Duffy: I need to take time to be with my wife and kids

This is a rush transcript from "Tucker Carlson Tonight," August 28, 2019. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

TUCKER CARLSON, HOST: Good evening, and welcome to “Tucker Carlson Tonight.” It wasn't even a year ago, if you can remember back, it was the middle of the Brett Kavanaugh Supreme Court hearings, when the Democratic Party began and extended the lecture on the horrors of sexual assault against women.

If you've got two X chromosomes, leading Democrats told us again and again, we're going to protect you from predatory men. Watch this.


SEN. CORY BOOKER, D-N.J., PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Survivors of sexual assault who are watching this body of powerful people, and what will happen. This toxic culture, this pernicious patriarchy in this country has to stop.

SEN. ELIZABETH WARREN, D-MASS., PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: I am angry on behalf of women who have been told to sit down and shut up, one time too many.

SEN. BERNIE SANDERS, I-VT, D-PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: We need a change in our culture, in terms of how men treat women.


CARLSON: So those are strong words coming from the party of Bill Clinton and Ted Kennedy. Did they actually mean any of them? It was pretty easy to find out. Here's the question, how do you treat people you really care about? Would you leave your children at home alone with the front door unlocked? Would you invite strangers over to stay with them when you're gone? Probably not. That would be crazy. It would endanger their lives. Only a cruel and stupid person would do something like that.

And yet democrats are intent on doing the very same thing to our country. They brag about it.


BOOKER: On day one, I will make sure that number one, we end the I.C.E. policies and the Customs and Border policies that are violating the human rights.

CHRIS HAYES, MSNBC HOST: If you could, would you take the wall down now? Here?


HAYES: If you had a wall?

O'ROURKE: Absolutely.

HAYES: You'd knock it down.

WARREN: Offer a home to refugees. That is who we are. That's our values. That's part of what we do.

JULIAN CASTRO, D-PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: So instead of building a wall or closing the border, we should choose compassion instead of cruelty.

SEN. KAMALA HARRIS, D-CALIF., PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: We welcome refugees and bring people out of the shadows.

SEN. KIRSTEN GILLIBRAND, D-N.Y., PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Immigration is not a security issue. It is an economic and a humanitarian and a family issue.

JOE BIDEN, D-PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: I think undocumented people need to have a means by which they can be covered when they're sick. People need - - this is just common decency.


CARLSON: You hear that? Immigration is not a security issue. That's what they're demanding you believe. Has there ever been a more bitter lie? Tell it to the people of Montgomery County, Maryland right outside Washington, D.C.

This week, authorities there charged a Salvadoran national called Nelson Reyes-Medrano Drano with raping a teenage girl at knifepoint. It's an awful story. But unfortunately, it's not uncommon there. Reyes-Medrano is at least the fifth illegal immigrant arrested for rape in Montgomery County just this month. Five, just this month. Two of the others who are charged with raping an 11-year-old girl. The details are horrifying. How this happened? Simple.

Montgomery County is a sanctuary for criminal aliens. The chance of illegal immigrants being deported from Montgomery County are essentially zero, even if they're dangerous. The left wing ideologues who run the place let this happen.

They're denying it now of course, but they absolutely did it. When it came right down to it, in the end, the safety of their own citizens meant less to them than the chance to posture yourself righteously about immigration. They wanted to feel like moral heroes, even if it meant that women got raped. Those are the real priorities.

Andrew Arthur is a former Immigration judge and Resident Fellow with the Center for Immigration Studies, and he joins us tonight. Mr. Arthur, thanks very much for coming on.


CARLSON: So Montgomery County, Maryland has consistently made the point that "We're not cooperating with Federal immigration authorities."

ARTHUR: Yes, they actually doubled down in July -- at the end of July -- County Executive Marc Elrich banned I.C.E. from coming into the jail, banned its officers from communicating with I.C.E. and said they weren't going to honor detainers for criminal aliens in them in Montgomery County Jail.

CARLSON: So five illegal aliens arrested for rape in a month -- in one month in one county -- and now they're telling us, "Oh, their policies welcoming illegal aliens to their county had nothing to do with this whatsoever."

ARTHUR: That's completely false. The fact is that individuals come to counties where they know -- come to localities where they know that they're going to not be turned over to I.C.E. Montgomery County probably has one of the strongest anti-I.C.E. policies that I can think of. You won't allow I.C.E. officials into your jail to talk to criminal aliens. It's ridiculous.

CARLSON: So if you're the family of one of these victims, do you have a case against the people running Montgomery County?

ARTHUR: Unfortunately, you don't. Sovereign immunity is going to protect Marc Elrich, the County Executive and the members of the County Council against any claims like that. They're not responsible for the rapes that took place there even though they open the front door and allow these individuals into their county.

