Former Atlanta officer charged with felony murder in shooting of Rayshard Brooks

This is a rush transcript from "The Five," June 17, 2020. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

JUAN WILLIAMS, FOX NEWS HOST: Hello, everyone. I am Juan Williams, along with Jesse Watters, Greg Gutfeld, Dana Perino, and Emily Compagno. It is 5:00 in New York City, and this is THE FIVE. This is a Fox News alert. The family of Rayshard Brooks expected to speak soon following the announcement of charges against two police officers involved in that shooting death.

Ex-Atlanta officer Garrett Rolfe, the cop who shot Rayshard Brooks in the back while outside a Wendy's now facing 11 total charges, those charges include felony murder and aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. The other officer involved, Devin Brosnan, will testify against his partner as a states witness. He's facing three charges, including aggravated assault.

Body cam footage shows the officers having a calm conversation with Brooks for more than 40 minutes before things got violent. Brooks then resisted arrest, stole an officer's taser, and took off. The officer says Brooks fired the taser at him and that's when he shot him. Fox News contributor and former homicide detective, Ted Williams, reacting to the charges.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: This is why this case, I believe, will not be -- these officers will not be found guilty. It's because at that stage, unfortunately, Mr. Brooks turned and shot the taser at the officer. A taser is a weapon. A taser can be a dangerous weapon. We are not watching justice take place here. I don't give a damn about this white-black situation. These are human beings.

This is a rush to judgment. This is to satisfy a crowd. And prosecutions should never be based on satisfying a crowd. And that is what we have here. This is wholly unfair.


WILLIAMS: Emily, you are the lawyer on the panel today so let me get your thoughts on these multiple charges. And as you just heard Ted Williams, a former detective, former lawyer for the police here in Washington, says he thinks that the prosecution went too far.

EMILY COMPAGNO, FOX NEWS HOST: Right, Juan. Well, two things struck me actually. First of all, the fundamental failure of basic arrest protocol that these officers failed to do, which was telling Mr. Brooks that he was under arrest, and also their behavior after Mr. Brooks was shot, kicking him and standing on him and that failure to render timely medical aid.

It was really nauseating to listen to that. And I know that it was a surprise for those in the courtroom as well because you could hear those audible gasps. But I want to speak to those charges for a moment, and that Georgia law requires that a grand jury indictment before those charges are actually formalized. And given the fact that we already know the second officer has flipped on Officer Rolfe and is testifying against him.

I -- and he's also facing the death penalty for this. Then I would be shocked if this even went to trial. And I foresee there being an eventual plea agreement. And my final thought is just that the amplification of the tragedy here is so sad. This is another life lost. These are two more police officers who have had their lives ruined.

One is literally facing the death penalty. And the ripple effect for all of us, for the community and the law enforcement community is just -- I think it is frankly never endingly tragic.

WILLIAMS: I hear it in your voice, Emily. Jesse, I know that you think that the officer had reason to fear for his safety when Brooks ran away and then fired the taser. What do you think about these charges?

JESSE WATTERS, FOX NEWS HOST: I think it's a political overcharge because the prosecutors, in a hotly contested runoff for election, and he's under state investigation for pocketing six figures that was supposed to go to the state to fight crime and it went into his personal bank account. So that's what that's all about, but he's playing with fire.

I mean, we are looking at a huge crime wave in the next decade because of this. This is the Ferguson effect on steroids. Police now, especially Atlanta, they will pull back. They'll let the streets run wild. And if there is an arrest, I bet suspects are taking their chances with officers after this. It's clear as day, Juan, that they gave this guy so many second chances.

They were so polite, so respectful. They tried to wake him up twice. They asked him if he was OK, if he was needed an ambulance. He punched in the face, wrestled with them, stole their taser. He points that taser, fires it, went right over the officer's head. If it connects, it incapacitates the officer. He steals the firearm. He's already stolen a taser.

