Gutfeld on last night’s speech
It was a good night from President Trump and a bad on for the media.
This is a rush transcript from "The Five," February 6, 2019. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.
GREG GUTFELD, HOST: Hi, I'm Greg Gutfeld with Dagen McDowell, John Williams, Jesse Waiters, and she can log roll on a pencil, Dana Perino, “The Five.”
I wanted to get everyone's name wrong. OK, a good night for Trump but a bad one for the media. In tone and tenor, Trump seemed to nail much of it, like his uncompromising rejection of socialism.
PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: We are alarmed by the new calls to adopt socialism in our country. America was founded on liberty and independence and not government coercion, domination and control. We renew our resolve that America will never be a socialist country.
GUTFELD: Unlike the juvenile tripe put forth by the naive faces of the opposition party, his words speak to the soul of anyone who remembers the cold war. Bernie Sanders' face said it all. How dare Trump bad mouth his favorite fantasy.
Still, however, there was a lot here for the liberals to like, shrinking the military footprint, paid family leave, aids funding, childhood cancer treatment. Yet, all they can do is stare blankly with all the seriousness of sad pastry chefs. How do you know when you've done good?
When the people who can't stand you all look like villains at the end of a Karate Kid sequel. But there was also good stuff, variety too, more defense spending, a defense for the unborn, a hardline stance on Russia and China, NATO paying its fair share. If I didn't know any different, I'd say there was something for everyone. And Trump did stress unity.
TRUMP: We must reject the politics of revenge, resistance, and retribution, and embrace the boundless potential of cooperation, compromise, and the common good. We must choose between greatness or gridlock, results or resistance, vision or vengeance, incredible progress or pointless destruction.
GUTFELD: Sounds conciliatory. No wonder the media hated it.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I saw this is a psychotically incoherent speech with cookies and dog poop.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Every leader whatever party should be talking about climate change.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The President of the United States at this moment in the world did not mention climate change in even a sentence it's just frankly a disgrace.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I have to say the word socialist is now becoming a buzzword like liberal and feminist where the right wing is now taking that word and distorting it. It's being bastardize that word.
GUTFELD: Congratulations, Van Jones. Cookies and dog poop are the new Ben and Jerry's flavor. So right on cue they react out of anger and fear, fear that Trump wasn't divisive which threatens the business model, for conflict leads to profit and compromise won't pay the bills. Then came the reality check from CBS, 76 percent of viewers actually approved of the speech.
That's a contrast with the Dems and the media. Could it be they were facing the wrong direction all this time? Which is why the Democratic response written before Trump's speech fell flat. It was like an NFL commercial after a final play. You know who won so why stick around for that?
All right, let's just go around this lovely table and ask what people's favorite or least favorite moments are. Why don't I start with you, Dana. What bugged you?
DANA PERINO, HOST: OK. I will say something that bugged me. I loved a line --
GUTFELD: Yes, yes.
PERINO: -- in which he talked about we need to define a new standard of living for the 21st century, because I felt like that was a line that was a big umbrella.
PERINO: It's something that -- and all these different places we talk about, A.I., disruption, worker retraining, the need for education, should we go to college or not, all of those things. And it was very visionary and big and then there was like nothing.
PERINO: And I was like, wait, like that's a good umbrella. Maybe they'll come back to it. So that bugged me a little bit. I also thought that the socialism moment was amazing. It was like the first time a President of the United States has to stand on that floor of the House of Representatives until the country -- we are not going to do socialism. I'm interested in Joy Behar --
GUTFELD: Yes, that's a name.
PERINO: -- her take on socialism becoming a word, like, we didn't call ourselves -- they're calling themselves that.
GUTFELD: Exactly.
PERINO: We're just pointing out what it is. I mean --
GUTFELD: That's a great point.
PERINO: -- nobody's making it up. I also thought that for Stacey Abrams, you know my rule, always say no to giving the response to the State of the Union. You'll never have the stage that the president has. But as those things go, she got out pretty well.
GUTFELD: Yeah, yeah. Well, you know, she didn't watch the speech. You know that? She can't.
PERINO: Right.
GUTFELD: No, she could.
PERINO: It's not a point by point rebuttal. You already, like, have a response --
GUTFELD: I would have done that.
PERINO: -- about what you think the State of the Union looks like.
GUTFELD: Well, you were crawling with good points today. Anyway, Jesse, what struck you?
JESSE WATTERS, HOST: I was impressed that the president was able to get Democrats to chant USA.
PERINO: Yeah, that's a good moment.
