'Gutfeld!' on The Beatles' split

This is a rush transcript of "Gutfeld!" on October 11, 2021. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GREG GUTFELD, FOX NEWS CHANNEL HOST: Yes. Here we are. Happy, Happy Monday, everyone or as Kat likes to call it IV drip day. Because, you know, her weekends are a little rough. So this show is doing great. And I know this because I actually read the mail. While my young assistant Clive reads them to me, as I lay in my hammock and he feeds me grapes. He actually shoots them at me. Quite a talent.

And a lot of the male says Greg, this show is doing great. Also, dude, you really been working out? And well, it's like you get taller every day. Signed at Neil Patrick Harris. But I get a few complaints. A lot about not enough camera shots of Kat's feet. I forgot I gave Varney my e-mail. But mostly it's about swearing. We swear too much on the show. And I agree. Swearing can get an easy laugh and it feels good.

But I don't like it when we overdo it. So why am I saying this? Well, because we're (BLEEP) Sorry. There's no other word to describe the current situation we are in. (BLEEP) Think about it. As we criminalize parenting we decriminalize criminals. As we target people trying to protect their kids, we protect those trying to target us. We're living in a time when we play, catch and release with deranged criminals, picking them up, and then tossing them back into the general population.

Like a fisherman releasing an underweight bass. It's now a game of Russian Roulette. The government's the gun, the bullet is the criminal and you're the target. Meanwhile, all the secure lives sit in their safe beds watching Squid Game on Netflix. A drama from South Korea where people are randomly killed in a series of children's games. You know, think hide and go seek with machetes.

I enjoyed the first episode but then I was done because I didn't need to watch it. I can just walk outside and see it for real on my streets. Jermaine Foster, a sick maniac who just allegedly robbed one woman on Saturday, then knocked another woman to the ground. Maria Ambrosio. A 58- year-old cancer nurse. She fell suffered a mortal head wound and died a day later. This occurred in the afternoon in Times Square.

You know the only time decent people will venture there. It was once the number one tourist capital, but now it's Squid Game. Everyone there is either a criminal, a victim or wearing an Elmo costume. But of course, here comes the second part of the story. Like clockwork, the fiend had been arrested before but was released. So tell me again how racist the justice system is. Maybe the middle-aged Filipino women.

The perp was nailed on a groping charge. And like most other heinous thugs, the victims were women. This story gets repeated more often than Seinfeld. If he'd been in jail and received the mental health treatment that we pay for this wouldn't have happened. You know, like when a republican was mayor. But did you know the current mayor's wife runs in $800 million program designed to help the mentally ill people. It's only help two so far, the mayor and his wife.

There's more nuts on the streets now than after an explosion at the Planters factory. $800 million. No one knows where the money went. I think patio furniture and weed. Meanwhile, the mayor's son gets chauffeured by actual detectives to and from the drugstore. Make sense. De Blasio doesn't want his son to be a victim of the crime wave he's responsible for. This as Attorney General Merrick Garland directs the FBI to investigate parents as domestic terror threats.

Yet flat Earthers have more evidence in support of its claims. As real homicide rates skyrocket. He's focusing on claims of harassment against school boards. Yes, he's right. You've seen all those videos of parents following teachers in the bathrooms with their cell phones? Screaming at school board members while they're trying to have a quiet dinner in a restaurant? Going to people's homes and chanting with bull horns in the middle of the night? Oh wait, that's his team. So let's imagine where this might end up.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: What are you in for?

JOE MACHI, COMEDIAN: I married a guy. How about you, Dog?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Oh, I asked a question about masks at a school board meeting.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: All right, Inmate number two. Back to the Dalhousie station.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: What about my baby?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: He'll raise them.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: He murdered people.

MACHI: Just one.


GUTFELD: Those are better than New Yorker cartoons. So perhaps it's a game of deflection. Create mass hysteria from a fake problem to distract from the real problems. But it's hard to get distracted from your stolen car, clothes business and knife wound. But people keep dying from black teens in Chicago to Asian women in Manhattan. And they don't matter because their suffering serves no political purpose. Those black lives don't matter to Black Lives Matter.

So it's real criminals roam free in the streets like moose in Alaska, and parents of all colors get demonized for caring about their kid's education. What are you left with? An activist government creating activist parents, for the surest way to red pill hundreds of millions of Americans is to call them terrorists. And the second surest way is to protect the thugs as you do that. Put all of this -- put all of us in harm's way. Now the tide turns. A red tide, if you will.

