Dr. Ramin Oskoui on hopes for potential COVID-19 vaccine

This is a rush transcript from "The Ingraham Angle," July 22, 2020. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated. 

LAURA INGRAHAM, HOST: I'm Laura Ingraham. This is "The Ingraham Angle" from Washington tonight. The administration orders up a million doses of a potential vaccine. What you need to know about the promise and the pitfalls, and CNN's bizarre anti-hydroxy obsession called out by one of the nation's top epidemiologist. Dr. Harvey Risch is back tonight to respond.

Also, the Wall of Moms in Portland; doesn't it sound so sweet? Almost nurturing, but what's the truth behind the media's newest heroines? Mollie Hemingway and Lara Logan reveal.

And Biden and Obama are reunited, oh, and it felt so good. You know the song. Well, we're going to tell you why it's necessary. Raymond Arroyo brings us revelations in Seen and Unseen.

But first, Joe's care package. That's the focus of tonight's Angle.

Tonight, we're about 15 weeks out from the 2020 election, if you can believe it. And the last few days have revealed the candidates' starkly different approaches to leadership. Now, each one has tried to improve his standing on the economy and/or COVID.

Now, when Biden though emerges from his comfy basement, he often is just shuffling upstairs to a camera near his French doors with a bucolic scene framing the shot. Yesterday, he tried to show us that he'd be more hands-on regarding the pandemic, offering never before heard solutions like appoint a commanding COVID officer or he'd help small businesses.

Oh wait, didn't Trump already do that? Try again, Joe. Well, of course we know, regardless of what he says, the only big thing that poor old Joe would do differently are the lockdowns. In other words, he would mandate a national shelter in place order, which of course would push us toward a socialist cliff and over time, it would end up killing more people than it would save. But of course, he had to start his attempt at relevancy with a shot at the Trump economy.


JOE BIDEN, D-PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: This man simply doesn't understand. You can't deal with our economic crisis without serving and saving and solving the public health crisis. For all his bluster, about his expertise on the economy, he is unable to explain how he will actually help working families hit the hardest.


INGRAHAM: I mean, that's laughable. Trump's retort to this is so easy. He kept the economy afloat by signing an unprecedented relief package and his resistance to permanent lockdowns actually helped the economy rebound faster than any of the so-called experts could ever have imagined.


PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: We want to go back to work as opposed to be sort of forced into a position where they're making more money than they expected to make, and the employers are having a hard time getting them back to work. We were very generous with them. I think that it's been a tremendously successful program. We're in a pandemic and yet we're producing tremendous number of jobs. That was something that nobody thought possible.


INGRAHAM: He's right about that. And beyond the generous checks, and to American workers, more generous than I might have liked, but we are already seeing a recovery; 4.8 million jobs added in June after 2.7 million added in May. So could a Biden economy ever approach that in the middle of a pandemic? Of course not. Because, with no credible plan to create jobs, Biden could only use the Empathizer in Chief approach, while trash-talking school reopening plans.


BIDEN: If you had to put your career on hold indefinitely or senior hours cut or your job lost, the confusion over school reopening only makes things worse.


INGRAHAM: The confusion over school reopenings? The President has been incredibly consistent on this.


TRUMP: I think they should open the schools, absolutely. I don't consider our country coming back if the schools are closed.

Open up our schools, open them up.

Data shows children have the lowest fatality risk.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: And your son and your grandchildren. Are you comfortable? Do you plan to have them back in person in school this way?

TRUMP: Yes, I'm comfortable with that.


INGRAHAM: But Joe Biden's points on this are all union talking points. Basically, Biden wants to unionize childcare and home health care workers. He wants to give the teachers unions a big basically stay-at-home vacation, keep all the kids at home. And with the health care workers and the other workers getting unionized, who gets to foot that bill?


BIDEN: And how are we going to pay for is by rolling back unproductive tax cuts, while ensuring high income earners pay their tax bills. We invest that. That would add up to $775 billion over 10 years.


INGRAHAM: Oh that's a lot of unproductive tax cuts, isn't it? And of course by investment, Joe Biden means spending. There's no such thing as a free lunch or free elder care or free childcare, as nice as that sounds.

