Gorka: 40 countries have tried socialist system, they have all failed

This is a rush transcript from "Hannity," January 24, 2019. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

SEAN HANNITY, HOST: All right, Tucker. Great to see you. Great show as always. Thank you.

Welcome to “Hannity.”

Your way of life in this country is under attack. Our crisis at our southern border is real, dangerous, and serious.

And on Monday, Border Patrol agents, they apprehended over 100 Central Americans attempting to climb over a section of the border wall. This in Huma, Arizona, and meanwhile, radical far left socialists, they have now taken control of the Democratic Party. They use the support border security. Now, it's about free markets, private industry, the American Dream vilified by many members on the left.

And the hate Trump media, along with their friends in Hollywood, literally want to block you -- I know this is all most hard to believe, the American people, from wearing a "Make America Great Again" hat, or showing support for President Trump. We're going to cover all of this on tonight's HANNITY Watch, on a rise of radical socialism, including, we have a brand-new segment we'll be debuting tonight called "Villain of the Day." These people deserve it. This will shock your conscience.

But, first, we start at the very top, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi now for weeks, the speaker trying to play petty, political games with this nation any State of the Union on the president -- by the way, what is she fighting for? The president's fighting life and death. The president is fighting safety and security.

Well, she has barred the president from performing his constitutional duty in the House chamber, making her the first speaker in U.S. history to ever do so. She refused to compromise on budget negotiations, wouldn't even come to the table to talk about any kind of deal. She has been too busy on a luxurious vacation, other Democrats on a lobbyist paid junket, again, luxurious locations and resorts, planning taxpayer-funded excursions around the globe.

And to even talk to the president, offer dramatic compromises, things she has that over the years she wants, she has no time for that.

But tonight, the president goes above her bitter, petty, partisan gamesmanship. He postponed the State of the Union. Some seemed upset by this, they wanted him to go to an alternative location, but I think it is a bad idea. Why? Because the president, to give up the grandeur, giving the State of the Union in the House chamber, "Mr. Speaker, the president of United States." That is a powerful moment. You have congressmen and women and senators, literally staking out their seats so they can shake the president's hand 14 hours ahead of time.

No other place can match that symbolic location, the grandeur, and this president deserves nothing less. And I'm sure that will happen in the near future.

This is about so much more than politics. This is about your safety, your security. This is about the safety of the country, and literally life-and- death.

Now, this is about a president fulfilling a promise to secure our southern border. This is about saving American lives that are impacted by gangs, cartels, drugs, violence. It is life-and-death. People are dying.

Ninety percent of that heroin that gets into this country comes from that border. It's about 10,000 new migrants now obtaining visas from the government of Mexico to travel through the country in order to make their way north into our country, because we have unsecured borders.

Now when the U.S. government is reopened, the president will hold a State of the Union where it belongs, in the House chambers, with members of both parties, hopefully, president. In the meantime, the shutdown does continue, the president has been unrelenting, fighting to make the country safer.

Democrats continue to feed their insatiable appetite, this pathological hatred, this division that they have, and of course, it is always about a desire for power.

And breaking tonight, the White House is reportedly now drafting a national emergency order, and allocating $7 billion for that wall that would require zero congressional approval. And today, the president reassured Americans that he will get guaranteed funds for the wall one way or another.

Let's take a look.


PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: Well, one of the ideas suggested is they open it, they pay a sort of prorated down payment for the wall, which I think the people agree that you need, you need the wall.

I have other alternatives if I have to, I will use those alternatives if I have to. But we want to go through the system. We have to have a wall in this country. We have criminals pouring into our country.

We have no choice but to have a wall or a barrier. If we don't have that, it is just not going to work.


HANNITY: Again, I asked, what is Nancy Pelosi fighting for? What is in the best interest of the country?

Now, President Trump remains ready, willing to negotiate with Democratic leadership. The White House doors are wide open, he is willing to compromise as he has shown time and again. He is even willing to take a prorated funding rate for the wall for a short period of time. Give Congress another chance to do their job and find a resolution.

But if the stalemate continues, it is obvious, Democrats refuse to come to the table. The president is clear, he will declare a national emergency and solve the problem himself. It may take time to fight in the courts, but in my opinion, he will win. By the way, that will happen.

Unfortunately, as we showed you last night, Nancy Pelosi seems to be standing for nothing but being against us before. In the height of budget negotiations, she and other top Democrats, they tried to slip away for the seven days oversee junket courtesy of you, the taxpayers. And, of course, nothing new for Pelosi, look at this.

According to Judicial Watch, during her last term as speaker, she racked up a massive travel bill. With the U.S. Air Force, over a two year period, she spent more than $2 million of your money on air travel, 100,000 of which was in-flight expenses. That means food and booze, all of the politicians working so hard, like half of the year.

