
This is a rush transcript of "Gutfeld" on October 14, 2021. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.


KAMALA HARRIS, VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: It impacts everyone. Everyone who ever you are should care about this issue.


LAURA INGRAHAM, FOX NEWS CHANNEL HOST: Except the border. Doesn't care much about. Does she? Greg Gutfeld takes it off from here.

GREG GUTFELD, FOX NEWS CHANNEL HOST: Happy Thursday. America has such great news to report plus, Julie Banderas has hung over. What a surprise. Huh? Am I right? She poured herself into this chair. She looks terrible. But that's OK. We'll give you a little break right now because we're going to have seven jokes.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Greg's seven jokes.


GUTFELD: The both American and Southwest Airlines say they'll comply with President Biden's order to force their employees to be vaccinated. Meanwhile, Spirit Airlines will begin requiring their employees to brush their teeth. Is that too mean? I don't know if that's one. President of the Toy Association said this week that kids might not get what they want this Christmas due to the national shortages.

Great. More money to spend on strippers said Dana Perino. Unbelievable pervert that she is. Jon Gruden, you know him, the Raiders coach will be removed from the Buccaneers Ring of Honor over e-mails that contained racist insults, which some say is hypocritical because O.J. Simpson remains in the NFL Hall of Fame but that's an apples to oranges comparison since there's no proof Simpson said mean e-mails. Right?

TYRUS, FOX NATION HOST: He was acquitted.

GUTFELD: He was acquainted. The global supply chain crunch has made it hard to find Halloween costumes in stores. So this year Chris Cuomo is going to pretend to be a journalist. Where are we? The number four? Was that number four?? This week William Shatner became the oldest man to travel in space. Scientists suspect the 90-year-old took control of the rocket at some point because it never turned off its turn signal. That's five.

Footwear brand Minnetonka has apologized for making moccasins. They've been made them for 75 years because it's not a Native-American owned business. To remedy this problem, the CEO says the company will be changing its name to Elizabeth Warren. Number six. And finally, with Biden's war on energy independence, the price of coal has skyrocketed. So this Christmas all the naughty kids will be getting their stockings filled with solar panels. And that's your seventh joke.

Oh. Delicious water, Julie. You might want to have some.


GUTFELD: So, did you know that the New York Mayor Bill de Blasio, otherwise known as a walking tree of turds is removing the statue of Thomas Jefferson from City Hall? In case he went to public schools. Jefferson was a founding father, our third president, but also a slave owner. The statue has been there for nearly 200 years.

A year for every screw up de Blasio makes in a week. But after all the problems going on in the city it was clear that this putrid piece of marble had to go. I mean, think about it. A woman was beaten brutally on the city streets stopped repeatedly and left for dead. People are dodging bullets in Times Square like Neo in the Matrix. But damn that Thomas Jefferson, you know, he's behind all that.

Of course there was the Filipino nurse murdered Saturday afternoon in Times Square by a deranged criminal. That alleged killer had been released after groping another female. But clearly, if there was no Jefferson statue, this never would have happened. There's a huge spike in homicides in major cities. It's getting so bad in places like Chicago. They are installing bleeding control kits in hundreds of city buildings.

Each kit contains supplies like tourniquets, gauze, shears, gloves and an instruction manual. I knew the labor shortage was severe, but now you have to fix your own gunshot wounds. But what do you expect when you allow such statues to exist? Now the removal of the statute was suggested by de Blasio's wife, Chirlane McCray. She said I already share a bed with a blockhead. I don't need another one staring at me while I work.

But she also heads up the $800 million taxpayer funded program called Thrive, which was designed to treat the mentally ill like the guy who murdered the nurse. But where's the proof that the program actually did anything? The money disappeared faster than Brian Stelter at a donut factory. If you take a casual drive around the city and you don't get carjacked first, you'll see countless destitute zombies.

But it's hard to investigate the person in charge of helping them when it's the mayor's wife. So what do you do when you're supposed to treat the sick and deranged and you haven't done squat? And the people you're supposed to be helping are doing squat everywhere, on the sidewalks, in front of businesses, in the parks with dogs. And that's Julie. So, you go after this statues? And why?

How does removing the statues make the poor or the elderly currently being picked off in New York any safer? It doesn't. If anything, with you getting shot at statues give you a place to hide behind. In fact, we can use a lot more statues of really fat people. Grover Cleveland, Henry VIII, hell, I'll take a Michael Moore. I'll take anything because increasingly -- oh, it's a cheap (INAUDIBLE) increasingly, the public has fewer places to hide.

