Gutfeld: Nothing says sedition like beeping your horn
'Gutfeld!' panelists react to the media's displaced priorities and the Canadian trucker convoy.
This is a rush transcript of "Gutfeld" on February 8, 2022. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.
LAURA INGRAHAM, FOX NEWS CHANNEL HOST: Go to the wonderful women at the Shady Grove Pregnancy Center in Maryland, credible people. That is it for us tonight. I'm Laura Ingraham. Remember, it's America now and forever. Greg Gutfeld is next. Maybe I'll send him one of these.
GREG GUTFELD, FOX NEWS CHANNEL HOST: The worst jacket I've ever seen. What's your name again, Jimmy. I can't remember. Happy glorious Monday, everyone. You know ever since this show began in the early 70s, as a summer replacement for the Brady Bunch, we were on top of one trend, canceled culture. The idea being if your past isn't adaptable to current standards, you would lose your friends social status, Netflix password and career.
You'd be shunned from polite society. It's kindred spirit was wokeism, political correctness on more steroids than Lance Armstrong, which allowed no forgiveness relating not just to your past actions, but to who you are. Generally, it's things that can't be changed, like your race, or Pete Davidson's bed sheets. In the world of the woke, you're either oppressed or the oppressor and the offenses only flow in one direction.
Suddenly, we no longer measure anyone by achievement, but by victim status, which creates a new kind of segregation that's now spreading like Omicron in the Olympic Village. I call it idea segregation, and that we cannot share our knowledge, wisdom or ideas If we're not of the same tribe. Now we see this with crime. This show has been blaring about rising crime, like the alarm in a broken Nord Strom's window.
But the people who need to hear it won't listen, because it's coming from us. It's the Fox crying wolf. They'd rather drown in raw sewage than grab a life preserver from us Metis. And I get it. It affects all issues from the border, to crime to COVID. It's a division of ideas, and none shall mix. Now imagine if this kind of thing existed before we had a chance to make things. Like did you ever wonder about how a pencil is made?
Milton Friedman has. I certainly hope we have some grainy footage of him lying around. We can play right now.
MILTON FRIEDMAN, AMERICAN ECONOMIST: The wood from which is made for all I know comes from a tree that was cut down in the state of Washington. To cut down that tree, it took us saw. To make the saw, it took steel, to make the steel, it took iron ore. This black center, we call it lead but it's really graphite, compressed graphite. I'm not sure where it comes from, but I think it comes from some mines in South America.
This red top up here, the eraser, that a rubber probably comes from Malaya where the rubber tree isn't even native. It was imported from South America by some businessmen with the help of the British government. This brass ferrule, I haven't the slightest idea where it came from, or the yellow paint, or the paint and made the black lines are the glue that holds it together. Literally , thousands of people cooperated to make this pencil.
GUTFELD: Someone likes his weed. So the moral is obvious. It's not like one person sits in a room and makes a pencil. As the lady in the pantsuit once said, it takes a village. Now you can use that pencil to write whatever you want, or to gouge your eyes out if you're watching The View. But this is the case for everything we use today. It's the division of labor, which is not referring to twins being born more than 30 minutes apart, Kat.
This clipboard right here, the chair I'm in, Kat's hair extensions, they all likely weren't made by a single entity but a cooperation of sources, workers, ideas, and of course labor from people who never even met each other. I wish that was how this show was produced. Imagine if wokeism existed before the pencil was made. Could the division of labor exist? Think of the micro and macro aggressions.
Why does the pencil have to be yellow? Why isn't it black? Are you black? Do you have enough transgendered persons of color making the erasers? What's with the lead? Talk about a carbon footprint. And why number two? Why can't they all be equal? Fact is, nothing would happen because wokeism prevents cooperation needed for any shared labor. It wouldn't just be pencils, but everything you use.
You have to work together whether you like it or not. And sometimes, you know, we have no choice. Take the Alec Baldwin tragedy. If there was an idea segregation that woman could be alive today because there would have been an NRA instructor on set and that's cooperation, idea sharing. Sure Baldwin, a Democrat might not like the instructor's politics but he's not there for that. He's there to share his safety expertise.
And then an NRA dude would have kept a loaded gun out of Baldwin's hands. Idea segregation prevents that. Wokeism demands you can't benefit from a person's expertise if they're not like you. The political is now personal. Sure. You're having engine problems with your car and your brother in law is a great mechanic but he's got a Back the Blue sticker on his truck, screw it, you'll just walk home.
So now to Joe Rogan. There's likely no person on earth who's doing more dismantle idea segregation than him. The roster of his guests are more diverse than the Olympic opening ceremonies. And they're allowed to speak endlessly about whatever, so the listener can decide. It's the antidote to cable T.V. where shows rely on the same people who say the same things over and over again.