WATTERS: I've never heard the Democrats chant USA, USA, Juan. That was a nice moment to hear. I thought he successfully took unifying historical achievements in America like landing on the moon and landing on the beaches of Normandy, and made people focus on that towards the future and say these are the kind of patriotic things we should rally around.
Another key line I thought was this was an American agenda, not a Republican or Democratic agenda. And victory isn't winning for our party. Victory is winning for our country. And he challenged the Congress to choose greatness instead of partisan destruction.
I agree with Dana, the socialist line telegraphed 2020. He's going to say they're for socialism. I'm for freedom. And, you know, he smoked Hillary. Imagine what he's going to do with an actual socialist. It's going to be deadly, laid out areas of cooperation, like NAFTA, and I think medicine prices and things like that.
But I think I was a real sucker for the end when he said, you know, from the rocky shores of Maine, from the volcanic peaks of Hawaii, we need to kind of keep faith in American destiny, keep America first, and keep our souls together. And it was a beautiful finish. And my part that I didn't like was when all of the women dressed in white were applauding louder for themselves than they were for American people and their accomplishment.
GUTFELD: That's a good point.
DAGEN MCDOWELL, HOST: Can I jump in, not to step on Juan, but -- because my favorite moment is -- because Trump displayed what a master showman he is. He is a one-man good cop-bad cop because he got all those Democratic women to stand up and applaud themselves, and then few moments later he was liked, oh, by the way, I'm proposing a ban on late-term abortions, and he caught them sitting there.
So they can't applaud for the life of an unborn child. In terms of 2020, he's going to force everyone running for any office in the Democratic Party to come out and say, OK, I want to be one of the seven nations in the world that allows abortions after 20 weeks. My favorite moment with Nancy Pelosi was -- I have resting B face just like Nancy Pelosi where I look at rest like I'm going to cut you.
MCDOWELL: She had to actively look pleasant that entire speech, it is exhausting to do that. It's like running from D.C. to Des Moines. So she gets some applause for me.
GUTFELD: We're talking about her applause later. You know, Juan, I appreciated your call last night when you said, Greg, you're right it was a really great speech. I didn't save the voice mail, though.
JUAN WILLIAMS, HOST: You, didn't? Too bad. Too bad. Because the ghost in the phone would have been delighted. But I must say those are good, good drinks that you've been having.
So, to me, this was, you know, I said it was a humdrum speech, and the reason I say that was -- it sounded to me like colored by the numbers on call to unity and then he would go and immediately throw out some red meat to the base on the kind of immigration stuff where he, you know, distorts numbers about immigrants. Oh, that caravan is approaching, they're deadly. You think oh, my gosh. Is he going back to the same old song again?
Look, everybody knows that was a one-hit wonder and isn't working. And he doesn't talk about the fact that the national emergency thing is totally ridiculous even among Republicans at this juncture. But to answer to your question about favorite moment, I would go back to the women standing up, and the women applauding themselves, and Trump acting as if he was the one who brought all these women into congress --
WATTERS: He did.
WILLIAMS: Maybe he did.
WILLIAMS: Maybe he did because if you go around insulting people --
PERINO: He should have said you're welcome.
WILLIAMS: No. Here's, Dana -- Dana, what's funny is they're all Democrats.
PERINO: That's why I'm saying, it would have been funny if he had said, you're welcome.
WILLIAMS: Yeah. But you know what --
WILLIAMS: -- it's the alternate universe that he tries to present. It's like watching all these Republican white men in dark suits and then you watch this diverse group of women and you say, hey, so this is what Trump has brought to America.
MCDOWELL: He played to their narcissism. They loved cheering themselves.
MCDOWELL: He played them.
PERINO: But he also gave them a nice moment. He was recognizing --
WILLIAMS: Oh, get out of town.
WILLIAMS: He's a narcissist who was saying he deserves credit --
GUTFELD: He was having fun.
PERINO: Also my favorite moment when they sang happy birthday to the --
GUTFELD: That was great.
WILLIAMS: Talk about trying to gild the lily. I mean, this is unbelievable. Unbelievable.
GUTFELD: Singing happy birthday is gilding the lily?
Jan: He is somehow responsible for that?
GUTFELD: But he didn't do that? No, Trump didn't do that.
WATTERS: It was an organic moment.
WILLIAMS: No, he stop --
WILLIAMS: No, he stopped because he was trying to take advantage of a moment. But I think --
WATTERS: Juan is against singing happy birthday.
GUTFELD: OK, on that note, we've got to move on. A political dumpster fire in Virginia. What is happening? The state's top three Democrats could be force to resign, details ahead.
WILLIAMS: A potential political crisis in Virginia as a third scandal emergences. The latest comes from Attorney General Mark Herring, he admitted today to wearing black face during a college party in 1980. That means the three top lawmakers in the state, all Democrats, are embroiled in controversy.
