Gutfeld on media coverage of latest Hunter Biden news
Greg Gutfeld weighs in on latest developments involving Hunter Biden's business affairs on 'The Five.'
This is a rush transcript from “The Five" October 28, 2020. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.
JESSE WATTERS, FOX NEWS HOST: Hello, everybody. I'm Jesse Watters, along with Greg Gutfeld, Dana Perino, Juan Williams and Kennedy. It's 5 o'clock in New York City, and this is THE FIVE.
And then there were six, President Trump and Joe Biden battling for votes now less than a week before election day. The president steam rolling his way through crucial swing states again today. He's in Arizona right now getting ready for another rally, the president having some fun and going on offense against Joe Biden.
DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: A vote for sleepy Joe Biden is a vote for open borders, offshoring jobs, shredding your second amendment, which is totally under siege by the way.
TRUMP: You are so lucky I'm your president. It's a choice between a Trump boom and Biden lockdown. He'll close it up. We were in Pennsylvania, right, you saw that, we had three rallies in Pennsylvania, it was incredible, thousands and thousands and thousands of people and Joe was in his basement and he saw it and his handlers much more importantly saw it. They say sleepy Joe, we have to get you out of here, we got to move you. It is not looking good because you know, they put a lid on. You know, a lid for a garbage can. This is for.
WATTERS: As for as Joe Biden, he couldn't even be bothered to leave his home state. Sleepy Joe in Delaware, attacking President Trump over the pandemic yet again.
JOE BIDEN (D), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: We've lost more than 220,000 lives to this virus already. This administration has given up, he leaves everyone else to suffer the consequence of his failure to make a responsible plan. It seems like he just doesn't care much about it. And the longer he's in charge, the more reckless he gets.
I'm not running on false promise of being able to end this pandemic by flipping a switch. But what I can promise you is this, we will start on day one doing the right things.
WATTERS: While Biden is acting like he's got the race in the bag, others, not so fast, including the New York Times, which points out, quotem, "can we trust Pennsylvania's polls, they show Joe Biden clinching crucial counties, so why does it feel so different on the ground here?"
All right before we get this out of the way, I got to talk about this malicious suppression poll from ABC in Wisconsin, they have Joe Biden up 14 points, 17 points or something ridiculous. I looked in the internals, they under sample Republicans by eight, they oversample independents and other by 14, that's where they hide the Democrat leaners, by the way and they have President Trump losing his base. They have him shedding like 12, 15, 16 points with white men, with no college degree. It doesn't make any sense there. I feel better now.
Juan Williams, I think you would agree that the race is a little closer than the polls would suggest, don't you?
JUAN WILLIAMS, FOX NEWS CO-HOST & POLITICAL ANALYST: Yes, I mean, you know, again, I'm a bed wetter to use Dana's language, I am worried and I think everybody needs to get, keep their foot on the pedal. And as you can see from my sticker today, Jesse, I was out there, stood in line for two hours to vote. So, I just think that --
WATTERS: All right.
WILLIAMS: -- the fact though of what you described earlier it seems to me is more telling than any words or any poll, no matter if the poll is an outlier, I think it's very telling that President Trump is in Arizona for two rallies, Joe Biden was in Georgia and Delaware, I think it tells you who is on offense and who is expanding the map --
WATTERS: On offense in Delaware?
WILLIAMS: Delaware is right there next to Pennsylvania and Delaware media market as you know stand right there.
WATTERS: Because Nevada is right next to Arizona. Yes. Nevada is right next to Arizona. But go ahead.
WILLIAMS: Well, I'm just telling you, I'm telling you both those states, much like we see not only by the way, in terms of the ABC/Washington Post poll in Wisconsin, but, you know, in Michigan, I mean, it looks good right now, but as I say, you know, you got to stay strong.
I will say this for the Trump rally in Arizona, Jesse, I hope his fans are happy that the temperature in Arizona is better than it was in Nebraska last night, where Trump fans were left to freeze and some hospitalized after he left.
WATTERS: Yes, I didn't hear about that. Greg Gutfeld, how do you see things six days out? What's so funny?
