
This is a rush transcript from "Gutfeld!," August 31, 2022. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GREG GUTFELD, FOX NEWS CHANNEL HOST: Oh my goodness. Wow. Happy Wednesday, America. These people can whistle. Oh, I feel so objectified. But it's great to be back. I want to thank Dana for subbing for me when I was out. I didn't even have to change the size of these booster seats. Anyway, once again, the Democrats have a wartime president. The problem is he's declared war, not on drugs or poverty or even pumpkin spice lattes, but on other Americans.

You, me, your parents, those freaks on "FOX & FRIENDS." But I guess there's bad in everything.


JOE BIDEN, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: There's bad in everything. There's lousy senators, there's lousy presidents, there's lousy doctors, there's lousy lawyers.


GUTFELD: Sounds like his administration. But, you know, maybe he used to be in the old days, a pretty good athlete.


BIDEN: I used to be in the old days a pretty good athlete and if someone was really big and tough, he'd say, I wouldn't screw with him if I had a sledgehammer.


GUTFELD: Yes. Sounds like someone took a sledgehammer to his head. His sentences wander more than he does. What? Oh, did I go too far? But remember what used to be the criticism when Biden was running.


BIDEN: Remember what used to be the criticism of Biden when I was running? Biden's too bipartisan. Biden has too many Republican friends. Not a joke. Now, what in God's name has happened to that?


GUTFELD: Yes. You know what happened to that? You happened to that, you muttering magoo. You told a big fib. We were told you were going to unify us after Evil Orange Godzilla and then you got in charge and you turned into AOC and extra large depends. Turns out Joe is more divisive than a shop class table saw. But at least, but at least -- but at least you don't keep demonizing those brave right-wing Americans.


BIDEN: For those brave right wing Americans who say it's all about shaping America, keeping America as independent and safe. If you want to fight against a country, you need a F-15, you need a something a little more than a gun. No, I'm not joking. Think about this. Think about the rationale we use, that's used to provide this, and who they shooting at? Shooting at these guys behind me.


GUTFELD: So he says he's not joking. Which means he's stupid because nothing he said suggests he understands anything about America. OK. Supporters of the Second Amendment, good luck using that against a tactical fighter aircraft. Sorry, jackass. I'm sorry, Mr. President. Jackass. With that logic, we should give up all our rights because they're also no match for someone flying a bomber. The worst part is he thinks this is clever.

He's like Jesse Waters when he discovers a new word. Do you ever notice he just says it over and over again and always in the wrong context.

Look, the right to bear arms exists, whether there are bombers or not. In fact, it's the Second Amendment that keeps us, not from being bombed by Joe, but for being invaded by other countries. There's no way anyone could invade the United States. Didn't you see Red Dawn? We got 400 million guns and that's just under Judge Jeanine's bed. It's true. Don't break out of that place.

But one small town would decimate the enemy and why? Second Amendment. So you can have your F-15, but it's also our F-15, and fat chance you get any American pilot to bomb an American city.

Besides, after what the Dems have done to our cities, bombing them seems kind of redundant. So Joe's delivering another speech tomorrow about the threat to democracy, which means they've already started defrosting him. But if he's talking about threats to democracy, it's not us, but it's also not him. The only thing he's a threat to is a pair of clean underwear. But obviously, it's his party's policies we have a problem with.

We don't demonize the voters. We attack the policies. We make fun of him. Crime. Inflation. Ukraine. The Border. Afghanistan. Student Loan forgiveness. Taxes.

The Dems screw up on all these things then demonize you for wanting to repair the damage. It's like Joy Behar being mad at the guys who fix broken mirrors. They like that one. But this pre-demonization is a form of self- defense, like spraying holy water at Nancy Pelosi. But this should bug you, because we were sold the wrong Joe. We were expecting Biden and got Stalin. He was going to bring us all together. Well, he has succeeded.

He brought the right together, like Michael Moore and a bowl buttermilk. What gives, Joe?


TOM SHILLUE, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: No, no, no. I'm all about unity. I'm a unity guy. But what's the first letter of unity? U. As you do what I say. That's how it works, man. Come on. Did you ever try to put a Kevlar vest on a deer? That's no joke. Yes. Tough guy with a gun? I get an F-15. I'm top gun. I'm goose. I'm Ice Man. The Ice Man comet. Global warning. It's no joke.


GUTFELD: Is he driving? Remember when old Joe told voters, if you don't like them, you can vote for someone else? Now, the people who listened are called fascists. His idea of a terror group are moms who attend school board meetings.

