Gingrich: If Trump focuses on big ideas, his odds are good

This is a rush transcript from "Hannity," October 20, 2016. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

SEAN HANNITY, HOST: And welcome to "Hannity." Tonight, the Alfred E. Smith dinner took place in New York City, and moments ago, both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump -- they addressed those attending the annual dinner. And here are some of the fun highlights. Take a look.


DONALD TRUMP, R-PRESIDENTIAL NOMINEE: It's great to be here with a thousand wonderful people, or as I call it, a small intimate dinner with some friends, or as Hillary calls it, her largest crowd of the season.


TRUMP: Just before taking the dais, Hillary accidentally bumped into me, and she very civilly said, Pardon me.


TRUMP: Oh, this one's going to get me in trouble. Michelle Obama gives a speech, and everyone loves it. It's fantastic. They think she's absolutely great. My wife Melania gives the exact same speech...


TRUMP: ... and people get on her case. And I don't get it.

HILLARY CLINTON, D-PRESIDENTIAL NOMINEE: There are a lot of friendly faces here in this room, people that I've been privileged to know and to work with. I just want to put you all in a basket of adorables. You look so good in your tuxes, or as I refer to them, formal pants suits.

Speaking of health, Donald has been very concerned about mine, very concerned. He actually sent a car to bring me here tonight. Actually, it was a hearse.



HANNITY: All right. Also tonight, prior to the dinner, Donald Trump was back on the campaign trail holding a rally in Ohio. He was fired up. Take a look.


TRUMP: I want to make a major announcement today. I would like to promise and pledge to all of my voters and supporters and to all of the people of the United States that I will totally accept the results of this great and historic presidential election if I win.

And a candidate like crooked Hillary Clinton, who will lie to Congress, lie to the FBI, destroy 33,000 e-mails, put her office up for sale and put our confidential information in the reach of our enemies is a candidate who is truly capable of anything.

Our campaign is powered by a love for this country and our love for our fellow citizens. And is there any better place to be than a Trump rally?


HANNITY: All right, joining us now with reaction, the author of The New York Times best-seller "Treason," former speaker of the House, FOX news contributor Newt Gingrich.

I love the Alfred E. Smith dinner. I think it's funny. You know, it's a liberal crowd, liberal audience. It is New York. And you got oohs and ahhs when Donald Trump, they felt, crossed the line. But I thought they both gave as good as they got. What do you think?

NEWT GINGRICH, FMR. HOUSE SPEAKER, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: I thought the pieces you had were funny. I thought they were in the great tradition of the dinner. I thought they were poking fun at each other. But it was, you know, dramatically milder and more pleasant than last night.


GINGRICH: So I thought the folks who historically created the Alfred Smith dinner I think were probably pretty happy that these two were in that tradition.

HANNITY: Yes. There's going to be liberal complaints, Oh, Donald Trump went too far. If he's not himself, there's no point in going to the dinner. He was on fire today...


GINGRICH: By the way, look...


GINGRICH: (INAUDIBLE) but the joke he made at his own expense and Melania's was a perfect joke.


GINGRICH: ... in the absolute tradition of -- the great thing about the Smith dinners is that a lot of it is self-deprecating humor, and that one was clearly precisely within the tradition of that dinner.

HANNITY: Yes. Oh, he took some hard shots at Hillary, which was good, and she took some hard shots at him, which was good, and in their own way, they were both funny. I thought Trump was funnier, but he's got more personality than Hillary does.

All right, let's go back to last night, final debate. And we move forward to today, Donald Trump out on the campaign trail. He seemed like the weight of the world was off his shoulders. He is free to be himself. He's in the environment he loves the most, which is at the rallies.

Where do we go here with 19 days left in this campaign? How do you see this race?

GINGRICH: Well, I think that he has a very, very high likelihood of winning it. I think that last night was a victory for him, as Frank Luntz's focus group indicated. He -- Trump now won the second and the third debate, according to those focus groups. You saw today in Rasmussen, when he jumped ahead by 3 points. So you see indicators moving in the right direction.

I suspect the weight of the world was off his shoulders. He was never comfortable if that kind of a debate environment. He knew that he was vulnerable to an ambush or a surprise. And I think that getting through it without a major mistake was enormously relieving to him and lets him focus now on winning the election.

