Greta: Open season on cops - why are our leaders quiet?
'Off the Record,' 9/1/15: It seems like our police officers have a target on their backs. Where are President Obama and nation's top cop, Attorney General Loretta Lynch?
By Greta Van Susteren
Let's go "Off the Record." Last night, I took you to the National Law Enforcement Memorial. This, after 21 killings of police officers so far this year, four of those murders in just the last 10 days.
And now, 24 hours later, another police officer shot and killed, this time in Illinois. Now, we don't yet know the circumstances surrounding that killing, but isn't it obvious that police have a big target on their backs? Almost an open season on police?
Just last weekend, participants in a Black Lives Matters march in Indianapolis were chanting, "Pigs in the blanket, fry them like bacon." You know what they meant by that chant.
And meanwhile, why are our leaders so quiet? I'm talking about America's top lawyer, Attorney General Loretta Lynch, and President Obama? Both need to be making very public statements about these police murders and it's not enough to issue a written statement. Their statements need to be on camera, a full-throated condemnation of this violence on police. Our police deserve that, their families deserve that, and the nation needs that.
And that's my "Off the Record" comment