'Gutfeld' on European countries dropping COVID restrictions

This is a rush transcript of "Gutfeld" on February 1, 2022. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GREG GUTFELD, FOX NEWS CHANNEL HOST: Tuesday is my favorite day of the week. Be like I've got a running start. Everything's going to be great. Got some scattered applause for people terrified of being fired. Happy Tuesday, everyone. You know, it's happy when Julie Banderas made it here in one piece. And so far Child Protective Services hasn't called. So how do you --



GUTFELD: Oh, you know what?


BANDERAS: They couldn't track --

GUTFELD: Keep it to yourself.


GUTFELD: So how do you know when something is real? Like as real as my blue eyes, or Tyrus' tattoos or Julie's wine consumption? You know when something is real when the statistics match the stories, when you have mind boggling increases in crime, from carjackings to murder to hate crimes which are then coupled with absolutely horrible stories that make the statistics come alive.

I've been on this planet for maybe 50 years after immigrating from California. And I've never seen anything like this. I know crime victims. And I'm not just talking about people who bought Kilmeade's last book. We've covered the stats and the stories until we were blue in the face. So how can anyone deny them? Well, it turns out it's really easy if you have help. We've been mapping this gleeful denial since it started. And it began were all lies begin with CNN.


DON LEMON, CNN ANCHOR: Yes. Democratic cities are in chaos right now. Is this what you want from Joe Biden and they're going to take your country away and they're taking down the statues and --

CHRIS CUOMO, CNN ANCHOR: Crime is rising.

LEMON: Crime is rising.

CUOMO: They defund police.

LEMON: Oh my gosh. It's so bad and they get defunding police. It's like --


GUTFELD: Yes. Shouldn't Don Lemon retract his eye rolling? Since everything he just eye rolled happened? But if you listen to conservative media, well --


LEMON: You listen to conservative media, you would think that, you know, entire cities are just, you know, brawled, and fights and fires and whatever. We went out had a great dinner in New York City tonight. People actually walked up to us and said, thank you for -- I watch you every night (INAUDIBLE)


GUTFELD: A lie. The only people watching Don Lemon every night are in gitmo. It's how they get them to talk. No one watches Don Lemon by choice. Now, we played that clip a lot, not just for entertainment value, but because we knew where this was going. It was the beginning of the cover your ass not covered the news strategy, for they knew they were responsible for the anti-police pro crime environment.

This was the denial stage. But then when they saw crime could hurt them politically. They changed their tune.


LEMON: I think this is a blind spot for Democrats. I think Democrats are ignoring this problem or hoping that it will go away. And it's not going to go away. Joe Biden may be afraid to do it. I'm not sure maybe he won't. Maybe he is. He's got to address it. The rioting has to stop. Chris, as you know, and I know it's showing up in the polling. It's showing up in focus groups. It's the only thing right now that is sticking.


GUTFELD: It's showing up in the polls. Well, there goes your great dinner in NYC. I guess politics affects your appetite, not human suffering. But that was just the tip of the scumberg. As all the data came out on crime, we continued to cover it because we cared about our viewers. And so CNN attack the messenger because they found themselves on the wrong side.


BRIAN STELTER, ANCHOR, CNN: Some examples of the banners on Fox News in the past few days, you get the sense that America has gone to hell, declining quality of life, America is a apocalyptic hellscape. And yes, there is a crime problem. But the way it's described on Fox, you'd be afraid to leave your house.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I kind of think of it as a Instagram filter, Brian. You know, you start with a real image and then you take the filter and you pump it up 1,000 percent and what you're left with is distorted, it no longer reflects reality.

STELTER: Instagram filter that's going to stay with me. That's the perfect way to describe it.


GUTFELD: Yes, man. I wonder if it's an Instagram filter that's responsible for tripling his chins. So people are dying. But it's Fox headlines calling attention to the deaths that really irk these ghouls. The truth we report is kryptonite to their false narrative. And of course now you see Peppermint Patty dismissing crime, because well she hates the messenger too.


JEN PSAKI, WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY: On Fox is Jeanine Pirro talking about soft on crime consequences. I mean, what does that even mean? Right? So, there's an alternate universe on some coverage. What's scary about it is a lot of people watch that.


GUTFELD: Yes. No, no, no. What's scary about it is you and your boss and all the folks who work for him are living in that alternate universe, and the victims that you insult they live somewhere else. Of course, he asked, what does that even mean? As if crime stats come out in Latin. Maybe we can get an expert to answer her.


DOMINIQUE LUZURIAGA, OFFICER JASON RIVER'S WIDOW: The system continues to fail us. We are not safe anymore. Not even the members of the service. I know you were tired of these laws, especially the ones from the new D.A.