I also have to say, I thought Chris Wallace far and away did the best job of any of the debate moderators this year, was much clearer, much fairer and was tough. It wasn't that he was soft, but he was tough with both of them on sensitive things for both of them, and I thought, in some ways, he was one of the real winners of this year's debate process.

HANNITY: I don't think there's any doubt about it. I think he really represented ours news division, which -- we have a great team here, so well, and he should be so proud of himself.

Let me ask you this because we look at polls. We look at RealClearPolitics average. There seems to me at this moment to be so many balls in the air that I don't know if the public is quite yet absorbing, one being last night's debate, two being Project Veritas, three being Wikileaks. I'm not sure the impact that this is going to have.

And there are so many people that are calling me and saying they don't trust the polls. I tend to believe polls. But is there a possible Brexit effect here -- nationalism, populism -- that, for example, they didn't see in Europe, that maybe they're not catching here? What have your thoughts on the polls?

GINGRICH: Well, I think the polls are wrong. I think they verge on irrelevant and misleading for a lot of different reasons. Nobody can tell you what the turnout is going to be. Nobody can tell you, you know, which people are going to be the most motivated.

And I think that there's clearly a suppressing effect. When you have the news media giving 96 percent of its donations to Hillary Clinton and 4 percent to Trump, when you're having to spend 23 minutes attacking Trump and 57 seconds the same evening on Hillary Clinton, you're going to have a suppressed vote, which will -- and you see this -- if an operator calls you, you are less likely to say you're for Donald Trump than if it's a computerized poll. So take the Brexit effect, which is 3 or 4 or maybe 5 points in some cases.

But there's more than that. What's the turnout likely to be in the African-American community? Can Hillary Clinton really motivate African- Americans to vote on the scale that Barack Obama did? Any poll which assumes that is almost by definition not very accurate.

I think there are also going to be a huge number of people making up their minds, and that's where last night was important. The Donald Trump who was on the stage last night clearly is capable of being president, clearly was capable of dealing with complicated issues, and he crossed a real threshold, I think, in terms of being an acceptable president for a lot of people.

And I think that that -- if he can stay disciplined, stay on message, continue to use the teleprompter, continue to stay big, talking about big ideas, big issues, a big difference with Hillary, I think the odds are very high that he's going to end up winning this race.

HANNITY: Let me go to something that the rest of the media I think is ignoring. And we have some unfinished business, I think, after the election, you know, the exposure of the news media totally being in the pocket of Hillary Clinton in this campaign, representing the biggest campaign contribution by far for her, and the total dishonest as they try to portray themselves as fair and balanced, and we know that they're nothing of the sort.

Let me start with the -- and remember, these two videos coming out on successive days, one Democrats fomenting violence at Trump events, organizing violence at these events, the second massive campaign fraud.

But before we get to that, let's look at how these undercover tapes talk about the flow of money and where it begins because they're putting it right on the back of Hillary Clinton, her campaign and the DNC. Take a look.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I am contracted to him, but I answer to the head of special events for the DNC and the head of the special events (INAUDIBLE)



HANNITY: All right, let's play two consecutive. One talks about a video showing how Democrats incited the violence at the Trump rallies and how they offered plausible deniability to both Hillary Clinton and the Democratic national convention (sic). Let's play this.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: If you're there and you're protesting and you do these actions, you will be attacked at Trump rallies.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Oh, oh. So that's part of the process...


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: ... the reaction. OK.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: (INAUDIBLE) is we know that Trump's people will (EXPLETIVE DELETED).  Security team will freak out, and his supporters will lost their (EXPLETIVE DELETED).

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Nobody's really supposed to know about me. The Chicago protest, when they shot (ph) all that, that was us. Was more him than me, but none of this is supposed to come back to us because we want it coming from people. We don't want it to come from the party.

So if we do a protest (INAUDIBLE) DNC protest, it's -- right away, the press is going to say partisan. But if I'm in there coordinating with all the groups on the ground and sort of playing field general, but they're the ones talking to the cameras, then it's actually people.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The thing that we have to watch is making sure there's a double blind between the actual campaign and the actual DNC and what we're doing. There's a double blind there so that they can plausibly deny that they knew anything about that.


