Gutfeld: Media not bothering to address unvaccinated minority communities
'Gutfeld!' panel discusses media's coverage of vaccine and COVID data
This is a rush transcript from "Gutfeld!," August 4, 2021. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.
WHOOPI GOLDBERG, ABC HOST: Governor DeSantis is ending mask mandates. Even though Florida has more kids in the hospital than any other state.
JOY BEHAR, ABC HOST: He just short of calling him a negligent homicidal sociopath because that's what he is. This dangerous criminal. He's risking the lives of children, children's parents, their grandparents, anyone they may come in contact with, so that he could appeal to his white supremacist base.
GREG GUTFELD, FOX NEWS HOST: Oh, wow. She's like a fine wine, meaning she should be kept in a crate.
So remember, the good old days when the press could crap all over the unvaccinated?
JOHN BERMAN, CNN ANCHOR: This is now a pandemic of the unvaccinated if the unvaccinated are not to blame, who is?
MAYOR BILL DE BLASIO (D-NY): The antivaxxers are criminal at this point, they're taking away the future of this country.
JOE SCARBOROUGH, MSNBC HOST: It's all, I have a right to infect my house, to infect my community, to kill everybody.
GOV. GAVIN NEWSOM (D-CA): It's like drunk drivers. You don't have the right to go out and drink and drive and put everybody else at risk including your own life at risk.
CHRIS CUOMO, CNN ANCHOR: Part of the metric here is ignorance. But part of it is also arrogance. This misplaced sense of righteous indignation and resistance that they believe is a false manifestation of freedom.
DON LEMON, CNN ANCHOR: And all these people are saying I don't want to put this stuff in my body. They're out drinking on the weekend and putting other substances in their bodies. It's way worse for them than a vaccine. So come on, let's be real.
GUTFELD: Let's be real. Was that fun? We really gave it to those mindless Hicks out in the sticks, right? The message instead of getting vax, these white mouth breathing cretins are speaking in tongues, handling snakes and watching Fox News. And therefore they're killing the rest of us. But then that narrative change, something happened after people like me pointed out that actually it's not white folks running from the vaccine.
We all know why people can't run. It's black folks and brown folks too, who are pretty shy about getting the vax. In fact, the rates of unvaccinated is way higher among minorities in cities like Manhattan, according to New York City's own data. About two-thirds of adults are vaccinated but black New Yorkers are at 31 percent and Hispanics, 42 percent. So now the obnoxious finger pointing mysteriously disappeared.
Much like when of Governor Cuomo his hands during a selfie. You clap at that. I'll take it. And once again the press hope no one would notice how wrong they were on this. Go ahead, ask them. Are non-white vaccine residents just as stupid, arrogant and murderous as the whites? We're waiting, Morning Joe, Chris Cuomo, Don Lemon. How about you, President Joe? Shouldn't you be as upset at those folks in the city as you are in the sticks?
Or does that require consistency. Things the Democrats lack. So why did the media focus only on white right-wingers? Well, it creates endless opportunities for self-righteous drivel from T.V. hosts, I should know. It could be anything. Climate, taxes, law enforcement, gender, race, they turn everything into a far less entertaining version of pro wrestling. They always need a villain. So much like Amtrak. The truth doesn't turn a profit for cable news.
Which may be why the media only likes to do the fun racist stuff. Yes, it must be the fans of Larry the Cable Guy who are killing us. These nonvaxxed are the same idiots who voted for Trump speeding around and pickup trucks listening to country music while brushing their remaining teeth with grits and gravy. They probably even like America, God forbid. But now the data says otherwise. So where's the media on this?
They're not even bothering to address the black communities. But I guess if he can't divide us, then why bother doing anything helpful? I mean, you could help get the pro vax message to black communities. But I guess it's more fun to cleave a country in too. I wonder what the angry black male has to say.
TYRUS, FOX NATION HOST: What kind of closet is this? This must be Gutfeld (INAUDIBLE) what the -- what? Why always sneaking up on me? What the hell. So, you blame something on one group because it fits your narrative. But then you can find out it was actually another group. So, instead of talking about blame or educating the right group, you just keep pretending it's the wrong group? It doesn't make me angry, it makes me sad.
You're so ignorant and racist that you lie to everybody. So, I guess that means you're consistent. So that means you're consistently for (BLEEP)
GUTFELD: Speaking of, in New York City Bill de Blasio just introduced a vaccine passport to the city, where Trump got 23 percent of the vote in 2020. So it's not the righties that de Blasio is after. The new passport system calls for showing proof of vax to enter gyms, restaurants and entertainment venues, which judging by the stats I just mentioned, effectively bans most blacks. Just like the damage done to them during the classic Jim Crow days.