The governor, Ralph Northam, still resisting calls to resign. He's admitted to also wearing black face. And the states Lieutenant Governor Justin Fairfax is in a public back-and-forth with a woman who is accusing him of sexual assault.
College professor Vanessa Tyson releasing a statement today that says in part, quote, "Mr. Fairfax has tried to brand me as a liar to a national audience in service to his political ambitions and has threatened litigation. Given his false assertions I'm compelled to make clear what happened," end quote.
Tyson goes on to detail a 2004 consensual encounter that she claims turned into a physical assault. Fairfax put out his own statement denying the charges and saying, quote, at no time did she express to me any discomfort or concern about our interactions, neither during that encounter nor during the months following it when she stayed in touch with me, nor the past 15 years, end quote. How do you make sense of this, Dana?
PERINO: Well, it's like one story would be big. Three stories is like hard to fathom. You almost need a flow chart because just, technically, for a moment for the commonwealth of Virginia, although, I should turn it over to Dagen.
MCDOWELL: No, no, no.
PERINO: But it's the way that the constitution is written in the state is that the lieutenant governor would take over, but now he's in a scandal. But then it would go to the attorney general, but now he's in a situation, which means if it goes to the fourth in line, guess what, it's a Republican.
So I imagine that the calls from Democrats for Northam to resign will soon start to subside. He's even floated the idea of becoming an independent, but I don't see how that gets away from the issues that people have said that they're concerned about.
When it comes to Fairfax and Tyson, it's interesting -- here we go again, except for now, you know, you have Democrats who are avoiding talking to the press, and they didn't avoid before. And, I think -- I don't know where it goes from here. Hypocrisy, I guess, is what makes the political world go round. But when you're talking about people's lives, he deserves due process. She has a right to say what she wants to say and, I guess, they'll take it from there.
WILLIAMS: Dagen, you're a Virginian, Central Virginia, I believe. And so, here we have Mark Herring saying that in 1980, he was in college and a bunch of guys are trying to imitate rappers. I think it was Kurtis Blow. And he says, so they dressed up and did the black face thing. I wonder how you feel about this because you grew up in the state and it sounds like, hey, maybe it's not unusual in the seat of the old confederacy for white men to be going around doing this.
MCDOWELL: Well, it's wrong. And I called my 82-year-old father on the phone today and I said, in all your years, have you ever seen anybody in blackface because as a southerner growing up in a very small rural town, we understand how hurtful that is. And he went, I'm 82. No. I've never seen anybody do that.
And I want to just bring up the issue of -- growing up in such a tiny little town in rural Virginia, like, we had to face and try and overcome the legacy of segregation, of the Jim Crow era, of discrimination, of bigotry and racism. I think -- certainly, my family and all the people I was lucky to grow up with, black-and-white and people of all races, that there was a greater sensitivity to what was hurtful to other people, to what was offensive and objectionable. And I was deeply shocked by this.
WILLIAMS: Well, would you have Herring resign? Would you have Northam resign?
MCDOWELL: You know what, that's up to them too. But I will say this about Northam that -- I don't mean to dominate the conversation, but the former GOP governor, Bob McDonald, who had his own problems, was indicted. His conviction was overturned on corruption. He came out and said some really positive things about Ralph Northam.
He's been working on the statewide racial reconciliation project to commemorate the 400th anniversary, the first African slaves that were brought to the state. He said that -- he was talking about, the guy I see today is not at all the guy who is portrayed as a result of those photographs, talking about Ralph Northam.
WILLIAMS: So, Jesse, in fact, you see Democrats pretty much abandoning the governor. That includes the two senators, Tim Kaine, Mark Warner, Doug Wilder, who was the first black governor in the country, governor of Virginia. It's almost like no Democrats are standing by the governor at this point.
WATTERS: Yeah, he's on a Kamikaze mission. I don't understand what's going through his head, if anything. Greg brought it up the other day, it's like all of the Trump race card players and all of the Kavanaugh crusaders, it's just come home to roost in Virginia. You called it karma, and this is karma and is very, very sad. It takes a lot to knock off infanticide from the front page in Virginia, but they've done it and I can't believe they've done it.
And -- what he's name? The comedian Tom Arnold said something which kind of goes to your point, Dagen. He said I grew up in Iowa. I've been to a thousand parties, went to the University of Iowa, recovering alcoholic, been arrested seven times, once for nudity in an old folks home, and I have never seen anybody in blackface. Virginia is for weirdos.