HANNITY: All right. So you have the flow of money from the Clinton campaign and the DNC to those agitators fomenting violence. Then, of course, you have those admitting and bragging about the violence that they committed, and then you have video showing that they offered deniability to the DNC and the Hillary campaign, and then the video admitting that Hillary knows about the violence.

I mean, if this were Donald Trump, why do I suspect there'd be a very different narrative 19 days out of an election?

GINGRICH: Well, correct me if I'm wrong, Sean, but I think I saw in the last 24 hours, you also have a Federal Election Commission report of the campaign paying one of these people directly...


GINGRICH: ... and you have one of the leaders of this group apparently entered the White House over 300 times.

HANNITY: That's correct.

GINGRICH: That was also reported in the last 24 hours. So here -- but here's a simple question which should tell everybody in America why we need to replace the current mess.

Where is the Federal Bureau of Investigation? You have people saying that they fomented violence in order to disrupt an election. You have evidence those people were paid by a presidential campaign. You have somebody who's so intimate with the White House, he's there over 300 times. You had a firebombing in North Carolina of a Republican campaign headquarters.

Where is the FBI? Why is the federal government not engaged in worrying about the civil rights of people who favor Donald Trump? I mean, talk about a one-sided scandal. The number one challenge Republicans ought to have -- and frankly, Grassley and Goodlatte, the two chairmen of the Judiciary Committees, ought to be sending off letters right now demanding - - where's the FBI investigation of criminal violence intended to disrupt a presidential campaign...

HANNITY: All right, stay right there...

GINGRICH: ... by the Democrats and by Hillary Clinton?

HANNITY: All right, well, also when we come back, we'll get to the DNC and the Hillary campaign working on a massive voter fraud project with these very same people.

We'll have more with Newt Gingrich right after the break.

And coming up next right here tonight on "Hannity"...


CHRIS WALLACE, FOX NEWS: I want to ask you here on the stage tonight, do you make the same commitment that you will absolutely -- sir, that you will absolutely accept the result of this election?

TRUMP: I will look at it at the time.

WALLACE: Are you saying you're not prepared now to commit to that principle?

TRUMP: What I'm saying is I will tell you at the time. I'll keep you in suspense.


HANNITY: All right, the left, members of the mainstream media are outraged over Donald Trump's comments at last night's debate. But Democrats -- they have a long history of not accepting election results. We'll tell you that history and expose that hypocrisy next.

By the way, quick programming note. Tomorrow night, 10:00 Eastern, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump will join us. That's 10:00 Eastern right here on "Hannity."

We'll have more with Newt Gingrich right after this break.



WALLACE: I want to ask you here on the stage tonight, do you make the same commitment that you will absolutely -- sir, that you will absolutely accept the results of this election.

TRUMP: I will look at it at the time.

WALLACE: Are you saying you're not prepared now to commit to that principle?

TRUMP: What I'm saying is that I will tell you at the time. I'll keep you in suspense.


HANNITY: All right, democrats are apoplectic after Donald Trump said that at last night's debate. Now, before they trash the GOP nominee pretend to be so morally outraged, well, the left needs to understand their own blatant hypocrisy on this very issue.

Now, let's start with the 2000 presidential election. Remember Al Gore initially conceded to George W. Bush, but after the race was deemed too close to call and a state recount was triggered in Florida -- well, Gore retracted his concession. The next day, Gore's team, including 80 lawyers -- well, they descended on the state of Florida, and the Democrats started questioning the integrity of the ballots there, including calling some of them, quote, "illegal."

Now, after 36 days, a Supreme Court ruling and with George Bush clearly winning by 537 votes, Al Gore did finally accept the result, but many other Democrats did not, including Hillary Clinton.

Now, as late as 2002, Newsweek reported that while at a private fundraiser, Clinton said Bush was, quote, "selected," that he was not elected president. And in 2009, during a town hall in Nigeria while she was serving as secretary of state, Clinton floated a conspiracy theory, saying, quote, "You know, we've had problems in some of our past elections. As you might remember in 2000, our presidential election came down to one state where the brother of the man running for president was the governor of the state. So we have our problems too."