So who is the Hitler now? If 70 percent of black New Yorkers are unvaccinated, they're the ones getting banned. Talk about white privilege. Imagine if Trump had done this, CNN would be handing out the pitchforks. By the way, it's odd that the left says you can't be expected to present an I.D. to vote, but you must show vaccine proof everywhere else. Why not allow absentee vaccine proof with no signature verification dropped off by people who hate vaccines?
I mean, there's a hole in their plan you could drive a bus full of illegal immigrants through. So you can't demand proof of vaccine at the border. But you can do it at a Time Square's Applebee's. Makes sense there, jalapeno poppers are more dangerous than any virus from a Chinese lab. Be close to a bathroom. So, if Chris Cuomo called the 70 percent of black New Yorkers ignorant, what do you think?
He's probably too busy creating strategies to defend his brother from grabbing women's breasts. I suppose the vaccinated white liberals must be secretly pleased, more open seats at the bar, more empty tables at their favorite trendy restaurant. And it's nice to have a break from all the murders their policies have led to. But if you judge the Dems the way they judge everyone else, then this would be racist.
But we aren't Democrats. Thank God we just want people to do the right thing. Black, white, you name it. I think it's a good thing to get the vaccine if your doctor says you can. I know people who are gung ho about it, and people who are hell know about it. Some of these people I love, but none of them fit into the neat little categories. The media loves to bash. The Press just feels good about making other people feel bad.
Conflict is their vaccine against loneliness. Thank god we're blessed with a natural immunity against this (BLEEP) it's called seeing everyone as Americans.
GUTFELD: Let's welcome tonight's guests. If he was a duck, he would take friends out to dinner so he could put it on his bill. Former director of the National Economic Council and host of Kudlow on Fox Business, Larry Kudlow. She's armed to the teeth and we're talking about her biceps, Fox News Contributor, look at that. Wow. Lara Trump. She's like a sponge, she soaks up knowledge but needs to be disinfected every so often.
Fox News Contributor Kat Timpf. And his tap dances cause avalanches, my massive sidekick and host of "NUFF SAID" on Fox Nation, Tyrus. All right, Larry. Good to see you. You're like dapper as always.
GUTFELD: Your biceps aren't as big as Lara's. But hey, you know.
GUTFELD: Yes, exactly. I would -- you could be a great trainer. You know, what do you got -- what do you say about the fact that it's harder to get into Friday's than into our country?
KUDLOW: Look, I just want to say, blame Biden and Harris. They're the antivaxxers because they attacked the Trump vaccine.
KUDLOW: Last fall.
GUTFELD: That's true.
KUDLOW: Let's not forget that.
GUTFELD: Yes, yes, yes.
KUDLOW: And point number two on this subject. If you want to rally people to get vaccines and I agree with you, you should get it to talk to your doctor first and so forth. Put Donald Trump back on Twitter and Facebook because 100 million people will listen to him.
GUTFELD: Oh, that's a good point.
KUDLOW: And that's where they should go. And if Biden had any grace, or heaven forbid any sense of unity, that's the sort of thing that he would do, instead of complaining about Ron DeSantis and others who basically have the story completely right. And by the way, Joe Biden has lost 18 points among independents in the last couple of months. 18 points. Do you know how hard that is in politics to drop 18 points and just a wave bit of time? Nobody basically likes what he's doing. So he needs to ask Donald Trump for some help.
GUTFELD: But yet the upside for Joe Biden is he's not aware of it. Like, he doesn't know he lost it. He's like, hey, what's going on? I am president, right? Larry. Larry brings up the great -- the greatest point that somehow the Democrats were pretending that President Trump was actually making the vaccine like somehow in an office in Mar-a-Lago.
TRUMP: Right.
GUTFELD: Yes. There's the golf clubs. And then there's the little test tubes.
TRUMP: It's like he was literally in the lab, they're making the vaccine and was like, this is beautiful. We're going to give this to Americans like, of course he wasn't. But Larry's right. It was Joe Biden and Kamala Harris who throughout the entire campaign made people very question -- questioning of this vaccine. Was this going to be something that would be safe for Americans to take?
Now here we are, all these months later, and they're shoving it down everybody's throats. So which one is it?
TRUMP: Should we have it or should we not? Of course, it is safe. Of course, it is effective. Of course, it is the reason our country in the world are finally getting back to normal.
