Dr. Scott Atlas reacts to Dr. Fauci's COVID 'perfect storm' warning

This is a rush transcript from "The Ingraham Angle," July 23, 2020. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

LAURA INGRAHAM HOST: Now, I'm Laura Ingraham, and I think this is "The Ingraham Angle" from Washington.

Tonight, Dr. Fauci says that COVID is the perfect storm. We had storms tonight of viruses, of course, and we might never eradicate it. So what exactly does that mean for you and how do you go about your life? Dr. Scott Atlas is here tonight. He's going to tell us.

Also tonight, in an effort to appease the BLM movement, the English department at Rutgers University is declaring basic grammar biased. Prestigious former Professor Carol Swain says that this is pure racism. She's going to expose it.

Also, Barack Obama and Joe Biden recreate entourage. Remember that old HBO series and a political loser is a resurrected by streaming service. Raymond Arroyo explains it all in a special edition of "Thursday Follies."

But first, "Portland today, America Tomorrow," that's the focus of tonight's "Angle." Over the last few days, Leftist radicals in Portland, many of them, Antifa and BLM supporters tried to burn down a federal courthouse with employees inside. They tried to rip down a Columbus statue in Chicago, throwing rocks and bottles at the police officers protecting it. 49 officers there were injured.

And in Seattle, just last night, nearly 150 - don't you love calling them peaceful protesters - smashed windows and set multiple fires to businesses, including the storefronts of the very companies that swore their allegiance to Black Lives Matter. Of course, Joe Biden doesn't talk about any of this. After all the people causing the destruction are all going to vote for him.

And to the extent the media, aka the Biden campaign, actually cover the violence at all, they blame it on you know whom.


SEN. RON WYDEN, D-ORE.: Crime in Portland, and across Oregon was down before Donald Trump sent in a secret police--

MAYOR BILL DE BLASIO, D-NEW YORK CITY: --the presence of those federal troops made things worse - as using for crowd control.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It's a disaster, the administration's own making.


INGRAHAM: Now, remember, all this followed weeks of kowtowing and emoting by corporations, universities, celebrities, professional sports teams. They painted slogans on pavement. They donated huge sums of money, and they promised more diversity. But the violence just worsened. And the list of demands just grew.

You see, that's how it is with the mob. Once companies start writing fat checks, the hard Left has them right where they want them, on their knees, fearful. Look at what they did to one of the most liberal mayors in America last night.


PROTESTER: Breathe it in, Ted. Breathe it the (bleep) in. Yes, probably should have brought goggles and a helmet.

PROTESTERS: Quit your job! Quit your job!


INGRAHAM: They treated that poor old Jacob Frey in Minneapolis the same way.


PROTESTER: Yes or no, will you commit to defunding Minneapolis Police Department?

MAYOR JACOB FREY (D-MN), MINNEAPOLIS: I do not support full abolition of the Minneapolis Police Department.

PROTESTER: All right, get the (bleep) out of here! You're wasting our time!

PROTESTERS: Go home Jacob go home! Go home Jacob go home!


INGRAHAM: And the brash new Bolsheviks, they surrounded the homes of Left Wing Mayor's like LaToya Cantrell of New Orleans and Muriel Bowser in DC. They're sending a message, well, to Republicans, yes, but really to Democrats across America. Don't mess with us. Don't get in our way or we'll get 1,000 people to show up in your neighborhood, in front of your house, or even get AOC to support your primary opponent.

The radicals are emboldened by these compliant and fearful Dems, and their ambitions go way beyond urban America. Of course, I know what you're thinking. You're saying, oh, Laura, this is limited to a few pockets of the country. It's not going to affect me in the suburbs. Rural Americans are safe, Laura, we have our Second Amendment rights. We're going to be OK.

Well, that's what the McCloskeys in St. Louis thought. But a corrupt Soros- backed city attorney figured out a way to make them out to be the bad guys in this situation, charging them with a felony and making an example out of them. If you try to defend your property, or your family from the violent mob we'll put you in jail.

Now right now, it's only Democrat Mayors and Governors who are giving aid and comfort to the rioters. But if Biden is elected, Antifa will consider it their victory and that means violence becomes an acceptable protest tactic and a staple of American life everywhere.

