Gutfeld on 'Jeopardy' contestant accused of white supremacist hand signal

This is a rush transcript from "The Greg Gutfeld Show," May 3, 2021. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.


GOV. ANDREW CUOMO (D-NY): Who were the groups were targeting on the vaccination youthful and the doubtful. And there is an attitude that they'll be fine. Why should they take the vaccine? Maybe you will get a long haul syndrome that we're not really sure what it is yet, but a lingering consequence of COVID. Or maybe you go home and kiss your grandmother and wind up killing your grandmother.


GREG GUTFELD, FOX NEWS HOST: Which is bad because we should leave killing grandmas to the pros. So, as you know, I'm not a doctor, but I don't let that stop me from giving medical advice or doing exams in my van. So I can safely diagnose that many Americans are experiencing a mass delusion. First, the Jeopardy contestant accused of sending bad signals too bigot. It was like -- it was only last week.


GUTFELD: A Jeopardy winner is getting harassed on social media for allegedly flashing a white power hand sign on a recent show. Some very lonely former contestants posted an open letter demanding an apology and shaming Jeopardy producers for allowing this to happen. But he was just holding up the number three to mark his third victory the same way after a second win he held up the number two and before that the number one.


GUTFELD: Who is that bundle of deliciousness? I's hard to hear what he's saying. Tyrus, you know when you're overwhelmed by his handsomeness?


GUTFELD: Now that you figured that would be enough, it would be over an absurd tale that gets picked up by bloggers starving for content and Clearasil and me. But no, since that aired 450 former Jeopardy contestants signed an open letter demanding that Kelly Donohue publicly apologize "For the ramifications of the gesture." And disavow any connection to white supremacist doctrines.

And urges the show to address Kelly's behavior and take measures to make sure future mistakes of this magnitude never make it on the air. And here you thought you had to be smart to appear on Jeopardy. Now we finally know who's dumber than a fifth grader. So this dude's got to apologize whether his hand gesture was intentional or not. This is nuts or in Jeopardy terms what is (BLEEP) crazy.

I -- is the applause for the swearing? The idea that white supremacists are looking for signals on game shows. It's Jeopardy, not the prices, right? I mean, how many Klansmen actually watch Jeopardy besides my uncle? Sorry. If there shouldn't be a game so have the guts to call this delusional witch hunt out? Nope. The world loses the legendary talented, classy guy at Alex Trebek.

And within six months, they prove they can't fend off the social Jeopardy warriors whose idea of strength is opening a piping hot bag of microwave popcorn. Meanwhile, Donohue already beg for forgiveness. It's sad. So, how did this actually become a story? Well, it began with one loser on Twitter with a dozen followers. Here I thought Kilmeade swore off social media. But that's all it took for the press to amplify it.

And why? Are they so thirsty for proof of white supremacy that they'll take direction from a finger sniffer and a stained Snuggie? Yes. They can't find enough real world examples. So they create a potpourri of paranoia, hoaxes and deliberate misunderstandings, simulating around wearing fake nooses they made in arts and crafts. They believe that under every bed is an angry white male. I wonder what an angry white male thinks.

GUTFELD: -- Scott declaring that we are not a racist country and having both Joe Biden and Kamala Harris agree with him. That even wasn't enough. But it's not just race that drives hysteria. It's also wealth. At SNL, some cast members don't want to do the show if Elon Musk hosts. Have you seen the show recently? It should be Musk saying that about them. I've heard more laughs in the waiting room at the Mayo Clinic. We covered this last week too.


GUTFELD: Some people at SNL who didn't buy Tesla's stock are pissed off that Elon Musk is hosting the show next month. After the announcement was made, Musk tweeted let's find out just how live SNL really is. Cast member Bowen Yang responded on Instagram. What the F does this even mean when Aidy Bryant shared a Bernie Sanders tweet about how the 50th wealthiest people own more than the bottom half of Americans.


GUTFELD: I'm telling you, Tyrus, this guy seems to be on top of all the amazing news stories. I might have to pretend I'm a story so he'll be on top of me.

TYRUS: It's uncanny.

GUTFELD: it is. It is. All right. So now to update Lorne Michaels told his staff that if they find Musk too threatening, they can skip the show, which is one way of making it funnier. Now these are comedians apparently yet what's funny about them is their humorlessness. SNL used to make fun of people like this. Now they are the morally outraged. The Dean Wormer scowling and disgust at the Animal House.