TRUMP: Thank you, President Trump for that.
GUTFELD: There you go. Kat, you're libertarian and probably drunk.
TIMPF: Thank you. That's the best compliment that I've ever gotten. She's not drunk. Ah.
GUTFELD: What do you make of this vaccine passport?
TIMPF: Well, obviously, I have concerns about it. But also I think businesses can do what they want. I think we're in the position that we are in though, because of many reasons. A major one is the messaging has been so horrible on all of this from, you know, media, from politicians from, you know, the health experts. Like I am far more careful about what I say and I work for you. Like, it's -- I mean, what I say here --
GUTFELD: What does that mean
TIMPF: It means what I say here as far less consequences than what the CDC clearly than what the CDC director gets on and says, OK, masks, not for vaccine, oh, yes, mass for vaccinate people. Like it's just like scrambling information in their head. It's my job to pay attention to this stuff. And sometimes I'm like, OK, so what's the rules?
TIMPF: So I think that that's been very, very, very confusing for a lot of people just say, OK, you know, that the vaccines are the answer in terms of us getting over this. It's more so than masks or lockdowns or any of that. And they should just be promoting that message clearly, it's really that simple.
GUTFELD: Fauci is not acting like the guy in charge. He's acting like a host on a talk show. I mean, I'm sorry, a guest on a talk show. A guest on a talk show will often just say, oh, I need an answer for this. And if I just kind of agree with the person asking the question by saying that you make a great point or exactly. That's all Fauci does. So people guide him in the answers that he's making. He'll go, absolutely right, Don.
And then oh, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And then it's like -- then he will get asked a different question that's different than that. And he goes, that's a good point too. That's a very good point. Well, I almost have them down. That's a very good point. No, I didn't sound like him. You know, Tyrus, I was -- I was workshopping on television. Not a lot of people do that.
TYRUS: Right. OK.
GUTFELD: You know, the point.
TYRUS: I'll take it from here. Because before I was -- I was going to compliment you. And now I'm going to reluctantly compliment you. Great monologue.
GUTFELD: Thank you.
TYRUS: Thank you for having the balls to be honest. And -- because no one's going to say that it's us, that are not getting stuff and they need to be brought up. And you made a great point, too, about bringing people to go to how much of a great thing would it have been or what it would be for Biden and Trump to be on the stand together and say, hey, we get vaccinated. America, you get vaccinated.
A lot of things will be accomplished with that. And in the spirit of bringing things together, you want to vaccine passport and you want I.D.s. I got -- in California, you can get a little stickers as an organ donor on your driver's license. So if you're in a pile of slop and accidentally like oh, we can save some of this stuff. Get your drug -- gets your I.D. and put your vaccination sticker on there. So you got you can go to Applebee's and you can go on a plane.
And your vaccinated and you have your I.D. and you can vote and know that other people around you are vaccinated while they vote with you. That's what happens when you put good ideas together. But unfortunately, that's not what we're seeing.
KUDLOW: You know, it's -- getting a kudo from Tyrus is so awesome to me. Because you're now afraid that I really am?
TYRUS: Yes. I saw him in the hallway. I was like, hey, I was like, oh, why is your wallet out? Sorry. Sorry. I just --
KUDLOW: But I will say this. The other day a couple of weeks ago Biden actually said the vaccine was originated under a Republican administration.
GUTFELD: Yes, it is.
KUDLOW: OK. He couldn't bring himself to say the T word. Just say it. Trump, it was his vaccine.
TRUMP: It's hard to say.
GUTFELD: Yes. It's very hard. All right. We got so much more. Up next. Her love for America is tried and true as she takes home the gold for the red, white and blue.
GUTFELD: She made America proud and shouted her love for it out loud while other athletes knelt, she said what she felt. I speak of Olympic wrestler Tamra Mensah-Stock who after winning the gold medal in the 68-kilogram final in Tokyo was asked a simple question. How does it feel to represent your country like this? Her answer was amazing and refreshing. However, we couldn't get NBC to let us use the footage. So we opted for the next best thing, a factually accurate reenactment.
JOE MACHI, COMEDIAN: It feels amazing. I love representing the U.S. I freaking love living there. I love it and I'm so happy I get to represent USA. Love it.
GUTFELD: It's really not the same. I don't feel like it's the same, but it was the best we could do with Joe Machi. I say let's put her on the swimsuit issue. The athlete but not Joe Machi. Now I'm told the women's soccer team all passed out when they heard her interview. Here's the champ saying some other great stuff. We did get approval for.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: What does this mean for the popularity of the sport and for all the young girls out there that are going to see you want to feel inspiration?