CARLSON: In a just world, they would pay the price for this. Is there any hope at this point, again, five rapes in a month that this policy will change?

ARTHUR: Well, they've actually had to backtrack after the story came out about the two aliens who had raped the 11-year-old girl, one multiple times, and filmed it with a cell phone. So -- but even then, they only say that they'll allow in I.C.E. for serious crimes or they'll notify I.C.E. about serious crimes, not about non-serious crimes. But even then, that definition is not very clear.

CARLSON: If you were putting -- this is a rhetorical question, but I think it's just important to frame it this way, because it's real -- if you were putting the safety of your own citizens first, would you adopt this policy?

ARTHUR: Never. I mean, and the fact is, most of these people are released back into immigrant communities. If you really care about immigrant communities, you would let I.C.E. take the alien criminals out of those communities, and you would keep those people safe.

CARLSON: I mean, at this point, we know that the line we've been fed for the past five years, "Immigration is not a security issue. Illegal immigrants commit fewer crimes than native-born citizens." I mean, these are all lies. Do you expect the left to continue to say that even though the data show that they're not true?

ARTHUR: Absolutely, because they're going to continue to bury these stories. And there's a class issue here, too, because the fact is, you know, a girl in a trailer park in Georgetown, if these crimes have taken place in Great Falls and had been committed by a United States citizen, or in Potomac, against a housewife. I mean, these would be front page crimes, but not in these situations. They want to keep them buried so that the public doesn't know.

CARLSON: You're absolutely right, in the way that MS-13 targets immigrants. Mr. Arthur, thank you very much.

ARTHUR: Thank you for having me.

CARLSON: Senator Kirsten Gillibrand has announced tonight that she is dropping out of the 2020 presidential race.


GILLIBRAND: After more than eight incredible months, I'm ending my presidential campaign. I know this isn't the results we wanted. We wanted to win this race. But it's important to know when it's not your time, and to know how you can best serve your community and country.

I believe I can best serve by helping to unite us to beat Donald Trump in 2020.


CARLSON: So under normal circumstances that might qualify as a Fox News Alert, but in the case of Gillibrand, she does not deserve it. Not only did she ever pull above the margin of error ever, she was looking back perhaps the worst candidate ever to run from any party in the history of this country.

Gillibrand in fact, represented the worst trends of the modern left, all in one package. For starters, she's an utter phony. She cares only about accumulating power for herself.

As a Congresswoman in New York, she supported gun rights and fiscal discipline. She said she wanted to secure the southern border. Then, almost immediately after being handed Hillary Clinton's Senate seat, Gillibrand dreamed of more, so she lurched far to the left on virtually every issue.

But it wasn't just that, because she cared only about power, Gillibrand was happy to be friends with Bill Clinton and Harvey Weinstein when they were useful to her, no matter what she may have known about them, no matter what everyone else knew about them. But then later, when it was politically expedient, she denounced them. But only once she was certain they wouldn't be useful anymore. But she didn't stop there.

She also, remember, led the effort to push Al Franken out of the United States Senate. There was no proof he had done anything wrong. Far be it for us to defend Al Franken, but it was that unfair. But that's Kristen Gillibrand in a nutshell, a pampered hypocrite with no scruples happy to lecture you about your failings and your privilege. Watch this.


GILLIBRAND: The first thing that I'm going to do when I'm President is I'm going to Clorox the Oval Office.

We need to pass a Green New Deal. This should be our nation's moonshot.

If you don't take global climate change seriously. You don't care about the world and the country. You don't care about people.

As President of the United States, I wouldn't use the detention system at all. We would be delighted to take refugee families into cities like Buffalo and Syracuse and Rochester.

So if your son is 15 years old and smokes pot, he smokes pot just as much as the black boy's neighborhood and the Latino boy's neighborhood. But that black and brown boy is four times more likely to be arrested. That's institutional racism. Your son will likely not have to deal with that because he is white.


CARLSON: Self-righteous, dumb -- yes, that's par for the course here in Washington, but the last clip shows what Gillibrand stands apart. That was Gillibrand, a United States Senator lecturing a mother in Youngstown, Ohio. Have you ever been to Youngstown, Ohio? Have been to the Mahoning Valley?

Gillibrand was telling her how no matter how much Washington abandons her and her entire region to unemployment and drug addiction, suicide and diabetes, actually, that woman should be ashamed of her white privilege.

That's Kirsten Gillibrand, in one clip, really, the worst candidate ever. Good riddance, Kirsten Gillibrand.

Seth Barron is Associate Editor at "City Journal" and he joins us tonight. Seth, you hate to pile on. It takes courage to run for office. I generally sympathize with candidates when they get out because it's painful. It stings. It's humiliating.

