Giuliani: Shouldn't Biden be investigated over Ukraine if Trump can be impeached over it?

This is a rush transcript from "Hannity," September 27, 2019. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

SEAN HANNITY, HOST: All right. Welcome to “Hannity.”

Tonight, the Democratic Party way out of control. They're declared war on the president of the United States, and, of course, driven by a blind, unyielding, psychotic rage for President Trump. And Democrats and their collaborators in the mob, they will do anything to smear, slander, besmirch President Trump and anybody that likes the president.

That means they're really attacking you, we, the American people. So, make no mistake: all these holier-than-thou, well, dirt bags to be obvious here, they've wanted President Trump impeached pretty much the very moment he was sworn in.

And, of course, they just haven't been able to come up with any reason because he didn't do anything wrong. Russia, Russia, Russia, impeach, impeach, impeach, conclusion, conclusion. Stormy, Stormy.

OK. There were no high crimes, bribery, misdemeanors, no conspiracy, no obstruction of justice, no cover-up at all. And tonight, nothing has changed. Ukrainian story, you know what? The only person that was there shaking down Ukraine for anything was sleepy, creepy, crazy Joe 30330.

Now, coming up, the president's attorneys, Jay Sekulow, Rudy Giuliani, they will be here to weigh in on all of this. We have a studio audience panel of experts.

But first, let's be clear and very clear about one thing -- Donald Trump is not going to be removed from office. Remember what Congressman Al Green said, he goes, yes -- this was back in May, we're going to have to impeach him because you can't win at the ballot box.

So, all of the hysteria, I know, it's got a lot of people upset over impeachment, impeachment, in the end will be much to do about nothing. But, unfortunately, Democrats, Nancy Pelosi, the Jerry Nadlers, the cowardly Schiffs, the Maxine Waters of the world, they don't care what happens to the country in the process. What have they done to make this a safer, more secure country, create jobs, more prosperity for you, we, the American people?

This is beyond a political stunt. This is a psychosis. They can't escape from the reality they lost in 2016. And, thankfully, if they keep this up, they will lose badly in 2020.

This is from a party that does not care about truth. There's no objective truth in their world -- facts, justice, fairness, none of that matters. Their only concern is like a bloodlust for President Trump, anybody that supports the president.

The president -- well, we can't say it any better than he has. This, they have declared war. They did it. Somebody declares war. His only one answer: defeat them in the -- at the ballot box.

Take a look.


DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENT: We're at war. These people are sick. They're sick. And nobody has called it out like I do.


HANNITY: All right. Tonight, a perfect example of this madness and sickness. California congressman, yes, the cowardly Schiff. The president calls him Little Adam Schiff and Pencil Neck Schiff. But his colleagues refer to him as and we refer to him as the biggest liar in the U.S. House of Representatives.

Case in point, yesterday, he performed what was a dramatic reading of the phone call transcript between the president and the Ukrainian president, his counterpart, Zelensky. And the only problem is Schiff made it up. Every single word he made up.

In other words, an official House hearing featuring an acting director of national intelligence and there's Congressman Schiff, who's lied, lied, lied, been proven a liar all over again, but out of thin air, we had the transcript. He didn't have to make it up. He could have read the actual transcript and, by the way, entered that to the official record.

And after getting called out for lying, well, Schiff, he referred his fake version of the phone call a parody. Oh, that's what that is in Congress. Maybe he's right.

Now, President Trump is now calling for him to resign. He tweeted out, quote, Adam Schiff totally made up my conversation with the Ukraine yap president and read it to Congress and millions. He must resign. He must be investigated. And he's been doing this now for over two years. He's a pretty sick man.

As per usual, Schiff has no regrets for trying to purposefully mislead the American public. He could have read the way it was written, the way the transcript happened. No, he needed to embellish it, because there's nothing in the real transcript. Take a look.


WOLF BLITZER, CNN HOST: Do you regret what you call the parody, the use of those phrases during the course of your opening statement?

REP. ADAM SCHIFF, D-CALIF.: No. I think everyone understood and my colleagues may say otherwise I was mocking the president's conduct. But make no mistake about this, what the president did is of the utmost gravity. And the utmost seriousness because it involves such a fundamental betrayal of his oath.


HANNITY: All right. This is not the first time he's been caught in a lie. Before the Mueller report was even released, remember he claimed that he had direct evidence of Trump-Russia collusion. Lie. He told that over and over again.

Also claiming other evidence of colluding was hiding in plain sight. That's another lie.