Biden's DHS and DOJ will stand by and let it happen, calling it a legitimate act of expression in a country that after all, is systemically racist. In a Biden administration the chaos, like ongoing lockdowns, will become trusted means of intimidation and control in every town and city across all 50 states. Holy hell we'll be unleashed from coast to coast.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: You kill black people all the (bleep) damn time. Every mother (bleep) day. Every (bleep) day!

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Shame! You are the shame of your family.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We're going to call it smile for Breonna Taylor. I'm genius, Smile!

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You're part of the (bleep) problem. And I hope to (bleep) that your children treat you the way you deserve to be treated.


INGRAHAM: Now, imagine how it will look when Biden's attorney general has appointed hundreds of lawyers and prosecutors whose sole focus will be to harass Americans who exercise their constitutional rights, the ones that don't agree with that movement in the streets.

Well, this week, Obama himself hinted that the same race obsessed radicals he had working for him the first time would be back in a Biden cabinet.


BARACK OBAMA, FORMER PRESIDENT: The thing I've got confidence in Joe is your heart and your character and the fact that you are going to be able to reassemble the kind of government that cares about people--


INGRAHAM: Reassemble. Well, that begs a question. Has anyone from Obamaland spoken out against the BLM and Antifa violence? Susan Rice? What about John Kerry? Samantha Power? Of course not.

Remember, what you're seeing on the streets, that leftward lurch of the Democrat Party, is their reaction against you, such as that they despise Trump, sure they do. But they despise you, your patriotism, your churchgoing, your Judeo-Christian values, your belief in personal responsibility and a work ethic, your big families, your SUVs, your guns, all of it. Because you represent the old America that they want to destroy root and branch.

When they say systemic racism, that means the system, the culture, it has to be taken down, it has to be eradicated and replaced by one that they create in an image of AOC and "The Squad", the party's true thought leaders.


REP. ALEXANDRIA OCASIO-CORTEZ, D-N.Y.: Yoho called me, and I quote, a (bleep) (bleep). It is a culture of lack of impunity of accepting a violence and violent language against women.

REP. RASHIDA TLAIB, D-MICH.: We're going to go in there and impeach the mother (bleep).

REP. ILHAN OMAR, D-MINN.: We could not stop at the criminal justice system. We must begin the work of dismantling the whole system of oppression wherever we find it.

REP. AYANNA PRESSLEY, D-MASS.: This is about true reparations. So, yes, I support the defund movement.


INGRAHAM: Remember, when they go after the Founders and Mount Rushmore, they're really going after you. If Biden wins in November, the Democrats and their rioter allies will turn their sights on you. You'll become the target for criminals, for radicals and the cancel culture. Many of you will be investigated, demonized, and even impoverished by a government indebted to the Far Left.

And the only thing standing between us and that scenario is the man they tried to destroy from the moment he announced his candidacy. So on Election Day, we're not voting to save Trump. He'll be fine no matter what happens. We're voting to save ourselves, our families, our kids, our churches, our schools, our whole way of life. That system that they want to destroy is our country and our home, and that's "The Angle."

Joining me now is Charlie Kirk, Founder of Turning Point USA and author of "The Maga Doctrine." And Chris Hahn, former aide to Senator Chuck Schumer, host of the "Aggressive Progressive" podcast.

Charlie let's start with you. Do people really think that Joe Biden will send help to these cities when the radicals try to take them over as they will continue to do no matter what happens in November?

CHARLIE KIRK, FOUNDER, TURNING POINT USA: Of course not. And what's so perplexing is how people forget that Joe Biden was Vice President of the United States, when Ferguson and Baltimore happened in our country. We saw the inner cities on fire and it just basically - actually, I remember the mayor of Baltimore saying that, we need to give the people space to be able to destroy. Remember that? Really ridiculous quote.

So Joe Biden has been in governance before, and no, he would not send aid at all. In fact, the BLM movement started under the Obama-Biden administration. And one of the thought here is that Joe Biden is the chaos candidate, whether it be how his administration fumbled Benghazi or Fast and Furious or IRS - the IRS scandal around it.