He could do whatever he wants. And we've talked about police reform. We need that. We need people reform. And I'm not talking about this case. I'm not talking about black-white. Anybody, if you get pulled over, this is what I do. Yes, officer, no, officer. May I go, officer? I have my license and registration. If you have a small amount of marijuana in the car, that's a ticket.

Know the law. If you have a weapon in the car, say, officer, I have a weapon in the car. It's loaded. It's under the seat. If you want to fight the officer, fight him in court. You're talking about if you have warrants? Well, that's on you, but if you run, if you resist, if you assault an officer, you're racking up a massive amount of felonies that are going to haunt you for life.

They have helicopters. They have dogs. You're going to get caught and you're going to get in big trouble. People need to be respectful of law enforcement. Officer doesn't even have to pull out the taser, doesn't have to wrestle you, doesn't have to pull out a firearm. All of these fines, these lives lost, these tickets, they can all be saved if people just start conducting themselves appropriately. And that goes for everybody no matter who you are.

WILLIAMS: OK. Greg, one of the elements of Republican proposals here in Washington on police reform has to do with de-escalating tensions before you get to a violent situation, such as we saw in that Wendy's parking lot in Atlanta. Do you think that applies to this case? Is it a case where you could reasonably say let Brooks run away? What's the problem? There's no -- he is no threat to public safety.

GREG GUTFELD, FOX NEWS HOST: Yeah. I mean, I think you can look actually at every single case, because there aren't a lot of them. Like I said, out of the 50 million police encounters in a year, you have roughly 50 cases like this where an unarmed man or a man in this case holding a taser is shot dead. There are more whites than there are blacks. And it's actually a greater proportion of encounters. The deaths are more among whites.

So you can actually -- they are enough that you can actually look at each one of them. And you can see how different each one is. Each one has its own problem when it comes to tactics and training. You can find a flaw in each one, but you also find these other universal things like resisting arrest, intoxication, and then flaws in tactics and training. These all come together.

So the goal of this reform movement is to take these one in a million tragedies. Because again, it's one -- it's 50 out of 50 million encounters, and go from one in a million to zero in a million, which I believe is impossible because we are imperfect human beings and there's going to be problems. We do have to increase training. And we do have to really re- examine the tactics.

But I'm going to back to my suggestion earlier about police recusal, where black officers only handles black suspects and white officers only handle white suspects. People will call that -- isn't that discrimination? But I actually found out that we are doing this already. Female cops frisk female suspects. You go to TSA, Juan. I know you are shaking your head.

You see that it's female TSA officers who are patting down females in line. So we actually do segregate in this world in order to reduce, you know, certain kinds of shocking visuals. We know what's behind this, this rage. Yet, you know, we know what's behind this rage. It's the perception of racism, OK? The fact is if -- what the sheriff said about these charges is that it's kind of an appeasement to the mob.

Appeasement signals don't work. They don't work. We saw Wendy's with half a million dollars. They gave a half a million dollars. They gave a half a million dollars.


GUTFELD: -- and their restaurant was still burned down. That has to be remembered.


WILLIAMS: Greg, I have to interrupt for just a second, because the family of Rayshard Brooks is having a press conference. Here we are.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: -- from the very beginning. I want everybody to know that we want you to stay focused. This is not the finish line. This is the starting point. Yes, we appreciate and we commend the DA's office for charging these officers appropriately, but that's just step one. Step two is convictions on all charges. And then after that, we have to try to make things right for the Brooks family and for those children.

Like Chris and I said before, justice is not something that is going to be easy in this case. It never is. How do you find justice for three little girls who will never see their father again? How do you get justice for a little girl who on her birthday every single year from now until the rest of her life, she will remember that that is the day she found out that her dad died?

How do you get justice for that little girl? Since this happened, I have talked to several people who have said different things about what went on, about what Mr. Brooks should or should not have been doing, about what the officer should or should not have been doing. And to those people, I say with these new revelations. Again, I implore you. Look into your heart and have some empathy for another human being.

Because that's what Rayshard Brooks is and was, another human being. He may not look like you. He may not be from where you're from. But he's another human being just like you. Tomika Miller is a human being. She's a mother. She's a daughter. She's a wife and she is a human being just like you. So when you see Officer Rolfe kick Rayshard Brooks after he shot him in the back, while he's laying on the ground dying.

