Gov. Greg Abbott: 'We are going to find this bomber soon'

This is a rush transcript from "The Story," March 19, 2018. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

MARTHA MACCALLUM, FOX NEWS CHANNEL HOST: Hi there, Bret, thanks so much. Breaking tonight in Austin, Texas, a bomber is terrorizing that city.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The profile from is in here from Quantico. They're interested in talking to the bomber. We have agents here from all different kinds of squads -- anxious to talk to him to try to understand why is he doing this?


MACCALLUM: So, the Austin police now believe that a serial bomber is loose in the Texas capital after a fourth package bomb has now exploded, shattering their sense of safety there. Good evening, everybody, I'm Martha MacCallum and this 'The Story.' We have followed all the breaking developments from Austin. And we now know that the 8:30 bombing that went off was activated by a trip wire the size of fishing line. They say that it shows a much higher level of sophistication the way this bomb was constructed, and a higher level of skill. Two young men, in their 20s, rode over this thing while they were riding their bikes near a trail. The wire was attached to a street sign. So, just moments from now, we're going to be joined exclusively by Texas Governor, Gregg abbot. But first, Fox News' Casey Stegall, who has been on the ground in Austin all day and brings us the brand-new developments tonight for the story. Hi, Casey.

CASEY STEGALL, FOX NEWS CHANNEL CORRESPONDENT: Hi, Martha, good to see you. You talk about the law enforcement presence here. Boy oh boy, more than 500 federal agents alone are working this case boots on the ground right here in Texas. That's just the federal level, we're not even talking about all of the local and state law enforcement resources that are being diverted to Austin to work this, especially when you have the police chief coming out at a press conference today like he did and used the words 'serial bomber.' It gives you a sense of how urgent this really is and there was visible concern on Chief Brian Manley's face when he informed the press that last night's bomb, as you said, was more advanced than the previous three. Complete with this trip wire and the device was hidden along a fence in this normally quiet neighborhood meaning it was put there to randomly detonate on whoever reached it first.


BRIAN MANLEY, AUSTIN POLICE CHIEF: I will reach out to the suspect or suspects and ask that you contact us, ask that you reach out to us, communicate with us, so that we can put this to an end. There are innocent people getting hurt in this community and it needs to come to a stop. The last thing we want to have is another injury or another death in our community.


STEGALL: The previous three explosions happening in other parts of Texas capital city, North and East Austin. But those came in the form of a package left on doorsteps or on porches with a bomb actually inside. The one here in this neighborhood known as Travis Country, well, it was just placed sitting next to a fence. So, two men were seriously hurt when they were riding by on a bicycle, and they think that they inadvertently hit that line, triggering the blast. So, as this investigation ramps up, authorities are imploring the public to be vigilant and report any suspicious packages to authorities. And that's one of the reasons so many additional resources have been brought in because we understanding, literally, hundreds and hundreds of phone calls and tips are coming in. Obviously, all of those have to be looked at and researched and exhausted so it's going to take a lot of man power, but they are throwing a lot at it since a lot clearly at stake.

MACCALLUM: A lot going on there. A very dangerous situation. Casey, thank you very much. Here now exclusively on 'The Story' that is gripping his state, Texas Governor Greg Abbott. Governor Abbott, good to see you tonight. Thank you for joining us. I mean, I can't imagine --


MACCALLUM: -- what it's like for this community to send your children to school in the morning on a bus or walking; you're just going to be terrified that this next little fishing line that nobody can barely see is going to trip the next one.

ABBOTT: And the message, Martha, that we're trying to send across Austin as well as across Texas is exactly what was reported, and that is: we have so many resources that are now devoted to this. We are going to find this bomber and I believe we will find the bomber soon. But understand this, and that is, in addition to the hundreds of federal officers that are here, the State of Texas Department of Public Safety has added more than 100 officers, and that is on top of what is going on at the local level with the Austin Police Department. We've also added these bomb dogs, and today, from the State of Texas, we authorized and spent $260,000 for these bomb x- ray machines to look at all these packages that Casey Stegall was talking about that people are afraid to open up. But, Martha, the clear message we want to get to people are two things: one, law enforcement at all levels are on top of this in a way bigger than what we've ever seen before. And, two is to remind everybody, and that is be careful about your surroundings. Be careful about any type of package you may see.

MACCALLUM: Absolutely.

ABBOTT: Be careful about any type of backpack. If it's not your property, if you don't know exactly what it is, don't pick up anything until we catch this bomber.