GREG GUTFELD, FOX NEWS CO-HOST: Juan seems to enjoy the fact that Trump supporters are hospitalized, fun. Anyway --
WILLIAMS: No. Jesse said he didn't hear about it, Greg.
GUTFELD: But you enjoyed it.
WATTERS: Yes, I haven't heard about that.
GUTFELD: You could have brought it up. But you certainly enjoyed it. All right, so I wonder how much changes --
WILLIAMS: I enjoy Jesse's, not you.
GUTFELD: -- when you were alone in that voting booth. When you are alone in that voting booth, you are far from emotional and irrational peers, co- workers and neighbors who are constantly trying to judge you. Inside that voting booth, you can think for yourself, you can go with your gut and you don't have to worry about Twitter mobs or anybody the screaming memes of the media coming after you.
So, what do you do in a safe situation? You think for yourself. So, I think that's where you're going to really -- that's where the real poll is on Tuesday. Now we got -- we -- you were talking about Joe being in Atlanta and we listen to Atlanta -- we listen to his speech yesterday when he came in during THE FIVE, which was grossly unfair.
It's kind of surreal for me. Because people talk about Trump repeating himself, what about the candidate who constantly makes the familiar promises to African-Americans about homeownership, about education about wages and saying it as though none of these things have happened yet, who does that indict?
Who has been in power for 45 years? Who is that indicting? It's actually indicting Joe Biden, who has gotten none of this done. And so he has the gall to stand up there and repeat the same things he said over and over again as though they were now magically come true and you shouldn't support Trump, who in four years has done more for real wages, for real unemployment, and real opportunity in four years than I guess Biden did in 40 years.
I am jealous of Democrats who are able to say the same stuff every four years and no one bothers to call them on it when every metric that they promise gets worse. Democrat -- I mean, Trump did so much to enhance the freedom of the average African-American while Joe was, quote, "putting them back in chains" to use his phrases, merely quoting him.
WATTERS: Yes, Kennedy, what did you -- what did -- that was kind of the president's closing argument at that final debate, he was saying Joe is all talk, no action. You know, you were there just three and a half years ago, why didn't you do it then, and that was pretty effective.
LISA KENNEDY MONTGOMERY, FOX BUSINESS HOST: That was effective, I thought that was one of the more effective times in the debate, that and finally having a more robust debate discussion about criminal justice reform but really going through the Obama-Biden record and saying, you know, you just had this.
And now I'm a little surprised that the president didn't come up with this phrase sooner and make it part of his lexicon, the choice between Trump boom and a Biden lockdown, because that is one of those stark choices that people will be --
MONTGOMERY: -- pondering themselves when they are in the polling booth. And Greg is actually right about that. That's a very, very intimate moment and, you know, if the polls are wrong, if they are completely wrong and President Trump pulls this out, then you have to look at some of these polls if in fact the methodology is so skewed to favor Democrats, that in and of itself is a form of voter suppression because that means people are so overly confident in their candidate they are not going to go out and vote. And it actually does a disservice to Biden supporters.
GUTFELD: Interesting.
WATTERS: I would agree, they are not going to stand in line if they think it's in the bag.
WATTERS: It just motivates Republicans. They don't even know what's coming on election day.
Dana, the president closing with the economic argument, the corruption argument and having a lot of fun. Joe closing with the pandemic and bringing in Barack Obama to campaign with him, I believe, in Michigan on this weekend. How do you ascertain that?
DANA PERINO, FOX NEWS CO-HOST: I feel like President Obama is having a blast. I've always believed that the match up --
WATTERS: You do?
PERINO: -- that both Trump and Obama really ever wanted was to go against each other, obviously that can't happen. But I think President Obama is like, I'm going to get in there and give my best shot. And I think Michigan, you know, going there, is showing that -- showing to Michigan voters that we're not going to take this for granted like Hillary Clinton did in Wisconsin and in Michigan.