Now, thankfully, the president put the kibosh on her most recent overseas junket, and today, we did send FOX News contributor, our friend Lawrence Jones, to the streets of New York City to see what Americans really think about the radical, extreme, socialist, Democratic speaker, Nancy Pelosi, at her so-called leadership. Let's take a look.


LAWRENCE JONES, CONTRIBUTOR: Trump is the first president in American history to be disinvited from the State of the Union. How do you feel about that?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Well, I can't believe it. I cannot believe it.

JONES: Do you feel like it is disgraceful?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Absolutely. Absolutely. I cannot believe that ever happened, in the United States.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Try to cancel something because of your politics, you are not helping anyone.

JONES: Don't you think it's wrong?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Yes, it's wrong.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I think Nancy Pelosi is doing the right thing because Donald Trump is destroying this country by his rhetoric and his racism, and a million other things, and I think Nancy Pelosi is the voice of reason in this country.

JONES: Do you feel like Nancy Pelosi was wrong?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Yes. I believe the president should attend. It should be his choice whether he wants to attend or not attend.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: What he is doing to this country is an abomination, and people's rights, human rights are being violated.

JONES: What human rights are being violated?

UNIDENTIFIED FEAMLE: What human rights?

JONES: Yes, tell me.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Um, the list goes on and on.

JONES: She said this was because of security, but they say that is not true. Did she tell a lie?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: No, she said she had security concerns, which I believe, she probably does.

JONES: But she didn't talk to the necessary people to figure that out.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It doesn't matter.

JONES: Do you think it is eroding the institution? This doesn't mean you agree with the president on everything, but this is a report card to the country and to Congress, right?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Well, it looks childish, you know, and I believe it was a terrible thing that Nancy Pelosi did to the president.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: For her to cancel that and go against the Constitution speaks volumes.

JONES: So, is she going a temper tantrum of her own right now?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: That's a really good question.


JONES: Do you think Nancy Pelosi to take a meeting with the president?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: She should, that is her job. Do your job. Just do your job!


HANNITY: A good question. What human rights are being violated? Um, they are being violated, whatever they are. They're violated.

You can't make this up. Of course, that is New York City. California, New York, not exactly representing red state America.

Anyway, sadly, Nancy and Chuck are now being controlled by the most radical, the most extreme elements in the new socialist Democratic Party. These are the same far left individuals who are now playing kingmakers in the upcoming 2020 presidential primary.

And that brings us to tonight's "Hannity Watch," report on the 2020 race, we see nearly every single Democrat announcing her candidacy, the first thing they do, I've got to apologize for this position I had that may sound conservative, or you will hate me.

You have Kirsten Gillibrand, she apologized from, one, supporting the Second Amendment. Then you have Tulsi Gabbard apologizing for the mixed track record on social issues, yet somehow we're still waiting on Elizabeth Warren's apology for faking and benefiting from a lie and saying she is a Native American.

Warren did, however, find time to propose brand-new taxes, right there, check it out. She is always finding new and creative ways to pick your pocket and penalize Americans that she describes as wealthy. Somehow, she wants to take that money and redistribute it.

Meanwhile, one of Warren's 2020 primary opponents, Senator Kamala Harris is spending her time raising an enormous amount of money, buying up all of the Facebook ads that she can find, and of course, trashing the president. She wants him to open up Trump Tower as a shelter to the victims of the shutdown.

There are other people that own those units, he actually sold them. They are not his. Take a look.


SEN. KAMALA HARRIS, D-CALIF.: People are worried about eviction. You know what? Listen, you know what I think should happen? If the president feels that strongly about it, then open up the Trump Tower and let everybody live in their rent free, and maybe we can start having a discussion. He's got some room!

RACHEL MADDOW, MSNBC HOST: February 1st is going to be rent today for a lot of people relying on -- supposed to be a good job.


HARRIS: Yes, and it's no joking matter.


HANNITY: All right. Kamala Harris is a member of Congress, she can open up her home. Nancy Pelosi is a multi-multi-millionaire. What did we see when we sent Lawrence to her district? Needles, feces, homeless people everywhere. Why doesn't she build a homeless shelter there?

Oh, that's right. They are only generous with your money.

Now, like you said, it is not a joking matter in the sense. In the coming weeks, this crop of Democrats vying to replace President Trump is likely to get bigger and bigger, but the moderates are nowhere to be found.

All right. Joining us now, Fox News contributor, Jason Chaffetz, is with us, "Campus Reform" editor in chief, FOX News contributor Lawrence Jones.