MACCALLUM: And it's hard to figure out where he's coming from or she's coming from. Because, you know, it reminds you of the Unabomber or even the D.C. sniper where it seems to be so random. Last week, the concern was this might be a hate crime. The focus seemed to be on African-Americans and elderly Hispanic woman. These are two young white boys, from what I understand or young men.

ABBOTT: Correct.

MACCALLUM: You know, how are you trying to focus on the profile of this person in your area and who might live in that area that might have this kind of technical experience?

ABBOTT: Well, the good news is, because of the experts, especially coming in from the federal government, working collaboratively with state and local officials, we have people who are -- not only developing that profile, but who are working on a multitude of leads, and they're going to be able to follow those leads to the very end and start, begin to connecting some dots.

MACCALLUM: I mean, clearly, you're looking for this person to step forward. This is a person, no doubt, we've talked to profilers, who want attention. Do you know if he has written anything? If there's been anything received in written form? Because a lot of times these individuals want their message to get out there.

ABBOTT: Sure. Well, we don't want to release anything like that at this time, however, Martha, we do want to encourage whoever this person or people are, to contact authorities, begin an open dialogue. Communicate with us and let us find out what the -- what it is you are trying to communicate. So, we do encourage an open line of communication, and we want to emphasize, though, to the people of the state of Texas, as well as Austin that we are working 24/7 to get to the bottom of this as quickly as possible.

MACCALLUM: Do you have any indication that it's more than one person? You said, perhaps, the people who are doing this, that it might be a group?

ABBOTT: Right. Listen, it's impossible to say whether or not it's one or more than one people. Here is something, as you pointed out, and that is, it's happened in multiple regions in Austin and now we have different types of explosive devices. And because it's different types, that makes it so that it's unable to winnow it down to just one person. We don't want to rule out anything whatsoever right now. We want to follow all leads until we get to the bottom of this and keep our community safe.

MACCALLUM: You know, our producer was down there last week talking to people on the ground, you know, and obviously, you don't want to cast blame on any group or any group of people with different expertise, but you think about the military, former military that live in the area. And you know you think about the Petra chemical, the chemical companies that are in Texas. You know how do, how do you try to take a look at anyone who might have gone off the rails and have this kind of expertise?

ABBOTT: Well, it is a quintessential needle in the hay stacks approach, but we got to sift through the entire haystack. And the good news is, we have all the resources available to make sure we get that done. And, in fact, I talked to the Secretary of Homeland Security today, Kirsten Nielsen, who was adamant that the Federal Government and Homeland Security will share with us whatever resources are needed to make sure we solve this crime.

MACCALLUM: It's a very frightening situation and it goes on tonight. Governor, good luck to you on the ground there and we'll stay in touch. Thank you very much, sir. Good to see you tonight.

ABBOTT: Thank you, Martha. You too.

MACCALLUM: So, Facebook, under fire for selling your likes and your friends to lots of folks apparently. And Congress would love to talk to Mark Zuckerberg about their power and enormous political influence that this entity now has. They are clearly feeling the heat and now Facebook is pointing the finger at Cambridge Analytica. They're saying, it's their fault. But is there any actual crime being committed here? Judge Andrew Napolitano up next. Also, President Trump goes into counter punch mode against the special counsel and he calls the whole thing a witch-hunt. Speaker Newt Gingrich has some thoughts on this tonight, and he wants to give a message to the president, next.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Are you considering firing Robert Mueller.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Are you still considering of firing Robert Mueller?

TRUMP: No, I'm not. No.


MACCALLUM: Breaking tonight, Facebook is under fire as U.S. and world leaders demand answers about a disturbing new report revealing that the company used your personal information for political purposes. Cambridge Analytica, the data firm hired by the Trump campaign and many others over the years, admits that they've harvested the data of 50 million users for 2014 for voter targeting. Ironically, President Obama's campaign was lauded in 2008 and 2012 for their innovation on the data front. Remember all of that? Targeting voters, creating the modern social media campaign, and then Hillary wanted to buy all that information and there was all this stuff about whether or not they were going to sell it to her or give it to her. Also, Ted Cruz and Ben Carson hired Cambridge Analytica to build what are called 'psychographic profiles' of voters. So, what's out big deal? Trace Gallagher live in our West Coast Newsroom with the backstory on all of this tonight. Hi, Trace.