But the real reason for removing statues is deflection. The activist class, it's a shallow, stupid breed with absurd priorities, and their leaders know that. All you need to do is dangle some performative act of symbolic justice in front of them, and like a hooker in front of Hunter, they'll climb over it. And then you don't need to do any real work at all.

Defund the police, bail out thugs and rapists and watch as your city time travels back to the 1970s and then blame the statues. And a mayor and his wife can coast along by shifting the conversation to erasing the past and call that progress. It's not just New York, whether it's San Francisco, where they're closing down drugstores due to crime, or downtown Portland and during another night of mob violence.

All you need to do are a few things. Demand changing the problematic name of a grade school, cancel a holiday for a problematic explorer. Remove a statue of a problematic founder. All of the name of equity and anti-racism. As the elderly and working classes continue to get victimized by thugs and maniacs. It's a good grift as long as you go woke, you're immune from criticism for the horrible messes that you leave behind.

I wonder what the angry black male thinks.


TYRUS: Joe Machi, how many times have I told you not to wear my clothes (INAUDIBLE) real funny playing little baby wearing my jacket. I'm tired you guys wearing my clothes. Don't wear my clothes. Time to pay, Joe Machi. Hey, who are you?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Hey, Tyrus. I'm Tom Jefferson. Nice to meet you.

TYRUS: Where's Joe?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Oh, Joe is not here today. I don't know. It's my first day. I don't know where Joe is.

TYRUS: You'll do Jefferson.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Someone help me. I don't understand.


GUTFELD: We all understand. So remove a statue change the holiday's name. Congrats. You've tackled the big problems. And when a parent loses a child or a child loses a parent to a maniac on a city street you can tell them hey, you know, I'm sorry for your loss but remember that busted Jefferson, it's gone as well. So let's call it even.


GUTFELD: Let's welcome tonight's guests. He's here to ruin your plans for the apocalypse. Author of the great new book, San Fran-sicko and Apocalypse Never, Michael Shellenberger. She believes a chain is no stronger than its weakest drink. Fox News Anchor Julie Banderas. She gets wasted more than your tax dollars. Fox News Contributor Kat Timpf. Walking a mile in his shoes would only take one step. My massive sidekick and the NWA World Champion -- Television Champion, Tyrus.

TYRUS: What?

GUTFELD: I'm just trying --

TYRUS: What?

GUTFELD: I was just going to come to you first because, you know, Thomas Jefferson owned slaves.


GUTFELD: You know, I figured I should come to you first.

TYRUS: Yes. Last time I saw Thomas Jefferson in the supermarket. It was awkward.

GUTFELD: Yes. So what do you -- what is, you know, you see New York, it's going -- it's hell in a handbasket. And that's an insult to hell.

TYRUS: No, you know what. It always -- it seems to me that the new excuse for not doing anything is to once again bring up slavery. So we had to get rid of Thomas Jefferson because he did what at the time, was fashionable or was what happened. There was -- I hate to even say this, but it's true, there was even black slave owners because that's what society was. The good news was that -- or is that we didn't do that and it didn't take us.

We move past it in record time, if you look at the other world, other places on this -- on this world how long they dealt with slavery. Centuries, for eons, we got it -- we got our stuff together relatively quick. So I think it's always hilarious that, why are you getting rid of Thomas Jefferson? Well, he owned slaves. Well, OK, so George Washington got to go. Pretty much everyone from that era has to go.

But that is better to say you did that. Then help one sick mental person.


TYRUS: Get help on the street. But hey, Thomas Jefferson is gone. And here's the deal, the statue that you took away in most cases, keep somebody from getting rained on that you're not helping.

GUTFELD: Yes, exactly. By the way to your point, the whole Democratic Party has to go because the Democratic Party. The name itself is associated with slavery. They got to change their name to something else, Julie. Like Severely Hung Over Party, which is what you are. You don't smell like tequila though.

BANDERAS: No, I don't. I chewed a lot of gum in the makeup chair. That poor makeup artist has passed out.



GUTFELD: I can't believe on a -- what's today? Thursday? So that was a Wednesday night for you.

BANDERAS: Every night is a Friday night.

GUTFELD: So what do you make of this strategy to always like as you see these -- the crime go up in the city, this is almost serious questions. So you only have like 20 --

BANDERAS: You lost me already. Sorry.

GUTFELD: As crime gets worse wokeism seeks to replace the argument. So you don't notice how everything's getting so bad. Does that make sense? Did I lose you again?

BANDERAS: Wait. I'm sorry. Did you ask -- so first of all, I think it was a huge mistake to put your wife in charge of anything.


BANDERAS: I mean, that's just something I think every husband should know. Ask Tyrus. He'll tell you.

TYRUS: What the hell?

BANDERAS: I'm just saying.