You'll be billed for the cash with crushing new taxes, while he and his cronies create a new government funded series of unions, all captive to the Democrat Party. But don't worry about all the details. After all, Joe doesn't have to because the press is essentially acting as his campaign comms team. Now, while The President himself, he faces these types of inquiries.  (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP)

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Do you plan to do a national strategy to help us schools reopen and reopen safety?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Do you want the American people to judge you on the ballot in November by how you handled this pandemic?  UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Three Governors today came out with new orders on mask requirements. Is that something you wish all the Governors would do?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Americans are dying. Are you responsible for that?


INGRAHAM: OK, nice people. By contrast, this was Biden's Q&A session yesterday.


BIDEN: Thank you for listening. I look forward to having your questions at another time, but I'm off to another event. Thank you Senator.



INGRAHAM: I mean, they don't even bother shouting questions anymore. He just shuffles off, dodders off the stage; "Bye Joe". Now time and again, he devolves into bromides, Biden does, with all the originality of a Hallmark card.


BIDEN: President is supposed to care, to lead, to take responsibility, to never give up. That's what Presidents are supposed to do.


INGRAHAM: It's like one of those corporate posters. While empathy is nice, don't be fooled by the aw-shucks stuff that he's selling. This is all part of a carefully orchestrated masquerade. "Look at Joe! He's such a sweet old man and he really cares about us."


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: This is Joe Biden's empathy which people believe is a real selling point.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We know Biden has empathy but this time around, he connected policy and empathy.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: He understands that empathy is a huge part of his job.

JOY REID, CORRESPONDENT, MSNBC: Would you come back?  BIDEN: I'd be happy to come back. By the way, we were thinking of you as Vice-President, but then you took this job.


So, what can we do?


INGRAHAM: You know he wanted to just lean in for that shoulder rub, but he got confused he was on satellite. Now, this is the kindly face of an administration that's going to ram through crushing regulations, speech codes, new taxes, reparations and radicalism at every turn.

Meanwhile, Biden refuses to subject himself to difficult interviews, either because he is incapable of answering tough questions, cognitive decline, or he is afraid that maybe he will reveal the truth that to survive in his party, he has become little more than a puppet of the radical left and BLM.

It's a movement that believes the founders were evil, capitalism is evil, the constitution is evil, most Americans are racists, and that's evil; you get my drift. But we are supposed to believe that the only guy is sweet, old Joe Biden who can save us.

Are we supposed to believe now that Obama, he wasn't as talented as Joe is now? I mean they were together for eight years. Well, so Barack Obama wasn't really authentic, couldn't get the job done? The most telling moment over the last few days was when Biden invoked his dad.


BIDEN: He used to have a saying. He said, Joey, I don't expect the government to solve my problems, but I sure as hell expect them to understand my problems.


INGRAHAM: Well, that's complete nonsense. The government's job is to allow you the freedom to solve your own problems and make your own way. Government doesn't understand anything. It's not a person. We have to see the gauzy Biden sympathy routine for what it is. Just because someone claims to care, it doesn't mean they can make our lives better or strengthen our nation. Jimmy Carter cared. Look where that got us.

Time and again, we see Biden wear compassion as fashion, but the I-care- stuff is just a veneer to distract from how far left that he's had to move on almost every major issue facing America. And he is even trying to perfect the squad's racial smears.


BIDEN: No sitting President has ever done this, never, never, never. No Republican President has done this. No Democratic President. We have had racists and they have existed and they have tried to get elected President. He's the first one that has.


INGRAHAM: Number one, that's disgusting. Number two, it's false and defamatory. Trump shouldn't tolerate this and he should continue to appeal the black voters about the outright lies they are being told in order to hold them back. And number three, it's all very ironic, given Biden's own checkered history on racial rhetoric and his abysmal policy failures. President Trump's slapped back today.


TRUMP: We passed Criminal Justice Reform, something that Obama and Biden were unable to do. We did opportunity cities. We had the best African American, Hispanic American, Asian American, almost every group was the best for unemployment.


INGRAHAM: That's what I call caring, results. And you know what real compassion looks like? Offering crime fighting assistance to the most crime ravaged communities in America, where law abiding Americans, many of them black, suffer due to unprosecuted drug and gang violence.


TRUMP: Today I'm announcing a surge of federal law enforcement into American communities plagued by violent crime.