But in the case of Kirsten Gillibrand, it can't come a moment too soon. I can't think of someone more false, nastier, crueler, more self-centered, dumber, can you?

SETH BARRON, ASSOCIATE EDITOR, CITY JOURNAL: Well, yes. I mean, Mayor de Blasio is kind of a close second, at least.

CARLSON: That's true.

BARRON: Kirsten Gillibrand has run a -- she is a complete hypocrite, as you said. She was a blue dog Democrat. She got high ratings from the NRA, and then when she became senator, she said that she was embarrassed of her 98 percent white home district, you know, all these benighted fools and she was glad to embrace the -- you know, the woke philosophy of the new left.

But remember, she was -- her senatorial seat was essentially orchestrated by her close ally, former Republican Senator Al D'Amato. So she's very much just an opportunist.

If you will recall, she made a big deal out of going on and dropping F- bombs about Trump every 10 minutes. Yes, she is pretty egregious, I would say.

CARLSON: But I guess -- I guess what bothers me is not -- and I just want to put a finer point on it because Washington is full of phony people. I mean, that's -- it's politics, so there's some falseness, right? There's falseness in television. I don't want to be self-righteous about that.

BARRON: Well, absolutely. Absolutely.

CARLSON: She is mean, that's what I don't like about her. She is cruel. To lecture that woman in Youngstown, Ohio, of all places about her privilege. The way she treated Al Franken, who I don't like and don't agree with. I don't think I'll Franken at all. But she was so mean to him. She was so unfair.

BARRON: No, it's outrageous.

CARLSON: Yes, it's outrageous.

BARRON: And that she said she would be the emissary for white women. She would go and explain to them why their sons were spared police brutality because of their white privilege. So essentially, she campaigned on the message that, "Elect me and I'll make sure your sons get shot."

CARLSON: Was there anybody in the United States Senate, in Democratic politics, any large group of voters, was anybody ever for this candidacy?

BARRON: I don't think so. Apparently, even her staff was kind of embarrassed and chagrin that she was keeping this up. You know, I have to say, I did not think that she would drop out before Mayor de Blasio.


BARRON: it seemed like she had more of a claim to -- or more of a path -- but you know, I guess, reality intruded.

CARLSON: Yes, I mean, I think, you know, here I've been beating up on her, but I do think she is sharper than Mayor de Blasio, no that that's saying too much.

Really quick, will she keep her Senate seat? I guess in a one-party state like New York, you can stay forever in the Senate, no matter -- even if you're Kirsten Gillibrand?

BARRON: Well, people have said that, you know, she could be susceptible to a challenge from Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and that may be in the cards for her.

CARLSON: Man, I would support Ocasio-Cortez over Kirsten Gillibrand, any day of the week.

BARRON: You may have something there.

CARLSON: Yeah. Seth Barron, great to see you.

BARRON: Thank you.

CARLSON: Thank you. Well, we're seeing a lot of people, a lot of them associated with the Trump campaign destroyed -- their lives destroyed because they were accused of making false statements to Federal investigators.

Andrew McCabe clearly made a series of false statements to Federal investigators, but he is fine. Why is that?

Plus over at MSNBC, one of their primetime shows ran a completely bogus story last night. Now, the anchor who did it is apologizing. Remarkable. That's next.


CARLSON: Well, a lot of people pushed the Russia collusion hoax, but few pushed it harder or spent more time pushing it than former acting F.B.I. Director Andrew McCabe. Thanks in part to his efforts, Roger Stone, George Papadopoulos and many others had their lives destroyed. Some of them were accused of making false statements to Federal agents.

Roger Stone faces life in prison in a trial that starts in November for that crime. But according to an Inspector General report, even as he was leading the effort to destroy the lives of others for lying, Andy McCabe was himself lying.

Would he get the same treatment that his victims are getting? Federal prosecutors are weighing that question right now. And how about Jim Comey? There's another Inspector General's report about him that also found possible criminal behavior. A lot going on. Tom Fitton is the President of Judicial Watch, as you know, he joins us now to sort all of that. Tom, thanks for coming on.

First to the Andy McCabe question. Will McCabe face the consequences that so many others have faced for this?

TOM FITTON, PRESIDENT, JUDICIAL WATCH: I don't know. You raise these other folks that were targeted. General Flynn was ambushed.

CARLSON: Well, thank you.

FITTON: Thanks to Andrew McCabe's conduct. And he was referred for criminal investigation in April of last year. So he has already gotten special treatment in the sense that the Justice Department has been agonizing over whether to follow the leads of the IG report that this guy lied three or four times to investigators, and we just received documents both under oath and not under oath.

So if you're talking the F.B.I., and you lie to me, even if you're not under oath, it's a crime. That's a crime that General Flynn was prosecuted for.

