Google employees call for tech giant to not work with ICE, Customs and Border Protection

This is a rush transcript from "The Ingraham Angle," August 16, 2019. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

JASON CHAFFETZ, HOST: I'm Jason Chaffetz in for Laura Ingraham, and this is a special edition of The Ingraham Angle from Washington.

Freshman Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib makes a huge deal about wanting to go to Israel, but then says "no, thanks" when she's granted a visa. Victor Davis Hanson is here on that. And we've got expert analysis on the breaking news of Jeffrey Epstein's cause of death.

Plus, hundreds of Google employees call for the company to not work with ICE and CBP. You won't believe this and you're going to want to hear about it. Former Acting ICE Director Tom Homan and Brandon Judd of the National Border Patrol Council are here to respond.

Plus, Raymond Arroyo on Bernie teaming up with a rap megastar, a shocking poll about American's underwear habits, and Spam has a new fall flavor. You're going to love it. It's all in this week's Friday's Follies.

But first, one of AOC-plus-three makes a huge fuss about Israel. Israel denied Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib's request for a visa, but then she said she needed a humanitarian exemption to visit her sick grandmother. The country reversed its decision and granted Tlaib permission, only for the radical freshman to say, ah, never mind. And of course, the liberal left is going bonkers over the whole thing. Watch this.


CHRIS MATTHEWS, HOST, HARDBALL, MSNBC: This is un-American to have a President just by dictate with his relationship with a fellow right wing leader.

OREN LIEBERMANN, CNN CORRESPONDENT: We've never seen President Donald Trump dictate what Israel's foreign policy should be in quite this way.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It's a clear declaration for all Congress itself.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It's still stunning to me.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I mean, I can't wrap my mind around it.


CHAFFETZ: Well, what they're not telling you is Tlaib and her fellow Squad members were invited to go to Israel last week with dozens of their colleagues, nearly 70 of them, and declined. House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy tweeting out this photo of the bipartisan group - bipartisan who spent a week learning about the country. Fox's Leland Vittert joins me live now with the story. Leland.

LELAND VITTERT, CORRESPONDENT: Evening, Jason. It wasn't enough for Rashida Tlaib to go or to be blocked from going to the holy land. It appears she wanted to be allowed to go and then say no to the invitation, at least that's what happened.

Here is how President Trump explained it in a tweet tonight. "Rep. Tlaib wrote a letter to Israeli officials desperately wanting to visit her grandmother. Permission was quickly granted, whereupon Tlaib obnoxiously turned the approval down, a complete setup. The only real winner here is Tlaib's grandmother. She doesn't have to see her now!"

Tlaib and her fellow Congressional member Ilhan Omar were planning a trip to, in their words, Palestine. Israel first agreed to let them in. Then President Trump tweeted it would show weakness on Israel's part because the Congresswomen support an anti-Israeli movement called BDS that promotes sanctions against Israel for its policies in the West Bank.

Then, after the Trump tweet, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his government said the two weren't welcome citing Israeli law that allows the government to ban entry for those who support BDS.

Next, Tlaib wrote on Congressional letterhead saying she would like to visit her grandmother and "I will respect any restrictions and will not promote boycotts against Israel during my visit." Within hours of that letter, overnight last night, Israel said, OK, and then Tlaib said essentially, never mind, I'm not coming.

The Israeli minister who proved the non-political visit by Tlaib tweeted this, in part, "I approved her request as a gesture of goodwill on a humanitarian basis, but it was just a provocative request aimed at bashing the State of Israel. Apparently, her hate for Israel overcomes her love for her grandmother."

That is a take on the quote by the late Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir, who said we will only have peace with the Arabs, Jason, when they love their children more than they hate us.

CHAFFETZ: Leland, thank you very much.

Joining me now is Asra Nomani, Founder of the Muslim Reform Movement, and Victor Davis Hanson, Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution. I thank you both there for joining us tonight. Asra, I want to start with you. What's your take on this whole situation?

ASRA NOMANI, CO-FOUNDER, MUSLIM REFORM MOVEMENT & AUTHOR, STANDING ALONE: Well, Representative Tlaib and Representative Ilhan Omar should open up a new caucus, the grievance caucus, in Congress because every day it's another grievance. And this pit is on Israel. I brought with me this little thing that I got in Bethlehem. Do you know what it is?

CHAFFETZ: No. Tell me about it.

NOMANI: This is a key. And this key says "My home." And it's a symbol of the movement that Representative Tlaib and Representative Omar are a part of. This Boycott, Divest, Sanctions movement is an attempt to get a one- state solution that wants Palestinians to be able to take a key that they call the key to their home, to their ancestral land that is now current-day Israel and claim it. They want a right of return of Palestinians and they want to be able to rename Israel, Palestine.

When I went from the river to the sea in my own journey and my own travels and reporting, this was a mantra that I heard again and again from the Palestinian side. And unfortunately, many more Palestinians say that this does not represent the real interest of Palestinians.

CHAFFETZ: Victor, you have such a great insight. You know the history of the region and whatnot. As you see this situation unfold, give us some perspective.