TAMYRA MENSAH-STOCK, OLYMPIC GOLD MEDALIST: It means that they see someone like themselves on that podium. Just because you're a female it doesn't mean you can't accomplish the biggest of goals and being an Olympic champ is one of the hardest things I have ever done in my entire life.
GUTFELD: How can you not love that? So while other winners and losers have been more concerned about lecturing us with woke platitudes, this feisty hero injected a much needed dose of patriotism. And that's an injection we approve of, not like the ones I got in my lips from that guy in a van. Last time I get Botox from one of Kat's dealers. So, with just a few words about being proud of her country, this woman became the most likeable American athlete at the Olympics.
Well, since that time, I won the gold in the 90s. Granted, I didn't win it at the Olympics. It was in a local park around 3:00 a.m. But boy could -- those hobos raced like their lives depended on it. Oh, there isn't amazing that I could take even a wholesome story like this and make it dark and dirty and ugly.
KUDLOW: It's an admirable trait.
GUTFELD: Yes. Yes. Yes.
KUDLOW: I'm sorry. I apologize.
GUTFELD: I like left out of my chair, Tyrus, when I saw that.
TYRUS: Well, that must have been funny. Hadn't you get hurt? Has your feet don't touch the ground, so it's like, you know, oh like, then your wife had to pick you up and put you back in and put you a little bit back on, you boost your sit and --
GUTFELD: It's so funny because it's true.
TYRUS: Pick him up.
GUTFELD: I can see myself in your stories.
KUDLOW: Can we just -- can we just try to rescue this segment?
GUTFELD: All right.
KUDLOW: I mean, this woman is so fabulous.
KUDLOW: Talking about how much she loves America, draping the flag over shoulders. But also, she had a great message in there. You know, you can be female, you can be African-American, you work hard and you can succeed and your dreams will be met. She's not a victim. She's not screaming about race. As you said, she's not lecturing people. She just worked hard to get done what her dream was.
And that's a role model. We shouldn't forget that. This is America. And young, black female wrestlers can succeed to the top of the ladder if they work hard at it. That is a lesson for everybody. It's a universal lesson.
GUTFELD: Also, Larry, it's -- you don't -- when you -- when you see somebody who expresses a very positive attitude about anything -- about anything involved in work or career, whatever, you know that it's absolutely impossible for them to fail because there's just no -- every challenge always becomes like just something that they deal with. It's not --
GUTFELD: They're not -- you can't see that person complaining. I mean, she could complain. But you always --
TRUMP: But Larry is so right. I loved about this whole kind of speech that she gave there. And her jubilation was all about the hard work that she put in. I listened to my coaches, and I never thought I would have to work that hard but it paid off. And so often, I feel like we just allow our younger generations to get away without doing any work. Let's make it easy for them. Let's coddle them. Let's make it comfortable for them.
Let's put in the hard work like this woman and get a gold medal. It was amazing. Amazing to hear.
GUTFELD: You know, Kat, you can't help but you have to contrast this attitude with what -- I would call the activist persona where everything is problematic. Even the stuff that -- that's fun. OK. Everything that's fun in life. Oh, sports, entertainment, holidays, you know, everything is part of the struggle, right? So you can't enjoy it. So all of the protesting athletes, you're at the Olympics, but no, it's about the struggle. She reminded everybody. No, it's the Olympics.
TIMPF: I -- right. And I think that what is really jarring is that the fact that this news is news, OK? Like she's standing there, we're in the USA and as a flag are out, and they're like, so what do you think of the USA? She's like, I love it. And everyone's like, what?
TIMPF: What? You said what but -- like she's competing for the USA. Yes, she -- I like living there. That's' what's really amazing. What she said was amazing. Her message was amazing. I loved it. But how crazy things gotten that we're saying that about that, like that's punk rock too.
GUTFELD: Yes. Exactly. It is -- it is punk rock to be a patriot, Tyrus. It reminded me of being a child watching the Olympics. And the -- and like the athletes were just like ambulant, is that the word?
TYRUS: One, an American hero was born and she should be on if Wheaties is still putting.
KUDLOW: Right oh.
TYRUS: She should be on every cereal box (INAUDIBLE) not just for wanting to gold, because unfortunately we've all been conditioned and as great as URL, I disagree with you. She never once mentioned the color of her skin. Not one time because it's not about that. There is -- she is for everybody. I don't care what co you are, what little girl, what little boys sitting somewhere going, I want to be like that. It wasn't just for us.