And like a red tide, small anti-government activist groups are going to come to the surface and bloom. We've seen movements come and go. Perot back in the 90s. The Tea Party, Black Lives Matter, line dancing. It's time for a parent's movement that stands up to this bowel movement we call a government. Safe streets and good schools are a popular idea no matter what news channel you watch.

And why pay taxes to a government that chooses the side that victimizes you? It's like continuing to give the schoolyard bully your lunch money day after day. Having to respect a government that sees you as a bigger threat than al Qaeda? While citizens get murdered in broad daylight. It's time for a new Black Lives Matter. Call it All Lives Matter. Oh, but that's racist, Greg (BLEEP) self.

Sorry. I'm sorry that I swore and I apologize for any future swearing, but it's time we gave (BLEEP) because if we don't, we won't have any left to give.


GUTFELD: Let's welcome tonight's guests. When she says tickets to the gun show she means her biceps and her gun. Fox News contributor Lara Trump. He's got a pornstar's name and a Lego figures hair. Radio and podcast host, Buck Sexton. The fire department no longer responds when this cat gets stuck in a tree. Fox News Contributor Kat Timpf. And he's strong enough to beat you in wrestling and smart enough to correct your spelling. My massive sidekick and the NWA World Television Champion, Tyrus.

So, Laura, number one I apologize for being course in front of you.

LARA TRUMP, FOX NEWS CHANNEL CONTRIBUTOR: I'm highly offended. I'm actually going to go.

GUTFELD: Well, I -- before you go, why don't you gloat a little bit? Because you have left New York.


GUTFELD: You're gone. But this is not just New York. This is happening in a lot of cities.

TRUMP: Yes. Well, and you see why. I mean you just laid out the foundation for the reason that so many people have left New York, have left California people are using -- losing congressional candidates in -- congressional seats in in states across the country because people don't want to live like this. You set it exactly right. You want safe streets, you want good schools for your kids and if you don't have that, why would you stay in a place?

And people aren't. And I am proudly a Florida resident.


TRUMP: I come back from time to time just to do GUTFELD! obviously because it's the greatest show on late night T.V.

GUTFELD: Thank you. I think you should have stopped at the greatest show on T.V.

TRUMP: On T.V, Period.

GUTFELD: Yes, yes. Exactly.

TRUMP: But truly, it's so sad to see what has happened to cities like New York. This used to be one of the great cities in the world and gosh, I hope it comes back but it doesn't look like we're on that trajectory right now.

GUTFELD: Yes. Someone who of -- Buck they'll say but we've got great restaurants and great Broadway shows. And you really can't say that anymore because the -- a lot of the restaurants aren't open. I have a better question. What -- because you're smart.


GUTFELD: Yes, yes. I.Q. about 170 maybe.

SEXTON: Seventy-five.

GUTFELD: It's 175. Why can't we stop catch and release? And why aren't the politicians in these cities do any -- doing anything about this?

SEXTON: Oh, boy. There's so many things. People keep focusing on defund the police which is horrible. And now they're actually refunding police in cities like Austin where they cut the budget by 100-plus million. And guess what, they had their highest every year of murders. I mean, this is true in cities across the country but it's prosecutor's offices too. I have friends in the New York City district attorney's office.

And they won't prosecute more minor crimes because they know that they're getting pressure from above. The political winds have changed so much that they're not allowed to really enforce a lot of these laws. This is why if you go to the Duane Reade, that's on the corner, I live right around here. Everything is in plastic. You can't actually get -- if you want to get four different things, you have to press the little button and then the tired, annoyed employee has to calm and open it up for you slowly.

I mean, I go to work every day and tape a T.V. show next to what is one of those homeless shelters that's actually a hotel that all the folks here we're paying taxes are paying for. And it is -- out in front of me and it's like a refugee camp. People are cooking food, they're smoking weed, there's open air heroin usage.


GUTFELD: Wait. Where is this?




GUTFELD: I mean --


GUTFELD: Don't jump to like some damning conclusions just yet. This sounds like a hell of a time.

SEXTON: There is a love musically. That is -- that is the thing.

GUTFELD: I think there -- I think there's a certain coziness between these hotels and the politicians. There -- those hotels are full and they're getting the full price I bet, right?

SEXTON: And of course all the usual rules, the quality of life stuff, the broken windows --

GUTFELD: It doesn't matter.

SEXTON: None of that -- none of that stuff matters right now because once you stop enforcing some of it, I mean, there are Mad Max style drag races with all illegal vehicles and they actually look like it's at a Mad Max. The ATVs, they got like spikes on the side. They won't do anything about it.

GUTFELD: I've seen that on a sidewalk when they're going up sidewalks in an ATV.