CARLSON: Yes, I am going to stop you right there. So what would happen to you or me or your average Fox News viewer for doing that same thing? Would we be getting the same benefit of the doubt that McCabe appears to be enjoying?

FITTON: Well, General Flynn was prosecuted within months.


FITTON: Andrew McCabe, they haven't decided whether to prosecute him because according to "The New York Times" they're worried that they might get a democratic jury here in the District of Columbia and they won't get the prosecution.

I'll tell you what? The Justice Department needs to speed up justice, not in an improper way, but justice delayed here suggests that there is a double standard, that if you're associated with Trump world, you get targeted, if you're anti Trump, you get protected.

CARLSON: That's right. Or just on the left more generally, I mean, Lois Lerner walks free even now. What do we know about the Comey report?

FITTON: Well, the reports are -- you know, he admitted to leaking documents, F.B.I. files he had on President Trump to get the Special Counsel appointed, and the IG reportedly has found that that was wrong, including classified information, and he also lacked candor in talking about it with investigators.

Now, supposedly the Justice Department has rejected the referral for prosecution. It has declined to pursue it. I don't know if that's true or not. But I tell you what? If both Andrew McCabe and James Comey get away with lying and leaking, I tell you, this is -- it is confirmation that the deep state rules.

CARLSON: So if you're Roger Stone, and you're 67 years old and facing life in prison, because you've been accused of lying to investigators, not about anything of substance, but just because you lied, they claim.

FITTON: Right.

CARLSON: How can you look over at these guys who lied in the course of actually wrecking the country and watch them get away and think this is justice? How does that work?

FITTON: It doesn't work. And if I were the President, I would be pardoning people like Stone in a heartbeat. Flynn, the rest of them caught up in Mueller's web. And, you know, we're just talking about relatively minor crimes compared to the seditious coup that took place and the illegal spying on President Trump.

I understand there's a U.S. Attorney in Connecticut -- Connecticut in Durham that's looking at this, but I haven't seen any indications of a significant criminal inquiry into the most significant corruption scandal in American history, the spying on President Trump that was illegal.

I mean, is the IG going to come out on the FISA-gate report? On the FISA- gate warrants? Say that there was something improper there and nothing's going to be done again? I tell you, it doesn't order well, and this is this is a sign that the Justice Department has been terribly corrupted and it hasn't been fixed yet by the Attorney General.

CARLSON: It is making a lot of us very cynical, unfortunately. Tom Fitton, great to see you.

FITTON: Thanks.

CARLSON: Well, it's been almost six months since the Russia collusion story was unmasked as a hoax. But over at MSNBC, the news may not have filtered down.

Last night, Lawrence O'Donnell ran this story about President Trump's past business dealings. Here's part of it.


LAWRENCE O'DONNELL, MSNBC HOST: The source says that Deutsche Bank is in possession of loan documents that show Donald Trump has obtained loans with co-signers, and that he would not have been able to obtain those loans without co-signers.

The source close to Deutsche Bank says that the co-signers of Donald Trump's Deutsche Bank loans are Russian billionaires close to Vladimir Putin.

If true, that would explain every kind word Donald Trump has ever said about Russia and Vladimir Putin, if true.


CARLSON: Yes. That man has a Harvard education. Did you get that? "The source," "if true." Yes, a single unverified source to make a wild accusation, a truly wild accusation. But basically, it's the same standard that the Trump dossier was based on. And now, less than 24 hours later, after a threat from the President's lawyers, that man had to retract his claim.

Today, he tweeted this quote, "Last night, I made an error in judgment by reporting an item about the President's finances that didn't go through a rigorous verification and standards process." Can I just pause? He is talking you about NBC News, a completely fraudulent news organization -- a rigorous process. Excuse me, picking up the quote again, "I shouldn't have reported it and I was wrong to discuss it on the air. I will address the issue on my show tonight."

In other words, "Please watch." It's unbelievable. So he retracted the story, but of course, it wasn't an error in a judgment. There is no rigorous verification process at NBC News. If there was, we wouldn't have had two years of the Russia hoax because this story, the one that they're retracting, had precisely as much evidence to back it up as the rest of the crap they force fed is for years about Russia. Unbelievable.

Howie Carr is a radio host and he joins us tonight. Hey, Howie. So how did this story slip through the fine net over there at NBC News? Like how did this possibly get on the air, do you think?

HOWIE CARR, RADIO SHOW HOST: Yes, I don't know -- who is in this rigorous verification and standards process? Mike Barnicle, you know, or Brian Williams or Julie Swetnick, the woman who accused Brett Kavanaugh of doing all those things?

Tucker, these people are like a dog that's been chewing on a bone for weeks and you know, there's no meat left on it, but they're still gnawing on it. They can't let go of it.