VICTOR DAVIS HANSON, SENIOR FELLOW, HOOVER INSTITUTION & AUTHOR, THE CASE FOR TRUMP: Well, I think on the domestic political theme, it's more than just a civil war. Nancy Pelosi dismissed the so-called Squad and said they have more votes. But remember when those 41 Democratic Representatives went to Israel, it was a news blackout. They didn't want to mention they were even inside Israel. And when we look at the failure to pass a resolution condemning anti-Semitism, you can see they have enormous amount of influence. And why is that true?

And I think what we're seeing is a passing of the old guard. I mean, there was a time when Dick Durbin or Nancy Pelosi or Steny Hoyer or Chuck Schumer or Dianne Feinstein represented the liberal Jewish tradition in the Democratic Party. But that's starting to fade. There's changing demography. There's a lot of identity politics that has a long history of anti- Semitism. I can't mention the names Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, the Reverend Wright without coming up with an easy, quote, and I could do it on demand of something that's terribly anti-Semitic.

And then there's something else going on. And that is I think this new generation of young Jewish Americans. They're assimilated. They remind me of the Greek lobby. They're not observant Jews. And they find their Jewish heritage sort of an embarrassment in the confines of the progressive movement. So a lot of this new generation is not speaking up on behalf of Israel. Some have not been to Israel. And I think we're going to see a landmark change in the Democratic Party very shortly. And this so-called--

CHAFFETZ: Yes - no, I think - I think that it's happening.

HANSON: --minority view of the Squad is going to be the majority.

CHAFFETZ: I worry about that because, Asra, as we look at this situation--

NOMANI: Right.

CHAFFETZ: --I mean, they did not - they will not even recognize the name "Israel." The top of their itinerary said they were going to Palestine. They were not trying to go to Israel.

NOMANI: Right. And to this point of this deterioration in the Democratic Party, what's happened is the radical Muslim lobby has inserted itself. And they basically hijacked the Democratic Party with this agenda. The agenda is clear destruction of Israel. They didn't even name Israel on their itinerary--

CHAFFETZ: That's right.

NOMANI: --as you mentioned. And so, Bernie Sanders, he's being triumphed by the Democrats, by Linda Sarsour and all of the others that are part of this network in the U.S. because they have inserted their idea about the destruction of Israel into the Democratic agenda. And that's really dangerous. People need to think - whatever your criticism at Israel, do you believe that a state has to be extinguished from this earth? And--

CHAFFETZ: Yes - no. They - this is - I mean, I've seen this (inaudible). You go to the Middle East, you travel there, you're in the region. They don't even have Israel on the map when you go to the local store in order to go there. I also saw - Victor, I want to get your take on this because there was all of this exasperation from the media and whatnot about oh, my gosh, the Israel decided not to let somebody in and then when they had to invite them (ph) in, but they forget that when Barack Obama was the President, Obama, the administration, refused to allow somebody from the Knesset, the Israeli legislature, to come into the country, Mr. Ben-Arie, as they act as if that never happened.

NOMANI: And I might just mention--

HANSON: Yes. I think every country does--

CHAFFETZ: Go ahead, Victor.


HANSON: They're not - they're not committed to a suicide pact. They don't have to invite whether it's United States or Israel. Even if it's a Democratic ally, they don't have to invite anybody they feel has pledged to the destruction of their state.

One thing that's really strange here is that this new anti-Semitism is pretty easily defined. And that is, when the Squad says that they're worried about occupied territories, they never talk about occupied Cyprus and Turkey. When they talk about refugees, they never talk about the half million Jews, up to a million that were ethnically cleansed from the Middle East and much less the 13 million Germans that walked back to Germany about the same time as the Palestinians were made refugees. So it's always selective.

And all of the problems in the world are of no interest to Representatives Omar and Tlaib. It's only Israel, this tiny little democracy, this oasis in a sea of autocracy and dictatorship that they focus on. And the question is, why do they focus on it? And that is they have a deep-seeded anti- Semitism and a hatred to this successful country. And it's shocking to me at this period in 2019 that the Democratic Party, which prided itself as the bulwark or the protector of the Jewish-Americans, has abdicated that role and has let these four young radicals hijack the party. And they really are doing it by--


HANSON: --social media and their appeal to youth culture.

CHAFFETZ: Well - and I wish would realize - and just look at the truth of this whole matter. And I think it was a stunt. And I think it was meant to try to embarrass Israel. They could have gone with the 70 other members of Congress. But look at this picture - as I say good-bye to you, look at this picture of AOC. During the time - and I'm not sure there's an exact overlap here, but AOC spending time in Hollywood. She's there in Hollywood. She wasn't on that trip. But this is where the Democratic Party is going these days, at least that's my opinion.

Asra and Victor, thank you so much. I appreciate you joining us here tonight.

HANSON: Thank you.

NOMANI: thank you.

CHAFFETZ: We're learning more tonight about what happened behind the scenes at "The New York Times" after they caved to the media mob and changed a positive headline, from the Trump perspective, to a negative one. "The New York Times" originally published "Trump urges unity versus racism." There was all sorts of backlash, and the headline was amended to, "Assailing hate but not guns."