TYRUS: Oh wait, she doesn't watch. Go ahead, go ahead, go ahead.

BANDERAS: He lives Barbie Dreamhouse.


BANDERAS: Like literally. That's where -- and yes, I'm just saying. You're like --

TYRUS: So, Greg basically, the moral is just keep deflecting.



TYRUS: Very democratic of you. Thank you.

BANDERAS: You're welcome. Well, I mean, I'm talking about Mayor de Blasio.

GUTFELD: No. But it is true.

BANDERAS: But it is true. And I have to say this. First of all, he needs to concentrate more on the war on crime instead of the war on history. And I believe that Thomas Jefferson statue obviously represents a stain in American history but it's also a reminder of where we've come. Man, this is deep for hung over. Man, my head is spinning. But we have come a long way. We have a long way to go and to remove that is absolutely ridiculous. She should actually remove her husband. Like banish him.


BANDERAS: I mean, if you're going to give her control, you know, make her - - make the best out of it.

GUTFELD: Yes. Welcome to the show, Michael. This your first time. I hope this hasn't disgusted you yet. I look at the amount of time that is devoted to statues and other symbols and I realize that is taken away. It -- it's not like it's a -- it's a pie of time that leaders have. So the more time you spend doing this stuff, you can't help citizens. It's a terrible -- it's a terrible thing to do.

MICHAEL SHELLENBERGER, AUTHOR, SAN FRAN-SICKO: That's what -- I mean, in San Fran-sicko I described how the school board spent much of last year trying to rename the schools rather than trying to figure out how to get the kids back in the classroom. And so we've seen, yes, African-American math proficiency in San Francisco high schools is 12 percent. And so they spend their time basically trying to make everybody feel guilty. It's all deflection all distraction it's a bad situation. So it's sad to see it arrive in New York too.

GUTFELD: Yes. It's -- well it's in every major city that is run by a Democrat, Kat. I blame you.

TIMPF: No. Don't -- that is wrong.


TIMPF: Because -- no, and I will tell you why, Greg.


TIMPF: Look, OK, it's bad on the streets in New York. It's very, very bad. And, you know, people walk down the street and you see it. People will yell at you. And I am saying it's bad and that said something because first of all, I normally enjoyed attention of any kind.


TIMPF: And second of all, I have dated at least one homeless man.

GUTFELD: Yes, that's true.

TYRUS: Possibly true.

TIMPF: Possibly too. The other one we weren't sure about -- no proof of the apartment, right? So what I'm saying is --


TIMPF: I have done more right for the homeless than all of (INAUDIBLE)

TYRUS: Give her the 800 million.

TIMPF: Believe me. Believe me I have done more. And I will make sure my husband does not watch this.

GUTFELD: Does living in a car counted as homeless?

TIMPF: No. And I did it for free too.

TYRUS: That's a great question, Greg. Is living in a car I mean you're homeless or an explorer?

TIMPF: They also didn't have cars.

GUTFELD: Up next. Hip hip hooray Rogen demolished Sanjay?


GUTFELD: He took up poop da on Gupta. Thank you. That was mine. Add CNN to the list of list of things Joe Rogan now owns. I speak with CNN's Chief Medical Correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta who admitted to Joe Rogan that it was wrong for the network, including Don Lemon and Jim Acosta to claim Rogen took horse dewormer as a COVID treatment. Last month, Rogan announced he test positive for the virus and had been prescribed several drugs to find it including Ivermectin.

Now, that drug is FDA approved for use in humans for certain infectious diseases. And the formula for animal use is much more concentrated. But that's not what Rogan was taken. But CNN didn't care and lied about it and said Rogen was taking horse pills. On Wednesday, he called them out.


JOE ROGAN, HOST, THE JOE ROGAN EXPERIENCE: Lying at your network about people taking human drugs versus drugs --


SANJAY GUPTA, CNN CHIEF MEDICAL CORRESPONDENT: Calling it a horse to wormer is not a flattering thing. I get that.

ROGAN: It's a lie. It's a lie on a news network. You're talking about a drug that's been given out to billions and billions of people. A drug that was responsible for one of the inventors of it making the --

GUPTA: Nobel Prize.


ROGAN: Nobel Prize in 2015.

GUPTA: '15, yes.

ROGAN: Why would they lie and say that's horse dewormer? I can afford people medicine (BLEEP) this is ridiculous. It's just a lie.


GUPTA: I don't you think anyone is (INAUDIBLE)

ROGAN: But don't you think that a lie like that is dangerous on a news network when you know that they know they're lying? You know that they know that I took medicine like here it is. This is Ivermectin.


ROGAN: Somebody gave it to me.