I mean, look at this show. You get 42 minutes of content divided by five segments, and five talking heads. No wonder I'm on drugs. And no wonder CNN hates Rogan. He's widening the universe as they shrink it. At first, the legacy media tried to take him down with his COVID content. He had doctors on who disagreed with Fauci, the left patron saint of masks mandates and mind control.
But the takedown didn't take. So now some mysterious group released a supercut of Joe saying he N word over a decade or so. Probably matching what previous Democrat senators and presidents would say the one afternoon. The fact that the montage was released after Spotify stuck with Rogan tells you it's less about the word and more about canning Joe. He's apologized sincerely. But we all know, like me watching the first Magic Mike movie, that will never be enough.
The N word is being used as a tool. They're getting desperate. They want Rogan destroyed. I wonder what the angry black male has to say.
TYRUS, FOX NEWS CHANNEL CONTRIBUTOR: Greg, thank you for this time. This is not going to be your normal everyday, angry black man. Oh, and I'm angry. But not for the reasons you might think. Yes, Joe Rogan said the N word. Hail he even said it was hard as are. A bunch of times on a podcast. And yes, it pissed me off when I first saw it. So, very clever woke. But you kind of left out a few things like it was 12 years ago. Nobody cares what he said 12 years ago.
Hell, you didn't. Where were you then? I'll wait for response. But we know that will fall on deaf ears. Maybe it's time you stop using us African- Americans to do your dirty work and fight your battles. Now I get it. You use your favorite little words to get us fired up. Racist, systemic, critical. And your new favorite word, misinformation. And that'll get us fired up. And we won't even look at the facts of the whatnots.
And we'll just jump in and cancel away with you. Your fight with Joe Rogan was about COVID. But you were losing that conversation. So you needed something else. And you went break to the good old book playbook. But you went one too many times. How about this. Fight Joe Rogan yourself? Leave us out of it? Look, the N word is bad. I learned as meaning at four years old. That was the first time I was called a (BLEEP) by a family member.
And I've been called it enough times in my life to where I pretty much consider myself an expert on it. Now, I know there's going to be a news flash to you woke. But us blacks we understand the word context. Joe Rogan should keep that word out his mouth. Hell, everyone should. He said it then. But you're saying it now. For no other reason to cancel them and you can't compete with.
And you know what? That sounds racist to me, because that's usually when I was called it. I was winning the argument. So you had to pull that out of your bag of tricks, because you couldn't compete. I think you just told on your woke cells. Now, I just may be in a (BLEEP) but that sounds a lot like and I'll use one of your words. Misinformation.
GUTFELD: That was some good stuff. Well, there you go. You don't have to agree with him or you can. Either way we get along like we always do. And he helps me and I help him. That's how it's works in life in making good pencils, making good T.V. and making good friends.
GUTFELD: Let's welcome tonight's guests. She's all about love and deep spiritual connections. So what the hell is she doing here? Former presidential candidate, author and activist, Marianne Williamson. Like most bucks he was drawn to this show by the center of deer urine. Radio and podcast host Buck Sexton. Farmers see his clothes and ask if he'll help scare crows. "FOX ACROSS AMERICA" host Jimmy Failla.
And she's always forced to leave because her hair is due back by midnight. Fox News Contributor Kat Timpf.
Marianne, I'm so excited to have you on the show. I've been waiting with bated breath.
GUTFELD: I was such a fan.
WILLIAMSON: Well, you've been good to me.
GUTFELD: I -- you've been good to me. We've been good to each other. What are we doing later? No. I'm kidding. I saw a great tweet of yours. Do we have that? It was about Joe Rogan, I don't know. We never do call force here because my eyes are so bad. So I can't even read that. But it says I'm triple vaxxed but unless they're standing for hate or calling for violence, banning someone's podcast is too much like burning a book to me.
Joe Rogan should talk on his podcast about whatever the damn thing he wants. I kind of read what I could. Do you still feel that way?
GUTFELD: Yes. What do you make of this climate where like, people just using whatever weapon they can to get take people out?
WILLIAMSON: Well, I think nobody has a monopoly on truth. And I think a free society is where many voices chime in. And I think we all need to listen to each other more than jump to judge each other and condemn each other and shut each other down. And I don't think either side of the political spectrum should be too self congratulatory on this.
WILLIAMSON: I think we all need to self regulate right now. I think that things on a certain level have gone too far. People are talking about how we're sort of already in a state of emotional, psychological, civil war. And I think all of us are having to find that place where we want to passionately say what we believe, but also be somewhat careful. So I think Joe Rogan, I agree with what you said, I believe that he was honest and sincere and his apologies.