Which leads to another question. When did Musk become an evil Bond villain? Was it all those electric cars he's making, sending astronauts to space, naming his kid after an obscure tax form? It seems that the dumbest most delusional people on earth are controlling these outrage narratives. They're seeing who can spew the dumbest take the fastest. It's like watching the hot dog eating contest in reverse.

But you know who I like? Jason Fried. He's the CEO of Basecamp. Not to be confused with Hunter Biden's company free base camp. He announced that employees wouldn't be allowed to share their politics it work. "Every discussion remotely related to politics, advocacy, or society at large quickly spins away from pleasant." He wrote, you shouldn't have to wonder if staying out of it means you're complicit or wading into it means you're a target.

Translation. When you're at work, focus on work, that thing that you're paid to do. That's it. It's the opposite of a delusion. We've seen our politics play out in sports. If you don't kneel, you're part of the problem. So maybe free found the solution. After he banned politics at work, a third of his employees quit citing the policy. That's around 20 people, or as Joy Reid calls it high ratings. Meaning he may have dumped his most annoying workers in one shot.

Just like that. All the dopes who lectured you while stinking up the break room with their microwave broccoli burgers, they're gone. So, what if every company did that? You know what happens? Just like after doing a fistful of mushrooms, doctor, life returns to normal. Civility, respect, productivity. Three things the media can't stand. No matter how many fingers it takes to count them. And the only finger we should show them is the appraised middle one.


GUTFELD: Let's welcome tonight's guests. Do not moat, he brought his stethoscope. Professor of medicine at NYU Langone Medical Center and Fox News Contributor, Dr. Marc Siegel. When he tackles the issues, the issues end up on injured reserve. Former NFL player, Jack Brewer. She's so sharp she could shave a pineapple, that's hard to say. Host of "KENNEDY" at Fox Business Network, Kennedy.

And he's so huge, they put all stake in his hand. My massive sidekick and host "NUFF SAID" on Fox Nation, Tyrus. So, Dr. Siegel, you're here for two reasons. One, to refill a prescription of mine, what you could do in the greenroom later. But I want you -- I would ask you does this have all the trappings of like a contagious delusion where it like spreads and there's really no evidence but people like feel that it's real?

DR. MARC SIEGEL, FOX NEWS CHANNEL CONTRIBUTOR: That's the society we're living in right now. It's guarded by dogma. It's guarded by put down pseudo religion, pseudo religiosity, and not facts, not science. Always behind the science. And also the idea that if you say something that somebody disagrees with, you're immediately ridiculed.

GUTFELD: Is there -- is there a way to deprogram people? What if I opened up a business called Gutfelt Deprogramming and I'll take anybody and then people could come in? What would -- how would you deprogram them?

SIEGEL: Here's what you do, you had a vaccine, take off the mask. You're atrophying at home with your parents who are huddling there, go to school, play with Johnny out there in the sandbox again. All of that. We have to --


GUTFELD: I'm not allowed to do that. But go ahead.

SIEGEL: Why not?


SIEGEL: I won't say. Is that what the prescription is?

GUTFELD: Exactly. All right, Siegel. Enough out of you. So Jack, we've seen what politics does in sports. And now we're seeing somebody that people fighting back in the workplace, which I thought was pretty interesting. Where do you see this going?

JACK BREWER, FORMER NFL PLAYER: You know, it's a tough one. You know, I'm a -- I'm a man of prayer.


BREWER: I get on my knees every night and I pray to God to give me wisdom, knowledge and discernment. But right now I'm confused. I really am. I'm confused. Because when you talk, it's your monologue, which is a great moment, by the way.

GUTFELD: Thank you.

BREWER: And you started to talk about Saturday Night Live. And they are making a big deal out of Elon Musk. Now they're the face of righteousness.


BREWER: On Easter, they had lap dancers on Jesus Christ.


BREWER: These people have literally lost their mind or lost their mind.


BREWER: Lost their mind.


BREWER: Where do we go from here? This country's in a point where we all have to lock arms even closer. I think we need to show people how to love instead of always talking about what people aren't doing, and making fun of what people aren't doing. Let's just show them how to do it. Let's be that example of love. And we can do that by going in your communities touching these kids. And instead of making fun of all these folks on the left that have lost their mind, go give them a hug.

GUTFELD: I don't know if I'm going to go give strangers a hug.

BREWER: Wear your mask.

GUTFELD: Yes, with -- I'm wearing my mask, my full body suit. Kennedy, you are often filled with love.


GUTFELD: You participated in a very special event on Saturday. And you're in for Kat because you actually married Kat.