All these people, you know, MSNBC, CNN, The "Washington Post" and "The New York Times" they ought to be in some kind of a journalistic equivalent of a 12-Step Program in the basement of a church, you know, apologizing to the person they wronged, which is Donald Trump. And instead they're just going on --

He called it an item. He did the crossover with Rachel Maddow. That means it was the lead story. You know what should have been the clue to him, Tucker? Is when Rachel Maddow said to him, "That's a scenario I've never contemplated."

You know, when Rachel Maddow was never contemplated the scenario, you know, you're on very thin ice with the Russian hoax.

CARLSON: What's so funny is it this anchor, famously because he talks about it quite a bit, is a Harvard man. He and all of these other people, they're all kind of like they're the most impressive specimens that our system produces. Does that make you wonder about our system a little bit?

CARR: He's not a journalist. He went to St. Sebastian's which is basically a little a finishing school for rich little boys in the Boston suburbs. $48,000.00 tuition. Then he goes to Harvard. He didn't work for a newspaper or a local TV station. He worked for the "Harvard Lampoon," a humor magazine.

He is a fop. He is a dilettante, and you know, he has no experience. You know, I thought he was, you know, satisfied with being a fake MSNBC tough guy like Donny Deutsch, but now he wants to, you know -- now, he wants to produce fake news.

He says much a journalist as Al Sharpton or Joy Reid. And now he is busted. And again, he calls it an item. It was -- he did it in the crossover with Rachel Maddow. That means it's the lead story. It's the equivalent of the top of the front page of a newspaper.

He says, "If true," if true, Tucker, you've worked for print publications. That's the conversation you have with the city editor or the assignment desk. You don't go on live national TV and say, "If true."

CARLSON: "If true." That's my favorite. Yes, I've never written a lead with that phrase in it. Howie, great to see you tonight. Thank you for that.

CARR: Thanks, Tucker.

CARLSON: Well, new reports tonight say that Congress Ilhan Omar had an affair with a political consultant hired by her campaign. That's what they're saying. Question is, would an arrangement like that break laws? We'll investigate?

Plus the DNC is pulling out all the stops to keep Tulsi Gabbard off the debate stage. She is back from her military commitment. She joins us for her first interview. Just ahead.


CARLSON: Congressman Ilhan Omar is back in the news again. In newly released divorce papers, a claim has made that she has had a long term affair with a political consultant -- her political consultant named Tim Mynett.

A new complaint says Omar's involvement with Mynett may have violated campaign finance laws. Peter Flaherty is Chairman of the National Legal and Policy Center, and he joins us tonight. Peter, thanks very much for coming on.


CARLSON: So typically, we don't jump into people personal lives because, it kind of no one's business, I think. But in this specific case, you have an allegation that a relationship like this could violate the law. How would that work?

FLAHERTY: Well, the problem here is that private actions may have resulted in violations of the law, the Federal Election Campaign Act. And in this case, you have Representative Ilhan Omar's campaign paying for the travel of a political consultant with which it's alleged that Representative Omar is having an affair.

Now, that opens the possibility that campaign funds are being used for personal purposes, which is strictly prohibited. And it has ended the careers of many of a politician.

CARLSON: Yes, sure.

FLAHERTY: You know, Representative Duncan Hunter, Republican from San Diego, he may be on his way to jail for using campaign funds for personal uses, including facilitating extramarital affairs.

CARLSON: Interesting. So what would you need to show that?

FLAHERTY: Well, we've asked for an investigation by the Federal Election Commission. These are violations of Election Law. If they're willful, it's possible it could trigger an investigation by the Justice Department and we do hope that takes place.

But in our complaint, we cited two things. Number one, the failure to itemize travel by this consultant named, Tim Mynett. The Federal Election Commission regulations are very specific about travel. If you have to report as individual disbursements any amount over $200.00 in the aggregate, you know, your hotel, your airfare, whatever.

But Omar on a report simply reported lump sum payments to an LLC owned by Mynett, which is a clear violation. Now that sounds technical, and it sounds a little nitpicking, but as an ethics group, we always look for technical violations in hopes of finding out the more serious improper activity that they are calculated to conceal.

CARLSON: Sure. The stuff hangs on technicalities. I mean, that's what it is. It's an accumulation of technical violations. So, Omar, in addition to being I would say, ideologically on the wrong side, seems very sleazy.

I mean, every time you press a little bit into her personal life, you can't get a straight answer. There seems to be quite a bit of deception. That may not even be your real name. She may have married her brother. Then you have this? Has she shed any light on this at all? Has she responded to questions -- your questions about it?

FLAHERTY: Well, I understand today that she denied everything. And that was curious to us because the violations about reporting the travel, they are straightforward, unambiguous violations and any election law expert would tell you that.