GUTFELD: Maybe that'll jog Jen's memory. Fact is people are dying all over from violent crime. And Jen dismisses it because it didn't affect her Pilates class. Imagine doing that with victims of police brutality or COVID. Apparently, it's OK to mock crime victims because those victims don't rate, they aren't romanticized. So what alternative university you live in? Sadly, the dangerous one that people like Psaki's boss helped create but don't see.

It's a place where women are pushed to their deaths teens are murdered. Businesses are ransacked until they close and elderly Asians are beaten unconscious. The media spent a year telling us how people that walk through the Capitol are worse than 9/11 while completely ignoring all of that. What an unlucky universe crime victims live in. Because unlike the media, they don't have armed security around the clock.

They don't have personal chauffeurs safely taking them to and from work, or an assistant who can run to the store and get them suppositories. Thanks, Gabby. And yet, the media claimed to be in danger on January 6. But no, their universe is secure. They only get scared when they forget the sunscreen at the Hamptons. So what happens when you see bad things with your very own eyes?

And you pointed out and people like Psaki laugh at you like they just swallowed an ounce of magic mushrooms. And the media safe behind their security and anonymity laugh along like school kids who just heard a knock- knock joke. I guess pretending a massive increase in murders is no big deal is literally the best they can do. And if bad things don't affect them, then they didn't happen at all.

But it's a cover up in plain sight. So we don't notice what cause the crime wave which is them. together the media's disregard for rising crime and the progressive embrace of policies that rewarded the criminal created the crime wave. And now they're covering it up. Now they need to change that narrative. They need to apply the radical politics. Almost like Instagram filter. Sure, this brutal murder of a young girl looks bad, but factor in that cash bail discriminates against the poor and there's prison overcrowding, which is cruel.

And there's COVID in jail. And isn't the suspect really the victim? Did you know he has dyslexia? He's addicted to meth and has gender dysphoria? He thinks he's a woodland nymph. Frankly, isn't the criminal society itself? Yes, society is the culprit. It's the new way to blame the victim. It's a trick these hacks used to sleep well at night. Also heavily medicated so they can't hear the screams.


GUTFELD: Let's welcome tonight's guests. There are more secrets in his mustache than area 51. Co-host of "THE FIVE" Geraldo Rivera. She's like a home renovation. Messy, loud and completely plastered, Fox News Anchor Julie Banderas. She's disappointed more sponsors than the Olympics. Fox News Contributor Kat Timpf. And when he sneezes, Janice Dean reports gusty winds. My massive sidekick and NWA's World television champion, Tyrus.

So Julie, I know you're too busy worrying about being arrested to actually think about crime. But try to concentrate.


GUTFELD: You know, I know this is hard. Could these -- why is the media so far removed from what people are experiencing every day?

BANDERAS: I mean, the White House is so far removed from what is experiencing today. I mean, if you -- if she actually looked at what's happening, not in just Washington, D.C. but in Maryland and in the state next door, how about that? The highest crime rate increase in the country. And as far as living in an alternate universe, I do realize that marijuana is legal in Washington, D.C.

I didn't know that they took gummies at the White House. But maybe that's the alternate universe he's talking about because the actual reality is the crime rate in the United States is horrible. Why? Because of these liberal D.A.s. They are the reason why they are allowing these thugs back onto the streets, the bail reform laws in this country. I hate to be a buzz kill because I usually like to laugh on this show.


BANDERAS: Oh, and I -- and I also find that leaving your sunscreen in the Hamptons is also a crisis.

GUTFELD: It is. it is.


BANDERAS: -- on other corner here. Swamp good.

GUTFELD: Yes. Yes. Yes. You know what I would like gummies to be at the White House and that would explain a lot of Biden's like memory lapses is the fact that he's doing gummies. You know, Geraldo, you've been in journalism almost as long as I've been.


GUTFELD: Yes. Do you think that the problem here is that the press is less blue collar than white collar?


GUTFELD: And if they were blue collar, they would understand like cops?

RIVERA: I do. And I think you hit it when you said this doesn't happen where they are, so they don't see it. They don't see that the cop's wife who is the most eloquent witness ever to the job that the cops do and the suffering of ordinary people in working class and poor neighborhoods. But, you know, it's -- that's the problem. When you -- I have nothing against Jen Psaki. I don't know her. She's kind of elegant.

You know, they -- there's all those yuppies. They don't -- I don't know if they even use that expression anymore. Young adult professionals. But there's a side of D.C. where there were 221 murders last year.


RIVERA: So 221 murders, mostly black people killing other black people. So, you know, D.C. is a wonderful place to live If you're Jen Psaki or the -- or the, you know, similar situation. And I think that that's the problem when you say crime, crime crime, it's funny that Fox, which is the, you know, Republican and mostly rural, or, you know, the other cities, the smaller cities were the ones that bring the attention to what's really happening in urban America, where all the Democrats are.