This idea that Joe Biden is going to be return to peace and normality. It's the exact opposite. You're going to have that band of radicals have unlimited power, and Joe Biden will basically just abdicate all of it to the AOC wing of the party. Imagine Mayor Lori Lightfoot, running the Department of Homeland Security. That's what you're going to get if Joe Biden gets elected President of United States.

INGRAHAM: Chris, why do you think we haven't heard much from some of the big names in the old Obama administration, as you've seen these federal buildings under attack, public property under attack? Why have we not heard anything from any of them?

CHRIS HAHN, FORMER AIDE TO SENATOR CHUCK SCHUMER: Well, you must know listening. Anybody who has been a leader in the Democratic Party opposes violence of any type in these protests. That doesn't mean that they oppose protests. In fact, people should protest if they feel their rights are endangered.

But what is shocking to me is how the Right Wing in this country, which has always been for states' rights and federalism, now want the President to send an invading force into cities. The President couldn't come up with a national strategy to fight COVID-19. He left that to the States. But you attack a statue or maybe there's some vandalism in a city, and he's going to send in jackbooted thugs to put out the fire? Give me a break. There is no consistency in the Right Wing argument.

INGRAHAM: Yes. Chris they tried to lock officials in a federal building and burn it down. And forgive me, but I haven't heard John Kerry, Susan Rice, Samantha Powers, any of the former Obama folks speaking out against that one fact - just one fact. Burn down a federal building--

HAHN: Of course, they have.

INGRAHAM: --with people inside. Where did they come. Quote them today.

HAHN: Course they have.


HAHN: Every Democrat - every major leading Democrat American--

INGRAHAM: It happened last night. When did it happen?

HAHN: --has spoken out against violence. Every Democrat in America ==

INGRAHAM: It's happening now.

HAHN: --has spoken out against violence and protests. They don't have a camera on them 24 hours a day.

INGRAHAM: They can tweet.

HAHN: But they have spoken out countlessly during this - during the last two months against violence in these protests, and that is a very small portion of this protest. These guys are gassing moms, beating veterans, they're despicable, what's going on--


INGRAHAM: Gassing moms? Are you still doing - are you still doing the moms routine with the mom protectors? We debunked that last night?

HAHN: They were there.

INGRAHAM: Charlie - yes, they were there because they wore a T-shirt. They're protected. OK, Charlie, on this - look, did the Republicans risk, Trump going in there, the whole situation exploding further and then Trump getting blamed if you don't - if you break it, and you don't fix it, you own it.

KIRK: It's a great question. I'm of the opinion that you have to do what is right. Not always necessarily if you think it's going to help you in the poll numbers, if you think the cities are going to burn.

And Chris, I think it's disgusting for you to call federal law enforcement officers jackbooted thugs, number one.

HAHN: They're not.

KIRK: Number two, how about your address Ilhan Omar - (CROSSTALK) how about you call Ilhan - let me finish. I let you say your nonsense. Let me say my facts. Ilhan Omar said we can always rebuild our communities, but we can't rebuild is the protest moment we have here.

How about the Massachusetts Attorney General who basically qualified and said that, well, I think that we need to - and I'm paraphrasing here - give space to the people to be able to destroy.

Chris, you're using some sort of revisionist history that the Democrats have been declarative, and they've been out front saying that there's something wrong with destroying. That is not true at all whatsoever. And President Trump is standing up heroically and bringing in federal law enforcement, because he cares about the cities--


KIRK: --in our country that the Democrats have destroyed. Your party owns the cities Chris. When was the last time Republican was a mayor (CROSSTALK) since 1932.

HAHN: If he cared about Chicago, Charlie--

KIRK: You own these cities and Trump is fixing that.

INGRAHAM: Hold on, hold on.


HAHN: --he could get real gun policy in America. If he cared about Chicago, Charlie, he would have real gun policy in America so that the streets of Chicago--

KIRK: They have the strictest gun laws in the country.


HAHN: --Indiana--

KIRK: I'm from the suburbs of Chicago. The strictest gun laws in the country.


HAHN: You are smart enough to know that even with that haircut. It is true that we see what's going on.

KIRK: Well, Chris, at least I have some hair. OK?

INGRAHAM: So guys, so guys. Here's the--

HAHN: I wish I had your hair. I'm jealous, trust me.

INGRAHAM: OK, guys--

KIRK: I know. I can tell.

