This is a rush transcript from "The Ingraham Angle," April 24, 2019. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

MIKE HUCKABEE, HOST: Thank you very much Sean.

Well I'm Mike Huckabee in for Laura Ingraham and this is “The Ingraham Angle” from Washington tonight. We've got a powerful lineup for you. In moments, President Trump's lawyer Rudy Giuliani is going to be here to deliver a message to Hillary Clinton.

Plus, Joe diGenova, Robert Ray, Ari Fleischer, Doug Schoen, Michelle Malkin and more on a jam-packed news night, and if we don't dive right in, we're never going to come up with all the treasure we've got tonight.

Well first, there are two constants at the Democratic Party and the media, but then I repeat myself can seemingly never get rid of, Hillary Clinton and their obsession with Russia. Now, those who came together at one event yesterday, it was the TIME 100 gala where Hillary took the stage and said, "It's just so dang unfair that Donald Trump won't be indicted in the wake of the Mueller report".


HILLARY CLINTON, FORMER FIRST LADY: We were attacked. We have significant evidence that this administration did everything it could to undermine and interfere with the investigation into that attack. And we are going to walk away and pretend it didn't happen.

Any other person who had engaged in those acts would certainly have been indicted, but because of the rule in the Justice Department that you can't indict a sitting President, the whole matter of obstruction was very directly sent to the Congress.


HUCKABEE: And today and an op-ed published just a few hours ago, she once again offered her unsolicited advice in a piece calling for the Democrats to embrace Watergate style investigations in Congress.

She wrote in part "The Mueller Report isn't just a reckoning about our recent history, it's a warning about the future. Unless he's held accountable, the President may show even more disregard for the laws of the land and the obligations of his office. He will likely redouble his efforts to advance Putin's agenda".

Now never mind that President Trump has confronted Putin on a level that she never did as Secretary of State. So one of the President's lawyers think of Hillary Clinton's latest comments. Here now is Rudy Giuliani. Mr. Mayor let's get your response to what madam Clinton has had to say.

RUDY GIULIANI, PRESIDENT TRUMP'S ATTORNEY: Well, it's the most incredible act of hypocrisy I've ever seen. I mean, the woman basically voted to give 20% of our plutonium to Russia.

Her crooked foundation got 150 million - 150 million. Her husband got a $2.5 million speaking fee. I don't know it kind of looks like bribery, it smells like bribery, it sounds like bribery. I'm not saying it is,, but it comes awful close.

Plus if anybody was guilty of obstruction of justice it's her. I mean she did away with 33,000 e-mails. She destroyed phones. She had a guy doing with hammers and she BleachBit her server. President Trump didn't do any of that. In fact, she's not telling the truth. He turned everything over to the Special Counsel, didn't obstruct anything. There's no obstructive act that was found even by Mueller.

HUCKABEE: You know, Mr. Mayor, I was shocked that she would even go there. I mean, in light of the fact that she had these servers - what you just ran through that litany of things that even Jim Comey went on television to basically say, "Yes, this was stuff she shouldn't have done. But her intent wasn't there".

But basically he outlined a criminal case for her and then for her to come and do it, I mean that takes some real audacity, don't you think?

GIULIANI: Well, Mike every one of those acts I just mentioned is the typical thing you prove as evidence of intent. There's nothing more powerful in an obstruction case than destruction of evidence, which wasn't present in the Trump situation, nor was there an underlying crime.

He was found to be exonerated of collusion. That whole Russian thing turned out to be a hoax. She - her campaign played a role in in promulgating that hoax. They paid $1.1 million for the phony Steele Dossier.

The only person who actually apparently has done business with the Russians is Hillary, and I think she's going to be in for quite an extensive investigation and she doesn't have Jim Comey to fix the case for her this time.

HUCKABEE: Mr. Mayor, the President weighed in on this today. He had a message to the Democrats in Congress - Congress, and it basically was this. Bring it on, let's watch. Get your reaction afterwards.


DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENT: The subpoena is ridiculous. We have been - I have been the most transparent President and administration in the history of our country.

I thought after two years we'd be finished with it. No, now the House goes and starts subpoenaing. They want to know every deal I've ever done. We're fighting all the subpoenas. Look, these aren't like impartial people. The Democrats are trying to win 2020.


HUCKABEE: Mr. Mayor, the floor is yours. Your response.