Think about that before you start to get into things that don't matter at all, that are completely irrelevant to this case, and to generally just to all of us as humans. We should be together on this, not apart. I was taught when I was a kid that you don't kick a man when he's down. I mean, I learned that playing sports. I was taught that. That was kind of an American thing, you know. That is one of our ideals.

We don't kick people when they're down. What you saw and what we all saw is one officer standing on a man who was dying, standing on top of him, and then the other officer literally kicking him while he was on the ground dying, literally kicking him while he's down. What that showed me as I was watching that press conference is this. America is not America for all Americans.

And as we come to the July 4th holiday in a couple of weeks, there will be a lot of people celebrating. But there will be just as many people who will still be in the streets fighting for injustice. So again, we ask everyone continue fighting. Keep doing your part. And stand with us. Support this family, because right now they really need you. Thank you.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I just want to say thank you. And I just hope that everything falls out how it needs to fall out and these officers are charged. I'm really hurt. Father's Day is coming up. And all I can do is just think about what if my husband was still here?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The biggest question is how do we feel about the charges. I know there's a lot of them, a lot of charges. This isn't like a celebration or a victory lap of watching these officers get charged. Nobody's happy. Nobody is celebrating because this never should have happened. We shouldn't have to celebrate as African-Americans when we get a piece of justice, like today.

We shouldn't have to celebrate and parade when an officer is held accountable for actions that we saw and actions that we didn't know about until today. Some people thought we would be happy and be celebrating and have a fist in the air, but it's more a disappointment that this is the state of policing and this is where we are at. But I saw a lot of hope today.

As the district attorney said, this is the first time another officer has decided to be a government witness and testify against another officer. That's what policing is. That's the kind of officers that make these streets safe that stop instances like this from happening. When you're willing to step up and say that was wrong. Even if that's going to risk my career, even if people won't like me and other officers will be angry.

That's the reason that I will always say not every single officer's out there trying to kill somebody. But we are also not going to play that rhetoric game that you all saw today of all officers are great. No, we have seen what has happened. It's the same assumption that we don't want officers making about black people that all people are from the ghetto, that all people are good, that all of us are up to no good, that you need to search every black male that you see which leads to situations like this.

It's both assumptions. So we're watching these policies that directly affect families like this, all these arguments, Democrats versus Republicans, all of this ridiculousness, and they are not starting from step one. How do we actually fix this and not what's best for your political party, because the things that I saw today, we are going to be back here next year.

What's the point of a national collection of data if the data is flawed? We have handled cases where the internal affairs reports aren't taken properly. So you will be collecting data that's nonsensical and doesn't hold officers accountable unless you fix the department's internal affairs first. But they don't want reality. They want policies and elections.

And that's fine, but we will end here again. So was this justice today? Not yet. We still don't have a definition for it. It's more heartache that families have to go through this and fight the public to try and get justice for a man that was shot in the back twice. But we do thank everybody in this country for the outpouring of support, the people that are marching for change peacefully, keeping his name alive positively.

And maybe one day this country will get it right with policing, and we will all come together, brief questions real quick.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Your point about the second officer agreeing to cooperate to be a witness. The attorney general saying the statement that the second officer is cooperating but has not agreed to be a witness against the other officer, has not agreed to plead guilty to anything. Do you have a comment on this?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Yeah. I didn't believe he would plead guilty to anything. The information that they've already gotten so far has led them to believe that this is going to help secure the prosecution of the other officer.

WILLIAMS: Those were the lawyers, Chris Stewart and Justin Miller, for the family of Rayshard Brooks, the man who was shot in a Wendy's parking lot last Friday night in Atlanta, Georgia. Tomika Miller, his widow, is there with the lawyers that you just heard. Dana Perino, I wanted to come to you just for a general reaction to what you heard.

But also I guess to the whole notion of police reform, because it is, you know, the poll show overwhelming support for it at this juncture.