I just want to mention one thing about Arizona, because I feel like it's super important that President Trump go there, he really needs to win it. And a lot of talk has been done about the suburban women, but not enough study and discussion has been centered around Latinos, especially Latino men. And President Trump is on track to do as well as he did in 2016 or better with Latino men, not just in Arizona, but across the board and that can help balance out some of the losses he may have had in the suburbs.
WATTERS: All right. I would agree with that. And coming up, Hunter Biden's former business partner spoke out and said Joe Biden is a liar. Greg is all over that, next.
GUTFELD: So last night on Tucker, Tony Bobulinski, a former business associate of Hunter Biden made some big claims about Joe Biden's involvement in Hunter's shady dealings.
TONY BOBULINSKI, HUNTER BIDEN'S FORMER BUSINESS ASSOCIATE: Sitting with Joe Biden and Hunter Biden and Joe came through the lobby with his security. Hunter introduced me, this is Tony, dad, the individual I told you about that's helping us with the business that we're working on and the Chinese.
TUCKER CARLSON, FOX NEWS HOST: The former vice president had said he had no knowledge whatsoever of his son's business dealings and was not involved in them.
BOBULINSKI: That's a blatant lie. I know Joe decided not to run in 2016, but what if he ran in the future, aren't they taking political risk or headline risk? And I remember looking at Joe Biden and saying, how are you guys getting away with this, like, aren't you concerned? And he looked at me and he laughed a little bit and said plausible deniability.
GUTFELD: Plausible deniability. It's the name of my yacht. Now with six days left in this campaign, the chattering chuckle buckets will say this story isn't going to move the needle, maybe. But that's only if you're looking at this politically.
The big picture, we live in the world where the news depends on who the media wishes to protect or harm. If it weren't a Biden, but a Pence, this would flood the airwaves. We would have to sedate the entire CNN anchor team with elephant tranquilizers.
But today, more journalists are Democrats and are for warn. If you report on this story, you will be helping Trump get re-elected, so don't touch this story with a 10-foot pole, or a Hunter's case, a 10-foot strip pole. It's the same thing with riots. Any honest reporting helps Trump, so don't do it. But if this story had implicated Trump, can you imagine? But you don't have to.
RACHEL MADDOW, HOST, MSNBC: This guy Kilimnik keeps turning up and again and again. Konstantin Kilimnik, Konstantin Kilimnik, Konstantin Kilimnik, Konstantin Kilimnik, he is still Russian military intelligence.
Aluminum smelter, he started sleeping at his smelters, sabotage in his smelters. Came to his smelters, very brutal start, right? Sleeping in the smelters. Tick, tick, tick. Boom. Started ticking again. Tick, tick, tick, tick, tick. Four hours later, boom, boom. You're stressing me out, he starts tick, tick, ticking again.
GUTFELD: Whoever smelt it. Those were the days, when unsubstantiated rumors created nightly comic masterpieces. Yet, you aren't even acting close to these nuts over Hunter and we have tapes and the words and the witnesses, yet we see a media blackout all agreeing to take a dive as reporters.
Bring up Hunter, it's like breaking wind in the world's tiniest elevator, how dare you screams the press. Well, we learned how to live with lies from the best or worst, that's you, the left-wing media, our trust in you is gone and you are despised by all. So while you ignore Hunter the rest of America ignores you.
So, Dana, we were talking about this, I think I was talking about it with you. Anyway, we were talking about like, if this had been somebody else, there would have been like reams of reporters or teams of reporters, TMZ would be parked outside his house, but there is none of that.
PERINO: Well, what's interesting is that because there isn't any of that, that's why you see Fox News and having some of the biggest ratings of its entire existence and I think that voters are smart enough to figure things out. They can read a story, they can decide. And I don't actually think that voters are decide -- are choosing to vote on corruption, right? I mean, I just don't think that is.
I think that the bigger picture is so much more important, the way that the president frames it, right? He says, go with me, that the American dream, go with him you get the socialist nightmare. But these issues of character, if that is what we're worried about, right, so if that's what they say they are concerned about, this would be one of those issues.
And I think that the media has made this decision, it is not like, Greg, back in the old days where there is just a newspaper, so you have limited space. There is unlimited space to cover this story on a thing called the internet that Al Gore invented, you might have heard of it.