GIULIANI: Well this is a completely political harassment. I mean, anybody can see through it Jerry Nadler, Schiff, Cummings, they've all prejudged the case a year ago.

And unfortunately because they have inability to control their mouths, we have plenty of statements that he's a guilty of obstruction, guilty of collusion. Adam Schiff has evidence of collusion that he never turned over to Mueller apparently or he was lying, and one of the other.

So this is - these are not impartial arbiters and there's a very good ground to resist these subpoenas as illegitimate hearings by the by the Congress. This is a political hearing. It doesn't serve any legislative purpose. It doesn't really even serve an investigative purpose.

Mueller investigated it to a fairly well. And by the way, it's the second time an FBI investigation cleared the President of collusion. How many times does he have to be cleared of it? So I would resist those subpoenas and let them fight for anything they get and prove their legitimacy.

HUCKABEE: And one of the things they want to subpoena is the physical body of Don McGahn former White House Counsel. Some of us are asking ourselves, I thought there were two things that were sacred. One was a husband and wife testifying--


HUCKABEE: --against each other. And the other was that you cannot compel a lawyer to come to testify against his or her client. So what am I missing? Help me out here. I'm not a lawyer, I'm proud to say. You are, so you help me to understand this.

GIULIANI: Well, I find it to be extraordinary. Their requests defy every constitutional norm I can think of. The reality is that Cohen trashed the attorney-client privilege when he taped his client and lied to him about it, and then actually doctored the tape. And there's no reason to interrogate McGahn any longer. He was questioned for 29 hours. He must have given his entire history going back to birth for 29 hours.

And if Mueller couldn't get out of him what he wanted, it just isn't fair. So this becomes now harassment. It becomes really a violation of separation of powers. Congress is going so far here they are interfering with the ability of the executive branch to function.

81 subpoenas before the report was even filed? I mean, they decided this before they read the report. Jerry Nadler was overheard on the train, coming down from New York to Washington, plotting and impeachment. And a week ago one of his aides was heard doing the same thing. So they can go try to fool somebody else, but not Donald Trump.

HUCKABEE: So, I guess, I'm having a hard time understanding, impeachment is not going anywhere, not with the Senate in Republicans hands, and it's going to be a bigger failure than it was with Bill Clinton in 1998. Why did the Democrats want to push it because it actually helped Bill Clinton, do they not think the same thing will happen with Donald Trump?

GIULIANI: And let me make a distinction. Bill Clinton was guilty of a crime, it's called perjury. When the dress was produced, he had to stop lying about it, otherwise they'd still be lying at about it now and he and Hillary would be trashing Monica Lewinsky. But he got caught, and he had to admit that he committed perjury - lying under oath.

Now maybe it wasn't serious enough, maybe it was more personal, but it sure was a crime. So in this case, the President was found not to have committed the underlying crime. And the reality is that the President's conduct is easily explainable. This is a man who was falsely accused - and everything they'd like to say is obstruction, is the man trying to defend himself against very unfair, exaggerated falsified charges.

HUCKABEE: Yes, I think I'd be pretty ticked off if somebody were accusing me of something like that as well, can't blame him. All right, Mayor stay with me. The Trump World is now ramping up a campaign to turn the collusion tables and targeting undercover Democrats who were involved.

It's not just the Trump World, award-winning journalist Bob Woodward, taking on the Intel agencies.


BOB WOODWARD, LEGENDARY JOURNALIST: The dossier, which really is got a lot of garbage in it, and Mueller found that to be the case. Early in building the intelligence community assessment on Russian interference, I think it was the CIA pushing this. The idea that they would include something like that in one of the great, stellar intelligence assessments, as Mueller also found out, is highly questionable. Needs to be investigated.


HUCKABEE: Back with me - back with me Rudy Giuliani, I want to bring in Joe diGenova, Former U.S. Attorney; as well as Robert Ray, Former Whitewater Independent Counsel. Joe, let me start with you.

Bob Woodward, who was no Trump fan, for sure, and certainly not a card- carrying member of the Republican National Committee, basically was saying this was the work of John Brennan.

JOE DIGENOVA, FORMER U.S. ATTORNEY: Well, there's no doubt this is pretty simple stuff for career prosecutors like Rudy and myself. It has been evident from day one that there was a brazen plot to exonerate Hillary Clinton illegally, and then if she lost the election, to frame Donald Trump.