In a newly released transcript of the meeting at the paper, Executive Editor David (ph) Baquet told staffers that their mission is changing, saying, "Chapter one of the story of Donald Trump is not only for our newsroom but frankly for our readers, was: Did Donald Trump have untoward relationships with the Russians and was there obstruction of justice?" The vision for coverage for the next two years is, how do we cover America that's become so divided by Donald Trump?"

Here to respond is Kimberley Strassel, one of our favorites, "The Wall Street Journal" Editorial Board member and Fox News contributor, and author of the upcoming book - you're going to want to get this one. She's one of the best writers out there - "Resistance (At All Costs)." Kimberley is joining us live now. And I do appreciate it.

When I see this, Kimberley, it strikes me that here "The New York Times" is already presupposing the conclusion. They've already told you what they're going to print for the next year-and-a-half as we go through this election. How do you see it?

KIMBERLEY STRASSEL, WSJ EDITORIAL BOARD MEMBER: Well, that is what is so stunning about this. Look, Jason, as someone who spent years on the news side of "The Wall Street Journal" before I moved over to the opinion side, not unusual for leaders to task a group of reporters to focus on a particular subject. But it's usually something that they're trying to bring something to light like unemployment in a particular city or breakthroughs in AIDS drugs. The goal is to report, highlight an issue, maybe win a prize.

This is entirely different. This is Baquet saying, look, basically we have a partisan and political agenda to push a narrative out there. And he also admitted, which I thought was incredibly honest and revealing, why did we do it? Well, one, because of the sentiment of reporters within their newsroom; and two - and he had a quote. He said, you know, well, the problem was our readers who really want Trump gone, they saw the results of the Mueller report and thought, oh, blankety-blank. So now we need to change focus, and we're moving on to Trump is a racist. It was incredible.

CHAFFETZ: No. No - I want you to look at this other quote. He says here - this is the Executive Editor of "The New York Times." And he says, "We built our newsroom to cover one story, and we did it truly well." First of all - there's so much that's wrong with that. First of all, you build the newsroom to cover a story because - and it turns out to be totally false.

STRASSEL: Well, exactly. Newsrooms are meant to report the news. OK? And you never know what the news is going to be. It comes as it comes.


STRASSEL: And again, you can have a particular focus, but your goal is still supposed to be to just report the latest things that came out. Not to presuppose that Donald Trump was colluding with Russians or obstructing justice, which is, of course, their mission. And then, as you say, totally embarrassing, how can you say we did a good job when the Mueller report proved almost everything that you reported to be completely false over the past two years? The only thing that's good about this, Jason, is they've now informed us what they're going to do. The next subject is, again, Trump is a racist. And I think one of the problems that Times has is how can anyone trust any accuracy in that story given the failure in the last?

CHAFFETZ: No. It's this projection by this newspaper and the - look, Democrats do it, and say, hey, this is exactly what the news is going to be no matter what Donald Trump does. Do you think this strengthens him? I mean, he goes out and talks about fake news, fake news. I mean, these people have predicted because they actually get to write the paper, they have the ink. What's your take?

STRASSEL: Well, that is a political side of it. And they are handing him a club to use against them when they engage in this kind of journalism.


STRASSEL: But I think the more serious issue is we hear so much about supposed norm-breaking by this administration. If you care about journalism, this truly is norm-breaking, and it's one of the reasons that so many Americans lack trust in the media these days. And that's not a good situation for civil society or the country.

CHAFFETZ: No. I got to tell you, the paper you work for, "The Wall Street Journal," I think is the best of the best. And I appreciate your writing and--

STRASSEL: I have to agree.

CHAFFETZ: --appreciate you joining us here tonight. Well, thank you. Thank you.

STRASSEL: Thank you.

CHAFFETZ: Up next, the results of Jeffrey Epstein's autopsy are in. We'll have the late breaking details when we come right back.


CHAFFETZ: There are more questions than answers tonight about the death of Jeffrey Epstein. The medical examiner officially ruling today it was a suicide by hanging. But attorneys for the alleged child sex trafficker say they do not accept that conclusion.

Fox News Correspondent Bryan Llenas is live in our New York City newsroom with the late-breaking details. Bryan?

BRYAN LLENAS, CORRESPONDENT: Jason, good evening. Look, New York City's Chief Medical Examiner announcing the findings of Jeffrey Epstein's autopsy in just one sentence, "After careful review of all investigative information, including complete autopsy findings, the determination on the death of Jeffrey Epstein is below. Cause: Hanging. Manner: Suicide."

"The Daily Beast" is reporting marks found on Epstein's neck are consistent with those left by a fabric. That matches reports that Epstein hanged himself with a bed sheet off of his bunk inside of his cell in the special housing unit of the Metropolitan Correctional Center.

Epstein was found dead in his cell last Saturday morning. His autopsy was completed on Sunday. But the medical examiner said she needed further information to complete the report. And now, tonight, Epstein's defense team says it's not satisfied with the examiner's conclusions, and the team intends to "conduct its own independent and complete investigation."