Now, remember, Trump never went after voters. He went after the press, of course, politicians, celebrities, you know, real evil. You didn't see Americans as the enemy. Joe's different. With no solutions and a party paralyzed by wokeness, he must stoke fear against the other.

He says we're moving toward semi-fascism which sounds like semi-flaccid, something Dr. Jill has been praying for the last 30 years. Disgusting. It's despicable. But if the Republicans are semi-fascist, what does that make Joe? Remember the violence when Trump won? The riots in D.C., Joe said nothing. Trump supporters getting attacked? Joe didn't say a thing. How about the riots that went on for months? Dozens died.

Joe basically had to be forced to come out of a basement to say something. Remember, the government coerced censorship or that Merrick Garland didn't stop the illegal protests outside the homes of Supreme Court justices even after the attempt on Brett Kavanaugh?

But the Dems are busy mining one single day in history as proof that 70 million people extoll political violence because apparently being consistently violent is preferable to one day that's such an oddity that everyone condemned it. If only they were Dems, then Kamala would have bailed them out.


GUTFELD: Let's welcome tonight's guests. This Ford gets me going from zero to 60 with a raise of his eyebrow. Fox News Contributor Harold Ford Jr.

HAROLD FORD JR., FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: Thank you, thank you, thank you.

GUTFELD: He opens for comedian Rob Schneider. Except when the doors too heavy. Actor, writer and comedian Jamie Lissow. She's interviewed more sweaty men than Kevin Spacey. Host of the "Sideline Sanity" podcast, Michele Tafoya. And finally, look at that guy, huh? He's worth more overnights than a high school janitor. Chief Breaking News correspondent, Trace Gallagher.

Harold, Harold, let me guess what you're going to say. Great to be here. Glad to have you back from your vacation. But I see things differently. We talked about this, right? We've talked about this just like hours ago on "THE FIVE" in which I destroyed you. Have you thought about it and decided to agree with me on everything I say?

FORD: I have a slightly different point of view. Look, first of all, welcome back. You missed everybody. Everybody enjoyed being here. Look, I watch the stuff -- I watch the stuff you had had on Biden. And I remember - - I've known him a long time. My father was in Congress when he was in the senate. I was in the congress when he was in the senate. We traveled overseas to Afghanistan to Iraq to parts of the Middle East together.

And his son Beau and I were in college together at Penn. He was a year ahead of me. The guy he has always been is what he's -- what he talked about the guy worked across the aisle. I think in fairness to him that when he -- since he's been in office, there's certainly been a loud roar from some in our country who don't believe he actually won the election. He's had a loud roar from a big part of members in my party progressives who he's really had a hard time dealing with.

And I think at times some would argue that he's capitulated to them. But I would argue if you look at what he's -- what he's accomplished, legislative, you can agree or disagree with it. But I think he is probably tried as hard as anyone to reach out-- reach out across the aisle, particularly the last few presidents that we've had. Could it be more? Yes. I've been critical of him when he's been wrong. I try to call balls and strikes and we're together on The Five and --

GUTFELD: Football analogy?

FORD: Even when we're on -- even when we're on Brett show. And, you know, when he gets it, right, I try to say to when he gets it wrong, I try to say it, but I think that put all the blame on him I think is a little unfair.

GUTFELD: Well, OK. Just look -- whoa, whoa, whoa. We're going to be editing all of that out. Stop it. Stop it you people. Harold's great. Jamie, it's going to be hard for people to demonize you because no one knows you.


GUTFELD: And you live in Alaska. And, you know, you probably just want any attention even if it was negative. Correct?

LISSOW: Yes, yes. I'll take anything at all. Thank you for even coming to me.


LISSOW: Hey, by the way, Greg, I saw an awesome article about your ratings last month.

GUTFELD: Thank you.

LISSOW: And I want to say very -- I was -- I was so excited when I was reading it. I was half fascist. That was a big deal. But you have to admit though the Biden's speeches are if nothing else, a source of a lot of entertainment.

GUTFELD: That's true.

LISSOW: If you -- my favorite thing is to watch Biden supporters behind him who during this speech was last night or the other night, they were watching him like a child on a tightrope over the Grand Canyon. Just like, ah, stay on the line. Stay on the line, buddy. And I don't know. Sometimes I do feel bad for him. They said that the hardest thing about Biden is whenever someone says F-15 he yells bingo.

Remember that cancer scare he had?


