Kat Timpf: Should women embrace the day their hair turns gray?
'Gutfeld!' guests discuss a report that found many women returning to the workplace are embracing their gray hair as a symbol of empowerment.
This is a rush transcript of "Gutfeld!" on September 27, 2022. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.
KAT TIMPF, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: Hey guys, welcome to Timpf. Yes. It's been about a month since I hosted last time and the reviews were amazing. I couldn't even walk down the street without being accosted by the fans. OK. They were vagrants who live under the bridge near my apartment. That reminds me that we should talk about fentanyl. First of all. Yes, it is the reason that Greg is out.
I promised him I wouldn't say anything, but I feel like it's fine to lie to your boss who accuses you of doing drugs every day. But more importantly, I want to talk about why fentanyl is a huge problem and why the government can't be the one to solve it. Lately, there's been a lot of talk about classifying fentanyl as a weapon of mass destruction or drug cartels as terrorist organizations or any sale of fentanyl resulting in a fatal overdose as a federal crime worthy of the death penalty.
But like that, Lord of the Rings prequels show, all of it is a bad idea. Oh, don't (INAUDIBLE) me nerds. You, even you know it (BLEEP) It's not that I think fentanyl poisoning is not a threat. And I do say poisoning because many of the people who have died from fentanyl didn't tend to take fentanyl at all. It's not like people are toasting with it at weddings or serving it at (INAUDIBLE) A 2015 study in the harbor reduction Journal found that 73 percent of heroin users who tested positive for fentanyl didn't even know they've been using fentanyl.
It's not just heroin users. It's been found in everything from pills to cocaine to MDMA. Fentanyl poisonings are a serious widespread problem. But just because the government passes some law, that doesn't mean it's going to help. Even if they give it a magical name like the no more fentanyl ever bill or the Inflation Reduction Act.
Let's go Brandon, am I right? It had nothing to do with anything I'm talking about. It's what everybody clap for me.
Thank you. I needed that. You don't know how much. OK. Anyway, the CDC's 2016 guidelines that were cracking down on opiate prescriptions were actually disastrous for chronic pain patients. A 2019. FDA study found that patients who abruptly stopped opiate prescriptions were associated with an increased risk of psychological distress and even suicide. The CDC has proposed loosening some of those guidelines which is a step in the right direction.
A step -- people with chronic pain can only take by the way, if they have their prescriptions. Restricted opiate prescriptions also hasn't even reduced opiate deaths. Actually, it's made it worse, as opiate prescriptions have fallen, so called overdose fatalities have gone up. And much like Greg's forehead, it keeps getting higher. The consistent trend, we saw it in 2019. We saw it in 2020. Then last year, the deaths reached an all-time high of more than 100,000.
I think that every adult should have the right to put whatever they want into their own body without risking going to prison for it. Whether it's taking drugs, or worse, eating nothing but Long John Silver's. And I know people say what about the children? But prohibition is also having deadly consequences for minors too. Joe Friedman, who's a UCLA researcher notes that while the number of fatal overdoses among adolescents doubled from 2019 to 2020, "it appears that the rise in deaths was fueled not by greater numbers of teens using drugs, substance abuse in this age group actually went down during the pandemic, but by use of dangerous and highly potent forms of fentanyl."
And as National Institute of Drug Abuse Director Dr. Nora Volkow points out, teens are not trying to do fentanyl on purpose. It's just that now, it's so common for any drug to be poisoned with it. Plus, it's not like drugs being illegal is the only reason most people decide to stay away from them. I don't do heroin or crack, regardless of what you may have heard from Greg.
GREG GUTFELD, FOX NEWS CHANNEL HOST: Gun store shelves are now as empty as Kat's medicine cabinet after a long weekend. Or if you're in between puffs on your crack pipe, Kat. Kat does drugs, and she still has a job.
TIMPF: Oh, miss that guy. I don't do drugs. And the reason I don't isn't because it's illegal or because it's hard to get. Finding crack in New York City is easier than finding Shaq in a crowd of kindergarteners. It's because I know I would probably love drugs, I would get addicted to drugs. And I haven't really seen it work out too well for anyone when that happens. The best case scenario probably is Hunter Biden.
