myself and my family and do the right thing for me, and that is it.
You know, we have a public health department for a reason. Like, they go around and they give the restaurants a grade, and we need that.
And I also do have some empathy for these doctors and nurses who, you see on the news, they are exhausted. They are tired. and some other things, the hospitals can't handle the load. So I understand what they are trying to do. But when it comes to somebody Mayor De Blasio and schools, he had this arbitrary number. Three percent positive cases means we shut down schools again.
But it does not take into account any other things that we have learned.
There's -- not the end of these big spreads to schools to teachers, teachers to students. So what he has done is he is failing the students because he cannot come to an agreement with the adults. And I think that we will pay a big price.
Like, the children who are missing out on a year of school or more, they are going to pay a big price. I just went to mention one other thing about that. A friend of mine has a colleague. She and her husband both work. They have a seven-year-old son who has ADHD. He has not been able to go to in- person school. He cannot learn online.
He's basically missed an entire year of school. He has forgotten how to read. That should be unacceptable to all of us.
GUTFELD: Yeah. That is another casualty. Jesse, we hear about drug overdoses, suicides, depression. This delayed education is going to hurt people in lower income and other brackets. The wealthy are going to be able to get through with this. Just hire a private tutor.
JESSE WATTERS, FOX NEWS HOST: I'm going to have to bribe my children into a college somehow, someway. Hopefully, I can afford it under the Biden economy. I mean, there is nothing in the Constitution that says I can't invite Uncle Jimmy over for dessert. If Aunt Sue wants to break out into song, I'm supposed to tell her that is against the law?
Or I can't scream when the Lions don't cover on Thanksgiving? I can't have a drink? That's crazy. But I want to talk about this mask worshiping. I wear a mask in Manhattan. But if I don't wash my hands or social distance and the mask, it is useless. Where all these little hot spots are popping up, whether it is California, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Illinois, all of those states have had mask mandates for months. They're run by Democrats.
It is not the silver bullet. They just had an outbreak at the Mayo Clinic, and an outbreak at the World Health Organization. These are not Trump- friendly territories. The royal family's getting sick. Professional athletes have caught COVID. Democrat politicians have caught it. There is only so much you can do against the virus. The virus will always win.
So anytime someone catches COVID in this country, it is not one politician's fault. It's not Donald Trump's fault. You have to lower the mortality as best you can and you have to wait for a vaccine, and at the same time you have to stay clean. But to have these ridiculous regulations around Thanksgiving when the politicians are not following them themselves.
It is kind of like having a fat trainer. Why am I taking your advice if you are not taking your own advice?
GUTFELD: He might be big-boned.
WATTERS: Big-boned.
GUTFELD: A hefty trainer. Don't fat shame the trainers.
WATTERS: Sorry, Greg. I apologize.
GUTFELD: All right, Juan, last word to you.
JUAN WILLIAMS, FOX NEWS HOST: I understand that people do not like to have a government telling them what to do.
MONTGOMERY: Hear, hear.
WILLIAMS: Right? No one likes that, right? Libertarian over here. But on the other hand, I think that there comes a point where individual actions impact the safety of us all. And you know, and easiest example would be speeding. Obviously, you can't drive your car as fast as you might want to because that impacts other people you could crash and to -- other people, hurt yourself.
Kill people, and the like. These days, you are not allowed to smoke indoors. You know, certainly, can't smoke on an airplane. That's, again, because of us Americans as a family looking out for each other. And I think in this way we have to start to think more openly about why these regulations are in place. This is not about Democrats.
Today, we had, I think, it's three or four, maybe more Republican governors say I am now going to impose some limits, whether it is masks or other limits in terms of gatherings. So you are seeing now, I think, a little bit moving away from the Trump steel hand. We're not having a lockdown. Now, I think you see Republican governors saying listen.
The reason we are doing this is not just by fiat (ph), but because we have such a tremendous increase in the rate of infection. We have such a high level of people hospitalized, and our hospitals are reaching capacity in terms of dealing with this. And it is a lagging indicator, but we see an increase in deaths. That is a public health crisis for America, not Republican, not Democrat, but for us all.
GUTFELD (on camera): Right now, I think hospital capacity is nowhere near that. I think -- the last numbers I checked was Wisconsin was the worst, had 10 percent with COVID patients, which is still bad. Coming up, another Georgia county finds thousands uncounted ballots, and it turns they favor President Trump.
