
This is a rush transcript of "Gutfeld!" on March 30, 2022. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GREG GUTFELD, FOX NEWS CHANNEL HOST: Happy Wednesday, everyone. Except you, Steven, Pottstown, Pennsylvania. I can see what you're doing and it's sickening. At least don't do it in front of me and put your poodle in the other room. So, you want to see how powerful the media industrial complex is? Watch how they can create something out of nothing. And they get everyone from politicians, to reporters, to washed-up celebrities by buying into it blindly.

David Copperfield has nothing on them. I refer to the parental rights bill in Florida. Even righty. Web sites call it controversial even though the bill is only controversial because the media lied about it. The bill bans instruction of sexual orientation and gender identity in kindergarten through third grade. The only part I found controversial is the third-grade part. How about teachers of any grade staying out of your kid's private life. you power hungry control freaks.

Now like my extra nipples, the bill seems pretty benign to me. Last thing I want to talk to a kindergartener about is gender. The second to last thing I want to do is talk to a kindergartener. And if anyone tried to teach me that stuff, when I was that age, it would screw me up. I was still in the process of figuring out the anatomy of 10 and not the doll, the bus driver.


GUTFELD: But it this bill upsets you, that's on you. You're weird. Seriously, are you really that passionate about kids in kindergarten learning this stuff? That spells creepy with a capital K. Or maybe it says one big virtue signal ratcheted up by your own intellectual laziness. See? If anyone cared to read the bill, the outrage would die. And then have to let go of the lie. So, the media couldn't read it.

And as long as they don't, they can say it bands the word gay. It's the media's version of Jussie Smollett hoax. And frankly, making assumptions about something you haven't read isn't just dumb. It could be dangerous.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Alrighty, sir. I didn't get a chance to read your chart just yet, but I did hear someone in the hallway say we have to remove your appendix and your testicles. So, let's get those pants off. OK?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Wait a minute. There's no way this chart could say that. Maybe you should read it.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I've watched Don Lemon tonight, OK? I think I know what I'm doing.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Wait. And what does he know about this?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Well, we may be doctors but he's on T.V. Grow up.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Hmm. You do raise a good point. I guess I'll prep the patient now for surgery.


GUTFELD: Yes. So, you've seen don't say gay in the headlines because the media won. They push the lie knowing their peers were too lazy to check it. They were right. And what happens? You create a mental illness caused by fake news when adults redefine hysteria as entertainment.


WANDA SYKES, AMERICAN COMEDIAN: We're going to have a great night tonight and for you people in Florida, we're going to have a gay night. Gay, gay, gay, gay, gay.


GUTFELD: Wow. How edgy chanting gay in front of a live audience filled with nothing but ultra-liberal Hollywood celebs? What are you going to do next? Feed a Christian to Simba and Mufasa? How about a dance number about raising the minimum wage? So, it turns out reading scripts is that the only time fiction comes out of actor's mouths. They're so pleased with themselves, like driving a Prius to their private jet.

But that's what happens in a delusion. You think you're showing the world you're the smart one, when you're anything but look at Disney, which claims Governor Ron DeSantis wants to erase gay kids in odd position from a company whose cruises actually go to countries where homosexuality is indeed erased, where being gay is actually bad. I guess it's just cheaper to virtue signal than act on your principles.

Virtue signaling is the only thing that's free at Disney. The magic and Magic Kingdom is how they make $10.00 disappear in exchange for fountain soda. Then there's actor Ron Perlman, who used to think for himself but now he's let Twitter run his brain. Apparently, that's all he reads. And so here he is going off on the bill.


RON PERLMAN, AMERICAN ACTOR: Don't say gay. Don't say as the first two words in a sentence spoken by a political leader of a state in the United States of America. Don't say. Don't (BLEEP) say you (BLEEP) Nazi pig. Say First Amendment. Read about it. Then run for office. You piece (BLEEP)


GUTFELD: Oh, it gets so hot when he gets so bothered. So clearly, that is not a healthy man. That's someone infected with a mind virus that escaped from a Disney lab in Anaheim and spread by the mainstream media. But he too was also a victim duped by a fiction created purely to suck people like him into a maelstrom of rage and conflict. He's what the media wants. The more permanence you get, the more money you make.

You get someone to rage and he's going to need another fix every day. And whether useful idiots like him, Disney won't need Goofy. Maybe it will offset the money they lose on woke movies. Poor Perlman he used to be in Sons of Anarchy. Now he's just Son of Sam, a guy hearing untruth from his dog Pluto and lost the ability to interpret what's real. All he understands now is free publicity.