And my dad is slightly less influential than his dad is. You also don't have to agree with me on complete legalization to realize why the plan to designate cartels or drug dealers as terrorists is a really bad idea. Designating a new terrorist group would just give the government more expanded surveillance powers, more excuses to violate civil liberties. And anyone who's been paying attention knows that will definitely be abused.
Just like how the Patriot Act was put in place with the promise of protecting us against another 9/11 but wound up violating the rights of everyone from Muslim Americans to parents who criticize their school boards. Plus, the more the government tries to crack down on smuggling, the more you actually push the black market towards fentanyl because its potency makes it easier to smuggle because you need smaller amounts.
And it's also -- it's cheaper to produce the heroin is. The black market is going to look out for itself. It's going to do the things that make the most sense for its business model. And its business model has been really successful, far more so than Mary Kay. The makeup company, not my friend Mary Kay who does sell heroin. And he was actually far less annoying than anyone who does sell Mary Kay.
Look, I know I might sound crazy to some of you, but honestly, nothing can be as crazy as continuing to do the same thing and to respond to a failed war on drugs by intensifying it.
TIMPF: Let's welcome tonight's guests. She talks so fast I think she's reading the side effects to Adderall. "OUTNUMBERED" co-host, Emily Compagno. He knows so much about the economy. I think he might be an Illuminati. Host of "KUDLOW" on Fox Business, Larry Kudlow. He looks like a comedian, which is not really a compliment. Fox News Contributor Tom Shillue. Nobody could ever be in the same boat as him -- as him. He's a guy. The NWA's world television champion, Tyrus.
Yey. I don't know. Everything's fine. So Emily, I bet that you came prepared with like no statistics, that you're --
TIMPF: -- you've been working to memorize and want to rattle off at me right now.
COMPAGNO: I will say this that I loved -- I loved all the points you made in your monologue. But I think, you know, Governor Abbott trying to designate or actually designating the terrorist groups or the cartels as terrorist groups, I think speaks to the desperation. To me it speaks to a governor that feels that his president has abdicated his entire duty to safeguard the citizens of the U.S. And all of your -- all of your stats that you said it's absolutely right.
And it's horrifying. So the fact that teenagers right now are encountering one of every three counterfeit pill being laced with fentanyl means that they just are dabbling at a party. If -- right. If they -- if they want to take recreational use of opioids. I'm not condoning that. But I'm saying that the risks of death are multiplied by literally millions. Governor Abbott pointed out that in part of -- in his executive order, more Americans have died of fentanyl poisoning this past year alone than every global terrorist attack in the last 100 years.
We are crying out for help and our government at the federal level is doing nothing. So him trying to designate them as terrorist organizations to me, just screams that, man, I need help because my president and this administration is doing nothing to stymie the cartels and stymie China from poisoning Americans especially our youth.
TIMPF: And look, of course, that is -- like that's a well-intentioned thing, right? And a lot of these are well intentioned and I'm the -- I'm just the person who's like, hmm, I see how this can be abused. And then I have to wait like between eight to 13 years. And then people tell me I was right. A lot of it is well intentioned, Tom, like, you know, wanting to, for example, you know, put the death penalty for drug dealers until you realize that, you know, anyone connected to maybe an overdose, they make me less likely to go get help because they're worried about going to jail themselves. So good intentions doesn't always make a good law.
TOM SHILLUE, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: I think that's true, Kat. Wait to do a very nuanced and complex story in the A block.
TIMPF: Yes. Why it doesn't take that many days off?
SHILLUE: I know. He -- Greg usually throws a soft one over the plate in the A block like, you know, inflation good or bad.
TIMPF: No, I talked about drugs and kids.
SHILLUE: Well, I'll simplify it. Fentanyl is bad.
SHILLUE: No good, right?
SHILLUE: It's not good. But I agree that this gesture from Governor Greg Abbott, for instance, I mean, it's not going to do anything. If you read the stories about it. They say he has declared drug cartels to be terrorists. And you read the story. And you say, well, what does that do really, practically, what is -- what happens when that happens? Nothing happens.
COMPAGNO: Well, enables them to criminally prosecute under a certain federal laws and --
SHILLUE: Federal law.