INGRAHAM: --we don't have to devolve into hair comments at this point. We have serious things to talk about, although it is amusing. Chris, I want to play something that has become something of a normal talking point over at MSNBC.


JOHN HEILEMANN, MSNBC NATIONAL AFFAIRS ANALYST: Who's not looking at this with a state of alarm and concern and worried about is this President going to have to employ formally martial law at some point.

Is there anybody having watched Donald Trump for the last three and a half years who doesn't think that Donald Trump would try to employ martial law if he thought it was the only way he can stay in power.


INGRAHAM: Chris, this has been repeated by people like Eric Holder. He might be AG again for Biden, of course. Is that really where you guys want to go? I mean, you're up in the polls, but now you've gone back to martial law, really?

HAHN: I think that what he's doing right now is a test run for later in the election. Who knows what the President is capable of if he's losing an election? And quite frankly--


HAHN: --he is losing the election, and he's trying to make this as an issue because he thought he was going to run against Bernie Sanders and he doesn't have a plan to run against the moderate like Joe Biden, so he's making things up.


HAHN: He is creating crises around country--

INGRAHAM: When I think of Joe Biden, I think captive of the moderates right now, that's screaming moderate what's happening in this country. Charlie, Chris, thanks so much great to see you both.

A prominent black professor says a move that Rutgers University English department just made is racist, and it has to do with grammar, believe it or not. She'll tell us ahead. Plus, Dr. Scott Atlas, he's been making a lot of waves. He's here to respond to Dr. Fauci suggestion that COVID is "The perfect storm of all viruses." Stay there.



DR. ANTHONY FAUCI, DIRECTOR, NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF ALLERGY AND INFECTIOUS DISEASES: I don't see this disappearing the way SARS 1 did. I think we ultimately will get control of it. I don't really see us eradicating it.


INGRAHAM: Well, Fauci finally admitted yesterday what this show has been saying for months, we might never fully get rid of this virus. So to combat often on lockdowns, we need to find useful beneficial therapeutics, the ones that have been around for many years and any new ones. Tonight, we want to present you with another potential breakthrough.

An Israeli team and a group of researchers at New York's Mount Sinai Medical Center led by Dr. Benjamin tenOever, have discovered a 1970s drug may reduce COVID-19 symptoms to that of a common cold.

The cholesterol lowering drug for Fenofibrate is showing promising results after three months of research. Their study may also explain why certain groups are at higher risk when it comes to contracting a serious case of COVID.

Joining us now is one of the doctors behind this discovery. Dr. Benjamin tenOever. Doctor, we know there's a long way to go here, but are you fairly hopeful that there may be a path forward with this therapeutic?

DR. BENJAMIN TENOEVER, MOUNT SINAI MICROBIOLOGY: Well, thanks for having me. I certainly hope so. So the drug is called Fenofibrate. And you know, it looks really great. But it's really important to remember that we're still testing in cells and dishes. And, there are probably - there's a very large effort across the country to test the 20,000 FDA approved drugs in cells to see what stops this virus. And then there's probably about 25 or so that worked very well in cells.

That does not mean that it's going to work and people and that requires, further testing and a variety of different steps. And so Fenofibrate has passed that first test, but it's really important to keep in mind that, it has to still reach the necessary concentrations where the virus actually is replicating in your body.

INGRAHAM: Now, Fenofibrate, I finally got the pronunciation, right, doctor. Explain why it's working in in-vitro, what mechanism to the layman out there who are becoming more fascinated about the cellular structure here, why does it work? And what implications does that have for the way this virus could be treated going forward?

TENOEVER: Sure. So, so Fenofibrate actually blocked something called triglycerides, but really, it's about lipids or fats. And so your cells are made of fats and fat is an essential part of life. But this particular type of virus that SARS-CoV-2 is, really needs those fats for a variety of reasons, both to get into cells, to amplify itself once it's in cells, and even it attaches fat to even some components of the virus itself.

And so when fat content is very high, that's an environment where the virus is really going to thrive. And so in cell culture and cells in a petri dish, if you add something like Fenofibrate, you're really going to reduce the availability of those lipids or those fats, which really restricts the ability of the virus to replicate. And so that might actually be a viable strategy in people, but it has to be at the right concentrations and has to get to the right spot and that's not a foregone conclusion yet.