This dossier was a knowing part of that. It was created by Hillary Clinton. It was created knowingly by John Brennan as part of a scheme to do everything they could to harm Donald Trump.

The problem for Brennan and Clapper and Comey and Baker and all of them now is, is that the FISA Court has already communicated with the Justice Department about its findings and their findings are that for more than four years before the election of Donald Trump.

There was an illegal spying operation going on by FBI contractors - four of them, to steal personal information - electronic information about Americans and to use it against the Republican Party. There are going to be indictments. There's going to be grand juries. John Brennan isn't going to need one lawyer. He's going to need five.

HUCKABEE: Robert, let me bring you in on this, because you've also served as a federal prosecutor in the Whitewater investigation. Do you have confidence that we're ever going to get to the bottom of this?

And by the bottom of it, find out just who was feeding at the bottom of the - of the river here. And that people are going to be held accountable for the violation of civil liberties, for the corruption, the cover-up and the attempted coup of a sitting elected President?

ROBERT RAY, FORMER WHITEWATER INDEPENDENT COUNSEL: The start of getting to the bottom of it is going to be, as expected, the release of the Inspector General Michael Horowitz's report sometime - I think the Attorney General indicated in either May or June of this year.

I think that will have to happen first before the Attorney General then conducts the investigation that he has indicated in testimony before the Congress that he intends to conduct. So, yes, Governor I do think eventually we will get to the bottom of this. And I think to put sort of a bow on this so that it's clear to the American people why they should care.

This is a instance, an example, which is dangerous in a democracy when the full powers of the United States government are mixed up with politics in order to effect an election. That ought to be something that is equally of concern to a 22 month investigation to determine whether or not there was collusion between Russian government officials and the Trump campaign and the candidate.

I mean, this is something that, of course, has been completely passed over while the country has been occupied for the last two years with one investigation. And I'm not necessarily suggesting that a Special Counsel is necessary in order to get to the bottom of it. But I think the Justice Department is fully capable of looking at this.

And I - frankly, I trust Bill Barr and he knows both the intelligence community and the Justice Department well enough to understand what is going to be necessary to find out where the truth is.

HUCKABEE: Mayor you and Joe both have also been prosecutors, I would think that a lot of people would be concerned about the civil liberties violations here. If this can happen that people at the highest levels of the Department of Justice and the FBI and the intelligence agencies can use their power as political weapons, then none of us are safe, our processes aren't safe.

Frankly, I worry a whole lot less about what the Russians did - and let's face it, they tried and they did everything they could, but what they did was way less of impact than what these federal agencies did and we as taxpayers paid for it. So help me understand why aren't we hearing cries from the civil libertarians?

GIULIANI: Because they have an absolutely one-sided view of it, so does The Times and The Post. And the story of that corruption has been out there for several years. They've covered it, they just don't want to really go into detail on it. And I think it's the white - the investigation is going to end up being very, very intense.

I agree that Attorney General Barr is exactly the right guy to do it. He's got a great sense of justice and there's nobody that knows much more about the FISA Courts than Joe diGenova, who's one of the original lawyers on the FISA Court. And--


GIULIANI: What they did with this court is an outrage and it's got to be corrected, because we all can be invaded like this.

HUCKABEE: And I think that's what scares us. So Joe, Rudy just mentioned that your personal knowledge and experience with the FISA Court is legendary, we know that, why does this matter to the average American sitting in a home with bowl of popcorn and a soft drink. Why does it matter to them what happens in this entire investigation?

DIGENOVA: Because it's about the rule of law and privacy. The Obama administration, for more than four years, before the 2016 election, allowed four contractors working for the FBI to illegally surveil American citizens illegally. The FISA Court has already found that.

By the way, Robert Ray mentioned that there is the Horowitz report coming out in May or possibly early June. There's another report that everybody has forgotten about, involving James Comey alone. That will be out in two weeks. That report is going to be a bombshell. It's going to open up the investigation on a very high note and there will be criminal referrals in it.

The FISA Court abuse is the center of this entire abuse of governmental power and the Chief Judge of that Court has already ruled that FBI broke the law and that the people at the head of the Justice Department, Sally Yates; John Carlin, the Assistant Attorney General for the National Security, all knew about it and lied to the court - the FISA Court about it.

HUCKABEE: Robert, if you were advising Jim Comey, Sally Yates and some of these other folks that we've heard so much about, would you tell them to lawyer up?