And, of course, there is an actual recording of Schiff, yes, he's the one guy who believed he was colluding with the Russian. And it's taped.

And, by the way, he's like -- what's the nature of the compromise? Naked picture of Trump. Did Vladimir see it? Did Vladimir see it? But, of course, Vladimir see the naked pictures?

Yes, he was trying to get dirt on Donald Trump and collude to impact American elections.

And while Schiff is engaging in his fraudulent activity, well, the Democratic speaker in name only, Pelosi, she's floating a brand new baseless conspiracy theory. According to Pelosi, this whole Ukrainian issue, Russia is behind President Trump's phone call with the Ukrainian president. Wow, you know, earth, Pelosi, take a look.


REP. NANCY PELOSI, D-CALIF.: I think Russia has a hand in this, by the way. We saw with the Russian disruption of our election last time. They interference, 100 percent confidence of the intelligence community, high confidence in the intelligence that the Russians disrupted our election, that was wrong. The integrity of our elections is central to our democracy.


HANNITY: It was Russia's fault, of course.

Now, finally, Nancy, the Russia collusion, we had four separate investigations. House Intel investigation, bipartisan Senate investigation, the FBI nine-month investigation, the Mueller 3-year witch hunt -- no evidence of any collusion. No obstruction.

Maybe someone should remind Nancy that the Democrats' false, phony, feigned moral outrage, now it shifted to Ukraine. We're on to another talking point, Nancy. You've got to keep up with your crowd.

Now, tonight, we're also learning new details that cast very serious doubt on the claims of the so-called whistleblower that isn't a whistleblower. Look at this. "New York Times" reporter, Ken Vogel saying that the country of Ukraine had no idea that the U.S. aid was, yes, withheld during the Trump phone call in question. They didn't know until a month later.

And keep in mind, the inspector general found that the whistleblower had political bias against Trump. And, remember, he or she, who's not really a whistleblower, is represented by a law firm that pays for anti-Trump leaks. And the so-called whistleblower who is not known direct knowledge of any phone call, that's calls hearsay.

Your honor, I object, hearsay, sustained. That's how that would work in a court of law.

Third-hand accounts publicly available in the media. Well, what good is that? That's not a whistleblower.

Now, we have the president and his attorney, Jay Sekulow. They're rightly claiming this person did not act alone. In fact, Jay Sekulow believes a law firm drafted that complaint. Certainly looks like it to me. It doesn't seem like a whistleblower.

But also one question today is -- well, "The New York Times" report, former CIA, back to the CIA? Oh, do we have spies again within our own government spying on the president of the United States, abusing the powerful tools of intelligence we give them, we entrusted them to keep us safe?

Now, regardless of who wrote this complaint, its claims were bogus, there's no quid pro quo. Zip, you can read it yourself, not the made up version. No misconduct. Nothing.

The only person that's involved in a quid pro quo, if you want to say so, that would be, yes, Joe 30330 and his son that had no qualifications. When it comes to Ukraine, no experience -- energy, oil, gas, no experience. He makes millions.

And he made billions in China. Same thing. No -- no background experience in private equity, banking, none whatsoever that we can find.

But he goes with his father, flies on Air Force Two, and what do you know? He's got $1.5 billion in contracts. It's a great life if your dad is the vice president, I guess.

And speaker in name only, Nancy Pelosi, is apparently living in her alternative reality even further. Take a look.


PELOSI: I think we have to stay focused as far as the public is concerned on the fact that the president of the United States used taxpayer dollars to shake down the leader of another country for his own political gain.


HANNITY: You know what we can have? That's a quid pro quo. Nancy, care to comment on this? Let's take a look.


JOE BIDEN, THEN-U.S. VICE PRESIDENT: We're not going to give you the billion dollars. They said, you've got no authority. You're not the president. The president said -- I said, call him.

I said, I'm telling you, you're not getting the billion dollars. I said, you're not getting the billion. I'm going to be leaving here, and I think it was about six hours. I looked at them and said, I'm leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you're not getting the money.

Well, son of a (EXPLETIVE DELETED), he got fired.


HANNITY: son of a beep, the guy that's investigating my son didn't have the experience to make all of that money, he got fired because I threatened to withhold tax dollar, the $1 billion we were going to give Ukraine. I'm in charge of Ukraine.

OK. That's Biden bragging about breaking the law in a quid pro quo. Tonight, there's now credible evidence that the former vice president leveraged that $1 billion. You saw the tape of your money to get the Ukrainian prosecutor fired all to protect his son.