TRACE GALLAGHER, FOX NEWS CHANNEL HOST: Hi, Martha. In 2013, Cambridge University created a personality prediction app called This is Your Digital Life, to be used in psychology research. Facebook allowed its users to download the app, and 270,000 did -- answering questions about their education, location, work history, and political affiliation. But, instead of just gathering information on those who downloaded app, Cambridge also had access to their friends' list, and their friends' friends list. So, 270,000 users became 50 million. Cambridge then sold those profiles and information to a political intelligence firm called Cambridge Analytica. A former Cambridge Analytica employee and whistleblower says all that data was then politically weaponized. Watch.


CHRISTOPHER WYLIE, CAMBRIDGE ANALYTICA WHISTLEBLOWER: This data was used to create profiling algorithms that would allow us to explore mental vulnerabilities of people. And then map out ways to inject information into different streams or channels of content online so that people started to see things all over the place that may or may not have been true.


GALLAGHER: The Trump campaign then hired Cambridge Analytica which was backed by Trump Advisor Steve Bannon. And Federal Election documents show the Trump camp did make five payments. But both the campaign and Cambridge Analytica claim none of the Facebook data was used in the election, that it was all destroyed. Critics are not convinced and Congressional Democrats are calling for public hearings with testimony from whistleblower you just heard from and Mark Zuckerberg, among others. And Facebook, which is shocked and outraged is conducting a digital forensic audit to get to the bottom of this. Though Facebook did not have the same shock and outrage in 2012 when the Obama campaign reportedly did the same thing -- got a million Obama supporters to download an app and then had access to all of their friends. It is how the Obama campaign reportedly got ahold of 85 percent of young people with unlisted cell phone numbers. And the former director for media for the campaign, says Facebook knew exactly what was going on, saying they allowed to us do some things they would n0t allowed someone else to do because they were 'on our side'. Martha?

MACCALLUM: Fascinating. Trace, thank you very much. Here now, Judge Andrew Napolitano, Fox News Senior Judicial Analyst. So now, Congress wants Mark Zuckerberg to testify; they've been wanting him to come in, to talk to them for quite some time. Is there any crime here that you see?

ANDREW NAPOLITANO, FOX NEWS CHANNEL SENIOR JUDICIAL ANALYST: There is a potential crime in Great Britain where the protection for privacy is a lot stronger than here, and in fact the authorities in Great Britain as we speak are attempting to get a search warrant for the contents of Cambridge Analytica's servers located in Great Britain. I do not see a crime here. There may be civil wrongs here, that is when Facebook gives to Cambridge Analytica what people gave to Facebook. They've surrendered that information. But when Facebook somehow gets other information from others who did not voluntarily surrender, that's not a crime but that is a civil wrong -- which Mr. Zuckerberg is not going to like to hear this. If somebody file a class action against Facebook, you have a class of plaintiffs, a potentially 50 million people that is an enormous litigation, which will force Facebook to pay for its failure to safeguard private information it acquires.

MACCALLUM: Two quick issues: one is that Facebook signed a consent decree to keep people's information private unless it was part of an educational or research project. So, they're saying that they have not broken their consent decree, have they?

NAPOLITANO: I think they have. And that consent decree is with the Federal Trade Commission. Listen to this: $40,000 per violation.


NAPOLITANO: Do the math.

MACCALLUM: 50 million.

NAPOLITANO: Times 50 million, you're already in the billions of categories. That's a number that resonates even for Zuckerberg.

MACCALLUM: Yes. And in terms of, you know, where this goes now -- you know, I mean, in terms of whether or not people -- you know, don't you, when you check the box, right, terms and agreements, right? Nobody wants to read that stuff. You scroll through, you click the box, that is how they're selling everything you are clicking on, folks. If you want to know why, you know, the hotel you looked at five months ago is still coming up? This is why.

NAPOLITANO: In America, when you give that information up, you are presumed to waive your right to privacy. Not so in Great Britain and not so in the rest of the E.U. where I suggest to you Facebook is going to be facing a lot more serious legal consequences.

MACCALLUM: And what about Cambridge?

NAPOLITANO: I don't know enough about Cambridge. I do know this, that it doesn't appear that any of this has anything to do with Donald Trump or the campaign. But we don't know exactly what service Cambridge provided. They say that the service they provided did not include giving private information from Facebook.

MACCALLUM: They say they deny that they recently -- the reports recently is that Facebook data was not used as part of the services that they provided to the Trump campaign.

NAPOLITANO: I don't want it see Mark Zuckerberg beaten up because he's unpopular. But if he has allowed private information to fall into the wrong hands, there have to be safeguards and there have to be consequences.