OK. She says, wait a minute, human rights violations, what are they?

LAWRENCE: Give me.

HANNITY: Just give me one.

LAWRENCE: Nothing.

HANNITY: What did the other lady say?

LAWRENCE: When I asked about Nancy Pelosi, you know, she pouted, said, well, good question.

Look, we joke about this, but this is the thing. The State of the Union is not about agreeing or disagreeing with the president, this is giving the report card to the country. I think Nancy Pelosi is pouting, I think the Democratic Party is pouting, but I also think they are taking a moment from the American people, from the president, to lay out to the agenda, what has been able to accomplish, what he hasn't been able to accomplish and have that dialogue.

But I don't think Democrats are interested in this. What they had failed to tell us, what was the pivot? 2006, you are for the wall, you prefer fencing, but you changed. We get that you change, why did you change?

And members of the press won't press them on that, and as you can see, the people we interviewed, they don't really know the answer either.

HANNITY: That raises -- you are right, why did they change, Congressman Chaffetz? Let's think about this, they were for building the wall. They sounded like Donald Trump just a few short years ago on all of these issues.

Now, the president is standing up for life and death. Ninety percent of heroine, we have drug trafficking, human trafficking, cartels, gang members. We have 4,000, homicides. We've chronicled 10,000 sexual assaults, 30,000 violent assaults, real Americans, in some cases real permanent separation from kids.

And they don't care.

What is that she is fighting for here?

JASON CHAFFETZ, CONTRIBUTOR: She's just fighting for the resistance movement. I remember when I was first elected to Congress, the same time Barack Obama was, you remember all -- how many times did we see headlines about the Republicans are the party of no, they can't say yes, they just say no, the party of no. That's all I heard for a couple of years.

But now, we've got to Nancy Pelosi, she won't take a meeting. She shuts down the debate. Remember when she took the gavel back when McCarthy handed it to her, and said they were going to be open and transparent, they were going to be like a town hall on the floor of the House?

But they don't want to hear opposition, they don't want to debate issues, because they lose on the issues. It is just about resisting Trump.

JONES: She also lied to the American people. She said it was because of security reasons, because she fell at the president wasn't safe, the Secret Service said she didn't reach out to them. Homeland, national security, she didn't reach out -- she just came up with a statement for the American people. When I asked the people how they felt about it, she straight up lied to the American people.

She could have been a strong woman and said, I just don't like the president, and because of the shutdown, I don't want him here. Instead, she lied.

HANNITY: It goes to a bigger, broader issue here, too, because it's clear, 2018 was about hiding, Jason, hiding where they really stood. We knew where they stood. They want their crumbs back, they want open borders, they want to eliminate ICE, they want endless investigation, and many want impeachment, all of which has come true, I predicted it.

But 2020 is going to be different. Now, they are going to try and really out-resistance each other, to the point where they are going to go so far to the left, how are the people going to perceive Donald Trump, straight up, why he is fighting? He is fighting for life and death. He's fighting to stop drugs, violence, cartels, gang members, and all of these problems that are caused by having open borders.

But if she can't answer what she is fighting for here, and the media doesn't ask her -- and they won't -- that, to me, tells it all. What is she fighting for here? What does she want here?

CHAFFETZ: Well, they don't have a good answer, and that is by every Democratic presidential nominee to this point is going to -- Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, to try to kiss the ring, make sure they are far to the left.

You know, AOC, she voted against Nancy Pelosi's funding package because it had money in there for ICE. That is how radical left these people are. Open borders, they want to tear down that wall. They don't want the Immigration Customs Enforcement.

But the American people do, that is why the president needs to stay the course, keep making the case. And let's be for what the border patrol wants. That's what the men and women who served on the border need. And when you see these caravans forming and coming north in mass amounts, we have to secure the border. The Republicans are winning that argument.

HANNITY: Let me ask this. The president made the decision -- constitutionally, it is very clear, Article II, Section 3, he could turn Congress, he could go before either one house or two.

Lawrence, I think -- and I was disagreeing with some of our friends tonight, some people say she should just go to another location, I disagree, because there is nothing, there is a grandeur to that moment, when the State of the Union -- that started, it used to be read by the house clerk, not as big as it was.

But since 1934, it has evolved into what it is today. No location that I can think of can match "Mr. Speaker, the president of the United States," he comes in.

LAWRENCE: I see your point, Sean, but this is a different president. He didn't get strength from inside the Beltway. This is a guy that's on the road.

HANNITY: Why should they take that from him?

LAWRENCE: No, they shouldn't take it away, but he is dealing with a political class on both sides. His strength is with the American people. I've always advocated for the president being on the road, talking to different communities, black communities, Hispanic communities, and tell him the agenda and how helps them.