His lawyers are demanding to see surveillance video of the hallways outside of Epstein's jail cell. There was speculation over the last couple of days about whether Epstein really did this to himself after "The Washington Post" reported Epstein broke multiple bones in his neck, including the hyoid bone near the Adam's apple. The hyoid can break in hangings, but experts say such a break is more common in homicidal strangulation. The medical examiner concluding this was not a homicide.

Now, the Department of Justice, the FBI, and Bureau of Prisons are all investigating the circumstances of Epstein's death. This, as a source, tells us, Jason, that some MCC jail staff have not been initially cooperative with investigators. Jason?

CHAFFETZ: Bryan, thank you very much for that reporting.

Joining me now is John Iannarelli, former FBI National Spokesman and former FBI Special Agent in Charge, and John Yoo, former Deputy Assistant Attorney General.

John Yoo, I would like to start with you. Based on this, it's interesting to me that the counsel for the now deceased, Jeffrey Epstein, the three attorneys there are saying, hey, we're not buying it, we're not concluding that. For those of us sitting home and darked (ph) in the legal world, what does that mean when the person who supposedly committed suicide, his own legal team is saying we don't believe it?

JOHN YOO, FORMER DEPUTY ASSISTANT ATTORNEY GENERAL: Jason, I agree. That's a very strange thing for his lawyers to do. I think maybe in part this is an effort to try to protect the estate in some way, although I don't think it really makes sense.

I think what the best thing for them to do at this point is to accept the medical examiner's conclusion to stop - I think everyone should stop spreading conspiracy theories that somehow some nefarious outside forces got to him like at the end of Godfather II and got him to kill himself or got people to kill himself, and to recognize that this prison might be mismanaged. It seems like guards might have lied. There was inappropriate supervision of the employees. And to ask the Attorney General to get to the bottom of it, even the House and other bodies can get to the bottom of it. And to make sure that the public has confidence about our prison system going forward.

CHAFFETZ: Now, John Iannarelli, you have got a perspective too. Your time as a special agent and in the FBI, there were reports that the Attorney General was wanting updates every three hours. There was something highly suspicious here. And the highest profile prisoner they probably had at the time - there are other prisoners of high profile and of vital performance. But when you see these attorneys discrediting - questioning this report, what do you think?

JOHN IANNARELLI, FORMER FBI NATIONAL SPOKESMAN: Two words come to mind. Billable hours. The reality is whether he was murdered - which he wasn't, it was a suicide - or, in fact, a suicide. He was still arrested for the crimes that are being alleged and going to be found guilty. They need to move on from that because the victims are out there and they're still suffering from having been Epstein's victims.

This is all a sideshow to the fact that it's not unusual. You got a billionaire guy whose life is going to change forever. He's going to prison and not getting out. Not a big surprise in the law enforcement world that he decides to take his own life.

CHAFFETZ: Yes. I would agree with you in part. But John Yoo, what is surprising to me, and we had the brain room here at Fox News confirm this, that in the 40 years of existence of that prison, only one other time in the history of that, for 40 years, has anybody ever successfully committed suicide. So, I mean, come on that's a little suspicious, isn't it?

YOO: I completely agree with you. I can see why people are worried about this. As you say, in 40 years, there's only been one successful suicide. I there've only been three attempted suicides there. You have weird facts. There are guards there who weren't checking in on Mr. Epstein at the rate they were supposed to. You have the cells not covered by surveillance cameras. His roommate wasn't there. I don't blame people for asking these kinds of questions. In fact, the Attorney General of the United States says something funny was going on here.

Usually, though, I tend to chalk these things up to incompetence rather than maliciousness. And I think that's why - as you are a Congressman and you did a good job in oversight, this is a good example of when you need outside investigation from either the top of the Justice Department, like the independent - I'm sorry, the inspector general or even House and Senate Oversight Committees over the Justice Department and let all the facts out. Let's have a transparent investigation. I think that's what the Attorney General wants to do. We need to restore confidence in the integrity of our prison system.

CHAFFETZ: No. I think government, in general, is suffering because they just don't trust them when all of a sudden, things break down and it's so suspicious.

Mr. Iannarelli, before I get you to comment, I want you to hear the sounds from one of the prison consultants and their take on things.


JACK DONSON, FEDERAL PRISON CONSULTANT: Let's see the tapes because every federal prison has what they refer to as range cameras. So even though there's not individual cell cameras in the cells ordinarily, there are range cameras.


CHAFFETZ: What's your take on that when you hear them say that? I mean, there - every door has cameras on both sides of it so that the guards can actually see what's going on, who's coming and going. There's going to be a lot of tapes there, right?

IANNARELLI: Absolutely. For your viewing population that has not been to a prison, I will tell you, it's not like walking into 7-Eleven. Doors aren't going to slide open for you. There are checks and procedures. You have to show multiple forms of identification. The reality is there's many different points. You have to identify yourself. So nobody is just going to wander in, commit a murder, and wander out.

I think it's important that we shouldn't underestimate the government's ability to be incompetent and allow things like this to happen. As far as the suicides, you put more billionaires in prison, you're going to see more suicides. That's the reality. Somebody having a dramatic change in their life and deciding to take their own life as a result.