GUTFELD: Do you have a picture of it?

MONTGOMERY: I officiated at her wedding.


MONTGOMERY: There we are. The three of us. And she and her husband are absolutely beautiful people. They're such good people.

GUTFELD: I wouldn't go that far.

MONTGOMERY: No, they are. They're great and they're truly in love.

GUTFELD: They're OK people but --

MONTGOMERY: And it was the kind of wedding where we laughed. But, you know, you're crying as well because the depth of their love for each other. And it was a beautiful experience. And Jack's absolutely right. And that's what we need to do. We need to hang out with people that we care about. And you need to have something that you believe in and come from a place of optimism. And I would say as a libertarian, like, I don't want to change your mind.

But I want to take you with me. Like we're going somewhere and it is going to be fantastic. And if I were an SNL cast member, I would be the first in line for a Tesla sex robot and a flying car. And those people are foolish to do anything otherwise.

GUTFELD: It's true, they were missing an opportunity become best friends with him. I would totally work on him for not a sex robot but more like --

MONTGOMERY: Oh, me neither, Greg.


MONTGOMERY: What a horrible idea --


GUTFELD: That is disgusting. I want a flying bondage robot. So I just go like this, Tyrus, like that. And it flies down and it ties me up.

TYRUS: Tap a water and you're back to normal.

GUTFELD: Yes. No, you brought up -- we were talking about Tim Scott last week. And you brought up how moving that was and it was kind of interesting, because he was able to get Joe Biden and Kamala to agree with them. But yet it really doesn't matter. It's still --

TYRUS: It did, you know, because he's -- has a different mindset. And somewhere we got confused with -- especially for the -- a lot of the social justice thing. The whole point of freedom and equality is to have your own independent ideas and beliefs in this country. Not the color your skin dictates your voting habits, or what you think. If you're successful when you want small government, and you want church in your schools, or you want this or that whatever.

And that falls in line to make your Republican nation say, well, thanks for coming, but you're black, you should be over there. That's ridiculous. That's ridiculous. And if the right was saying that -- we would -- we'd be calling for all the jobs. The left is literally saying that.

GUTFELD: Yes, yes.

TYRUS: They're -- they insult us every time they turn around. If you're black and poor, you're not smart enough to get an I.D. What? You know what I'm saying? Like it -- no one else is --everyone else's got their I.D.s, yo, yo, poor whites, we got ours. We'd only once can to go to the DMV because we hate lines.

GUTFELD: Yes. That's what it is.


TYRUS: -- hate lines, right? I mean, is -- they chime in on the stereotypes and stereotypes seem to be to where now they're factual types. It's not -- even the thing like the secret three.


TYRUS: You know, like I made a joke about like he was the basketball racist on Jeopardy. So if he would have won four and he goes like this now he's in trouble with the WWE because he's the four horsemen. You know what I'm saying? Like, oh, when he was five, what group is that? I mean, there's only so many things you can do within Kennedy, don't you dare. There's only so many things you can do with your hands.

GUTFELD: Oh, it's funny.


TYRUS: -- three. I mean, I guess he could have went like this and then that would have been sexually inappropriate or --

GUTFELD: I don't know.


TYRUS: You know what I'm saying? Like that, you know, it's just -- he want three times. And he said Gypsy. When's the last time someone said Gypsy and everyone at the bar said, whoa? Sir, like we just relax America, relax.

GUTFELD: That's a good idea for a show. Relax America. One hour of just really soft music.

MONTGOMERY: Vibrating T.V.

GUTFELD: Yes. Up next, how the Teachers Union is making the pandemic worse.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Please God make this in.

GUTFELD: Well, those who teach keep life out of reach. Now you see DCM, now you don't. According to recently obtained e-mails my favorite kind. The Center for Disease Control was heavily influenced by the American Federation of Teachers when drafting guidance on school reopenings. Apparently, it's still not COVID safe for teachers to go back to school or go back to in-school learning. Translation. We are never teaching again. Screw your stupid kids.

Let's get drunk. I know how to speak teacher. The National Teachers Union lobbied hard to prevent students returning to the classroom even as the science showed schools weren't a primary source of infections. Unless you consider leftist indoctrination and infection. And we know you do. And you know we do. Of course, their most recent guidance for vaccinated members of the general public says maskless outdoor dining and socializing in small groups is fine.