Going into the big bubble, into the dome, inviting people up -- I know the show, but that is not where he strength is.

HANNITY: Why take a lesser location because they are petulant and childish? And plain politics? He is going to do it at the right time. What do you think, Jason? You get the last word tonight.

CHAFFETZ: The president did the right. It exposed Nancy Pelosi for who she is -- petty, insecure, and unwilling to hear an opposing view and debate. The last thing she wanted was an hour and half of the president talking to the American people. The president made the right call, it made her look petty.

HANNITY: Also, when you play long ball sometimes, the moment gets bigger and bigger and bigger, in anticipation for that will grow. But we'll see.

All right. Lawrence, thank you, great job today. And, Jason Chaffetz, thank you.

When we come back, directly had come a shocking new report about Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and the deadly impact of socialism. It's a special, mini monologue, and we debut a brand-new segment, "Our Villain of the Day". I promise you, these people will shock your conscience and your soul, coming up.


HANNITY: So, in tonight's "Hannity Watch," the rise of the American socialism, we do begin with some good news. America's economy, it is running and slamming on all cylinders.

Breaking today, U.S. jobless claims -- they are now at their lowest level since 1969. Perspective, the Mets won the World Series. Low regulation, biggest tax cut in history, private enterprise, capitalism, free markets, low taxes, it works.

We now have record low continued unemployment for African-Americans, Hispanic-Americans, Asian-Americans, women in the workplace, youth unemployment, and our vets are going back to work.

Meanwhile, the socialist country of Venezuela tonight is in a full collapse, now watching the chaos and madness unfold, it is very important, especially in light of the new, radical, extreme socialist Democratic Party in this country that want some of the exact same policies adopted here.

Remember after eight years of Obama? Spread the wealth around, remember that comment, Joe the Plumber? Thirteen million more Americans, after eight years of Obama, on food stamps, 8 million more in poverty. We have the lowest homeownership rate in 51 years. He doubled the national debt, and accumulated more debt than any other president before him combined.

It wasn't good for the economy. Now, the forgotten men and women, off of food stamps, back in the workforce in record numbers.

In Venezuela today, you have hyperinflation, food shortages, ongoing public health emergencies, rampant violence, all causing the country's people to take to the streets, in yet another day of very tense protests. The United States, Canada, others, are now backing the presidency of the opposition leader to the Maduro socialist regime after a corrupt, rigged elections gave Maduro yet another term.

Here's what President Trump had to say about this ongoing crisis in Venezuela under socialism yet again. Take a look.


PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: We look at Venezuela, it is a very sad situation. That was the richest state in all of that area. That is a big, beautiful area, and by far, the richest. And now, it's one of the poorest places in the world. It is what socialism gets you, when they want to raise your taxes to 70 percent.


HANNITY: Seventy percent, then another 10 percent in New York, 4 percent in the city, they want to confiscate it all.

That's right, de Blasio, Comrade de Blasio in New York said, it's a lot of wealth in New York, just in the wrong hands. He wants to take it and give it away.

Socialism always collapses, but for some reason, the new star, the leader of the Democratic Socialist Party in Washington, Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, wants to bring parts of the system, a lot of the system, to the U.S. In fact, she is so supportive of Venezuela's socialist regime that she is going against our own state department and actually backing the murderous dictatorship of the socialist, Nicolas Maduro.

Ocasio-Cortez actually retweeted, quote: With respect, Senator Durbin, the U.S. should not anoint the leader of the opposition in Venezuela during an internal, polarized conflict. Let us support Uruguay, Mexico, and the Vatican's effort for negotiated settlement, and end sanctions that are making hyperinflation worse.

The congresswoman also had this to say to "The Daily Caller" and SiriusXM's, our friend, Kerry Picket. Listen to this.


KERRY PICKET, SIRIUSXM PATRIOT: Congresswoman, your thoughts on the situation happening right now over in Venezuela?

REP. ALEXANDRIA OCASIO-CORTEZ, D-N.Y.: Our office is monitoring it closely, I think the humanitarian crisis is extremely concerning, but we use non-Democratic means to determine leadership. That's also concerning as well. So, we're figuring out our responses.


HANNITY: And here's where it gets even more scary, the socialist you just heard from is now the face of this new, radical, extreme, Democratic Socialist Party. That is why she secured powerful memberships on, let's see, oh, oversight, and the Financial Services Committee. Uh-oh.

Speaker Pelosi literally doing every thing she can to appease the Democrats' rising star. Today, she was the only Democrat to vote against the bill to reopen the government because it funded ICE, the people that risk their lives to protect us. She wants all immigration enforcement abolished.