Now in case he's watching, and I doubt it, or he wouldn't have fallen for this crap because this show is like rehab for people hooked on misinformation. The bill bans classroom instruction on sexual orientation and gender identity with children in third grade or younger or "in a manner that is not age appropriate or developmentally appropriate for students in accordance with state standards."

That's it. The bill doesn't ban the word gay nor does it ban casual discussions at topics relating to sexual orientation or gender. And teachers under this bill. They can't teach about being straight either. And that's the only group with no parades.


GUTFELD: Let's welcome tonight's guests. She's got more grit than a sandpaper and factory. Co-hosted of "THE FIVE" Judge Jeanine Pirro. Just like your deadbeat dad, he left the house and he's never coming back. Former GOP congressman and Fox News Contributor Jason Chaffetz. And she's been on more thin ice than Brian Boitano. Fox News Contributor Kat Timpf. And his pocket square is that picnic blanket.

My massive sidekick and NWA World Television Champion, Tyrus. Oh, I'm hyperventilating. That's a quick way to get high, Judge. You can't arrest me for that.


GUTFELD: You will. Are you hyperventilating to get buzzed? Let me measure your brain cells you'll say and then you'll throw me in the clink. And then you'll cut me in God --

PIRRO: Oh, who knows what'll happen?

GUTFELD: Oh my God, my brain goes into dark places, Judge. Has Disneyland become the playground for Satan?

PIRRO: Well, you know, the disappointing part of it now is like, to me Disneyland is a place you take your kids, you take your grandkids but now they can't say ladies and gentlemen. They can't say boys and girls, they have to say dreamers. And by the way, what is California, the woken people in California, how dare they impose their concepts or their ideas on Florida which overwhelmingly supports this bill that in that for one second doesn't say don't say gay?

And I got to tell you, I saw (INAUDIBLE) Sons of Anarchy, Ron Perlman just lost me. I can't stand you. You know why? You're stupid. Stupid. Go out there. I don't care how big you are to go out there and say you're a piece of-- Nazi, piece of (BLEEP) you didn't even read the stupid bill. You're a stupid.

GUTFELD: I love it. I swore the Judge swore. Oh--

PIRRO: I did?

GUTFELD: Yes, you did. You said (BLEEP)



GUTFELD: She quoted--


PIRRO: I was quoted.


PIRRO: Yes. And you're a piece of (BLEEP) too.

GUTFELD: Oh, I'm not going to sleep tonight. Jason, didn't -- Disney, I think thought that they could -- they could use their muscle on DeSantis. And he went ahead and signed the bill anyway, it's kind of ballsy on his part. Well, actually, it's not he's just doing the right thing.

JASON CHAFFETZ, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: (INAUDIBLE) this is simple thing. And you know what, to suggest that, you know, where are the teachers and all this?


CHAFFETZ: They're -- come on, you're a pervert if you think that teaching a second grader about gender identity is the right way to go. And I'd love to hear them make the counter argument that they should be informing a second grader. Here's spot, here's another spot, here spot on spot. No, that's not the way I was taught.

GUTFELD: You know, the -- that is I think why the don't say gay thing was kind of their version of defund the police, except defund the police was actually said but they were doing that to hang on the -- around the Republicans' neck because they didn't want to argue with the bill because it's hard -- it's a hard bill to argue against. There's -- it's kind of reasonable, Tyrus. You have children.

TYRUS: Yes. And the idea of a stranger that went to school for four years to teach arithmetic or English to talk to my children about sexuality or any other moral dilemma. Hell no. It's about the parents. You decided what you talk about in your household. And it's very simple. If my household was affected in terms that we had a family member who was transgender, we had a situation that directly affected my child and I want -- then we would discuss it.

But when they get older, just like you used to wait and talk about birds and the bees to you were like 14 and 15, your dad or in my case, occasional boyfriend would come by and be like, hey, Tyrus, right? Yes, sir. Talk about the bra (INAUDIBLE) so -- but it was the parents' choice. This law should never have even been put into effect. But because we are allowing this small group and when you say the people of California, it's not.

It was like three CEOs and some woke people who have their own issues. They're trying to push their thing. And what we're seeing is what we saw with Rogen, what we're seeing with Spotify, we're seeing what other companies, Netflix. When you stand up to them, they go away because they actually have no foundation and no following. Is that a million people standing outside Disney going, change it. It's this group.

And if Disney had anything right now, Six Flags, Knott's Berry Farm, I would start running commercials, boys and girls, ladies and gentlemen, come on in.

PIRRO: Bring your kids.

TYRUS: Bring your kids, bring your family and give an alternative. So, you want to go there and put that stuff out there. Find another place with roller coasters and rats and ducks with speech impediments to hang out with.

GUTFELD: Yes. Kat, have you ever been to Disneyland or Disney World? You don't seem like an amusement park person.