CHARRON POWELL, MOTHER OF LEGEND TALIFERRO: Operation Legend is not to harass. It's not to harm or to hurt. It is to help investigate unsolved murders, in which one of those happens to be our innocent four year-old son. We have to take a stand in our communities and speak up to help this operation.


INGRAHAM: Everyone should watch that Operation Legend event today. I'll tweet it out later. You'll be better for watching it. Biden is engaged in a high stakes shell game, stoke enough fear in the public about the virus or racism and maybe no one will notice that he's a doddering fool who can't control the mob on the streets or the mob in his own party. This is one care package that will blow up our future if we let it, and that's THE ANGLE.

Joining me now is Dr. Ramin Oskoui, CEO of Foxhall Cardiology. We're going to move on a lot of different topics today beyond politics. The big news was the announcement, Dr. Oskoui, that the administration is ordering up to 100 million doses of potential vaccines from Pfizer. That's hopeful news for sure, but any reservations about the speed of it?

DR. RAMIN OSKOUI, CEO, FOXHALL CARDIOLOGY: Well, we've skipped a number of trial steps that we often take with vaccines, a number of the animal trials. They're hoping to have this vaccine available by January. Certainly, that's what the contract says.

But this is a new viral platform, the mRNA vaccine platform. And we're not even sure it's going to work, especially since it's not geared to go after innate immunity. It's simply an antibody response.

INGRAHAM: Dr. Birx talked about the antibody aspect of all of this today on Special Report, watch.


DR. DEBORAH BIRX, CORONAVIRUS RESPONSE COORDINATOR, WHITE HOUSE: The majority of people around the world, once they're infected, they amount an immune response both what we call the antibody response and the cellular response. It's the roadmap for vaccine development. That's the roadmap for monoclonal antibodies for therapeutics. And I think that's what's so encouraging about this virus and our ability to clear it.


INGRAHAM: Dr. Oskoui, does this paint a different picture than what the media has been saying? And does that take into account the issue of T-cell immunity that you and I, and so many others in the medical cabinet that we put together, have been referring to?

OSKOUI: I think it does. And this has important implications for vaccine development. Vaccines like the AstraZeneca that appear to assist T-cell immunity as well as antibody B-cell immunity are probably likely to be a bit more successful than ones that strictly stimulate antibody immunity. So the short answer is, it has huge implications for vaccine development, but also I think our general understanding of herd immunity and how this virus is going to work itself through and how it's been so deadly.

INGRAHAM: Dr. Oskoui, an important response from the CDC Director earlier today when he was asked this question.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Would you be comfortable with your school-aged grandchildren going back to school in the fall?

DR. ROBERT REDFIELD, DIRECTOR, CDC: Absolutely. Absolutely.


INGRAHAM: This is just a purely political calculation these schools are making across the country. Scientific research about kids in school, 2006 Hong Kong's study about the SARS outbreak warned about the adverse psychosocial impact on children. So why is this pro-science party ignoring the science, Dr. Oskoui?  OSKOUI: You know that's a good question. We locked down this country and never thought of the ramifications in terms of undiagnosed cancers and other issues and the effect on the economy. I think the same thing is true for not having in-person schooling. It's critical that these kids go to school five days a week. They're at low risk and without it, there are going to be clearly, and we have seen this scientifically shown with the SARS epidemic, clearly implications for severe social distancing of children and not having in-person schools.  INGRAHAM: Dr. Oskoui, as always, we really appreciate your insight tonight.

OSKOUI: Thank you.

INGRAHAM: And I want to move now to this exchange that made a lot of waves on CNN between the Trump Campaign's Communications Director Tim Murtaugh and CNN host, Brianna Keilar. Watch.


TIM MURTAUGH, DIRECTOR, TRUMP CAMPAIGN COMMUNICATIONS: Do you remember the hydroxychloroquine fiasco where the entirety of the media was dead set against anyone ever talking about this simply because The President expressed optimism?


BRIANNA KEILAR, HOST, CNN: That's not right because it kills people. We are doing a real disservice to Americans. I just want to be clear to everyone out there. We've talked to a number of doctors and experts, including federal experts. This is not something that you want to be playing with. Alright. Studies have been canceled because this stuff is so dangerous. We are done with this conversation.