SEXTON: That was me. Should you have gotten out of the way.

GUTFELD: That's true. Yes. I remember you were shirtless. You know, Kat.


GUTFELD: This is the biggest crime increase in my lifetime. And granted, I'm only 35. But still, it's very dramatic. And as a woman, how do you feel about this? That's a really generic question.

TIMPF: I am a woman. And I feel in this essay, I will. So, I don't like that. I can't go walk my dog outside at night without being scared. You know, because in apartments, they're small.


TIMPF: Everyone has a small apartment in New York, most people. Not everyone's you, Greg. You have to go out and do stuff but if you're a woman and you're by yourself, you have to be worried about going out and doing stuff?


TIMPF: Which -- so then you have to sit at home with your husband.

GUTFELD: Oh, God forbid I told you it's going to be over mere months.

TIMPF: No. We're very happy.

GUTFELD: But your point -- your point is well taken in the sense that somebody like you will or any of us can move. But there are elderly people here. There are poor people that grew up here that can't go anywhere and they have to deal with this stuff. The little old lady can't go to the CVS anymore, because none of her stuffs there or she'll get pushed and killed, Tyrus. That was more like a statement than a question.

TYRUS: Yes. Because I'm not trying to push and kill any old ladies anytime soon. It's not really cost effective. Doesn't get the respect you used to. What are in for? Oh, got three grandmas. I was like my guy.


GUTFELD: Why is it now -- it is weird that it's more women and I thought that was always kind of off limits, you know.

TYRUS: Here's the thing and I've given us a lot of thought because as, you know, we talk about - we don't really talk about the show. You kind of get a rundown and you always kind of look for a funny end of stuff. But the joke is kind of on us.


TYRUS: And you monologue, made a great point because we are slowly, we -- they keep talking about the coup that happened January 6th. There is a coup happening right now to our American way of life where we are trying to be turned into a welfare state. Where Americans only hang out around their mailbox for their checks. And that's it. Why go to work right? Be a part of -- we see -- I went to get gas this week. It was 100 bucks to fill.

It stopped which means my truck still wasn't filled up because it spots out at 100.


TYRUS: Now I'm lucky I have a good career. But for Joe and Anna who are paying taxes is this country, they're getting killed. And you take all the working away, you take -- you let -- you let all the minor criminals out. So we're hearing about murder, but I couldn't imagine what assault is up. Rape is up. All these things and people aren't reporting because there's no one coming to the door.


TYRUS: So the coup is not January 6th, it is right now and we need to really make sure that everyone gets out and vote and does something to stop what's going to go on because it is scary. And I'm a six-eight guy who owns (BLEEP) guns and I give zero (BLEEP) if someone messes with me. But not everybody's me.

GUTFELD: Yes. That is true. Not everybody is you.

TYRUS: And they don't attack me.


TYRUS: They attack the little old lady.


TYRUS: There's -- no one's going to do anything about it.

GUTFELD: Yes. It's brutal. All right. Up next. Lighter fare trying to keep a straight face while Kamala talks about space.


GUTFELD: Kamala tells kids forget the haters. Let's focus on the craters. In a new NASA video selling kids on space exploration, Vice President Harris comes off as fake as the moon landing. She mentioned her own passion for exploring the unknown, which in her case means the southern border. For some reason Harris, who serves as chair of the National Space council spoke to the adolescents as if they had head injuries.

I guess it's a habit she picked up from talking to Biden all day. Although even these he -- so mean. But then again, even these kids would have done a better job withdrawing from Afghanistan, which makes me wonder does Kamala love the idea of exploring the unknown and are there things we just haven't figured out or discovered yet?


KAMALA HARRIS, VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: I just loved the idea of exploring the unknown. And then there's others (INAUDIBLE) we just haven't figured out or discovered yet.


GUTFELD: I think that explains why they think men can have babies. But it's great to see her acting totally relatable for once. Speaking of which those kids were paid child actors. Great actors they are considering Kamala has got all the warmth of ice fishing with Hillary Clinton. But will these kids get to see the Craters of the Moon with their own eyes? And will it be unbelievable?


HARRIS: You guys are going to see, you're going to literally see the craters on the moon with your own eyes. With your own eyes, I'm telling you, it is going to be unbelievable.


GUTFELD: We sure she's not high, because she's really happy. We -- if they want to see something unbelievable, show them sleepy Joe awake after 5:00 p.m. But it was the first time she came into contact with children. They had to briefer that they're smaller, dumber versions of adults. Seriously, wait until you guys see the moon, I'm telling you. I don't know what it is about those craters on the moon.