Yes (BLEEP) the CDC changes their mind more than Trey Gowdy changes haircuts. Have you noticed this? You noticed this? I've been watching this on and off for two years. And I've kept silent on this, but I can't keep silent anymore. Somebody has to speak the truth around about Trey Gowdy's hair. Meanwhile, the CDC also announced new guidelines for summer camps among them all children must be thrown into a vat of scalding lava.

I read that wrong. Kids should stay three feet apart, and everyone including vaccinated camp counselors should stay masked up the whole time. Which sounds absurd. I mean, come on, kids had more fun at camp and Friday the 13th. At least Jason was the only one in a mask and he's had holes in it. Oh, I loved him, Kennedy. You know, this summer camp thing is insane. If you were -- if a version of you from a few years ago, time traveled to now.

First, you'd be like, wow, I can time travel. Why am I here? But also you'd be like, what the hell is going on? Excuse my -- I said hell, Jack.

MONTGOMERY: No. But the kids are on their -- kids are on --


BREWER: I'll put it for you.

GUTFELD: (INAUDIBLE) Jack's very religious and I just feel like I should be on my best behavior.

MONTGOMERY: I know. He probably hates that. (INAUDIBLE) want people to be themselves.


BREWER: Exactly.


MONTGOMERY: Oh, hello, young man. Very nice to make your acquaintance.

TYRUS: That's our show.

MONTGOMERY: No, it's -- all -- the kids are in the second year of the pandemic now.


MONTGOMERY: They need a release.


MONTGOMERY: And we've been told not to travel, not to get on planes. You can't go to any of the countries. You can't see grandparents. So everyone has been cooped up at best at Zoom in a room when they go to school.


MONTGOMERY: But they're wired up with headphones and laptops. And it is so anti-social, they need a break.


MONTGOMERY: So a lot of parents hoping that summer camp would be the break because now that we hear you can be unmasked outside. And, you know, counselors are going to be vaccinated, kids aren't transmitting it to each other when they do get sick. They're not hospitalized. Thank God, they're lower death rates for kids under 18 than there are for the flu. Karol Markowicz in the New York Post dubbed it the forever pandemic.

And that's how it feels in every aspect of life that they can control. They absolutely will. And at some point, parents have to stand up and say hell no, we have to go back to normal for our kids mental and emotional and physical health.


SIEGEL: Hooray, hooray. I'll tell you a secret, Greg. I got a secret.

GUTFELD: What's the secret?

SIEGEL: Guidelines. Doctors don't usually listen to them.

GUTFELD: Really?

SIEGEL: Absolutely. Because they're guidelines.


SIEGEL: You know how many got wrong? I got them. They're on a pile on my desk here. Here's the new guideline on summer camp. Let me see masked up, three feet apart. It's like a twister game, right?

GUTFELD: Yes, yes.

SIEGEL: One leg here, one on there. We wouldn't listen to that, especially if it doesn't follow the science. It's beyond ridiculous. It's actually become abusive.


SIEGEL: Not that all the guidelines are wrong. But you just said at the beginning of the show, the American Teachers Federation are involved. So the guidelines also have fine print to them.

GUTFELD: You're right. Exactly.

SIEGEL: They didn't write all the wrong guidelines.

GUTFELD: Yes. It's amazing that summer camp because there are far worse things that you can -- that happen in summer camp than like getting like COVID, like I got worms.


GUTFELD: And that was last year.

BREWER: That was a -- was that the prescription?

GUTFELD: Yes, I want to follow up before -- about the most difficult -- the question that gets everybody into trouble is the origin of the pandemic. And I've been reading up on the gain of function research in which, you know, if you've mentioned Fauci his name involved in it, you get in huge trouble. But is this -- what do you think this came from? This was a contaminated personality with Wuhan lab working with these COVID vaccines?

SIEGEL: Well --


GUTFELD: (INAUDIBLE) these viruses.

SIEGEL: I'm going to try to keep this brief. I'm going to give you a choice.


SIEGEL: Choice one. It came from a bat cave in southern China made its way thousands of miles north via a wet market transformed into another creature, this ugly pangolin and then over one day suddenly jumped to humans.


SIEGEL: Or choice B. There's the Wuhan Institute of virology that the NIH was funding with money to do gain of function research, where they take back coronavirus.


SIEGEL: And manipulate them to try to spread human to human. And by the way at that lab, lab workers got sick in the fall of 2019 and went home with COVID-like symptoms.


SIEGEL: And the Chinese military was involved with this lab.


SIEGEL: I wonder which story is more likely.

GUTFELD: You're absolutely right. By the way, just to point out, wet market does -- is not as fun as it sounds? I always have to make that point, Tyrus.