GUTFELD: Yes. You find amusement in -- like, I always feel that you can amuse yourself with your brain. I don't need to go on Space Mountain when there's so much space inside here. No?

TIMPF: I guess. I read the bill for nothing or what?

GUTFELD: Yes, yes.

TIMPF: OK. Well, to be perfectly clear, I am a pervert. I still don't want to talk to kids about sex.


TIMPF: I don't know why you would. But there are two words in the bill that concern me that always do which is state standards. Those are the ones are always like, OK, because that's not really the parents then. That's the state deciding. And I don't -- I'm always like concerned about anything that makes a rule for a whole state full of kids. Because all kids are individuals, they have different needs.

And will have -- it's all vague. We'll have to see how it ends up working out in practice, because the state standards are never, you know, they never actually say anything. But yes, the bill doesn't say gay, it says sexual orientation. So, I know all these people are upset like if a guy has a picture with his husband on his desk, is that going to make, you know, you'd only get in trouble I would think is if, you know, if also people will have pictures with their wives who are guy because straight is also a sexual orientation, I believe.

So, you know, we'll have to see how it shakes out. But I just think in general, less government in the schools more options for parents.

GUTFELD: Yes. Well put. All right. Up next. He said the glove didn't fit. Now he's opining on Will Smith's it.


GUTFELD: O.J. adds his two cents on the slap between two gents. Yes. About the murders. He pleads the fifth, but he has opinions about Will Smith. Yes. Everyone's still talking about Will Smith smacking Chris Rock and naturally so is O.J. Simpson who's taking a rare break from searching for the real killers and golf. But does he think it was unfortunate? Will was wrong, yet understood the feeling.


O.J. SIMPSON, FORMER NFL PLAYER: It was unfortunate. I think Will was wrong. Look, I understood the feeling.


GUTFELD: Having O.J. Simpson weigh in on Will Smith is like having me weigh in on Hunter Biden. Well, that'll be next segment. But it's weird. Who does O.J. sound like?


CHRIS ROCK, COMEDIAN: Ron Goldman? That was her boyfriend. OK? Don't be mistaken. I think it was just some guy returning glasses. OK? He was known to drive around town in his Ferrari that O.J. bought for her. Think about that (BLEEP) I buy your car. You're going to let another man traveling around in my car? Are you out of your (BLEEP) mind? I don't even have Ferrari. But if I saw somebody drive in my Pinto.

That (BLEEP) would blow like in the Godfather. I'm not saying he should have killed her but I understand.


GUTFELD: I understand. See? Pretty clever, O.J. but he did get away with murder. But if O.J. would have done what Will Smith did, would they have given him a life without?


SIMPSON: After what happened to me in Las Vegas, if I would have done that in front of a million people watching around the world, they would have given me life without. I'm just saying.


GUTFELD: I'm just saying. O.J. saying the slap was seen by a million people. He kills me. That's not a prediction, I hope. Anyway, America is still divided over the incident, which is under investigation by the academy. A study find survey shows that 66 percent say Will Smith should be arrested while at the same time 62 percent think the slap was justified. So, people seem split. Sort of like O.J.'s victims.




GUTFELD: Thank you. Thank you very much. Because that's how you landed, Jason. You know what I mean? Who sorry, you want? I haven't heard your opinion on this. Will Smith, Chris Rock, doesn't matter to you. It should.

CHAFFETZ: Two thumbs up to Chris Rock. I thought he handled the whole thing perfectly. I don't think Will Smith should go to jail. I don't think they should prosecute him. I think he is just a flat-out ass, is that what I put. You know, he had this crystal clear clean, you know, image loved by kids, loved by adults. But he turned out to just be a jerk about it. And I hope he suffers. I hope that we get some sort of justice but I don't think that's the law.

But the Academy, why did they have to take weeks to figure this out? Can't they like gather tomorrow and just figure this out? And strip him of the award. And how did the audience applaud him give him a standing ovation. I mean, shame on them. They could have dealt with it right then. He should have never been able to stand back up and accept an award.

GUTFELD: I do think the investigation will conclude that will indeed did slap Chris Rock. And it's definitely Trump's fault, Kat.

TIMPF: Yes. My favorite part of the-- well, not, the richest thing about O.J. whole little rant was when he said, I was the worst to have people make jokes about me. And not just that, but it was the worst that they had to make jokes (INAUDIBLE) I was raising two little kids. It's like only someone had been around to help you with that.

GUTFELD: Yes. Exactly.

TIMPF: I wonder what happened there. You had to do that all alone.

GUTFELD: You think it's possible that we're totally wrong about O.J. and he's covering for somebody in his family?