INGRAHAM: Yes. And in this have relevance to the fact that someday the doctors who've treated COVID patients point to comorbidities, a serious complicating factors such as diabetes, high BMI, other issues like that, is that related?

TENOEVER: Yes, probably. It's probably a little bit more complicated than that and that those comorbidities also impact your immune system and your capacity to deal with stresses like viruses. But certainly the high lipid content in the body will be reflected even at the cellular level, which, gives this virus the perfect opportunity to replicate fast and to spread.

INGRAHAM: Glycosylation - am I saying that right.

TENOEVER: Glycosylation.

INGRAHAM: All right. Thank you, doctor. I appreciate it very much. And at a virtual event yesterday, Dr. Anthony Fauci had another ominous warning.


FAUCI: It's the perfect storm we often talk about. Outbreaks and pandemics be the influenza or other pathogens that have to have a few characteristics that make them particularly formidable? Well, this particular virus has that.


INGRAHAM: Here now is Dr. Scott Atlas Hoover Institution, Senior Fellow; Former Chief of Neuroradiology at Stanford Medical Center. Dr. Atlas, would you call this virus the "Perfect Storm"? I mean, we've used a lot of adjectives, but every adjective every day seems to get worse and worse and worse. There's never any light at the end of the tunnel.

DR. SCOTT ATLAS, HOOVER INSTITUTION, SENIOR FELLOW: Hey, Laura, thanks for having me. Well, I prefer to look at this this way. Actually, I'm cautiously optimistic, because we actually know a lot now. We know the fatality rate is much lower, we know who to protect. we're doubling down on the protection of the high-risk group. We're doing better with patients in the hospitals.

I think we have to - we tell the American people here this is not out of control here. We are cautiously optimistic, because we see length of stays in hospital are only one third compared to April. Mortality of people entering the hospital is only one half. We're doing less people need an ICU, less people who are immunizing need a ventilator. We have better drugs now with a much better handling of how these patients should be treated. We have younger patients, lower risk, getting almost all the cases, not the high-risk people.

And so the strategy here that has been outlined by the briefings this week is very clear. We know that more relaxation is going to get more cases. By the way, you don't eradicate a virus by locking down. That's just a complete misconception. We go with socializing, we're going to get more cases. We need to protect the vulnerable, double down on that. We need to have -- make sure that hospitals are not overextended. And in fact, most hospitals are not. When you look at the data, which I do 100 times a day, even Texas, Florida, Arizona, I'm cautiously optimistic here because the trends are stable or even coming down.

Yes, there are certain hospitals that are isolated hospitals that are extended in capacity. That's going to be one of the rules of the federal government to make sure that they can handle the capacity. But there is absolutely no reason to panic here. We know what's going on here. This is not March or April. This is not some kind of black box of what's going on.

Moreover, I just want to go on to one thing, which is that there's a lot of great data coming out about immunity. And it's probably not known to the public, but there's a lot of data that shows people have immunity, even people that didn't get the infection. There's a reason why the original shift with no social distancing only 24 percent of people got infection. And that's probably due to this T cell immunity which is present and is now showing the last three years from papers from Sweden's Karolinska Institute and Singapore, they take blood from people from SARS One, and 17 years later, there is indication that that blood still has an immune response. So I think people should be much more optimistic here.

INGRAHAM: We've been talking about T cell to herd immunity on this show now for well over six weeks. And there is an enormous amount the administration could do, Scott, to test for T cell immunity, which would give people a lot more confidence, I think, about going on with their lives are not freaking out every time they leave the house, because there are some indications there could be as much as 30 percent in some communities already of that T cell immunity, which you just talked about. And I really think the FDA should move on that.

But the big news coming out of today's briefing, Scott, was the president canceling the Jacksonville portion of the RNC convention. And Jim Acosta over at CNN had a very interesting take on it.


JIM ACOSTA, CNN CHIEF WHITE HOUSE CORRESPONDENT: How is it that he is OK with canceling a convention in Jacksonville because of concerns with the coronavirus, but yet it's OK for him to push schools to reopen around the country?


INGRAHAM: Dr. Atlas, what is he talking about there?