GUPTA: All right, hang on. I -- do you -- the thing is, we're like going so fast.


GUTFELD: Yes, we are going so fast. But Rogan didn't let up.


ROGAN: Do you think that that's a problem that your news network lies?

GUPTA: Well, I don't -- I don't --

ROGAN: Dude.

GUPTA: What did they say?

ROGAN: They lie. They say I was taking course dewormer. First of all, it was prescribed to me by a doctor.

GUPTA: Yes, yes, yes.

ROGAN: Along a bunch of other medications.

GUPTA: If you got a human pill because there are people that were taking the veterinary medication and I -- you're not, obviously. You got it from a doctor. So that it shouldn't be called that. Ivermectin can be a very effective medication. They shouldn't have said that.

ROGAN: Why did they do that?

GUPTA: I don't know.

ROGAN: You didn't ask? You didn't think you're the (INAUDIBLE) guy over there.

GUPTA: I didn't ask. I should have asked before coming in --


ROGAN: But they did it with such glee.

GUPTA: No, no.

ROGAN: Yes, you did. I watched.


GUTFELD: I haven't seen a doctor get that traumatized since my last prostate exam. But jokes work. What do you know? Now the takeaway here is that it's not about the efficacy of the drug in question. It's that a network host a guy they don't like. And now that guy who has a massive following of his own push back and push back hard. And now you know why CNN's legion of scolds never ventured out of their network caves.

CNN attempted to pick a fight with someone with a bigger audience and a bigger brain and got punched in the mouth right back. They tried to treat Rogan like a smiling kid in a MAGA hat. He's not. He's a hyper focus guy who does mixed martial arts for fun. I find it all to be glorious and refreshing. Like when my buddy self feeds his neighbors.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Do you want them? Crunch, crunch. Here you go. Watch your head. This guy sitting down over here. It's crazy.


GUTFELD: I love the ending. It's crazy. Oh, geez. Michael, so you've done - - you've done Joe Rogan's podcast. Joe's been like incorrect on some things but it's not because he's lying. It's because he didn't have enough information. The difference is that CNN is knowingly -- being wrong about this. Why do you think they did that?

SHELLENBERGER: Oh, I mean, they hate Joe Rogan because they can't control him. I mean, Joe always makes this joke that he's the stupid guy but when you're with him you realize that he's genius is that he's so terrifying. You really -- he's like a human lie detector, like you don't want to lie in front of that guy.


SHELLENBERGER: And you're in stamina. I mean, you're there for like three hours. You're just kind of like whatever you -- whatever you need to hear from me. You know, it better be the truth or you might break me in half.

GUTFELD: Yes. I could never do that. I mean, how -- you -- how long were you on with him?

SHELLENBERGER: We were --I was on -- we were off for 2-1/2 hours then he goes now let's talk about nuclear power. And I was like -- I was like, I'm out. What do I need to do to signal that you win? Tapping. I'm tapping. I'm tapping. Now it was an incredible experience he's a -- he's clearly a genius of the arts.

GUTFELD: Yes, it's an -- it's an unusual thing and he didn't even -- it's not like he actively tried to do that. Kat, the thing is I -- to Michael's point, I get the feeling that like Rogan is kind of like what CNN was supposed to be. Like CNN was like the news, but it's not the news anymore. It's all ideology. And now you have these two, three-hour conversations were people -- that was actually a good conversation with Gupta, right?


GUPTA: So he is the new CNN.

TIMPF: Yes. And CNN is actually doing all the things are creating a lot of the harms that it complains about. So they talk about this horse dewormer thing all the time because it's supposedly bad. They want people to take horse dewormer. That's what they care about. But by saying that Joe Rogan took horse dewormer because he's OK, right?


TIMPF: They're actually going to be sending the message that taking horse deowemer is OK. Not the people who acknowledge the difference between a human prescription for Ivermectin and veterinary horse dewormer.

GUTFELD: Yes. Would it be funny if the horse dewormer was actually better than the human dewormer?

TYRUS: That would be hilarious.

GUTFELD: It would be hilarious.

TYRUS: Yes. But, you know what's even more hilarious is that Gupta basically seems to me like a nice guy.


TYRUS: And you would think nice guys would have a better defense against the truth.


TYRUS: But even nice guys like their paychecks.


TYRUS: And I was waiting for (INAUDIBLE) hey, man, I just got a book deal with them. I just signed new thing. Whoa, whoa, hey, hey, didn't we talk about this in the back? Please. hey, CNN. He was Literally on one of the shows that they were talking about this.

GUTFELD: Yes, yes.

TYRUS: The thing about Joe Rogan that makes him so special right now and it shouldn't make him special is that he's being a grown ass man. If you -- if you come at me, I'm going to come at you back and he's even asking why.