RAY: I think, you know - look, I mean not to be funny about it. But I mean that is an understatement. The core of this - Joe is absolutely right. What I want to know is, who at the Justice Department knew about what disclosures were going to be made to the FISA Court and who specifically withheld information.

Because they did know about the origins and the derivation of the Steele Dossier, how come the political connection to the Clinton campaign wasn't disclosed at least in a footnote in the FISA application?

Now there were people at the Justice Department who knew about that. I think the point of the investigation - who knew it, when did they know it, and why didn't that information make it in to the FISA application, which was delivered to the court.

Because, look, we've all recognized now with the benefit of hindsight that is kind of a rather important thing to have known. And I will say in addition to all that, one of the things also - separate apart from prosecutions, is there's a real question here about procedures within the intelligence community and the FBI - the Justice Department about how to deal with presidential campaigns when this sort of thing happens.

And you know, frankly, what I saw - at least initially now, from the Mueller Report, is there was an awful lot of leveraging going on by the Justice Department, the intelligence community of Donald Trump in the period after the election and when he first took office. That, frankly, the President is right, should never happen to another President again.

HUCKABEE: Joe, very quickly, if you've got a word one want to add--

DIGENOVA: There's a hero in this entire story, and it's not a lawyer. All the bad people in this story are lawyers. There's a hero, his name is Admiral Mike Rogers. He was the Head of the National Security Agency.

He discovered the illegal spying. He went personally to the FISA Court and briefed the Chief Judge and worked with her for months to uncover the people who did it. The FISA Court has already been told and has already told the Justice Department who lied to that court and that has been given to Bill Barr already.

HUCKABEE: Very powerful. Let me add something. If we ask this question, what does it matter to the person at home? If the highest levels of government can trample the constitutional rights and the Constitution that through which we elect a President, and step all over an elected President, imagine what it can do to you? Think about that.

If the President of United States can be walked all over by the powers of our government, then you're not safe - I think that's what we have to do.

GIULIANI: Mike, Joe and I have probably looked at a 100 FISA applications at different times and the reality is that you take this very seriously, because they can't be contested on the other side.

If you read the Steele Dossier, which I've done, and you don't figure out in two pages that it's a piece of phony crap, you don't belong being an investigator. And I'd like to ask Jim Comey, when he said it was unverified, after having it for five months, why the heck didn't you verify it?

You could have checked whether Cohen was in Prague on a specific date. All you had to do was call the passport office and you would have found out he's never been in Prague. You could have found out that Steele hadn't been in Russia for seven years. He didn't bother to find that out. We call that being grossly negligent.

Remember, who else was grossly negligent? The one he let off the hook for obstruction of justice. So I think Jim Comey has got a lot to answer for, because you don't sign those things cavalierly. And you could not have read that as a trained professional and not become extremely suspicious. It reads like a lurid, silly novel.

HUCKABEE: Thank you all. And let me say one thing, I certainly don't want any of you prosecuting me. Well, ahead, does Joe Biden really want to jump into this crowded Democratic field? Well, today's party even accept him, former Clinton pollster level has North America interesting take and that's coming up right after this.


HUCKABEE: And welcome back. Joe Biden's 2020 rollout is looking kind of like the crash of the Hindenburg, and he hasn't even officially announced yet. First, he was supposed to kick off his campaign today. Now, he's going to do it tomorrow.

This follows a steady stream of controversial stories about his past that includes speeches and policies deemed inappropriate by 2020 Democrat standards, and then of course, there's the inappropriate touching allegations.

Alarm bells going off all over the place, but his campaign is going full speed, because there's no stopping "Amtrak Joe" now.


JOE BIDEN, FORMER VICE PRESIDENT: We got to stand together, and if we do we will take back this country, I mean it. Don't give up, keep it going.


HUCKABEE: Well, is Joe ready to take on frontrunner Bernie Sanders? Is he prepared to answer for his racially insensitive remarks, and what about fundraising? I mean, he's got zero dollars, while the other candidates have millions in the bank.

Former Clinton Advisor and Fox News Contributor, Doug Schoen says Biden is just the wrong candidate at the wrong time. Dough joins me now along with Ari Fleischer, Former White House Press Secretary and also a Fox News Contributor. Gentlemen, thanks to both of you.


HUCKABEE: Happy to have you. Doug let me start with you.