DANA PERINO, FOX NEWS HOST: Yes. And sometimes, it takes an event like we saw in order to enforce change and -- or at least get people to the table. The president had come forward with an executive order. We all know executive orders are not as strong as legislation, but that is why -- there are Republicans have put forward in the Senate a bill, the House, the Democrats.

That's how legislation gets done. And there's a commitment from the leader of the Senate to move it forward in a more timely fashion and not waiting until after the Fourth of July holiday. So on that front I think that people can take some comfort that Washington is being responsive. Juan, I was thinking about in Minneapolis, in the case of Derek Chauvin, and the frustration amongst the community that it took three or four days to get the charges against the officer.

Actually that -- for Minneapolis, that was actually quite quick. It was quite rapid. And one of the things that prosecutors stressed in Minneapolis, remember the charges were not second-degree murder. It was third-degree at first. But he explained to the community. We have to be able to prove this beyond a reasonable doubt. That's how our system works.

If this goes to a jury and that jury does not convict on these very tough charges. That will be a major disappointment. Now, Emily, it could be right. There might be a plea deal. That might happen. But if you're the officer, you might want to take this to a jury, because again, you have to prove beyond a reasonable doubt.

I will stop there since I know we've got to run. I'm sure we will be talking about this a lot more in the future.

WILLIAMS: No, I think that was insightful. Ahead, what some are calling a new example of conservative censorship after NBC apparently encouraged Google to go after right wing websites. That's next for you on THE FIVE.


COMPAGNO: Welcome back. New accusations of censoring conservatives, Google banning right-leaning financial blogs Zero Hedge from its ad platform and warning the Federalist it could be next. The tech giant claiming posts and comment sections violated its policies. The move apparently coming after NBC News influenced Google to take action. And Republicans are responding with a new bill that would allow Americans to sue big tech companies over political censorship.

The DOJ is proposing new rules to limit internet companies' liability protections. Greg, I wanted to start with you. You've been in so many formats of media throughout the years. What is your take in all this?

GUTFELD: Well, I think this is how the woke crowd works. If you can't win in the field of ideas, you contact companies and report what you believe to be offensive material. The companies don't want the hassle so they operate on a hair trigger. They will do anything to comply with this mob. And actually, it's a fairly effective means of silencing speech.

Now, people will say this isn't silencing speech at all, because Google is a private company or it's a company. It's not a government. And nobody's telling you what not to say. But the fact is if your career and livelihood is at the mercy of an intolerant woke activism, then it is silencing speech. It is harming you. And this is actually spreading out.

And it's really frightening because you can see how the media avoids data and statistics about law enforcement in favor of polling. Remember, polling aren't facts. Those are gauging feelings. But stats tell you about behavior. And we are not hearing about statistics because the media is so cowardly about it. If they see statistics as a third rail straight to being cancelled or being ruined, and it's a travesty.

Because we need to know the facts in order to push the ball forward on issues like law enforcement. And instead, we are just stuck in, like, emotion and symbolism and virtue signaling.

COMPAGNO: Dana, what are your thoughts on that new Senate bill?

PERINO: So I think -- one of the things I think that Google got suckered by an NBC media hoax, right? So they have somebody calling around saying, hey, have you seen this in your comments? And like, no we haven't seen it. And then as Greg said, they were on a hair trigger. And then they had a major public relations screw up.

So that leads to the fact that you have on the left, like, AOC, Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. She wants the tech companies to be regulated because she thinks they don't do enough to suppress speech that they don't like. On the other hand, you have someone like Josh Hawley, the Senator from Missouri, on the right, saying we want to regulate the tech companies so that they won't censor people on the right.

So it's weird, Hawley and AOC kind of want the same thing but for very different reasons. And the Congress, I believe, has had a little bit of a light touch when it comes to regulating the internet and big tech companies because we like the innovation. We like the freedom. I think we still like the First Amendment. But actions like what happened yesterday or, like, the concern that there was an action about to be taken against somebody raises everybody's hackles.

And I do think that the tech companies are looking at some sort of big reconciling in D.C. coming soon.