And just last week when she was campaigning with Al Gore in Florida, Well, Clinton was seen smiling, agreeing that chants that Gore won the 2000 election.

Watch this.


AL GORE, FORMER VICE PRESIDENT: For those of you older than 25, I heard you murmuring just now. But take it from me, it was a very close election. Elections -- well...

AUDIENCE: You won! You won! You won!

GORE: Well, here's my point -- here's my point...


HANNITY: Ah, Clinton nodding. Now, she's not the only Democrat, by the way, who questions the 2000 election results. In 2013, according to reports, Vice President Joe Biden -- he claimed that Al Gore was the one who was elected president. And he claimed that the recount result was, quote, "a bad decision."

Now, there's also the 2004 election. Then senator John Kerry -- he waited until the next day to concede to President George W. Bush, and a lot of Democrats, including Barbara Boxer, were advancing a narrative that Bush cheated to win Ohio in '04. And Howard Dean would later tell Rolling Stone magazine that there was, quote, "substantial voter suppression" and the machines were not reliable.

And just last year, The New Yorker reported that Kerry thought that, quote, "proxies for Bush had rigged many of the voting machines."

Back with reaction, former speaker of the House Newt Gingrich. It is a little ironic that the media is so outraged, focused and fixated, when they've got this history that they totally ignore, but now that Wikileaks revealed that they work for Hillary Clinton, I guess it's not that big a surprise.

GINGRICH: Look, I think the objective fact is they were going to find something to be horrified with. Trump had had a great debate. He hadn't given them anything. And so at the very end, they got the thing -- and I can already tell you in 24 hours, reasonable Democrats are saying, This is just stupid, and part of it's because the Gore decision. I mean, Al Gore legitimately filed a lawsuit, engaged in 30-some days negotiating over who won the election. That's not illegitimate. It's not unprecedented in American history. We had both the election of 1824 and the election of 1876 were very contested.

So this whole notion of, Oh, my gosh, what is he doing -- look, if you were Donald Trump and you just went through a process where, clearly, the FBI has been rigged, clearly, Hillary Clinton has lied about virtually everything, clearly, there are 33,000 e-mails missing, and you look at all these different patterns -- the news media donates 96 percent to Clinton and 4 percent to Trump.

Given all of those facts, I think it's reasonable to follow the Ronald Reagan rule of trust but verify. And all that Trump said was he's going to verify before he concedes, assuming he's going to concede.

HANNITY: Well...

GINGRICH: And I think that was a totally legitimate position for a citizen to take.

HANNITY: Let's now go back to the Project Veritas tapes, the guy that you said leading this effort is -- has been to the White House over 300 times since Obama's been president. But we also established that the money comes from the -- from Hillary Clinton's campaign, funneled through the DNC, funneled through a democracy group, funneled to the agitators that foment violence.

But also, they talk at length about a massive voter fraud scheme. It's all caught on tape, and I think the question Hillary needs to be asked -- Will you stop funding the effort of these people fomenting violence and planning massive voter fraud?

Let's go to the tape.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It's a very easy thing for the Republicans to say (INAUDIBLE) bussing people in. Well, you know what? We've been bussing people in (EXPLETIVE DELETED) for 50 years, and we're not going to stop now. We're just going to find a better way to do it. So I mean, I grew up with that idea. You know, they used to bus people out to Iowa. If we needed people out there (INAUDIBLE)


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: ... (INAUDIBLE) the least restrictive donation caps and campaign finance laws and investigative arm. Like, they have weakened it so bad in these two states you could (EXPLETIVE DELETED) in front of the governor and not go to jail. If you had enough money to go like this...


HANNITY: All right. You mention the FBI and violence. They are planning on using Hillary money, DNC money for a massive voter fraud organization.  It's like a criminal organization.

You know, what should the Republicans be doing here, and where does law enforcement get involved?

GINGRICH: Well, I mean, first of all, a good friend of mine suggested that they should be calling for a RICO investigation because this is clearly a conspiracy to commit crimes, and it fits the whole definition of RICO in terms of an organized crime effort.

But I want to go back to what I said a while ago because it also applies here. Where's Director Comey? Where is the Federal Bureau of Investigation? You've produced -- and you're the number one lead person getting this out to the country, although I've begun to notice it's leaking through other places.