ATLAS: Well, the schools is actually not even a controversial issue, in my view, because there are three basic things that are irrefutable here. Number one, it's irrefutable that children have extremely low risk from this disease, much less than seasonal flu. Number two, as the CDC outlined today and is now as clear as a bell, they are serious harms to children from closing schools. I think the president outlined this very well in the briefing. And number three, it's a national priority to educate our children. This is really just not even controversial.

To add icing on the cake, we can do it by protecting the few high-risk teachers. Most teachers are not in the high-risk age group, as I've outlined before. Half of them are under 41 and under 82 percent under 55. They are not usually high risk, but we can accommodate that in schools with social distancing, and if they are still afraid, they can use long distance learning. But long distance learning is a proven failure now.

And we also know, and the CDC acknowledged it in detail on their website today that children are not frequent spreaders of this infection. So there's really not a big risk here. In fact, the children are not at risk at all, and we absolutely must open the schools.

INGRAHAM: That has got to be an absolute imperative. Parents all over the D.C. area are completely distraught about all of the closures. It's just a heartbreak, and I think it's a form of child abuse personally. Doctor, thank you so much tonight, great to see you.

And coming up, the most cringeworthy moment from Obama and Biden's reunion. Plus, another ghost of administrations' past gets a new show. Raymond Arroyo is here, Thursday Follies next.


INGRAHAM: It's Thursday, and that means it is time for Thursday Follies. Wow. Joining us now with all the details on the extended Obama-Biden streaming combo is Raymond Arroyo, FOX News contributor. All right, Ray, we tease this last night. But the entire or special was released today. Now, it kind of had the appearance of a tired episode of "Entourage" or Oba- ntourage, or --




INGRAHAM: OK, I was really into that.

RAYMOND ARROYO, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: At times, Laura, this whole Biden conversation played more like an awkward job interview at King Barack's office. Watch this.


OBAMA: Tell me a little bit about how you are seeing the current economic crisis, and how you're thinking about the economy right now.

JOE BIDEN, D-PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: As president, there are three pieces that I see.



ARROYO: Now, Laura, this was a heavily edited affair, OK? But Obama did live up to its reputation. After watching the entire 15 minutes plus, I can attest there was absolutely no drama or humor, incidentally, at least not intentional. Obama made some observations about race while keeping the job interview theme going. Listen closely to Biden's response, and bear in mind, this is edited.


OBAMA: If you are on the phone applying for a job, send in your resume. If your name is John, you might get called back. If your name is Jamal you might not.

BIDEN: It is about to be able to accumulate wealth. Its' about being able to be in a position -- I have watched it my whole life working in the city. Black entrepreneurs are as successful as white entrepreneurs.


INGRAHAM: What? Of course, they are. I didn't even understand the Jamal thing. I don't know what he was saying. Is he saying that represented a black person versus, like no black person has the name John? I mean --

ARROYO: You heard Biden's repeats and the stumbles, and of course that sounded like the line that got him in trouble from last August, Laura.


BIDEN: Poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids.



ARROYO: It's unbelievable. It's unbelievable. So even edited they step on it and stumble and fall apart. Laura, they were socially distanced, OK. I think it was socially distant interview, OK? But they are 12 feet apart, one foot for every year Obama spent in public life, while he's talking to a guy who has been in public life for 50 years. And as it wore on, even Biden got bored listening to Obama.


OBAMA: The police are interacting, and oftentimes acting in ways that are racially biased. And after the George Floyd tragedy, what we have seen is this extraordinary mobilization across the country.



INGRAHAM: You know what I think?

ARROYO: Poor Biden is nodding off, Laura.

INGRAHAM: I thought you were going to get a close-up of Biden. It's like, where's the toothpick. But it's amazing about Obama. He can make one sentence that would normally take, I don't know, 12 seconds, and he can stretch that one sentence out for at least a minute. There are pauses --

ARROYO: I think it could backfire, though. It reminds people, it was this duo and their policies that created Donald Trump. And it was Benghazi and the economy and the meltdown of manufacturing in the U.S., that's what America sees when they watch these two guys interact very awkwardly in this constipated fashion. It's hard watching.

INGRAHAM: Before we go, tell us really quick about the new Hillary miniseries on Hulu?