MACCALLUM: Thanks, judge.

NAPOLITANO: You're welcome.

MACCALLUM: Good to see you tonight. So, here now, Marc Thiessen, Former Chief Speech Writer for George W. Bush and a Fox News Contributor; Philippe Reines, Former Senior Advisor to Hillary Clinton. You know, it's fascinating to watch, you know, all of this unfold. You have all of these concerns about Russia and this is exactly what we heard Russia was doing, that they were targeting people, that they were figuring out what counties they lived in, and that they were using that information to target them on Facebook and Twitter and other places. I spoke to Brad Parscale months ago, and I asked him -- you know, because all of this sounds similar, you know. I mean, you know, in terms of psychographic targeting of people. I asked him if there was any connection between those two stories. Here's what he said:


MACCALLUM: Now that it becomes more clear that the Russians were very involved in data, very involved in pushing things on to Facebook, pushing things on to Twitter. Everyone wants to know if your work was intertwined in any way, shape or form, with theirs?

BRAD PARSCALE, CAMPAIGN MANAGER FOR PRESIDENT DONALD J TRUMP'S 2020 ELECTION: Absolutely not. And the data we used on this campaign directly came from the Republican National Committee. All of that is available to corporations in America and other people in America. And that is already something that is being done by companies and something we did. We used things we have.


MACCALLUM: So, you know, it strikes me; interesting, Marc, you know, this is the same stuff that everybody was owing and eyeing over, right?


MACCALLUM: You know, oh, it's so amazing. Now, they've figured out how to target people through all of these different ways. The Obama campaign got a ton of recognition for it. Then, Brad Parscale and all of the people connected to this effort got so much attention. Oh, this is how Donald Trump won, because they've figured out where the people live and how to reach them. Now, it's turning into something that is, you know, looking like it's supposed to be ugly and not done.

THIESSEN: Yes. No, it's like the movie 'Casa Blanca'. I'm shocked, shocked there's data mining going on.


THIESSEN: This is, you know, this is -- there is no privacy on the Internet. All of us tell our children: don't post anything stupid on social media because it's going to live forever and your future bosses are going to see it and college admission officers are going to see it. You have to treat the Internet like a public square. So, if you're going on Facebook and you're liking things, and you're liking, you know, guns and ammo page, or the NRA, or Planned Parenthood, you've got to know that somebody is scooping that stuff up and doing it, because all of us, you know, you go shopping on the Internet and look at a sweater and for the next five months that sweater appears everywhere you do a Google search, or every time you do a Facebook search. It's the same thing with politics -- they're tracking you, they're trying to find microtarget voters to see who likes, you know -- if Philippe's campaign wants to know who liked the Planned Parenthood page because they want to send them Hillary Clinton is going to protect your right to choose. The Trump campaign wants to find who supports the NRA so they can send them pro-gun ads. This is how it works today.

MACCALLUM: Philippe what do you think? Anything that shock you?

PHILIPPE REINES, FORMER SENIOR ADVISOR TO HILLARY CLINTON: I mean, yes. I mean, the theory of data, I agree with Marc 100 percent. I mean, this is what campaigns do. But to your question to your previous guest about whether this is illegal, I don't know that answer. I think the better question is should this be illegal? Think of it this way -- and let me try to put this in nonpartisan terms: there are millions of people watching this show right now, they all have cable, maybe they have HBO, maybe they don't. Maybe their cable company tells HBO, hey, this person is not a subscriber, maybe you can. All right. Maybe, we all live that's that that's OK.

Imagine for a second, though, that your cable company knew that you put the volume down when there was a piece of news about parents breaking up or parents who lost a child, or they knew you changed the channel when there was something about child abuse, and they sold that to say a drug company, and they decided to sell that for the purpose of selling you an anti- depressant. I don't think most Americans think that that's what's happening. When you think of Facebook, you are like, OK, my aunt had some pictures of my birthday and maybe a picnic I went to in the office. But it's far more than that, what these people are doing.

MACCALLUM: You're absolutely right. It is very deep. Now, let me ask you this, the Hillary Clinton campaign, you know, how sophisticated was their data mining corporation?

REINES: It was as sophisticated as it could be. We were always very confused by Cambridge Analytica for the simple reason that they are a British firm, and it's understandable, you know, they made their bones in terms of the Brexit campaign.

MACCALLUM: They claim that they had nothing to do with the Brexit campaign. That's what they said today.