PERINO: A big election development out of Georgia. Another county there discovering more than 2,000 ballots that were not counted, and that comes less than 24 hours after an additional 2,600 uncounted votes were found in a different county. The new votes breaking in President Trump's favor, but Joe Biden still leads in the state and got some votes as well.
Meanwhile, Trump's legal team filing a petition for a partial recount in just two Wisconsin counties. The Trump campaign saying it will keep fighting on.
UNKNOWN: There were three tranches of ballots uncounted that were found Georgia, amounting to nearly 6,000 votes. You have 234 pages of sworn affidavits in Michigan in one county alone, alleging egregious misconduct by poll workers pushing back observers, and even allegations of fraud. they are real questions that need to be asked, because we need integrity in our election system.
PERINO (on camera): All right. We'll take it around here, Jesse.
WATTERS: I agree. We need integrity in the election. What I've seen out of Georgia does not make me feel very good. I heard a story today about two poll auditors, they added 10,000 ballots to Joe Biden. Actually, it was supposed to be 1,000. So how did they make the same mistake? How do two people make the same mistake? It is very fishy.
And then all of these ballots being discovered happen to favor President Trump. I don't like it. We talk a lot about these irregularities. Well, here is an irregularity. There are 19 bellwether counties in the United States, considered bellwethers by the political historians. Obama, Bush, Clinton, Reagan, for the last 40 years, whoever sweeps these 19 bellwethers wins the election.
Donald Trump won every single bellwether by an average of 16 points, except one, but he does not win the election. Or another irregularity, Republicans won every single toss up race in the House, every single one. But the blue wave was on the top of the ticket for the Democrats? I don't know. And then you see these sworn affidavits out of Wayne County, Detroit.
Poll workers filling out empty ballots, counting ballots with no signatures or postage, batches of ballots being counted bearing the exact same signature? So when the Republicans out there make a fuss, they threaten their lives. They call them racists. It is sad. And I don't like to see what's happening. And if I don't like it, that means that millions of Americans don't like it either.
PERINO: It is your world.
WATTERS: You say that with such confidence.
PERINO: Well, I heard somebody (Inaudible) and I was like, with Jesse Watters. I don't think so. Juan Williams, are those irregularities or just the way that the election went?
WILLIAMS: Well, I don't ever think that it is a perfect election. But I mean, to me, this is a charade. I mean, we talk about, for example, some of the votes that showed up in Georgia. Well, first of all, it was human error. It was not some fraud.
WATTERS: But every human error benefits Biden.
WILLIAMS: That's not true.
WATTERS: In two of the three counties, the votes actually were more for Biden than they were for Trump among the missing voters. But here's the thing I was going to say before you interrupted. In one of these cases, it was just that the poll worker did not put a memory stick in a computer, and then all of a sudden you have people say this is fraud. It is nothing.
And in any case, the big point is even if you added it altogether, it does not add up to enough votes that would change the outcome of the election, which is what we should be focused on. The failure to go forward with the transition at this point, a transition in the midst of a COVID virus where we need a smooth transition.
In the midst of all of our issues dealing with, unfortunately, things like Iran, Afghanistan, now that is all getting papered over because everyone's so focused on this false controversy about the election. I think it is really dangerous, Jesse, dangerous, that we see the president. President Trump undermining, one, the incoming Biden administration by having people believe that he was not the legitimate winner of this election.
WATTERS: Secondly --
WATTERS: Someone undermining a transition?
WILLIAMS: Oh, stop. I remember Barack Obama going there and welcoming President Trump to the White House, a smooth transition. Not this time.
WILLIAMS: Also, Trump is undermining something even more than the future Biden administration. He's undermining faith in our democracy.
WATTERS: -- she said Trump was an illegitimate president.
PERINO: I hate to get yelled at.
PERINO: Oh, wow, Kennedy, thank you.
WATTERS: Who whistled?
MONTGOMERY: I did. I do that when my dog is on the table or when my children are bickering like you guys. But I agree with Juan. I don't think there are enough votes and enough irregularities here to overturn the election or change change the outcome. I agree with that. But I also agree there is so much weirdness here, and that's all it takes for people to hear about a few stories.