TYRUS: She's a hero that everyone can get behind. She says I was an American. I did it for my family. I wish my father was here. She never once said as a black woman. The thing that bothered me the most was that every news outlet had to remind us that she was the first. When are we going to realize that Americans colors are red, white and blue? They're not black.
GUTFELD: There you go.
TYRUS: And that's what makes her so damn special. And you can't take that from her.
TIMPF: I can be an Olympian.
GUTFELD: No, you can't, Kat.
TYRUS: No, you can't.
TYRUS: Well, a commentator, yes, you could.
TRUMP: These are the people we should be paying attention too.
TRUMP: Not the Gwyn Barrys, not giving them the time. You know on news. This is the person that we should be giving all the attention to athletes like this.
GUTFELD: I hope she -- I hope she should get on the box.
TYRUS: WWE. There it is.
TYRUS: Go get it.
TYRUS: NWA. Billy, let's get the check out. We can get it -- somebody needs to get it.
GUTFELD: Yes. I could wrestle her.
TYRUS: No. No, actually, yes. I would like to see that. I will be there to carry what's left of you. I'll make sure you get your organ donor sticker on your card.
GUTFELD: This should be the first bound for NWA.
TYRUS: Yes. And --
GUTFELD: You call Billy.
TYRUS: We'll get on it.
GUTFELD: Yes. We're friends.
TYRUS: And just sign a few waivers and let's do this.
GUTFELD: Up next, with COVID getting more severe down goes the party of the year.
GREG GUTFELD, FOX NEWS CHANNEL HOST: Criticize Fauci all the time. Well, that could become a hate crime. A new scientific journal article suggests adding criticism of scientists like Dr. Fauci to the list of federal hate crimes. According to Professor Peter Hotez, AKA Idiot, "We must take steps to protect our scientists and take like, please, it takes swift and positive action to counter the growing wave of far-right anti-science aggression." Well, that new law won't get abused at all. I actually don't mind Fauci but I'm calling him a stupid (BLEEP). Be sure and bleep that because I don't want to get in trouble.
Meanwhile, a major backlash to Obama's birthday bash, and in its wake, a lonely cake, surging cases of the Delta variant have pooped on Barack Obama's super sweet 60th party in Martha's Vineyard. So, instead of Obama's party favors including ventilators, he's changing plans. According to the New York Post the Obamas were planning on having 700 people in attendance but many thought he was setting a bad example, meaning someone leaked it to the press. So, they're shrinking the shindig. So, how will celebrity guests handle missing Obama blow out the candle? The scale back party means the planners will have to make some hard choices.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We have got to trim this guest list down.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Oh boy, pretend that invite was never sent.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You know, wanted extra shrimp for the protein, cross him away off.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: No way, that guy's hilarious.
GUTFELD: Well, that was quick. Lara, what do you make of hate crimes for bashing scientists?
LARA TRUMP, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: Are we still calling him a scientist now?
TRUMP: I mean, really, if we're not allowed to criticize somebody that has basically given us whiplash from changing his position on things over the past year and a half. I mean, I don't even know this sounds. It sounds like a communist idea. If anything, this is crazy.
GUTFELD: It is, it is actually like an -- again, you I hate doing the, what if Trump said this?
TRUMP: Oh my god.
GUTFELD: This is like this is an authoritarian grab. Also, what if Trump threw a 700 person birthday party?
TRUMP: What if you had a 200-person birthday party? We're going crazy over it. But of course, it's OK, because it's for Obama. And the thing that bothers me about it is he wouldn't have done anything if not for people actually calling him out on it. He just wanted to kind of fly under the radar about it, and just get it over with and then he wasn't going to have, you know, any consequences for it, but, you know, he got called out
GUTFELD: Kat, we were for the party.
GUTFELD: We are for the party, because we feel -- we feel that everybody -- like the party was a great signal to America that we're getting you getting back to normal. So, like, you know, like, if Obama can have 700 people, I can have seven people into my hot tub.
GUTFELD: And that's usually half the capacity.
TIMPF: Oh, yes. Well, the review of capacity the same as everybody.
GUTFELD: Plus, the plus-size mammals come over.
TIMPF: Yes, and you know what, I feel bad. Because also you can you imagine how stressful that it must be to have 500 friends?
TIMPF: That's incredibly stressful. Why do that if you can't have a massive party with all of them?