And remember, she referred to climate change as this generation's World War II. My father fought in World War II, no.

She said the world is going to end in 12 years if her green new deal doesn't go into effect. So, it is a Scary-o-Cortez. Trying to scare and frighten everyone. The world is ending at 12 years.

She also wants to nationalize health care, energy companies, any other private enterprise that dares get in the way of her vision of this socialist utopian redistribution. Sound familiar?

Because President Obama's plan to provide health care for all, remember, keep your doctor, keep your plan, save less -- a lie, never happen. The opposite happened. Obamacare resulted in ballooning health care costs, out-of-control premiums, limited choices, lost doctors.

But that is really the tip of the iceberg. A brand-new foxnews.com article points out false promises that socialists made throughout history.

Look at Hugo Chavez, remember he promised the people in Venezuela universal health care? Now, Venezuela has virtually no basic health care supplies at all.

Lenin, remember him? He proposed to provide bread and a land to the Soviet Union's poor. Following that redistribution scam, well, the famine killed 5 million people.

India's first socialist prime minister promised an end to poverty. To this day, India's wealth disparity, rampant poverty, is worse than almost any place else in this world.

Let's not forget Chairman Mao, great leap forward, that redistribution plan resulted in the deaths of 45 million people.

Socialism is deadly. Socialism causes poverty, can be evil. It has never worked. It never will work.

Here with reaction is "The Relatable" podcast host, Allie Beth Stuckey, and the host of "America First" on the Salem Radio Network, Dr. Sebastian Gorka.

Dr. Gorka, you know firsthand as a world traveler, socialism when tried, has failed. Obama tried, he wanted to redistribute the wealth. His policies, stifling regulation, high taxes, redistribution, 13 million more Americans on food stamps, 8 million more in poverty. It doesn't work.

SEBASTIAN GORKA, SALEM RADIO'S AMERICA FIRST HOST: Sean, my parents crawled across a minefield to escape the kind of system that Ocasio-Cortez wishes to create in America. I think it is very telling that she has these latent totalitarian tendencies whereby she thinks the people's will in Venezuela should be ignored, and Maduro's regime should be recognized.

Can you imagine, Sean, if in the last six days, the media had paid as much attention to Venezuela as they did to the fake news about the Catholic Covington schoolboys being racist? If they had actually told the truth about Venezuela, nobody in America would wish what this woman wishes to put upon us.

Forty countries have tried this, it has all failed. Redistribution of wealth means you have to take it from somebody else first. Socialism is inherently dictatorial, and this woman, Ocasio-Cortez, wishes to see that in America.

HANNITY: But it's all the Democrats now. It's Ocasio-Cortez. It is--

GORKA: Nancy surrendered.

HANNITY: --Bill - Bill--


HANNITY: --Comrade de Blasio, Allie. It is - every Democrat that wants to and aspires to be President, they want to take us in this direction. The promise that was closest to nationalized health care was keep your doctor, keep your plan, pay less. Well, people saw their premiums go up as much as 200 percent or more. Millions lost their doctors. Millions of Americans only have one choice in many, many towns and counties in this country.

ALLIE BETH STUCKEY, RELATABLE PODCAST HOST: Right. Well, it hasn't worked here, and it hasn't worked anywhere else, and yet we keep on seeing these recycled ideas from people like Bernie Sanders and Ocasio-Cortez. And like you said, they used to be on the fringes.

We could kind of laugh at someone like Sanders or laugh at a 29-year-old who really knows nothing about politics. But when you see someone like Nancy Pelosi or a mainstream democrat, acquiesce to people like her, it really starts to worry you when the majority of the country seems to be leaning in that direction, specifically millennials, which is soon to be the biggest generation ever in our nation.

But Nancy Pelosi understands that she has to acquiesce to the far left radical open border, socialist Democrats, or else Democrats aren't going to stay in power because people are looking to people like Ocasio-Cortez and Bernie Sanders to be the future of this country, unfortunately.

HANNITY: And Elizabeth Warren. I heard - the thing is, I guess it's appealing when - look, everybody - and I've spent the early part of my adult life, I was independent financially since I'm 18. The college I went to, I paid for myself. I worked full-time while doing it. Lived paycheck- to-paycheck for many years of my 20s.

And it's appealing maybe to a lot of people because it would take away their fear. The government is going to provide daycare, health care, provide housing, maybe a new car will be the next proposal, Dr. Gorka, but don't worry, we're going to take it from those people. But it's really about them keeping power. It's a power play, and it will--


HANNITY: --always disappoint.