COMPAGNO: Yes. And -- but also state and then -- but under a larger rubric, greater resources. And it puts more tools in his toolbox.
TIMPF: And more potential for surveillance from the feds.
COMPAGNO: Yes. But I think to him you saying oh, surveillance versus death, you know, in that counter in that --
TIMPF: That's the same thing they said -- again, that's the same thing they said with 9/11.
LARRY KUDLOW, FOX BUSINESS NETWORK HOST: Yes. But think of it this way. Look, I --
TIMPF: After 9/11.
KUDLOW: -- appreciate your libertarian point view on this. OK. I get that. On the other hand, I think you have to distinguish between suppliers and users. I think that the biggest problem here is our border has become wide open. We have no borders, we have no national sovereignty. Joe Biden hadn't done thing about except make it worse. Joe Biden ever mentions the word fentanyl much less do anything about it.
And I think there should be strict penalties for suppliers and drug dealers. In general, but specifically with fentanyl, the other point to consider is we're letting China get away with murder, like we always do. OK? This stuff, the raw materials come from China, pass through Mexico, and then come across the border. The open border, so I don't see why we can't do something. I don't want necessarily more government laws.
And so far as people who were using it, OK? That's a death warrant and they can't figure that out for themselves. I'm very glad that you don't use it. I'm very glad --
TIMPF: Not to brag.
KUDLOW: I've been, you know, I've been down that road myself and been sober a long time, thankfully, gracefully with God's help. But I do think those who sell it should be in deep trouble, whether it's capital punishment or something very difficult. And I do think this president should wake up and see what this open border and unlimited illegal immigration is doing to this country. And so far as drugs, and crime and sex and all the rest of it is an absolute nightmare.
And he just stands there, or sits there or does something there, nothing to solve the problem.
TIMPF: I do -- I do wonder about this -- about the sex part of that.
TIMPF: Tyrus, would you like to --
MURDOCH: I did not -- I did not wonder about the sex part of that. Everyone has strong points, but this -- I'm just going to break it down to how I look at it. If we change the name to fentanyl to anthrax, everyone would be having a heart attack right now. And what does fentanyl do that anthrax doesn't do? The same thing. You get it on your fingers, it can poison you. Gets in your food, it can poison you. You breathe it in, it can poison you.
So is it a drug or is it a poisoning? And we know where it's coming from. And we know how it's getting in here. So, I don't care what you call them. But they're poisoning Americans. And the reason why I don't look at it the same way as a drug because -- and as you pointed out in your monologue, no one is going out on a fentanyl run. So it is being used as a poison, disguised to attack the weakest part of society. So it is a poisoning and again, just call it anthrax.
And imagine we had one envelope of anthrax sent to the White House, and the entire world stopped. We literally have tons of anthrax being pushed through our border. So to me, I look at like an act of war. But the problem is, it's affecting the lowest point of our society. And until unfortunately, someone in the White House goes through fentanyl poisoning or losing a loved one then maybe they'll look at it as for what it is.
So I look at it as a terrorist attack. I don't want people watching my house. But if that means that we're going to do something about this poisoning of America, then I'm all for it. But again just change the word for one second and think how you look at it.
TIMPF: And I think when you talk about just quickly -- of course, fentanyl when it's -- it does have legitimate medical uses in a medical setting but when you're expecting your drug to be one thing and your fentanyl is your cocaine then that absolutely is not an overdose. It is a poisoning. All right. Up next. Oh man, this tease. Lessons learned from history could spell doom and misery.
TIMPF: Could the U.S. follow ancient Rome's lead when billionaire says indeed? At a recent money festival, Kudlow's favorite kind. Billionaire investor Carl Icahn said though -- I don't know his name, you're -- said the worst is yet to come. Which is what I told my husband when he married me. You were warned. He said -- he's said -- you got it, Larry. He said, "Inflation is a terrible thing, you can't cure it and noted that rising inflation was one of the key factors that brought down the Roman Empire."
Wow. Tough show today. At least we got Caesar -- but the good news is we got Caesar salad out of the deal. Inflation is through the roof, the Biden administration sticks it to the taxpayers. A revised estimate from the Congressional Budget Office shows that the student loan forgiveness plan will cost $400 billion over a decade. 400 billion. Coincidentally, that's the same number of words Emily speaks per minute.