I believe that the angry black man tape that we just heard, I think there's context. And I think if people really want to talk about racial issues in America, the issue is not Joe Rogan. The issue is a mere lock in the Minneapolis Police Department, the killing of black men by police. Americans needing to ask ourselves, if we're supporting the Saudi government in a genocidal war in Yemen, would we be willing to do that if those people in Yemen were white? There are serious issues of race to talk about right now. Joe Rogan is not one of them.
GUTFELD: Got it.
WILLIAMSON: That's my opinion.
GUTFELD: You know, I'm glad you wear that jacket, Jimmy. That's probably the real crime.
GUTFELD: Are you going to apologize for that jacket?
FAILLA: Just keep bringing me down.
GUTFELD: Every day, every time you're here, you just shock me with the things that you wear.
KAT TIMPF, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: There's never -- there's no repeats.
TIMPF: You have so many bad jackets.
FAILLA: I got range. And I would normally come through now with like a snarky reply. But as a parent, it's just so refreshing to see a small child without a mask.
GUTFELD: Just a note to my staff that's sitting in the audience (INAUDIBLE) you laugh when I make a joke.
FAILLA: Take that.
FAILLA: Take that. I just -- Stacey Abrams is your classroom.
GUTFELD: You verbed her. So what are your thoughts if you have any on anything, from the pencil or the --
FAILLA: Well -- no, no, this whole thing. All right. It's -- so many points here. OK? First of all, Tyrus is brilliant in saying, they don't care about the use of the N word. They don't -- they don't care. They care now. It's expedient right now because he's in the way of their COVID narrative.
FAILLA: OK. But understand, that's why they care. It's the same reason why like Jimmy Kimmel and Jimmy Fallon are always siding with the regime. Because if they didn't, they get fired because suddenly them wearing blackface for other -- at other points in their career would become viable and it would become a liability for them. But the thing that drives me crazy really quick, is I'm so sick of this idea that comedians and even podcast hosts like Rogan who's also a comedian should be subjected to the same standards of languages like elected officials.
Like the whole point of being a comedian, that was the bargain is that you didn't have to take life seriously.
FAILLA: You spend 22 hours a day smoking weed and watching dirty movies and La Quinta.
FAILLA: You sign up for senatorial scrutiny but here we are.
GUTFELD: No. That is -- that is so true. And it drives me crazy when like the bozos at CNN, like equate, like, watching like -- this is a four-hour podcast where at least 50 percent of the people there are high.
FAILLA: They're still in the whole time.
GUTFELD: Or yes. And it's like -- and it's like suddenly you're holding this like standard that you would for, I don't know, Edward R. Murrow, thank you for that. I just -- that just popped into my head.
BUCK SEXTON, HOST, THE BUCK SEXTON AND CLAY TRAVIS SHOW: But nobody can actually sustain these standards or even define what they are over the long term. I mean, you could -- you could even look at this as revolutionary mob mentality, right? Ask Robespierre in the French Revolution. Ask everybody who worked around Stalin until they didn't anymore when (INAUDIBLE) power. The reality here is that nobody can actually be pure enough to withstand the constantly shifting mechanism of who gets cancelled.
And on the comedian front, by the way. I think a lot of people have gone super woke because they're afraid if they don't. They need to create a kind of insurance policy for themselves. Jimmy Kimmel as Karl Malone, Howard Stern as a whole bunch of things back in the day, different sketches and things that were done. When you look at the reason realities of who is getting canceled and who's not, all that matters right now is that the left-wing apparatus wanted to silence Joe Rogan and they found a reason.
They didn't wait very long, right? They wanted to silence him on the issue of COVID.
SEXTON: And so they went back and they did the deep dive and they found the stuff. But they could do this on so many people. And if they actually did it on a lot of people, I think right now who were calling him out, guess what, you'd find. They don't withstand the wokeness either.
GUTFELD1: Don Winslow, the author that came out against Joe and somebody took all of the pages from this book where he uses the N word and just posted him on Twitter. It was quite interesting, Kat. Two questions. Do you remember the weekend? And how was it?
TIMPF: I mean, like Saturday and Sunday?
TIMPF: Yes. And it was -- it was all right.
GUTFELD: That's good.
TIMPF: Some highs and lows.
TIMPF: Is that it?
GUTFELD: That's it. No, you can address the topic.
TIMPF: Oh, sure.
GUTFELD: There's so many things in that -- in that brilliant monologue. I wouldn't know what to ask you.
TIMPF: That is my struggle right now. Yes, look, I -- again, he seemed sincere in his apology. And he's sorry. And just like I said, with Whoopi, with everyone, you forgive and you move on because, again, everyone says stupid stuff. People like Joe Rogan or like Whoopi are talking, having conversations on a camera, on a podcast, and he's doing it like, hi, a lot.
