
And now some fresh pickings from the Political Grapevine...

Tough Crowd

President Obama is having a tough week on the sports front. On Monday, many reporters in the room said he was booed in Boston after joking about Red Sox player Kevin Youkilis who was recently traded to his team the Chicago White Sox.

The president responded saying -- quote -- "My mistake. You gotta know your crowd."

White House Press Secretary Jay Carney said many in the crowd were not booing, but instead chanting what Boston fans do when Youkilis goes to bat, "Youk."

Then yesterday, at a fundraiser in Miami Beach take a listen to the president when he tries give the NBA champions the Miami Heat some props.


PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA: It would be incomplete if I did not congratulate the city of Miami for having the world champion Miami Heats here in town.


Twitter quickly picked up on the plural Heats, Romney adviser Eric Fernstrom said -– quote -- "Is no team safe?"

Teaming Up

The American Civil Liberties Union is teaming up with the Ku Klux Klan, yes the ACLU and the KKK.

Earlier this month, Georgia denied the KKK's request to be part of the Adopt-A-Highway program saying that promotes an organization with a history of inciting civil disturbance.

Now the ACLU says it will help the KKK because it's a case over First Amendment rights.

The ACLU says it's currently working out its strategy for the case.

Stop Horsing Around

Utah Republican Congressman Jason Chaffetz introduced legislation to ban miniature horses in establishments like restaurants...really.

It's in response to the Justice Department's revision of the Americans with Disabilities Act now allowing mini horses to be used as service animals to replace guide dogs in some instances.

Chaffetz wants limitations particularly on bringing the animals to places where humans eat.

He said -– quote -- "If a person wishes to bring a horse into an establishment, the request should be dealt with on a case-by-case basis -- not through a federal mandate."

Chaffetz noted that even the American Miniature Horse Association's president does not condone mini horses replacing guide dogs.