And although that's less than the original estimate, the White House says Biden is still likely to reduce the federal deficit this year. Sure, that seems as likely as Tyrus fitting into one of my little black dresses. I'm sorry. And finally, the Biden administration has proposed a new rule that would require airlines and travel search sites to include all fees and ticket prices that are displayed to customers.
Says Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, airline passengers deserve to know the full true cost of their flights before they buy a ticket. Yes, transparency would be great. But at this rate, the only time Biden will be transparent when it -- is when he's a ghost, which I am sure is a long way away because he is the pinnacle of health and vigor. Joe, what say you?
TOM SHILLUE, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: No, no, no. Pete knows what he's doing. Pete's a smart guy. He knows what makes the average American upset. It's not crime. It's not to runaway inflation. It's not illegal immigration. It's airline fees. I mean, give me a break. Used to be able to take my Samsonite on the plane for free now they charge 25 bucks. It's not worth it. And how about SkyMall that carpeted kitty cat tree house, $110? Give me a break, man.
SkyMall. I'm coming after you. I know where you are. And besides that, are too deep to humidifier I bought 92 don't never work anymore.
TIMPF: All right. Tyrus, first of all, I'm sorry. Second you -- you're on an airplane like all the time?
TIMPF: Is the biggest problem in your life that you don't get enough warning about airline fees? Are you so glad the president is finally addressing this?
MURDOCH: I already know they're overpriced. It's not that I needed to break down just so I can -- and who's going to spend time to read that? But I do find it funny. The -- I would like to see if that's what we're going to do. Great. Let's do it across the board. I'd love to see where our taxpaying money's going.
MURDOCH: And where's actually ending up? That'd be phenomenal.
TIMPF: I agree.
MURDOCH: So, yes. But probably he -- they're probably mad at -- somebody and CEO or CFO of a airline that wouldn't go woke. So now they're going to try to show everybody how much their spirit airline ticket is. And we already know, so --
MURDOCH: This is like -- this is ridiculous. Like, you really want to see the tax fees. And the peanut fees. Oh, I'm sorry. Pretzels, can't eat peanuts anymore.
MURDOCH: The extra small water bottle. You know.
TIMPF: Yes, yes. Tom. It's not even like, fewer fees. It's just a warning about the fees before they charge the fees.
SHILLUE: Yes. And it's not -- I mean, that's the least bad thing about flying.
SHILLUE: A couple of extra -- I would pay more fees if it wasn't a total nightmare to get on a plane. Airplanes went from being the most permissive place in the world. They went from allowing you to have your comfort Turkey in the seat next to you to being like making everyone covered their face, put your masks on. I mean, it was sick, it became like -- it became a flying prison. So that's what I want them to change.
The airlines are -- they're way too regulated, they knuckled under to that ridiculous COVID policy. And -- I mean, that's all I got to say about it.
TIMPF: Yes. I like it when my plane takes off. Sometimes it doesn't always do that anymore. Bigger problem for me. Emily, what do you have statistics on, this one or something else?
COMPAGNO: Whatever you want. I'll take airline fee disclosures for 500. I'll just say that. What we learned recently is that the Biden team is testing out their campaign themes, right? And one of them was attacking essentially the rich. So, to your point about the CEOs of Spirit Airlines or whatever. They're literally testing out whether Americans will respond. Yes. Show me those fees because of you rich CEOs that run these airlines, the transparency behind it.
But of course it's not going to fly because no one gives (BLEEP) land me safely and how about you make my dollar actually value that of $1.00 now? And by the way, the irony too is this law already exists, you know that. This is just ala carte menu. It's like, it's like, now you add on for your luggage just $35.00. It's not that they're hiding the cost. They're just adding stuff on. It's the same thing like when you go to a restaurant and they're like, more asparagus for 20.
KUDLOW: I thought ala carte was fancy.
COMPAGNO: It's like by itself.
KUDLOW: The trick is --
TIMPF: Larry doesn't know anything about this because you just take a private jet everywhere. I want to add and bring you a larger thing as a very, very rich man and a money expert. When it -- congrats.
KUDLOW: Thank you.