PERINO: That doesn't -- that doesn't take up space, you were able to cover lots of different things. In fact, the New York Times today has a whole feature on can you tell if somebody is a Biden voter or a Trump voter by looking inside their refrigerator? So, there is plenty of space and plenty of opportunity --
PERINO: -- to cover lots of different aspects of this.
GUTFELD: Yes. Well, Kennedy, if you look into the refrigerator of a libertarian, what do you find, a drifter?
MONTGOMERY: You find bags of weed and a human head. No, of course not, but you also you don't find $18 of quart ice cream like you do in Nancy Pelosi's fridge, I tell you that much.
GUTFELD: That's -- yes.
MONTGOMERY: This actually reminds me of the Harvey Weinstein case. Because there so whispers and you mentioned for knowledge which I think is really important. And so many people knew what Harvey Weinstein was doing, but very few people were brave enough to actually stand up to him.
Seth McFarlane did when he hosted the Oscars and so did Brad Pitt when he was dating Gwyneth Paltrow. He went up to Harvey Weinstein reportedly and threatened him because of something that Harvey Weinstein had said to his then girlfriend.
And there are a few lonely voices who are covering this and, you know, what the hope is that Hunter Biden is just a really yucky person who has done some classless things and made questionable choices and they hope that that is how it is contained.
And this is what I warned about during the impeachment, is that, if you lower the bar so much and if you create this simple threshold for impeachment, then you have to apply that universally to both sides.
And if Tony Bobulinski is saying that Hunter Biden knew about all of this, if any of that is minutely proven and Joe Biden took a dime from any of that, then why wouldn't you, if you are using the same threshold and the same standard, why would you not impeach Joe Biden? And that's why you have to be careful with these things, because at some point, the entire script is going to very inconveniently flip.
GUTFELD: Yes, impeachment is contagious, Juan, why don't -- why don't the Republicans start a pre-emptive impeachment on Joe Biden, in case he wins? They could actually start it tomorrow, what do you think?
WILLIAMS: Well, yes. I think that's a great show, that's a great show, we should put that one up there as an idea, I'm sure it would get prime time.
I mean, you know, for me, the bottom line -- the bottom line here is conspiracy theories are very entertaining, including a possible impeachment hearing before the man is elected. But I would say, how credible is this guy? I mean, I just don't know.
What I do know is that, you know, the Trump camp took him and all their documents to a house in Virginia and had a Wall Street Journal reporter, somebody, you know, at a credible newspaper, our own parent company, and that reporter then not only listened to him, but went through the documents and came to a conclusion that Joe Biden did nothing wrong, no money changed hands to the Bidens.
And so, I think to myself, you know, this just is incredible, so maybe that's why the media focuses on things people care about like, you know, we can't go inside restaurants even though it's getting cold, we can't send our kids to school. That's what people care about, and that's what get reporting coverage not wild conspiracy theories.
GUTFELD: Meanwhile, it was the impeachment that kept people from actually thinking or investigating COVID, go I guess you got to go back to that origin story.
Hey, Jesse, it didn't matter if the dossier was legal, what happened in the dossier was legal or illegal, it was about being compromised, so now the media is just saying nothing illegal here, as if that matters.
WATTERS: Well, first of all, Juan's claim that the Wall Street Journal debunked this story has been debunked, Juan, first of all. Second of all, I don't think you even read the Wall Street Journal article, because if you read the article, they did not debunk this, they actually helped substantiate what they saw. My, I'd like Peter Doocy to ask Joe Biden --
WILLIAMS: No. Jesse, go back, that's so long. You shouldn't tell people something like that.
WATTERS: -- this question for the next week. We'll see if they can do this. Excuse me, Juan, let me just give Peter some advice, ask the vice president, hey, Mr. Vice President, have you ever met Tony? Let's see if he can answer that question, because that would settle a lot of things.