COMPAGNO: Jesse, how do you read all this, especially the reaction to the comments, not initial content?

WATTERS: Can we de-fund the speech police, Emily? I mean, that's the only police that the Democrats like. I am really sick of these narcs, the snitches, the control freaks, these intellectual lightweights that can't handle debate. They have to destroy you instead. Just think about what they are doing to the president on Twitter or any conservative on Twitter.

You say something, boom, you're cancelled. I mean, they sue the president to stop his rallies. They don't want to take the task force briefings. You know, they boycott Fox News. They boycott businesses. They boycott restaurants. You can't even say anything anymore. All lives matter is now racist. Cops' lives matter is now racist.

They could barely handle Merry Christmas. Remember, radical Islam. Oh my, god, you can't say that. You can't say anything anymore. I mean, they're coming after the clothes you wear. You can't wear the MAGA hats. You can't even wear a t-shirt. You have to apologize. You like the anthem, can't say that. You've got to apologize for that, too.

Or how about the statues, they're tearing down statues, getting rid of movies, getting rid of mascots, logos, history. Pretty much everything the left doesn't like they need to erase. This is just the cultural revolution right now. Bigger than a culture war and anything they disagree with, they want to wipe out. They want to bankrupt you. They want you fired.

Hell, I mean, if you work for the president, they would throw you in prison. And while everybody is so intimidated and scared by the mob, the left is seizing more and more power all over the country. They are not going to be satisfied until they have absolute control. And anything they don't like about this country, they want gone.

And the scary thing is they don't like a lot about this country. So it's all on the table for them. And people better start realizing right now this is a fight. Because right now, everything's on the table for destruction.

COMPAGNO: Juan, can you speak to Jesse's points, especially the one about the cancel culture and about how there are certain conservative principles or even symbols that really have been considered totally alt-right and have now been, you know, essentially completely canceled by the left. Speak to that, please.

WILLIAMS: Oh, sure, Emily. Well, I mean, look, I'm a big free speech advocate. You know, I've been fired for speaking my mind. And here on THE FIVE I don't think there are any muzzles. People can say what they want to say and we go at it pretty good.

But I do think that in this case, you're talking about a private company. There's no first amendment protection for a private company. They can select what voices, what opinions they want to feature on their platforms. That's America, that's the law, and they have that right. And I don't think that we can say, you must hear this, you must hear that.

And of course, in response to what Jesse was saying, I -- you know, I think that there are offensive symbols and materials, that other people, you know, let's say the Germans, they don't have statues to Hitler. There's a reason for that. Yet we have Confederate statues, statues to people who are traitors to this country, to America, who wanted to break us apart. I think that's an indication of something out of balance. So to my mind, I may sound like a conservative here, but I think that private --

WATTERS: What about Christopher Columbus statues, Juan?

WATTERS: Hang on, hang on. Let me finish please. I just think that when we think about private companies, again, sounding like a conservative, I think we should stay out of the business, a private companies making decisions that are best left to them and their shareholders.

WATTERS: Yes. Those decisions only affect conservatives though. That's the issue, Juan.

WILLIAMS: That's not true. Absolutely not true. The biggest media companies in America, Wall Street Journal, Fox News, Rush Limbaugh.

WATTERS: Yes, it is, Juan. Everybody knows it.

WILLIAMS: Are they censored? Come on, Jesse.

WATTERS: You know it, the audience knows it, conservatives are targeted by big tech.

WILLIAMS: We know what? We know what? You can't get conservative opinion in America?

COMPAGNO: We have to go. All right, we have to save this for the next block, you guys. Coming up, this one is not going to land well, the new airline regulation that's got Greg fired up. Stay with us.


PERINO: Welcome back. So there's new details from John Bolton's book that are coming out. The ex-National Security Adviser is accusing President Trump of misconduct including asking China for help with his reelection, that is among other various allegations of unethical behavior that Bolton lays out.