And a lot of people are saying to themselves, what is happening in the state of Virginia right now? We just don't understand. The entire political class, day after day, is coming out with another shocking revelation, whether it's true with a sexual assault obligations or a blackface.
GUTFELD: But, you know what, Tom Arnold is lying. He's lying through his teeth. You mean he's never saw Jimmy Kimmel? He never saw Sarah Silverman?
WATTERS: And Danson.
GUTFELD: He never saw Ted Danson?
WATTERS: I think he meant growing up.
GUTFELD: He never saw Billy Crystal?
GUTFELD: I mean, we have different rules for different people, is that not true? So maybe we have to address this whole thing is that everybody were jackasses, and maybe we all have -- they all have to come out and admit it. This is the third guy in line. I would hate to be the fourth person. I would book a flight to like Malaysia. Everything can be tied back to the Brady Bunch, and this could be -- and I broke the vase strategy to save Northam. Is that his name?
GUTFELD: Yeah. So this guy is saying I did it, too, because that's how -- they protected Peter Brady was -- when he broke the vase and everybody says, well, I also broke the vase. I like to bring the Brady Branch into something this disturbing. I think it really does. I don't know where this goes. I think there's a lot of people having sleepless nights about Halloween parties in the '70s and the '80s.
WATTERS: I think everyone is throwing away yearbooks.
WATTERS: A lot of politicians out there. Where's the yearbook?
MCDOWELL: Think about the '80s. What's offensive? Sixteen candles, there's a date rape in sixteen candles.
GUTFELD: That is true.
MCDOWELL: And the Breakfast Club, there's a sexual assault in the Breakfast -- you can't show kids these movies anymore.
GUTFELD: General Hospital, Luke and Laura, how did they meet? Look it up. It's not good.
WATTERS: Wait, wait, wait, you watch soaps?
GUTFELD: Yes. I was -- but, you know, think about this. So 2050, what will they looked back at us?
WILLIAMS: Oh, no, no, no.
GUTFELD: What's going to be bad?
WILLIAMS: But I will say this, don't you think white attitudes towards blacks and what's racially offensive has shifted in the course of this controversy.
GUTFELD: Absolutely. I would say in the course of decades.
MCDOWELL: We're still talking about race. Thank God.
WILLIAMS: All right. A new controversy erupts over Elizabeth Warren's Native American heritage claims. Please stay with us and find out about what the controversy is when The Five returns.
WATTERS: Senator Elizabeth Warren forced to eat crow and is apologizing yet again for appearing to exploit her minuscule Native American heritage. This comes after it was revealed that she identified her race as, quote, American Indian on a Texas State bar registration card in '86. Warren admitting she was wrong but also trying to explain away what happened.
SEN. ELIZABETH WARREN, D-MASS.: I learned about my family the same way most people do. My brothers and I learned from our mom and our dad and our brothers and our sisters, and those were all family stories. But that said there really is an important distinction of tribal citizenship. I am not a member of a tribe. Nothing about my background ever had anything to do with any job I got in any place. It's been fully documented.
WATTERS: I'm not so sure it's been fully documented, Greg. So we have the Texas Bar Association --
WATTERS: -- U Penn, Harvard, the law directory, the cookbook, pow wow chow --
GUTFELD: Love that.
WATTERS: -- and then also as senator she said she was Native American. That's six times.
GUTFELD: You know, you just coined her new name, chief eating crow. You know, I'm going to condemn her and then defend her. It's clear she lied about her background to get ahead over those who didn't lie about her background -- their background.
So she took a spot from an authentic Native American by lying. But, this serves two purposes. One, it helps her get ahead but it helps the administrators take a box that helps satisfy their public relations needs. So that's why nobody questioned it. It's like, hey, we believe you.
Having said that, I have to defend her, I -- there's a strong chance she believed these stories. Relatives tell you stories, they do. My parents told me stuff that I assumed to be true, but I never, obviously, checked any boxes, I think. I don't know. That would help anyway, that I was a descendant of -- the little people in the circus. I don't know. But anyway, I think that there is, you know -- there's a possibility that she really believed it, but she did use it to her advantage.
WATTERS: Yes, she did. So, 0.09 percent Native American, according to her DNA test results. I'm 0.1 percent black, Dana, because we all know we took those tests. I'm more black than she's Native American.
PERINO: Well, heck, I'm more Italian. Remember I was 2 percent Italian.
PERINO: Like I got honors from the National Italian-American Women's Association. But my family did come from Italy from like the 1840's or even earlier. When we did the DNA test, it was English, Irish, French, Albanian, Iberian, and 2 percent Italian. I think what this happens -- what happens to her is that her story and the facts keep changing like Hillary Clinton's email story.
WATTERS: You're right.