You bring up credibility, let's bring it up. Who do you believe? Do you believe the naval officer that held a high security clearance that commanded a nuclear submarine that has e-mails and documentation and voice recordings, who went to the FBI under penalty of perjury and said his story, or do you believe the political family with a history of plagiarism and shady deal making who's hidden and ran for the hills since this broke and three of their business partners are in prison?
The deal is very simple. They cooked it up in 2015, while Joe was V.P., the Chinese communist sent $10 million to the Biden family, five million of it was an interest-free loan, the other five million went to the holding company where Jim Biden the bro held back 10 for the big guy.
So then Tony meets with the V.P. twice on this and then when Tony wants to put in good corporate governance, Joe Biden says no, they cut Tony out of the deal and then they smear him as a Russian agent when he goes to the FBI.
But the best part of the story is this. The communist Chinese guy who they were dealing the deal with, he was under FBI surveillance because he was a spy. And then when he gets popped by the SDNY for bribery, Hunter Biden represents him for a million-dollar fee and now he's serving three years in jail. So, the Biden family was doing business with Chinese communist spies were who under FBI surveillance, boom. How's that for a boom?
GUTFELD: That's a boom. And on that note, big tech CEOs on Capitol Hill defending censoring conservatives on social media, there is a beard. See you next.
WILLIAMS: Republicans getting their chance to grill big tech CEOs over allegations of censorship. The heads of Twitter, Facebook, and Google all testifying today before a Senate committee. Watch this.
SEN. TED CRUZ (R-TX): Mr. Dorsey, who the hell elected you and put you in charge of what the media are allowed to report and what the American people are allowed to hear and why do you persist in behaving as a Democratic super PAC silencing views to the contrary of your political beliefs?
JACK DORSEY, CEO, TWITTER: We're not doing that. And this is why I opened this hearing with calls for more transparency.
SEN. MIKE LEE (R-UT): Can you name for me one high profile person or entity from a liberal ideology who you have censored?
MARK ZUCKERBERG, CEO, FACEBOOK: Senator, I need to -- I need to think about it and then get you more of a list.
WILLIAMS: Jesse, I just thought to myself, it looks like they're concerned about censorship. But at the same time, whenever I look at Facebook, it's like nine of the top 10 posts come from President Trump, come from Ben Shapiro and other conservatives, so what why is the right-wing saying they're being censored?
WATTERS: Because they are, Juan. Imagine -- probably it would be all 10 out of 10 would have the most traffic on Facebook if there wasn't censorship. I don't know. I'm trying really hard not to talk about Jack Dorsey's beard. I made a commitment in the beginning of the year I wasn't going to mention physical appearance, so I'm just going to try to stay with that.
But Juan, I mean, it's clear they couldn't name one liberal organization, one prominent Democrat that they've ever flagged for censorship yet I could name dozens of conservatives off the top of my head right now that have been censored. They say, oh, right now, we don't know any evidence if there was any Russia disinformation with Hunter Biden, no evidence of hacking, and no evidence that it was forgeries, yet you still, the New York Post, can't tweet that article out.
And they say we have all these fact-checkers looking into it, and then Bob (INAUDIBLE) told Tucker Carlson, not one representative from Twitter, or Facebook has called him to help verify the story. So, you know, we bring these guys in every couple of months. They say they don't discriminate, and they fly home and discriminate. I'm sick of it.
WILLIAMS: Well, you know, to my mind, Greg, I think that these big companies love clicks because clicks equal money, so they look the other way on this information most of the time.
GUTFELD: Well, I don't know. When Twitter blocks Kayleigh McEnaney but not the Ayatollah, not the king of Death to America, there's something going on here. I am just wondering where the traditional liberals went, the free speech absolutist. They were the ones that were always on this side, and now they're not. And they're on the side of an entity that is about controlling narratives.
It's not about -- you don't cure censorship with more censorship so it's bizarre that we're even having this discussion. But you have to look at what they're doing. They're controlling stories. They're controlling narratives through algorithms. That is the scary part of this.
WILLIAMS: Well, Dana, isn't it right to warn people about a post that says masks don't save lives?