GUTFELD: No? That was just one guy.

TYRUS: Yes. Actually. I'm good with that.


TYRUS: He was acquitted by his peers, kiss my ass, let's--


TYRUS: I'm living with that. Hey, come on. You want -- let's talk about Beretta. Let's talk about that one.

GUTFELD: Oh, yes.


TYRUS: Oh yes. No one wants to talk about that.

GUTFELD: Oh, I do. I love that case. In fact, the wiping--


GUTFELD: -- and everything.


GUTFELD: Robert Blake.

TYRUS: You know, it's bad when O.J. is going to bath for you.


TYRUS: It's all I'm saying. I'm just saying that's where you'll be, hey, juice?

GUTFELD: Yes. Exactly.

TYRUS: I don't need your help, bro. I appreciate it. They can't take his Academy award away. Because they've got a group of -- we'll call them diddlers.


TYRUS: And pedophiles with stacks of Academy Award is far more egregious acts--

TIMPF: Yes. And they're diddlers.

TYRUS: -- than a slap-- diddlers, yes. As Tyrus and Timpf podcast we decided to use the word diddlers. Because that's the best way to call it.


GUTFELD: That's like a Batman villain. Oh, it's a diddler.

TIMPF: Not that I'm aware of.

GUTFELD: All right.

TYRUS: It's the wrong time.


GUTFELD: That's a diddler on Ritalin.

TYRUS: Yes. So yes, you can't think -- he needs to--


TIMPF: I don't know what you've been watching.

TYRUS: Only Will Smith can fix this.

GUTFELD: Yes. All right, Judge.

PIRRO: You know what I think.

GUTFELD: I know what you think.

PIRRO: Don't even ask me a question.


GUTFELD: Throw on the key.

PIRRO: Number one. He should have been escorted out as soon as he walked up there and slap the guy. Number two, I think he's mentally unstable. He goes from slapping to cursing amount to crying on stage to laughing and dancing. There's something wrong with the guy. Number three, the Academy shouldn't take two weeks. And number four, it is a crime. Words do not justify assault or violence of any means.

And I don't -- I'm not talking about jail. I'm talking about reducing the level of the Academy Awards, where it's not about Will Smith. And Will Smith has been unmasked. We see him as his hero, good guy, he is funny, he is wonderful. Well, you just saw him without his mask on. And that's who Will Smith is he's not the character that we think he is in the movie.

GUTFELD: I think we -- I think we can begin with the assumption that what he did, it could be construed as against the law. But the thing is--

PIRRO: It is.

GUTFELD: But-- I know. But I know but I'm saying is that Chris Rock is not going to -- what kind of guy is going to press charges over slap?

TYRUS: Well, he can't culturally.


GUTFELD: It's a big slap.

TYRUS: Yes. Countries like --


PIRRO: -- same time going forward. Chris Rock is going to say to himself, you know, I got to be slapped. And, you know, what am I going to do to build myself up, you know, he's going to have some bad dealings about this. Some trauma.

TYRUS: He's taking the high road because he can't, you know.

PIRRO: He can't.

GUTFELD: He can't, yes.

PIRRO: I agree.


PIRRO: By the way, you don't need him to testify. Put on the video, charge the jury, send them into the jury room and come out with a verdict.

GUTFELD: Yes. By the way, the Oscar -- the Academy did ask him to leave but he wouldn't leave.

TYRUS: But they couldn't turn his mic off.


TYRUS: He talk too long, they play music and turn it off. He couldn't walk- -



TYRUS: -- an been killed. Not to mention he ruined it from, you know, Samuel Jackson got an Academy Award for his life work.

PIRRO: Who knows?

TYRUS: No one knew about it.


PIRRO: Right.

TYRUS: Who's the best supporting actress? Anyone?

GUTFELD: No. I don't know anything.

TYRUS: Nothing. Because we're all talking about this.

GUTFELD: Yes. All right. Up next. Attention prosecutors. Congress has data from Hunter's computers. Yes.


JENKINS: This is a Fox News alert. I'm Griff Jenkins live in Lviv. Russian forces bombing the outskirts of Kyiv despite a promise to reduce attacks around the Capitol.

Explosions heard in the suburb of Irpin where rescue, rescue operations are underway. Irpin was recently liberated from Russian trips, but it's believed as many as 300 civilians have died there. Meantime, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov isn't offering up any major progress following the latest round of talks. Those talks are set to resume on Friday.

There's little faith, however, that there will be a quick resolution to the war in Ukraine. Ad according to U.K. intelligence, some Russian soldiers short of weapons in morale are refusing to carry out orders, even sabotaging their own equipment. I'm Griff Jenkins in Lviv. Now back to "GUTFELD."