LISSOW: I heard when he was at the doctor's office. Doctor is like good news. It's benign. He was like benign. Bingo again.

GUTFELD: Do you have a third bingo joke you'd like to share?

LISSOW: I don't know if their bingo joke. But I will say what's in that bomb. C4? Bingo. Sorry.

GUTFELD: How long can you go with it?

LISSOW: (INAUDIBLE) go ahead. Is he doing another -- they said he was doing another address tomorrow?

GUTFELD: Right, yes.

LISSOW: I was like, I don't think he should do any more addresses. I don't -- I'm not even sure he knows his own address.


LISSOW: He's like, yes, drop me off here. Oh, I remember it's a White House.

GUTFELD: Brutal. You are so terrible, Jamie. You know, Trace, you live in California.


GUTFELD: So you're kind of like you feel the consequences of certain policies that our politicians don't feel.


GUTFELD: But you're also on the new side. So I don't want to ask you like your real opinion. But what is your real --

GALLAGHER: Well, I have a different observation than Harold Ford, as you might imagine. I think Joe Biden, you know, the truth is, is that he's actually deescalating his rhetoric from the beginning of the year. Remember when he talks about an F-15 yesterday, at the beginning of the year in February, you said to fight the government you need an F-15 and hellfire missiles, right? And then by June it was, you need an F-15 and nuclear weapons, yesterday, it was just an F -15.

So, we have come a long way. And it's not like these things are hard to get, Greg, right? You get from the Taliban, you can rent -- 15 from the Taliban compliments of America.


GALLAGHER: For 100 bucks and you just give him a waiver. So that's the kind of thing. As far as his other rhetoric where he demonizes half the public, that's just to stop the argument. I mean, the left and Harold would disagree with me. They don't want to argue, that -- you're either a denier or you're a health threat or you're an extremist or something. There's no debate. And so what Joe Biden is doing is he villainized half the people and that shuts down the debate. There's no debate on that. That's the way it is and --



GUTFELD: Seen. That's without trace actors use.

GALLAGHER: Thank you.

GUTFELD: You know -- are they applauding me or Trace?


GUTFELD: Oh, because if they're applauding Trace, they're gone. But if they're applauding me, they're awesome. Michelle, always great to see you. You know, I -- all I asked for is that, you know, focus on the right issues and don't get mad at us for wanting to focus on the right issues. That's -- I feel like if we're concerned about crime, why is -- why are we then bad people?

TAFOYA: Listen, it's all in how he frames that I think this address that he's supposed to give is about how -- it's the soul of our country. Our rights are being taken away. And he's basing this on the whole Hobb's decision, right?


TAFOYA: But he's right. Our rights are being taken away. We are losing our right to domestic tranquility because there's chaos at the border. We are losing our right to self-defense because they want to take guns away. That we are losing our right to free speech and freedom of expression, when we find out now that the FBI put some pressure on Facebook to mute a story about a presidential candidate.

Girls are learning that they're losing their rights to Title 9 to compete just against other girls, because that category was supposed to be for them, but that's kind of being lost.

So, it's yes. Some of the rights are being lost. I'd like him to address that.

GUTFELD: That's a very interesting point, especially -- yes.

But I gained the right to compete against girls. Finally, I might win a trophy.


GALLAGHER: I think it's interesting that his primetime speech tomorrow night is at 9:00 P. Bingo, again.

LISSOW: Oh, Good.




TAFOYA: No P, and bingo!

GUTFELD: There you go.

LISSOW: I would have thought primetime for Biden would be like 4:00 p.m. More of a Branson, Missouri thing.

FORD: Well, I tell you this. We talk a lot about him, in the name call, and I get its politics. You got to have -- you got to have your big boy pants on to deal with it. He called them senile, people call them a communist. They call them a Marxist, they call him -- they've questioned whether or not he won the election.

And he goes right along with it. We've -- a number -- a number of things have been said around this, and good fun, and good humor. And Greg and I have a great relationship as we do it.


GUTFELD: Though, we live together now.

FORD: But his -- but -- I don't know if you want to tell everybody, but the --


FORD: His poll numbers are going up. All the things you're saying, all the things everybody is saying, he is going up from the high 30s to the mid- 40s. He's about where President Trump was, at some point, his administration.

We now have 2-1/2 months on Election Day. Elections are won when you talk about the future. When you talk about how you want to make people's lives better. If all your plan is, is you want to investigate things, you want to criticize people, you want a name call, guess what? You'll be able to do that from the minority.