CHAFFETZ: So, John Yoo, where do we go from here? Where is this case going next?

YOO: It's a good question, Mr. Chaffetz. Look, the prosecution is still going to go ahead because Mr. Epstein was, according to the government's view, conspiring with other people to engage in child sex trafficking. So that's still going to continue. Anybody who was helping or cooperating with Mr. Epstein, they shouldn't think this is over. Second, the government can still try to seize the assets that Mr. Epstein used where these crimes occurred, try to use that to distribute assets to victims. And then, today we're seeing news of more people coming forward, filing lawsuits against the estate.

And I think when this gets this all - I'm sorry, but this is going to get into what we call probate law and trust and estates law. So a terrible thing to have to get involved with. A lot of lawyers are going to involve. But what's going to happen is that the judge is going to oversee that, hopefully will distribute the estate and try to make sure that all the victims are fairly compensated. It's not going to make up for what Mr. Epstein did, but they verily still have some chance to tell their side of the story and to get compensation for.

CHAFFETZ: Yes. My take on it is the reason that three attorneys for Mr. Epstein are trying to discredit this is because they're trying to limit the liability. But as both of you have pointed out, the lawyers always make out like the bandits that they should. But I do hope there is justice for all of these particular young women who were harmed and more than harmed along the way. But gentlemen, I appreciate your expertise tonight and thank you for joining us.

IANNARELLI: Thank you.

YOO: Thank you.

CHAFFETZ: Next, Bernie gets advice from a big name, Rapper; the dirty underwear secret; and a new flavor of Spam you're going to love it. Raymond Arroyo is here to break it all down in Friday Follies. Stay there.


CHAFFETZ: It's Friday. That means it's time for Friday Follies. Bernie Sanders is teaming up with one of rap's biggest names, a new survey revealing some dirty laundry, and why everyone, except me, thinks that spam's new fall flavor is going too far. Joining us now with all of the details is Raymond Arroyo, Fox News contributor. Raymond, tell me about Bernie Sanders' latest campaign sidekick?

RAYMOND ARROYO, CONTRIBUTOR: Jason, this has to be the weirdest pairing of the week, really, since Walter Matthau and Jack Lemon. Bernie appeared at a Detroit nail salon for an intimate conversation with rapper Cardi B to discuss everything from police brutality to the living wage, believe it or not.


CARDI B, RAPPER: What are we going to do about wages in America?

SEN. BERNIE SANDERS, I-VT, D-PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Good. We have tens of millions of people who are earning what I consider to be starvation wages. Can you imagine somebody today earning $9 an hour?

CARDI B: It don't make no sense. Some people like to brag that there is more jobs now in America, but what are they paying? And these jobs, they're practically paying nothing.

SANDERS: You got it.



CHAFFETZ: The jobs numbers may not matter to Cardi B, but apparently taxes matter to her. Here she is in March.


CARDI B, RAPPER: So you know the government is taking 40 percent of my taxes. And Uncle Sam, I want to know what you're doing with my -- tax money. So what is -- doing with my money?


ARROYO: Jason, if she's worried about tax dollars being spent, why is she supporting Bernie Sanders? His health care plan promises $32 trillion in new taxes, and that's before you pay for free tuition, the DACA expansion for the parents. But where did Cardi B, this great rapper, get all of that money that she's so concerned about. Hmm?


CARDI B, RAPPER: I had to walk straight. Yes, yes, yes, let go to this hotel. And I robbed them. That's what I used to do.


ARROYO: You know, Jason, I think Bernie has the stripper vote locked down. This is a lock for him.


ARROYO: So he's going to move up in those polls. Those were a certain type of pole, I guess.

But it reminds me, Jason, of the NFL this week. They recruited Jay-Z to try to buy cred in the African-American community. That's really what Bernie is trying to do here. They need African-American support in the Democratic caucus, and that's what this is clearly a stretch towards, or an attempt to reach.

CHAFFETZ: Someone like her, Cardi B, people actually pay her money. That's what's absolutely stunning to me.

ARROYO: I know. It's unbelievable.

Jason, there was a new poll released this week by the clothing maker, Tommy John, and it furnished me and it will soon furnish you with much more information than I think we needed. They found that nearly half of Americans, 45 percent, have worn the same pair of underwear for two days or more, 13 percent say they've worn the same pair for a week or more. Can you imagine what that hamper smells like on Sunday? Now, there are all kinds of bacterial infections and health problems that accompany these undie-redundies, which are too gross for me to even get into. But why wouldn't you put a fresh pair on assuming you have a selection to choose from.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I own one pair of underwear, that's it. Some of these billionaires, they've got three, four pairs.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I don't have a drier. I have to put my clothes on the radiator.



ARROYO: We're trying to tie all of this together, Bernie and the underwear. But if you have them, you should clean them. This is ridiculous. It's unsanitary. It's awful. And I think there's a tie-in here, Jason. Last week we covered a group of millennials 18 to 25 who did not use deodorant for a year. I think it's the same people not changing their underwear. They need to get with the program here.