But you -- you clearly have evidence here that, at a minimum, has to have an FBI investigation and which totally justifies very strong efforts to get enough volunteer attorneys to make sure that Republicans are able to police virtually every precinct that's questionable because you have people who are telling you up front that they're going to engage in massive voter fraud.

And we have evidence, for example, of a guy in California who's a minor miracle. He's been dead for over 20 years, and he's voted four times since then.


GINGRICH: And I think it almost...


GINGRICH: There'll be a shrine to the permanent voter. You know, I mean, it's crazy. And people -- and then liberals say, Well, there really aren't very many cases. In Philadelphia alone, there is potentially enough vote theft to actually swing the race against Senator Toomey and against Donald Trump.

HANNITY: Yes. All right, Mr. Speaker, we got to leave it right there.  We're running out of time. These are serious allegations, and the fact that the money flow is from Hillary's campaign to the DNC to these dark art political operatives is really chilling.

Anyway, coming up next tonight right here on "Hannity"...


TRUMP: One of the big issues that came up last night was the fact that the Clinton campaign has paid people to disrupt violently our rallies.


HANNITY: All right, at today's rally in Ohio, Donald Trump brought up the damning Project Veritas tapes.that appear to show the Democrats bragging about inciting violence, bragging about also trying to rig the election.  Austan Goolsbee, Matt Schlapp -- they weigh in.

And then later tonight...


TRUMP: So many of you in the archdiocese already have a place in your heart for a guy who started out as a carpenter working for his father. I was a carpenter working for my father.



HANNITY: All right, we have more highlights from tonight's fun Alfred E. Smith dinner. Lisa Boothe, Doug Schoen, Anthony Scaramucci will all join us with reaction.

That and more straight ahead tonight right here on "Hannity."




TRUMP: What I'm saying is don't be naive, folks, don't be naive. One of the big issues that came up last night was the fact that the Clinton campaign has paid people to disrupt violently our rallies and to incite absolute, total bedlam. It's so bad, so bad.

You know, I've had occasions where we've had rallies and it was so incredibly violent, I said what's going on over here? These were paid people by the Clinton campaign, and it just came out. And I give credit to the people that brought this out, believe me. This is criminal behavior that violates centuries of tradition of peaceful democratic elections.


HANNITY: That was Donald Trump earlier today talking about the damning Project Veritas undercover tapes that allegedly show Democratic operatives scheming to cause violence at Trump rallies. We've not at FOX be able to independently verify the content in the video but you can see it for what it is. It's very disturbing.

Joining us now, former Obama economic adviser Austan Goolsbee, and American Conservative Union Chairman Matt Schlapp. Austan, I know you. When I was in Chicago, I met you and took you out to dinner and I paid for dinner.



HANNITY: Because I'm a conservative and believe in spreading the wealth.

But in all fairness, over 3,000 Chicago residents shot this year, over 4,000 shot dead since Obama has been president. The violence in Chicago is the real deal. Now you have people on tape saying they're getting their money from Hillary Clinton's campaign and the DNC that are fomenting violence, and some of the worst was in your city. I've got to believe you will condemn that and want Hillary Clinton to look into how the flow of money is going from her campaign to these operatives and whether or not she will stop fomenting this violence

GOOLSBEE: You've got two things going there. On the first, yes. You know me. We've been friends for a long time. I'm not going to defend anybody's illegal activity. I thought it was correct if this tape is la gait, there's no reason to think that it's not, but if it's legit, then they fire these people and they should have fired them.

However, on the issue of violence that Donald Trump was talking about, he didn't watch the tape, because the tape says that they fomented violence by going and protesting with signs that say Donald Trump is a jerk, we don't like Donald Trump, or they said wear a Planned Parenthood shirt and they will attack you. Their goal was to be attacked.

HANNITY: You're missing the point. They also said on the tape, we're responsible. We did that in Chicago.

GOOLSBEE: OK. But, Sean --

HANNITY: Some people were injured.

GOOLSBEE: They were the ones injured, Sean.

HANNITY: People purposely fomenting violence and bragging about it and bragging they got the money Hillary.

GOOLSBEE: If you said I'm going to come to Chicago and I'm going to stand out in front of the president's house and taunt him saying I think President Obama is a terrible president and someone came out and punched you, they would be the one to go to jail, Sean, not you.