TIMPF: That's going to be there. And if what people say they want more progressive is they want to have these conversations so we can learn from each other about, you know, issues such as race. The last way to do that is to say that because somebody has made mistakes, even if they are sorry, and they do learn from it, that they can no longer have a job ever again.
FAILLA: Crazy. Excellent. One quick novel idea, though, really seriously. If you wanted to get anywhere as a country, how about instead of going after stoner podcast host for discussing COVID remedies. We actually take a look at the genocidal communist regime who gave it to us. Is it not amazing that Rogan gets more scrutiny than China? Like it's faster, they have to be dying, laughing right now.
SEXTON: Well, because the people that are supposed to have scrutiny on China, whether we're talking about CNN or whoever else, there's actually a lot of envy around Joe Rogan right now, that's the reality. I mean, I don't mean in this current situation, but I mean, we got here --
GUTFELD: Eight million -- eight million viewers a day.
SEXTON: He is crushing in terms of relevance, all these other legacy platforms. And given -- I mean, CNN comes to mind because of what they've just gone through with Zucker. But you see what's going on in the digital space in general. And the left is losing people to Rogan as well. That's why they were so upset. He was speaking somewhat from within the tent, which was -- that's what's -- that's apostasy for them. That's why it's so inexcusable.
GUTFELD: Don't use words I don't understand.
TIMPF: (INAUDIBLE) do you think this is.
SEXTON: My bad.
SEXTON: I do -- I do like this. This is, you know, standing in solidarity with Bulgarian nightclub owners.
FAILLA: Thank you. Everywhere.
FAILLA: Defund the fashion police.
GUTFELD: There you go. Up next. Truckers take it on the chin while Stacey Abrams shows off her grin.
GUTFELD: Canadian truckers get hosed while Stacey Abrams has her hypocrisy exposed. Stop laughing. Fundraising site GoFundMe has backtracked on redistributing money donated to the Canadian trucker convoy protesting COVID regulations. Initially, the company froze the nearly 10 million bucks in donations saying law enforcement convinced them the convoy had become unlawful.
Unlike the very peaceful Seattle writers that GoFundMe had no problem helping in 2020, where there were multiple cases of assault, homicide and severe body odor. But I guess after the public heard about GoFundMe's shady plan, they're now refunding all donations automatically. Even the ones in Canadian money, which I've learned is just colored Maple Leaves. That's true. So, not only is the protest continuing on Sunday, Big Rigs blocked streets as Ottawa declared a state of emergency.
Spreading everywhere like brown makeup across Justin Trudeau's face. Truckers in the Netherlands they have them there, England, New Zealand, Australia all hitting the road with the same demand stop the mandates. Meanwhile, Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams is defending a photo of an -- of opposing unmasked, alongside masked schoolchildren. Now this is the same person who called Georgia Governor Brian Kemp incompetent for trying to block mask mandates last summer.
Her campaign called this a false political attack, even trying to hide behind it being Black History Month. But when you irritate The View, well.
JOY BEHAR, ABC HOST: Shouldn't she have read the room a little bit there? I'm a little bit shocked because Stacey Abrams to me is one of the most intelligent people in politics.
BEHAR: And she kind of slipped up here.
HOSTIN: That was an unforced error and of the worst sort. I think was really hypocritical actually, first her statement, first of all, this has nothing to do with Black History Month. It is -- the point is that she was not wearing a mask when she is one of those proponents of mask mandates.
GUTFELD: For a review of the rest of that episode, let's check in with our view correspondent good time, Gary.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Are you done? OK. Wow. Whoo.
GUTFELD: You know, he could be in pain. Why are they calling him good time Gary? It seems like the nickname doesn't work, Buck. But here's the thing. I don't know what to talk about. I think Stacey Abrams made a mistake. But I'm also realizing that I might be a hypocrite about the truck convoy because I'm totally for it. But I would probably be pissed off if I was stuck behind it in New York.
SEXTON: There is a lot here. Let's take these in order. One on Stacey Abrams. She is mathematically at least 100 and maybe more like 1000 times at greater risk than the children around her. That's just a fact. Right? So the fact that she sits there and acts like this is normal. The virus doesn't infect people when there's important photos to take and she's not the only one Democrats have been doing this for a long time.
And you do have Democrats who appear on CNN and MSNBC who say, yes, masks don't really work guys. Like they've started to say this but they're allowed to but I'm not -- I'm not allowed to, I have been saying it for two years because I can read and look at numbers. And that's on the Stacey Abrams situation.
SEXTON: And then, you know, I do what I can. And then on the -- first of all, I think the Canadians, I love these guys.
SEXTON: I (INAUDIBLE) you know, because when people shut down traffic --
GUTFELD: I get still mad.