TIMPF: I mean, he's got -- I mean, how does he have time to do anything else but send Happy Birthday texts if you have that many friends? Truly, and like, just do it? He was vaccinated and tested like come on. It's never going to be any safer than that. Throw the party get wasted. Live your best Barack Obama life.
GUTFELD: Yes. But you know what else, you know what else? If he had thrown the party 500 famous people would not would be busy for one day, imagine that. They'd be like, all the famous people would disappear. They wouldn't be on Twitter.
LARRY KUDLOW, KUDLOW HOST: But you know, fighting 700 people with the middle of this COVID thing, whatever it is, is so on woke that there's a part of me that kind of says he should have gone for it.
GUTFELD: That's what I'm saying.
KUDLOW: I mean, he got he kind of got caught with his mask off and his pants down.
GUTFELD: Yes, that's happened to me.
KUDLOW: But whatever, 700 people in Martha's Vineyard when all the woke people are screaming and you know you can challenge the science because you're going to go to jail. Is there's something kind of semi cool about that?
TIMPF: Yes, he should have just made it a 10 to 14 day rager. That way they're all quarantine there.
TRUMP: There you go there. There's an idea.
GUTFELD: That's the best kind of party. That's the best kind of party and people can show up and leave and some people ended up sleeping on the floor. It's like, like --
TIMPF: Like, is he asleep? Or is he dead? I don't know. Poke him? Oh, yes, great time.
GUTFELD: That's great. What do you think, Tyrus?
TYRUS, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: First of all, you're all extremely insensitive and a bunch of jerks. You know, I was invited -- guests as part of that 500? Me. So, thanks a lot, guys. I hope you're happy. It should be a hate crime that I don't get to go. I just wanted to go to be like, why is that guy, oh, he's here. He's too big to saying anything to. I could make my way all the way up literally sit next week, what up, Dog?
And he'd be like, how did the Fox News guy get here? Someone want to tell him? You know, just let him go. Just let him -- I can't, I can't have that joy. Hate crime for Dr. Fauci. OK, if we're going to do that, let's be consistent, so the Wicked Witch of "The View," who called the governor, a white supremacist, a murderer, misogynist, eater of children? Shouldn't she be fired?
TYRUS: She didn't have -- I mean, that's pretty much the worst thing you can say about somebody on T.V.
TYRUS: So, shouldn't we be taking up arms for that?
GUTFELD: Yes, no, it's true.
TYRUS: Or we all just pull up the big boy pants and just call her a Wicked Witch and move on with our day? Let's grow up in America. But I am pissed. I don't get to go now. Thanks, Greg.
GUTFELD: Well, I'll let you know how it is because we --
TYRUS: I was going to put you on my backpack. And now it's ruined.
GUTFELD: That's how we got into Lollapalooza.
KUDLOW: What's the new headcount? It's 700 down to what?
TYRUS: Close family and friends?
KUDLOW: I know.
GUTFELD: That's 350
KUDLOW: I was going to say, but to Kat's point, that could be 300 or 400 people.
GUTFELD: Yes, he's got a lot of close friends when you're the president of the United States is still somewhere.
TYRUS: Yes, Springsteen gets to go, but I don't. Whatever.
GUTFELD: Yes. And your music's better. All right. Up next, he acted like a drunken ape, so they wrapped his ass up and take.
GUTFELD: They say, duct tape has a thousand uses including securing a passenger for abuses. As seen in a new viral video, a man was duct taped to his seat by Frontier Airlines employees after allegedly groping two female flight attendants. 22-year-old Maxwell Berry also punched a male crew member screamed obscenities and let everyone know his family was worth millions of dollars, two million. Sounds like every girl had a crush on in high school. Which makes you wonder if he's rich, why the hell is he flying Frontier? They normally use duct tape to hold their planes together, I kid. Kid. Gaze upon the face of de-baggary.
GUTFELD: And here he is packaged up for safe delivery.
BERRY: Help.
GUTFELD: So, he was later arrested and charged with three counts of battery. He was also missing a lot of arm hair. And after calling it the most dehumanizing, dehumanizing experience of his life, he denied any wrongdoing and he now deleted tweet, "To be clear, I did not grope anybody. This is just the stupid narrative that the media is pushing." Someone's been watching Andrew Cuomo.
Meanwhile, Frontier says they "maintain the utmost value respect, concern and support for all of our flight attendants including those who were assaulted on this flight." Well, you know, my dad used duct tape on everything. But enough about mom. Kat, why do I -- the guy's a complete a- hole, but for some reason, I feel like that was almost inhumane, am I wrong?