HANNITY: Not in Chicago, because, Matt, if you notice in Chicago they actually fomented all the violence, started the violence outside of the event where Trump, based on recommendations from law enforcement, had to cancel the event. And the money is traced back to Hillary Clinton and the DNC. If this was Trump I think this would be a huge story in the final 19 days of the presidential campaign.

MATT SCHLAPP, CHAIRMAN, AMERICAN CONSERVATIVE UNION: And look at the ironic thing here. Who brought this up at the debate last night? Hillary Clinton turns to all of us in America and says isn't it terrible about the violence that Donald Trump encouraging at his events.

And really, this is what's going on between the cozy relationship between many in the mainstream media and the Clinton campaign. You have the Clinton campaign that's literally infiltrating these events to try to cause problems at these events, and then the media covers it and reports that Donald Trump's rhetoric is so hateful that it's inciting violence. And when you really get into this, this is what I love about this year, is the American people are seeing that the things that they fear are actually true and this is how corrupt the system really is.

GOOLSBEE: I think you guys -- I agree with you Sean on all illegal activities, and if they're piping money from one account to some other account.

HANNITY: They are.

GOOLSBEE: They shouldn't do that. If they that is, they should be fired.

HANNITY: They're bragging where the money is coming from.

GOOLSBEE: Yes, but Sean, on the issue of violence, you're trying to change it because you know that I'm right on this.

HANNITY: No, I don't actually.

GOOLSBEE: They have the right to protest.

HANNITY: Let's say you are right.

GOOLSBEE: They have the right to go there with signs. And if the Trump people attack them, they go to jail.

HANNITY: Let's say you're right. Then how do you justify then that they're using Clinton DNC money to commit the crime --

GOOLSBEE: I would like to know if that's true.

HANNITY: How do you justify that?

GOOLSBEE: I'm not going to justify that if that's what happened. But I don't know if that is what happened.

HANNITY: It did happen. You take in only the parts of the tape --

GOOLSBEE: No, we don't know what happened. The DNC said that what they stated they did never occurred. So I don't know that it did happen.

HANNITY: Oh, really. OK.

SCHLAPP: Look, Sean --

HANNITY: Even, the fact, Matt, that they're plotting it is the point.

GOOLSBEE: Look, I agree with you, Sean, it's not appropriate.


SCHLAPP: Austan, part of what this is is about them going in to try to disrupt Trump rallies. But there's another darker piece to this as well, which is there is this collusion amongst the liberal groups in the Democratic Party and Hillary Clinton to do a lot of things to upset the election at the very time people are turning to Donald Trump and saying you're the person interjecting questions into our democratic process.  These tapes give us a window into a very dark soul when they're actually doing things that undermines democracy.

HANNITY: I've got to run.

GOOLSBEE: It doesn't undermine democracy to go protest and say I don't like Trump.

HANNITY: Coming up next, we'll stay on this story and the WikiLeaks story.  But coming up next tonight right here on "Hannity."


TRUMP: So many of you in the arch diocese already have a place in your heart for a guy who started out as a carpenter working for his father. I was a carpenter working for my father.



TRUMP: We have more highlights from tonight's Alfred E. Smith dinner.  We'll get reaction from Lisa Boothe, Doug Schoen, Anthony Scaramucci. And also tonight --


TRUMP: These are people that push gays off buildings. These are people that kill women and treat women horribly, and yet you take their money.


HANNITY: Will Hillary ever give that money back? Trump highlight's Hillary Clinton's massive hypocrisy taking millions and millions of dollars from countries that have atrocious human rights records as it relates to women, gays and lesbians, Christians and Jews. That and more straight ahead.



TRUMP: I do recognize that I come into this event with a little bit of an advantage. I know that so many of you in the archdiocese already have a place in your heart for a guy who started out as a carpenter working for his father. I was a carpenter working for my father.


CLINTON: So Tonight let's embrace the spirit of the evening. Let's come together, remember what unites us, and just rip on Ted Cruz.