SEXTON: I flip out so I will admit hypocrisy, but I'm going to, you know, lean into this a little bit. They're missing some branding opportunities here though. There used to be a guy like riding moose back spreading, you know, maple syrup, moats around the trucks like there's a lot that could be doing here.
GUTFELD: You are the -- you know what you are? You are like -- imagine a Canadian watching this happening in New York and say, you know what they need to do? They need to pour gasoline, you know, like, you would hate that person.
SEXTON: That's probably true. But they're probably are the Canadians that want to punch this face.
GUTFELD: You know, just don't limit it to Canadians. A lot of people --
SEXTON: No. But I -- honestly --
GUTFELD: -- three people here.
FAILLA: I just sit alone. Yes.
SEXTON: I do love -- I do love the truckers and it's not just in Canada anymore. They're in Australia now, they're in the Netherlands, there are a bunch of convoys. Apparently ones forming in America too.
GUTFELD: Yes. That's what scares me. Marianne, what do you think of the optics? I hate that word of Stacey Abrams maskless? Or what do you think of the convoy?
WILLIAMSON: I have to pick one? Well, I'll start with Stacey Abrams. This has nothing to do with masks. This has nothing to do with a photo op. This has to do with the fact that she's talking about millions of people in Georgia who have to work one -- two or three jobs in order to have the ability to rent an apartment. She's talking about how many millions of people in Georgia do not have healthcare.
She's talking about how millions of people in Georgia do not have an education cannot go to school. And so her political opponents picked one mistake, one moment where she did something stupid to try it. It's the politics of distraction. Let's talk about a mistake. She did it a photo op so that people will not listen to the important thing she's trying to say to the people of Georgia.
FAILLA: Can I just jump in here though?
FAILLA: What she's demonstrating there is a very callous indifference to children. Masking children is child abuse. Now, I would concede, half of these kids are wearing masks because they don't want to see their face with Stacey Abrams. They're embarrassed. They think she's there to like challenge the results of the class president election in 1992. But why? The reason they're mad at her. No, I love you. I'm not giving a hard time.
But the reason people are mad at her is not even hypocrisy. We're immune to Democratic policy when it comes to mask at this point. We watched it last week with Eric Garcetti who said he was holding his breath, which is the scientific equivalent of I don't do cocaine. I just like the smell of it. Like come on.
FAILLA: OK. The point is, people are looking -- yes. People are not even looking at that as mad about hypocrisy as they are as the fact that there are kids in masks in the background that shouldn't be.
WILLIAMSON: I'll give you that.
FAILLA: It's not -- it's not a campaign --
WILLIAMSON: I'll give you that. However, the policies of her opponent show callousness towards children. That is way beyond the callousness --
SEXTON: -- is pretty callous. I said, shutting down schools --
WILLIAMSON: Callous policy.
SEXTON: Yes, but those are policy.
WILLIAMSON: Policies that deny children the food that they need, policies that deny children the home. We have -- we have millions of children, two million children in this country a year are homeless. We should be talking about policies and these -- this is all just ways that we stay on these shallow subjects. Both the left and the right.
FAILLA: But masking kids in school is important.
FAILLA: That it should stop. It should stop. Masking kids in school is not -- is not minor at all actually. It is child --
WILLIAMSON: Are you saying -- are you saying that her -- not having her mask on in that moment was child abuse?
FAILLA: No. It's not what I said.
GUTFELD: You know what, I will say that because that's interesting.
SEXTON: No, that is -- that is clearly not what I'm saying.
GUTFELD: You said earlier that it was child abuse, didn't you? In the green room.
TIMPF: I said that -- actually I said everything she's ever done is child abuse.
WILLIAMSON: We used to talk about whether or not children can be educated, whether or not children have --
FAILLA: But nobody against educating them. I mean, hold on, Marianne, we have found that they are losing academically because of their mask.
WILLIAMSON: I will give you -- yes.
WILLIAMSON: -- serious conversation to be had there. But it should not be focused on --
TIMPF: It's also -- this wasn't her opponents that, you know, posted this photo.
FAILLA: She did.
TIMPF: She posted the photo, which is something and then to then call it an attack, like who attacked you? Did you launch it?
SEXTON: There was something deeply disingenuous also with that. First of all, she shares the photo. Second of all, this is the topic of our conversation, it's the photo. And third of all it was -- but it's Black History Month. That was their initial explanation from the press as if that has anything to do with anything.
FAILLA: As if (INAUDIBLE) white person for doing this. That's what's so absurd.
GUTFELD: All right. I think we're out of time.
WILLIAMSON: This is just a way to distract from what he's trying to say.
GUTFELD: Well, I don't know. I mean --
FAILLA: She posted the photo.