GREG GUTFELD, FOX NEWS CHANNEL HOST: Hello, it's time to see what's on Hunter's computers, other than creepy texts and pictures of hooters. That's a great rhyme. Material from Hunter's laptop has been entered into the Congressional Record at the request of Florida Congressman Matt Gaetz. It's the most porn on government computers since Anthony Wiener resigned. It happened after Gaetz questioned the Assistant Director of FBI cyber division who admitted he didn't know where Hunter's laptop was or what happened to it. Hey, sounds like Hunter, maybe this guy's on crack, too.


REP. MATT GAETZ (R-FL): You are the Assistant Director of FBI Cyber. I want to know where Hunter Biden's laptop is. Where is it?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Sir, I don't know that answer.

GAETZ: You don't know where this is after it was turned over to you three years ago?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Yes, sir. That's an accurate statement.

GAETZ: I seek unanimous consent to enter into the record of this committee, the contents of Hunter Biden's laptop, which I'm in possession of.


GUTFELD: Oh, hmm. So, what does that mean? Well, the Congressional Record first published in 1873, along with Joe Biden's birth certificate is the official account of the proceedings of Congress. In other words, stuff from Hunter's laptop is now officially on the books as far as the government's concerned. So, maybe CNN will finally start covering it.


EVAN PEREZ, CNN SENIOR JUSTICE CORRESPONDENT: There's a lot of issues that the Justice Department is looking into, including, of course, this laptop that on the right wing has featured a lot of a lot of stories about, about Hunter Biden. We know the FBI has possession of it, and that they believe it is his laptop that the contents of it are his.


GUTFELD: So, they cover it as something only the right wing is covering while they're pretending that they didn't lie about it to swing an election. Gaetz also announced he be introducing legislation called the spook who cried wolf resolution to bar the security clearances of 51 intel officials who signed a letter saying they thought the laptop was Russian disinfo. The last for CNN, I bet they'll finally show the Hunter videos from the laptop.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Look, we've avoided it for too long. It's time we show some of that stuff that's on Hunter's laptop.

KAT TIMPF, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: We've got the disgusting videos but warning, these are truly upsetting.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Oh, gross. I can't believe we sat on that stuff for a year. Let's watch another one.

TIMPF: Shameful and there's him fall; and there's more.



GUTFELD: Kat, that is the most disturbing look you have ever presented.

TIMPF: I looked at it, I was like, who's that?

GUTFELD: That is absolutely right. You look like you are severely deranged and scary.

TIMPF: I am but I normally look at it.

GUTFELD: Yes. Are you um, Is it unusual to start seeing, seeing this story pop up now that it doesn't really matter?

TIMPF: No, because it doesn't matter.


TIMPF: And you know, it's like the drug stuff and the escort stuff always gets the most attention which I don't really like, I don't care about that are even like the firearm stuff. It's like you can't have a gun if you're using illegal drugs. Well, I don't believe in there's a such thing as illegal drugs that can really concerning thing is the corrupt Sorry, sorry, Judge. It's true. If the corruption stuff is the boring stuff, but it's also the important stuff, the possibility of corruption.

GUTFELD: Tyrus, can I ask you something?


GUTFELD: What a dumb question. All right. I don't know. What is this tattoo? I mean, you don't know either. What do you know? But what is the tattoo business? I don't know what that is that he has on his back. He looks like Michael Scott from "The Office" after a four-day bender.

TYRUS: I thought it was like a landing strip. We're like, please hands here. We make it out. It's probably a tribute to somebody. Yes. Again, cat makes a great point. We cannot get caught up in the saucy Euro stuff. We have to focus on the fact that he was the Vice President was very much likely collecting money from a foreign entity which helped him win an election so we I saw four years of Russian scandal so now we have a real life you can't crane scandal with direct connections to the son who's might possibly still be getting money from over there.

When this stuff comes out, will there be an impeachment? And I don't want to hear well, no, because that would mean Kamala's in charge, then so be it. I would rather deal with Kamala, than deal with a corrupt opportunists president who's hurting the country and this type of stuff is exact deck exactly contributes to what we're dealing with in Ukraine right now.

And probably has to do with a lot of his soft approaches and backtracking and whatnot, because he doesn't know what Zelenskyy probably knows, and eventually is going to get frustrated. He won't give them the MIGs, he doesn't know what Russia -- there's a lot of stuff going on. So, I'm very interested to see how this trail, this breadcrumb trail goes from the Biden's to Ukraine, to Russia, back to the election.

GUTFELD: You know, Tyrus makes a good point judge that like all, the all the stuff that we're blaming Trump on about this Russian collusion, and being a foreign policy risk, because what do they have on Trump? What do they have on Trump? It's exactly what is about Biden.