INGRAHAM: Joining me now is an epidemiologist, Dr. Harvey Risch, Professor of Epidemiology at Yale School of Public Health. Dr. Risch, who is really doing the disservice to the American people? Doctors with decades of experience like yourself or the treating physicians on COVID, or CNN hosts who think that hydroxy is so dangerous that we shouldn't even talk about it?

DR. HARVEY RISCH, PROFESSOR OF EPIDEMIOLOGY, YALE SCHOOL OF PUBLIC HEALTH: Good evening, Laura. That's a little funny that we shouldn't talk about anything. This is a drug that's been used for 65-plus years in billions of doses around the world that people take without even thinking about it. And suddenly it's become dangerous; that's ludicrous.

INGRAHAM: The idea that has been floated by yours truly and a few others of giving hydroxychloroquine to those essential workers who want it before they go back to work and a prophylactic dose Dr. Risch, we have some favorable studies on prophylactic use of the drug. What about that? To give people a peace of mind, and where is the FDA on revoking its emergency warning about hydroxy?

RISCH: So those are two questions. The first one, there is evidence to show that prophylactic use is at lower doses than treating doses are still beneficial. It's not as strong as the evidence for successful treatment with the drug but still there is evidence for that. One shouldn't be overly confident by taking prophylactic doses that you won't get it, it's still possible, but there is still the possibility of treatments regardless.

As to the FDA, I'm hoping that the FDA will in fact change its mind. It will re-evaluate all the evidence that it has and update the evidence and see that there is room for changing its position.

INGRAHAM: Now, it's just amazing that we have CNN anchors out there proclaiming on this drug as if they reviewed all the peer-reviewed studies on this. It does such a disservice to people and this has been going on for months and I haven't dropped it because I actually know the science on this, I think pretty well at this point. Dr. Risch, this is what Dr. Fauci said today about the end of the pandemic.

(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP)  DR. ANTHONY FAUCI, CORONAVIRUS TASK FORCE MEMBER, WHITE HOUSE: I don't see this disappearing the way SARS1 did. The reason I say that is that it is so efficient in its ability to transmit from human to human, that I think we ultimately will get control of it. I don't really see us eradicating it.


INGRAHAM: Dr. Risch, your reaction to that, is this why therapeutics are so much more important in the short term?

RISCH: Well, in the short term, yes. I think that it's hard to predict its ultimate sequence - events, but it's possible that it may circulate like influenza where it's seasonal, eventually that it's better in the Southern hemisphere in our winter - in our summer and comes back in our winter. It's hard to know. And I think that once we have a handle on treatment, then it won't matter so much because the treatment is so very effective.

INGRAHAM: Dr. Risch, thank you as always. Great to see you tonight.

RISCH: Pleasure.

INGRAHAM: And a new media hero has emerged from the smoking rubble of the Pacific Northwest, the Portland Moms. Oh yes. The media loves these folks but wait until you see what we caught them on tape doing. Mollie Hemingway, Lara Logan reacts as I put back my earring on in moments.



REP. EARL BLUMENAUER, D-ORE.: Portland, Oregon is not out of control but there are some people who have strong feelings.

REP. SUZANNE BONAMICI, D-ORE.: They are not welcome to bring these federal officials into our community because they are making things worse and they are hurting people.  TED WHEELER, MAYOR AND POLICE COMMISSIONER, PORTLAND: Their presence here is actually leading to more violence and more vandalism. They are not wanted here.


INGRAHAM: It isn't just local officials who are working overtime to downplay the lawlessness and violence plaguing the streets of Portland. The media, well they are joining in and they have a new group of heroes.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: They're calling themselves the Wall of Moms.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: These are the moms that have come out to support this cause.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: A group of moms who've come out there to kind of protect these people.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Dozens of women having formed themselves into a human shield to try to protect the crowd from the federal agents. Moms are here, "leave our kids alone."


INGRAHAM: This is like (inaudible) unbelievable propaganda. As you see in this video, that same Wall of Moms were part of a group actually seen trying to kick their way into the Federal Courthouse. Joining me now, Lara Logan, host of Lara Logan Has No Agenda on Fox Nation and Mollie Hemingway, Senior Editor at The Federalist, Fox News contributor. Mollie, the Portland moms, OK. This, this really took the cake. It's kind of a microcosm of the media's coverage from Portland and other cities; pay no attention. Everything's peaceful, happy, and even homespun.