And a few affidavits and a few counties and a few instances to really sow doubt, and you have to fix that. You can't just say, oh, well, people who believe this are conspiracy theorists. You know, they're mental deficient (ph). No, they are not. They are upset Americans who don't feel that justice has been served. And you have to make sure we've had four years to fix whatever irregularities took place in 2016, and we haven't.
It has somehow gotten worse. And the distance between people who happen to have slightly different political beliefs, there is now a massive gap that seems un-fillable. So fix it and find a way. No one has really offered a solution to different states to make our voting system better so people have faith in the outcome, which we have to have.
PERINO: And Greg, obviously, you can't comment however you want. But I was going to mention that in less than a month you have voting starting again for those two Senate races in Georgia.
GUTFELD: And I want to touch on that. I do think that this fraud question has a lot. It matters. But with Purdue, at 49.7, if he had gone to the 50, there wouldn't have been a runoff.
PERINO: Right.
GUTFELD: So that .3 or 09, I mean, how many votes does he need?
PERINO: He needs the same -- he almost needs the exact same amount that Biden has up.
GUTFELD: Yeah. I mean, I'm serious. That's why you have to do the recount.
And to Jesse's point, all these irregularities, as usual, go in one direction. And just a week ago, we were told from everybody that there was no evidence. And now that there is evidence, now we are being told, well, yeah, there is evidence, but there's not enough evidence.
So -- but yes, and by the way, what's really endangered democracy is four years of delegitimizing a president, but we have been through that. So it is not about fraud, right? It is about trust. The people who push the four- year hoax created an environment where we can't trust any institution anymore. And they pulled everybody in on this charade, right?
So we can't trust the media. We can't even trust the FBI. We can't trust anybody. And meanwhile, they made this whole election a battle of good versus evil, right? So of course, they are going to cheat. If you are up against Darth Vader, Hitler, of course you are going to do it. So that environment also affected -- I can question their motives.
America can question their motives, because you guys basically said you hate us. So to quote Whoopi, "suck it up." Because by way, we've only -- and I say we because I question this. We have only been at this for two weeks. You guys did it for four years. And lastly, I am sick and tired of smirking anchors, not talking about you, Juan, smirking anchors who call themselves news anchors who sit here and arrogantly dismiss people's concerns, right?
They're up there going you can't be serious. They don't even bother reporting. This is a legal means of checking on an election, so let it be legal means to check on an election. I don't see them questioning the Democrats, you know, engaging in creating lists, which is not really a legal thing. It is kind of mob action. But they don't question that stuff.
They -- the same people on the Sunday shows that were talking about Russia are dismissing this. They are a bunch of hypocritical fools.
WILLIAMS: But Greg, let me just quickly say this. Isn't -- the president just fired the head of election security who said this was the most stable, honest election in history?
GUTFELD: Yes. And what a surprise, Trump fired somebody --
WILLIAMS: He is a Trump guy who speaks the truth.
PERINO: All right, ahead, the media not just going after President Trump, what a CNN anchor just said about his supporters.
WATTERS (on camera): Tearing down and trashing President Trump is not enough for the liberal media. They're Now targeting his supporters.
UNKNOWN: History's going to look back on this, and I think a lot of people are going to be embarrassed overtime when they look back and say, how did I do that? How did I fall for that? What happened to me? What was I thinking in that time? But your grandchildren and your kids will look back and say, what did grandpa do? What did dad do? What did mom do in this moment? And realize that you were on the wrong side of history.
WATTERS (on camera): And while the partisan press serves up softballs to Joe Biden, one Republican is calling out the glaring double standard.
UNKNOWN: You would have to be a special kind of stupid not to see the disparate treatment between Mr. Biden and Mr. Trump. Journalists can't pick sides. Otherwise, they are not seeking out the truth. They have got to be equal opportunity a-holes, if you will. And too many of our journalists have started picking sides.
WATTERS (on camera): God bless Senator Kennedy. Juan, at the top, what Lemon said, I don't like this whole idea of social shaming, you know, making people walk the plank when their guy loses and wearing, like, a scarlet letter for the rest of their lives. I think that just divides the country, not a very healthy idea. Would you agree?
WILLIAMS: No, but I don't think that is what he was doing.
WILLIAMS: Well, first of all --
WATTERS: That was my impression.