PERINO: So, it's like -- something just doesn't feel right about it, so that gets to the issue of character. This isn't about who she thinks she is or what she thinks she is in terms of her background. It's actually about who she is - like and the character of it.
WATTERS: It's about being a phony.
PERINO: Right. And also it's about being not truthful.
WATTERS: Exactly.
PERINO: And how do they want to fight against President Trump? They want to say, well he's not truthful and so I wouldn't - I'm waiting for one of the other Democratic candidates to take a shot at her and it probably won't be too long.
WATTERS: All right, I can't wait for that day. That'll be the A Block (ph).
WATTERS: Juan, I can't believe I'm going to say this, but I have to give credit to The Washington Post. They were the ones who went down to Texas and uncovered this.
WATTERS: So good for them.
WILLIAMS: Wow, the truth is a revelation to you. Well, I'm taken by the idea, as Dana mentioned, that the same press that harped on Hillary Clinton's emails now realize what a fool's errand that was, that they were working for the Russians, is now harping on Elizabeth Warren--
WATTERS: Who is working for the Russians, I don't get that?
WILLIAMS: The pillory (ph), by pushing all these phony stories about Democratic emails that were coming and pushed by the Russians. But anyway they're harping on Elizabeth Warren--
MCDOWELL: This is whiplash inducing pimp.
WILLIAMS: Okay, let me just say it.
And so it seems to me, boy Republicans must be very worried about income inequality issues and Elizabeth Warren to go after her to this extent. What I saw today--
GUTFELD: It's in Washington Post.
WILLIAMS: What I saw today was, there were stories about the fact that she's worth between I think it was like $5 million, $10 million. Oh how can she talk about income inequality to working-class people? Somehow this doesn't come up with Donald Trump, who by the way makes lots of lying, phony claims every day of the week.
GUTFELD: Whataboutism.
WATTERS: Dagen, I think Juan has it wrong, Donald Trump is salivating to match up against Elizabeth Warren.
GUTFELD: I think Republicans would love her to be the nominee, love her.
MCDOWELL: And her communist proposal about wealth confiscation, which isn't even constitutional, that is so overboard. She's trying to step on AOC because she's angry at Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, even Bernie Sanders sucking all of the air out of the room.
This is - to me, this is delusional fantasy land, that this woman would all these years label herself an American Indian - Native American. Harvard Law School used to promote her in the press as their first woman of color.
She never put a stop to that and she even released that infomercial about the big DNA test reveal, and it was so embarrassing that she had to go back to the late 1700s to find a Native American relative. Where is she living - she is a member of the party of identity politics. She's committed the ultimate faux pas. This is over for her.
WATTERS: All right, it's over, Dagan called it.
Trump laying down the smack down on Democratic calls for socialism, that's next.
PERINO: President Trump with a strong rebuttal to Democrats' Far Left policies last night. The President rejecting calls for socialism, saying it has no place in America.
PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: America was founded on liberty and independence and not government coercion, domination, and control. We are born free and we will stay free.
Tonight, we renew our resolve that America will never be a socialist country.
PERINO: Self-proclaimed Democratic socialist, Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez wasted no time in responding.
REP. ALEXANDRIA OCASIO-CORTEZ, D-N.Y.: He feels himself losing on the issues. Every single policy proposal that we have adopted and presented to the American public has been overwhelmingly popular. He sees himself losing on the issues, he sees himself losing on the wall - on the wall on the Southern border, and he needs to grasp at an ad hominem attack, and this is his way of doing it.
PERINO: Okay, so I'm just going to ask - well you could talk about anything you want Greg, but I do think that that was just such a historical moment that the President saying okay we're going to make a choice here in 2020, it's not just going to be a referendum on my performance, it's going to be a choice between a future of continuing the freedom that we've come to love in America, that we were based on, against socialism.
GUTFELD: Yes, obviously I was thinking, how did it become an ad hominem attack when you criticize socialism? That's like socialism has been responsible for starving and death in a century of hell.
I don't think it's an ad hominem attack to criticize socialism. Here's AOC's problem, well here's first the Democrats' problem. She's being portrayed as Trump's foe.
They're on like an equal level. That's not good for the Democrats, because she's not running for President.
PERINO: Right.
GUTFELD: Yes, she's got another ten years before that. Now here's her problem, you don't want to look like the villain at the end of a teenage romantic comedy, like that's what it was - like you know when in the movies when the winner wins and they go to the adversaries, and they're just like this, oh that gets me so mad.
That's what she looked like, she looked like a sore loser on the sidelines of a teen movie, and--
PERINO: Not a good look.