TYRUS: I mean, you don't have to. And brother, I would save your prayers at the end of the show. You will be steady praying through this entire show (INAUDIBLE) hear your thoughts. So, and if you know anyone who could do an exorcism (INAUDIBLE) I'm glad to give up -- I'm glad to give up my seat but --

GUTFELD: We should have an exorcist on.

MONTGOMERY: Oh my god.

TYRUS: You should, yes.


TYRUS: that would be great.

GUTFELD: It wouldn't be great.


BREWER: Can I be on that show?

GUTFELD: Yes, you can. Yes. I'm going to need you.

BREWER: I want to be --


BREWER: -- the board right there.


BREWER: You literally have -- if you ever had a bucket list, what would you put on it? You've done everything. You're burying people, you hosted MTV. You've done everything. So could you do a seance for us? Is that something that we can --

MONTGOMERY: Yes, I'm taking a levitation class at SUNY Purchase right now.

TYRUS: OK. So let's -- here we go.

BREWER: You know what, I'm bringing my mom's blessed oil on that show.

TYRUS: I'm bringing a doctor's notes so I don't have to be here and --

SIEGEL: I got it for you, Tyrus.

TODD: That's going to be great. Thank you.

GUTFELD: I can't -- what happened to ---


GUTFELD: Brewer, last word to you. Anything you want to add to this (INAUDIBLE)

BREWER: Yes. You know what? And you got to pray for me after this. Because if I get my entire camp goes to woo, then I run summer camps in Florida. And we have kids coming in there. And what my question is this, all around the country in places like Florida, we've been running camps through the winter break and everywhere else.

Why do the kids that live in the inner cities, why are the kids that live in these blue states not get to go to summer camp but all of a sudden the CDC comes out with this guidance? Use us as examples. We've been doing camp for the last year.

GUTFELD: Yes, exactly. All right. Still to Come. Caitlyn Jenner will not yield on who takes the (INAUDIBLE)


GUTFELD: For comments on gender put some on a bender. I speak of former Olympian and future governor of California, Caitlyn Jenner, who was asked this weekend about trans-athletes participating in school sports. Roll it.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Hi, Caitlyn. So, there's legislation in various states to ban biological boys who are trans from playing girls sports in school. What's your opinion on that?

CAITLYN JENNER (R), CALIFORNIA GUBERNATORIAL CANDIDATE: This is a question of fairness. That's why I oppose biological boys who are trans, competing in girls' sports in school. It just isn't fair. And we have to protect girls' sports.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: But if someone transitions and now identifies as a girl, isn't it delegitimizing their identity to prevent --

JENNER: Have a good day.


GUTFELD: Have a good day. So, Jenner weighs in on her first big political issue. What a good one to pick to. And it's pretty big considering she plans to challenge California Governor Gavin Newsom in the state's expected recall election. As you know, Caitlyn Jenner is probably the most famous transgender athlete in history. No, it's not Tom Brady. Now, Caitlyn may identify as a woman and get those votes but Governor Newsom can also be expected to counter it with (BLEEP) vote and criminals.

On Saturday, 76,000 California inmates including violent repeat felons became eligible for early release due to new good behavior. The only caveat is that they all stay in California, so many opted to return to jail. But that 76,000 includes nearly 20,000 who are serving life sentences. Some lawmakers are already bashing Newsom for the changes said state Senator Jim Nielsen, "is putting us all at greater risk and there seems to be no end to the degree to which he wants to do that." For more, we went to Gavin Newsom for comment.

He dyed his hair. So, Tyrus isn't Caitlin, the absolute number one person to comment on this, like, how can you get disagree?

TYRUS: She is, and she makes a great point. I think because this is and -- when you can see what happens when you make a good point based on science, they come back with an answer that there's no way you can answer correctly.

GUTFELD: Delegitimize.

TYRUS: Yes, like, oh, is it going to hurt self-esteem? Of course, it would.


TYRUS: We're in situations where young girls in high school are competing with biological boys who identify as women for scholarships to go on to college. And I always, and I feel in my position on this is you should one either create scholarships specifically for that.


TYRUS: Because it is, we talked about celebrating our differences. You can identify but biologically you have advantages. There's a reason why we separate boys and girls sports for a reason. I would love for my daughter to play basketball with other boys but after my little girl gets dunked on I'm being the game. You know what I'm saying? But there's, there's a there's a reason for that, and I think if we look at it just take the emotion out because you have to when you make decisions like this, just like when they decide to give one brother a scholarship. I'm six-eight, the other guy six-0seven, I run a five-one, he ran four-eight we're going to go with the other guy.