MOLLIE HEMINGWAY, SENIOR EDITOR, THE FEDERALIST: Well, you see the way that the protesters will say when they see someone filming them to put their cameras down. They don't want the violence to be shown to people. And that's understandable because they know the violence is at odds with their own agenda. That you see so many other people like in the media going along with that is very disturbing.

And likewise, this approach of taking your most sympathetic members and putting them as the face of what's going on, this is very common tactic in paramilitary organizations to do that, hide your weaponry in schools or hospitals and whatnot. But again to see the media going along with that and doing these puff pieces is very disturbing.

INGRAHAM: Now, Lara, I want to play for you, one BLM protester was caught on tape actually saying; watch.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Hi everyone. As many of you know, my name is Lilith Sinclair. I am an Afro-Indigenous non-binary local organizer here at Portland, organizing for the abolition of not just the militarized police state but also the United States as we know it.


INGRAHAM: This is the goal of more of these folks and the media of course, whatever let on. Is that not the case, Lara?

LARA LOGAN, HOST, FOX NATION: Well, you know, Laura, I take their word for it, right? Because this woman is not the only one to say that. They say it every single day, all over the internet on thousands of sites. They also have sprayed it all over the walls of the cities where there have been riots, all Democrat controlled cities, by the way. And I say that because it's very significant that these riots are taking place in areas that are where the Democrats can control the messaging.

Why? Because when you bring in federal agents, you upset all of that. Now, you don't just have local district attorneys. You're bringing in Assistant U.S. attorneys are coming with those federal agents. The people on the ground who are committing crimes, they can't just be released from prison because now they're being charged with federal crimes. They're facing much more significant charges and longer sentences, and it's also showing how effective local law enforcement and federal law enforcement can be when working together.

All of which is outside the control of city officials who --I've been talking to people on the ground in some of these places. And they're just saying that they're tired of being ignored, that there's a group of radicals and a small group who have taken over the city councils, who've taken over the messaging and who are out there on the streets. And they don't represent everyone in these cities.

It's not true that everyone in Portland feels this way. But the media isn't even talking to these people and what you're talking about with the moms, this is why I love Mollie, right? Because she's so right. These are deception tactics. They're being used. This is an information war. And they have been trying to say that federal authorities are being misused or overused, painting The President in their strategic messaging as some kind of dictator. And that's because they don't want this tactic being used because it's effective.

INGRAHAM: Yes. Let me jump on what you just said there because the rioters are portrayed as the new freedom writers. They're not writers; they're freedom writers. And then the police, any law enforcement, especially federal law enforcement are being demonized including by Joy Reid. Watch.


REID: He's using that Trumped up charge to justify what in any other country, particularly authoritarian one, would be called the secret police.

Need to have his secret police.

There's a secret police aspect of it.

These federal secret police.

The deploying of secret police.

It's a secret police sort to vibe.

Using his own secret police.


INGRAHAM: The former attorney general there, that's just embarrassing. Mollie, secret police that happen to have clearly marked uniforms that are protecting federal property. Boy, the tables are turned here.

MOLLIE HEMINGWAY, SENIOR EDITOR, "THE FEDERALIST": It's not just that they are clearly marked as police or that they have identifying badges on them. But also, when people are attacking federal courthouses, that is a federal concern. When they are going after federal personnel as they did the Lafayette Park in Washington, D.C., that's a federal concern. And there is actually an obligation to restore law and order. The entire country benefits from how cases are handled at the Mark O. Hatfield Courthouse in downtown Portland, not just the few citizens of Portland.

And so even if the Portland mayor wants to allow mobs to control his city, it still is of concern to the rest of the country. And ideally, cities would be handling these issues better on their own and there would be no need for any federal law enforcement agents to have to risk their lives because the mob has gotten out of control. But when cities don't handle their own business and states don't handle their own business, there is a role for the federal government to play, and in fact, not just a role, but an obligation.

INGRAHAM: Lara, I was going to play something else from MSNBC.

LARA LOGAN, FOX NATION HOST: And Laura, can I get in there?

INGRAHAM: Yes, go ahead.

