Friday Lightning Round: Will AG 'contempt' go through?

This is a rush transcript from "Special Report," June 22, 2012. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

BRET BAIER, ANCHOR: As you look live at the Capitol there. Every week, viewers vote for your choice online in this our Friday Lightning Round. And this week, contempt of Congress update won with 58 percent of the vote. Of course the attorney general is facing a contempt of Congress resolution, a vote in the House.

Down the row, here with the panel. Steve, does that contempt go through?

STEVE HAYES, WEEKLY STANDARD: Yeah, I think it likely goes through and I think that you'll see a big argument from Republicans that this is what Eric Holder deserves given the fact that he hasn't produced the documents.

BAIER: Kirsten?

KIRSTEN POWERS, THE DAILY BEAST: Yeah, I can't imagine that they would take it this far if there wasn't an expectation that they would be able to get a vote in support. I mean this is going to be a party line vote.

BAIER: Charles?

CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER, SYNDICATED COLUMNIST: I can't imagine Holder offering the documents he needs to turn over that would stop it. So yes, it's going to happen and it will stop all the inquiries cold because it's going to end up in the courts until after Election Day, which is all Obama cares about.

BAIER: OK, next up. Some breaking news today. A Turkish military jet shot down by the Syrians as fighting in Syria continues to really explode.  Some are saying it's spiraling out of control there.

As you take a look at the map there, you can see the proximity to everything. Charles?

KRAUTHAMMER: This is a big moment. It depends on what the Turks want to do. The President Erdogan has a nostalgia for the Ottoman empire. He sees himself as a guy who could become the champion of these -- the Sunni Arabs. And so he turned against Assad about a year ago. He was an ally of Assad until the civil war began.

He sees an opportunity to restore Turkish hegemony and it would start with the destruction of the Assad regime. Right now he's the biggest supporter of the rebels. A plane has been shot down. It would give an opportunity of responding if he wanted. And if he does, remember, Assad is leading a Shiite off-shoot sect that -- something 10 percent of Syria. It runs Syria with an iron hand. It can be easily overthrown.

So if he supports the Sunni people against him, he becomes the champion of the region. He's got an opportunity. Is he ambitious and reckless enough to go ahead and respond militarily? I don't know. But it would be his opening.

BAIER: There was talk that there might be a deal for Assad of trying to get out of the country. What about this administration and how it's acting in this?

POWERS: Well, you know, I don't think that there is -- unfortunately, there's not a lot the United States can be doing. But you -- you have various countries who are arming these rebels that are very ragtag but they are not, you know, this isn't Libya. We're not dealing with the -- the Syrian government is serious business and they have a real military. And this is not a very well-organized opposition.

So, you know, even the idea of more arming of them, of the United States arming them, there's even been some reports that there's CIA people over there. I just think it's one of these situations that it's very much a David and Goliath kind of situation. I don't -- I really don't know what more the United States can do.

HAYES: Yeah, we do -- we can do a lot more. I mean we could have a no-fly zone. We could be openly arming the opposition. I mean there are plenty of things that we could do. We can debate the wisdom whether we're doing it. I don't agree that there is not more that we could do.

The question, I think, I'm not sure this is a big moment. I think it has potential to be the kind of hinge moment that basically the world has been waiting for, for more than a year now. The real question, as Charles suggests, is whether Erdogan wants to make it that kind of a moment. And it's unclear that he will. I would say at a minimum, he is likely to dramatically increase his support for the rebels and be more open about it now that this has happened.

BAIER: As we take a live look at Tahrir Square in Cairo, Egypt, they are gathered there to see if the candidate who they say has won, the Muslim Brotherhood candidate, will in fact be the president. There is a potential instability there.

Charles, this is another big moment in the Middle East.

KRAUTHAMMER: Absolutely. And Egypt is the most important of all the Arab countries. And this is a moment which will likely become large because the forces opposing each other are on a collision course. With Syria, Erdogan has a choice, he can stay in the back if he wants. But here, the Brotherhood have decided that this is their moment. They're coming out in the streets. There are a million people out there.

Last week, before the elections, this issue came up and I suggested that the military had closed the parliament because the parliament had elected a constitutional committee. And it did not want a constitution that the Brotherhood would controlled. So, in the interim, the military has appointed its own committee. It wants a constitution that will make the president's office empty and weak. So that whoever wins the election will not challenge them.

And that's what is at stake. The Brotherhood is opposing the military control of the constitution. And this is a moment at which I think it could become a bloody civil war.

BAIER: Quickly, Kirsten and Steve.

POWERS: Well, this is what it was always coming down to, the Muslim Brotherhood versus, you know, the military. And you know, whichever direction it goes is going to sort of set the course for the future of Egypt.

HAYES: Yes, this has been building for literally decades. I mean this is a case that the military has controlled things, the Brotherhood had worked underground now they are out in the open. The fact that they're out in the open and they're threatening to be as strong and vocal as they are, I think suggests things are likely to go down hill.

BAIER: An international lightning round. It was pretty lightning. That's it for the panel. But stay tuned to see one of my Fox News colleagues take a leap of faith.

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