We're not going to get stronger if all we want to do is name call. Like we have ideas, if you can test with ideas, and thoughts until your point (INAUDIBLE).

GUTFELD: You sound a Republican.

TAFOYA: Well --

LISSOW: We got to -- we got to move on because we're running out of time here. But I think that name calling is fine when it's directed at an individual in power. You shouldn't be its -- look, name calling an entire group of people.

HAROLD: I don't disagree with that.

GUTFELD: All right, good. Because I was about to call you a big jerk.

Up next, Trump's magazines and locker room talk panic the media around the clock.


GUTFELD: The DOJ security fears were over Trump's souvenirs. They said it was the ultimate crime to keep a framed cover of time. Yes, the latest bombshells to come from the Mar-a-Lago documents reveal that Donald Trump is definitely without a shadow of a doubt, Donald Trump.

The DOJ filing released on Tuesday included a photo of documents seized and it turns out Trump had a frame to Time magazine cover of himself. If that's illegal, someone better raid Harold Ford's basement. Yes.

Do you think Harold has in framed a copy of this for his home? Yes. I know I did. I have several of them above my bed and one at the bathroom.

Anyway, get that -- get that -- there is the back there? Anyway, that time cover was from 2019 issue detailing the Democratic primary race with all the challengers looking at Trump.

Let's take a moment to be glad that wasn't a swimsuit issue. Trump framing that issue and keeping it is what any of us would do. Yet, the media calls it a stunning detail. Jesus.

In other words, we're back to where we've always been. More of the same silly hilarious stuff that feeds the media's Trump obsession. They're more obsessed with him than Stormy Daniels ever was.

The other bombshell to drop this week that Trump loves to gossip. Apparently, he bragged he knew elicit details of French president Emmanuel Macron's love life. And that info came from intelligence he'd been briefed on.

But who wouldn't gossip about that? After all, Macron's wife was his old high school teacher, who's 25 years older than him. So, I guess she wasn't just banging the erasers.

Trace, you've been covering the raids as it happened?


GUTFELD: What should be the media focus on?

GALLAGHER: I'm confused, Greg. Honestly, I'm confused. Are they looking for secret documents or sacred documents? Because every time Trump is on the cover of a magazine, you know, to him --


GALLAGHER: That's a sacred doc. In fact, and you look at all those folders and you think are they all filled with magazine covers?


GALLAGHER: Because that's what it could be. Remember when Trump was accused of putting up phony Time magazine pictures, and all his golf clubs around the country that turned out?

LISSOW: Right.

GALLAGHER: You know, it was kind of a big joke that did that.


GALLAGHER: But the truth here is it's come down to this bizarre thing. Two weeks ago, the Washington Post reports that what is in the secret documents are nuclear secrets, right? These are nuclear things, and they've kind of kind of pulled away from that.

And now, it seems to be a battle over documents that Trump just won't give back. We don't know what's in there. He won't give them back. And the DOJ is pissed about that.

GUTFELD: Yes. I think, Michele, my theory is some mover pack it through all the crap into a box, mixed everything up, because that's what I would do. And it's like it -- and Trump's like, yes, whatever, I'll get to it when I get to it.

This is such a -- he's probably think this is such a boring conversation, like about documents, I don't really care. And then this happens.

TAFOYA: Well, I was looking at this picture that's there. And I was zooming in and trying to really study it. And the one thing I noticed is, is that all those top secret things, they are paper clipped on.


TAFOYA: Do you see the paper, because they're not staple. I would think stapling would be so much more efficient because like, if you just paperclip them, the thing could come off.


TAFOYA: By the way, those top secret cover pages, you can all ordered them from the General Services Administration. (INAUDIBLE) to do it.

So, maybe they just ordered a bunch of all.


TAFOYA: Took paperclips and put them on stuff that I don't know. I don't know if this is a bombshell or not. But, yes, all this stuff about the carpet and the Time magazine covers it. That's just non sense and is stupid.


GUTFELD: It's getting -- it's true to Trace's point, it went from like -- it went from nuclear code secrets to stunning detail.

TAFOYA: Right.

GUTFELD: On magazine cover. By the way, just want to show everybody that I was on a cover once.

FORD: Yes.

GUTFELD: Anchors daily. Take that, Harold. You were never on Anchors magazine.

FORD: I gave that to you.

GUTFELD: I know you did. Among on many other things.

Jamie, don't know what that means? He's a very generous person. Arable. What's wrong with me, Jamie?