TYRUS: Yes, that hurt my feelings. Yes, I'm upset. But it's, it's the facts of life.

GUTFELD: You would -- Tyrus has brought up a really interesting point about sports. Is that sports isn't based on equality. You're either, it's like, like if you're better at it, your bet to meet -- God using that argument -- you should allow trans in every, every, we should just get rid of all gender. All sports should just have no gender. It's just like if you want to play pro-sports everybody just jump on in and then you just pick the best. Is that -- you're looking at me like I'm crazy.

JACK BREWER, PROFESSIONAL FOOTBALL PLAYER: No, you're right. It is about it. There's a lot of equality particularly the National Football League. Yes, they will equally send your butt home if you are not performing. Yes, I can tell you that right now?

GUTFELD: Do you think she's going to get any blowback for this?

BREWER: Yes, I'm sure. But listen in the political realm, no matter what you say, you can say he, she, they then you're still going to get pushback. So, we're so fixated on words, that we've lost our reason.


BREWER: And so, I don't want to go back to spiritual, but I go back to the word of God, and that's where I find my truth. And I think sometimes in this country right now, that's what we're lacking. There is no centerpiece. There is no gauge. Our dictionaries have these words. I told you last time the democratic dictionary, yes, democratic dictionary is real.


BREWER: Because they change words. Everything means whatever they wanted to mean, this year. Next year, they'll mean something else, as long as they can contain their power and push their agenda.

GUTFELD: Good point. Kennedy, she was defending women. And I think this is there's a cleaving going on in identity politics where, like, OK, what, where are the feminists protecting women's sports? If they feared the trans-activists, so there's like, so she as a trans-activist and celebrity is actually defending the feminists. Does that make sense to you?

LISA KENNEDY MONTGOMERY: Yes, but there, there is a chasm in feminism right now, because there are people who are very pro-trans. You know, and I look at these kids, and they are athletic, and they do want to compete, they want to run, they want to play soccer, they want to wrestle, they want to do everything. And I don't think that we should hold them back as athletes.

And you know, this, this, us or them mentality is really damaging. Because, you know, I don't know what the appropriate age is to start hormone repression therapy. But if a kid isn't ready to do that yet, then you have to let them play somewhere. And then you know, to Tyrus' in college, as the body is more matured, and we have a greater understanding as adults, what hormone repression does, then that's a good time. I don't have the, the expertise that Caitlyn Jenner does when she talks about sport and being a trans-athlete, and I certainly defer to her.

But I do feel really bad for the kids who are caught in the middle who are athletic and you know, if you're a boy, you're not going to pretend to be a girl so you can run track.

GUTFELD: Right. Yes.

MONTGOMERY: You know, it's, it's not that simple.

GUTFELD: I've tried. You know, Dr. Siegel, I hate sports. Because I was so good at it, I just felt like I didn't want -- you know, I felt like everybody there was from, you know how it is. I just felt like it was such an unequal, it wasn't fair. So, I think that maybe this is the end of sports.

SIEGEL: No, I think this is the beginning of sports, but we don't know where it's headed.

GUTFELD: I like how you took that question seriously, because it made no sense.

SIEGEL: But listen, Greg --

GUTFELD: I even noticed it coming out of my mouth making no sense.

SIEGEL: Listen, Greg.


SIEGEL: Caitlyn Jenner is right, because she knows what she's talking about, as you said at the beginning, and I think there's a biological advantage. But I want to take you back to the 1970s when Richard Raskin became, a noted ophthalmologist.


SIEGEL: Became Renee Richards.


SIEGEL: Renee Richards wanting to compete in the U.S. Open, and there was a lot of blowback and one of the people that was really against this was Martina Navratilova. And you know, Richard's went on to compete. Yes, and it wasn't so political. That's my point. It wasn't so politicized.


SIEGEL: And you know what happened in the end?


SIEGEL: Renee Richards coached her friend, Martina Navratilova to, to Wimbledon championship, just so they disagreed, but they became friends and that's what we've lost.

GUTFELD: That's the silver lining in all this. Boy, I missed 1970s tennis stories.

Coming up next, a top scientists endorses adding A.I. to the armed forces.


GUTFELD: Is it time to enhance the war dance? The chief scientist for space force, a division of the U.S. Dairy Council says human augmentation is imperative to maintain military dominance and he's not wrong. Human augmentation made Baywatch a hit show despite having those scripts.