Remember, it was warned by "The New York Times" and "The New York Times" told him, yes, they're investigating your son. He had another warning. He tried previously to get the guy fired. Now, he just withheld the $1 billion and said you've got six hours.

Why would the vice president of the United States of America want a Ukrainian prosecutor fired? Now, just for a second, because the media won't touch it, let's imagine for a second that that was Donald Trump bragging that he withheld the $1 billion until they fired a prosecutor that was doing business with his sons or his daughters.

I don't think the media would ever stop until Donald Trump got in trouble for that little gig. By the way, Don Jr., Eric, Ivanka, any -- Tiffany, mayhem.

Instead, the mob is barely covering that real scandal, surrounding Joe and Hunter Biden. We won't stop. We'll get you the truth as we always do.

A top Ukrainian prosecutor was investigating Burisma Holdings, that's the oil and gas company that paid Hunter Biden millions of dollars to serve on their board and consult with no experience in natural gas, no experience with Ukraine. And after learning that his son was about to be interviewed by the top prosecutor, well, that's when, well, sleepy Joe 30330 demanded the prosecutor be fired.

Biden says he wanted the prosecutor gone because he was corrupt. We have a brand new report from investigative reporter, John Solomon, Biden's story does not hold water. He has 450 brand new documents, pages of it, interviews, numerous Ukrainian officials and it appears the prosecutor was fired because of personal reasons surrounding the former vice president. By the way, he has a sworn affidavit to that very fact.

Here with more is President Trump's attorney. He's done work for me also in the past. But they got a bigger client now. Good for him.

Also, the -- the chief counsel, American Center for Law and Justice, Jay Sekulow.


HANNITY: The president is right, Jay. They -- the left in this country and the media have declared war on this president. But more importantly, it's really against the smelly Walmart people like me and irredeemable deplorables and people who like cling to God, guns, bibles, and religion, because they don't like who we elected and they want to undo an election in all of this.

SEKULOW: Well, look, I mean, here's what happened. The Russia hoax ended up being nothing when Bob Mueller did that attempted testimony, whatever that was, that got him zero. The report was nothing. The testimony was nothing.

Then they come out with the Ukraine. Now, I want to read something in this so-called whistleblower, I call spy.

I don't know the person obviously, by the way. But when you read what the individual wrote, it sounds like spying. But the one thing that is written, I was not a direct witness to most of the events described. So, this is hearsay in our view.

By the way, if the witness actually said that in a court of law in the middle district of Georgia, say, in Macon, they wouldn't be admitted to court. It's called hearsay.

Now, here's an interesting fact. It's just coming to light right now. This person says they have no firsthand knowledge of this. They heard this from other people.

The form that so-called whistleblowers fill out used to say this -- in order to find an urgent concern credible, the inspector general must be in possession of reliable firsthand information -- in other words, the inspector general and the individual making the complaint. So that would be the firsthand information has to have firsthand information.

That was on the form literally until apparently very recently. Now I don't know the exact date of the change, but it looks like it could have been changed as late as July or August. I don't have the exact date yet.

But I will tell you, months ago, no firsthand information, no report. So what is this? This is hearsay.

Secondly, what about the hearsay? What the American people should be thinking about right now, is we've got individuals inside of some agency that are listening to the president's conversations. They don't like them. So they want them out.

So, the White House being fully transparent released these transcripts. Now, let me tell you something, the transparency is great, but if you think this is good for America that we're going through this? Guess again.

Foreign leaders will be hesitant. It's my concern -- it's always my concern. Foreign leaders will be hesitant in engaging in phone conversations with this kind of nonsense going on.

Now, let me take it a step further. Nancy Pelosi announces that she's going to start this formal impeachment inquiry, which, by the way, substantively no different than what they've been doing for the last year or three. They do not refer this to the floor of the House for a vote.

HANNITY: Why not?

SEKULOW: For articles -- to be referred to the Judiciary Committee for articles of impeachment. She did that before she even read this report.

So what do you have here? This is not a legal matter. I want people to understand this. I know my friend and colleague, Rudy Giuliani, is going to be on. This is not a legal matter. This is pure politics.

And whatever the political calculation is, which I think is a very desperate move, if they were to march down this path, I think it's political suicide for those that would do that. Because what a sign of desperation. Does anybody really believe that 14 seconds uttered in that statement, in the conversation -- if you put all of the references to Joe Biden and the Hunter Biden, which is two, and the entire situation together and you put in my colleague's reference to Rudy Giuliani that was raised by the way by the president of Ukraine, he first raised it, I think it may equal 20 seconds, 30 seconds.