HUCKABEE: Let's just ask the simple question. You say he's the wrong guy for the wrong time, why?

SCHOEN: Well the Democrats, now Governor, a seeking more progressive candidates, younger candidates, fresh faces, people of color and to a great extent women. Joe Biden is none of that.

In traditional politics, as I grew up within, I think Ari as well. The person with the most experience was deemed entitled to raise up to the next level. Now experience is almost a disqualifying force.

HUCKABEE: In a USA Today op-ed today political commentator Ashley Pratte noted that "Biden's inappropriate touching sure hasn't heard support among women. As early polling reveals that his high numbers are powered by women. But not all Democratic women feel the same". Let's watch


RUSH LIMBAUGH, CONSERVATIVE TALK RADIO SHOW HOST: Here is the thing Joe Biden is probably the best chance they've got and he doesn't have a chance. They're probably - I mean, Joe Biden, and crazy Bernie and Mayor Pete? We get three white guys, two of them are brontosauruses from "Jurassic Park", and that isn't going to sit well with the rest of this party, which has gone so far Left.

I don't think, Biden is putting off his announcement, I don't know how badly he really wants this, and you have to really want this if you are going to have any chance of winning it.


HUCKABEE: Well, that may not have been exactly the clip we were looking for, but it's a doggone good one, I'll tell you that right now. Rush Limbaugh is always good for a good word.

But let's go back to this issue of the accusations of Joe Biden. He's being too much of a "hands-on candidate", if I could use that phrase. Ari, how much is that a problem for Biden in this field of Democrats?

ARI FLEISCHER, FORMER WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY: I don't think it's a problem unless Kirsten Gillibrand or one of the female candidates makes it into a direct problem, confronts them over it and then therefore whittles down some of his support.

I think his problem is much more structural, bigger and fundamental, Governor. Look, Joe Biden to me is like a - your old pair of shoes - your favorite old pair of shoes that you keep in the closet. You probably bought them when you went to the junior prom in 1988, the first year Joe Biden ran for the presidency. And you liked those shoes they were comfortable, they were they were enjoyable to look at.

And now you try to put them on again, they're not as comfortable as you thought. They don't really fit anymore. And I think that's where Joe Biden is. He doesn't fit anymore the modern-day Democratic Party.

He has to denounce all the positions he used to take as a Senator in the 70s and the 80s and even into the ‘90s. And I just don't see the attraction other than his name I.D. and his image for now of being vice president. That is not going to last. That will not run well in a Democratic primary.

HUCKABEE: Doug, Joe Biden has been in government, really his entire life. He's never run a business, he's never signed the front of a paycheck. So his experiences all government. It seems like we are dealing with an electorate that would like to have some folks who have succeeded at something. Would that be a big problem for Joe Biden going up against a billionaire businessman who can say, I've run businesses, I've worked through the processes of government and had to fight them off? Does that somehow handicap him?

DOUG SCHOEN, CONTRIBUTOR: Governor, the polls against Donald Trump showed Joe Biden with at least a double-digit lead if not more. So I think if he gets nominated, and that's a huge if, then I think he'd be a credible candidate. But the Democratic electorate, which has changed fundamentally really in the last five years or so, doesn't really want somebody with his kind of experience, who's just been a professional politician. And I think that explains the appeal of Bernie Sanders, Mayor Pete, and the like -- fresh faces, nonpolitical, non-establishment.

HUCKABEE: And Ari, does it maybe look like that Joe Biden is perhaps the Jeb Bush of the 2020 cycle? And no disrespect to my dear friend Jeb Bush, but he was the anointed one. He had $130 million. But it's like, yes, we've seen that before, we want someone new. How much of a problem does that hold for Joe Biden?

FLEISCHER: The difference is Jeb was able to raise money. I'm not sure Joe will be able to. I think he's much more the Hillary Clinton of this cycle when you look at Hillary Clinton in 2008. Hillary in 2008, it was hers because it was supposed to be hers, senior leader. And then along comes younger Barack Obama, more progressive. And he was able to defeat Hillary Clinton, much to people's surprise.

And that is where I just think the Democratic Party, as Doug has indicated, has really shifted. The energy is so far on the left. There is a tension with the people who want pragmatic to beat Donald Trump. But I don't see enough of that yet to make me think Joe Biden can win.