HANNITY: Welcome back to "Hannity." More highlights from tonight's Alfred E. Smith dinner. That was in New York City. Joining us now, Washington Examiner contributor Lisa Boothe, former Clinton pollster, Fox News contributor Doug Schoen, and one of Donald Trump's national finance committee chair members Anthony Scaramucci. Anthony, by the way, was at the dinner, and he joins us right outside the historic Waldorf Astoria hotel.

First of all, I never get invited. I don't want to be in a room like that because it's very liberal. And when Trump got a little politically incorrect, I noticed that the crowd was having a hard time with some of the Trump jokes. And by the way, Hillary gave as good as she got. What did you think, Anthony?

ANTHONY SCARAMUCCI, TRUMP'S NATIONAL FINANCE COMMITTEE MEMBER: I love it.  It's a great spirited event. At the end of the day the cardinal makes it so much fun. But Sean, when you're a Catholic, and you know this, once you're a Catholic, you're always a Catholic. And so there were a ton of our Catholic friends there. We sat next to Rupert Murdoch and Jerry. But I will say this. The cardinal was very gracious. He asked earlier in the day for an apology from Secretary Clinton and her staff about the remarks that were made. She didn't make that tonight. But I thought she was very funny, and so was Mr. Trump. And that is really the spirit of this sort of event, Sean, is to laugh at each other but more importantly laugh at ourselves. That's what makes it so funny.

HANNITY: And it's true, especially, Doug, coming off of a heated debate where they don't even shake hands at the beginning, I guess that's probably a well needed night of laughter.

DOUG SCHOEN, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: Yes. It's good for our democracy. You were just talking about what's bad for our democracy. And I agree this is good for democracy. I think what Secretary Clinton said, whether you like it or not, we do need to come together.

HANNITY: It was funny.

SCHOEN: Yes, it was funny. And I think she's right. We've got to come together.

HANNITY: Lisa, I know that room and I know the people there, and I am a born Irish Catholic, and I have a lot of the Catholic brethren of mine that are extraordinarily liberal. So I felt the room was pretty biased towards Hillary. And I know some of the media, they have zero sense of humor and they will get after Donald Trump for making some pretty hard jokes. But I thought they were hilarious myself.

LISA BOOTHE, COLUMNIST, WASHINGTON EXAMINER: I thought it was so funny.  I actually didn't know that he was as funny as he is. I was laughing out loud in my hotel room. He had me in stitches.

And also, Sean, I think it was funny that you mentioned that because, remember, Donald Trump during the speech said he met Hillary Clinton's campaign team, and it was MSNBC, CNN, The New York Times.

HANNITY: That was great.

BOOTHE: I thought that was funny.

And then also I thought his comment about the fact that Michelle Obama, you know, everyone loves her speeches, and then Melania gave the same one, and, you know, it got criticized. I thought that was funny because it was self- deprecating, and Melania was laughing and the whole room was laughing. And there were a lot of jokes like that, Hillary Clinton would make him the ambassador to Iraq or Afghanistan. There's a lot of funny stuff there, and I was cracking up.

HANNITY: Yes. Coming off of last night's debate, Anthony, how do you feel the momentum of the campaign is going? Doug felt that Trump needed a knockout, but had a great performance.


HANNITY: Where do we go from here? Do the Project Veritas, do WikiLeaks have a big impact?

SCARAMUCCI: Sure. I brought as guest Steven Mnuchin the financier, and Stephen Miller, a policy guy for us, and they both said the same thing.  We're going to stay on message for the next 19 days, very stark contrast on ethics, very stark contrast on policy. And let's face it. Mr. Trump knows how to organize a group of people and delegate. One thing Miller said to me tonight, Sean, which I know you know because you know Mr. Trump, he's great with his staff and he's great with his people. And so he can build that leadership team.

We got to convey that over the next 19 days. My guess is we will. This is a guy that can sink -- if you've ever played golf with him, he can sink the three-foot putt. So I think we're going to have a very spirited thing going on in the next 19 days, and the polls are tightening if you look at Real Clear Politics.

HANNITY: What do you think, Doug?

SCHOEN: I think we've got to wait a few days to see the impact of the debate. And look, this is a competitive race. Hillary is definitely ahead. She's ahead in the swing states. But I think Republicans and Republican leaning independents won't come home. I think this is a very close race. The one advice I give Donald Trump is to finally clarify his remarks and say he's going to accept the results of the election.