HARRIS: Wait until you guys see the moon. I'm telling you. I just -- I don't know what it is about those craters on the moon.


GUTFELD: I don't know either. Quick reminder that you don't need a NASA telescope to see the craters on the moon. Or you can check out the Harris- Biden economy. That's cratering too. A little fun with language, Kat. Why does she always come off as inauthentic? Is it because she is?

TIMPF: Yes. This was not live, right?


TIMPF: It was filmed. I want to see the other takes like --

TYRUS: No, you don't.

TIMPF: If these were the best takes where she was the most relatable and normal. What did the other tics look like? The sad thing is, you can't teach this right? Like she clearly has no understanding of how to just be a person that has feelings and an interest in others. So that's probably why we haven't seen her around very much.

GUTFELD: Yes. You know what, Buck, they actually hired image consultants to make her a real person.


GUTFELD: Isn't that great?

SEXTON: You have to wonder at this point you Democrats feel like the better option is to keep trying things that maybe she will look either competent or likable in or just to completely sidetrack her because, you know, there's a big theory out there that she's going to be the one who steps in for Biden who the more he wanders off when the Secret Service is calling him and everything else that she's supposed to step in.

I feel like you see stuff like this and it's a reminder that outside the New York Times editorial page in the CNN Green Room, not even Democrats.


SEXTON: Like for as a candidate say, oh, well, she was a senator from California. She knew the California political machinery and made her way up through that machinery. She's not somebody that has the common touch. He's not somebody that people can relate to. So I don't think it's going to change anytime soon. Oh, and I love it when she used to try to get away with things like saying she'd been to the border when she hadn't been to the border.

And just assumed like you guys are in the media. You're supposed to get along with this. You're not going to call me out on this. And even Lester Holt was like, Lady, you got to calm down. This has gotten too much. This is too far.

GUTFELD: You know, Tyrus, my theory is that they tried to get her as far away from any practical issue. So why not outer space?

TYRUS: You know, there was a moment there when she was like, I was kind of hopeful that she was telling the kids you're going to love the craters.


TYRUS: Because I think that's the first time in history anyone's ever loved the crater. Especially kids, you get a crater on your face. It's like the worst thing ever. So, I was waiting for it. If you look under your seats, everybody, there's a helmet and we're going to the moon like, then the kids would have been like, yes. But instead they're going to be like, look through this magnifying --look through the thing, and you can go see the moon.

And the kids like walking, I can still --

TRUMP: Still there.

TYRUS: Still see it. Like this -- they had to be child actors because I've done a commercial with kids. And the ad had their moms there with -- making them smile and laugh, but I just -- I don't know the system but it's like, I know you can't have it all.


TYRUS: You can't be smart and -- well, I guess you can but --


GUTFELD: Complimented you.

TIMPF: That was very sweet.


SEXTON: -- very nice.

TYRUS: Oh no. I was taking about me. She has no -- I'm just going to say it. She has no personality. She would be better served to be like I'm the V.P. and I don't like nobody.

GUTFELD: Yes, exactly.

TYRUS: Especially kids. One thing real quick, which is crazy. The reality T.V. star was the last president.


TYRUS: But all the movie sets and fake stuff is the woke president.

TRUMP: Happening now. Thank you.

GUTFELD: So fun and brilliant. Laura, I think Tyrus is on to something. I am terrible with kids. I don't pretend to be good with kids. Why bother pretending, you know?

TRUMP: They're just really trying to force a square peg in a round hole here.


TRUMP: And it's almost insulting. I feel to the American people at a certain point because there is a crisis on our southern border, Kamala Harris.


TRUMP: In case you haven't noticed, it's like she's folding origami in her bedroom and her, you know, front door is on fire. She doesn't even care --


TRUMP: -- that there isn't a real situation that she is supposed to be addressing. We have a NASA video with children and she looks ridiculous and obviously is trying way too hard. It's very uncomfortable to watch that.

GUTFELD: It's odd though.

TRUMP: But they're trying to force it. Man, are they trying to and it's not worth.

TIMPF: Yes. To be fair, I don't think I could do well in a room full of kids.

GUTFELD: Although -- you know what, they -- she couldn't handle illegal aliens. Maybe it's space aliens.




TYRUS: And there was only two words on the prep.

TRUMP: You're not going to be able to call them that --


GUTFELD: Undocumented extraterrestrial.


TYRUS: There was two words. Crater and the moon. Nothing else.

GUTFELD: All right. Up next, Jon Stewart gets pissed if you tell him canceled culture exists.