And a conversation that was a --


HANNITY: Thirty-three minutes.

SEKULOW: The transcript shows 30 minutes, I'm sure the translation is probably a third or less than that. But it's probably, at least you know, 15, 20 minutes. And that's going to be the articles of impeachment?

Go ahead, start the process, vote, because this is bordering -- not only on the absurd, but I think there is a dereliction of constitutional duties if you ignore the Constitution itself. There's no high crime. No misdemeanor. No violation of the law, rule, or regulation.

It's already been -- the Justice Department, when they looked at it, said there was no violation here. So I think this is just a political theater, that's what it is.

HANNITY: Jay Sekulow, thank you.

And breaking today and what is just the latest example of the less real psychotic. I mean, this is now a derangement, anti-Trump rage. "The New Yorker" now features this cover. It shows the president and Rudy Giuliani murdering Uncle Sam. I don't know if the mayor has seen it yet.

The former New York mayor, attorney for the president, Rudy Giuliani -- look, I watched all the years you were mayor. I know you can take a punch, it's not the first time to take a shot at you.

I want to get your take -- I want to go to the issue of how you got involved and I want to go to that Biden tape, because Biden --


HANNITY: -- remember what Nancy Pelosi said, oh, Trump is guilty of a shakedown using taxpayer dollars. He said that on Liberal Joe.

The only one involved in a shakedown using taxpayer dollars -- well, that would be Joe Biden on tape.

GIULIANI: Sure. This phony charge began with ironically, right, with their claiming that the president threatened Zelensky with a cutoff of military aid, $400 million, if he didn't -- if he didn't investigate Biden. That's not true.

The president didn't do that. It's clear. Military aid wasn't even on the table then.

But that's exactly what Biden did. So, if you're going to impeach the president on some crazy trumped up, excuse the expression, charge, then does Biden have to be investigated? And why is it so hard to get Biden investigated?

HANNITY: Well, let's talk about that. When are we going to do that, Mr. Mayor?

GIULIANI: I don't know. The scandal -- the people who are choking America are the corrupt press, and the corrupt Democrats that have been covering up this pay-for-play scheme now for two or three years. It's not just one situation. It's two situations. Millions in the Ukraine, billions in China.

John Kerry's son was involved in the one in China. It's not just one cabinet member --

HANNITY: So is Whitey Bulger's nephew?

GIULIANI: Well, how -- isn't that extraordinary? The money from China goes to Whitey Bulger's nephew, the son of the vice president of the -- stepson of the vice president of the United States and the son of the president and they're coming after me for revealing it.

I should be -- I should be a whistleblower. I brought out what the Washington press, the corrupt Washington press has been covering up for two or three years. And to this moment, they believe it's more important to try to figure out, did I conduct the investigation correctly, as opposed to is what I found not only true but rocks the foundations of our government when you have this kind of pay for play at the highest levels.

Remember, this is precisely what Hillary Clinton did with the Clinton Foundation. So, there is a very good question. What did Obama know and when did he know it?

In December of 2015, "The New York Times" excoriated Biden for this conflict of interest, having his son who had just been tossed out of the military for drug problems put on the board of the most corrupt company in Ukraine while he was giving out billions in the Ukraine.

HANNITY: Mr. Mayor, you once worked in the prestigious Southern District of New York. A lot of great lawyers have come out of there, including yourselves, Andy McCarthy, people on the other side of the aisle, even.

Here's my question.


HANNITY: Looking at Biden, looking at his son, looking what he's admitting to on tape, the case of China, he didn't have any background experience of private equity that I could find or anybody that I know.


HANNITY: It's 14 days after he went to China with his dad on Air Force Two, and it's $1.5 billion. We got about 35 seconds.

GIULIANI: Bank of China was his partner, by the way, and Whitey Bulger's nephew. So, that money -- that $1.5 billion was clearly to buy Joe Biden, to buy the U.S. vice presidency.

HANNITY: Do you see laws broken?

GIULIANI: There can't be any other explanation for it.

Meanwhile, Joe was caving in to China on negotiations about the Sacklin (ph) islands, about tariffs. There were reports in "The New York Times" about how soft Biden was on China.

Now we say, hey, maybe the $1.5 billion made him a little soft. This is horrible. It's horrible that I have to go through this to get the press and even the FBI who is turning down these allegations, that's why the Ukrainians came to me. They said there's something wrong with your FBI.