TYRUS: And they --- the goal of CNN was to cancel Joe. The best part of this, the side, the accoutrement of this is that Brian Stelter got destroyed because he ripped -- we didn't cover, we didn't see it, but he ripped on Brian so bad the last time that Stelter came on, he had the lowest ratings ever. He had like six people. Three -- one of them was the postage guy. The other one was like his parents. Like he canceled the canceler.


TYRUS: So that to me in itself is beauty.


TYRUS: Because they got a taste of their own medicine and they don't like it. So maybe they need some horse dewormer because they're clearly full (BLEEP)

GUTFELD: I don't know why I'm going to ask you this, Julie. But I have a feeling. Have you ever tried veterinarian pills? Like pills that -- because I have. I have I've taken pills that were designed for another species.

BANDERAS: I don't think a horse dewormer, calling it a horse dewormer is a responsible thing to do on cable news. I've -- my dog had worms once.

GUTFELD: Really?

BANDERAS: I'll never get the image out of my head. Like I'm not kidding. Like a little white worms coming out of poop.


BANDERAS: But I think it's also odd. That's so fun to talk about. I also think it's so very strange for people to be getting medical advice from cable news doctors.


BANDERAS: Although I did listen to him very intently and I recall at the height of the pandemic. Thank you, Sanjay Gupta for teaching me how to take disinfectant wipes and wipe down my frozen peas because that saved my life. So I'm actually -- I wouldn't be here today if it wouldn't for Sanjay Gupta.

GUTFELD: God. Remember that? Wiping down all the surfaces.


BANDERAS: I literally. My cereal boxes which then became wet and soggy.

GUTFELD: My wife would leave the groceries outside the house and we had to take them in one by one.

BANDERAS: Yes, yes, yes.

GUTFELD: And then wipe it down.

TYRUS: I look at my kids outside and had to wipe them down. I would just bring in the favorite one and forget about the other one.

BANDERAS: I leave mine in the garage just in case it rains. A little warmer there --


TYRUS: See? Now that's parenting. They're still there.

GUTFELD: All right.

BANDERAS: With my husband.

GUTFELD: We haven't gotten to that yet.

BANDERAS: No. After this break.

GUTFELD: Yes. Up next. You're in for a fright when wokesters stop Halloween night.



GREG GUTFELD, FOX NEWS CHANNEL HOST: Yes, it is. The woke brigade cancels the pumpkin parade at the behest of the racial equity team at Seattle Elementary School, cancels Halloween activities because they marginalized students of color. The principal told Fox News: Halloween is a very complex issue, especially for students of color who don't celebrate it. And those who are sensitive to the noise and excitement of the parade. That's me. I'm short.

Sure, OK. But let's be clear, it's not a complex issue. Kids dress up as a Teletubbie or Thor something. They ask for candy, they asked for candy, we give them candy. I find it hard to believe any kid of any color, or any culture wouldn't die to do this every year. Free candy. You get costumes. They also argue it's tough on kids who can't afford costumes.

Sorry, but not to be that boomer, young-boomer. But remember how easy it used to be -- for my sister, all she needed was a bedsheet and a pair of scissors. And I just threw on my mom's pearls and heels and called it good. Made a few extra bucks on the way, too. So, it's not about a lack of money, it's about a lack of imagination and kids have plenty of it. Let them choose their own damn costumes. It's literally one of the best things they're good at and they don't care about your dumb woke agenda.

According to a school newsletter, other options will be offered including, get this: thematic units of study about the fall, and reviewing autumnal -- I've never said that before -- autumnal artwork. Oh, goodie, kids will love that, more homework. Further proof that woke-ism is about murdering fun and having nothing to replace it with. Because they're hopeless humorless losers. Maybe that should be the costume of the year. Go as a woke-ster. You don't even have to get dressed, just be a (BLEEP).

Kat, you have the challenge -- your birthday is not Halloween, it's the day before?


GUTFELD: Oh, so that --

TIMPF: The 29th.

GUTFELD: -- it's a very big deal. So, you wear costumes the entire week?

TIMPF: Well, it's -- I love Halloween. I've always loved Halloween except for the fact that it does take away from my favorite holiday which is my birthday.

GUTFELD: Right, which we should all take-off.

TIMPF: I mean, obviously but it's on it's on a Friday this year so you know it'll be really fun to celebrate my favorite holiday, my birthday.

GUTFELD: You'll be working also that night.

TIMPF: I'll be working.


TIMPF: But, yes, I don't understand this. I don't think anyone understand this. The creativity of it is almost inspiring. Like, what are you talking about? I don't understand, and also nobody's forced to celebrate Halloween.