TIMPF: And when it comes to inflation and this whole idea of the Roman Empire. I will ask you this.
KUDLOW: Yes. Let's go back to Rome.
TIMPF: Yes, yes.
KUDLOW: I want to really go back.
TIMPF: How -- Larry?
KUDLOW: (INAUDIBLE) I think Carl Icahn is on to something. Inflation did help to destroy Rome. The Goths came in and took Rome 400 A.D. I think. I was there. I remember it well. And it was all about coin clipping. So that created the inflation. So that's just kind of like, you know, Joe Biden -- I mean, there he is fiddling while Rome burns. OK? So, here's the coin clipper today spending $5 trillion and worried about little piddling things like airline costs, but I think you should fly private. I really do. It's much better.
But look at -- remember how the story ended. The Goths and Visigoths came in and took Rome over because it was so decadent and inflationary. And I just want to say to you, I identify with the Goths and Visigoths because of this decadent guy named Joe Biden and his progressive socialism that he's put together, that's taken the country down. And the cavalry is coming, think of the cavalry as Goths and they're going to take the House and they're going to take the Senate and close it (INAUDIBLE)
So I think -- I think Carl Icahn was definitely onto something. I remember it well, and history does repeat itself. And here we are.
TIMPF: That was a great answer. And I'm not just saying next, I'd love to come on your plane. Up next. Democrats won't blame the president for immigrants living in a tent.
TIMPF: This idea for a tent city sounds pretty (BLEEP). Great work. Construction has begun on the first of two tent cities for migrants arriving in New York, which will hold up to a thousand people while they undergo screening for entering the city's shelter system. But locals aren't thrilled with Mayor Eric Adams' decision to place the camp in a parking lot on the edge of the Bronx where the tents are ruining the view of industrial sites.
Says one local resident, "Why send them to a low-income area? Why don't they send them to the Hamptons?" There's a reality show pitch, right, if I've ever heard one. I mean, currently the Hamptons is whiter than Tom Shillue.
MURDOCH: Not possible.
TIMPF: Now, all this is happening as Adams continues to blame Texas Governor Greg Abbott for the influx of over 13,000 migrants who have since arrived, who've arrived since the spring. But turns out only about one in five have arrived that way. And here's the political hypocrisy of it all: the Office of the Democratic Mayor of El Paso, Oscar Leeser, confirms that they've sent over 4000 migrants to New York in an agreement with Eric Adams. Mayor Adams should take a look in the mirror like Jesse Watters does for nine hours a day. Oh, yes, all right there, buddy?
KUDLOW: Fine, it just hurt sometimes.
MURDOCH: Flashback?
TIMPF: Yes, yes. OK, so here's, here's the thing: even if you take immigration out of it --
COMPAGNO: What did you say?
TIMPF: If you take immigration out of like anything, if your big plan in any situation is I don't know we'll put up a bunch of tents, like that's a sign things are not going well.
KUDLOW: Is it directed at me?
TIMPF: Yes, direct to you.
KUDLOW: I'm afraid after what you did to Jesse Watters, I'm just kind of afraid.
TIMPF: Well, hopefully, you're so afraid you invite in a --
MURDOCH: At least he's not afraid of me anymore.
TIMPF: Yes, it's true.
KUDLOW: So, did I, did I ever tell you that I was around for the decline of the Roman Empire?
TIMPF: You did mention that, yes.
KUDLOW: I mean, really? Eric Adams ought to wise up, just make the city safe from crime for Christ's sake -- stop blaming all these people. Ron DeSantis is a smart guy, putting them on Martha's Vineyard. And the worst of all, if you're going to start suing people, which is what these Democrats doing; they want to sue Greg Abbott, the one that says sue Joe Biden, because he's been sending people on secret midnight airplanes to Westchester Airport and all these places and then they ship him around the northeast, and nobody knows what's going on. So, I don't take any of it seriously, but this is exactly what they did in Rome many years ago. I'm just telling you that.
TIMPF: I appreciate it, appreciate it. If anyone can, has the money to sue Joe Biden, it is you, though.
KUDLOW: I want to -- I'm happy to pony up. In fact --
TIMPF: Are you on your first --
MURDOCH: No, because he was -- they had, they had centaurs back then. You're about to tell us one the freaky stories about you and centaur, back in the Roman Empire.