HANNITY: And the State Department.

Last thing, fact, the State Department asked you to look into this. True or false?

GIULIANI: I got all of the memos, all the texts. They asked me, I reported back to them. And they thanked me for the good work that I did.

HANNITY: Good for you.

All right. Mr. Mayor. It's important -- no, it's important. That's an important fact. Sir, thank you.

GIULIANI: You're damn right it's an important fact. Investigate Biden, then investigate me. OK?

HANNITY: OK. I'll -- I'll stay on Biden. We'll let the mob go after you like they always do. It's been going -- it's happened your whole career.

All right. When we come back, we've got an incredible studio audience. They will join us as we continue tonight on “Hannity.”



HANNITY: All right. Time now to bring in our studio audience.

The author of the soon to be released, you can get it on right now. It will be out in a week and a half, FOX News legal analyst, Greg Jarrett. Also, investigative reporter, FOX News contributor, Sara Carter, Judicial Watch president, he's been breaking a lot of news there, President Tom Fitton, former Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi. The author of the bestseller, "Still Winning", FOX News contributor, Charlie Hurt, is with us.

Also, joining us, constitutional law attorney, Trump 2020 advisory board member, Jenna Ellis. Author of the bestseller, "Swamp Wars", political columnist, former ex-CNN fake news host, Jeffery Lord. Attorney, Fox News contributor Emily Compagno, is with us.

Former Clinton pollster, Fox News contributor Doug Schoen is here. And we also welcome investigative reporter, "Washington Examiner", that would be the one and only Kerry Picket.

All right. Let's start. How many lawyers? Lawyer, lawyer, lawyer, lawyer, lawyer. All right, lawyers.

When you look at the Biden tape, I don't care who starts. You look at the Biden tape, and he said (ph), you're not getting the $1 billion. You're not going to get it. You have five -- you got six hours. Fire him in six hours.

Why would a vice president of the United States of America ever demand that somebody be fired in six hours?

Gregg, we'll start with you.

GREGG JARRETT, LEGAL ANALYST: Well, I'm surprised that no investigation under the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act has been launched against Joe Biden. There should be. You know, it's a crime to use your public office to confer a benefit in exchange for something of value.

It could be bribery. It could be extortion, honest services fraud. And this is sort of an admission by Joe Biden that that's what he was doing, if his intent -- and John Solomon's story suggests it was his intent -- to protect his son. That's a thing of value. That could be a crime.

HANNITY: I could think of a billion -- you know, a few million reasons why you'd want to.

Jenna, what do you say about it?

JENNA ELLIS, TRUMP 2020 ADVISORY BOARD: Yes. I would definitely agree with Gregg. You know, the difference here, the liberals are saying, well, this is some kind of corrupt intent, and we're looking at President Trump. The difference is we're looking at a new legitimate reason for the vice president to do this in his office in his official capacity.

When you look at what he is doing for the benefit of his son that is absolutely personal.

HANNITY: If he would have to say, let's say any father if you think your kid is in trouble. They're investigating them over there. They say I want to talk to you only as my capacity as a father, that would be okay, I'm thinking, right? That would be okay?

ELLIS: He doesn't give up his status as a private citizen.

HANNITY: He is allowed to be a dad. I wouldn't like it if "The New York Times" called me and said that. Pam.

PAM BONDI, FORMER FLORIDA ATTORNEY GENERAL: Absolutely. He's bragging about what he is done.

HANNITY: Did he break the law? Do you believe?

BONDI: I believe - the statute of limitations has not run. I believe that there should be an investigation. Must be, especially with what John Solomon just brought to light. And I think the Attorney General of the United States will be doing an investigation. It's his duty and obligation. This isn't going away for Joe Biden.

HANNITY: Doug, we know you're a Democrat. We'll forgive you for that. Thank you for being here. We've been long-time friends. As a lawyer, forget your political views, do you see a potential crime there?

DOUG SCHOEN, CONTRIBUTOR: I think if we're going to investigate President Trump over evidence that it looks increasingly flimsy to me, the only fair thing we can do in our society is look at the facts of the Biden case. I think a fair-minded person would reach that conclusion and that's how I see it.

HANNITY: Emily, you're a lawyer.

EMILY COMPAGNO, ATTORNEY: To add two other things to the analysis, to tell you the circumstances and also timing. So, for some reason, Hunter Biden all of a sudden developed his expertise in the industry in the Ukraine after Biden became Vice President and also the entirety of the circumstances which goes toward obviously his spending his salary, etc.