HANNITY: Even in light of the Project Veritas, Hillary Clinton, DNC funding of massive voter fraud? Why would he admit -- why would he say that if he doesn't know there's going to be fraud, especially in light of this week's revelations?

SCHOEN: Because he wants swing voters committed to the system. And if he wants to do what Gore did or Bush did and challenge the results, he can do it. But he should say I expect to accept the results --

HANNITY: That would be a way to say it.


HANNITY: Quick, Lisa.

BOOTHE: But he should talk about the system being rigged, but I think what he needs to talk about is the fact that a State Department official allegedly was trying to engage in a quid pro quo with the FBI. The fact that the DOJ was giving insider information to the Clinton campaign, the fact that our nation's top law enforcement officer Loretta Lynch met with Bill Clinton during an ongoing investigation on the tarmac, the system is rigged. But those are the arguments I think he should be making about how the system is rigged in Hillary Clinton's favor.

HANNITY: All right, we've got to take a break. More with our panel, stay right there.

And coming up next, Donald Trump called out Hillary Clinton for taking millions of dollars from countries that have atrocious human rights records. So should Hillary, will Hillary give that money back, something I've been saying for a long time, as "Hannity" continues.



TRUMP: Saudi Arabia giving $25 million, Qatar, all of these countries.  You talk about women and women's rights. So these are people that push gays off of buildings. These are people that kill women and treat women horribly. And yet you take their money.

So I'd like to ask you right now, why don't you give back the money that you've taken from certain countries that treat certain groups of people so horribly? Why don't you give back the money? I think it would be a great gesture.


HANNITY: Donald Trump at last night's debate asking Hillary Clinton to return the tens of millions of dollars the Clinton Foundation received from countries that have atrocious human rights records. Back with us, Lisa Boothe, Doug Schoen, Anthony Scaramucci. Lisa, I'll start with you. In Qatar, marital rape is legal, as is beating one's wife. In Saudi Arabia, women can't drive. They are told that they can go to school or work, they literally are treated like third class citizens, and they're told how to dress. Gays and lesbians are killed there and Christians and Jews are persecuted. Hillary has taken tens and tens of millions. Why doesn't she give that money back? Why hasn't the media demanded an answer to that question?

BOOTHE: And she should, Sean. And that's why I'm really glad that Donald Trump raised that question to her last night. And I hope that the RNC and other Republicans continue to echo his calls and Donald Trump continues to drive this home asking her to return that money, because, it's true, Sean.  She tried last night to proclaim and portray herself as some champion of women, as a champion of gay rights. But you just mentioned these countries egregious human rights defenses.

And, Sean, if you remember, Hillary Clinton promised under oath, testified under oath that there would not be any conflicts of interest during her confirmation hearing.

HANNITY: That is true. Let me get Doug.

BOOTHE: But that's all we've see is conflict of interests.

HANNITY: Doug, I thought that was a grand slam for Trump last night.

SCHOEN: It was a very good moment. But let me answer the question that the secretary didn't answer. We need the moderate Sunni states for a coalition against Iran and ISIS. That's why not only should she not give the money back, why we have to work with them, work with Israel to present --

HANNITY: Doug, you're selling your soul. Taking money from the Saudis and Qataris, you're selling your soul.

SCHOEN: The Israelis are working with them right now.

HANNITY: I know they are. But that doesn't mean you take their money for personal enrichment as she did. Anthony, we'll give you the last word.  We're just running out of time.

SCARAMUCCI: I just think you saw her face and the body language, I was standing there. She doesn't have the ethical chip, Sean, to even understand what Mr. Trump is saying. That money should go back and it should go back in a hurry, but it's not going to happen.

HANNITY: Yes. All right, we've got to go. And by the way, Doug, that doesn't mean we don't support the Sunnis and align with them to beat the Iranians, et cetera. But we'll take a break. More "Hannity" coming up, straight ahead.


HANNITY: Tomorrow night at 10:00 eastern, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump will join us. That's 10:00 tomorrow. And that's it for me.  Eric Bolling is coming up live next. He's calling it "Hannity," I don't know. I don't make the rules here, straight ahead. Thanks for being with us.

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