GORKA: It's only appealing if you have no sense of history and the suffering of millions of people, 100 million people killed and hundreds of millions who have been persecuted. That's the reality. It's nice the kind of way of people giving you something for nothing, which never actually happens in real life. That's the shame of it. The radicals have taken over the Democrat Party. That's why we have a shutdown. Nancy is giving in to the extremists.

HANNITY: All right. Thank you both for being with us. When we come back, you won't believe it, left is trying to say, "Make America Great Again hats, you can't wear them. It's politically incorrect." A Hannity mini monologue. And we debut a new segment tonight. I promise, when you hear this, it will shock your conscience and your soul, if you have one. Straight ahead.


HANNITY: And tonight, Hannity Watch on the unhinged, full-time, every second, minute, hour of every day, Trump media, well, they continue their smear campaign against students of Covington Catholic High School. There's something, a lot deeper beneath the surface here. It's an effort by the far left and their partners in the press to delegitimize, dehumanize anybody that likes and supports the President.

And what is great progress that we have chronicled on this show, but not in the rest of the media, also often going so far as to justify abuse against them and to fuel a blame-the-victim, a mob mentality against anyone who dares to love their country and like to wear a Make America Great Again hat. How could that be bad? Take a look.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: That hat has become symbolic of a lot of things in this country. To some, it is merely a hat that dons a political slogan that the President has popularized, but for others, it has become an invitation for confrontation. Some have even referred to the hat as a modern-day version of the confederate battle flag.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The hat, in some ways, represents, for many of us, a kind of racial animus. Make America Great Again is a kind of nostalgic longing for the 1950s, not by way of public policy, Craig (ph), but by way of the (inaudible) thoughts of the '50s, which meant a society organized along the lines of segregation, in which black people were to stay in their place.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: OK. The MAGA hat. The MAGA hat carries a certain connotation that provokes a conditioned reaction for many people, especially for marginalized people.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Chaperones should be responsible enough to educate them. After all, they are students.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I think if the kids don't have the hats on their heads, you have a very different situation.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Like, forget Donald Trump for a moment and just think about this symbol of the red hat. When I see the Make America Great Again hat now, Chris (ph), I am triggered. I'm so triggered.


HANNITY: Triggered? Snowflakes? How about symbolic of record low unemployment for African-Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian-Americans, women in the workplace, youth unemployment? Maybe it represents those things.

Now, even NBC, which was trashing these Covington High School kids, well, for some reason, they gave the interview to Savannah Guthrie. After her network was trashing all of these kids and she pressed student Nicholas Sandmann on whether the MAGA hats may have provoked -- remember the black Hebrew Israelites that were uttering racial slurs at the students, asking if the hat caused the confrontation? Take a look.


SAVANNAH GUTHRIE, ANCHOR, NBC NEWS: Do you think if you weren't wearing that hat, this might not have happened or it might have been different?

NICHOLAS SANDMANN, COVINGTON CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT: That's possible, but I would have to assume what Mr. Phillips was thinking and rather let him speak for what he came up to us.


HANNITY: Now, remember, it was Nathan Phillips who approached the kids, and Nicholas stood there peacefully, smiling, and doing nothing. Remember the who caused all of this. The black Hebrew Israelites taunting those kids. Sick, vicious, racial slurs, vulgar language, calling them "future school shooters." And of course, the deranged left, they refused to confront the facts, they're continuing their sick attacks.

For example, look at actress Alyssa Milano, writing in a new piece that anyone that wears a MAGA hat, Make America Great Again hat, identifies with "White supremacy and misogyny," and that their new white hoods. Really?

It gets even worse. New York Times publishing an article this week where Reporter John Eligon downplays the hate spewing from the black Hebrew Israelites that started it all, even going so far as to describe them as, "Sidewalk ministers who use confrontation as their gospel."

And before writing about their "Attention-grabbing tactics," now attorney Robert Barnes, who is representing some of those students, says he is providing a Friday deadline to allow any defamatory, libelous comments about these students to be corrected, and cited - by the way, posts by Reza Aslan, Maggie Haberman, that have yet to be retracted.

But here's a bigger question for Ms. Milano and others. If you really care about misogyny, homophobia, racism, why are you silent when it comes to that radical hate group, which, as we've explained, has a long history of bigotry? Here's the reality.

The MAGA movement, big tent, all inclusive, it's about making this country great again under the President you loved. Obama, 13 million more Americans - that's right - food stamps, 8 million more in property. We told you that, but you forgot. Now millions out of poverty and off of food stamps, more jobs, the lowest - we have a million more jobs than we have people to fill them right now in America. Amazing!

And by the way, it is rooted in compassion, standing up for the forgotten men and women in this country that were nearly destroyed under the Obama policies. It's getting big results. For example, just show today's new data, jobless claims, the lowest they've been since 1969. And remember, unemployment, record low for almost every demographic group in the country. We have talked about this many, many times. And it's continuing to work. Wage growth is the best in a decade.