Why they still vote for the people that they vote for when you have this horror, and the sons are being killed. And they remember when that cut -- the two cops got killed. What was that? That was a mother being beaten up by a junkie ex-con on probation with a Glock with a -- with an extended magazine. So they come to the scene, they want to save mom, was getting beat up by the junky son and they get shot, they get killed.

A 22-year-old and 27-year-old. I just said, and we really think this on The Five that this was the bridge to four, this was it. This is -- those two cops went down. And now that's going to -- it's going to be a sea shift and people mocking, you know, the suffering of urban America. They -- their time has come.

GUTFELD: Yes. And I wish that they would be held accountable. Only we're doing that, Kat, I keep playing that video over and over and over again. Do you think part of the reason is the messenger that it's Fox? And so when we come out and we say something like we've been following -- like Geraldo says, and we've been doing all this crime stuff that instinctively makes the people that don't like Fox.

Take the most dumbest stance, which is pro crime because they hate us.

KAT TIMPF, FOX NEWS CHANNEL CONTRIBUTOR: Yes. Yes. Absolutely. And I think that -- obviously Jen Psaki, like any press secretary, your entire job is to just, you know, make the guy you work for look good. That's her job. So you have to say OK, that's what she's trying to do. But it doesn't really work anymore because polling shows that people are fed up with this. People in, you know, regular life who aren't working at the White House see this all the time.

So you kind of can't gaslight people out of it anymore. So even if she is trying to do her job, trying to make Biden look the best that she can make him look, she's going to have to acknowledge this because everybody already knows.

GUTFELD: Yes, yes, it's there. You know, Tyrus, it's like, the Democrats want us to be scared of so many things. Like they want us to be scared of climate change. But when you have like -- if you have friends of yours who are mugged, you're not supposed to be frightened.

TYRUS, FOX NEWS CHANNEL CONTRIBUTOR: Yes, I don't care if it's raining or snowing if my friends are getting shot in the street, I really don't care what the weather is like. You know, what is difficult for me when I -- when I look at this whole situation, first of all, Peppermint Patty is American icon, how dare you?

GUTFELD: I'm sorry.

TYRUS: Yes. And, you know, Psaki, she doesn't talk to the American people. And she talks to her bubble.


TYRUS: Stelter and Lemon, they talk to their bubble because when Lemon and -- what was that guy's name? Mister get after it. I missed that kid.


TYRUS: Cuomo, thank you. When they went out to dinner in their bubble they had -- they had a wonderful night.


TYRUS: Because that's their life.


TYRUS: Four blocks down. Not so wonderful. So when you look at it to -- they don't see the things we see. So this instance with the two young officers being shot, I've compared it to a George Floyd moment. What happened to George Floyd the entire country didn't matter what color you were, whatever was like, that's not right. Those who didn't know now know. And my hope is, is that if this becomes a Lewis Rivera and I get -- he was 20 -- he was a baby. You know what I'm saying?

He just -- and he was a man of color. Where are you, Black Lives Matter? Where are you? Because you know what?

BANDERAS: Oh my God. Yes.

TYRUS: Why does your uniform take away your skin color? Why does me sitting here talking about being conservative take away my skin color to certain groups? When is someone going to say that it doesn't matter? Those are two brothers down and whether they're brown, but whatever. Where are you guys because it's the same thing, and there should be the same outrage. And it shouldn't just be his wife. It should be all of us and we should be coming together like this cannot stand.

BANDERAS: I'll tell you we're Black Lives Matter is in Washington, D.C. The Washington, D.C. Black Lives Matter chapter came out and denounced us calling these guys heroes.

GUTFELD: Yes, that's true.

BANDERAS: That's where they are. They're denouncing heroes that we're going to save a black mother from her son. That's where they are.

TYRUS: Black Lives Matters only matters if it works in their agenda and their pocketbook.

RIVERA: Right. They didn't speak out about any of the 221 murders last year in D.C. Not one.


RIVERA: Because cop was not involved.

TYRUS: Victims who relied on them to fight for them are still waiting for help.

GUTFELD: Yes, exactly.

TYRUS: While they're buying planes and it's not just them.

GUTFELD: They bought a mansion.


TYRUS: It's not just them.


TYRUS: They they've joined the same grips as all the other woke so-called liberal groups that are here to help but they're not really here to help.


TYRUS: They're just virtue signal.

GUTFELD: Help themselves. All right. That was a very --


BANDERAS: I need a shot. Holy crap.

GUTFELD: You know what? I'm going to bring in some vodka.

RIVERA: These are booze on the show.

GUTFELD: Oh, I don't know. Maybe.

RIVERA: Come on.

GUTFELD: Check your glass.

RIVERA: Jay Leno did.

BANDERAS: No, it's just water.

GUTFELD: Up next. How will mask bans carry on when COVID restrictions are gone?



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Please God make this in.