PERINO: I think -- here's the thing is that under the law, as it was written in 1996, when the internet was just getting started, the section 230 basically what it says is, you cannot be sued or held liable for anything that is that somebody else posts on your site. But it also said that you are a private company, and therefore you're allowed to do whatever you want.
So, as Neil Ferguson said today on "THE DAILY BRIEFING," it's a catch 22 for the consumer of the information. And this is what I think. When you saw Ted Cruz today make that statement in the way that he did, even though this was an issue in 2016 and nobody did anything, and now we're in 2020, I think this is going to be an issue that Republicans and Democrats both try to run on in 2024.
In the meantime, technology continues to grow by leaps and bounds. So, Washington is always so far behind where these guys are.
WILLIAMS: Kennedy, what do you think about conservatives suddenly trying to regulate private business?
MONTGOMERY: I'm not a fan of it, but I don't think these big tech corporations have to worry about conservatives as much in terms of that 1996 law that Dana just pointed out as people like Elizabeth Warren.
And if she becomes a part of the Biden administration, if he's elected, then she's going to do whatever she can if she is labor secretary, or treasury secretary to dismantle these companies and take them apart because I think you have a pretty robust antitrust appetite when it comes to big tech companies. And that's from both sides.
So, it's very interesting that that employees of these companies have poured so much money into Joe Biden's campaign and other Democrat races because it's Democrats who want to take them apart and Republicans who are looking for this federal imposition of fairness. And Jack Dorsey perjured himself today when he said that the New York Post story is available for retweet. It is not. You cannot access it and you cannot retweet it and that is a lie. And he is the CEO of that company and he knows better.
WILLIAMS: All right, thanks, Kennedy. Major cities bracing for election and unrest that comes after Philadelphia had so much trouble erupted into chaos over a police shooting. Next on THE FIVE.
PERINO: Philadelphia rocked by a second night of violence and chaos as authorities try to regain control of the streets. Police say 1,000 looters targeted and vandalized businesses. This all broke up -- broke out after police shot a black man, 27-year-old Walter Wallace Jr. Now, officers say he was carrying a knife and ignored orders to drop it before they open fire. They killed him on Monday afternoon in that event.
And other cities are already bracing for unrest over the election. Beverly Hills will close iconic Rodeo Drive next Tuesday over security concerns. And places like New York City, Chicago, and Baltimore are preparing for unrest, and it could extend way beyond that. In fact, Kennedy, we know that even in Texas, they are preparing for that eventuality.
KENNEDY: And I think what that shows is people are more optimistic than you would think that the President is going to be reelected. Because I think that's the only way you're going to see real unrest. If Joe Biden wins in a landslide, I think it's going to bring the temperature down a little bit. If the race is too close to call on election night, I don't think people are going to freak out as much. But if the president wins out, right, that is when you're going to see this kind of reaction.
And it's interesting in Philadelphia -- Pennsylvania is one of the states that I think is actually a little bit closer than the polling dictates. So if this is happening in Philadelphia, which last I checked is in Pennsylvania, that could be a bad sign for the state for Joe Biden, regardless of his Scranton ties. And it's not just there, it is happening in cities in California, there were also cold protests in reaction to this killing.
PERINO: Yes. And Greg, you know -- well, you hate to see it but you also have to prepare for it because you know that it has happened. We've seen it happen right before our very eyes, including yours.
GUTFELD: Yes, and I mean, we hear a lot about the victim who was killed. He was an armed and violent criminal. I believe he was awaiting trial for a violent assault. He put a gun to a woman's head previously, but I know that was in the past. On October 21st, Harold Preston, an officer in Houston, he'd been a police officer for 41 years, he was shot and killed in a domestic disturbance.
I bring that up, because in both of these instances with the police in Philadelphia, and the late Harold Preston, they arrived first, and they dealt with a risk. And one incident went one way, and led to rioting and looting which by the way, have nothing to do with racial injustice, it has to do with opportunity for looting. And the other one, you don't even hear about it.
You maybe hear about it on THE FIVE that a police officer was killed, but they both have the same thing in common. Both police officers arrived first and have to deal with an unknown risk. And we allow the destruction to follow because our leaders are cowards. So, I'm going to cede the rest of my time for the next block because this is very important.