Remember, under Obama, we had millions more in poverty, homeownership rate dropped to the lowest in 50 years. It was the worst recovery in - since the 1940s. By the way, he added $10 trillion to our debt. Those were the people that were marginalized. Socialism failing.

The millions more who want food stamps, looking for a way out, and they found it under Donald Trump, which is why on this show we push for, yes, conservativism, because it works. Deregulation, the economy opens up, jobs, opportunities created, fighting to keep factories and all the building going on in America, job creation in America, manufacturing centers in America, common sense immigration to allow law-abiding people to pursue a better life while keeping us safe and secure. Market-based health care reforms at lower cost, increased access to care. Oh, like concierge service for every American when you have these health care co-ops or health care savings accounts.

Joining us now, former Secret Service Agent Dan Bongino; nationally syndicated radio talk show host, Larry Elder.

OK. A hat?


HANNITY: Gets that reaction. A hat to make America great again. America was suffering after eight years of Obama.

BONGINO: Yes. You know what's interesting? Bill Clinton used that same phrase, "Make America great again."

HANNITY: So did Ronald Reagan.

BONGINO: So did Ronald Reagan. And nobody found that racist at the time when Bill Clinton used it. I'm saying to you that this isn't based on principle. Another thing left out of that, though, Sean, too, about what Trump has done for members of minority communities, the black community included, the gap between white unemployment and black unemployment, which was very high under Obama, has been shrinking dramatically as well. So it's not just that we're at historic rates of black unemployment being at its lowest, it's that the disparities are shrinking too.

This is a fake story about the MAGA hats. By the way, they're trying to redefine the rules for us, and everybody in America who supports Donald Trump needs to fight back against this and refuse to be intimidated. You wear a MAGA hat wherever you want, whenever you want.

HANNITY: All right. The lawyer for the kids - if I can put your legal hat on, Larry Elder, you are a lawyer - sorry to mention that - as well as--



HANNITY: --talk show. All right. But--

ELDER: Thank you.

HANNITY: --the lawyer said you have until Friday to retract and apologize. Many have not. Now, my opinion, I believe they've got a great case. I wouldn't have given them 48 hours. I would have slapped them all with the lawsuits.

ELDER: It's going to be interesting. Defamation is a difficult thing to prove. These are not public figures. So the standard is a little bit lower. So they may have a shot. But - but Sean, do you really believe that we wouldn't be having this conversation because of the MAGA hats? Let's suppose the hats just said Trump on it. They'd still be angry. They'd still be perceived as symbols of hate.

Can you imagine, Sean, what would have happened if Trump had said, if I had a son, another son, he would have looked like Nick Sandmann? The country would have gone crazy. Racism is no longer a major problem in America. In 1997, Time and CNN did a poll of black teens and white teens. 90 percent of the black teens said racism was a minor problem or no problem in my own daily life. And more black teens and white teens said failure to take advantage of--


HANNITY: --one second.

ELDER: --opportunities is a bigger problem than racism.

HANNITY: These are minors. The law is - you call them racist. That's slander. That's liable. They're not public figures. You don't have to prove malice of anyway. You have to prove negligence.

ELDER: Right.

HANNITY: None of these outlets--

ELDER: Right.

HANNITY: --ever did any due diligence at all. They are culpable. They are liable. They had a responsibility--

ELDER: Right.

HANNITY: --to at least ask a question.

ELDER: Right. You remember that the guy named Richard Jewell who's accused of bombing--

HANNITY: I know--

ELDER: --the Olympic Park in Atlanta? Yes. And he was perceived to be--


HANNITY: He won a fortune listening to his attorney, great attorney.

ELDER: --murderer. Yes. He sued, and he ended up getting a lot of money for defamation. So these kids have a shot. Again, it's much easier when you're not a public figure than when you are a public figure.

HANNITY: Yes, they can say anything about all three of us and they'll get away with it--

BONGINO: They do.

HANNITY: --especially you, Larry. Better go ahead--


BONGINO: This was a perfect kid. I mean, you had a bunch of kids from a Christian, Catholic school, at a pro-life rally, wearing MAGA hats that's had all the hallmarks of a perfect media hit, and they just didn't play any attention to it into doing their facts and data and the research, and they got burned.

HANNITY: It's really twisted. I know - all right--


ELDER: And Sean, same thing would have happened to the hats just said Trump.

HANNITY: Yes. When we come back, major story, breaking tonight just now about the FBI. We have those exclusive details. We'll debut a new segment tonight, Villain of the Day. I promise you, it will shock your soul and your conscience. Straight ahead.