WILLIAMS: My impression is that what we are talking about is, you know, there an example, you know, Dana and I know Andy Card, used to be in the Bush White House. You know, Andy Card just wrote a piece. And he said 9/11 commission said failure to have a smooth transition after the 2000 election definitely had impact on what happened to the country with 9/11, right?
And you think about this being a volatile time in terms of the Coronavirus and the like. You think about the threat that we face, even our colleague Brian Kilmeade on "FOX & FRIENDS" said this morning, it's time for this transition to get going and for the President to cooperate with the incoming Biden administration.
Now, I think I agree with Brian Kilmeade. That's news right there, right?
GUTFELD: Typical mainstream media.
WILLIAMS: That's news right there. But I say, as to -- as to Senator Kennedy --
WATTERS: I can't believe we're quoting Brian Kilmeade.
WILLIAMS: Well, I'm just telling you, because this is what I did with you yesterday. I had to cite for you, Republican lawyers who say there's nothing to this.
WATTERS: Juan, that doesn't work with me.
WILLIAMS: I know. Nothing, nothing.
WATTERS: Kennedy, what are your thoughts on all this?
MONTGOMERY: I look at Don Lemon statement and I see a glaring example of groupthink. And I think it's incredibly dangerous, because you have to think the way we do, or you are wrong. And if you are wrong, there will be consequences. And that is the absolute implication there.
And we should all be offended by that. Our sensibilities should be offended by that, because we shouldn't be forced to look at the same problem in the same way or look at the same candidate, and have to vote for that person because a group of people who thinks better of themselves and they do have individuals, they're telling you that you have to vote for that person or you're going to wake up with regrets.
And if you look at the issues critically, you're not going to regret them.
And I hope to God that the press now treats every president the way they have treated President Trump and I hope they do it skeptically. And I hope that they are aggressive about it. And I hope they hold truth to power, no matter the administration. I doubt they're going to do that. And that is cowardly. If you're setting a new precedent, apply it uniformly. If you're not, then eat a bag.
WATTERS: Speaking of waking up every day with regret, Greg, your thoughts.
GUTFELD: Eat a bag of what, Kennedy? All right, the quote from Lemon was really he said, you'd be surprised what happens to people when they're on their deathbeds. And I always have a pretty good principle that when someone's fantasizing about somebody on their deathbed, it's not because they like you, right? He truly -- you know what he is? He's the hood ornament for that type of person who became everything they supposedly hated Trump about, right?
So, they always accuse Trump of being divisive and evil. And what happens is, no, they just -- they're just projecting their own interior hate and pain onto him. And you look at -- you look at Lemon, and that's what he did every single night. And so, what's happening, to your point about groupthink, is you're seeing all these interesting bedfellows in America where you see Glenn Greenwald on Tucker.
You know, these are things that are happening all the time. You see liberal
-- actual traditional liberals and conservatives meeting together. It's no longer republicans versus Democrats, red state versus blue, blacks versus whites, males versus females. It's America versus the industry that is creating these conflicts.
We're starting to figure this out, right? We're saying -- we're saying, as long as you pit white versus black, male versus female, gay versus straight, you're keeping us busy. So, we don't look at you. So, we don't look at you the media industrial complex, or Silicon Valley, the people that control the algorithms, or the -- or the comfy political establishment. Once we all of us stop fighting amongst ourselves, we can destroy this whole thing.
WATTERS: It's a good point. Dana, final thoughts.
PERINO: Have you seen -- I'm sure you've seen -- a lot of the analysis over the last four years, but really, in the past couple of weeks, increasingly is -- many people, I think Don Lemon is part of this because you said it, he just can't believe that there are actual Americans that really believe this stuff, and that he believes that one day they will reexamine their life and that they will come to see that he was right, which to me is like the exact opposite of the reason you wanted to go into journalism in the first place.
The news media, especially print reporter, sent reporters out across America to try to understand Trump voters and they just still -- they can't get it. But what they haven't done is taken a look at their own messaging and their own policies. So free college, Medicare for all, defund the police, cancel culture was a bit -- like that whole idea that cancel culture, President Trump -- I was going to say Bush -- President Trump's biggest applause line in 2016 was America has become too politically correct. And I think that that continued.
And you look at that some of these Republicans were able to beat Democrats in those swing districts in the House, I think that had a lot to do with it. So, rather than examining and putting Trump voters on the couch to try to psychoanalyze them, Democrats would probably be -- have time better spent thinking about their own messages because I think they're about to have their hats handed to them in Georgia.