GUTFELD: That's not a good look for her. However, I do think that when you look at the Democratic Party, she is magnetic, she's wrong, naive, not fully on top of things, but I got to tell you, she gets the oxygen.
PERINO: Pay attention, you turn to listen. Is the President looking forward to this competition?
WATTERS: Absolutely, it's not a competition at all. I would say this, he's so blunt, he's going to turn socialism into a political slur, and by the end of--
GUTFELD: It already is.
WATTERS: You know, they did it to themselves, just look at Venezuela. But let's just take a look at what AOC and the socialists want. Let's take a look at the Green New Deal, Dana.
PERINO: Okay, got it.
WATTERS: They want to eliminate fossil fuels in ten years, okay.
PERINO: Oh no, it's not that realistic.
WATTERS: Okay, well that's the goal, right, so in 15 years that's what they want. All right, so you own a car, all right.
PERINO: Yes, I do.
WATTERS: So you don't lease it, so you own it. In ten years, where are you going to fill up the car? Gas station? No, no gas. What are you going to do with your car?
PERINO: So what am I going to do?
WATTERS: You have to now buy an electric car. So everyone in America that owns a car has to buy an electric car. Where are you going to get the money for that?
PERINO: Well, I'm just going to—
WATTERS: Dana, I'm just getting started.
PERINO: Aren't they just going to give us a car?
WATTERS: What about NASCAR, what is NASCAR going to do? Are there solar powered cars, they are all going to run around the track?
GUTFELD: Think about the extension cords. It's NASCAR, it's going to get all tangled.
WATTERS: They are going to get all tangled.
What about the fighter jets, what are they running on? What about leaf blowers and lawn mowers, how is anyone going to keep up their grass?
PERINO: Obviously, you paint a very good description.
WATTERS: I know, it's Armageddon.
GUTFELD: Start with fossil watches.
MCDOWELL: They do make great electric lawn equipment, I'm just saying.
MCDOWELL: But again, to your point, what are they going to do about airline travel? At least there's been a little bit of intellectual honesty from Senator Kamala Harris, where she says, yes Medicare-for-All, we're taking away your private health insurance, how you going to like that?
That's part - that's exactly where your--
WATTERS: And your cars and your health insurance, goodbye.
MCDOWELL: Yes, we're going to take your car away, oh we're going to confiscate your wealth, we're taking your guns too.
PERINO: Juan, do Republicans look at this wrong in that they think that this is a - that they're making a really good argument, but the Democrats think no you're making the opposite? I mean I just wonder how they're seeing it in a different way.
WILLIAMS: Well, I mean I think it's pretty obvious that what you're hearing is the party or Trump talking and everybody's worried that, on the issue of income inequality, on the issue of healthcare, on the issue of poverty in this country, Trump is out of touch. Last night speech was huge evidence of that.
He's talking about economic numbers being up, up, up and a lot of them inflated by Trump. They don't compare to Obama's.
WATTERS: And which ones, Juan?
WILLIAMS: Oh GDP. He says he's never come close to 5 percent growth in one quarter. But anyway, let me just move on-- PERINO: Wait, wait, wait.
WATTERS: Poverty is stronger under Trump.
WATTERS: 3 percent this year.
WILLIAMS: Let me make my point here to, Dana.
PERINO: That's the fastest growth since 2005, we had last year.
WILLIAMS: Anyway, back to Dana's point, when you - when Alexandria Ocasio- Cortez says, hey wait a second, 70% of American including most Republicans think that, guess what, single-payor is a good idea or think we should tax people who make more than $10 million at a higher marginal rate, she's speaking about mainstream ideas that have tremendous political resonance.
Go back to the midterm, look at what happened in the midterms.
PERINO: But Juan, when a follow-up question is asked for how—
WATTERS: How you do it?
PERINO: It all sounds good and then it falls by about 40%.
WILLIAMS: No, because—
PERINO: Yes, it does.
WILLIAMS: No, and this is to Greg's point, it's a bold stroke idea. It's not saying, oh yes look at the specifics here and there, and that's what I think Republicans are missing. It's a bold stroke idea that opens up a conversation.
MCDOWELL: It's not a bold stroke idea, it's a bill that Bernie Sanders has introduced.
MCDOWELL: It's been backed by many of the Senate Democrats.
PERINO: We got Nancy Pelosi's hand clap. Trump's tired and sleepy kid, the hilarious moments that have everyone talking.
MCDOWELL: Thankfully, it wasn't all serious during the State of the Union last night. Nancy Pelosi's awkward clap back at President Trump, just one of the moments everyone was buzzing about. The President's crooked tie taking the internet by storm, someone posting this meme "I am almost as crooked as Hillary, but not quite."