LOGAN: I just want to jump in there and say something, because I was on the border with BORTAC and BORSTAR, I was out with these forces. These are highly trained forces. They know exactly what they are doing. They are special operations level inside the Border Patrol. When they're deployed like this, they have markings. They have "Police" on the front of their vests, they have it on the back. On both of their arms they have both the Border Patrol patches and the BORTAC patches.

And just because local officials and journalists and idiots on the streets there who are rioting, they can't look up what that patch means and they don't know who these people are, doesn't mean that they haven't been identified. And it's very significant that people are lying about this. That is just astonishing to me.

INGRAHAM: They know exactly what they're doing. They're not mistaking it. They know it's a lie. That's the real problem here. And by the way, we found out yesterday that at least one of the injured officers may not recover the sight in his eyes because he was hit repeatedly. So the real ramifications, physical safety, physical health and well-being, on top of all of the demonization that's going on here. Ladies, phenomenal analysis, as always. Thank you so much.

And coming up, the boys are back in town. Obama, Biden together again. We're going to explain why.

And a political loser is being resurrected in a new streaming series? Answers, and Biden's blunders, Raymond Arroyo has it all, "Seen and Unseen" next.


INGRAHAM: Welcome to our "Seen and Unseen" segment where we expose the stories behind the headlines. A big political reunion was hyped today. For details we're joined by Raymond Arroyo, FOX News contributor.

Raymond, Biden and Obama are reuniting, and it feels so good. What is this?

RAYMOND ARROYO, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: Well, the Biden campaign, Laura, released a trailer to promote the forthcoming conversation between the political team. It's staged to look like a Netflix special, Laura. They exit from their cars with entourages. They synchronize their elevator exits. Obama even does his trademark bow. And their conversation is played like a streaming event. In a released clip, Obama reveals more than perhaps he intended. Watch.


BARACK OBAMA, FORMER U.S. PRESIDENT: You are going to be able to reassemble the kind of government that cares about people and brings people together.


ARROYO: Reassemble the old Obama team, Laura. Susan Rice, Eric Holder, John Kerry, they're all coming back, you know it.

INGRAHAM: They're clearly trotting out Obama because Biden is in trouble, and Obama is the biggest fundraiser the Democrats have. There is no enthusiasm for Biden.

ARROYO: No. And it also may have something to do with his poll numbers among black voters. Hillary won 89 percent of the black vote, Laura. According to the latest Zogby poll, only 77 percent of black voters support Biden right now. So he needs Obama to make up that difference and more.

Also, the Obama/Biden meet up may be a smokescreen, Laura, to hide the fact that today it was revealed the Biden and Sanders camps have submitted proposals to update the Democratic Party platform. They want to decrease spending on national defense, emphasize police brutality and climate change, propose an end to forever wars -- I thought Trump did that -- and a national proposal to study slave reparations. If that was your agenda, you'd be sitting across from Obama too, Laura.

INGRAHAM: First of all, why didn't Obama get all this done in eight years? Was he inadequate? Was he in authentic? So are we supposed to believe that Biden is a smarter political operator then Obama was for eight years, or that Biden was hiding all the solutions from Obama for eight years? He just had the solutions but he was hiding them from him?

ARROYO: Well, the visual evidence tells a different story. Biden held a virtual event today with union health care workers, Laura, including a nurse with whom he shared his personal health story.


JOE BIDEN, D-PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: I've been a significant recipient of care. I was hospitalized for a while long time with an aneurysm.

What kind of questions did they ask?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: They asked how long was this be going on, when are we going to be able to see our families, when is he going to open up the economy?

BIDEN: Do you have any mental health workers at the facility that are able to, we you need that extra help with the patients?


ARROYO: For a moment, Laura, I thought he was going to ask Nurse Ann Ryan to find him a bed in her unit. Did you notice she said her patients are hoping Trump will open up the economy? That was probably unrehearsed and unexpected.

INGRAHAM: What was that sound? It almost sounded like a coffin was opening at the beginning of the segment.


INGRAHAM: I thought someone was coming into the studio here for a moment. What the heck was that?

ARROYO: I don't know.

INGRAHAM: There were a lot of Biden gaffes, technical and otherwise.

ARROYO: Yes, there were.


BIDEN: I'm confused who I'm talking to here, but anyway, whoever it is.