WATTERS: That's right.
GUTFELD: I hope so.
WATTERS: Get on the couch libs. Like Dana said. Up next, Democrats pushing a massive big government giveaway demanding Joe Biden cancel almost -- you ready -- $2 trillion in student debt. Biden is not ruling it out.
WILLIAMS: Progressive Democrats pressuring Joe Biden to cancel student loan debt for 10s of millions of Americans. Senator Elizabeth Warren joining memories of the so-called squad in backing the idea.
SEN. ELIZABETH WARREN (D-MA): It is a mandate to Joe Biden and Kamala Harris to do the things we can do, to cancel student loan debt for tens of millions of Americans, single biggest stimulus we could add to the economy.
WILLIAMS: Joe Biden open to at least some of that proposal. He's calling for immediate congressional action to forgive $10,000 of student loan debt.
Kennedy, you know, young person getting out of school right now. Last few years, the job markets has not been good. They're saddled with debt and it would be a great economic stimulus. So, give us the downside.
MONTGOMERY: The downside is what you're saying to colleges and universities is, you know, keep jacking up prices because all of this is going to be paid for. The problem is, the colleges, they've added some TAs, very few professors, but tons of administration. So, now you have these massive, expensive, bloated administrations in public and private universities with absolutely no incentive to keep costs down.
So, if they keep handing out these degrees and liberal arts and, you know, I have a degree in philosophy which isn't like valuable, but you know what I did, which I encourage a lot of people to do? First of all, become a plumber or welder, which I did not do, but I would now because I hear the man to woman ratio is quite fantastical that it would be in my favor. But I went to community college for two years, got a 4.0, then got an academic scholarship to UCLA and had no student debt. It is possible. It's really tough. But if you do the work, it is worth it.
PERINO: And you're pregnant.
MONTGOMERY: Yes, I was. I was 38 weeks pregnant when I graduated from UCLA, and I had a human baby.
WILLIAMS: Good. Congrats.
WATTERS: Congrats?
WILLIAMS: Well, what do you want me to say?
WATTERS: I don't know. It's the way you said it.
WILLIAMS: OK. All right, so, Dana, on your show today, I saw your college president. And he was saying that, in fact, you know, most of the students in the school not only are they have debt, but they are working?
PERINO: No, he said not the debt part. No, he said that this is a smaller state school.
PERINO: His point was that what Elizabeth Warren at all are talking about often has to do with people who went to Ivy League schools or made decisions that people that go to like a smaller school like Colorado State University -- go Thunderwolves --
WATTERS: Thunderwolves?
PERINO: Yes, Thunderwolves. But they had to change it. It used to be that Indians, I think, or something like that. Anyway, there are -- you can make choices that are different for different people. But he was saying a lot of people that go to that school, they also have to work full time.
WILLIAMS: That's what I heard.
PERINO: Yes, but they're like work-study. They're not taking on tons of student loan debts and then like eating a picnic on the quad.
WILLIAMS: No, but they take on debts --
PERINO: They're like working their butts off, and many of them are first- generation. So, I just want to mention one other thing. Back in March, President Trump ended student -- the interest payment on student loans during the COVID. That runs out at the end of this year. So, either something has to happen quickly, or Biden is going to have to do something, but this is all going to be a train wreck.
WILLIAMS: All right. So, Jesse, you know, again, what we can see is mostly American people think it's a good idea to help students who are burdened by tremendous student debt at this time. And so the question becomes then, why not have president, potential president like Biden, act by executive action, do something if the Congress won't act?
WATTERS: He might. I mean, I blame the baby boomers. They just soaked the millennials so full of debt, Juan. Think about it. They really preyed on the generation. The transfer of wealth from 18-year-olds to 60-year-olds, we've never seen anything like that before. And now there's no economic activity generated by the millennials to tax, because they're just using all of their income to pay off their student loans, that they can't finance the retirement.
So, eventually, what they're going to have to do is raise taxes and print more money, and it's going to cause inflation and then it's going to leave Generation X, my generation, holding the back.
WILLIAMS: So, Bernie Sanders says, Greg, well, wait a second. Didn't President Trump just give a huge trillion-dollar tax break to the top one percent? So, we can't do this for the kids?
GUTFELD: Maybe he said that? I don't know.