MCDOWELL: And another one joking, "Trump's tie as crooked as his campaign associates. Indict the tie." Democrat's priceless reaction to the President also going viral, watch.
TRUMP: --has reached the lowest rate.
MCDOWELL: Stealing hearts across the nation, however, special guest of the President, Joshua Trump, who couldn't help falling asleep during the big event. Greg?
GUTFELD: Yes, you know, you see him napping through political speech; you know he truly is a Trump, right?
It's not his bad (ph). By the way, this is how I sleep. If you ever - ever have a problem sleeping and I've talked about this. Always put on like a speech or a podcast, and try to stay awake, and you will immediately trigger that thing from college when you just go like this and you are drooling. It's cute.
WATTERS: You know, the reason that he fell asleep was because it was one of those Presidential speeches where he is boring and reads off a prompter. He wouldn't fall asleep like that at a rally. There's no way that kid could--
PERINO: He should go to El Paso next week.
WATTERS: Yes, go to El Paso. He would be up all night.
MCDOWELL: Well, Kirsten Gillibrand rolled her eyes.
PERINO: I -- So I--
MCDOWELL: And is trying to raise money off that eye roll.
PERINO: Right. That's what I was going to say. I felt like she was hoping for a moment where she could get caught doing some sort of reaction and then take that - I thought Kamala Harris' that was a little better. Right? She was like, "Oh, I can't take that." That was pretty good. The tie thing was funny. In the studio, everyone was like, "Isn't someone going to tell him about his tie?"
WATTERS: You know what it is? It's like when someone has something in their teeth--
PERINO: You tell them.
WATTERS: --and you are their friend, you have to tell them.
PERINO: But the thing is -- it was like--
WATTERS: Why didn't someone tell him to straighten the tie?
PERINO: --because Vice President Pence was behind him, so he couldn't see the tie.
WATTERS: But he walked through the entire chamber.
PERINO: I don't know. They are just too - they are too into themselves.
WATTERS: They wanted the selfies.
PERINO: They weren't thinking about him.
MCDOWELL: Yes, they were posing.
GUTFELD: I like these guys, the bald guys.
GUTFELD: I just like them. I don't know why?
MCDOWELL: Grassley?
GUTFELD: Those two guys.
MCDOWELL: Oh, the secret service?
GUTFELD: Yes, they are like -- you know they could crack my back just like that. You know, they may be older but--
MCDOWELL: You need a power cracker (ph).
GUTFELD: No, they could kill me with a blink.
MCDOWELL: Juan, I am not allowed to use any of the hand gestures on the air that I use in real life. And I have an entire - like you know, I have an entire like suitcase full of them. So I'm just going to start using Nancy Pelosi's clap as the southern, the kind of visual--
PERINO: Bless your heart.
MCDOWELL: Bless your heart. That was my favorite.
WILLIAMS: I think, I think that - so what is that? Is that? What did people say? It's like a penguin clapping?
WILLIAMS: It's condescending? Or I don't know what, is that--
PERINO: I think the best description was from her daughter who tweeted that she remembers growing up as a teen, when she thought she was being real cute and real smart, that her mom would do that, "Oh, and good for you."
PERINO: That's like the kind of clapping was.
WILLIAMS: Right, sarcastic.
GUTFELD: It's like the collagen lips.
WILLIAMS: Collagen lips.
GUTFELD: Collagen lips. Hey, I don't get injections. The collagen lips is, you know--
WILLIAMS: Well, you know, I think this was really smart by Democrats.
WILLIAMS: The option would have been to just walk out. And I think they didn't walk out. They weren't in any way offensive. But I think it was clear they were throwing shade on this guy and all his lies. And I think that's great.
PERINO: Did you see the times when Nancy Pelosi told them to stop and not get too out of hand?
WILLIAMS: Well, I think, calm down. But, you know, the eye rolling and so forth, to me that's a little--
PERINO: I thought everyone did pretty good.
WILLIAMS: You know who didn't, I think Chuck Schumer -- I think Chuck Schumer at times looked totally irritated with it. Better--
MCDOWELL: Do you want to see (ph) my Chuck Schumer imitation?
WILLIAMS: Okay, go ahead.
MCDOWELL: But he was in the Oval Office. You have to take me from the side because he sits like this and he looks like Mr. Burns.
GUTFELD: Yes. He does like Fraser -- No, it's Montgomery Burns.
MCDOWELL: Montgomery Burns.
WILLIAMS: No, Dana says that he shouldn't read from the scripts when he's talking.
MCDOWELL: That's practical.
WILLIAMS: But I'm going to say, the word from the anchors was President Trump was pretty insulting to Chuck Schumer at the lunch before the State of the Union. So I guess that the President must think he's affected (ph).