Now the more serious matter of whether she was having an affair with Tim Mynett, and used campaign funds to facilitate his traveling around the country with her. Well, we can't state that we know that conclusively. But we're saying that there's enough circumstantial evidence for the FEC to launch an investigation, and we hope they do.

CARLSON: We'll see. Peter Flaherty, thank you very much for joining us tonight.

FLAHERTY: You bet.

CARLSON: Now, you'd think the Democratic Party would be eager to hear more from Tulsi Gabbard. She is young. She is progressive. She is an Iraq War veteran. But Gabbard stands alone among the Democratic candidates in opposing starting new wars like Iraq or bombing Syria. Therefore, the Democratic Party appears eager to sideline her.

Gabbard has done well in a number of recent polls. But the Democratic Party does not recognize those polls, and may use that to keep her off the debate stage next month.

Congresswoman Gabbard has completed two weeks of training in the National Guard and she joins us tonight. Congresswoman, thanks very much for coming on.


CARLSON: This -- and tell me if I'm misstating this, the Democratic Party is refusing -- so the DNC is refusing to recognize as valid polls that puts you -- that would will qualify you for the next debate?

GABBARD: Oh, here's the situation, there's a whole bunch of different polls that have come out. The DNC has only recognized some of them as being qualifying polls for the debate, the whole thing gets a little bit confusing, and you've got to jump way down into the weeds of the numbers and the statistics.

But I think the bigger problem is that the whole process really lacks transparency.


GABBARD: People deserve having that transparency, because ultimately, it's the people who will decide who our Democratic nominee will be, and ultimately who our next President and Commander-in-Chief will be. And when you see that lack of transparency, it creates, you know, a lack of faith and trust in the process.

And I think this also points to a bigger issue and challenge that goes beyond the DNC and party politics is the government itself. You know, there's people who are increasingly losing that faith and trust in the government, because they see a lack of transparency there. They see that we don't have a government that is of, by and for the people.

And really what they see is a small group of really powerful political elites, the establishment making decisions that serve their interests and maintaining that power, while the rest of us are left outside, the American people are left behind.

So these are the deeper seated issues, I think it's important that we recognize and that that for me as, President that I would seek to change, that that would actually fulfill that vision that our founders had for our country of having a government that is truly of, by and for the people and making it so that people can trust that our leaders are listening to them and making decisions not based on partisanship, but based on serving their interests.

CARLSON: You got sideways with the political establishment last presidential cycle, because you didn't jump aboard the Hillary Clinton Express immediately. Then subsequently, we learn that there was some activity looked, it a lot like rigging going on behind the scenes. I mean, parties do, do this and have for a long time, in order to sort of steer one candidate toward victory and hamstring another. Are you worried that that could be happening again?

GABBARD: Again, now, I've got some concerns about the process. And I think a lot of them go to that lack of transparency, because when you have transparency, then people are able to see, "Okay, well, here's the process. Here's what's going on." That's not really what we're seeing right now, especially around all these polls and the qualifiers and the non-qualifiers for the debate.

For me, I can just say that whether I'm on that debate stage or not, I'm going to continue focusing on speaking directly to voters across this country, connecting with them and recognizing that no matter what the powers that be in Washington say, the power lies in the hands of the people of this country, all the people of this country that when we exercise our voices, that's how we can really bring about the kind of big systemic change that we need to see that goes far beyond just the next election.

It goes back towards what I was talking about is, is actually bringing the voices of the people to the forefront.

CARLSON: I hope that your voice is heard. I mean, I don't agree with everything you say, but I think you've got really interesting and important views on foreign policy that are underrepresented in Washington for reasons that I don't understand.

Most of the country actually agrees with them, but no one in Washington does and so, I hope that that you can tell the country about what you think on those topics. Congresswoman, thanks for joining us tonight.

GABBARD: We will continue. Thank you, Tucker.

CARLSON: Hillary Clinton may not be the President, but she still played a direct role in the current migrant crisis. She's taken that fact out of the latest edition of her memoir, the story you may not know anything about, but it's worth knowing about because it's interesting, and we'll tell it to you, next.


CARLSON: Jeffrey Epstein, of course, is dead, but we're still learning interesting things about him. Newly surface footage shows even more evidence of his lifestyle best described maybe as predatory. Chief Breaking News Correspondent, Trace Gallagher has more on that tonight -- Trace.

TRACE GALLAGHER, CHIEF BREAKING NEWS CORRESPONDENT: Tucker, we scanned more than an hour of video from a 2005 police raid on Jeffrey Epstein's Palm Beach ocean front compound. It begins with detectives entering the $16.5 million home with guns drawn and reading a search warrant to the house manager.