WILLIAMSON: I know and it was a mistake. She made a mistake. Just like Joe Rogan. What -- how come Joe Rogan can make a mistake but Stacey Abrams can't make --
GUTFELD: No. They can all make a mistake.
WILLIAMSON: People make mistakes.
GUTFELD: I never make mistakes. I'm the perfect host, right?
GUTFELD: All right, good. Stay another week. You know, we got to talk about Canada, but we're out of time. All right. Before we go, a quick reminder, my book tour, I'll be in Phoenix, March 19th and Salt Lake City, May 21st. Go to for ticket information. Up next. Brian Stelter has scared but CNN is staying the Doughboy declared.
GREG GUTFELD, FOX NEWS CHANNEL HOST: scared but CNN is staying, the dough boy declared.
GUTFELD: Stelter claims CNN is stable and we'll keep lying on cable. Yes, tiny network's going to soldier on says the man who lives on Cinnabon. It's time to celebrate --
GUTFELD: Yes. In the wake of CNN boss Jeff Zucker's resignation on Sundays "Reliable Sources," Stelter, the station's hall monitor assured us his network is here to stay, and then he put the rogue in pierogi.
BRIAN STELTER, CNN HOST: I'm going to go a little bit rogue here. So, bear with me, the people who say we're lacking journalism, that we've become an all-talk channel, that we've run off and we're all opinions all the time, that Jeff Zucker led us astray, those people aren't watching CNN.
GUTFELD: Newsflash, no one's watching; and no one's accused Brian of running anywhere unless they're handing out samples at Krispy Kreme. So, what are they watching?
STELTER: They're watching complaints about CNN on other channels that don't know what they're talking about. We lost our leader this week. We're not going anywhere. So, I see you back here next week.
GUTFELD: Thank heavens. This is great news for Gutfeld, because without CNN and Stelter, there goes half my content. With Chris Cuomo gone, I can't afford to lose any other CNN anchors that all I have left will be poop jokes, which is why we are celebrating.
GUTFELD: Jimmy, I am so happy that they got the fight still in them because I need them. What are your thoughts?
JIMMY FAILLA, COMEDIAN: Well, it's so funny because for anybody who says like Trump supporters are a cult. What do you describe this as? The guy cut your ratings by 70 percent made you an international laughingstock, and they're basically giving him a lifetime achievement award as a post mortem?
This is like for real, if you were throwing like a man of the year for the guy who steered the Titanic, he sank your boat, and they're like now he's amazing. We love this guy. And I'm blown away by it, but this -- I just love that you keep calling Stelter fat because what a lot of people at home don't know is their funny jokes, OK. And plus, there are these people who focus on the show or like he keeps calling Stelter fat -- yo, it's never going to stop.
GUTFELD: I don't call -- I never called.
FAILLA: You know what I mean, it's like chubby jokes. Well, I'm fat, so I don't care. I can say that's like my bad word.
GUTFELD: I could see you forming a sentence with your mouth.
BUCK SEXTON, CLAY AND BUCK: I was, but we're getting deep into it there for a second. I would just say that Brian Stelter has a show at CNN because he looks like Jeff Zucker. So, Jeff Zucker thought that he was the greatest TV talent in the history of the world. So, all of these guys now who had the shows over there realize in a new regime, which I guess we could call it that because it does feel a bit dear leader over there anyway with Jeff Zucker gone and there's the gnashing of teeth and the wailing, actually, it did seem like he might cry and that segment.
GUTFELD: Yes, yes --
SEXTON: -- for a second there. What exactly are they missing? Because they made CNN into, as you mentioned, international laughingstock, they weren't so anti-Trump that I think at some points, even MSNBC was like, you guys might want to come down a little bit.
GUTFELD: Yes, it says --
SEXTON: You might want to chill it out.
GUTFELD: They created Trump.
SEXTON: And then they pretended its still journalism.
GUTFELD: Zucker created Trump and CNN did nothing but play Trump, they made him president.
SEXTON: Zucker was involved in a personal feud and weaponized a legacy media network against Donald Trump for four years. They don't like each other. And that's actually what happened behind the scenes there. Kat, what are your thoughts on this penetrating topic?
KAT TIMPF, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: OK, well, I'll say first of all, if you're really going rogue you don't announce I'm going rogue first. Second of all, when I go rogue, it's far more interesting.
TIMPF: And third of all, if things are going super well, you don't come out and say we're not going -- we're not dead, we're not going to -- that's never a sign things are going well.
GUTFELD: That is true. Last word Marianne, what do you what do you think?
MARIANNE WILLIAMSON, FORMER PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: About CNN? I think whether it's CNN or Fox I think in a corporate owned media company, pretending that it's out only for the edification of the American people is a joke to most of the American people. We understand what they're really doing --
GUTFELD: You can't equate us with CNN --
WILLIAMSON: Oh, honey, yes, I can. Yes, I can.