GUTFELD: He would rather preach than worry about free speech. Yes. Jon Stewart shows he's out of touch by calling cancel culture a crutch. In an interview promoting his new show "The Problem with Jon Stewart. Jon claims canceled culture is a myth.


JON STEWART, COMEDIAN: People that talk about cancel culture never seem to shut (BLEEP) up. Look, the Internet has democratized criticism. What do we do for a living? We (BLEEP) talk. We criticize. We postulate. We opine. We make jokes. And now other people are having their say, and that's not canceled culture, that's relentlessness.


GUTFELD: Whoa, hold on their beard guy. You're not talking about cancel culture. You just described how an Internet comment section works. Cancel culture is about people losing careers, not telling people you suck in a chat room. I know you've been out of the game, but read up a little before you call something a myth.

But it's easy for Stewart to call cancel culture a myth. It's not like you really ever had to worry about the mob coming for him, when they already approved of his talking points. And it's not about famous TV stars with F.U. money getting canceled. It's about parents, business owners, even refugees who can lose it all when the mob comes for them.

Like University Michigan Music Professor Bryce Shang, he was born in China in the 1950s and survived Mao's cultural revolution. That's something. But now, he's being accused of racism for screening the 1965 version of Shakespeare's "A Fellow" in one of his classes, because Laurence Olivier wore blackface to play a fellow. He's apologized profusely, but students still demanded he be fired for making the classroom, an unsafe space.

And now, he stepped down from his role. That's one example. And there are more. But Jon is still stuck in the prison of two ideas. If someone complains about a problem, he'd rather say, no, that doesn't exist than actually listened to the complaint itself. But I guess that's why the show is called "The Problem with Jon Stewart." The title fits.

So, Kat, what do you -- why would he say -- do you think it's just him being lazy, that he just didn't bother to look up what cancel, because every night you hear about people losing their jobs?

TIMPF: Yes, I think that that has to be the case. Also, because he doesn't, as you said, have to worry about cancel culture, he has enough money, he doesn't have to worry about it. But it is not the same as people being mean to you on the Internet. You don't have to look that hard to find examples of people who got lost their jobs.


TIMPF: You just, you Google it. It doesn't take that much work. So, I -- think laziness has to be the only the only explanation for it, because there's a lot of examples.

GUTFELD: Yes, that -- there's at least we do probably three segments on this week, Lara, it's not that hard if we're doing it.

LARA TRUMP, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: Yes. Everyone knows that.


TRUMP: Especially this show. No, I mean, I think. he maybe this is what he would like it to be that cancel culture isn't a real thing. It's a real thing. people's lives are forever changed, because they said the wrong thing, because they supported the wrong candidate, because they are not going along with what the mainstream media, and you know, the political elite want them to. It's a real thing, Jon, I hate to tell you, and it's affected a lot of people. So, I mean, I'm going to say he's wrong. I disagree. Wholeheartedly.

GUTFELD: You'll shall be canceled. No, you won't.

TRUMP: Probably.

GUTFELD: You know --

TRUMP: We've been canceled, in the Trump family, a million.

GUTFELD: Yes, yes.

TRUMP: You can't cancel anyone more than we have been. So, bring it on. We're ready for more. Anytime.

GUTFELD: Is he just inside a bubble?

TYRUS, FOX NEWS CHANNEL CONTRIBUTOR: No, I think he's trying to get in the bubble. I think -- no, I think he's trying to pick a lane. He's trying to get noticed. We're talking about it. It worked.

GUTFELD: Right? That's true.

TYRUS: Do you think his plan was to walk away from a really successful TV show because he was done and he was over it? And then when he came back, he streaming? Do you think that's the desire of the show? That he was probably shocked that Comedy Central was like well, we're going to stick with the other guy, or when we can't bring you back because it would take away from this. So, he's on a streaming service now in his office, nice decoy, he really went all out.

But the point is, the point is, he is trying to find the lane, he's going to be cancel culture's champion, which will probably get the viewership up until they roll back a joke, he made 20 years ago, and then that'll be it for him. So, it again, it's always the same thing with the cancer culture.

Stop being the frog because the scorpions going to sting you but we're talking about him again and for a guy who I thought had nothing left to do and moved on grew the beard, he was -- he had moved, he's a civilian now. And now, the thirst, that he's back and he's bitter, so he sounds like he's -- can't, he wants a Big C. on his chest. He's the champion of cancel because it's just relentlessness.

GUTFELD: I didn't get part of it is, part of it is that he has nothing to worry about. Like he, I don't know if they'll ever find anything that will -- the mob. Well, I'm wrong, there probably is something.