The officers then comb the entire mansion where they come across numerous pictures of young girls in various stages of undress, including a photo of a girl who appears to be about 15 in a bikini and another showing a naked girl lying on a beach.

It's interesting because there are numerous pictures of Epstein's former girlfriend, Ghislaine Maxwell. She is the woman that some of Epstein's alleged victim say orchestrated the underage sex trafficking ring.

The pictures of Maxwell ranged from her lying nude on the beach to her and Jeffrey Epstein in what appears to be the White House Press Briefing Room.

Again, we don't know if any of these photos have been verified. But we do know that Jeffrey Epstein had long standing ties to former President Bill Clinton, and between 2001 and 2003, Clinton took at least 26 trips on Epstein's private plane. Clinton says he knew nothing of Epstein's crimes.

But legal experts say if authorities decide to go after Ghislaine Maxwell for criminal wrongdoing, she might decide to cut a deal to save herself in exchange for giving up information on the powerful people that Epstein surrounded himself with, like Prince Andrew, for example, who was seen with Epstein, even after he was labeled a sex offender and got out of jail -- Tucker.

CARLSON: Trace, thanks for that. Well, we've spent a lot of time talking about the crisis at the U.S.-Mexico border, not a lot of time talking about why so many migrants are coming up from Central America, a lot of reasons for it. One of them, though, involves the former Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton.

So way back 10 years ago in 2009, the Honduran President, Manuel Zelaya was overthrown in a coup. Ever since then, Honduras has been in chaos with widespread violence. We've seen the same kind of thing happen in a lot of other countries.

Hillary Clinton's connection is this. She was Secretary of State when Zelaya was overthrown. She defended his ouster in the hardcover version of her memoir called, "Hard Choices." Here's the interesting part. She removed that defense from the paperback version.

Anya Parampil; is a journalist at the Gray Zone. Recently, she interviewed Zalaya in Honduras and she joins us tonight. Anya, thanks a lot for coming on.


CARLSON: So this is one of those stories and I know it is complex and we don't have a ton of time, but sum it up briefly for our viewers who don't know anything about it.

PARAMPIL: Well, the reason Hillary Clinton would remove the section of her book, which talked about her role in overseeing that coup in Honduras, which removed their democratically elected President, Jose Manuel Zelaya in 2009, is because she must be quite ashamed of the legacy that coup left in the country.

We're talking about -- and I spoke with Zelaya, as you mentioned, on the 10th Anniversary of that coup, when all U.S. media was talking about the crisis that the border without speaking about the fact that that crisis is directly tied to U.S. foreign policy, specifically U.S. regime change policy, which has resulted in the doubling of poverty in Honduras.

We're talking about a country now which is experiencing 65 percent poverty with about 42 percent of the country classified as living under extreme poverty.

But more than that, the two men which have succeeded Jose Manuel Zelaya as President -- Lobo, President Lobo and current President Juan Orlando Hernandez who somehow has served two terms despite the fact that Honduras' Constitution forbids second term as President, both of those men now stand accused by the U.S. government of funding their presidential campaigns with money made off the drug war.

Current president, Juan Orlando Hernandez specifically is accused of that, but his brother, Tony Fernandez is currently sitting in a U.S. prison cell in Miami for his role in the drug trade, someone who was actually signing his initials on bags of cocaine that were being shipped --

I mean, this President, Juan Orlando Hernandez is implicated as a co- conspirator by the U.S. government. In this case, yet, he was here in Washington yesterday.

CARLSON: So I guess what you're saying is, it turns out that once you dumped the old guy, you don't necessarily get a better country or better leadership. Doesn't this evoke memories of what happened in Libya? Muammar Gaddafi overthrown, killed with the support of Samantha Power and Hillary Clinton?


CARLSON: Precipitates the migrant crisis in Europe?

PARAMPIL: Absolutely. That is what's driving the migrant crisis, the international migrant crisis, Tucker, and it's something that both parties in this country for some reason support, Democrats and Republicans alike. The Obama administration, the Trump administration, both allowing Juan Orlando Hernandez, a co-conspirator in a million dollar cocaine scandal is supported by the U.S. government.

And that's because both parties answer to a small elite in this country, which actually benefit not only from these countries, like Honduras being opened up to international corporations, but also benefit from the flood of labor -- cheap labor -- into this country.

CARLSON: Well, that is -- that's the story right there. I couldn't agree with you more. That's exactly right. A servant class for the ruling class. Anya Parampil, great to see you tonight.

PARAMPIL: Nice to see you, Tucker. Of course.

CARLSON: Congressman Sean Duffy has a safe seat in Congress. He is walking away though. We will tell you why in his first interview and he will explain why he is leaving the U.S. Congress after the break.