REINES: In any event, they're a British firm.

MACCALLUM: No involvement in Brexit.

REINES: They are British firm. We are always confused how they had such a great database of American voters. It's very hard to create voter files. And when you talk about the Obama campaign in 2008 and 2012.

MACCALLUM: But they have an American business.

REINES: Yes. One of the things they did was an ongoing month to month spent millions of dollars. And if, you know, this happened two years ago, this happened during the campaign. It's just there's an eerie element to it. And yes, we all live in -- I totally agree with Marc, my credit card knows everything I do, everything I like. Uber knows where I go. I can live with that. That is a reasonable expectation. This is one step too far.

MACCALLUM: Yes, but the problem is, you know, when you get to the point where there's a political message from Facebook, Marc, and that's what, you know, Facebook has been back pedaling trying to get out of the suggestion that they're not just a platform where everybody has a fair say but they are picking and choosing in many cases what news you get and what you get to see.

THIESSEN: Yes, they shouldn't be picking and choosing, but also, I agree with that entirely. But it should be an open platform where everybody gets their say. But also, the idea that this is somehow voter manipulation is kind of absurd. There's no Facebook ad that Donald Trump could've come up with using Cambridge Analytica information that would've gotten Philippe to vote for Donald Trump, and there's no that they could've come up with that would've made me vote for Hillary Clinton.

REINES: I don't know about that.

THIESSEN: So, what they're doing is they're trying to micro target people who are predisposed, to find the people who are predisposed to vote for their candidate and turn them out on election day and get undecided. And undecided, exactly, but that's perfectly legitimate use of data; they're doing it every day with our T.V. information and with our magazine subscriptions to the extent people even have them anymore. What they need to protect, the line we should not allow them to cross, and what they need to protect is credit card information, social security, things they can do to rob you. But, you know, your clicks on Facebook, sorry, that's public information and they're going to use it.

MACCALLUM: We'll see where this goes. That's big story. Thanks, you guys. Good to see you today.


REINES: Thank you, Martha.

MACCALLUM: So, coming up next. President Trump comes out swinging what he is calling a witch-hunt as you know. Where this is going? Newt Gingrich has a message for the president next. And we know what was in the GOP and Democratic memos about FISA warrant requests, but what about the actual request itself that laid it all out there in terms of what they had to get surveillance on Carter Page and others in the Trump campaign. We could all soon see what was in there. Carter Page on set in a moment.


REP. DEVIN NUNES, R-CALIF., HOUSE INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEE CHAIR: They got a warrant on someone in the Trump campaign, using opposition research paid for by the Democratic Party and the Hillary Clinton campaign. That's what this is about, and it's wrong.


MARTHA MACCALLUM, THE STORY HOST: Breaking tonight, the White House said twice in the past 48 hours that the president has no intention of firing the Special Counsel Robert Mueller. The questions come because for the very first time he specifically went after Mueller, by name, in a three-day Twitter storm. Among the almost half-dozen tweets, this one came on Sunday saying this, 'Why does the Mueller team have 13 hardened Democrats, some big crooked Hillary supporters, and zero Republicans?' Another Dem recently added. 'Does anyone think this is fair? And yet, there is no collusion,' the president writes. And then, there's this one from this morning saying, quote, 'A total witch-hunt with massive conflicts of interest.' The tweets setting off alarm bells, renewing rumors that the president may want to fire Mueller, a move that Democrats and some key Republicans are warning against.


SENATOR LINDSEY GRAHAM, R-SOUTH CAROLINA: If he try to do that, that would be the beginning of the end of his presidency because we're rule of law nation.


MACCALLUM: Just moments ago, I spoke with Newt Gingrich, former speaker of the House and a Fox News contributor.


MACCALLUM: Do you think the president is doing the right thing? I mean, speaking his mind. He's always been a counter puncher, and obviously, he's tired of what's going on.

NEWT GINGRICH, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: Well, no, I don't think he's doing the right thing. Look, he has lots of things to tweet about. He launched a very important opioid epidemic project today in New Hampshire. We've just had 2 million people go off food stamps to go to work in the last year. We've had the second lowest black unemployment in American history.

I mean, the president ought to just drop this whole line of worrying about Mueller, focus on being president. Mueller is going to be taken care of. Mueller in the end is, I think, not going to have anything substantive about the president. And in some ways, he's going to end up looking pretty silly because he ends up going after Manafort, for example, for things that happened in 2014, 2013.