It would be interesting if somebody had Intel -- an Intel file on your sex life, because it will probably just be a blank page. Ever since you divorce.

LISSOW: That's really true. I was actually on the cover of Anchorage magazine. It probably -- it probably will be blank.

Wasn't there one -- wasn't there one of the Time magazine covers that he saved -- I actually respected this. Wasn't there one where they said some negative stuff about him?


LISSOW: And he saved it. Which I think is like super cool. That he -- you know, I don't know, I sometimes get motivated by things that were a failure. Like I have my marriage certificate up in my office.

And I'm having a name blank, Mark, Mark home --


TAFOYA: Macron.

FORD: Macron.

GUTFELD: Macron, yes.

LISSOW: Macron. Yes, I feel like Trump saying he has inside information Macron's sex life. And then I find out, she is 25 years older than him. I feel like without a file, he probably cheated on her.

I don't know like a ton about it. But I -- come on, pretty cool that Trump was on Time magazine. I just heard that next month. Biden is going to be on Time's up magazine.

GUTFELD: Oh, red meat. Red meat Harold. He just threw a big slab of red meat at you.

FORD: Look, he could also, you know, be on a cover of those magazine saying that they won. I think, again, you people got to get back to elections are won if you put forward great ideas,

Now, on this Trump thing for one moment. If someone -- if I packed up, and someone told me to pack my things up, and they pack them up for me, I realized that I had something with me, because the documents are not history, they belong to -- they belong to us -- hold on one second.

He -- that the -- when your president of the United States, and we'll say, she one day, but he is the custodian of all the papers.

GUTFELD: We want to say, she. Just keep going.

FORD: We will tell -- your custodian --

GUTFELD: A sexist might say.

FORD: You are custodian of all those papers, not the owner. And even when you leave office, you don't get the possession, but you do get access to them for purposes of writing a book and other things.

But if you didn't know what was in the box, and they told you, sir, there are things in the box that you should not have needed to be returned, I'd return them.

I think most red blooded, honest, Americans would just return them. Because they're not -- they're not his. Now, if this turns out to be --


GUTFELD: He's too busy.

FORD: He's --

GUTFELD: Did you get your stuff in the box? I wouldn't be really cool to be able to box it with Gwyneth Paltrow's head.

FORD: But he was -- but he had -- they have asked, I'm leave it alone. But they've asked multiple times, you didn't turn it over. And you got to turn these things back. And it's not -- it's not --

GALLAGHER: But the only --

GUTFELD: I think it's --

GALLAGHER: The only equation we have is Hillary Clinton, right? You can do Hillary Clinton --


FORD: She was never president.

GALLAGHER: She was never president, in which he had classified documents and she was still a public official. And that's what they're saying is, the presidential thing is out of it because he's out of office.

And that -- so, now, they're saying is Hillary Clinton had classified documents. So, if you're going to deal equally, and I'm just a big due process guy. If you're going to give due process, you should have equal treatment. So, the DOJ should at least have gotten an opinion from the DOJ lawyers.

FORD: All right, he did.

GALLAGHER: Why didn't Merrick Garland get an opinion for (INAUDIBLE)


GUTFELD: You guys are going to weigh in to "SPECIAL REPORT" land? We got to move on. Up next, should conservatives consider it time to leave this planet behind?


GUTFELD: Does the guy who makes electric cars think it's time to move to Mars? Robo-human hybrid, Elon Musk, warned this week that the rapid global push for green energy will have disastrous consequences, perhaps even worse than my pre-workout bean burritos. That's what got me banned from the 30- minute abs class. Elon's warning comes on the heels of skyrocketing energy prices around the world between bites of a California condors sandwich, he told reporters: "Realistically, I think" -- he eats condors. That's the joke. Those are rare birds. He eats them.

So, this is what he said: "I think we need to use oil and gas in the short term because otherwise civilization will crumble." Adding, that properly switching to a sustainable energy economy will take decades, which is true, or the same amount of time it takes to charge a Tesla. He's not wrong. A global food crisis is coming, if not already here, accelerated by the war in Ukraine and its impact on supply shortages and grain prices. So, it looks like the Biden doctrine is really paying dividends, Harold. I don't know why said that. It felt like twisting the knife. Anyway, maybe it's time for smart people to leave Earth behind and start over on Mars. Liberals can keep ruining the blue planet.

We'll head for the red one, the way people head for red states and a u haul that no one wants to return to California. Of course, it will take nine months to get to Mars and there will be limited food and water during the trip. But that's a piece of cake to anyone who takes Amtrak. Michelle.