TIMPF: But Tyrus, if Eric Adams didn't just blame these problems at everyone else, he wouldn't have as much time to go to the fancy parties he likes to go to.
MURDOCH: He's, he's told on himself and unfortunately, I was hopeful when the brother got in, but he's no different than any other dirty politician. He knows where they're coming in, he's planning for it, but yet he still goes out on T.V. and tells the masses that they're coming from evil Texas. And so that, and in fact, just shows you who he is. So, which means unfortunately for the good people of New York, you're going to get the same (BLEEP), you've been getting literally on your floors, and your streets and stuff.
It's really sad to see that, that we don't see what's going on. But again, if you want, and this is another thing, he also shows himself. He's supposed to be other people. He talked about humble beginnings. Here he is. He's the mayor. And where is he putting the immigrants? In the lowest end of the like, like as if things aren't hard enough there, now they all compete against each other. Because to move them to the Hamptons, or even someplace else, where there would be opportunities for them, no, just they'll all fight it out. We'll, we'll just drop them off the neighborhoods and let them fight it out. It's not our problem. So, shame on them. So, and again, politician, I really thought he was going to be different.
KUDLOW: Too much whining. Eric Adams should stop whining.
MURDOCH: Too clump, much plant-based.
KUDLOW: Just take care of New York City.
MURDOCH: How much (BLEEP) can one man have who eats plant-based diet? I just don't know.
TIMPF: All right. All right, Tom, Tom, you were saying before the show that you have a plan to solve the entire immigration crisis, you can explain in 15 seconds.
TOM SHILLIE, COMEDIAN: Can I say that? Look, it shouldn't matter if he -- so a tiny percentage of the illegal immigrants who coming into New York came from Texas. It shouldn't matter if it was 100 percent. Because these Democrats say that they want them. They're like, oh, no, we want the border open. We're welcoming to the people. So, what should it matter what percentage it is? That's number one.
Number two, Eric Adams got elected, and he marketed himself as being law and order, a law-and-order Mayor just because he stood next to a cop and said we don't need to defund the police. And that's what Democrats are doing all over the country now. Well, I'm not for defunding the police, and say that's not going to do it. If you're a Democrat, you're not law and order because they're for not enforcing laws, they're for letting criminals out. They're for, you know, they're against bail. They're for open borders.
So, it's not just if you if you say I don't want to defund the police, it doesn't mean that the problem is going to go away. They're the ones who are, had caused the problems. Even if the police are fully funded, crime is rampant in all of these democratic-run cities.
TIMPF: Emily?
COMPAGNO: Yes, this is the biggest example of not in my backyard, right, the Nimby approach. And to your point, you know, this is a mayor who saw our federal government and our present president deposit multiple planeloads to this day of miners all around the state. Right up the street to JFK. Where was the outcry, then? Where was his addressing of the problem that children are being deposited here and also over 800 disguised as kids, because then they had lower parameters and regulations of them going through this system.
And this is a mayor as well, who presides in a state that lost so many people during COVID, who fled the crime and the poor running of this state that we lost congressional seats. So, if I were him, and I was sticking to my talking points, I would say we welcome all of these people because it replaces then everyone that we lost; let's put them on a path to citizenship, let's put them to work helping to clean the city and everything else that he talks about out of the other side of his mouth.
But instead, it's just like what we did or what they did with Central Park: he's pushing everyone together in the same low-income area, because he, because he doesn't actually believe what he says. What they say is not in my backyard.
KUDLOW: Whatever happens to those diversification liberals?
COMPAGNO: I don't know, Larry, but they ship people out in 44 hours, that is on Martha's Vineyard.
KUDLOW: In about 20 minutes, 50 migrants come in, freaked them out. They call in the National Guard and ship them to a military base in Cape (INAUDIBLE).
COMPAGNO: Exactly.
KUDLOW: What happened to the great liberal ideals here, and including New York City, and including Eric Adams?
TIMPF: We do have to wrap, and that puts them in an awkward position.
KUDLOW: I'm sorry.
TIMPF: Sorry, because I want to go on the jet. OK. Coming up, women embrace the day, their hair turns gray?