CHAFFETZ: One quick question. I'm just asking for a friend, but, if you go commando, then what do you do?

ARROYO: I'm not even addressing that. Full disclosure, I've never gone commando, and I'm not about to do it here or tell you about it.

CHAFFETZ: Some people tell me, I don't know, but some people say it's very interesting. Anyway, Raymond, before we go, some people get excited about the return of pumpkin spice Frappuccinos or maybe pumpkin spice bread, but I am so looking forward to welcoming with fall pumpkin spice spam. Hormel is making the new seasonal spam available on September 23rd. My calendar is marked. I'm a big fan. I love spam. I've been eating it since I was a little kid. But I understand maybe you don't share my excitement.

ARROYO: Jason, I'll tell you why I really came here tonight. I came for an intervention. You can't eat spam any longer, my friend. You know what's in this stuff? I researched this all day after you told me we should do this segment. It's every piece of pig but the squeal mashed together with potato and salt and sugar and sodium nitrate. It's basically pig part Jell-O. Why would you want to add artificial flavoring to this?

CHAFFETZ: Raymond, I'm already sold. You don't have to sell me anymore. You don't get a body like mine by missing out on spam. I love this stuff.

ARROYO: I've got to get you off of it. Why don't you just get cracklin and dip it in flavored sauces and then just eat that. You can skip this flavored spam altogether. I'm shocked.

CHAFFETZ: I do that, too.

ARROYO: You do?

CHAFFETZ: I love it. Of course. Raymond, I know you're in New Orleans, you've got great cuisine, great cuisine down there.

ARROYO: I know yes.

CHAFFETZ: But spam should be on the menu at some of these high-end restaurants that you're always eating at.

ARROYO: I know it's very big in Hawaii. In my studies, I realize that's the place where spam sells the most.

CHAFFETZ: And in Utah.

ARROYO: And I guess in Utah at your house.


ARROYO: But let me tell you, we're not going to put pumpkin spice in gumbo. We're not going to put it on our steaks or on our hot dogs, you shouldn't put it in spam. And I've got to get it off of the stuff, introduction you to hanger steaks.

CHAFFETZ: If you like steak and hot dog and hamburger, like I do, you can get it all in one, and we call it spam. So we'll get you some. We'll get you some. Raymond, thank you very much.

ARROYO: Next time I'm in Utah, cook me up some. Have a great weekend.

CHAFFETZ: Absolutely. Absolutely. Raymond, thank you so much.

First, it was AOC plus three, now hundreds of employees at Google demand the company not work with immigration enforcement agencies. Tom Homan and Brandon Judd are here to respond. You're going to want to see this. Stay with us.



REP. ALEXANDRA OCASIO-CORTEZ, D-N.Y.: We can replace it, and we can replace it with a humane agency that is directed toward safe passage.

SEN. KIRSTEN GILLIBRAND, D-N.Y., PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: I don't think ICE today is working as intended.

MARIANNE WILLIAMSON, DEMOCRATIC PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Ladies and gentlemen, I'm a Jew. And we are raised to say never again. It's happening.



CHAFFETZ: That's been the message of the radical left for months. And then just this week, a man shot up in an ICE office in San Antonio, Texas. Now hundreds of Google punks are demanding the tech giant not do business with immigration enforcement agencies. Protesters writing in a petition, quote, "In working with CPB, ICE, or Office of Refugee Resettlement, Google would be trading its integrity for a bit of profit and joining a shameful lineage. We have only to look to IBM's role in working with the Nazis -- Nazis -- during the holocaust to understand the role that technology can play in automating mass atrocity."

Here to respond is Tom Homan, former acting ICE director and FOX News contributor, and Brandon Judd, the National Border Patrol Council. I know both gentlemen. I've worked with these gentlemen. They put their lives on the line for decades to protect this country and go fight the people that are trying to do illegal things in this country, and to deport people who have criminal backgrounds and records. And I'm honored I'm sitting here with the two of you. But as you see this, and they try to compare what CPB and ICE and all of that is doing to Nazis, I can't even imagine what you and your family think of when we see that.

BRANDON JUDD, PRESIDENT, NATIONAL BORDER PATROL COUNCIL: I can't tell you how disgusted I am that because we're enforcing the laws that Congress passed, and we're doing it in a humane manner, by the way, all you have to do is go down and watch the way we do it, we're compared to people that murdered -- a group of Nazis murdered 6,000 Jews. What we're doing is we're holding --

CHAFFETZ: Million. Million.

JUDD: Yes, 6 million, that's right, 6 million Jews. What we're doing is we're holding people pending deportation proceedings. If they have a right to be in the United States, we're ultimately going to let them in to the United States. If they don't have the right to be in the United States, then we send them back to their country and we send them in airplanes. We feed them, we clothe them, we give them all of the necessities for life. The Nazis didn't do that.

CHAFFETZ: Yes. It's disgusting. But, Tom, you put your life on the line. You've been down to the border. If you were standing in front of these Google geeks, what would you tell them about the reality of life and what's going on?

