'Exterminate' Confrontation

This is a partial transcript from "Hannity & Colmes," December 6, 2006, that has been edited for clarity.



KAMAU KAMBON, FORMER PROFESSOR: And they're monitoring our people to try to prevent the one person from coming up with the one idea. And the one idea is how we are going to exterminate white people, because that, in my estimation, is the only conclusion I have come to. We have to exterminate white people off of the face of the planet to solve this problem.


HANNITY: That is former North Carolina State University professor Kamau Kambon who made that now famous comment that, quote, "all white people should be exterminated".

Well, today “Hannity & Colmes”, we sent our cameras to Mr. Kambon's book store — it's called "Blacknificent"— to give him a chance to respond. Here's what happened.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Can I ask you a few questions? Do you still — do you still believe that white people should be exterminated?

Dr. Kambon, give me a few minutes to ask you a quick couple questions. You can tear clarify what you had to say. Do you still believe white people should be exterminated? How would you go about doing it? How can you be against the death penalty when you want all white people exterminated?

Dr. Kambon, come on, talk to me for a few minutes. Can you talk to me for a couple of minutes?

Tell me about your store? I want to hear more about how you think AIDS was designed to kill black people. Dr. Kambon, do you still believe all white people should be exterminated? Do you consider yourself a racist?

Dr. Kambon, where was the last place you taught? Why won't you say anything to us? We want to invite you to come on our program and tell us your side of the story. You have every chance to talk about it.

We really do want to hear what you have to say. Do you still believe it or not? Can I buy a book in there that will tell me about it?

Come on, Dr. Kambon, there's a chance to really get your side of the story out.


HANNITY: Joining us now, radio host Robert Redding is with us. Robert, I think it's pretty evident why he didn't respond. It's because his position is not one you can defend, right?

ROBERT REDDING, RADIO TALK SHOW HOST: Clearly. And this is not a position he can defend. This was a story — and I see it still is on your show, Sean. -- I'm not understanding why, because we put it on the Web site at Redding News Review, and it was gone within a day. It was worth noting then and it really hasn't been worth noting again.

HANNITY: Isn't it time that we confront racism? You know, we had a lot of coverage, for example, of this racist rant that went on with this comedian and I just think, you know, it seems that the fact that they're people that have positions of power, that hold these kinds of views, they teach in universities, it seems that they go unchallenged too often. Isn't that the case?

REDDING: Well, he's a former professor. He's no longer teaching there.

HANNITY: But that not the point. He was a professor. He did have a captive audience. He did hold these views. And there are currently professors that have really, really extremist views that are teaching students currently, right?

REDDING: Right, there are. And he's not one of them right now. Look, if you think this is a story still, then God bless you. But I mean, there are so many stories out there.

Like, you know, we are called "the black Drudge Report of the Web." And Matt Drudge, when he likened — because he made these comments. This man made these comments during the whole Katrina episode.

HANNITY: I know you want to plug your Web site. That's not the point.

REDDING: No, no.

HANNITY: Why — wait a minute. Why — why shouldn't the media confront in any capacity when we see it, where we see it, in any form? I don't care if it's a comedian on stage, [Michael Richards aka] "Kramer."

REDDING: We have.

HANNITY: Well, not really. Because I've never seen this man confronted before. And I think it just serves as sort of a notice here that students when they do hear outrageous professors, that he was once one, maybe it's time to confront these guys like this.

REDDING: I think you're right. You're right to confront them. And I think that's news. But what's not news is a year later.

This is news today, but yesterday when you had the Black Panther guy on, the day before that where you had Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson on, it wasn't news then. It wasn't news until just now when you confronted him. I agree with you on that aspect, and we'll get that up on the web site.

But as I was saying before, he made these comments at a Katrina gathering where we were talking about the black people and how they're being portrayed in the media and how their story is not being told.

ALAN COLMES, CO-HOST: Hey Mr. Redding, it's Alan Colmes. There's no way you can defend, even try to put in context those comments, can you? I know you want to bring up Katrina.

REDDING: No. But what I can — Alan, what I can put in context is the fact that these comments were made at a time when black people were being likened to animals by my competitor, Matt Drudge.

COLMES: That has nothing to do with what this man said. Regardless of what Michael Richards did, there has been that dialogue. There's been a dialogue about the "N" word where it's OK for white people to use it.

Here you've got a guy making a ridiculous statement. He really has no power, as you point out. I mean, he runs a book store. He's not teaching.


COLMES: And the question is when he did teach, did he say these things in the classroom? I've seen no evidence of that. But we had a guy on last night who would not repudiate the statement that whites should be exterminated. Nobody should make these kinds of statements, about any race, should they?

REDDING: And I can't speak for that guy. You know, look, let me tell you again, his comments were wrong, dead wrong. There are people that feel like him within the black community. As I'm sure Jesse Lee Peterson told you. There are people that feel that George Bush who is a king, who acts like a king at times, who's a ruler, a dictator and a tyrant. And I've said over and over again who feel like — who feel like he should be terminated.

Do I share that view? No. I think he's a bad guy. I think he's a bad president. I think Clinton was a bad president. But I'm a nonpartisan. I'm an independent. That's not news to you.

COLMES: But when people do make these kinds of ridiculous statements, isn't it incumbent to find others in the community to come forward and repudiate them and say this is not what we stand for, this is not the proper way to represent a point of view?

REDDING: Well, yes, sure, if you're going to publicize it. Hi mean, how many times have you had Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton on the show? God knows I'm not fans of theirs, but how many times have you had them on the show to talk in reference to it, in opposition to it?

COLMES: They don't make these kinds of statements. They've been on the show a lot, by the way, both of them. But they don't make these kinds of comments.

Mr. Redding, we thank you very much for being with us tonight. Thank you for your time, sir.

REDDING: Thank you.

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