TIMPF: They let their hair go gray, but is the style here to stay? Women's Lib says ditch the dye for going gray the time is nye. Many women returning to the workplace are deciding to embrace their natural gray hair as a symbol of empowerment. I prefer collecting swords. With hair salons closed for months during the pandemic, women across the country let the silver shine through, perfect timing since their faces were already covered with useless masks, boo.
And now many find that keeping it natural is liberate. Men prefer the time women thought wearing no bra was liberating. Many women still feel judged for exposing their gray roots or fear they'll be passed up for professional or romantic opportunities, romantic opportunities -- I'm going to start calling it that if they don't dye their hair. And while men and women both gray at the same rate, when it comes to how the salt and peppered sexes are treated, it's very black and white.
Historically, graying men are described as wise, distinguish silver foxes, while women with gray hair are known as not bang-able anymore. But the gray scales seem to be tipping at least marginally in women's favor. Younger generations have started purposely coloring their hair gray as a fashion statement, proving that as long as you have a young pretty face and a sexy tight body, you can be hot no matter your hair color. So, maybe this new movement is the push women need to finally start going gray in the workplace. I wonder how that'll go.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Looking good George Clooney.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Lady with gray hair?
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Someone call 9-1-1, this woman must have escaped from a nursing home.
TIMPF: Emily, it's true, and it's real, and it's not fair.
COMPAGNO: Yes, and my takeaway from this whole thing, though, was essentially women just have to do whatever they want. Because there's always going to be people that say, your gray hair makes you not bang-able anymore, and there's always going to be people that say, it's beautiful and be yourself. And I think the key is to wear it and not let it wear you. So, whatever makes you happy and thrive. Do it. If that's been your natural color, great. If it's not, that's fine, too. I will say that the other day, I was walking into a football game. And my girlfriend who was in this silver hair trend, dyed her hair purposely silver. And from the back, I literally was like, why is Ryan with like a grandma? And then, I saw she turned her face. I was like, that's Jen. And then, I, so I feel like, you know, if you don't want to get --
TIMPF: I hope Jenny doesn't watch the show.
COMPAGNO: If you don't want to be --
MURDOCH: She blamed the men, look what (INAUDIBLE).
TIMPF: Yes. Yes. This is a weird way to find out you're a sexist against yourself.
COMPAGNO: No, I'm not. I'm just saying --
MURDOCH: You can't clean it up, you can't clean it up.
COMPAGNO: It's an elderly color.
MURDOCH: Misogynistic pig. You can't clean it up.
COMPAGNO: No, I reject it.
MURDOCH: I am just -- I am appalled
TIMPF: I am appalled by your journalized misogyny.
MURDOCH: Yes. (BLEE), boo this person?
COMPAGNO: No, don't you dare? Don't you dare.
TIMPF: Yes. I mean, Larry, you don't even appreciate the fact that your gray hair has not affected your status as a sex symbol.
KUDLOW: I just think Emily needs some defense and support here after that. I didn't know where you're going with that. I don't know what's so great about gray hair, what's so great about gray hair. I still hung up on the bang-able part. And I'm basically afraid to touch this whole thing. So, I'm going to pass the baton to somebody else. I'm still recovering.
SHILLUE: Actually, I had the same experience as Emily, but I did not have that reaction, Emily. I looked at her and I said that is a hot grandma.
MURDOCH: It's a little better.
TIMPF: A little better.
COMPAGNO: I don't see --
TIMPF: So, I don't know what the rules are sexualizing grandma's progress, in this instance.
COMPAGNO: That's a good defense. That's a good point. That's a good point.
TIMPF: Is it?
SHILLUE: I don't know. I think it is true -- I, you know, because when I do Joe Biden every day, I look at my hair in the phone when I'm doing it. And I look at the way that I'm going to look in a few years. I think it looks, looks pretty good. So, I think I'm going to be one of those silver foxes, right?
KUDLOW: We're almost out of this segment, right?
TIMPF: Yes, I think we're done.
COMPAGNO: I didn't say it was bad, I just think it was --
TIMPF: I can talk more about bang-able, but we got to go, unfortunately.
KUDLOW: That's what I was afraid of.