TYRUS: They -- Greg, realize that, Bill Maher, Obama, all these guys that were the enemies of the right in terms of debate and policy are now closer to us, and they're more alienated by the left so he's, he's needs -- these trying to get on the right side or wrong.

BUCK SEXTON, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: Yes, but he's not going to get cancelled, and he knows that. I mean, he's beyond the point where he's in a perch where I think anybody even really cares to your point about trying to be relevant again, and really what cancel culture is just weaponized political correctness.

So, these ideas existed before but now because of the Internet and because of social de-platforming, you can actually get a mob all together and attack somebody a private person not as that to be a public person. I think he knows that at some level, but this is part of the tactics too. He used to do clown nose on, clown nose off, right?

One moment, he's like, oh, I'm just making poop jokes, the next minute he's interviewed the Secretary of Defense and complaining about some aspect of war policy and wants to be taken seriously and he would do it you know back in --

TIMPF: Oh no, that's the dream though.

SEXTON: Well, I'm just saying, but you know he would and then when he would get pushed but that's fine by the way, but when he would get pushed back he'd be like oh I just have you know, I just have a show before people that are doing prank phone calls. But what they do with canceled culture is they say that it doesn't exist and then you say, hold on a second, yes it does. Yes, it does. And they go, oh, actually it's accountability culture.


SEXTON: Keep running around in the circle so that people don't actually ever stop and realize this is absurd it's insane and it ruins people's lives. And it, it's endemic on the left, it doesn't exist among conservatives.

GUTFELD: That's a, it's an interesting point. It's like rather than actually argue a point, you change the terminology.

SEXTON: This is what they do with CRT by the way. CRT went from --

GUTFELD: Yes, yes.

SEXTON: CRT went from it doesn't exist. You don't know what it means. They're not actually teaching it to shut up or put the DOJ on your front step with the FBI agents in the windbreakers. That's what happened.

GUTFELD: All right. Let's move on. Shall we? OK, Greg. All right. Coming up, McCartney says your loco if you blame him instead of Yoko.


GUTFELD: Jon said, I'm leaving to be with Yoko. And Paul said, is this some kind of joke-o? Yes, Paul McCartney settles the score on who broke up the Fab Four, in a BBC interview that will be broadcast next month that we won't be listening to.

Paul McCartney pushes back on the narrative that he was the reason that The Beatles broke up more than 50 years ago. That's a long time. Saying the real reason was that Jon was making a new life with Yoko, added Paul: "Jon walked into a room one day and said I'm leaving The Beatles. Is that instigating the split or not?"

Well, maybe that's how they wrote Hello, goodbye. McCartney insisted that he has no hard feelings against Yoko, and that she and Jon were a great couple. But he does hope to outlive Ringo. That's a lie. But let's not forget that following Lennon's departure, the music took a noticeable turn.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Yesterday all my troubles seem so --


GUTFELD: My theory, Tyrus, is like, OK, I believe that Lennon was right to get out then, because if the Beatles had stuck around as a group, they would have put out lesser and lesser quality products and they'd be rich. But they'd be like you too. Like you too should have stopped after unforgettable fire. Or maybe what's the album with the --

TYRUS: Joshua Tree?

GUTFELD: Joshua Tree -- what's the -- OK, maybe they did a lot, a lot of good albums.

TRUMP: Theory is wrong.

GUTFELD: Aerosmith.

TRUMP: It's over.

GUTFELD: Aerosmith. After Toys in the Attic? I don't know.

TYRUS: I'm sorry, man. But --


TYRUS: Did anyone wake up this morning going we've got to find out? No, no, no, no kids, we're not going to school today. Daddy's got to know was it Ringo? was a yo-yo? Was it Jon? Was it the man? And we already know it's Ringo. Ringo did it.


TYRUS: He was the one going back and forth, telling each guy he was better than he really was. And he'd be like, man, if Paul, if you were in charge, man, I'd get more drum solos. And then he would go to Jon and be like, hey, Paul said I could get more drum solos if you sang less? So, we know who did it. We know who did it. It was Ringo's punk ass who did it. He, he broke the team up.

GUTFELD: That's it. You know what, I did, that's the first time I've ever heard anybody blame Ringo. He was in a great movie called "Caveman." I don't know if anybody saw that --

TRUMP: I had a bird named Ringo. I was a huge Beatles fan growing up, and I don't really know why.

TYRUS: And then Ringo ruined it.

TRUMP: And then, but I had a bird named Ringo that my mom made me giveaway, but I got a dog.