GUTFELD: Did you know. So, Mark says 38 percent the gravity of Earth so the sports reporting would be epic.

TAFOYA: Wow. I can't even imagine.

GUTFELD: Is it Elon Musk onto something, though?

TAFOYA: Well, clearly. I mean, I'll tell you a little story, Greg, when I was growing -- look, you and I are of a similar generation.


TAFORA: My, I remember, they said, we got to stop using paper bags in the grocery store because we're ruining all the trees.


TAFOYA: There will be no trees left on the planet. And so, what did they do? They switched to plastic bags. And hasn't that worked out so well?


TAFOYA: I mean, it's just sort of like this knee jerk reaction. This is so bad, got to make a change. Go to plastic bags. Well, plastic bags are so much worse.

GUTFELD: Yes, look what it did to the plastic trees. They're gone. They're gone.

TAFOYA: You can't find a plastic tree anywhere.

GUTFELD: No, you can't.

TAFOYA: Like a turtle's house.

GUTFELD: The plastic Amazon Forest is gone.

TAFOYA: It's gone. The point being that this, some inventions and innovations are revolutionary, like the car. OK. And then we evolve the car into an E.V. over time.


TAFOYA: This stuff has to evolve. We don't have the revolutionary answer yet.

GUTFELD: Harold, are you worried?

TAFOYA: Thank you so much.

GUTFELD: About --

FORD, J.R.: I agree with Michelle, I think, firstly, it took us 40 years ago from coal and natural gas. These transitions don't take place overnight to your point. And I think we have a group of people in politics today who enter politics on both sides, who don't, who have really no sense of history, no sense of how the country, how the country came about, and for that matter how we continue to evolve and grow. Democrats have to understand we cannot switch to, which I think everyone would love a cleaner economy, a cleaner energy economy. I don't think anyone's against that.

GUTFELD: I am, but anyway, go ahead.

FORD: We can't, we can't, we can't get there overnight. We're at (INAUDIBLE) early and a war in Europe right because of energy. And we, I hear the folks in my party some of them who are to the weight left have made say things they hear people who to the way right of me. We've got to figure out how we get together on an understanding history in recognizing that we all want the same thing. But we're not going to get there if we, if we die now trying to get there. We've got fossil fuels, clean cleaner products, natural gas all of this is going to be a part of our energy platform for a long time and it should be.

GUTFELD: I can't wait until you run for president and then they're going to have to say, you know that he was on GUTFELD!.

FORD: All you got to do is (INAUDIBLE) the heckling punt?

GUTFELD: Yes. Bingo. Bingo. Trace, serious question here, will you be equally as handsome on Mars? Sure, that was the question --

GALLAGHER: Apparently, if you go to Mars, you end up looking a lot like Matt Damon.

GUTFELD: Oh, that's ugly.

GALLAGHER: I think it's interesting that comes out and he said, you know, we need, we need oil and we need gas. And at the same time California comes out and says OK, by 2035 everybody needs electric cars. Oh, but by the way this weekend, if you could do us a favor not charge your electric car --


GALLAGHER: -- because we are out of electricity.

GUTFELD: Amazing.

GALLAGHER: How in the world are you going to power 30 million electric cars in 2035 when you can't do 1.3 million today?

GUTFELD: That's a, that's a great point. Jamie, I doubt you have anything as cogent as that. But I'm going to give you the last word anyway. Are you excited about going to Mars? Somebody tells me you might have a better chance with Mars women.

LISSOW: It's possible. I have not, I don't think it's going to work man. I suppose they it takes -- I flew here from Alaska; it was 20 hours flight. It was torture. And it was miserable. To get to Mars, it's seven months. Can you imagine being on a Mars flight and you hear a baby crying and you're like well, they'll grow out of it. I did hear though Southwest says if they end up going to Mars, they will give two bags of peanuts for the seven months.

And you know what I got thinking about on the way I was, I was on a plane and I heard this person not joking -- this person in front of me starts talking about the Mile High Club, like I wonder if people will want to be on like the whatever hundreds of thousands of miles club like on a rocket. Whenever I hear someone's like, oh, I want to be in the Mile High Club, I'm always like, wow, I just want to have sex in a bed. You know, I just want to be in the Mattress High Club.

GUTFELD: Well, maybe this show will help, who knows? Women love pathetic men. I love you, Jamie, for putting up with my (BLEEP). All right, coming up with the economy on the skids, millennials turn to raising stranger's kids.