TIMPF: You don't have to.


TIMPF: You don't have to. You won't get arrested.

GUTFELD: The kids, but there are kids whose feelings are hurt, apparently. You know Julie, you like wearing Halloween costumes?

JULIE BANDERAS, FOX NEWS CHANNEL ANCHOR: I do. I do. I don't even understand what the big deal is about Halloween anywhere. I mean, I -- I've been wearing a mask and eating candy for like over a year-and-a-half, so I really think it's overhyped. Yes, I know, I'm wearing three girdles. No, I'm not joking, a "faja" in Spanish it's girdle. But anyway, I can't breathe either.

But besides all of that, it's fine. I'm going to lose the weight eventually, but I just think this extreme woke-ism is insane.


BANDERAS: I think that these kids, if you want to dress up, freaking dress up you know. And did they even explore the fact that, OK, if kids can't afford the costumes, maybe get some businesses, local business, businesses to donate or raid your closet.

GUTFELD: Right? My closet.

BANDERAS: Which they probably didn't. Well, are those Lanvin sneakers?

GUTFELD: Yes, they are.

BANDERAS: Are you freaking kidding me? His sneakers, folks, could potentially dress an entire school's Halloween. Lanvin, Greg Gutfeld, that's all I'm saying. I didn't know you wear couture. I actually had no idea.

GUTFELD: My wife buys these things. I don't know --

TIMPF: He doesn't --

GUTFELD: I don't know. These could be nurses' shoes for all I care. For a brief time in the 80s, that's all I wore.

BANDERAS: You're a frontline worker. I --

GUTFELD: Yes. I'm one of the heroes. You know, Tyrus, what do you make of the idea that it's kids who can't afford it?

TYRUS, FOX NEWS CHANNEL CONTRIBUTOR: No, because I was one of those kids who couldn't afford it and we made mustaches with my mom's eyeliner, sorry. You know, we, we did what we did --

GUTFELD: That's blackface.

TYRUS: We did what we did -- well, I had a blackface, still have it proud of it, love it. This is a for no lack of a better term this is racism. This is communism. This is, this is woke -- isn't this how you take away creativity; to say you take away, you're going to make a welfare state where everyone thinks the same and be as the same.

This is what it is, because when they mentioned minorities, I get, I get pissed, because two years ago, or was it maybe four years ago, "Black Panther" came out. That was a black superhero. And there were kids of all colors, shapes, they all wanted to be Black Panther. They wanted to be a black superhero.

How in the hell is that disrespectful to minorities? When my wrestle at the height of Brodus Clay, I walked out there was kids dressed up as me. I remember as a man going, "Wow, this is great." This is -- Halloween is a time for kids to cut loose and have fun. And there's always been kids that couldn't dress up.

I remember my next-door neighbor was a Jehovah Witness, and his family didn't celebrate Halloween. And everyone understood it and we didn't even tease him over it. We got it. We also need to avoid his house for candy, but we didn't even stop.

GUTFELD: But they would never avoid your house.

TYRUS: No. My mom be like, a pack of cigarettes, pack of cigarettes. You know. What? You know, you know she didn't, that's what she did, it doesn't matter. But the point is, when I hear, when I hear them say, and it's -- and I guarantee if you look at that (INAUDIBLE) of who's in charge of that? They're so out of touch, they're so pretentious, they have nothing to do what's going on. They wouldn't know how to have conversation; they never ask a kid: what do you like about Halloween? What do you dislike? I like candy and dressing up. No one needs a $3,000 costume.


TYRUS: All of our best costumes were literally stuff we made. Paper bags. You found some -- hey, here's a deal. School still has art, right? I remember one year we made masks out of paper bags and, and crochet and everything else, so it's a joke. It has nothing to do with the kids. It's about control and being the woke, the fantasy because everyone's miserable.

GUTFELD: Yes, you know, what -- that's the, Michael, the thing that is interesting about the -- I guess you would call the social justice warrior or the woke-sters is that they, they destroy fun without an ability to create a fun replacement. So, that -- you hear about these this autumnal or whatever. They are -- everywhere they go, they, it's like they, they're a fun removal machine.

MICHAEL SHELLENBERGER, AUTHOR: Yes, that's right. I mean it's like you know, like type one racism is trying to put down a whole group of people because you want to take control of them. Type two racism, is where you have to make people into victims in order to feel compassionate. And that's what you see here. It's a kind of compassion sickness. I mean, I'm always I was struck when and working on San Francisco was when you get to the bottom of it, you're like wow, victimology is just as dumb as it seems. Like, you keep being like there must be something more intelligent here and there's not.