And what is Joe Biden's constituency? Bernie Sanders have a powerful, devoted constituency of liberals and progressives. What does Joe Biden have? He has none of that. There's no institutional, inherent Joe Biden constituency, other than remnants, memories, and that is what I meant about the old shoe. And that won't last.

HUCKABEE: I want to say to both of you, you are two of my very favorite people. I love to watch you, love to be around you because you are fair, honest, upfront, and it's great to have you on. Thank you for joining us.

SCHOEN: Thank you so much, Governor.

HUCKABEE: Coming up, the laws that put the Boston Marathon bomber behind bars are apparently unjust. That is according to Alexandria Ocasio- Cortez's chief of staff. You don't want to miss this debate. That is coming up next right after this.



SEN. BERNIE SANDERS, I-VT, D-PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: I think the right to vote is inherent to our democracy, yes, even for terrible people.


HUCKABEE: Well, those terrible people that Sanders thinks should have gotten the right to vote include the Boston Marathon bomber, along with child rapists and murderers. His plan is so deranged that even these guys are shocked.


DON LEMON, CNN ANCHOR: I was stunned, as you can see on our faces. And the response is if you have committed a crime, like the Boston Marathon bombings, or if you have assaulted or abused a child, I don't think Americans -- most Americans would want people like that to vote.

CHRIS CUOMO, CNN ANCHOR: You know what it frames. It frames the proposition for voters as these people are way out there in the Democratic Party. Wow, have they gone far left.


HUCKABEE: When these guys say it. But hey, it gets crazier. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's chief of staff now offering his thoughts. And he tweeted this. "What's the reason not to let incarcerated people vote? Shouldn't the people most affected by unjust laws have some say in electing people to change them?" So now we are at the point where the Democratic Party thinks the laws that put the Boston Marathon bomber behind bars are unjust. They somehow fail to understand that if those are truly unjust laws, it's up to Congress to change them.

Here to debate, David Bossie, former Trump deputy campaign manager and FOX News contributor, and attorney Allen Orr. Allen, I will start with you because I'd love to get an insight from a Democrat, and tell me, is what I just saw a sane proposal for the Democrats to run on a 2020?

ALLEN ORR, ATTORNEY: Right. So I think when you are talking about Bernie Sanders specifically, he is talking about what they already do in Vermont and Maine. So they already have the place where these people can vote, even when they are incarcerated.

HUCKABEE: No matter what kind of crime.

ORR: No matter what type of crime. So that's today, currently today.

HUCKABEE: Murder, rape, you can just go ahead and vote while you are still incarcerated.

ORR: Absolutely. There are some levels in which they might exclude people, but most people are allowed to vote in those circumstances.

HUCKABEE: You think that's OK?

ORR: That's his circumstance. You're asking me?

HUCKABEE: Yes, I'm asking you.

ORR: And you're asking me what my thought it. Absolutely. So I think the concept of the prison system that we have, the prison complex that we built, we need to start allowing some people to vote. There should be some people that are excluded, but specifically after people have done their time, they should be allowed to vote.

HUCKABEE: After they have done their time.

ORR: Absolutely.

HUCKABEE: Big difference. David, it's different to say after you have done your time, you've proven yourself to be a responsible person. I'm all about restorative justice. I've worked on this committee with the president and the people involved. I'm totally for that. But we're not talking about people who have been restored. We're talking about people who are sitting there because they murdered people.

DAVID BOSSIE, PRESIDENT CITIZENS UNITED: This is outside the mainstream. This is outside common sense. Bernie Sanders wasn't talking just about Vermont. He was talking about all people across the country that are incarcerated. So that would include Nikolas Cruz, the Parkland murderer, who murdered 16 kids in that school in Parkland, Florida. We have the Son of Sam, Sirhan Sirhan is still in prison. Are we expecting that these people, the worst of the worst, are now going to be able to vote? It is insane policy. But it is so good for Donald Trump to be able to run against that, because the American people will reject it.

HUCKABEE: Allen, speak to that.

ORR: I don't think the American people are going to reject the concept of saying that most people in prison never had a trial, 90 percent of them never were before a court. Many of them to --

HUCKABEE: I don't think that's even the issue. The issue is Bernie Sanders is saying people who have done evil things, and we are talking the Boston Bomber --

ORR: So you are talking about the people that are convicted. We know that there are rapists and murders that have not been convicted, and they vote every day. And we now that these people before they were convicted were voting every day. And voting was not essentially a part of their crime. So people can be alcoholics and still be good lawyers.