Anyway, Dr. Joel Moser, if that's his real name, describe the future of the military coming in the next decade explaining, "You can put an individual into a state of flow where learning is optimized and retention is maximized. The individual can be shaped into somebody with very high performing potential." Sounds like me.

He also mentioned artificial intelligence and nerve stimulation to better simulate physical sensations. Nerve stimulation in physical sensations reminds me the time as a kid when I stuck my tongue inside the View Master. Boy, did I see things? I don't even know why I said that. But thanks for the picture. Maybe someday we'll, we'll all wars be fought without loss of human life and attacked by a drone will only mean a conversation with John Kerry.

Speaking of half man, half machine, I always assumed Kerry was half man, half vacuum cleaner just because of how much he sucks. When all else fails, you end on a Kerry choke. All right, Jack, what kind of augmentation would you like? Or do you think this is a scary idea fully with nature?

BREWER: It's really scary. I don't go against nature, but if I had to, if you're forcing me to --


BREWER: Then I want one that just loves everybody, goes around and helps kids when they need help. They can tutor the kids that need help. I just think that we need to find a lug, a love augmented soldier that can literally go out and fight all these wars for us with peace soldiers of love. You know that that's a hallmark TV show waiting to happen. Every segment you are introducing love so you're trying to destroy me with love. He's trying to destroy me, Tyrus, with love.

TYRUS: I'm touching that one Greg.

BREWER: I see you blushing. I see you blushing.

GUTFELD: It is possible under this makeup.

TYRUS: I'd like to be able to go on a cryo-freeze whenever I feel fit.


TYRUS: for 100 years at a time just -- you know, I'll see you --


TYRUS: And I'll come out and be like, I'm going right back.

GUTFELD: But you know when you do every, you do that every five minutes, every five minutes because you go -- it's got to be better somewhere.

TYRUS: Yes, just wait it out.

GUTFELD: It's like the guy chasing the party, but you're chasing the century.

TYRUS: Just taking a nap.

GUTFELD: Doing my augmentation would be, I want to be completely clean all the time. You're just get rid of the whole idea of being dirty, self-clean. I'd like to be like a self-cleaning oven, Kennedy. Are you bothered by this?

MONTGOMERY: No, I'm not bothered by it, because I think technology is fascinating. And that's how, you know there, there are people who believe that we already have bursts, the first human who will live past the thousand. And the only way we're going to do that is with the gene splicing, cognitive and physical prosthetics, which is what they're talking about. And all sorts of add-ons and bolt-ons. You know, who wouldn't? Who wouldn't want bolt-ons? That will make people not only more attractive, not only able to consume information at a higher speed, but also indestructible on the battlefield. So, what will war become other than rocking sacrum robots?

GUTFELD: Yes, you know, Dr. Siegel, I have a, I have a science background, as you know, and I could have been a doctor, but I think I could do other better things for America. There's a huge flaw in this idea. And you know, this, the only machine that is self-healing is like the human body, right? It's like if you, if you if you stab a hole in this in this chair, it's not going to heal itself. So, basically, that's why toaster ovens can't play sports.

SIEGEL: We can't be replaced. Yes, but we kind of tools, artificial intelligence can be a tool. Listen, I'd love that to be to have the strength of a Tyrus or the style of a Kennedy, or the speed and agility of a brewery here or the wit and humor of a gun failed, but I'm willing to stay the way I am. I wouldn't mind a little bit of a tool though.

GUTFELD: Yes, exactly. Well, we'll work on that in the break. Up next, I don't even know what that meant. A field full of moaners protesting their team's owners.


GUTFELD: And now, a story that has nothing to do with sports. So, soccer. On Sunday, Manchester United's game was postponed after fans caused mayhem at the stadium in a protest against the team's American owners. This is terrible look at these hooligans, who eventually stormed the stadium to protest on the pitch itself. Tyrus pitches what they call the field.

TYRUS: I don't think you're aware of that.

GUTFELD: Can't say this show doesn't teach you stuff. I don't even know why that statement is in there. Fans have been opposed to the American Glazer family's ownership of the team since they acquired it in 2005. But last week's failed attempt to create the European Super League, reignited the protests. They set up flares while chanting we want the Glazers out as well as some other crap.

So, what's this mean for relationships between England, and America? Are we on the verge of another war? Not really. But since we don't know anything about soccer, we have no idea except that nine out of 10 dentists agree that everyone on that field could benefit from visiting an orthodontist. Cheap shots, cheap shot, I apologize in advance. Are you -- Jack, are you familiar with soccer?