JEANINE PIRRO, FOX NEWS CHANNEL HOST: But that's what the Democrats are all about. They're always projecting, they point one finger at you and three fingers are pointing back at them. But look at the thing about the laptop is there is evidence on the laptop, which I'm sure we'll never even if it's entered into the Congressional Record, no one will ever get to the point to say, Joe Biden got 10 percent Because he was the big guy that Tony Bobulinski agreed, was the guy who got the money.

You had the meetings that they flew Air Force II to China came back with a 1.5 billion from a Chinese entity with Archer, who I believe his partner is now in jail. But I think the important thing is this. They took this, this, this laptop, and they hid it from everyone. Big tech, the Democrats and the mainstream media. 50 percent of the Democrats who voted for Joe Biden said that they didn't know about it. And 10 percent of that number said that had they known about it, they wouldn't have voted for him.


PIRRO: And in a race where it was 51 to 49 percent, it would have made a difference in the election.


PIRRO: And they won the election based on fraud. And I agree totally with Tyrus, I won't go over the whole thing. There is money all over from the Russian oligarch's wife who is now not being sanctioned, like everyone else who gave a 1.5 or three million to Hunter who's a drug addict, who -- who wants to give him money.

GUTFELD: Hey, look --

PIRRO: Yes, drug addicts are entitled money. OK, what do I know?

GUTFELD: Well, you know what I mean, you know, you never know they got to buy the drugs somewhere.

PIRRO: In Ukraine -- all of these all of these countries, Russia, Kazakhstan. That's all. China.

GUTFELD: Jason, do you think Joe Biden even cares at this point?



CHAFFETZ: I think he's just sort of oblivious to it. But yes, who is the big guy? The salacious stuff. I mean, yes, it gets the pictures and you know, all the talk, but deals in China, deals in Ukraine, deals in Romania, deals in Mexico, access to power paying people off, and why I think one of the most egregious things is $100,000. From Louis Freeh, the former FBI Director flowing money as a thank you to Joe Biden's grandkids, that type of thing has not shown up enough.

GUTFELD: I didn't even know about that.

PIRRO: Yes, he put it in a trust fund for Joe Biden's grandchildren.

CHAFFETZ: As a thank you for giving a business out of Romania for a guy who was convicted of bribery within the country from the former head of the FBI. Now, these types of stories are not being told that's what's fundamentally wrong with this. That guy probably should go to jail and that type of stuff needs the exposure. So. good on Matt gates for putting it on the record.

GUTFELD: Yes, I didn't know that.

TYRUS: You know, what's crazy is you should probably check with these anonymous donors who are buying his artwork. Why it was made anonymous.

GUTFELD: Definitely. All right, coming up, workers now exceed the tested positive for weed.


GUTFELD: Welcome back. Is marijuana the source of our druggie workforce? Last year, the number of U.S. workers who tested positive for drugs reached a two-decade high, due to an increase in positive pot tests. In fact, almost four percent of workers tested positive for weed.

Wait, only four percent? Come on America, we could do better than that. Four percent? My entire staff is at 70. Now, fewer companies than ever testing for pot or carrying potential hires test positive because of changing attitudes and worker shortages. And it helps me sleep. Sorry, Judge. So, test positive for marijuana. Welcome to the office. Test positive for COVID, go lock yourself away for a few weeks, you scumbag.

So, more people at work are smoking dope. Speaking of testing positive, the Wall Street Journal reports that many companies are now encouraging employees to complement each other in order to boost morale. That's your job? So, Kat and Tyrus, I just wanted to say, here's a chance to compliment me. Tyrus, you go first.

TYRUS: How many F-bombs we have left on the show?

TIMPF: I don't know. I think we --

GUTFELD: There's a limit of zero.

TYRUS: Greg, great socks.

GUTFELD: My thank you.

TIMPF: You make excellent hiring decisions.

GUTFELD: Let it bask over me. You don't like this stuff, do you?

TYRUS: No, it was racist (BLEEP) -- did you see that? You're like the Kool- Aid. If you would have sent me a text telling me I added the Kool Aid to your day -- I'd be like who's this? And then there's a monkey? Yes, you're the roll in my sushi? Like, who are you going to say that to?

TIMPF: Yes, there was one company that to reward staff, they got had the monkey of awesomeness. Just stuffed animal. For a while they were mailing it to people, that you'd have to mail it to the next person. And I do a good job and I'm punished with having to go to the mail? Why would you do that to someone?

TYRUS: I'm telling you right now, Gutfeld, if you mailed me a monkey, asked within that I would hand out, I would go out and what they call a blaze of glory. And it would take six surgeon and a priest to get the monkey out of you.