GUTFELD: We are wonderful. We are we are the truth. We are the truth. We are the truth. I'm trying to complete that sentence.
FAILLA: Let me just give you something though, really quick --
FAILLA: Our viewers turn on us from time to time.
GUTFELD: Oh, God, yes.
FAILLA: Because report things as we see them factually that incur a lot of wrath. You're never going to catch a CNN going against their own grain.
FAILLA: OK, when they -- when CNN brings on a Republican, a CNN Republican is like a chicken that works on the board at Popeye's. He's not exactly operating with his constituent's best interest in mind. We will report against the Republican Party if it's factually accurate
FAILLA: We just don't do it. It's like a lifestyle.
SEXTON: Because you know, the producer used to say behind the scenes Yes, I would refer to the Republicans as clay pigeons which we all know what the purpose of a clay pigeon is.
It's not to, it's not to educate the public about Republican principles.
GUTFELD: All right, we got to move on guys. Coming up, high school grads agree you can succeed without a degree.
GUTFELD: Today's youth look at college with suspicion because maybe it isn't worth the hefty tuition. Yes, high school students prefer practical skills over student loan bills. A new survey, my favorite kind, finds that over half of recent high school grads don't think having a college degree is necessary to have a successful career. Commissioned by bootmaker, Wolverine. I love their onesies. The results are more surprising than Jimmy Failla's dry cleaning bill. The surprising part is that he cleans his clothes.
45 percent of respondents thought college was a requirement for success, but 100 percent agreed a requirement for success was "trying to emulate Greg Gutfeld as closely as possible." Almost three quarters said it was important to consider alternatives to a traditional four-year college. A lot of numbers, meanwhile, nearly 80 percent of vocational skills like auto mechanics, electrics and welding should be taught in high school. For more, we go to an expert on hierarchy education.
JOE DEVITO, COMEDIAN: If it weren't for higher education, I wouldn't be half the clown I am today. Do you think I could do this without my degree in advanced textiles management? And if you disagree, tell it to a mime. They love to listen. And Wolverine boots you let me know when you start to make comically oversized shoes. Until then you sound like a bunch of bozos.
Wow, I don't know what I just saw, Kat, but I wish I didn't see. You know, I say college sucks, but it's easy for me to say because I already did it.
TIMPF: All right, and I don't think that it's college sucks. Although that is a great take. I think that the reason so many young people have so much debt is because the overwhelming narrative was it's always worth it. to further your formal education when really you should be doing the cost- benefit analysis with it like anything else like it's, it's maybe not worth it if you're going to have to take out huge amounts of you know being a huge amount of debt for these huge loans you have to take out. You have to think about it like anything else, because there's other ways to educate yourself too, besides going to a college and putting yourself in debt.
GUTFELD: There's a lot like stripping.
WILLIAMSON: To me, that's just an argument for free college. It's an argument for canceling the college debt. You don't just get. Well, you knew who I was when you invited me here. So, you don't get educated just so you can make money. Although a person who has a college education does for every dollar we spend on education, $7.00 into the economy, but it expands to humanity.
GUTFELD: But who pays for the college when you cancel the debt? No one ever does the second part of that equation.
FAILLA: Yes. And you're canceling debt for people who make more money at the expense of people who make less. It goes into the tax bill of someone who didn't go to college to pay for someone who's making more money.
GUTFELD: The truck driver is going to pay.
WILLIAMSON: If that debt is canceled, you have 10s of millions of people who can buy home, who can start businesses.
FAILLA: But it does get cancelled. It doesn't get cancelled. The College does say it's cancelled, we don't want the money. The college says, somebody pays for it.
GUTFELD: I get -- no, it's actually truck drivers, anybody who gets taxes.
SEXTON: Most of the four-year degree, that we, when we when we this side of the room was dealing with this thing was all about this is going to help you make more money. It's actually really an arms race to see how it can help you get jobs. What we're seeing now is increasingly a lot of jobs actually don't really care all that much there a lot of ways to learn skills earlier and sooner than you wouldn't four years of school.
And if everyone goes to undergrad guess what going to undergrad is no longer a sorting mechanism for whether or not you're going to get hired by a place. So, this is part of the Marion's point about -- that's OK. I just, I just thought I just wanted to do that for fun for a second. Just because, but you know, you can go to community college, and it's basically free, you can go to State College, and most of them are pretty reasonable and state and the people who are $100,000 in debt from college loans they deserve to pay, they decided they were going to take you know, women in gender studies in my alma mater, which costs about $60,000 a year.
That's a real, by the way, a real major. And then they're like, Well, I deserve an $80,000 a year on fireable job. That's just not the way the world works --
GUTFELD: That's why I agree with Marianne in the sense that I want -- if there's free college, I want it for the people who can't afford it, but I am not paying for that.