GUTFELD: From foreign countries to local jurisdictions, everyone's dropping COVID restrictions. That's a rhyme. Bubble COVID fanatic still seed when normal people are free to breathe. First, no more COVID mania for friends in Scandinavia. Well, they like rhymes over here. The prime minister of Finland and actual place has announced they'll be ending all COVID restrictions next month.

That follows neighboring Denmark, the home of cheese, who'd scrapped the restriction starting today. England lifted the last of their restrictions and Ireland also dropped. There's days before that. Hopefully Europe will inspire us, although I'm not sure it's worth the soccer. But it sounds like Americans are ready to follow suit. A new poll finds that 70 percent of Americans agree with the statement.

It's time we accept that COVID is here to stay, and we just need to get on with our lives. Finally, we're more sick of mandates than COVID. And here's the shocker that St. Paul found a partisan to side between who thinks it's time to move on. 89 percent of Republicans versus 47 percent of Dems. And 98 percent agreed we should still keep a mask over Nancy Pelosi face. Either way, February 1st, ah, looks damn good.

It's almost over because the dominoes are already following and like a lesbian coming out of the closet. We're all saying no more mandates. It's all that joke come in like a Frisbee in the desert. Colorado dropped its vaccine requirements for large indoor gatherings over 500 people. And you should only wear a mask if your bong hits are extra dank. There's California Governor Gavin Newsom photographed maskless Sunday at the Rams game despite an indoor mandate.

If there were ever signed COVID is over, listen to his lame defense.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Giving your history with this issue should you maybe reconsider taking the mask off for the photo for the image, the message that it might say?

GOV. GAVIN NEWSOM (D-CA): Yes. No. Yes. I mean, of course. I was trying to be gracious and I made a -- you know, I mean was trying to be gracious and took the mask off for a brief second but no, I urge people to continue to wear them.


GUTFELD: Liar. He should double mask for being so two faced. But sadly not everyone's ready to be done with COVID.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Janet. Oh my gosh. Janet, Janet, where is your mask? And why aren't you 30-feet away from me right now?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Because we're both vaccinated and tested negative this morning.






UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You're using a computer, aren't you're worried about Y2K?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Keith, that was 20 years ago. Also almost over you (INAUDIBLE) stop being so paranoid. Remember last summer when you refused to go swimming because of shark attacks at my pool party?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Whoa, OK. Well, maybe you're right. Maybe I'm like freaking out because it gives my life meaning, you know, but not anymore. No, no, no, it's time for Keith to start living. Oh my God. A shark. Give me my mask. He's clearly not vaccinated.


GUTFELD: I did not see that coming. Props to Stuart Varney for playing the shark. Scrappy little animal that guy is. Geraldo.

RIVERA: Aye, aye.

GUTFELD: It's February 1st, it's over. Let's party. We're going out.

RIVERA: Is it February 1st?


TYRUS: Yes, sir.


TYRUS: Twenty-eight glorious days you (INAUDIBLE)

RIVERA: Why aren't I in Florida?

GUTFELD: I don't know. One of your many homes perhaps.

RIVERA: I think that it's --

GUTFELD: You got your rose-colored glasses on.

TIMPF: I do. I do. That's after I - my eyes get red because of the pot. So anyway, I like the idea of people making their own choice, except the whole thing going on in Virginia with Glenn Youngkin. Nice guy, Republican. You know, I wish him the best. But he has a tip line. That to me is creepier than mask mandates. When you have a tip line if someone is going to teach critical race theory.

So this tip line snitch on the people teaching CRT, so the tip line is creepier than the CRT to me. I just think that let people evolve they're getting their pharmaceuticals. It's happening. Today is nice, tomorrow will be better. Tomorrow be that better than.


RIVERA: So I think all things in their -- in their time.

GUTFELD: All right. You know, Tyrus, I believe we -- if it's over for the leaders, then it's over for us or we have a revolution. Like if the -- if they can -- if they can -- if they enforce rules on us and they break them and we get in trouble then we have to have a revolution.

TYRUS: Come on, Greg. How can you be so flippant? All of you, shame on all of you. You should all be wearing masks. We should be -- I should be wearing a mask. It's not right.

GUTFELD: You should -- you should be wearing a mask.

TYRUS: But I can hypocrite myself. It's not the point, Greg. You're just like that QAnon leader right-wing white nationalist, Bill Maher. Who says he was tired of masks.


TYRUS: Bill. I'll save you a seat. Welcome. The attacks on common sense is unreal. And that was my best Whoopi Goldberg impersonation because no one says flipping like she does.

GUTFELD: Yes. flippant man.

TYRUS: Yes. They're -- and they are flippant because they are picking fights with the wrong people. And just this last week, I've seen Judge Jeanine, they went up to Judge Jeanine.