GUTFELD: Millennials get jobs as nannies, instead of sitting on their fannie's. The New York Post owned by our parent company Preparation-H, reports more and more Ivy League graduates are choosing nanny jobs over lucrative careers in finance. One year ago, the average New York nanny made $20.00 to $25.00 an hour, and now she's dead.

Wow, I didn't expect to see that in the prompter. Anyway, kidding. They're now making 30 to 45 bucks, which by math is more, would you agree?


GUTFELD: OK. They're earning six figures and getting health insurance, dental, vision, paid vacation, all the stuff I deny my staff, because that needs more for me, I say -- more health care. Anyway, but it's a win-win for everyone. Families want qualified professionals with degrees and educated millennials want more money, perks and the opportunity to smack children for sports.

Now, I don't have children that I care about. So, I can't relate, but it seems odd that the story suggests you can only either be in finance or be a nanny. I mean, why don't you combine the two, you know be a nanny who takes care of children, who also knows how to manage the fun finances of a household. I believe we used to call that a housewife.

ANNOUNCER: A sexist would say.

GUTFELD: Trace, what do you make of this? Is this one of those East Coast trends.

GALLAGHER: It makes me laugh because you think, wait a minute. So, the deal here is the parents going to pay you 50, 75, 100 bucks an hour? The government is going to pay off your student loan, and Obama is going to pay your health care. Like, if I can be a live-in nanny or manny, I mean, you could you, could skate free for many, many moons to come.

GUTFELD: And Harold, do you have nannies?

FORD: No, I do not have nannies.

GUTFELD: Good for you.

FORD: The, the -- Trace says, there's some truth to it, we talked while you were, while you were away on "THE FIVE" about these high tuition costs. And if we're going to, if you're going to do what the President is doing here by waiving all of this stuff, you got 43 million Americans impacted by it, 20 million would have all their debt wiped out. It'd be great if we condition it for the things that we need. I mean, if we need more people to help raise kids, if we need more pilots, teachers, family doctors, engineers, plumbers, electricians.

The second thing is we've made it as if everyone has to go to college. And that's the premise kind of what this, what this thing he's done. I like this story because I hope it opens people's eyes and awakens people to the fact that there are alternatives to what people can do, their ways you can make money. And if you make, make money by doing what you love best, you do something really well, which I'm glad you do it. I'm glad you get paid for it. And we wouldn't have an opportunity to see you interview people and give us more insights into why sports, why we love sports.

You do a great job, what you do, you're the best at what you do. Congratulation with the show. Trace, I don't know -- Trace, no, nobody has to do breaking news like you at this network, but you do what you want to do and you have to be happy to get paid for it. That's what we ought to be asking kids and encouraging kids to do at a young age.

GUTFELD: You should be a politician. That's the fastest round of compliments I've ever seen from a living human being.

TAFOYA: Crazy.

GUTFELD: You are going to, he's going to be the next president. I'm pretty -- Jamie, I hesitated to come to you about a question that involve nannies, but was that the reason?

LISSOW: You just made me think of remember that time -- I don't want to bring it -- I just was going to say, remember the Schwarzenegger thing, and when they figured out it was the nanny. Do you know they figured that out because she would lift up the couch and vacuum underneath it. Pay these women --

GUTFELD: That makes no sense because the nanny wasn't the, was the nanny was the one he slept with.

LISSOW: F is also not in the bingo card, Greg.

FORD: Nor is P.

LISSOW: It's, I'm sick, I'm sick of the truth.


LISSOW: You know what, though, for real pay these women or men as much as they possibly can pay because being a parent is like really, really hard, and there's challenges but the rewards you get are that it's your kids. They kind of look like you. They, you maybe they take care of you when you're older. The nanny gets all the bad parts and none of the good parts.


LISSOW: And so, pay them as much as you can, honestly, because in like I babysat for a while I got the feeling that they didn't like totally trust me, like I remember I went into a little boy's room, and there was it was like a nanny -- not a bathroom, like a little boy's room, like a little boy's bedroom.


LISSOW: And they had a teddy bear on a tripod, which I think was a nanny cam. There was a stuffed giraffe with the boom mic. But aren't we look -- I just think that it because it's not your kids, I guess what I'm saying.


LISSOW: Pay as much as you can, because it's not your kids, because, honestly, if babies and puppies were not cute, there would be no dogs or people.

GUTFELD: No, that's true. That's true. That's true. Or we'd eat them?