TOM HOMAN, FORMER ACTING ICE DIRECTOR: First off, the only think I would tell them is get out of the building, fire them. I don't know any employees want to see their companies lose millions of contracts with the federal government.

They're supposed to be techie smart, this younger generation, but these people are morons because they haven't studied the issues. Study the issue, find out what ICE actually does. Do you know nine out of 10 people that ICE arrests are criminals, convicted criminals, are pending criminal charges against a United States citizen? Do you know that ICE took enough opioids off of the street last year to kill every man, woman, and child in this country twice? Do you know ICE has saved thousands of children from child predators? Do you know ICE has saved hundreds of women from sex trafficking? Do you know ICE arrested 137,000 criminals, public safety threats off of your streets to make your streets safer?

And as far as Nazis, let me educate you on that too. ICE actually has an entire division that investigates and removes human rights violators. During my 34 years with ICE, we actually arrested and removed hundreds of Nazi war criminals to go back and stand trial. ICE arrests human rights violators every year, hundreds, and sends them back to their homeland to face charges. So ICE is an exact opposite operational mold. We attack human violators and we remove them and have them deported so they can face their consequences back in their homeland.

CHAFFETZ: Brandon, you understand how this technology works and why this contract -- first of all, Google doesn't need to bid on these contracts. There are other good companies out there that can do a lot of this, so their fight is internal. But tell people the irony of what they're -- what they're trying to -- what they're advocating for.

JUDD: So, these people are saying that we have to protect these illegal immigrants that are coming across the border illegally. If we can't process them, if we don't have the technology that Google can offer, then we can't process them in a timely manner and we have to hold them even longer. So what they're asking us to do is they're asking us to actually hold them in our custody even longer because they won't give us the technology in order to process them through.

What makes me sick is you've had the opportunity, I've had the opportunity, I wish all of the American citizens would be able to talk with President Trump. What he wants to do is he wants to protect the American people. And because he wants to protect the American people, he gets called names and he gets vilified, when in reality, the villains are the cartels that put these people in danger when they're crossing the border illegally. And now Google wants to put even more people into the hands of the cartels because that's what invites them to come here to the United States illegally in the first place.

CHAFFETZ: It's absolutely disgusting. And what I see actually Google doing is bending all of the rules and trying to help out China. But they won't help out our Pentagon, they won't help our military, they don't want to help the law enforcement here in this country. Google, go ahead, stop bidding on those contracts because you have more in tune with China and what they want to do and bending your rules. It's absolutely disgusting.

We had this horrific case, and, Tom, I want you to comment on it. A young 11-year-old girl allegedly raped by a 27-year-old and a 28-year-old. These alleged punks right here were under deportation orders, at least I know one of them was. But explain what your organization, what you see in law enforcement, what their role is. And, remember, there's an 11-year-old girl who was raped repeatedly, and law enforcement has to go in and take care of it, and your folks are the ones that actually do it.

HOMAN: Actually, that's exactly right. And maybe the Google employees ought to listen to this. Now, these two subjects, one was actually arrested, went through due process, was deported back to El Salvador for re-entry into the United States, which is a felony. The other had due process and ordered to remove, but he just failed to leave.

And for these people who want to see ICE and the Border Patrol fail, this is what happened. Montgomery County is a sanctuary city. Knowingly releasing a public safety threat out to the public to -- look, you have to look at recidivism rates. Half of them will commit a crime in the first year, 75 percent will recommit in five years. ICE is keeping communities safe. Again, let me throw out a number, 137,000 convicted criminals we took off of the streets of this country. So to the Google employees, to AOC and the squad, you're welcome. AOC, we arrested 5,000 criminal aliens off of the streets in New York. I've done for the safety of New York than you did.

So let's stop hating on ICE and Border Patrol. These are heroes. Border Patrol agents and ICE agents have died serving this country. They strap a gun to their hip every day to protect this nation.

CHAFFETZ: You're right. We have tens of thousands of heroes, men and women who put their lives on the line to take care of those punks and get them out of the street. A federal judge ordered them to leave the country. And they didn't just pack up their bags and go. Somebody's got to go in there, put their life on the line, drag them out of here, and kick their ass out of the country. It doesn't happen magically by typing something into your Google browser. So those punks at Google have got to figure out and get a reality check, get out of your Palo Alto chairs, and go live yourself down on the border and see what these men and women do. Stop disparaging them, attacking them that they're the bad guys. If you've got a problem, you go talk to AOC, you go talk to the Democrats, you go talk to Congress, because they enforce the law.

I've seen it up close and personal. I have been out there. I've been on the border. I've seen what they do. And I just come in and do it for a day or two. They do it every day. And I'm sick of these Google punks and what they're doing. I've got to take a deep breath. I've got to take a deep breath. But I've got to tell you, I appreciate what you do. We're out of time. I've got to keep going because this network sells commercials.

JUDD: Jason, thank you.

CHAFFETZ: I appreciate it. Listen, all right, taking a deep breath.

Next, the worst media offenders of the week. It doesn't compare to what's going on on the border, but I tell you, the media offenders drive us nuts too. Stay with us.