TYRUS: And so, Ringo let you down. Ringo let you down. Never name anything Ringo.

GUTFELD: But you shouldn't apologize for being a Beatles fan. It's one of the greatest --

TRUMP: No, I know, but it's so funny because my parents never listened to the Beatles that much. And I just found them. And they are one of the greatest musical acts of all times, obviously. And so, I love them, but I saw somebody This is not my idea, I saw somebody posts online earlier: Yoko Ono was to the Beatles what Meghan Markel is to the royal family. That's not mine, and I'm not saying that. I'm just throwing it out there.

GUTFELD: That implies that Prince Harry has talent. You know what's funny? Buck, you know what's funny to me is that when I was growing up, The Beatles were the good band and the Rolling Stones was the scary band and that surely the Rolling Stones would be the one that would disintegrate, you know, because they were the bad boys. And here you are, it's like 60 years the stones have been around.

SEXTON: Clearly, the Beatles had great hairstyles so we can start with that.


SEXTON: And beyond that, I would say --

GUTFELD: Are you saying that because your hair looks like a --

SEXTON: I mean, this guy looks like he's, you know, McCartney on the far right there. I think he's got a good (INAUDIBLE). But I will say this, I might the only person up here thinks The Beatles are a little overrated? Let's just take this for a second. Let's just take this for a second.

TRUMP: No, but they change music.

TIMPF: That is an exhausting take. So many people have -- oh, the Beatles aren't even good. You're like I'm going to come on the show and be a bad ass.


TIMPF: I'm too cool for The Beatles. Let's see what you got, Buck Sexton.

SEXTON: I just said they're a little overrated. I didn't say they're bad.

TIMPF: I'd love to hear, I'd love to hear an album from you. You and Clay Travis, work on it.

SEXTON: Clay has (INAUDIBLE) ear for music, I'll have you.

TIMPF: Beatles aren't even good. It's The Beatles.

SEXTON: And I get to see businesses, it's the propaganda, it's big music. They're telling you, you have to like, it's your point by the way do we even care why they broke up at this point? No, we do not.

TYRUS: They broke up.

SEXTON: They broke up. No one really cares.

TYRUS: Hey mom and dad, why did you get divorced? You want the truth?

SEXTON: I'm going to ask you a question Ms. Kat Timpf, when was the last time --

TIMPF: You can ask me whatever you want.

SEXTON: When was the last time you listened to a song by The Beatles on Spotify, do not lie?

TIMPF: I did it on vinyl on Sunday.

SEXTON: On vinyl?

TIMPF: Yesterday, yes.

SEXTON: I am choking on the pretension right now. (INAUBLE) actually has vinyl.

TIMPF: Is it pretension or do I actually know what I'm talking about?

TYRUS: So, Ringo did it --

GUTFELD: Kat, isn't it the finger stories that no matter how well you get along in a band, no matter what you end up hating each other. Is that kind of how it happens?

TIMPF: Yes. Yes.

TRUMP: Too much time together.

GUTFELD: Boy, there was a TV show that I could reference.


GUTFELD: But I won't.

TIMPF: No, we'll never break up.

GUTFELD: Yes, yes.

SEXTON: It answers my question, I am the only person who thinks they're overrated.

TYRUS: No, I'm not, I'm a stones guy, Led Zeppelin guy, and I'm big Beatle guy.

TRUMP: You could be all, Tyrus.

TYRUS: Yes, it's the, the hairdos, the bowl cut?

GUTFELD: Beatles did, did some really interesting things. There's -- and they created basic, they basically created psychedelic music.

TIMPF: They changed music forever, but that's not for Buck Sexton.

GUTFELD: What do you listen to in your shag wagon?

TIMPF: Kesha?

GUTFELD: Your shagging wagon?

SEXTON: I told you about Kesha as a friend. You're not supposed to tell people.

GUTFELD: You listen to Kesha?

SEXTON: You're not supposed to tell people about --

TYRUS: Who are you? Ladies and gentlemen, Katherine Timpf is here!

GUTFELD: You threw him under the Kesha bus.

TYRUS: And backed it up on him.

SEXTON: The besides of Lady Gaga or something good old red blooded American --

TYRUS: But I think we can all in this segment on one thing: Ringo did it.


SEXTON: Ringo did it, hashtag.

GUTFELD: We must move on. That should have been our A block. Up next, older mobsters bemoan at young gangsters on their phone.


GUTFELD: You won't become a maid man while using the unlimited plan. According to The Wall Street Journal, older New York mob bosses are fearful of handing over the reins to the next generation of wise guys. The problem: millennials do too much texting. Apparently, the aging members who grew up in the suburbs, instead of the city, are softer and dumber, and didn't learn the business, absolving carbs, and carbs, and public school -- did I read that correctly?