Joining us to react is Chris Wallace. He is the author of the brand-new book, Countdown 1945: The Extraordinary Story of the Atomic Bomb and the 116 Days that Changed the World. Chris, it's good to have you. We're going to take it around the table here and ask you a few questions. Let me start with the John Bolton question.

Now, this is an interesting situation because Bolton had written a book. He does not have permission from the government to release the book, but the book is coming out and you have an interview that's already been done with ABC News that is going to air on Sunday night. And now you have an excerpt from John Bolton in the Wall Street Journal that ran just a couple of hours ago.

So this thing is coming out. What do you think the big takeaway is? Will it be a bombshell or was this sort of kind of like more of the same?

WALLACE: Well, it's significant. There have been other people, members of the -- of the Trump administration who have come out, but nobody this high up, the national security adviser, and written a book.

And he does have a lot of damaging things to say that the President, according to Bolton, pleaded with Chinese President Xi to buy more farm goods because that would help Trump win reelection with victories in the farm states, variety of other embarrassing things. And he hits the Democrat says that the mistake they made an impeaching Trump was that they should have actually gone on more issues, not just Ukraine, that there were a variety of foreign policy issues.

In terms of the impact it's going to have. You know, I've been thinking about that. I don't think that'll have a lot of impact. You know, I think that people are so locked in on Donald Trump. You either think he's, you know, been the savior of the country and has managed a great economy and is going to bring it back after COVID and all of that or you just hate him, or certainly don't want him to be president. And I'm not sure that this is going to change a lot of minds one way or the other.

PERINO: All right, Jesse Watters, you have a question for Chris?

WATTERS: Sure. I mean, a lot of the audience obviously hasn't read the book, so we can't really hash out all the specific allegations, and there's some big ones in there. But putting that aside, Chris, if you look at someone, who I guess, lobbies to be a part of the presidential administration, is hired as I guess, national security adviser, and then is entrusted with classified information -- it was over a year, I think he was there, and then leaves and writes pretty much a tell-all about the experience immediately after being fired right before the election. Doesn't that seem a little -- I don't I don't know how to characterize it, I guess I would say unusual?

WALLACE: I think you can argue that it says as much about John Bolton as it does about Donald Trump. I will tell you because I was around interviewing the president when he was president-elect, and he was considering John Bolton for a top job at that point in 2016 after the election, when he was president-elect, and he had two concerns about him. One, that he was too aggressive, too hawkish, you know, was one of the neocons who would help get us into Iraq.

And the other was the question of loyalty because -- and Dana can speak to this, George W. Bush expended a lot of political capital giving him a recess appointment to be U.N. ambassador, and when he left that post, he turned on bush and attacked his foreign policy. So he was concerned about the loyalty of John Bolton.

Having said that, I don't think it matters. Remember when -- I mean, it matters in an ethical sense and your judgement of John Bolton, but news is news. Remember when the Russians were able to hack John Podesta's e-mail, and they put it out and the Clinton campaign in 2016 kept like, you know, this is stolen material by the Russians. You shouldn't be reporting it. News is news. We're going to report this.


PERINO: Juan Williams?

WILLIAMS: I just wanted to ask a question about the book, Chris. Congratulations on Countdown. And I think in the current atmosphere, lots of people are going to ask what about lessons in terms of decision making, leadership that you saw coming from President Truman in the days before he makes that -- I mean, it might be the decision of the century to drop the bomb on Hiroshima.

WALLACE: I think -- thanks, Juan. There are a couple of points I make about Countdown 1945 and Truman. One was he was really meticulous. He went -- and it wasn't dropped the bomb or nothing. It was dropped the bomb or invade Japan. And he went over it again and again and again. And in fact, I think there would have been more loss of life invading Japan than there was in dropping the bomb.

Two, he sought out opposing opinions. He had a meeting shortly before the bomb was dropped with Eisenhower in Potsdam, Germany. And Eisenhower said, I don't think you should drop the bomb, Mr. President. I think the Japanese are going to surrender anyway. And I don't think we should be the country that introduces this technology. And I think it'll hurt on moral standing. Truman didn't follow Eisenhower's advice, but he welcomed it.