CARLSON: Congressman Sean Duffy has been a frequent guest on this program. He has represented Wisconsin in the Congress for close to a decade. He can probably stay there pretty much as long as he wants. He is a great representative for the state and popular.

But Duffy, unlike a lot of people in Washington believes there's something even more important than wielding political power -- family. He and his wife, Rachel Campos-Duffy are expecting their ninth child. They just announced that this baby who is a girl will have significant medical issues at birth, and so the Congressman has announced that he is resigning from the Congress next month, so we can fully dedicate himself to his family.

Congressman Duffy joins us tonight. Congressman, thanks very much for coming on. Congratulations on the birth of your ninth child. You're an inspiration to a lot of us. Tell us tell us what you're thinking here.

REP. SEAN DUFFY, R-WIS.: Yes, so our little baby is going to be born middle of October. About two to six months after birth, she is going to need open heart surgery to go in, and there's a couple of holes that she has in her heart that separate the left and right chamber. I'm not a doctor, but that's what they told me. And so -- and this is serious stuff.

And I need to take a pause, I mean, it's a big enough job with -- you know, Rachel is a Fox News contributor. I have eight kids at home. Congressional schedules contrary to popular belief, they're pretty rigorous. We work four days in Washington, you know, you're back in your district fair, parades, festivals, Dairy Breakfast, meeting constituents.

And so I needed -- I need to, you know, take some time and be with my wife and my kids, take care of this little one that's going to need more time from me. I didn't die. I'm still around, but I just need to focus on family and we always say, Tucker, you know what? Our families come first. Even though our politics are there first and if we don't live what we believe, what good are we?

And so I thought, it's a great sign from God to say, this is too much on your plate right now. Take a break. Find something else with a better schedule and spend more time with your kids and this new little baby.

CARLSON: Amen. I mean, it's the kind of thing that seems obvious, and yet people don't do it. In fact, it's a joke in Washington, "I'm leaving to spend more time with my family," but you actually are. You may be the one guy who really is doing that.

DUFFY: Tucker, I've got to tell you -- so I was just going to say, I'm going to go spend time with my family, I thought, well, that is pretty cheap, because everyone says that. I've got to give people more information, so they know I actually have an issue here that I have to address.

And I would say, I have a great wife and she has been a rock and knowing we have these complications. Every baby we've had has been a gift from God and has come from blessings. And so we take every gift we're given and this little one will be a gift as well, just a little more complication.

And I'm just so happy I have eight little kids at home with those hands to wrap their loving arms around her, too and embrace her and welcome her and get her healthy and then see what next steps I have in my life.

CARLSON: Good for you. It all goes -- you know, we all get old so fast. It's worth pausing. So on your way out, is there anything you're going to miss about the Congress?

DUFFY: I like the people. I mean, there really are good people there. It's dysfunctional. But it's a good body. I mean, it's a great -- it's the greatest body on Earth, I think.

And listen, I got to come on your show. One of the great memories is I won the Erik Wemple mug one time.

CARLSON: Yes, you did.

DUFFY: I mean, who gets that chance? Right? No, but I'm going to miss being a Congressman. My lesson with leaving, Tucker. Some people have taken shots at me. But in my community, in my district, even the Democrats who have had harsh words for me, they've been really kind to me, as I've and it shows the kind of people that were willing to set aside the politics and go, "We had a Congressman, we didn't always agree, but good for him for going home." And it speaks volumes about the people that I represent.

I'm just -- I'm very grateful to all of them. It has been an honor to be their Congressman. But it's also a greater honor to be their dad. There's 435 Members of Congress, there's only one dad in the Duffy household. And so those congressmen can do their work. I'm going to go do my dad work.

CARLSON: Are your kids psyched?

DUFFY: They are, well, Tucker, I told them, I'm going to have to move them out to a tent outside the house because I lost my job. They freaked out for a while and I said, "Listen, we're going to be fine." They are psyched. They want their dad at home. I want to go see some hockey games and you know, go to baseball practice.

I want to see the stuff that we so often miss as Members of Congress, and the families do suffer in Congress, because you're going and it's a great service to the country. But you always have to have that balance and look for signs from God about what's right in your life. And I'm looking forward to seeing more hockey in my life.

CARLSON: You can't see this, but as we've been talking, we've been putting pictures of your family on the screen, and you look at those, I'm looking at them and I'm thinking, you know what matters more than that? Nothing. Nothing matters. And when you're old. You're going to be grateful that you did this. Anyway, God bless you, Congressman. Thank you.

DUFFY: God bless you, Tucker. Thanks for having me.

CARLSON: That's what really matters, obviously. That's it for us tonight. We'll be back tomorrow night at 8:00 p.m. The show that is the sworn enemy of lying, pomposity, smugness and groupthink. Good night from Washington. But it's not over, Sean Hannity up nest.

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