WILLIAMSON: Education is not just about how much money you make either. It's about expanding the mind. We are shrinking the American mind. If people don't have access to education that could also be trade schools. It could also be mentorship programs. But we should be supporting people in expanding their horizons on every level -- both educational, economic and on every level.
FAILLA: I just don't want Buck besmirching Gender Studies majors, they are some of the finest baristas of the general. Community College really quick I heard you say it, go to community college, you save so much money you get transferable credits. Nobody teaches you to hate America.
BUCK: I mean, I remember I used to work with the MIPD who's like look, I just got to admit it I want anarchist making my coffee so -- actually something to this.
WILLIAMSON: But they should be unionized.
GUTFELD: The anarchist?
WILLIAMSON: It's a plug for unionizing Starbucks.
FAILLA: Workers unite unless they're Canadian truckers.
GUTFELD: Up next, will your love life prosper if you change your posture?
GUTFELD: It's time for a body language do's and don'ts for when you have to look attractive, but your face just won't. Judy James, a body language expert has come out with a list of do's and don'ts to make you irresistible. First, tilt your head. Yes, because she's ugly if she didn't do that.
I knew this was a scam. But she says it's not only classic flirting technique, it makes you more attractive. Yes, that works, especially to confused Golden Retrievers. So, also show off your thumb. The expert says keeping your thumbs in view is an attractive trait that models have used for years. Yes, that's what I call science -- we looked at models. It works especially well when you tuck your hands in your pockets and leave your thumbs hanging out. Jonas Salk has nothing on this lady.
Also, do the backward glance. Look at that. A simple over the shoulder glance as you walk away makes you look sexier and cooler. Just like you read. I can't even read that joke now. I'm so pissed off at this segment. Keep going.
Now, the don'ts. Don't cross your legs at the ankles because according to the body language expert, it lacks sex appeal. Also, it shows where you've been duct taped. Don't cross your arms. And whatever you do, don't go put your hands on your hips apparently that makes you look like you're up for a fight or your salsa dancing.
Now, in my opinion this is all BS. If you're good looking, it doesn't matter what you do with your thumb. And if you're ugly uncrossing your arms won't help. So, what do I do? I just make a suit out of money. Look at that. Yes, I put that on, I'm beautiful.
All right, does anybody believe in body language? Quickly, Marianne, I think this is just silly.
WILLIAMSON: Body language is a thing for sure. But when I read that article, I was so shocked by the thing about thumb, like nobody had ever suggested to me that I'm just had sex appeal or I would go --
GUTFELD: Yes. My theory --
TIMPF: I'm expecting to see that too. That's actually you do something sexual with a thumb. So, like, what do you mean show your thumb? And it says, show your thumbs.
GUTFELD: You know what, here's my theory on it, is that they showed people in a study pictures of people that, that, that people found where they were just good pictures.
GUTFELD: And they just said the model at one point had her thumb out and so the -- it's the thumb because they didn't know what else to do. Again, it's researchers trying to hang out with young college students.
WILLIAMSON: Oh, I'm sure that's what it was.
TIMPF: What makes the -- but what's your qualifications for being a body language expert?
GUTFELD: Yes? It's when you have no more expertise, and they need somebody on a local TV station.
SEXTON: I want to build on what my colleague Marianne says. Body language is real. And from my, from my friends, I should say experience in the field, if a female after your first date recoils from you at the very end that is generally -- I am told -- not a good sign.
GUTFELD: Show your thumb.
TIMPF: Show your thumb and then --
SEXTON: I learned something new, I show the thumbs, I show the thumbs and I'm good to go.
FAILLA: If a female recoiling away from you is a bad sign, someone should have told Andrew Cuomo, by the way, because he's like, I'm killing it over here.
GUTFELD: And now he's running again, you realize that.
FAILLA: Again. The balls of this guy. Every one of these relationship experts, body language is going to die alone. That's my favorite thing about these studies. This isn't a real study. Somebody was, to your point, probably got caught, was about to get Me Too-ed in the lab hitting on girls.
And was like, no, it's research. Because when she said like all women don't hold your arms. Women, guys don't care. You could be folding our mothers into a suitcase and leaving it off a cliff. If we're horny, we're like, wow, that made allowed splash. What are you doing after this?
GUTFELD: Yes, that's true. That's true. And who hasn't done that? All right, don't go away. We'll be right back.
GUTFELD: We're out of time. Thanks to Marianne Williamson, Buck Sexton Jimmy Failla, Kat Timpf. "FOX NEWS @ NIGHT" with evil Shannon Bream is next. I'm Greg Gutfeld and I love you, America.
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