TYRUS: Nobody goes after Judge Jeanine. I wouldn't. I would rather fight a bear, a lion, a tiger and perform cesarean C-section on a gorilla and before I would fight Judge Jeanine. So all because of mask.

RIVERA: She's my prom day.


TYRUS: Judge Jeanine?

GUTFELD: No, she wasn't. No? Really?

RIVERA: I'm lying.

GUTFELD: That's more depressing than the empty vault, Geraldo. I wanted that to be --

TYRUS: But just like the vault he had us.

GUTFELD: Yes. He did have. He did have it. He got --

TIMPF: I was like tell me more.

RIVERA: Because it could be.

GUTFELD: It could be. That's why you're the master. So Kat, I came up with an idea of an app that tells people, restaurants and bars and stores that aren't doing mandates.


GUTFELD: So, you know, but I don't have the technology to do it. Can your husband do this tonight?

TIMPF: He better. Because I know I agree with you. I went to a bar where they made you wear your mask as you were passing through the door.

GUTFELD: Exactly.

TIMPF: And then you got to take it off. It doesn't make sense. Nothing (INAUDIBLE) including the vax card like when I had COVID this last time, I could have gone to any bar I wanted to.

BANDERAS: Just the last.

TIMPF: And just show them -- yes, the second time.


TIMPF: And just throw them my vax card.


TIMPF: And I -- because they never -- they asked you do have your vax card? They don't ever -- I wouldn't even have to lie. They never asked do you have the COVID? They would have never asked me could have gone right in, I did not do that. I drink at home and on the park bench because I'm a good citizen.


TIMPF: But that was up to me to make that decision. There's this idea that if you don't support the mandates, you see how ridiculous it all is that you're like are -- you don't think COVID is real.

GUTFELD: Right, right.

TIMPF: Oh, it's real. I had it twice.

TYRUS: Greg, I forgot.


TYRUS: I pulled a gut fill on the plane today.

GUTFELD: What did you do?

TYRUS: I brought a lollipop, that in my mouth the whole time. And at one point the stewardess said clever, clever. I'm like, I got a meeting.

TIMPF: That's a really good idea.



GUTFELD: I think --

RIVERA: I thought it was the CBD or --

GUTFELD: I would like --


TYRUS: Why they got to be weed. Damn dog.

GUTFELD: Keep the mask going into public bathrooms. That's about it.

BANDERAS: I mean, I personally love masks. I mean, and first of all, that's like a gag is not a mask, so you know.


BANDERAS: I've been doing it wrong. OK. I just wanted to let Cameron (INAUDIBLE) but no, I mean, I welcome the mouse. I enjoy the masks. I love the fact that nobody can see who I am. Although I will say two years later, I look at myself a little differently. Like I'm ready for a facelift. But the other thing that I'm going to miss out COVID is like just, you know, being able to be in your own home in the privacy of your own home.

I can smoke pot with my cat. And it's not even frowned upon.

GUTFELD: Yes. Yes.

BANDERAS: You know what I mean? My cat's dead. But that's (INAUDIBLE)

GUTFELD: The problem with pot is, you never notice.


GUTFELD: You know, it's February 1st, it's the beginning of the end. It's not going to happen all at once as Geraldo points out correctly. It's -- but it's happening when you're watching it. You're watching this thing unravel before your eyes.

TYRUS: Stop it, stop it. You are not ending the mass mandate during Black History Month.


TYRUS: We are not sharing the stage. Enough. We already have the shortest days. End it in March.

GUTFELD: All right.

TYRUS: February is ours, Gutfeld.

GUTFELD: All right.


TYRUS: You should not put it out there.

GUTFELD: Oh God. I should have checked.


TYRUS: Flip it, Gutfeld.


TYRUS: Flip it.

GUTFELD: Up next. Dems don't want to discuss how they threw border agents under the bus.


GUTFELD: Biden confused whips for reigns because he has horse poop for brains. Yes, he trashed the Border Patrol's reputation and now we won't reveal the investigation. Four months ago images like these whipped the media and Dems into a frenzy. They claim to all that border patrol agents were whipping Haitian migrants at the border.

But the claim quickly evaporated. Even the photographer debunked it. GOP lawmakers are still waiting for a report that was promised months ago. But they're not holding their breath. Well, unless Swalwell is around.

Writing to the Homeland Security Secretary "For four months, the Biden administration and your department have gone without even apologizing to the agents that were smeared. To make matters worse, reports that indicate that the investigation little report, DHS was conducting any incident will likely never ever, ever appear.

So, the Dems love the story when they can use it politically. Then they bury it when it makes them look really stupid. And they were willing to destroy one man's life to fulfill their deception. Let's not forget what they said.


JEN PSAKI, WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY: We've watched the photos of Haitians gathering under a bridge, many with families, and the horrific video of the CBP officers on horse -- on horses using brutal and inappropriate measures against innocent people.