Well, that had nothing to do with the campaign. That had nothing to do with why Mueller was given this assignment. So, I think the president ought to quit doing this stuff, focus on tweeting about things that move his presidency forward. And just every time he starts to think about Mueller, quit thinking about him and go back to the presidency.

MACCALLUM: I'd like you to listen to this from John Brennan who tweeted this, the former head of the CIA, and former NSA director as well, he says, 'When the full extent -- he's talking about President Trump here, of your veniality, and moral turpitude, and political corruption becomes known, you will take your rightful place as a disgrace demagogue in the dustbin of history. You may scapegoat Andy McCabe, but you will not destroy America. America will triumph over you.' Your thoughts on that, sir?

GINGRICH: Well, just one more reminder of how Brennan was a left wing ideologue who Obama put in a position he shouldn't have been in. The fact is that Brennan has always been, I think, an outlier in the intelligence community. He's a guy who thought we could find moderates, for example, among Hezbollah, which I don't know of any real expert thinks that's possible. So, I mean, you know, Brennan can be as nasty and as mean- spirited as he wants to be. The fact is it wasn't the president who fired McCabe. It was the inspector general --

MACCALLUM: That's exactly right.

GINGRICH: -- report in the FBI. And then --

MACCALLUM: His own people fired him.

GINGRICH: -- again, I think there is this virulent -- yeah. There is this virulent anti-Trump attitude that, you know, if the sun goes down it must be Donald Trump's fault. But the fact --

MACCALLUM: But don't you think --

GINGRICH: -- is Brennan typifies the hostility.


MACCALLUM: Don't you think that's exactly why the president responds as he does? And I think everybody knew who they were getting with this president. He's a counter puncher. He's an attacker. We watched him, you know, rip apart stall warts of the Republican Party, Marco Rubio, Jeb Bush on that stage because he thought they were coming at him. It's clear that there is a battle royal going on to take this president down. No matter which side you're on, you have to acknowledge that that is what's happening. And it's apparent from these tweets that he does not want to take it lying down. He wants to fight back.

GINGRICH: Yeah. First of all, I think he was probably triggered by the firing of McCain and that's why you got this sudden assault on Mueller. But look, I admire President Trump. I think he's done things that nobody else could have done. I think that he is, in fact, shaking up the city.

My only advice as a matter of being competent is it doesn't further him to highlight a Mueller versus Trump fight. It furthers him to highlight the Trump administration, what Trump is accomplishing, and make -- and shrink Mueller to what he is. I mean, Mueller is a very small figure compared to the President of the United States.

MACCALLUM: So let me ask you this, you know, when you look at the big picture, you're a historian, you look at presidencies, it's very difficult to look into the crystal ball at this moment and say where is this whole thing going? You know you've got the Stormy Daniels investigation. You've got the FBI investigation. You've got which is -- you know, part of Russia. And then, you've got, as you pointed out in your recent piece, all of these very positive policy developments and structural improvements and a lot of what's going on. Where do you think all this goes?

GINGRICH: Well, let me just say, I think as a historian, the only two presidencies that are anywhere close to Trump in combativeness are Andrew Jackson and Abraham Lincoln. This is a president who came in and had said in his inaugural address, he wanted to really change the whole establishment. Well, the establishment is fighting back.

MACCALLUM: That's for sure.

GINGRICH: I keep telling people, if you drain the swamp the alligators will bite you.

MACCALLUM: They're going to get nasty.

GINGRICH: They're not happy. And so, that's right. They'll get nasty. But when you look at, for example, more regulations repealed in his first year than all the other American presidents in history combined. You look at the size of the tax cuts. You look at what he's done in terms of conservative judges. This is a president who is very consequential. He is making a big difference. And I think if he focuses on communicating that he strengthens his party for 2018. If he focuses on these other things that are junk, he weakens his party for 2018.

He has a big role to play here. He is the leader of the country. And he's the leader of the Republican Party. And this election is very important that he get across the right messages to maximize us winning, because if he gets the wrong messages, frankly, he's going to lose the house and that will lead to two years of a nightmare.

MACCALLUM: Newt Gingrich, always good to talk to you, sir. Thanks for coming in tonight. Good to see you.

GINGRICH: Good. Thank you.


MACCALLUM: So there is a new development in the Russia investigation as the U.S. government considers releasing part of that secret order that led to the surveillance of Trump campaign volunteer Carter Page. He's here to react to that, next.