PERINO: And then also, he accidentally forgot to give her, her moment to allow her to open up the thing.
WATTERS: Maybe that wasn't an accident.
PERINO: It didn't start off that way. It might not have been. She probably thought it wasn't. I'm being generous.
MCDOWELL: But again, she still had that not resting bee (ph) face. She worked hard on that. One More Thing, up next.
GUTFELD: One More Thing, Jesse?
WATTERS: You like Cardi B, right, Greg?
GUTFELD: I'm a big fan and she--
PERINO: Oh, I love this.
GUTFELD: Incredible financial advice.
WATTERS: Well, she is a little tired of the tax man let loose on the IRS. Take a listen to this.
CARDI B, AMERICAN RAPPER: Do you know that artists, celebrities, the IRS out of every check that you make, they automatically take 4% of your check. That means in order to spend $500,000, you have got to make at least $1 million. Rappers that I know, they literally take care of their whole family and that's not tax deductible because the IRS don't consider that a business.
WATTERS: No, they don't, Cardi, they do not. All right. Wise woman.
GUTFELD: She is.
WATTERS: We have a lot in common I think.
GUTFELD: There you go, yes.
PERINO: She coming on your show this weekend?
WATTERS: No, no.
GUTFELD: Don't start a fight with her, please.
WATTERS: I will not.
GUTFELD: I'm sorry. The request is out though.
WATTERS: Watters - also Watters with -- Wednesdays with Watters, with Martha MacCallum tonight at 7:00. Check it out.
WILLIAMS: I like the nails. Yes, I'm thinking maybe that's what you had in common.
WILLIAMS: So, it's about a week until catchers and pitchers report to spring training, and how about a speech from my fellow baseball fans to get you guys fired up. Daniel Litback (ph) knows how to fire up his teammates on the 10 and under travel baseball team from Boca Raton, Florida. Here is Daniel in action before a recent double-header.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Play tough, play hard, play aggressive. Got it?
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: How are you all feeling?
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: How are you feeling?
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: How are you feeling?
WILLIAMS: All right, Daniel's (ph) team, the Power Socks (ph), won both games. We got the tape from a Facebook posting by the team. Obviously, they were very impressed with the pep talk and a double victory.
Even if baseball doesn't work out, Daniel (ph) has a future, in my book, as a motivational speaker.
GUTFELD: Yes, I see him doing Fox show late at night very loud.
All right. Greg's Plugs, it's not my hair. Fox Nation, I got a new show with Andrew Schulz, he's an amazingly successful comedian. He had a number one comedic album on Billboard. We discuss the perils of modern comedy. Then, on my podcast, which is at, another great comedian, Joe Machi, we discuss his career, and again the state of comedy. It's quite - it's up there on Twitter right now. You can find it on my Twitter. All right, Dana?
PERINO: All right, you want to see some cool cops?
GUTFELD: Okay Dana, show me cool cops.
PERINO: All right, check these guys out. This is police that grabbed a tactical shield and engage in some fun as a major winter storm blanketed parts of Washington State. So, there were these kids that were playing in the park, having a big snowball fight, and these guys went there. Take a listen to them.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Tactical retreat, tactical retreat.
PERINO: And then they posted this on Facebook. During inclement weather conditions, Duvall officers were dispatched to a group of suspicious characters in a local park and they did all these fun things together with them. Then they retreated and then they apologized for leaving an officer behind. But anyway, I thought these are pretty cool cops.
GUTFELD: That's a heart-warming story, Dana. It really is heart-warming.
PERINO: You mean, it gets a bit better than your plugs?
GUTFELD: Yes it is. It's better than plugs, but thought as good as bugs.
PERINO: Very good. I love how you rhyme.
GUTFELD: Thank you. Dagen?
PERINO: We are out of time.
MCDOWELL: Do you have anything else you want to add?
GUTFELD: About bugs?
GUTFELD: I think I'll put that to bed.
MCDOWELL: So I come bearing a puppy video.
GUTFELD: Oh excellent.
MCDOWELL: Lola the Rottweiler puppy. She has got mad skills. Watch her.
GUTFELD: What's she going to do?
GUTFELD: Nicely done.
MCDOWELL: So she is stealing her sister's food. Her sister Mille (ph) isn't big on sharing. She is like nothing to see here, mom, just look the other way, it's precious. I love Lola (ph). She was a show girl.
GUTFELD: There you go. She was a show girl. Lola (ph). Walk like a woman with -- I can't remember the song (ph). Never miss an episode of “The Five.” "Special Report" is up next with Mr. Chris Wallace.
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