HUCKABEE: Got it. Here's a thing. Why is it Democrats want inmates to vote more so? Do they think that more of the inmates are Democrats? Is that --

ORR: I don't think that that really hold true. I think what they are saying is people who have been disenfranchised, because 30 percent of the population are people of color but they represent 60 percent in jail, and so therefore these laws and institutions are impacting these individuals, and they're paying taxes outside of that.

HUCKABEE: -- because they were convicted in a court of law.

ORR: They weren't convicted in a court of law.

BOSSIE: But hold on. When you are in prison, you lose your right of assembly, you lose your First Amendment right. You lose a lot of rights.

HUCKABEE: You lose your Second Amendment rights.

BOSSIE: You lose your right to vote. That is what law-abiding citizens get to do. Those that are incarcerated do not and they ought not to be able to vote, and they ought not -- look. This is a conversation we are glad to have.

HUCKABEE: Unfortunately, out of time. We could talk about this for a long time, and I'm sure we will during the break.

While 2020 Democratic candidates desperate for attention now say they are going to nominate a female vice president, but do voters even care? Plus, why don't Democratic women seem to be turned off by Joe Biden's inappropriate touching issues? Michelle Malkin is going to tackle both of those questions when we come back.



HILLARY CLINTON, D-FORMER PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: All during 2016 online, there were people saying, I sure would vote for a woman, just not that woman. And now all of a sudden, some of these women they said they would support, they are running, and, oh, I'm not voting for that woman. I think people don't understand unconscious bias. There is outright nasty sexism and misogyny. A lot of it is unconscious.


HUCKABEE: What on God's green earth is she talking about? This never- ending dissent into identity politics has now gotten so ridiculous that 2020 Democratic candidates who are men now reflexively say they will nominate a female vice president no matter what.


SEN. CORY BOOKER, D-N.J., PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: I will have a woman running mate. To me, it's really clear that we do that.

BETO O'ROURKE, D-PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: It would be very difficult not to select a woman with so many extraordinary women who are running right now.

REP. ERIC SWALWELL, D-CALIF.: I've pledged that I would ask a woman to serve as vice president. I would put forward a diverse candidate.


HUCKABEE: Joining me now is Michelle Malkin, conservative commentator, and Kelly Hyman, Democratic political analyst. Michelle, we're going to get to the male Democratic candidates who are freaking out. But let's start. What the heck with Hillary Clinton talking about?

MICHELLE MALKIN, CONSERVATIVE AUTHOR AND COLUMNIST: Well, you know, Governor Huckabee, that the two "l's" in Hillary stand for twice a loser. And she is still grievance mongering. She is going to cling very bitterly, and for time immemorial, to this gender card, and the idea that the only reason she lost is because of gross systematic misogyny and sexism.

And in terms of unconscious bias and unconscious sexism and misogyny, well, it certainly was conscious on the part of her misogynistic husband. And I think a lot of conservative and independent woman will not forget the misogyny that Hillary Clinton showed in her bitterness after her second loss about blaming them, and in the most sexist way saying that independent woman voted for Donald Trump only because their husbands did, dripping with explicit misogyny.

This primary that we are seeing now, and this primary field of the 20 desperate liberals who all think the same, act the same --


MALKIN: Yes, they are. That is what this is about. And the pandering that is going on here to try to prove their progressive bona fides is leading to some bizarre results, as Governor Huckabee has said, because you've got these white men who are tripping over themselves to self- flagellate, when if they really meant what they said and wanted to walk the talk, would step aside and yield their candidacies to some women of color.

HYMAN: As a woman, we know that there is sexism, and sexism exists in politics.

HUCKABEE: That will be a great place for me -- Kelly, let me bring. Come on, Kelly. Kelly, let me just pick up where Michelle left off. If these Democratic males who are running for president really believe that there needs to be a novation of gender, then why don't they say, I would love to be the vice presidential candidate for any one of our women Democrats who are running, because several are? Why wouldn't that be a better way for them to prove how truly focused they are on elevating women?

HYMAN: That might also be a possibility. Ultimately, it's going to be up to the viewers and they will make a determination on which Democratic candidate is best for the job. And that could be a woman or a man for the job.

And as I stated before, sexism does exist. And as a woman -- we know that. It exists in politics. A lot of time people won't vote for a candidate because she's a woman.