BREWER: Yes, I am.

GUTFELD: OK, how do you feel about it?

BREWER: You know, I want to borrow those fans and bring them into the NFL stadiums. And every time those players kneel to our flag, and they don't stand up against these violence-ridden inner cities that are killing all these kids in Chicago, and in Detroit, and in Philadelphia, and they say nothing that's put these, these fans right on them. That's what I wanted. I want to replace roles.

GUTFELD: Kennedy, something tells me you, you probably have played soccer, right. You're --

MONTGOMERY: Yes. I have a child named Pele.

GUTFELD: That's right.


GUTFELD: Named after that. That gentleman who plays soccer. What's his name? Steve Pele?

MONTGOMERY: It's just Pele.

GUTFELD: Oh, so it goes by one name. Interesting.

TYRUS: You got problem brothers one name?

GUTFELD: Tyrus and Kennedy --

MONTGOMERY: And both of our dads. Pele. Yes, so here's the thing. Manchester United has always been the better team the Man City came in and they, they had a bunch of money. Man City, the, the favorite team of Ricky Hatton and Oasis, the Gallagher Brothers. So, they've always been kind of the punk rock team, but now they have money and they're doing well.

They're mad at the Glazers at number one because they plunged the team into debt. And, and they are still in debt. The team is essentially broke then they tried to break away. It'd be like if Texas tried to secede from the union and failed. And then Greg Abbott came out what I'm sorry guys like a really suck. So, that's essentially what happened.

GUTFELD: So, you actually --

BREWER: But that wouldn't happen though.


MONTGOMERY: I don't think Texas is going to --

BREWER: We're going to succeed if they do it. They're not going to fail --

GUTFELD: By the way when I was doing this story, but then I found out that Man City meant something else.

TYRUS: Yes, I know. You just saw the headline Man City.

GUTFELD: Like oh, this sounds like a provocative topic.

TYRUS: Yes, this is going to be great.

GUTFELD: Dr. Siegel, do you have any feelings about this? Obviously, Kennedy came prepared I didn't expect anybody else to know what the hell this story was about.

SIEGEL: I think that soccer is a great sport and that what this does as usual these days it mars it because you see the violent crowd right. And just because there's American owners, well, you know what I want soccer imported to the United States more. I want to see more soccer here. It's a really, really safe, and energetic and great sport, so I don't like the violence. And by the way, I do think they were trying to steal the league. Yes, that part's bad, but I don't like to turn violent. Everything seems to turn violent now.

GUTFELD: Did, the doctor, Tyrus, making a strong stand against violence?

TYRUS: Yes, doctors tend to do that.

SIEGEL: I like the one name by the way. I vote for the one name, Tyrus.

TYRUS: America and Britain we just can't seem to get along over taxation. It's, it just seems to be our issue. You know, I'm saying when they owned us, they tax us. We kicked their ass back to England. Now, we show up by their favorite -- we just keep rubbing it in.


TYRUS: You know, that's what it is. It's just, it's kind of shows what the rest of world really thinks about us. They like our money. They like our military, but they don't want us owning their stuff. So, that's why they were whining and crying so much. I think soccer is great for different reasons because as a as a kid growing up and is coaching youth football, truly expensive for kids in the intercity to play football.


TYRUS: Soccer, all you need is a ball in the field. Uniforms he even can be stuff that you hodgepodge put together. So that's why it's so popular across the country because anybody can play it on an area. So, I'd like to see more of that in our, in our intercities in the United States where there's more opportunities, where it cost somebody 75 bucks for the kid to play all year opposed to it's like 350 for gear plus on a football can be expensive.

GUTFELD: And the other thing too is if you're coaching soccer, it's great because you, your pants are free for drinks. So, you can just sit there and get boozed up.

TYRUS: You ruined my point. I retract my entire --

SIEGEL: You're running all over the place. You know, in baseball, you stand in one spot running is healthy.

BREWER: Yes, but don't drink don't drink by the kids. Come on, Greg.

MONTGOMERY: Don't drink so they don't have to.

GUTFELD: More stuff next.


GUTFELD: Another amazing show. Set your DVRs every night so you never miss an episode. Thanks to Dr. Marc Siegel, Jack Brewer, Kennedy, Tyrus, our studio audience. "FOX NEWS @ NIGHT" with Shannon Bream is next. I'm Greg Gutfeld. I love you, America.


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