CHAFFETZ: It's easy to become numb to the media bias these days, it's so prevalent. So "The Ingraham Angle" is keeping track of the worst offenders of the week.

Joining me now, Charlie Kirk, founder and president of Turning Point USA and author of the upcoming book, "The MAGA Doctrine." I look forward to seeing that. Congratulations on the book. Also with me, Cathy Areu, liberal news analyst. All right, we have got to go through the rapid fire. Let's begin with the CNN analyst who's rooting for the economy to collapse.


JOHN BERMAN, CNN ANCHOR: Fears of a global recession, that's right, the "r" word, and a weakening American economy have rattled the Wall Street. The Dow plummeted more than 800 points yesterday. That's the worst day of the year.

Rana, you look at this and you say it's here.

RANA FOROOHAR, CNN GLOBAL ECONOMIC ANALYST: It's here. and in fact I said that on Sunday in a column, and I'm not sure whether to be happy that I was right or really devastated that my retirement savings has gone down.


Cathy, what's your take on that?

CATHY AREU, PUBLISHER, CATALINA MAGAZINE: It should be a CNN op-ed person, a personality. It shouldn't be an analyst. They're confusing journalism at CNN with op-ed, and opinion editor. That was an opinion. Rooting for the economy to go bad, that's an opinion, that's not hard news. And that should not be her title. That's not a political analyst.

CHAFFETZ: No, no. Charlie, what was your take on it when you saw that?

CHARLIE KIRK, FOUNDER, TURNING POINT USA: I hear nothing. I'm not hearing anything.

CHAFFETZ: We're having some audio problems with him. We're going to go to the next one, and hopefully we can get some audio working for Charlie there.

Liberals were, of course, up in arms over a new report, President Trump wanted to buy Greenland from Denmark. But an MSNBC guest took it to disgraceful new heights.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: His supporters are like blind followers of his, and I just wonder when this becomes a talking point of his on the campaign trail, can anybody at the MAGA rally point out Greenland on a map? I would be very interested and curious to see, or tell us what kind of government Greenland is, or who the indigenous people are. I highly doubt it.


CHAFFETZ: Cathy, I think we have Charlie back now, but I want to go to you first, Cathy. To attack the audience, the general public, is that a wise thing to do?

AREU: Look, MSNBC -- it's what the MSNBC audience wants to hear. The liberal media is going to the left, and this is what they expect to hear from their guest commentators. It wasn't the right thing to do. A lot of people don't know what the government of Greenland is anyway. And now many people actually do know. But, no, to say that on national media, it's not the right way to go. But it was a commentator, and it was a guest, and it is to be expected from the media that slants to the left.

CHAFFETZ: But Charlie, what they're really trying to do is to say anybody who supports Donald Trump, they're stupid. They can't even point to Greenland on the map. It's offensive, right?

KIRK: That's right. Yes, and it seems to be a recurring trend, whether it be -- Hillary Clinton called her opponent's supporters deplorables, or Peter Strzok said the Walmart smelly people. It's never a good strategy to try to attack the supporters of the other side. You're trying to win over those voters, and it's this common theme of what I like to call the elites of Malibu and Manhattan that really don't think very highly of people of Michigan or Missouri or Montana, the middle parts of this country. And it's this condescension, is this greater than thou elitism, if you will, that I don't think is a very smart or wise political strategy.

CHAFFETZ: Go ahead and attack the idea, maybe attack the public policy holder, but to attack the audience like that I don't think is ever good advice.

Moving on here, I think this might be the last one, late-night show host Stephen Colbert, who bashes President Trump pretty much every hour on the hour, made this bizarre claim on CNN's Anderson Cooper last night. Watch this.


STEPHEN COLBERT, HOST, "THE LATE SHOW": I'm not going against him. I am not the resistance. This is not the resistance. This is alternative programming. What we want to do is point and laugh at what he thinks is his own unassailable dignity that he thinks he gets from that office. But that's not resisting. That's laughing. And it's not the same thing. I'm not a political figure.


CHAFFETZ: That's an interesting self-convenient take on it. What do you think, Cathy?

AREU: Yes, he is a political figure. He mocks politicians. He's a leader. He uses his voice to talk about politics. So, sorry, but he is part of the resistance. He's a liberal in --

CHAFFETZ: Charlie, what's your take on it?

KIRK: Well, I'll challenge him a little bit. People don't laugh when they go to his shows. They clap because he's not funny, he's a political commentator, because they used to laugh when you used go to a late night television, now everyone claps because he's saying things that they agree with. In order to have comedy, you must actually be funny, which Stephen Colbert is not. He used to be when he used to make fun of both sides, but now he just cares about hating Donald Trump.

CHAFFETZ: Listen, I miss the days of Jay Leno. I really do. Charlie, Cathy, thank you very much, have a good weekend.

The Last Bite when we come back.




UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Hey, I see you. To the left. We need some more.


CHAFFETZ: That's Andrew Yang, and he obviously eats spam with moves like that. That's all the time we have tonight. I'm Jason Chaffetz in for Laura Ingraham. Make sure to order my new book. It's called "Power Grab." You can get it now as a preorder.

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