This is not gross indifference of our leaders, it's the tragedy of the commons. They are looking out for themselves at the expense of the citizens. They're having these hearings on the Manchester bombing which happened in May 17th, 23 people were killed. They were interviewing security who had identified the bomber before he set his bomb off and killed nearly two dozen people.
The reason why the security people didn't go after the guy, he was afraid that he would be branded a racist because the man was "Asian, which is a Muslim." So, the security was fearful of being called out. This instinct is playing out nationwide in every liberal city where their liberal governance. They are fearful of being called racist when they condemn looting, or when they condemn arson or injuries, when innocent people are attacked.
That is -- that trend is going to lead to the further destruction of our society. I'm living in New York City. Everybody I know that owns businesses are hiring security because they expect no one's going to be there for them. I mean, the mayor is gone. He's nowhere. The very wealthy anchors, they're going to go to the Hamptons.
I'm going to stay downtown where my apartment is and I'm going to see what happens. And I have security. I've hired security. My building hired security. That's what we have to do because we no longer trust our local government. It sucks. It's terrible. And people who are now back in New York who have to be here for work, it's going to be interesting when you see what really happens.
PERINO: Yes. Juan, let's get your thoughts on this.
WILLIAMS: Well, I think that what happened in Philadelphia has to do with a police shooting, not anything to do with Election Day. And I think it's grossly inaccurate to somehow create that impression. The question Philadelphia is why did he have to be shot and killed? His mother was explaining to the police, yelling to the police that he had mental issues, and I think that's what people are concerned about.
With regard to the election stuff, I think there's nobody who stirs up fear and anxiety and the possibility of violence more than President Trump when he tells Proud Boys stand back, stand by, and tells people to go monitor those who are voting. It's just unbelievable. And I think he thinks that's an excuse if the election goes the wrong way for him to say that this election was illegitimate, but it's damaging to the country.
PERINO: All right, the last word goes to you, Jesse.
GUTFELD: Who's burning down the cities? Whose looting? Do you think it's a proud boys or Trump doing that? Be real, Juan. Unbelievable.
WILLIAMS: Oh, yes. I'll tell you. I'll be real. I'll be real. Who was shooting into a police station? That was Proud Boys, wasn't it?
PERINO: All right, Jesse. I'm going to give you that word.
WATTERS: OK. I mean, I will just say, Juan, a black male was shot dead the other night, a black female shot in the leg, three black men were shot in the abdomen, a white woman was shot in the knee, and a white man was shot in the back. ABC News crews were attacked and multiple ATMs were blown to smithereens.
The Proud Boys weren't anywhere near any of that, OK. This is a city in Philadelphia that has a majority black police department, has a black police chief, has a Democrat mayor, and a Democrat governor. Somehow this is Trump's fault, I know that's what you're going to say, but it's not.
Whether this guy had mental problems or was perfectly fit upstairs, he was charging police officers with a knife. That's a problem. I don't know how you deal with it, but it was a sad situation. And if this happens on Election Day or afterwards, I don't know what you're going to do and I don't know how -- what kind of excuse you're going to make up.
You can't blame it on a Post Office conspiracy. You're not going to be able to blame it again on Russia collusion with the Hunter laptop. I don't know what the excuses this time for violence. But if Donald Trump wins, there will be an excuse.
PERINO: All right, thanks, everybody. We have more of THE FIVE coming up next.
MONTGOMERY: Welcome back. And remember to bring your mask next time you fly or you're not going to be getting off the ground. Delta, United, Alaska Airlines have banned more than 900 passengers for not wearing a face mask. And, Jesse, it turns out if you don't wear a mask on some of these flights like Delta, they will point you on something akin to the no-fly list. And good luck getting to grandma's house for Thanksgiving. What do you think?
WATTERS: Yes, don't be a COVIDiot. Wear a mask. They're going to put you on a watch list like a jihadist. The next time your buddy has a bachelor party in Vegas, you're going to have to drive there. I hate to mask shame, but you're making me mask shame. Don't make me mask shame and just wear a mask.