And today, President Trump called for the death penalty for king pin drug dealers who have killed thousands of Americans. Tonight, we will talk to a football coach whose mission is to stop the opioids and the suicides that have ravaged the young people in his hometown. He may just be their last best hope. His gut-wrenching and inspiring story coming up.


DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: This scourge of drug addiction in America will stop. It will stop.




MACCALLUM: So, for the first time in history, we could soon get a look at a FISA order from the secretive court, the one that justified the surveillance of Trump campaign volunteer, Carter Page, and very much at the center of the Russia investigation.

We just learned the government has until July 20 to figure out what can and cannot be made public. Joining me now, Carter Page, former foreign policy advisor to Trump 2016, and a managing partner of Global Energy Capital LLC. Carter, good to see you. Welcome back to the program.


MACCALLUM: So, do you think that we are going to see, because that would be sort of the unvarnished where you've got the GOP memo, you have the Democratic memo, but it would be nice for Americans to see exactly what they put in there that allowed them to surveil you.

PAGE: No question. What's been interesting about it thus far is the more information we get the more ridiculous this whole process has been exposed to be from the very beginning. So, the more information --

MACCALLUM: Because there's so much focus on it, do you think they will release it?

PAGE: I think it's almost impossible that they don't, right? What's interesting about it is it was from a different era. You know, I view this as the end of the second cold war. When this -- all this craziness is behind us and we see, you know, all these conflicts that were unnecessarily created, my sense that this maybe a real watershed in terms of international relations.


PAGE: Well, I think in general, there's been -- you know, this has been such a big weight on, number one, the administration in general, but really, you know, this cloud, which started, you know, even before the November 2016 election. So, you know, having this resolved, I think it's going to create a new possibility. Not only in bilateral relations with Moscow --

MACCALLUM: You think? It doesn't feel that way. I mean, Vladimir Putin just got elected for a fourth term. He shows absolutely no signs of, you know, wanting to reach out to us. And if anything, I think this whole thing has hardened the Trump administration's perspective when it comes to Russia.


PAGE: No. I think that's just the actual reaction --

MACCALLUM: They're poisoning people on the streets in Britain. They're not?

PAGE: Well, we'll see about that, you know. I think it's still -- there's still a lot of open questions in that regard. So, you know, time will tell.

MACCALLUM: All right. We'll see. Time will tell as you say. So you have filed a temporary restraining order against Oath Incorporated, which owns Yahoo News among other things. Here's a bit of my interview with Michael Isikoff who wrote the book, Russian Roulette, in which you are featured. Watch.


MICHAEL ISIKOFF, YAHOO NEWS CORRESPONDENT: How does Carter Page end up in Moscow? He gets invited by the Kremlin after to give a speech after he's named by -- to Trump's foreign policy advisory board --

MACCALLUM: But that's kind of interesting. I mean, they don't even question Carter Page.

ISIKOFF: They had a FISA warrant on him --

MACCALLUM: They did. And they listen -- three times, right?

ISIKOFF: Renewed three times. And, you know, the full story has yet to be told.


MACCALLUM: He firmly believes that you were up to no good, and that you were, you know, someone that they were really, kind of, poking at to see if there was vulnerability to make you a foreign agent, a spy, essential, for the United States.

PAGE: Well, this is exactly the misunderstandings that I'm talking about. It's interesting. This is the same exact story that he was saying on television the weekend after September 23rd, 2016. You know, kind of pitching the same sort of, well, there's all these open questions. We'll have to see. We'll have to wait and see.

MACCALLUM: So why the restraining order?

PAGE: Well, the restraining order -- actually, Muhammed Ali did the same thing when there was this really sick depiction of him in Playgirl Magazine in 1978. There's Ali versus Playgirl Inc., and a lot of similarity. There's this completely sick dossier that was out there, really, you know, totally out of control. Just nothing -- it's just so outrageous. And, you know, I think --

MACCALLUM: What would the restraining order do? They couldn't do what? They couldn't approach you? They couldn't talk about you? What would it do?

PAGE: Well, you know, I've had a lot of death threats, you know, stemming from these false reports. You know, I think I've had, you know, many people say, well, the -- you were offered this stake Rosneft.


PAGE: We're going to beat your brains in, or you know, shoot you, et cetera. So, I think, there are, you know, needs to be steps to sort of make amends for that --

MACCALLUM: Protect you?

PAGE: Well, absolutely. I think, you know, and just sort of continuing -- like I said, the same story that we heard back in September 2016, you know, on your show and every other network, you know, who's running around saying these same stories.