ARROYO: The streaming service has greenlit a series called "Rodham." It's based on the novel by the same name. It's being billed as alternate reality series, Laura, where Hillary doesn't marry Bill but does win the presidency. You might call it "The Woman in the Low Castle," OK, or maybe "House of Pantsuits." I'm not sure.

INGRAHAM: Wait a second. The good news, though, is they can do an alternative reality follow-up called "The Man in the Bunker." Correct?

ARROYO: That's true. And Dr. Fauci threw that socially distant ball out today at the Nats game. Maybe he can be the man in the low dugout. So we'll just keep this thing going.

INGRAHAM: Was there a runner -- I have a question. Was there a runner on first there? Was he trying to throw him out on first?

ARROYO: It was unbelievable, Laura. Not a person in the stands.

INGRAHAM: Move over a 50 Cent. You have a worse pitch than 50 Cent's first pitch. Man, I want to throw out the first pitch so bad.

ARROYO: You, next year.

INGRAHAM: Yes, no problem. Raymond, great to see you tonight.

My next guest says in an attempt to appease the Black Lives Matter movement, Rutgers University has actually institutionalized racism through grammar? Former professor Carol Swain is going to tell us in moments.



GEORGE W. BUSH, FORMER PRESIDENT: Instead of separate but equal, there is separate and forgotten.

I will confront another form of bias -- the soft bigotry of low expectations.

No child in America should be segregated by low expectations, imprisoned by illiteracy, abandoned to frustration and the darkness of self-doubt.


INGRAHAM: Now, unfortunately, we are seeing that so-called soft bigotry at Rutgers University. The New Jersey college recently announced it will now deemphasize the use of traditional grammar in its attempt to stand in solidarity with the Black Lives Matter. The university claims that this will empower students and equip them to push against biases based on written accents. Is that so?

Joining me now is Dr. Carol Swain author and former professor at Princeton and Vanderbilt universities. Carol, I am speechless. It takes a lot to get me to be speechless, but they are basically telling students of color that, I guess, they cannot grasp the language, or that the language itself is somehow racist?

DR. CAROL SWAIN, FORMER VANDERBILT UNIVERSITY PROFESSOR: Laura, it's even worse than that because it is Black Lives Matter, and black people who claim to be activists that are really pushing for lower standards for black students. And if you think about critical race theory, the assumption is that if you're white, you're privileged, and that racism is permanent, that whites have to divest themselves of whiteness. But behind all of that is white superiority that black people are pushing.

And so what they are saying is that black people can't learn the same way as other groups, so they have to have this special treatment. And when I went to college, I started in the 70s, I was in graduate school in the 1980s, we were given an equal opportunity. We were admitted to colleges and universities, and we had to do the work. And you had to qualify. You got an opportunity to be there, but once you were there, you had to meet the same standards as everyone else. It was either sink or drown or whatever the expression is, but you had to do the work.

And so to me, it's so demeaning that these black young people today who are more privileged, that have not really had to go through any real systemic racism, they are complaining the loudest, and they are getting cheated out of a quality education.

INGRAHAM: Unless you think this is some line of thinking, Dr. Swain, that it's confined to one college, this is what an ASU professor said just last year.


DR. ASAO INOUE: Even if we are a person of color, we are still a part of that machine, that white supremacist machine. And we likely got there because we were able to mimic enough of those languaging practices to be able to proceed, to succeed. It doesn't make it right.


INGRAHAM: "Languaging practices," OK. Carol?

SWAIN: I can tell you that starting with the election of President Obama, we saw the racism on campus increase, but the racism was taking a new form. And I would say that when they talk about antiracism, that what they are really doing is promoting racism. They're promoting racism against white students, students that they deem as privileged because they came from two parent families. But they also -- the racism that comes from lowered standards, those black young people that they are not required to learn standard English are not going to be prepared to function the way they should in our society. No wonder they're angry. No wonder they're trying to burn down everything.

INGRAHAM: Dr. Swain, it's always wonderful to see you. Come back soon, please.

SWAIN: Thank you.

INGRAHAM: And Portland was the scene of one of the most disturbing videos I've ever seen. I wish it was an exaggeration, but it's not. I'll share it next.


INGRAHAM: If you thought the scenes of rioting in Portland were really dispiriting, you haven't seen this video.







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