TIMPF: Then they said, they're no longer, they're no longer mailing the monkey. They just send pictures of it, to people working remotely. So, you work really hard and you get like an attachment of a photo of a stuffed animal?

TYRUS: Again.

TIMPF: I'd be so insulted --

TYRUS: Gutfeld, if you send me a picture of a monkey, the computer that came in is new and then we're going to be real close.

GUTFELD: I better go to the mailroom

TYRUS: You can't compliment anyone anymore.


TYRUS: You do it they will find something wrong with it. And you will lose your job for saying something -- what did you said? I was just trying to compliment them. And the whole woke sensitive people in this world? No.

GUTFELD: Yes. You know, Jason, the other part of the story is about -- do you think that testing. Four percent testing positive seems very low these days for me. I mean, I would assume it would be higher.

CHAFFETZ: It'd be low in provo Utah. I mean --

GUTFELD: Are you sure?

CHAFFETZ: No, that's what I'm saying. I think it would be a low number. That's a total like -- um, I don't know. It just reminded me of Dwight Schrute on "The Office" that it was a little bit over the top, I think you might need to do some love to give a drug test to maybe you know, Will Smith because I think he may have been off his rocker when he did what he did, but I don't know. I think it's just if there's a problem, let's solve it. But you know, what, just let people be who they are.

TIMPF: Weed would not make you do that.


TIMPF: It would make you not do that.

GUTFELD: Yes, exactly. Exactly. I'm -- you know, the thing is, Judge, I think everybody has a drug in their system. It could be caffeine. It could be Adderall. It could be love. Love is a drug, Judge. I love you.

TYRUS: See that complement thing?

GUTFELD: It's flowing through my veins right now the love I have for you, Judge. And it affects my, it affects my judgment, Judge. You can't spell judgment without judge and then --

PIRRO: All I'm going to tell you is this, all I'm going to tell you is this: marijuana is still on the federal list of prohibited substances. That's number one. And number two, you know what, if you're on an assembly line and you're like, whoah -- and by the way, Kat, you're right.

GUTFELD: That's true.

PIRRO: I used to have, I used to have -- you know, when I was D.A., there was a violent crime, it's oh, he just smoked some weed, baloney smoked some weed? Chill out when you smoke weed, OK? So, you know, but if you're on an assembly line, you miss this, miss you that, and you're driving, and you know that lights going to turn green in a minute, let me just go through. No, no --

GUTFELD: I agree with that. I agree with that completely. But that's -- I feel that same way about alcohol too.

PIRRO: Well, you shouldn't show up at work drunk, either.

GUTFELD: Exactly. That's why I don't.

PIRRO: Then that's why --

TYRUS: He is good about that.

PIRRO: Yes, it's great.

GUTFELD: When they asked me, I said, no, where am I? That's what I said.



GUTFELD: I said. So, I think, I think you know, you know, I think the world's changing, Judge.

PIRRO: Yes, it probably is.

GUTFELD: You know, you and I --

PIRRO: -- are passing us by.

GUTFELD: No, not, not me because you're going to --

PIRRO: Not you be.

GUTFELD: You're going to -- you and I, we live, we kind of live close by to, we're going to spend a weekend.

PIRRO: Yes, right in Westchester.

GUTFELD: Yes, we're going to have a, we're going to have a little shroom party.

PIRRO: No, no, I don't do that stuff.

GUTFELD: No, you will -- I'm telling you.

PIRRO: I would never do that stuff.

GUTFELD: I think that once they decriminalize it, you and I will do it. How about that? We'll wait until it's legal.

PIRRO: No -- look, I had breast cancer. I wouldn't swamp that stuff.

GUTFELD: Really?

PIRRO: Yes, I wouldn't. My son said to me, Ma, it's your chance. I said, no, I'm not going to.

TYRUS: Judge to the bitter end man.

GUTFELD: The law comes first. Oh, man. Well, if you got any painkillers, just send them to me.

TYRUS: An idiot would say.

GUTFELD: Thank you.

TYRUS: Welcome.

GUTFELD: Thank you. You know, I want to compliment you.

TYRUS: Thank you.

GUTFELD: But I won't.

TYRUS: Thank you.

GUTFELD: Up next, his fans feel sadness because he canceled due to March Madness.



GUTFELD: As usual, on this E-block, we're running out of time. So, here's the "STORY IN FIVE WORDS:" Church cancels show for basketball. So, I don't know Judge, I guess Eric Church, I don't know who he is. Is he a country singer?

PIRRO: Yes. He's great.

GUTFELD: He canceled this show. I -- you know, I'm sure he's great. But that's not what we're talking about.

PIRRO: It isn't.