And the third thing I point I'd make is that Truman -- you know, all this talk about being famously decisive, the buck stops here, he agonized over this decision. He couldn't sleep at night. He complained to fierce headaches. And he wrote in his diaries about this in apocalyptic terms, the use of the bomb. He said, it's a terrible weapon, and he said, it's the fire destruction that had been prophesied in the Bible.

PERINO: Well, Chris, it is a great book getting great reviews. Thank you for coming on the show today. We will see you on Sunday, of course. Thanks very much.

WALLACE: You bet. Thank you, guys.

PERINO: And coming up, flying can be a hassle. There's a new rule that has Greg kind of mad in the age of coronavirus.


GUTFELD: All right. Have you heard the phrase never let a pandemic go to waste? Well, now you have because I just said it. Some airlines are doing just that, Delta, American, among others are suspending all or part of their booze service to reduce interaction between passengers and crew and to limit bad behavior.

So this in medical circles is called a stupid, stupid, highly stupid idea. Do these idiots have any idea why alcohol sales boomed during the lockdown? It's because we were trapped in a room and we couldn't get out. Much like being on a plane where you're trapped with no way out unless you open an emergency exit and aim for a giant bush. I wouldn't suggest that under any circumstances unless you're seated next to Joy Behar.

It's a fact that flying is getting less enjoyable every year. And yet we never get anywhere faster. As computer speed doubles every two years, we still produce new jets lumbering through the air at the same speeds as the old ones did in the 70s. Worse, today were packed like sweaty veal, forced to endure endless delays and bizarre regulations that often leave us with hunger-induced migraines and distended bladders. And now they want to take away the booze?

Look, I get the face masks. And believe me I hate drunk jackasses who fly. I even hate myself, but usually not until the next day. But to punish everyone, especially me because of the actions of a few is not the way to solve problems. Sadly, though, that seems to be the trend these days. With just a few bad apples, we don't just throw up the whole batch. We defund the orchard. It's enough to make me drink and hate myself tomorrow.

All right, Emily, the best part about travel is that you can't be bothered by everyone -- anyone, and you can just sit for three hours and have a cocktail and chill. If they take that away from us. It's over.

COMPAGNO: Everyone is going to be on edibles. Greg. I'm the one that commutes across the country six hours. I am facing six hours each way of sobriety and mask wearing and everything. So honestly, this whole situation makes me so depressed. I'm with you. I mean, I'm just going to train all the way to New York from now on.

GUTFELD: There you go. You know, Juan, everybody is going to be on edibles. I have a feeling that Emily is right. People are going to be sneaking stuff on. People are going to be sneaking. They're going to be a little -- they're going to duct tape booze in glad bags.


GUTFELD: Does this bother you?

WILLIAMS: Holy smoke. I like sweaty veal too. What an image that was, Greg. But you know, look, I do think, you know, they have -- the airlines have to be concerned about the workers as well as the customers. And so when you hear them talk, you got to keep in mind, they're worried about you know, if the stewardesses and the pilots start getting sick, they don't have anyone to run an airline.

And the CDC as you said, recommends the masks and it requires close -- and they -- and CDC says no close contact. So, if you're serving drinks up and down the aisle -- so I understand that. But I also hear your voice I mean, you know, gosh, it's -- we're going to be confined on a plane for a long time with nothing to drink.

GUTFELD: Yes. All they have to do, Jesse, is have a big basket of little bottles of booze and wear rubber gloves and just throw the drinks out to people and the people can have their own mixers.

WATTERS: So let me get this straight. You can bring a therapy good on a plane but you can't have a scotch? I mean, I thought -- just when I thought I couldn't hate coronavirus anymore, this comes along. Greg, some of the great pleasures in life, drinking on a boat, drinking on a ski lift, and drinking on a plane. Do not take this away from some of us.

Some of us -- I mean, our lives would be totally different. If Dana Perino weren't plastered on that flight, she wouldn't have had the courage to flirt with Peter and they never would have gotten together.

GUTFELD: It's so true.

