Grapevine: DEA agents allegedly ran strip club as side job

And now some fresh pickings from the Political Grapevine...


Lots of people have side jobs--

But owning a strip club -- while working for the Drug Enforcement Agency -- and lying about it -- is a big problem.

A now-retired DEA Assistant Special Agent-in-charge -- and an IT specialist -- are charged with falsifying national security forms -- and lying during background-checks.

They are accused of failing to disclose outside employment -- that could put them  -- in proximity to crime -- and at risk for blackmail.

The FBI also claims that the agents tended to strip club affairs -- while on the clock for the DEA.

Quote --

"Federal law enforcement officers must be held to the highest standards of integrity. The alleged conduct is serious and we will do everything we can to ensure that justice is done in this case."

Pay to Play

Some very young students learned a difficult lesson last week.

No pay -- no play -- no exceptions.

A New York Public school asked parents to pay $10 to help fund a school carnival.

The New York Post says -- Children whose parents did not pay up -- had to stay inside.

The students were forced to sit in the auditorium -- and watch an old Disney movie -- while the fun from outside -- could clearly be heard.

It gets worse.

The school made a profit of up to $3,000 -- to be spent on  end-of-the-year parties.

One teacher said it was heart-breaking that some kids were kept inside.

Quote -- "If you are doing a carnival during school hours -- it should be free."

Mission Accomplished

Finally -- one WWII veteran gets to cross off --  a big event -- from his life to-do list.

92-year-old Charles Benning -- who dropped out of high school to fight in world war two -- will don a cap and gown this week-- to receive an honorary high school diploma.

Benning was a platoon sergeant in an ambulance company -- that assisted wounded soldiers on the battlefields of Normandy and beyond.

His grandson told the Dayton Daily News -- that he approached the school  --because his grandfather always regretted not finishing.

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