TIMPF: Yes, because I did so much research.
TIMPF: Because I saw this and I was like, OK, this dude on a flight from Philly to Miami, like this is clearly you know, a frat boy F-word boy, et cetera. And I was like, Kat, don't be a judgmental person based on how he looks like. So, I looked up his Twitter, and here's some of his other gems.
"Ladies, please drop your cash app, I'll gladly send money. Seggs," S-E-G- G-S, is how the TikTokers spell sex.
And then my favorite, "IDK who needs to hear this but six inches is enough."
OK, these are the things this guy's tweeting. He's clearly flying alone because he told all the, you know, Tinder girls in Philadelphia that he's not ready for a relationship right now. So, you can go party in Miami with the boys and you know, pick up strange. And you know, what? Because they don't judge a book by its cover, but sometimes the cover looks a certain way because of what's in the book.
KUDLOW: Very good. That's very, very good.
GUTFELD: Well, I think -- he must remind you of someone.
TIMPF: Oh, I know that guy. Not that one but there's a lot of that guy out there.
KUDLOW: But you know, what you need here is an intervention. We can share our feelings together. That's the kind of therapy this guy needs.
GUTFELD: That's a good point, actually. A lot of a lot of the (BLEEP) behavior is out when drunk.
KUDLOW: He's drunk. He's drunk. He's drunk and I'm sure it's not the first time and it isn't going to be the last time unless he shapes up. And by the way, two million is not that impressive.
TRUMP: Don't tell this guy that, though.
TIMPF: Savage.
KUDLOW: Can I just say that?
GUTFELD: The parents are probably so embarrassed. We're worth so much more. All the neighbors are going to be laughing at me because I have a used Land Rover and not a new Land Rover. Oh my god, that's why, that's how we knew the used Land Rover, right? Lara, this is going to follow him forever though. So, is this the apt punishment?
TRUMP: Ah, I mean, look, I don't know I've never seen this done before. This is a new one. I hope to never see this in person. But what's really frustrating I think is that this is the kind of person that ruins it for the rest of us. Like now you get on airplanes, they barely give you anything. You're lucky if you get a drink. They tell you most of them now no alcohol is served anymore, nothing. It's because of this guy.
GUTFELD: Yes, it's true. It's true. It's there's a party pooper, Tyrus. Should duct tape include this in their commercials?
TYRUS: Yes, you know what? And shame on Frontier for trying to be polite. He acted a fool.
TYRUS: We kicked his ass. Act accordingly when you come on our plane. We need to stop apologizing when we tell it like it is. He was taped up like that because he was a danger to himself and everyone on there. And when you don't tape him up, you end up with flight attendants with missing teeth. So, when you look at statistics, how much aggression is on planes right now? It's unbelievable, it's like eight -- we're already up to like 8000 cases already of guys getting drunk on planes taking swings at each other. This is a great life lesson. And they should have this on every billboard of frontier. We pick your seat for you, you behave.
KURDLOW: The best thing for this kid is this could have been a bottom. Maybe he found the bottom.
TYRUS: Well, no, the bottom was the best thing about you is your parents' finances. That's bottom. That's bottom. Do you want to go bro? Do you know my dad works 40 hours a week bro? What?
GUTFELD: Two million --
KUDLOW: Is not that good.
GUTFELD: It just isn't enough.
TYRUS: I don't have to do anything. My parents do everything. Your 35 years old, Sir.
GUTFELD: My problem is I always keep finding my bottom. All right, up next, the backseat is causing undue strife. Get the jab or out of Jen's life.
GUTFELD: If you don't have your vaccine, you can't hang with Rachel Green. Oh, Jennifer Aniston says that she's had to cut ties with several people in her life due to their vaccination status. "I've just lost a few people in my weekly routine," weekly route, what is this? "Whoever refused or did not disclose and it was unfortunate." She said in a recent interview. With friends like that, who needs thinking for yourself? She forgot to mention her weekly routine includes drunk dialing Brad Pitt at 3:00 am.
Aniston added, "Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but a lot of opinions don't feel based in anything except fear or propaganda." Yes, no word that she still hangs out with our pal, Gwyneth Paltrow, a woman who sells rocks she claims have healing powers. But it's like my Uncle Steve used to say: Two persons cannot long be friends if they cannot forgive each other's little failings. I should note that Steve's currently serving three life sentences for a triple homicide. Boy, did he have a short temper?