And now, the younger cellphone-obsessed mobsters keep sending texts that make crimes all too easy to prove in court. Last month, alleged mobster Rob D'Amato was forced to turn himself in on a racketeering charge after his son tweeted a photo of him relaxing in a pool. So, you can see how this could be crushing to a business that is based on a code of silence. Just listen to the secret mob recording we obtained today.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Frankie, I don't know what the hell these kids are talking about. I like things clear like asking about the guy who did the thing.



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: That's left-over lasagna. Come on!

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: What about BTW? Is that Big Tony the Weasel? And BFF -- that's Biscotti for Friday, right?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: No, no, no it means Blast his (BLEEP) Face off.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I'm pretty sure TMI means Tommy Marino's an Informant. Are we going to kill this SOB, or what? TGIF, That Goombah Is Finished.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Hold on, my food is here.


GUTFELD: Buck, you were in law enforcement, I didn't even know there were still mobsters.

SEXTON: Well, the mobsters names have changed. They used to be scary things like Frankie "Two Toes," and Jimmy "The Scar," and now it's Casper "The Latte Drinker from Brooklyn," right? Like it's, it's changed according to the new guys, but I will say this too. They say that they don't like that they use the social media stuff, because it's not a good idea. It turns out having actually worked on some terrorism cases, even when you say things like, yes, I want a crate of papayas and they say, oh great, bring those papayas, how much will they be? And they say, $30,000 a crate. Law enforcement tends to figure out that you're not selling papayas, it turns out that they could actually figure these things out. And then beyond that when you're, when you're looking at the use of social media a lot of these guys from especially the 80s the 90s like the mafia dons, the ones with the scary names.


SEXTON: They sound really scary. But then if you saw them, yes, like it's like a little sort of hunched over guy looks like he'd be running a pizzeria somewhere. I don't think that they would be as scary in the social media era when people saw them. I think that people would realize that these are just, these guys are you know, the guy is like --

TIMPF: So now, mob bosses are not scary enough for you.

TYRUS: Did something happened at the back? Was he in your make up chair? Did something happen?

TIMPF: No, no, no, I don't know.

GUTFELD: You know, Laura, I think things went downhill when mobs, mobsters exchanged suits for sweat suits, right? Like the sweat pants.

TRUMP: You don't like the casual look.

GUTFELD: Yes, I want my mobsters to be well-dressed.

TRUMP: Yes, I hear it. Well, it gets tough I think for the older mobsters now with all the technical stuff. You know, it's hard for them to find the right emoji to say that I just tuned to guy up. You know what I mean? So, I could see how this could be a little frustrating for the mob. But you know, what can you say if we're bringing the mob down? Maybe that's a good thing. I don't know. Am I the only one that doesn't think that this is a bad thing that they're we're taking them down?

GUTFELD: I like, I thought the mob, the mob did a good job taking care of their neighborhood, right? I only watch movies.

TYRUS: I don't know, I'm taking crazy pills today. We're talking about the Beatles, who's really in charge for them breaking up? And now, criminals are pissed because they're afraid they're young son so they trained to be criminals are going to get caught because they might tweet. Isn't the problem that you are training your son to be a criminal? Like, you know what I'm saying, why do you mob bosses get a pass? You know what I'm saying like, I don't care --

GUTFELD: That's a great point.

TYRUS: Jimmy "The Tornado" or whatever, you either go to jail because your dumb ass was on your mama's phone talking about killing somebody or somebody one of your friends he played golf with everyday shoot you in the face and buries you in the (INAUDIBLE) and we're worried about who's tweeting?

GUTFELD: Yes, what are we doing?

TYRUS: So, I'm going to stop right now.

GUTFELD: Last word, Kat.

TIMPF: It's concerning but you know text messaging was going to be the end of all of us someday. You just, you know, you feel like you're it's your journal but it's not, it's another person's.

TRUMP: There are some people that do not get text. There are some people I know that they say I don't receive texts, then they're smarter than all of us.

TYRUS: Didn't they end being president?

TRUMP: No, no, those are e-mails. Yes. He doesn't send e-mails, my father- in-law.

GUTFELD: All right, we got to move on. We'll be right back.


GUTFELD: We are out of time. Thanks to Lara Trump, Buck Sexton, Kat Timpf, Tyrus, our studio audience. "FOX NEWS @ NIGHT" with evil Shannon Bream is next. I'm Greg Gutfeld and I love you, America.

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