JOE BIDEN, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: It was horrible what to see as you saw. To see people treated like they did, horses really running over people being strapped, it's outrageous. I promise you, those people will pay. They will be -- an investigation is underway now and there will be consequences.


HAYES: Yes, yes, about that. To be fair, Joe doesn't remember what he said four minutes ago. And if I said half of what he said, I'd want to forget things too. So, Joe, four months later, are you changing your tune?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: No, no, no, no. Come on, man. There's no change. There's no change. Look, the buck stops here, but I get to reassess sometimes. I didn't like what those guys did but sometimes there's a problem. And then, you know, when a problem comes along, you must whip it. Before the cream sets up too long, you must whip. When something's going wrong, you must whip it. Whip it good. Come on, man.


GUTFELD: Thank you for that. So Kat, I don't have a problem with the debate over what went down because you can look at a photograph and see different things. My problem is the President shouldn't be singling out individuals. It's just what he did with Kyle Rittenhouse. It's what he did with Trump voters. He does -- he's like, he punches down. Stay the hell out of (BLEEP).

TIMPF: Yes, but I don't think he can help it because I think he sees these things as like easy political wins for himself. Because everyone is saying one thing, he's like, OK, I'll just say that thing everyone is saying --


TIMPF: -- and then everyone will love me.


TIMPF: And then he forgets about it. In his case, I believe he might have honestly forgotten about it.

GUTFELD: Yes, I think so too.

TIMPF: I'm just being honest. And I get why they don't publish the report. Because it's not going to make it -- like, that's why I don't post pictures of myself without makeup on. It's like, they don't -- it doesn't look good and everyone is going to ask if I'm sick.

GUTFELD: Yes, I mean, this is kind of, Geraldo, a perfect example of the drive-by demonization. You single out somebody and then when it turns out to be wrong and the story falls apart, it's gone. They just -- they walk away instead of -- like, at least apologize to the guy.

RIVERA: But freeze that -- look at that picture you have right there. I don't care what you believe in.

GUTFELD: That's their job.

RIVERA: That is -- that is a disturbing image.

GUTFELD: So what?

RIVERA: The job of a Border Patrol officer sucks. It is the suckest job there is in law enforcement. What are you doing? You're keeping people who want to be free and want to get the American dream and you're between them and that because that's your job.

So, your job sucks and I feel so badly for them because the world wants to live here, we have no border wall, there's chaos at the border. The drones now can take pictures of all this that we never saw before. So, this mystery world is unleashed to us, unveiled to us and it's deeply, deeply disturbing. And I covered the border for half a century. It sucked decades ago, and it sucks worse now.

GUTFELD: It always sucks, Julie.

BANDERAS: With the Border Patrol agents, I agree. They're -- it's a catch 22. Are they supposed to do their job? Are they not supposed to write their job?


BANDERAS: Although it was interesting in the article, I actually read that somebody commented, you know, that they grabbed a migrant shirt. Oh, Jesus. OK, so you can't touch them now? Is it the six foot rule or is this -- you just can't touch migrants?


BANDERAS: I don't get it. But I mean, that is their job to get these people from stopping from crossing the border illegally. Otherwise, they just let them go.

GUTFELD: Yes. In everything, Tyrus, in any form of enforcement, never is going to look perfect or good. And you could take a picture of anything and make it look bad.

TYRUS: Oh, don't I know that?


TYRUS: Two things real quick. I think I heard it right. He said the horse was whipping people. Did no one catch that? He blamed the horse.

GUTFELD: Yes, I think he did.

TYRUS: He blamed the horse. The horse can't even defend himself.

GUTFELD: I know.

TYRUS: And he was like, that horse was --

RIVERA: They're very -- they're very nimble.

TYRUS: But I mean, and then you look at these horses, is that horse dropping epitaph? So, the bad language - I mean, it's just -- of course, they don't want to put out the report just like I didn't want to put out my paternity tests. I didn't want to look at them. I didn't want to deal with it because I knew what I knew.

BANDERAS: It's going to cost you.

TYRUS: I mean, I'm staring at my faces.

TIMPF: They're 3-year-old and five feet.

TYRUS: Daddy, open the test. I'm not opening the test. Why don't you want open the test? Because I don't want to open the test. And so, it's the same thing with this. The report is -- are bad. They were riding horses well, like, very well. And they didn't whip anybody.


TYRUS: They were just riding horses fastly through the water which suckest -- is it suckest.

BANDERAS: Suckest.

GUTFELD: I would love to --

RIVERA: It's a Jewish holiday.

GUTFELD: I would have loved it -- I would love to have done the report and I would just -- three words. They were reigns.


GUTFELD: And then just writes sincerely, Greg Gutfeld.

TYRUS: And President Biden goes, you idiot, it was a clear day. There wasn't even a cloud in the sky. This guy, get him out of here. And I want those horses brought in. I'm whipping charges.