HANNITY: All right. We have breaking news in our Hannity Watch deep state's update tonight. The Hill's John Solomon new report just out detailing FBI General Counsel James Baker's unusual interventions in the Russia probe. Also our own Gregg Jarrett has an article on foxnews.com about testimony that shows even more FBI and DOJ misconduct that was part of the effort to hurt Donald Trump.

And joining us now, The Hill's investigative columnist, John Solomon; and the author of the number one best seller The Russia Hoax, Fox News analyst, Gregg Jarrett.

Gregg, we'll start with you. This is important what you found out.

GREGG JARRETT, AUTHOR, THE RUSSIA HOAX: Yes. I was able to confirm the testimony of a top FBI lawyer by the name of Trisha Anderson, who told Congress last August that Sally Yates, then the Deputy Attorney General, and Andrew McCabe, the Deputy FBI Director, did a line-by-line examination and review, and their own independent review, of the FISA application to spy on the Trump campaign, which means that they were involved in an egregious abuse of power because none of the information contained was verified, and that is a direct violation of FBI regulations. And they were perpetrating a fraud on the FISA court, which could be several different felonies as well. Six different felonies.

HANNITY: Six different felonies.

JARRETT: I lay them all out in the book.

HANNITY: And that dovetails into your report from last week, John, about--


HANNITY: --how everybody was warned by Bruce Ohr that--


HANNITY: --it was Hillary's, that it was unverified, and that Steele hated Trump and not to trust it. And your new report tonight about the FBI lawyers, playing dual roles here, dovetails also into Gregg's report.

SOLOMON: It does. And also Catherine Herridge from Fox News has her own good report out tonight.

HANNITY: Catherine has done a great work too. Yes.

SOLOMON: Yes. She has went out tonight that cites testimony that without the Ohr dossier being put in into the FISA warrant, it had a 50/50 chance of surviving the FISA courts. And now we know how essential--

HANNITY: Wait a minute. John, remember--

SOLOMON: --Ohr--


HANNITY: --McCabe said Steele dossier, no warrant.


HANNITY: No warrant.

SOLOMON: I'm sorry. I said Bruce Ohr, but Steele. Right. That's right. Let me tell you about James Baker. So James Baker walks in with some evidence from a Clinton lawyer in September. In October, he asked to review the FISA warrant, which is unusual. The General Counsel normally doesn't review them. And then after the FISA warrant is issued, he walks in some more information, a new version of a Steele dossier that he got from a liberal reporter named David Corn.

These are three - by his own admission, these are unusual things he did. Three extraordinary interventions by the FBI General Counsel. On top of Bruce Ohr's unusual intervention that we talked about, the State Department's unusual intervention, John Brennan's unusual intervention. There were an awful lot of political people that were intervening in this case. It's an--


HANNITY: Will Horowitz and the new AG, if they do their job, do these people get indicted?

SOLOMON: Well, they should certainly - their conduct should be further exposed. I don't think we know everything yet, Sean. So I'll leave the legal judgment to--

HANNITY: Do you have faith and confidence in Barr and then Horowitz?

SOLOMON: I do. I've seen very good investigative work from my reporting, from the IG, and of course, Bill Barr has a tremendous record as a lawyer. I want to mention one thing tonight. It's a lot of fun. A bunch of FBI agents called me after this story came out tonight, and one of them very highly decorated, deep in the NSA program, said this. After reading this, there must have been a new division in the FBI called the leakers, liars, and lawlessness group. And that's--

HANNITY: Yes. (inaudible) file are going to be the hero too.


HANNITY: Will they get indicted?


JARRETT: Yes. When powerful forces in government subvert the legal process and begin targeting and punishing people for political and personal reasons, democracy is threatened. And I believe, at the end of the day, they'll be held accountable.

HANNITY: All right. Thank you both. Big news out of the deep state. When we come back, we launch a brand-new segment on the show, Villain of the Day. It will shock your conscience. Straight ahead.


HANNITY: All right. Time to introduce the brand-new segment. Sometimes it's going to be fun, lighthearted. Sometimes it's going to be more serious. Villain of the Day. We're going to crown a new villain. Tonight, it's not hard.

Look there. New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, the New York State legislature. Many of you won't believe this. This week, the State of New York legalized late-term abortions, up to the ninth month. That will be called infanticide. Those are children that are viable to live on their own. That makes him the Villain of the Day, and he should be ashamed of himself.

Before we go tonight, we want to hear from you. Have something to tell us that we covered? @seanhannity on Twitter, and of course, hannity.com, where it says Right Sean. Let not your heart be troubled. The news continues.

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