GUTFELD: He attended a UNC Duke basketball game. He ditched his fan.

PIRRO: It was disgusting.


PIRRO: You know, what if I bought a ticket, apparently, when he decided to cancel the show, because he wanted to go to the game, to the final, one of the Final Four, he didn't even tell fans like, you know, I'll have a schedule, a rescheduled. He's selfish.

GUTFELD: Yes, it has, it hasn't happened yet.

PIRRO: No, it hasn't.

TYRUS: No, I'm mad at him at all. Not even a little bit.

GUTFELD: Yes, why?

TYRUS: It's Duke against North Carolina for the first time in the Final Four. And its coach (INAUDIBLE) possibly last game forever? Yes, if I, if I was getting married, I'd be like, listen, I love you, but I got to be at this game.

PIRRO: You really would? It's that big?

TYRUS: It's that big of a deal.

GUTFELD: And your wife is in the audience.

TYRUS: Yes, actually I don't have to do that, luckily. But the point is, what I'm saying is -- I mean, I'm joking, I'm joking -- Gutfeld, that's why I don't get compliments. I'm in trouble. And I'm in Dutch. Thanks. The point is, I get I get it. I get it. But he should have, he should have not just issued refunds, but gave them a new date for the concert.

GUTFELD: Well, he's got to give them refunds.

TYRUS: He's got to be there. But if he was a real O.G., he would have flown in, seen the game, and then flown back into his concern. Because rock and roll is usually three or four hours late.

GUTFELD: That's true. That's true. Kat, I don't know anything about country music and I don't know anything about sports.

TIMPF: No, no, I was just thinking I which event would I hate to go to more? Yes, I don't know anything about this guy. Never even heard of his name. I have heard of basketball. So, I got that going for me. I mean, I guess it's, I guess he at least he told the truth. But yes, it's like, it's kind of hard to get a job as a country singer. And then, you get that job and you're like, you know, I don't want to go to work because I want to go to a basketball game, I guess people who like this guy might be pretty mad.

GUTFELD: Yes. How ironic, Jason, that his name is Church?


GUTFELD: I mean, shouldn't he be going to church?

CHAFFETZ: The church of basketball. The church of basketball is: go, Duke, go. I think Dukes are going to win anyway, but it'll be a little sorry. But I feel for those people who shelled out a whole, you know, weeks-worth of money to buy those tickets. I'm sure they weren't cheap and then he doesn't show up? I don't know that they're fans anymore.

GUTFELD: All right. I have a theory. I have a theory. He thought his show would be empty, because everybody would be at the game or watching the game.

PIRRO: Oh, conspiracy.

TYRUS: No, Gutfeld, it was in Texas. There's no such thing as empty county music in Texas.

PIRRO: You're right.

GUTFELD: What is wrong with me? Why don't I under -- all my friends like country music? What is wrong -- why can I understand it? It's like, I've tried.

TIMPF: Every song sounds the exact same.

GUTFELD: But see that can't be -- because they'll say that about my music too. They'll say metal sounds the same, or punk sounds the same. So, it has to be about the wiring of the brain that makes it so that we can understand.

TYRUS: No, Gutfeld, country music is about feelings, relationships, and friends.

PIRRO: And then God, America and culture.

TYRUS: And you -- yes, you are very aperson, you're very into Gutfeld, so you hear a guy go like, I lost my girl to my brother, you'd be like, well, that's your fault. You should've done this -- there's no monologues and country music so --

GUTFELD: It'd got to be a great idea to make country music where you blame everybody for their problems.

TYRUS: Yes, they don't do that.

PIRRO: None of them do that.

GUTFELD: No, they don't.

PIRRO: They're great. They're all great. You don't -- how about George Strait?

GUTFELD: I like George Strait. I do like old Johnny Cash. I like some of the old -- you know, but even you know, Larry Gatlin, I have to say that because if I don't say that he'll throw something at me. Clint Black, if I don't say that, he'll throw something at me.

TYRUS: John Rich.

GUTFELD: John Rich --

PIRRO: Yes. Yes.

GUTFELD: John Rich. But they know, I talked to him about it. I don't understand it. I don't understand it.

PIRRO: Why don't you listen to it?


TYRUS: You have a hit country song.

GUTFELD: That's right. Shut up about politics. Yes.

TYRUS: Ironic.

GUTFELD: It is ironic. All right. We must go away now. We'll be right back.


GUTFELD: As usual awesome show. Thanks to Judge Jeanine Pirro, Jason Chaffetz, Kat Timpf, Tyrus. "FOX NEWS @ NIGHT" with evil Shannon Bream is next. I'm Greg Gutfeld, and I love you, America, and other parts of the world.

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