Not a lot of friends left there. Lara, she just doesn't want to hang around the guys. She doesn't like to go, what's his name? I have written his name. She doesn't want to be around Matthew Perry. This is her way to get out of it.
TRUMP: Maybe so, if she's vaccinated, then what does she care? She could be in a room full of people with COVID and she's fine. I will never understand people taking this stance on things. It just is mind boggling.
GUTFELD: Well, it's, it's a public stance. That's a virtue signal. Blah, blah, blah. We know why she's doing it because they can't get enough. I got my -- everybody has to know how I feel, Tyrus.
TYRUS: Because I'm just dropping woke-knowledge. I'm just telling you. If you don't do what I do, I don't know you. (INAUDIBLE) was, there wasn't people coming up going today. My life has changed. Jennifer Aniston just unfriended me, what do we do? And then he got drunk on the plane and ended up taped up in a chair because she unfriended him. I hope you're happy.
GUTFELD: That's -- I like how you connected those dots.
TYRUS: The skill set, right, Kat?
TIMPF: Oh, yes.
KUDLOW: But the woke crowd is so judgmental. You're right about that. So, what? If she's vaccinated, she has nothing to worry about.
KUDLOW: And she had to tell the world that she's come to this new view so that she's part of the in group and she's politically correct, and she's woke left, it's just nonsense.
TRUMP: What a waste of everybody's time.
KUDLOW: Could be ignored. Absolutely.
GUTFELD: We know that it's a lie. Because if they're your friend, they're not -- you don't do that to a friend.
TIMPF: I don't think they were her friends. Part of her weekly routine, she got a new eyebrow lady like.
TYRUS: Thank you, Kat. Thank you, Kat. She got a new eyebrow lady. That new eyebrow later said she wasn't getting the vaccine. She's like, I'm getting a new eyebrow lady.
TIMPF: Yes. That it.
TYRUS: Who calls their friends routines?
GUTFELD: Like, yes, what does that mean?
TYRUS: You're training them? Your friends are horses, you're teaching the jump over a fence? Routine?
GUTFELD: You know.
KUDLOW: Nobody can top a new eyebrow lady.
TRUMP: Larry would know.
KUDLOW: You just can't do it.
GUTFELD: You have an eyebrow lady?
GUTFELD: Neither do I.
TIMPF: That's probably why I'm not Jennifer Aniston.
TYRUS: That's it.
GUTFELD: Neither is she. She's not Jennifer Aniston anymore, either, right? I don't even know what that means.
TIMPF: Me neither.
GUTFELD: All I know is I did not watch the friends reunion. Did anybody watch that?
TIMPF: Why would I do that?
GUTFELD: I don't know. Maybe that's why she brought this up. You know, maybe everybody who didn't get vaxxed stopped watching "Friends." Can you tell that I'm trying to stretch this? Yes. I think that none of us really care about Jennifer Aniston and her beliefs.
TIMPF: No. I don't.
KUDLOW: You know --
TIMPF: And also I never did.
KUDLOW: Jennifer Aniston should come out for Twitter to restore Donald Trump's site so that everyone can get vaccinated and she can have more friends.
TRUMP: There you go.
KUDLOW: How's that?
TYRUS: Or we'll duct tape you to a chair?
KUDLOW: And take you to an AA meeting.
GUTFELD: It's just ridiculous -- it's not, I guess what bugs me is it's so obviously not real. You don't do that to friends. You don't do that to friends. She was -- she needed something to say to InStyle Magazine or whatever it was. Who knew there were magazines? All right, don't go away. We'll be right back.
GUTFELD: Before we go, let's do this.
GUTFELD: As you know, being a world famous talk show host when I throw a little party it often goes through the grapevine everybody hears about famous people just show up, so I threw a barbecue this weekend and you wouldn't believe who showed up. Alec Baldwin showed up and just immediately just started eating the corn and he wasn't wearing a shirt. So, you know, as you know, he's incredibly hairy.
And he just sat there and just chat away it was down in the West Village. As you know, the corn goes in the same way it goes out. He made quite a mess. But you know what, seems to be enjoying himself. There you go. Alec Baldwin at my BBQ picnic. Whatever. Who cares at this point? It is midnight, right? What are you doing up? You're staring at me.
All right, set your DVRs every night so you never miss an episode. Thanks to the great Larry Kudlow, Lara Trump, Kat Timpf, Tyrus, our studio audience. "FOX NEWS @ NIGHT" with evil Shannon Bream is next. I'm Greg Gutfeld. I love you America.
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