GUTFELD: Yes, exactly.

TYRUS: I will not stand for hooked animals hitting people.

GUTFELD: I think the Border Patrol should sue Biden but that's just me. Coming up, can you boost your fitness a lot watching babe spin stretch and squat?


GUTFELD: Can you burn off those hors d'oeuvres by watching videos like a perv? So, the spinning playmate help you raise your heart rates? A new workout subscription service called BeachSweat offers online peloton style classes led by models in bikinis -- disgusting.

Finally, however, an exercise class for weird old men. Apparently, the videos will have you sweating like the crew of an Alec Baldwin movie. Taking a page from only fans, a site dedicated to raising heart rates among other things. I know, terrible. These 30 minute workout classes will cost you 15 bucks a month just to watch scantily clad beautiful women sweating on an exercise bike. I'm intrigued.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Hi, I'm Lucia Newsy and welcome to a beach sweat class today. We have a 30 minute cycling class on the way sweating, detoxing, all the good stuff.


GUTFELD: I don't know about that.

RIVERA: It looks good to me.

GUTFELD: Well, Geraldo, control yourself. You've already been married 13 times. So, in just three weeks, BeachSweat is acquired 30,000 subscribers already topping CNN Plus. But oddly, none of the viewers lasted longer than two minutes. There you go. That was a joke.

All right, Geraldo, this seems like something you would have investigated in your old show.

RIVERA: That's right. That's right.

GUTFELD: You would have gone down --

RIVERA: I would have probed.

GUTFELD: You would have probed.


GUTFELD: You would -- what do you -- would you -- I don't even know what to ask you at this point.

RIVERA: When I was your age, they weren't the set -- quite the silicone.

GUTFELD: Yes, they were natural.

RIVERA: They were more -- much more.

GUTFELD: Yes. Those were the good old days.

RIVERA: Little less perfect and therefore more intriguing.

GUTFELD: Yes, so true.

RIVERA: Oh, about exercise.

GUTFELD: Kat, you care to weigh in on this trend?

TIMPF: I have nothing to add really.

GUTFELD: Shut up and answer the question.

TIMPF: I don't -- I'm inspired by this. If I were to look like that, I would need to get a surgery. Exercise does not make you grow boobs. I know because I tried.


TIMPF: Everyone has tried. Well, not people with boobs, but nevermind.

GUTFELD: Yes, Tyrus, I'm afraid to ask you. Is this like putting booze in a cake? Like, you got to keep it separate. What are you doing?

RIVERA: He's not coming.

TYRUS: Can I have your water? I'm out of water.

GUTFELD: You can't get up.

TYRUS: Did you just --

TIMPF: Actually --

TYRUS: I'll wait. That's fine. I'm sorry, what was -- what was the question?

GUTFELD: No, nevermind. All right --

TIMPF: I really -- I really --

TYRUS: No, no, I will answer. I'm not afraid. I'm never afraid. This is Fox News. I plead the Fifth.

GUTFELD: Julie, I tried to find topics for this show that will lighten the mood.

TYRUS: And ruin our lives, Gutfeld.

GUTFELD: How am I ruining --

TYRUS: How dare you? None of us can say anything. None of us.

TIMPF: Yes, I have no idea what it would be like to have boobs.


BANDERAS: She actually told me in the makeup room that she wants to get a boob job when she was 80.

TIMPF: When I'm 80.

BANDERAS: And I think that that is a brilliant idea.

TIMPF: Because everyone will be like, she's so old but her boobs look so young and they'll be confused.

GUTFELD: Get the boobs from a young donor.

RIVERA: Want a slow dance partner?

TIMPF: Why don't they do that? Why don't they do boob transplant?

GUTFELD: I don't think that's a good idea. Well, maybe.

TIMPF: I just don't --

GUTFELD: This is all going down into a dark, dark place.

BANDERAS: I think this is weird. This is the reason why peloton is stopping all -- they're halting all production.


BANDERAS: Because they've got these hot chicks in their bikinis.

TYRUS: Hold on. Wait a minute. Mr. Men's Fitness --


BANDERAS: Yes, absolutely.

TYRUS: Why not -- let me ask you a question, Gutfeld. How many -- how many hours you've been researching this? Can you give us a -- on the exercise stuff?

GUTFELD: By the way, it was Men's Health, not me.

TYRUS: Excuse me. Pardon me. I'm sorry.

GUTFELD: I just thought this morning and I thought it would be a nice little break from all the serious toxics.

TYRUS: How much did you watch, Gutfeld? Did you research the entire thing? Did you look it over? Did you have an assistant?

GUTFELD: Look, if I want to look at this stuff, you know what I'm going to look at, right?

TYRUS: That's someone -- OK. You know what -- I know. I tried, Kat. I got nothing.