So when Democrats call for the thing to be looked to here as well, you can't just isolate it. It's not what aboutism, it's setting a standard.

HANNITY: How many of you agree with me, raise your hands, that this is clear. They were paying the kid just like they paid him in China to get influence to the President. Anyone disagree with that? Doug, you don't agree that's pay to play?

SCHOEN: I'm not an investigator. I'm not ready to make a determination but if we're going to look at the President.

HANNITY: You think you're to get a multimillion dollar consulting contract on oil and gas if you didn't have experience or experience in the country?

SCHOEN: I don't think so.

HANNITY: You think you're going to get a billion in private - we have great companies like Goldman Sachs. Why do we go to Goldman Sachs before whitey Bulger's nephew?

SCHOEN: There are other problems in Malaysia now. To me, we do a fair- minded investigation. We'll let the facts fall where they may. We'll reach reasonable conclusions.

HANNITY: We're done with the lawyers for a second. Now we're going to get to the important question, is the President - I'll let you go first, Charlie. The President says they - this is war. I believe he's right. This is - this is a bloodless war, although it could be casualties. And that's in some sense.

They have declared a war on this President. I would argue by extension we, the people, have voted for him. Those have voted for him.

CHARLES HURT, CONTRIBUTOR: They're trying to undo an election. That's what they're trying to do, that's what impeachment is. They trying to undo the most sacred that thing we do in Democratic and Republic. I'm not a lawyer or as my father calls them, "liars" but you don't have to be a lawyer--

HANNITY: Pam, you have a - you have a shot--

HURT: --the prosecutor - there's an asterisk for prosecutors. You don't have to be a lawyer to know what's going on here. If you've watched a gangster movie, you know what's going on here. It's a shakedown. And whether it's a shakedown for something - we don't know what it is. That's why Doug is right; we should investigate it to its very end.

And I also think it's important that what the President did in terms of declassifying everything, they came to us said, here, have it all. Let the chips fall where they may.

HANNITY: Sara isn't the irony, two and half or three Russia, Russia and Russia. The only one to pay for anything Russian to influence the last election of 2016 was the woman by the name of Hillary Clinton. A dirty lying Russian dossier, bought, paid for, funneled money from a law firm to a research group hiring a foreign national.

SARA CARTER, CONTRIBUTOR: That's right, not only a foreign influence.

HANNITY: It boom ranged.

CARTER: Yes. It boom ranged. Not only foreign national, Christopher Steele, who was with MI-6, we knew that a former MI-6 operative spy was sharing information with his agency, you're never really former. They were sharing that information. They were funneling information from the Russians that had never been validated. We know that.

None of the information in his dossier was validated. And, Sean, even more so. That got the boom rang. We saw what happened there. Now with Ukraine, I talked to a number of Ukrainian officials this week, a number of them. And they were talking about Barisma. Barisma was in a lot of trouble then.

Even when they brought Hunter Biden on. And when they brought Hunter Biden on, they brought him on, why? Why do you think? Why would they bring him on? Somebody who didn't know anything about gas. Somebody who didn't know anything about energy? It was because they needed a buffer. That's it.

HANNITY: All right. Jeff, Tom, Kerry, we love you, back to you when we get back. Also Hillary Clinton's latest comments on the Democrats' impeachment inquiry, well, I believe what she said. I'd like to get back to her crimes and that rigged investigation. Oh, the uranium one scandal and the Clinton Foundation, I have a lot of questions for Hillary. I'll offer Hillary an entire week, five hours on this show, if you want. We'll continue straight ahead.


HANNITY: Hillary Clinton is out of hiding and this time criticized President Trump with the usual buzz words being thrown around by all of the liberal Democratic extreme socialist friends. Take a look.


HILLARY CLINTON, FORMER FIRST LADY: The President, who has betrayed his oath of office to uphold the constitution and protect and defend our country, this occupant of the Oval Office poses a clear and present danger to our future, to our democracy.


HANNITY: You would have been a much bigger danger, though. Anyway hearing those talking points from Hillary, not a surprise very bitter. Lost in 2016.and she, herself, said in an interview set to air this weekend. Take a look.


CLINTON: Applying for a job and getting $66 million letters of recommendation and losing to a corrupt human tornado.


HANNITY: He beat you solidly. Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan. You didn't see it coming, did you? Back to our studio audience. All right, Tom Fitton, you've done great work with Judicial Watch, Freedom of Information Act, information. You are already requesting what?