HUCKABEE: OK. And let me stay with you, Kelly, because you say sexism exists. I don't even argue that point. I think it truly does.

HYMAN: I appreciate that. Thank you.

HUCKABEE: No, but here's what I want to ask. If it does exist, and there is a problem with women not getting their fair shake, then why would women ever think it would be OK in the Democratic Party to select a male to be their standard-bearer? Why wouldn't they just say, we're going to be the party that says, men, don't even apply for the job because this is going to be a woman's job this year.

HYMAN: Because we are an all-inclusive party. And so by that --

HUCKABEE: Are you?

HYMAN: -- means that we want the best candidate. We want someone that is going to unite our country and not going to divide our country. And whoever the American people decide to vote for and choose is the best candidate to bring forward. As I said before, we need someone who is going to unite us and not divide us. And whoever that is, the Democratic Party will pick.

HUCKABEE: Michelle, was only got about 15 seconds. Kelly says they are an inclusive party. I don't know many pro-life people who are getting involved or invited to the party.

MALKIN: That's exactly right. And in fact you can talk to the few independent Democrats for life out there, feminists for life, which is a fantastic pro-life group, and the misogyny and intolerance they have felt. As I said, this is the identity politics primary. And I think ultimately it is a recipe for self-immolation. The left will eat itself.

HUCKABEE: We got to go. Kelly, Michelle, thank you both for joining us, happy to have you here.

The college admissions scandal took an interesting turn today as former federal inmate Martha Stewart weighted in for the very first time. What she said about the celebrities facing potential jail time. That is what is coming up next.


HUCKABEE: The college admissions scandal heating up as Lori Loughlin and her husband reportedly claim they didn't know that what they were doing was illegal. For more, we go to Trace Gallagher in our West Coast Newsroom. Trace?

TRACE GALLAGHER, CORRESPONDENT: Governor, good to see you.

Nineteen-year-old Olivia Jade Giannulli was reportedly furious with her parents for allegedly bribing her into the University of Southern California and, quote, "ruining her life." But now, "Us Weekly" says Olivia Jade and her mom, Lori Loughlin, have made amends, with sources saying the daughter now realizes her parents were trying to do what was best for her.

Meantime, Loughlin and her husband Mossimo Giannulli want the legal process against them to stop until the feds turn over all the evidence. They are facing money laundering charges for allegedly funneling their $500,000 bribe through a charity. Legal experts say the government likely has bank records and wire transfers, et cetera, at the attorneys will want to see how damaging the evidence is before proceeding.

As for their defense strategy, it appears to be the old I didn't realize I was giving bribe money, with sources saying Loughlin had no idea how the $500,000 would be used, and certainly didn't think it would grease the hand of the women's soccer coach, Laura Janke, except the criminal complaint says Mossimo Giannulli sent at least $100,000 directly to the USC assistant athletic director. And we should note the former women's soccer coach has struck a plea deal, is cooperating, and that could hurt Loughlin's story.

Finally, former inmate Martha Stewart was asked about potential future inmates, Lori Loughlin and Felicity Huffman. Watch.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: What kind of advice would you have for Felicity and Lori about what may be to come, because you have had to walk through a valley and you've come out the other side?

MARTHA STEWART: I just feel sorry for them. They might have made a bad mistake.


GALLAGHER: As you know, Stewart served five months in a minimum-security prism and called it awful. Then again, she thought being house arrest in her $12 million mansion was worse. Governor?

HUCKABEE: Trace, thank you very much. Good to see you.

And we'll be right back with the Last Bite. It's going to have you seeing double.


HUCKABEE: Well, it's time for the Last Bite -- 2020 Democrat Julian Castro calling out the She the People forum today for using the wrong photo.


JULIAN CASTRO, D-PRESIDENT CANDIDATE: I will say, though, the picture you all have in your program is actually of my brother, Joaquin.


CASTRO: You have my brother's picture. He would say that that's a good thing because he's better looking than I am.



HUCKABEE: Come on, guys. Get your act together. Because not all Castros look the same.

Well, that's all the time we've got. I'm Mike Huckabee in for Laura Ingraham. Be sure to catch my show on TBN, Saturdays and Sunday, 8:00 and 11:00 Eastern. People who watch say it cures acne and dandruff. It is worth a try.

Now, we turn you over to Shannon Bream, who doesn't need the cures but she watches anyway.

Shannon, take it away.

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