So, it's pretty sad, actually. Well, it's pretty sad because, I mean, it was sort of the same story back in the 90's when, you know, it was the same things going about Monica Lewinski and the blue dress. That was his main big story back then. The funny thing now is that there is no blue dress in this Russia collusion story, unfortunately, for him --

MACCALLUM: Not that we have seen.


PAGE: I can guarantee you --

MACCALLUM: Thank you, sir. Good to see you.

PAGE: You too, Martha.

MACCALLUM: All right. Coming up, one man's crusade to save lives through football in his hometown. Coach Patrick Morrison, saw his brothers sent to jail, and that day he made every players on his team his brothers as well. He's now fighting to save them one at a time, win or lose.



DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: If we don't get tough on the drug dealers, we're wasting our time. Just remember that, we're wasting our time. And that toughness includes the death penalty. We want every American to be able to reach their full, God given potential, and we will succeed together as one people, one nation and one great American family.


MACCALLUM: So that was President Trump, earlier today, announcing his steps to, in the administration, to combat the opioid epidemic. It's an important priority for the president as the crisis continues to ravage the country. There is nobody I know who doesn't know somebody who hasn't been touched by this. In Indiana, one high school football coach has found a way to try to deal with this one player at the time by keeping them showing up in practice and keeping them on the field. His town of Madison has been especially hard hit by this crisis, and he's made it his mission to coach his players not only on the field, but off the field, worrying less about winning games and more about having an impact on these young men and helping them day by day to make better decisions. Here now is Patrick Morrison, head football coach at Madison Consolidated High School. Coach, good to talk to you tonight. Thank you so much for being here.

PATRICK MORRISON, COACH MADISON CONSOLIDATED HIGH SCHOOL: Thank you very much for having me on the show.

MACCALLUM: Tell me -- the New York Times found you. They were doing a story on Madison which has a triple -- the nationwide rate of suicide, opioid related suicide is a horrible thing. It's a beautiful, beautiful town. And you said the night before you were going to interview for this big job that you've always wanted something happened in your life. Tell us what that was and how did it change you.

MORRISON: Back in May of 2013, I had the opportunity to interview at the high school that I graduated from to be the head football coach. The interview was on Friday morning. And then, that Thursday evening, I received a phone call that said that my brother had been arrested for heroin. And, obviously, at that time, it was kind of like very life altering.

But moments before I interviewed the next day, I took this opportunity to take a negative that happened in my life and turn it into a positive and use it as an opportunity and, kind of, open the door that I would be able to not only influence lives of current players that I'd be working, but influence lives of, hopefully, you know, the future generation of people who are going to be leaders throughout our community.

MACCALLUM: Remarkable. You know, and I know, as you say, it's a day-by- day thing. And sometimes -- you know, do you get nervous if a player doesn't show up for practice?

MORRISON: Well, you know, I'm always constantly trying to keep in contact with the players. I don't necessarily get nervous about them doing drugs or anything like that. I think we have a really great group of kids on the team. I don't have any kids -- any that, you know, I suspect of anything like that. And over the years, you know, guys that went on and graduated, I think they're all very productive citizens of our community.

Many of them went on to college. And a lot of, you know, I have a few players that are even playing in college, so making big impacts after high school. And I'm very, very proud of the kids that I get to work with and I think that, you know, they're doing a great job.

As I told them when this story came out, I told the players that, you know, they are -- somebody came up to me and said, man, coach, you're a star, you're in the New York Times. Bu I told the kids that day after workout, that afternoon I told them that they're the stars because if it wasn't for the kids being there, you know, then I wouldn't have a calling to be there. I feel that, you know, I was placed there for a reason. And I'm just trying to fulfill my job each day and changing these kids' lives, but helping them to become those future leaders.

MACCALLUM: You are -- I'm sure you are a huge impact on their lives. I know that at the end of senior day a bunch of them were in tears because they didn't want it to end. And, you know, it's so great to keep kids involved in sports. And it does keep them busy and active. And all they have time to do after that is their homework and then they've got to go to bed. So, coach, thank you very much. We've got to leave it there, but good to see you. And best of luck to you in the future, OK?

MORRISON: Thank you very much.

MACCALLUM: You bet. We're going to be right back after this.


MACCALLUM: So that is The Story for tonight, thanks for joining us. We'll be back here tomorrow night at 7 PM. We expect to see you then. Tucker Carlson is in D.C., and he's up next.

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