TOM FITTON, JUDICIAL WATCH PRESIDENT: We've asked for the documents about the firing of the Biden-Ukraine prosecutor. We asked back in may. We didn't get them. So we had to sue. And you know, with Mrs. Clinton, this week, she was in court against us trying to tell a court not to let her be questioned under oath by our attorneys on the e-mails in Benghazi. So she's still having to deal with that scandal--

HANNITY: Statute of limitations gone on that?

FITTON: No, it has not. Not until next year, at least.

HANNITY: Not in any of them?

FITTON: Look, you know, Hillary Clinton was facing severe criminal consequences in 2015-2016. They concocted the Russian scandal to prevent that from facing the law. They continue to freeze the Justice Department with the Mueller Kennard and now with the Ukraine investigation, they're trying to protect Joe Biden because that popped up in the last few months.

This is not impeachment that implies lawfulness. This is a coup attempt, a continued coup against the President. It's not a war, it is lawlessness, the President needs to confront it directly. Adam Schiff, he should cut him off from any classified information. He can't be trusted. And the Executive Branch is the decider as to who receives classified information. Schiff shouldn't be allowed to see anything.

HANNITY: We get to the heart of this rage, Kerry Picket, against Donald Trump. It's inexplicable to me. It's just - they don't like - if Donald Trump cured cancer, I'm convinced they would still hate him. If he gave every American $5 million and signed on to Ocasio-Cortez's Green New Deal they'd hate him. Nothing you can do to make them like him politically.

KERRY PICKET, WASHINGTON EXAMINER SENIOR CAMPAIGN REPORTER: That does seem to be the case. Keep in mind, as far as the whole impeachment inquiry is concerned, we heard why it is that the Democrats don't want to have this impeachment inquiry vote. A lot of it has to do with the fact that you have now 10 Democrats who are holding back on--

HANNITY: Think it's up to 13.

PICKET: No, no. It's down to 10.

HANNITY: Three converted back. The hammer was dropped. Okay.

PICKET: As of now who do not want to support this impeachment inquiry. They haven't voted for an impeachment inquiry vote resolution. That's because they want to make sure that none of the individuals are going to be on the record. And it's also so they--

HANNITY: I say call the role. I think Jay Sekulow was right. Find out where they stand. Jeff Lord, you've been around the swamp, you're talking in the new book about Swamp Wars. This is real?

JEFFEREY LORD, "SWAMP WARS" AUTHOR: This is very real, Sean. And researching my book I found an article that appeared in "The Washington Post" on January 20, 2017, front page article that was filled with anonymous folks of course who were career government employees saying that they were going to do as much as they could to fight the President from within.

It said it right there. They were all in these different bureaus and agencies and departments. That's what's going on here. Hillary Clinton is the symbol of this. She is the head, if you will, of the administrative state. But they are everywhere.

HANNITY: How, this is a problem. Jay touched on it. And that is the President of the United States of America now is transcripts with the Prime Minister of Australia, the President of Mexico. Now we have the President of the Ukraine. We have operatives with the most powerful tools of intelligence that we entrust to them, Gregg Jarrett. They're abusing them and they've turned it on the President of the United States. It's unprecedented.


HANNITY: We're going to lose the country.

JARRETT: President Trump ought to kick out all FBI and CIA people out of the White House because they're spying on the President. They're gathering together information they probably shouldn't have and they're leaking it. But I want to make this point, if you examine the transcript of the conversations between Zelensky and President Trump, there's no quid pro quo, no demand, no pressure, no threat.

What the President is doing is asking his counterpart in the Ukraine, please have your country assist and cooperate in our official Department of Justice investigation.

HANNITY: This is a very key point.

JARRETT: This is the document that requires Ukraine to do that. This is the treaty signed 20 years ago. It's entitled the treaty on mutual legal assistance in criminal matters. Ukraine hasn't always abided by this, so the President is asking them nicely. Please cooperate. They're supposed to under this document provide evidence, testimony, records, witnesses, in any American official investigation. And we know that Bill Barr has launched one.

HANNITY: Take a break. We'll come back with the studio audience. Where is it all going? Writing me saying scaring you, I don't blame you. We've never seen corruption, abuse of power, as we're seeing it on this scale and, of course, the accomplices in the media. Where does it go? I'll ask our studio audience coming up next.


HANNITY: All right, we bring back our studio audience. Everybody is worried, where is it going, Sara Carter, where is it going?