GUTFELD: Michelle, something you said to me in the green room, why don't we eat babies and puppies? And I said, Michelle, that's disgusting.

TAFOYA: Yes, yes.

GUTFELD: Care to comment on that or anything.

TAFOYA: Yes, I'm mortified, still, that I said that. It's interesting when, when I was coming out of college, you know, all the women then were like, we got to work in corporate America. We're going to be lawyers, and doctors, and -- and now, I think this is really kind of cool, and I disagree with you. I think these young woman gets to go into these nice homes, drive the Mercedes around with the kids in the back, do all the fun stuff. And then at the end of the day, they go OK, see you, I got to go, and they don't have to get married, and they can still have these kids. But I also think this might be a move, Greg, for families to keep their kids out of school and home schooled though, I do.

GUTFELD: Oh, home schooled. Good point. Yes, there you go. That's the solution to everything, homeschool.

TAFOYA: Yes, homeschool. School choice.

GUTFELD: Keep them up off the streets. All right, up next is it impolite to share nude photos in midair?



GUTFELD: Story in five words: pilot fed up with nudes.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Everybody's going to have to get off. We're going to have to get security involved. And it's -- vacation is going to be ruined. So, you folks, whatever that airdrop thing is, when sending naked pictures, let's get yourself to Cabo.


GUTFELD: So, somebody airdropped a nude photo, and I guess the pilot saw it. What the hell -- why does the pilot care?

LISSOW: That's right, that's exactly what had, the airdrop thing It disrupts whatever you're doing on your phone, and it takes it over, it really does. My kids do this all the time, not with nude photos, just joking around like with drawings and stuff. I would like to point out though, this was Southwest Airlines, right, with unassigned seats. We didn't even know if this guy's the pilot or it just got on -- put down your phone, right?


LISSOW: Shouldn't he also put down his phone?

GUTFELD: Yes. Why was he, Harold, what do you make of this? Has this ever happened to you, airdrop invasions?

FORD: I've never, I don't even know how to airdrop and I'm not taking pictures of myself on planes. So, I don't know. I share your view. I don't know. You know, I heard him the thing -- I don't know why he just didn't do his job. He's supposed to fly the plane if he's (INAUDIBLE) to tell people to stop, but if you're going to tell people you're not going to take them on their vacations, you really are going to have a problem.

GUTFELD: My theory, Michelle, is that the person wasn't attractive. If the person was attractive, no one would complain.

TAFOYA: Well --

GUTFELD: Ugly, ugly, naked people. Ugly, naked people. People don't like to see ugly naked people. I read that in the Bible, right?


GUTFELD: Thou shalt not lay with naked ugly people.

LISSOW: Thou shall not --


LISSOW: Remember, don't cover your friend's wife unless she's hot.

GUTFELD: Yes. Terrible.

TAFOYA: I found this a very mature reaction by the pilot, a very adult. Because if let's just say, they were they hadn't taxi yet, or they were taxing about takeoff. So, the airdrop from your phone, it goes -- and you go what is that, and then suddenly there's like a nudie.


TAFOYA: What if it was not just a nudie but like, I don't know if this person took it on the plane.


TAFOYA: You know, they weren't like sitting there going -- I don't know. Maybe they were, maybe they were. I don't know.

GUTFELD: That was a first.

TAFOYA: But the point is if that showed up on your phone as you were trying to focus on getting a plane in the air, I might turn the car around too.

FORD: I thought we can talk bingo.

GUTFELD: Yes, it's a show you never know where it goes, Trace.

LISSOW: Greg is so right all about this not an attractive person. Because if not, he would have been like, hey, we're not going to Cabo unless you send more photos.

GALLAGHER: But how times have changed because this very same pilot five months ago threatened to turn the plane around and bring it back to the gate because the guy in C-23 bingo was nude, and if you didn't put his mask back on, he wanted to get back to the gate.

GUTFELD: Was that true?

GALLAGHER: Oh, it's not true. It's a bingo joke.

GUTFELD: You know what.

GALLAGHER: I'm trying to get bingo --

GUTFELD: I'm going back on vacation. I thought I'd be welcome here.

LISSOW: Oh my God.

GUTFELD: That was funny. I thought it was real. Don't go away, we'll be right back.


GUTFELD: We're out of time. Thanks to Michelle Tafoya, Harold Ford Jr., Trace Gallagher, Jamie Lissow, studio audience. "FOX NEWS @ NIGHT" with Gillian Turner is next. I'm Greg Gutfeld, I love you America.

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