SHELLENBERGER: I thought the best part of it was when they were looking at critical race theory, they were describing spirit murder and I was like, yes, spirit murder that perfectly describes what the critical race theory people are all about.

GUTFELD: Yes, spirit murder.

BANDERAS: Compassion is overrated. That's like one of my mottos.

GUTFELD: Thank you, Julie, for that.

SHELLENBERGER: I mean, it's -- I would always say, you know, the Beatles were wrong, like love is not all we need, right?

TIMPF: You know, I agree with that.

GUTFELD: OK. She's a Beatles fan. The last (INAUDIBLE) they criticize the Beatles on the show was --

TIMPF: Buck Sexton.

GUTFELD: And it was, we've never seen or heard from him again.

TIMPF: He said they were overrated.

GUTFELD: All right. We already went through this.

TYRUS: Why did you go there, Greg.

GUTFELD: I'm sorry. I apologize. He said the Beatles not me.

TIMPF: He said is all -- that's not true that love is all you need.


SHELLENBERGER: Yes. Well, they were high.


SHELLENBERGER: I mean, to be fair, they were really high, so.

GUTFELD: Yes, that's true. Yes, you know, anyway -- all right. Coming up, show Earth more loyalty, says British royalty.


GUTFELD: A guy on a throne says leave space alone. Yes, why shoot for the stars when the problem is all of our cars? And a recent interview with the BBC, Prince William spoke about the growing space tourism industry being promoted by the world's billionaires. The future of king -- a future king of England suggesting that wealthy entrepreneurs should be solving climate change rather than exploring outer space. Because as we know the British aren't known for exploring and conquering.


PRINCE WILLIAM, DUKE OF CAMBRIDGE: We are seeing a rise in climate anxiety. You know people, young people now are growing up where their futures are basically threatened the whole time. It's very unnerving. And it's, it's very, you know, anger anxiety-making. We need some of the world's greatest brains and minds fix and to repair this planet, not trying to find the next place to go live.


GUTFELD: Talk about space. Did you see that above his head? Anyway, meanwhile, the United Kingdom's Environment Agency has issued a grim climate warning saying the country is not prepared for flooding brought on by climate change. The agency's Chairwoman Emma Boyd says, "It is adapt or die," which makes sense.

And lastly, the Biden administration is asking for help from the oil industry to fight rising gas prices, skyrocketing inflation has caused crude oil prices to hit seven-year highs. Not to be confused with Kat who has been high for seven years. All that for a joke. So, Michael, I love how the prince -- he's a prince, right. I don't follow him. He's talking about climate anxiety. Who causes the climate anxiety?


GUTFELD: It's people like him.

SHELLENBERGER: Absolutely. And then, of course, they get on their private jets and fly off to Monaco or wherever they fly off to. And they're always -- it's a new religion, so they're always paying for the indulgences to cover their carbon footprint.

GUTFELD: Yes, that's true. Kat, do you think, do you think he's got a point? Can't you do both space and climate?

TIMPF: No, because he also said, like, sorry, but people aren't going there trying to live there. They're just going there to see if it looks cool. Like, at least right now. I guess, I don't understand. Like, does he think 90-year-old William Shatner went to space because he's thinking of building a condo on the moon? Like, I -- so, if you don't know anything, and you're just shaming people for something that's not even what's actually happening, you should just shut up. But that's what I always say when I didn't want on the royal family talks.

GUTFELD: Yes, that's true. You know, Julie, that, that whole thing with Shatner was, what's fairly spectacular, it was clever to use him. It was aspirational. It's irresistible to watch. It's the opposite of royalty.


GUTFELD: I mean, that's -- having this guy talk about how private enterprise is doing something great while he sponges off the public good, kind off


GUTFELD: Well, it's a bit hypocritical.

BANDERAS: Yes, I don't, I don't understand Prince William's point, quite frankly. And I think that, you know, the Elon Musk and the Jeff Bezos of the world have done a great service to everyday regular old billionaires like myself. Because now they've made my mission impossible, possible to send me to space.

GUTFELD: Yes, yes.

BANDERAS: So, thank you, Jeff Bezos.

GUTFELD: Yes, you're in space often though?

BANDERAS: I am right now. And it didn't cost me millions of dollars. No, just you know, a bottle and a half of wine, which is really only about 30 bucks.

GUTFELD: That's true, that's true. So, Tyrus --

TYRUS: You know, Greg? Yes. Always nice to take advice from someone whose tree kind of forks. This is the royal family, look at the bloodline. I mean, or is this just crying over spilt milk? Nobody asked him to fly on the rocket. So, we -- you know, instead of buying planes and flying to the moon, and we should be working on the environment, because we only have six geniuses on the planet, so they can only do one thing at a time. Shut up.