TIMPF: Tyrus.
MURDOCH: I'm just disgusted.
MURDOCH: Don't just walk here and besmirch women's hair color.
MURDOCH: Wow. You know, I'm actually kind of glad you said that, because I really feel as a man there's no right or wrong answer.
MURDOCH: So, no matter what I say will be wrong. And if I'm like, I'm cool with gray means I don't care. If I say, no, I like the color your hair, I'm an ass. So, you know, just go with what you know, man. You want to be gray, go, whatever -- just don't bore me.
KUDLOW: This is one of these loose-loose segments. That's all there is to it.
MURDOCH: It's a trap.
KUDLOW: It's got to be done soon.
COMPAGNO: That's right.
MURDOCH: But no matter what, my answer wasn't as horrible is this one --
TIMPF: That's true.
COMPAGNO: I didn't say anything bad.
TIMPF: And by the way, by the way, Jen, if you're watching, I think you look amazing. OK.
MURDOCH: She didn't just say like, she was like, eww, look at grandma.
TIMPF: She was revolting. She was viscerally revolted by the sight of her own friend. How?
MURDOCH: Wasn't going to be his friend anymore because he into the age thing.
TIMPF: All right, up next, up next --
KUDLOW: Bang-able.
TIMPF: Stress can bring strife to your love life.
TIMPF: Story in five words: life stressors can impact, impact relationships. Duuuh. I don't know. Tom, you seem like you have the perfect family life.
TIMPF: It must be a sham.
SHILLUE: It certainly is. And I don't think stress is the problem. I don't, I mean, stress is not the chief reason for me focusing on annoying behavior. I think it's the annoying behavior. So, you want me to change my whole life? Why don't you just not do that one annoying thing that I don't like?
TIMPF: What is the one thing?
SHILLUE: I'm making it up. My wife is great.
TIMPF: I know what mine is. Good answer --
KUDLOW: Look what, look what Joe Biden is doing to his wife. I mean, here's this guy. Stocks are crashing. Interest rates are soaring. Inflation is a record high. He's about to get his butt whipped, and Jill looks awful, I feel so sorry for her.
TIMPF: He's like, babe, the stocks are crashing. Does she calls him babe?
KUDLOW: He's taking it out on her. Not only that, she's growing gray roots. You can see the bottom of her hair. I mean, it's the worst thing possible.
MURDOCH: It is tough when your husband wanders off and holds hands with other people.
TIMPF: Yes. Yes, is it better? Is it better or worse that they're not really there.
KUDLOW: I mean, he's got to stop. He just has to stop.
MURDOCH: Who's watching him?
TIMPF: Emily.
COMPAGNO: I feel like I'm stating the obvious, but I feel like when you're stressed, then you just have no patience.
COMPAGNO: You know, right, and so to your point about it just being annoying. Yes, I mean that's why if I'm in a good mood and everything's cool, and I'm not late, you know, on the subway, you can do whatever you want. But if I'm late at all or if I'm annoyed at all, then I will tell you that the sound of you shaking your foot is totally annoying. You know, right?
MURDOCH: She's just evil.
COMPAGNO: I'm what?
MURDOCH: You're just an evil person.
COMPAGNO: I'm not. No, no, I'm not --
TIMPF: The way she goes from so angry to just smiling so big.
TIMPF: Scary.
TIMPF: It's a little scary.
COMPAGNO: I feel I just said what everybody is thinking, but they just didn't fit.
MURDOCH: No, I don't, I didn't feel that at all.
TIMPF: I don't feel that way. I would never say that about all the gray- haired hotties out there.
TIMPF: Don't go away. We'll be right back.
TIMPF: Final thoughts. All right, Tyrus.
MURDOCH: OK. My live events: November 4th, we'll be in New Orleans; October 21st, we'll be in Greensboro, North Carolina; and free tickets for law enforcement. So, we're going to start taking care of those men, women, and boys in blue. Let's do it.
TIMPF: All right. All right. That's all the time we have. Thank you to Emily Compagno, Larry Kudlow, Tom Shillue, Tyrus, and our studio audience. "FOX NEWS @ NIGHT" with Kevin Corke is next. I'm Kat Timpf, and on behalf of Greg, I love you America.
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