GUTFELD: Up next, Sean Penn. This is the dirt on man who trade jeans for skirts. What happened?


ANNOUNCER: Celebrities say the most adorable things.

GUTFELD: It's true. Has the gender debate becomes so intense that even Sean Penn is making sense? Yes, we have comments on manning up from the actor who never shuts up. In a recent interview, my favorite kind, Sean Penn best known for being in movies and Madonna is the pun to explain how American men have become feminized.

"There are a lot of, I think, cowardly genes that lead to people surrendering their jeans and putting on a skirt." You see what he did there? Clever devil. His comments were unexpected because he wasn't punching anyone. Saying in an earlier interview, I don't think that to be fair to women, we should become them, which makes sense.

So, like my Aunt Henrietta used to say, put on the petticoats or you're going to lose another fingernail.

Kat, I love -- I think he felt that he had discovered like a really interesting pun and thought he was a genius.

TIMPF: I think he was up. I think it's the whole reason he did the interview.


TIMPF: Because the first time he talked about this in another interview, he didn't use that punny thought, the pun after. So, he went and found another interview just so he could say this and he giggled the whole way there. I think you're completely right.

GUTFELD: Yes. Geraldo, I'm sure you know Sean Penn. You probably shared more than just a drink.

RIVERA: I don't remember -- oh, yes, we were together in Haiti in 2002.

BANDERAS: Of course, you were.

GUTFELD: Oh, of course. I love how you just suddenly remember that.

RIVERA: No, I did -- I did --

TYRUS: I thought it was Kolkata.

RIVERA: But I like him. I like him. I like his attitude about life. I like the fact that he has -- he has fights when he has to. He went into the bushes to see El Chapo in Mexico. No bodyguards. That was the very ballsy move. So., I'm, in a real minority. I like Sean Penn.

GUTFELD: Do you think he's -- what he's saying is true?

TYRUS: I can't answer that.

GUTFELD: No, you can't do that two segments in a row.

TYRUS: Well, damn it, Greg. He's -- I mean, he's in some Chappelle waters right here. So, I don't think he has a Netflix special coming up. But you know, Sean Penn is the guy that, you know, he did some great movies, you know, Carlito's Way. You know, he did good stuff. And you know, what he did during Katrina was awesome. He was out there. And then, somewhere he lost his damn mind.


TYRUS: He either decided that I'm going to say something to go after the woke and see what happens and see if anyone talks about it. And he was right because we're talking about it. Do I agree with what he said? No.

GUTFELD: Yes. You know, Julie, I like it when somebody who's conservative hard left says something that's like that, because you don't see that coming.

BANDERAS: Yes. I don't get --

GUTFELD: But I don't know what he -- I don't know where -- what his angle is.

BANDERAS: His pun on jeans, I don't even understand that because that's like saying women shouldn't wear pants. Like, I wear the pants in the family, in the household, obviously.

GUTFELD: Do you. Your husband wear a skirt?

BANDERAS: If you could want to call it that, sure. Negligee skirt.

TYRUS: I believe it's kilt. I believe nomenclature is kilt. The nomenclature is kilt.

BANDERAS: A kilt. Yes, it's a kilt. He's not Irish but he does walk around in the knee highs --

TYRUS: You can be Scottish. I'm Scottish. We have some Scottish in here.

BANDERAS: But I think -- I think this is a little bit too hypersensitive about the whole masculinity thing and being all macho. I mean, the whole metro sexual thing here in New York -- I mean, you're metrosexual, right?

GUTFELD: Am I really?

BANDERAS: Well, have you seen your shoes?

GUTFELD: No, I have had sex in a metro.

BANDERAS: Yes, there you go.

GUTFELD: What is it Metro?

TYRUS: It's a really super small car --

BANDERAS: It's a sandwich shop.

TYRUS: -- so I can't argue what it is.

BANDERAS: Oh, wait, it's also a sandwich shop.

TYRUS: Yes, I did not make a child in the metro. That I can guarantee you. Strip club, maybe.

BANDERAS: I don't know. I like him in Dead Man Walking but that's about the last time I like Sean Penn.

TIMPF: You went from not answering to that.

TYRUS: Yes, well, if you're going to -- if you're going to go down with the ship, man, you might as well strike up the van and just go.

GUTFELD: This show started -- this show was like literally a mullet. Mysterious up front --

BANDERAS: It's bald now.

GUTFELD: And then it's a mess in the back. Oh, a total mess in the back. If you stuck around after like 11:30, I'm so sorry. I don't know what happened. None of us are high except for Julie. But that's a contact high from Geraldo.

Don't go away. We'll be right back.


GUTFELD: We are out of time. Thanks to Geraldo, Julie Banderas, Kat Timpf, Tyrus. "FOX NEWS @ NIGHT" with Evil Shannon Bream is next. I'm Greg Gutfeld. I love you, America.

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