Extreme Measures to Hold Kennedy Seat?

Now some fresh pickings from the Political Grapevine:

Ballot Stuffing

Political commentator and MSNBC host, Ed Schultz, would apparently do just about anything in order to win Tuesday’s Massachusetts senate election for the Democrats. Here's what he said during his radio show Friday:


ED SCHULTZ, 'THE ED SCHULTZ SHOW': I tell you what, if I lived in Massachusetts I’d try to vote 10 times. I don't know if they'd let me or not, but I’d try. Yeah, that's right. I’d cheat to keep these bastards out. I would. 'Cause that's exactly what they are.


Schultz today said that was not exactly the message he had wanted to convey: "I misspoke on Friday. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I meant to say if I could vote 20 times -- that's what I would do."

Name Dropping?

After Martha Coakley's Sunday campaign event with President Obama, Rhode Island Democratic Congressman Patrick Kennedy gave his thoughts on the race for the seat his late father held.

Kennedy talked about the need to fix the country and that Coakley could help the president do that. But he apparently is not terribly familiar with the candidate he is endorsing. The National Journal reports Kennedy repeatedly referred to her as "Marcia" and not "Martha" Coakley.

Educated Guess?

United Nations climate scientists are reviewing a portion of their 2007 report that warned global warming will melt the Himalayan glaciers by 2035.

The London Times reports that the Indian scientist who first made the claim has acknowledged it was speculation and not supported by any formal research. But that didn't stop the U.N. from including it in its benchmark report, which is supposed to be the basis for government policy.

IPCC Chairman Rajendra Pachauri, the head of the U.N. panel, tells Reuters: "We are looking into the issue of the Himalayan glaciers and will take a position on it in the next two or three days."

That 2007 report claimed to include the latest and most detailed research into the impact of global warming.

Fox News Channel's Lanna Britt contributed to this report.