GUTFELD: All I know is if you're going to cancel the debt, why don't you ask why the debts are there to begin with? It's because of the government.
The government-subsidized these loans which allow the tuition to keep inflating and inflating and creating this academic bubble that we have to lance, right.
And the only way we can do this is not canceling debt, because that's idiotic, because it's going to get you into a whole ream of different issues about what other debts you can cancel. And how about -- because what's going to happen is you're going to start creating different kinds of loans. Like if you go get a loan, you're going to have to sign something that says, this will not be canceled, right, because you let these people off the hook.
So, the fact is, you need to stop these loans so you could deflate the tuition, so that we can go back to the being able to afford college the way we used to back maybe in the 70s, or the 80s. There are millions of hardworking Americans who paid off their student loans.
PERINO: Absolutely.
GUTFELD: How are they going to feel when these critical race theory or gender studies graduates from Brown are getting their crap canceled, but these people already paid it up? Are they going to get -- are they going to get a refund? They should. The other thing too when you talk about debt, why do we -- why do we care about that debt? Like, how much is that a month, 250 bucks, 300 bucks?
PERINO: $300 to $500.
GUTFELD: Yes, OK. Well, what about car loan debt? What about the people who drive for a living who couldn't go to the Ivy League colleges, who helped, you know, take care of their families but they have a truck? Why not cancel that debt, right? The cab drivers, the Lyft drivers, the Uber drivers, why don't you cancel that debt? Why is this so important? It's because they're just a voting bloc you're trying to bribe? It's -- it is so wrong.
Principally, it's wrong.
If you have a debt that you voluntarily decided that you signed and that you paid, you got to pay it. The interest rates, another story. That's something you should go after are the interest rates. Why are they so high?
But get rid of government-subsidized loans.
WILLIAMS: Well, I'm a big -- I'm a big fan of education.
GUTFELD: I'm not. I hate education. I hate it.
WILLIAMS: More of THE FIVE -- more of THE FIVE coming up next.
MONTGOMERY: Welcome back. If you're running low on toilet paper, you might be in for a not so great time. Panic buyers across America, they're at it again emptying out shelves of T.P., food, and disinfectants. Dana, as the virus spikes, people's urge to hoard is right there with it. So, what is a body to do if you can't find any of those?
PERINO: America, we just went through this. We just explain that it doesn't work. Like, the supply chains will work. Everything will be fine. You don't need to do this. And yet everybody is doing it again. I'm bummed about it.
MONTGOMERY: Greg, you're laughing. But if you go into stores, like you see people like looking around buying the giant 12 pack of bounty.
GUTFELD: This is why I missed the hard copy of Newsweek. Remember back in the day before the internet? You had the New York Times or whatever the local paper. And if you ran out of toilet paper, there was your toilet paper. But the key for me is to always --
MONTGOMERY: But Newsweek is too smooth.
GUTFELD: Well -- anyway, again, it reminds you that Trump was right, right?
Trump was right about the panic. He was like, you know, we can't keep having people panic. It's not good. And he tried to Trump it with optimism.
But always -- I always like things that nobody likes. So, when I go to the supermarket, all the stuff that I like is there.
Like, I can -- nobody's causing a run on gizzards. Like, you can still get the neck gizzards if you want them.
MONTGOMERY: That's right. And vegan food. They show -- the vegan meats, kumquats --
GUTFELD: Nobody -- kumquats. Kumquats are there.
MONTGOMERY: And a bottle of pickled pimento cheese. Have at it. So, Jessie, a lot of stores finally lifted the restriction of one item per customer.
And so, now people like oh, free for all. I'm getting my toilet paper on.
WATTERS: Yes. They're also buying self-help books. Those things are flying off the shelves. I saw an empty case. It was where Greg's book was.
GUTFELD: The Plus?
WATTERS: No more. No more. And I was going to say, you know, Trump was right, but he stole my -- he stole my notes there.
PERINO: He beat you to it.
GUTFELD: How often does that happen?
WATTERS: It was my A, B, C, D, and E commentary.
WILLIAMS: I believe that. I believe that's right.
MONTGOMERY: Juan, I'm part of the problem. Because I'll go to one store just get a little thing toilet paper and then I'll go to the next door and get another little thing of toilet paper.
WATTERS: No, you do not.