TYRUS: Wait for your hair for Men Packet to come in and calm down.

GUTFELD: Here you go.

TYRUS: Royal moron.

GUTFELD: That is true. Up next, her neighbors prefer to do less boning because they hated her loud moaning.


GUTFELD: Her house was rocking, and the fuzz came knocking. Her skills were so arousing, she became too loud for public housing. If all that kissing and smacking has sent this prostitute packing. A British prostitute -- aren't they all -- has reportedly been kicked out of a public housing project after her neighbors complained that she was too loud while working from home.

According to arguments heard in court, Nikola Perry had been hosting up to 10 clients at a time. Wow. And cars would line up and down the block starting in the morning waiting for her services. At one point, there were more people riding Nikola than writing the subway. Perry's attorney explained that she would actually prefer to work from her brothel but can't because they're all closed due to COVID.

See, who's the victim? But the worst offense wasn't the noises she was making, but that she was doing all of her love making to Coldplay.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: And they're all yellow, and green and blue and things. Let's go (INAUDIBLE) speed of sound.


GUTFELD: They've gone, gone really downhill, Tyrus. You know, this is -- she's a casualty of COVID, she's working at home, what could you do?

TYRUS: I just, man, you know what? There are some things in life that you wouldn't wait in line for.


TYRUS: You know? And the fact that it was it was the clients who were making all the noise. Yes, but the fact that they were double parking, and there was, dudes like, in line like, waiting. I want to know what it was.


TYRUS: To where --


TYRUS: Lying quietly, patiently waiting in line. Yes. Number, 46, like, what was she selling?


TYRUS: And I feel like this is like a special investigation thing.

GUTFELD: Yes, you need to go there.

TYRUS: I'm willing, and I'll get one of those like, you go to the amusement parks, you get one of those VIP passes.

GUTFELD: Right --

TYRUS: Yes, I don't think a chat and cuts going to work in this situation. But what was, what product was she --

TIMPF: She's really good at her job.

TYRUS: She have point where you're doing double parks.

GUTFELD: Yes. You know what, she must have a special of the day. Right?

TIMPF: Probably.

GUTFELD: Right. So, everybody drives by to check out --

TYRUS: They're risking their lives. It was COVID. And they were standing next to each other. And they pockets weren't full of masks.


TYRUS: The other masks.

GUTFELD: I mean, Julie, a noisy prostitute means she is doing something right?

BANDERAS: She's a hard-working woman and I respect her. And I sympathize for her. I mean, she had a well-established brothel, she was forced into the suburbs, which I can relate to as suburban mom because of COVID, and because of this city going (BLEEP).

But also, it actually gave me inspiration because I understand and I sympathize about having noisy neighbors like yes, the woman who lives one of the women who live across the street from my house apparently doesn't like the sound of non-stop yapping barking dogs, which now has given me a new idea.

Like if she thought the dog barking was bad. I wait until she sees what I got next. Kat, what are you doing next weekend?

TIMPF: I'm available.

GUTFELD: Michael, what are your thoughts on this? She's, she's a victim, another victim of COVID.

SHELLENBERGER: What I love about it is that victims refuse to be victims. You know, they're just not going to put up with it. And no matter how much we want to woke them to death --


SHELLENBERGER: They're going to fight back and be individual people.

GUTFELD: Yes, that was a really bland answer.

SHELLENBERGER: I was just hoping you wouldn't call on me. I was just hoping.

GUTFELD: I can tell. So, Kat, you know, you are a champion of sex workers.


GUTFELD: All the world.

TIMPF: No, I really am, that's not a joke. Do what you want with your own body.

TYRUS: Yes, libertarian.

GUTFELD: But I mean what if she was living next to you next door to you and just oh it was constant "oohs" and "aahs," at all times of the day.

TIMPF: I think it'd be better than my current neighbors who complain too much if I play my music loud, I'll just play my music louder.

GUTFELD: There you go.

TYRUS: Plus, everyone leaves happy.



TYRUS: No one fights in the parking lot. Oh, hey bro, how are you? Exhausted.

TIMPF: I'm not going to snitch on my neighbor for working from home

GUTFELD: Yes, all right. Well, I think we solved nothing. Kind of sad.

TYRUS: I don't know happy -- yes, I mean, everyone went on happy was happy and we got a happy ending here.

GUTFELD: And on that note, we will be right back.


GUTFELD: We are out of time. Thanks to Michael Shellenberger, Julie Banderas, Kat Timpf, Tyrus, our studio audience. "FOX NEWS @ NIGHT" with evil Shannon Bream is next. I'm Greg Gutfeld and I love you, America.

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