CARTER: This is the beginning of one of the greatest changes I believe in American modern politics. The changes that are going to happen that are going to boom rang back. We know that there's enough there to show what happened with Hunter Biden and Joe Biden. There's no evidence, absolutely no evidence whatsoever on President Trump.

And, Sean, while we're looking at Ukraine, let's not forget, we have John Durham and William Barr looking in to Ukraine, looking at what happened at the beginning of the FBI investigation. So, the American public right now, we have to sit back, let the Attorney General do his job--

HANNITY: You think the Democrats are that stupid, they'll impeach it. Let's show our hands? Who thinks the Democrats will take it to that point.

CARTER: I think they'll try.

HANNITY: Tom, where is this going?

FITTOIN: They'll try to impeach him. Every time they try to impeachment, there's going to be a coup. The coup needs to be shut down. The Justice Department needs to go on a transparency tear. All of the documents on the Ukraine but we're waiting on spy gate documents. Release it all. Expose the corruption of the last administration. And the cue kabal, that will shut it down.

HANNITY: Assume you right except for Pam and Charlie on that they go forward with impeachment. How many of you say that it hurts them badly in 2020? You don't think it hurts them.

SCHOEN: I'm the only Democrat here. I want the Democrats to win the presidential election if we have the right candidate. This is profoundly misguided. We could lose everything Trump is weakened. We're stronger than Trump on a lot of issues. And by making the election impeachment is a bad mistake.

HANNITY: I don't think so.

SCHOEN: You don't think so. If you look at the polls, plenty of evidence to support my position.

HANNITY: The most unconventional political figure I'll say in modern history. He doesn't poll well. People aren't going to talk to pollsters who like Donald Trump. Pam, where is this headed?

BONDI: The president is right, this is war. If Adam Schiff was a prosecutor and he behaved that way in trial, he would be held in contempt in court. The President is right. He needs to resign.

HANNITY: On that tape did Biden break the law on your view?

BONDI: On Biden break the law, I believe there's plenty of evidence and he did needs to be investigated. And President Trump did nothing wrong.

HANNITY: And by the way, how many think the President did nothing wrong based on the transcript? Charlie where is it going?

HURT: I think the fact that we're talking about this and Democrats are talking about this is evidence that they do believe that they don't have another way of beating Trump at the ballot box. And I believe the truth will come out.

Can you imagine if Hillary Clinton had won? None of this would ever be exposed. This always happens to Trump. Could Trump ask for anything more than to suddenly be talking about Joe Biden's corruption and talking about China and how China has screwed us over for decades? This is--

HANNITY: I have followed this story. We have done this for a long time. Peter Sweitzer, God bless him, he's a way ahead of the curve. Kerry, where is this goings?

PICKET: The political report has already come out and said the biggest problem right now said you have Democrats who are looking at some polls and saying look at this, this whole impeachment thing looks good for us right now. The problem is they're only looking at the present they're not looking at the future as to what happened back in the '90s, during the Clinton impeachment, how things looked bright and shiny in the beginning and later on, it end up souring on the Republicans and end up boom ranging back.

HANNITY: Boomeranging.

ELLIS: And I think the President is right. It's a witch hunt. It's all-out war. This is not just against President Trump; this is against the United States of America and everything that the founders fought for. Because what we can't as conservatives forget is this is about the progressive left continuing to try to twist words and change the definition of those words to fit their own narrative and their own progressive plan.

And so what they're doing is they're trying to make impeachment a political term for the future. And we have to go back to our rule of law of the United States constitution. I'm so proud of President Trump doing is standing up for the constitution.

HANNITY: I've never seen - it reeks hypocrisy, the Russian dossier, the Biden Ukrainian problem? Jeff, where does it go?

LORD: You know, I do think they'll make an attempt to impeach him. The thing that really gets me, the President, God bless him, is taking all of this heat because what they're really after are his supporters, average Americans. They have nothing but contempt for regular people out there. How they're going to get elected, campaigning on, you know, you're a bunch of boobs and therefore you have to vote for us is beyond me. It's a terrible thing.

HANNITY: Much more as we continue tonight, tonight on “Hannity,” thanks for being with us.


HANNITY: And unfortunately, that is all the time we have left this evening. We'll be all over this all next week. Our promise, we'll never ever be the psychotic, raging, hate-Trump media mob. And we have a lot of ground to cover next week. But, let not your heart be troubled. Laura Ingraham up next. We'll see you on Monday. Hope you have a great weekend.

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