MONTGOMERY: I look very brave -- I look very brave just getting like one small thing but I get a lot of small thing.
WILLIAMS: Well, I think -- I think that's like, you know, people who want to feel like they have some control at a time when I think we all feel like we don't have control. So, you can go into stores and like, oh, I got a lot of toilet paper, I got toilet -- but it doesn't make a difference as we were saying a moment ago.
We've been through this once before. The supply chain didn't break.
Nothing's wrong. There's going to be there, so calm down.
MONTGOMERY: I wish I had invested in plexiglass, toilet paper, Purell, and dominatrices. "ONE MORE THING" is up next. Stay right here.
WATTERS: Get ready Fox News fans. The second annual patriot award is coming to you Friday, November 20th, in case you missed it last year. It's a major event hosted by Pete Hegseth showcasing and awarding America's heroes including military vets and first responders. And some of our top talent are going to be making virtual appearances including Tucker, Hannity, Laura, "FOX & FRIENDS," and most importantly Dana Perino and Jasper.
All right. So, check out also musical performances Jessie James Decker, Clint Black, and many more, and a touching tribute for COVID-19 first responders from John Rich. So, stream the Patriot Awards this Friday live November 20th at 8:00 p.m. Eastern on Fox Nation.
GUTFELD: All right, Dana.
PERINO: OK, so, just a couple blocks of here is Rockefeller Center, and they just brought the big Christmas tree. So, Christmas is happening. It was not canceled. Here it is, OK. But guess what else came with the tree?
This little tiny owl.
So, they found the owl in the tree. He came all the way from the Raven -- where did he come from? It's the Norway spruce. I'm not exactly sure where
-- what great state that came from.
WATTERS: Probably New York.
WILLIAMS: Upstate New York. It's Upstate New York.
PERINO: It's in Upstate New York. And so can you imagine this owl is going down the highway 75 miles an hour. Like, what in the world is going on. The Ravensbeard Wildlife Center has been taking care of him saying that he ate a buffet of mice and he's doing very well. And his name is Rockefeller.
GUTFELD: Very, very good. Obviously, a Rockefeller. All right. Let's do -- oh, wait, no, no, no. I got a new show coming up. It's at Columbia, South Carolina.
PERINO: Oh, wow.
WATTERS: Look how small Tom Shillue's name is in there.
GUTFELD: You know, he doesn't mind.
WATTERS: You can't even see it.
GUTFELD: He doesn't mind. Trust me. All right. Let's do this real quick.
Keith Olbermann News. People have been asking me, what's Keith Olbermann up to? We haven't seen him in ages. Well, you know what? He moved to Japan and he's got a new job. Check him out. He is actually working as a monster wolf to scare away bears that were overrunning local homes or destroying crops.
Keith Olbermann is happy to do this because he always wants to lend a hand for the locals. And he actually looks great. At least his pelt looks great.
PERINO: And so, as his (INAUDIBLE)
WATTERS: That was your college mascot.
GUTFELD: Yes. All right, Juan.
WILLIAMS: All right, so, you know, tough times make creative people. Take a look at Mary Schulz, a teacher in Rockwell, Iowa. As you can see, she greets her students with salutes, finger snapping, foot shakes, the floss, twirls, cheers for the Iowa State Cyclones, and even the yoga tree pose.
She came up with these unique socially distance greetings to replace the hugs and kisses she used to offer when greeting her third-grade students in the morning.
PERINO: Oh, my God.
WILLIAMS: How does she remember all these moves? I bet those kids are going to remember her for the rest of their lives. What a great teacher.
PERINO: Oh my gosh. That's a great "ONE MORE THING."
MONTGOMERY: That's awesome.
GUTFELD: Kennedy?
MONTGOMERY: I miss teachers. You don't have to go to Diagon Alley to get a Harry Potter-inspired motorized broomstick, because a super fun in Brazil found way to put this beautiful contraption in action. It goes 37 miles per hour. It sets you back $740. I want one now and the owl on the tree might have been Harry Potter's owl Hedwig.
PERINO: Peter is going to want to get that for my mom for Christmas.
MONTGOMERY: He should do it.
PERINO: He will say -- I mean, look, they have this ongoing joke. It's a joke.
MONTGOMERY: You don't even need the Hogwarts Express.
GUTFELD: Wow. That's pretty harsh, Dana. I hope they're not watching right now.
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