MONTGOMERY: You've turned, Jesse, into a (INAUDIBLE). So, Juan, have you -- have you flown commercial recently? You see that people are lovely -- they're germophobes, and they're wiping down everything with Clorox and alcohol. Everyone is masked up. I can't imagine trying to get on a plane without it.
WILLIAMS: I agree, Kennedy. I think, you know, you have to wear your seatbelt. The Department of Defense just put out a study. It said, wearing a mask on a flight protects yourself, but more importantly, protects others. I think it's just common sense.
MONTGOMERY: Greg, I don't know if I'll ever fly maskless again. But I mean, in a Halloween costume, like cosplay.
GUTFELD: Well, I think -- there you go. Well, I think that to be truly American, you balance the benefit, cooperation, and risk. So, you wear a mask out of concern for others. That's what it's about. It's to keep you from spreading things.
But as an American, you should always remain skeptical of new laws because your guard -- your guard is always going to be instinctively up regarding infringement on freedom. That's how we are. So, you wear a mask but don't start treating some poor mother like the devil because she can't get her two-year-old to wear a mask on a flight, all right.
Our media is showing more contempt for people trying to make it through this pandemic than they do for rioters and looters -- oh, I'm sorry, peaceful protesters.
MONTGOMERY: Yes, but Dana, people who don't wear masks on planes, they're really just looking for fights, right? I mean, they know what's going to happen when everyone gets in a lather when they refuse to put a face covering on. Aren't they just drama queens?
PERINO: They're looking -- I don't know. I know that it is uncomfortable, but I also think that this goes back to -- remember we were talking about liability protection for businesses in regards to COVID. It never happened in the Congress, and I think this is one of the things that happen. They have to just do something to protect themselves.
MONTGOMERY: And we're going to protect you from the ordinary because "ONE MORE THING" is up next.
WATTERS: It's time now for "ONE MORE THING." Download the Fox Bet Super 6 app and play the election 2020 game for a free chance to win $50,000 from our friends at Fox Bet. Pick six possible outcomes and watch Election Day coverage on Fox News on November 3rd to see how it all unfolds. Again, download the Fox Bet Super 6 app now to get started.
All right, Jesse's Yearbook News. Here we go. It has become very popular, and we got some new photos we want to show you guys. We found our very own Kennedy High School photo from Lake Ridge High School in Oregon. Look at that hair.
MONTGOMERY: Yes. Thank you, 1989.
WATTERS: What a beautiful head of hair.
WATTERS: But wait a second. Guys, this is the moment we've all been waiting for. I told you we did a deep investigation into Juan Williams. We started asking questions, knocking down doors. We actually got to the alumni office of Juan's high school, Oakwood Friends School in New York. But they tipped Juan off, and they called Juan to let them know I was up to something and Juan relented, and he let us show some pictures. Let's look.
WATTERS: There's Juan.
WILLIAMS: That's me.
WATTERS: Look at that beautiful face. And then I think we have Juan with his fam. Can we see that? Oh, look at that.
WATTERS: Even better hair than Kennedy. Juan, you are a good-looking young man. And we're glad -- we're glad we got to the bottom of that high school photo yearbook. All right, Greg Gutfeld, you're up.
GUTFELD: And you're going to find my interview with the one and only legend Johnny Rotten, the man who changed music forever. Now, this interview is pretty, pretty wild. And I guarantee you will be shocked by what he says he is the true -- he's one of the true rebels of our time and he doesn't mince words. I think I maybe got three questions in the interview.
MONTGOMERY: The only person who walked out on me twice in two different interviews.
WATTERS: He looks like he'd be friends with Jack Dorsey. All right, we're going to go to Kennedy next.
MONTGOMERY: I've got a podcast as well, Greg. Thanks for teeing that up. And while you're there, Kennedy Saves the World. It's my new podcast this week, how to talk to your kids about politics because they're scared and angry.
WATTERS: Oh, I talked to my kids about politics.
WATTERS: And I think you can guess what I tell them. "SPECIAL REPORT" is up next with Bret.
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