PERINO: And it was 10:00 in the morning.

GUTFELD: It is so true. By the way, that is exactly what I was going to say to Dana, by the way. Dana, can you respond to Jesse?

PERINO: I mean, I was totally hammered. It was 9:30 in the morning and I almost missed my flight. It was unbelievable. Here's what I say. Bring back the road trip. I love a road trip. I'm very, very good at it.

GUTFELD: Yes. They're taking everything away from us. It's not fair. It's just not fair. And with that --

PERINO: Just stay home, Greg.


PERINO: Just stay home.



WILLIAMS: They can take away our drinks, but they can't take away "ONE MORE THING." Jesse, you're up.

WATTERS: All right. Time for Jesse's Angry Bird News. Look at that. My hair has changed a lot. You guys want to see or hear the most annoying sound in the world?

COMPAGNO: Oh, my God.

WATTERS: So that right there is a Australian Cockatoo. And ironically, that is the exact same sound that Greg Gutfeld makes when we change the rundown late in the afternoon.

GUTFELD: It's true.

WILLIAMS: Dr. Gutfeld, you have to respond here.

GUTFELD: Yes. Well, I've actually heard that cockatoo will be sitting-in in The View. So that'll be exciting. OK, so --

WILLIAMS: Greg, you're up.

GUTFELD: I'm finally doing my podcasts. Again, I'm doing my podcasts. The first one just went up. It's at Fox . I interviewed a legend named Robert Johnson, a music legend, but not the legend, legend. Just the different legend, Robert Johnson.

This guy has been everywhere. You can hear the music in the background. An amazing guitarist, he auditioned for the Rolling Stones, he's played with everyone from The Who. He knows everybody. It's a fantastic podcast. I urge you to check it out. Again. It's at . And that's it.

WILLIAMS: I hope he didn't trade his soul to the devil. Dana, you're up.

PERINO: OK, so I've had the nursing home residents of our country on our mind. I know we've talked a lot about it on here and focused on that. They've all been shut up in their rooms for three and a half months isolated and it's really upsetting. But one guy up in New Hampshire in a nursing home up there named Rich Vanderweit, he began a pen pal program for the seniors living at Summercrest Senior Living Community. And the word of the program has spread like wildfire.

They thought they might get a few letters across the country. They are completely slammed. Over 700 letters have come so far, they can't even take any more pen pals. So, America responded with really great heart and generosity here. So if you have anyone in a nursing home, you might want to send them a note.

WILLIAMS: That's a lot of love. Emily, you're up.

COMPAGNO: OK. The cutest little bunny was just born in Northern Ireland, you guys, and his name is Leo, but he doesn't have any ears. So he just looks like the cutest little, almost like sort of like gerbil, but he actually can still hear. So he's little Leo with an Irish accent and no ears. It's so cute.

PERINO: Well, he has ears, he just doesn't have like the skin.

COMPAGNO: Internal ears, he just doesn't have the external.

WILLIAMS: But he can hear. Yes, yes. OK.

GUTFELD: Unlike a lot of us.

WILLIAMS: Well, folks, you've heard of Casper the -- folks, you've heard of Casper the Friendly Ghost. Well how about having Casper over dinner? Take a look at this Detroit area restaurant. To keep customers safely apart due to coronavirus, they cut out ghost-like figures and seated them at empty tables.

The idea is to keep the customer safely apart as they dine at Trattoria Da Luigi. And it works. The people returned to the restaurant after three months are enjoying it according to the owner. In fact, he said, it's now an attraction. Wow. No, I hope not.

Anyway, people making the best of these tough times. What do you think of that, Gregory? Did you like that one?

GUTFELD: I don't know. I have a feeling people are going to walk by and go, is that a rally?

WATTERS: I knew it.

WILLIAMS: No, I think people get the joke.

WATTERS: I knew you couldn't leave that one alone.



COMPAGNO: I think it's good if like you're --

WILLIAMS: No, but I can hear. I do have Emily's ears. I do have ears. All right. Thanks, guys. That's it for us.

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