Nurses at Walter Reed hospital who would bend down and whisper in my ear, go home and get me pillows. They'd actually breathe in my nostrils to make me move, to get me moving.



ARROYO: My Lord, Laura. You can see why a grand total of 26 people watched this event. That was the high point. And incidentally, two of those viewers were myself and one of your producers. That shows you the great groundswell for this event.

INGRAHAM: Wait a second, I'm still trying to get over the nurse was breathing into his nostrils?

ARROYO: Breathing into his nostrils. This is very odd.

INGRAHAM: It's like God breathing into Adam, breathe life into him. What was that?

By the way, the comments from nurses who watched that clip, I think Tom Elliott tweeted out, the nurses, I have been nursing for 40 years, I've never breathed into someone's nostrils. What was that? I don't understand that one.

ARROYO: Laura, these dry bones could use a little holy spirit power. So we'll be looking for that next. And we're going to rollover. We'll do this special Hulu series when I next join you.

INGRAHAM: OK, Raymond, thanks so much.

And coming up, we're seeing an alarming trend of China apologists among the most powerful politicians and so-called experts in the U.S. I'm going to call them out and name names in moments. Plus, a U.S. college kicked a Chinese-American students off campus because he commemorated the Tiananmen Square massacre. That student is here next.


INGRAHAM: Something I said for almost 20 years on radio is now finally becoming a consensus view. A lot of this is because of Donald Trump. China and the CCP represent the greatest geopolitical threat to this nation. Our leaders know this, or at least they should. Yet we see example after example of politicians, finance execs, and foreign relations experts acting as surrogates basically for the CCP.

Now, take the issue of the coronavirus. The global pandemic spread like wildfire because China refused to sound the alarm, choosing instead to cover up its failures. Now despite this undeniable truth, the speaker of the House is looking to score cheap political points.


REP. NANCY PELOSI, D-CALIF., HOUSE SPEAKER: A good deal of what we have suffered is clearly the Trump virus.


INGRAHAM: The CCP thanks you for that propaganda, Madam Speaker. You're hired.

Her caucus, of course, take their cues from their own dear leader. Here is Congressman Adam Smith of Washington.


REP. ADAM SMITH, D-WA.: It's not actually their job to warn the American people. It's the president's job to warn the American people.


INGRAHAM: To be clear, the Democrat speaker of the House and the Democrat chairman of the Armed Services Committee think it's OK for China to hide information from us. We still haven't gotten all the facts from China that led to the deaths of tens of thousands of Americans. They're going to look the other way as long as they can try to ultimately hurt Donald Trump in an election year. Got it. Nice.

While our elected leaders sell us out on China, some of the sages in the international relations community want us to now work more closely with the Chinese communists.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We can't blame China for our own mistakes, for our own policies which have often been inadequate. The United States should not be against China's rise. It should be the goal diplomatically to maintain or preserve or even create areas of cooperation.


INGRAHAM: What do you think the trade deal was, Richard? I should note that commentary from Mr. Haass was made on CGTM, a network funded by the Chinese government.

Meanwhile, the Trump administration was busy busting the CCP for a massive spying ring right here on U.S. soil at the China Houston consulate. Just hours after the State Department ordered that consulate to close down, employees there began burning paperwork in an obvious attempt to hide their efforts.

So how do those apologists for China feel now? Remember their names. Remember the words of appeasement toward our greatest foe.

And it's not just the leftist politicians, but our university system that's seemingly bowing down to the communist regime. My next guest, a rising senior at Fordham University, claims he is banned now from campus over this Instagram post commemorating the horrific Tiananmen Square massacre. Documents Tong provided to "The Ingraham Angle" reveal Fordham claims the posts violated university policy not to threaten or intimidate.

Austin Tong joins me now. Austin, the gun is legally owned and you were merely appreciating the Chinese democratic movement. So why would a U.S. university have an issue with this?

AUSTIN TONG, FORDHAM UNIVERSITY STUDENT: Hi, Laura. So I think that they would have an issue with anything they disagree with, and they want to silence any voice they don't like. And that is really what happened. And they silenced me because they don't like what I said. And I will not back down to that.

INGRAHAM: Austin, you wouldn't be able to say, of course, what you are saying now in China, but I bet you didn't think after coming to the United States and living here, your family, that the long arm of China would reach into the United States with all these kids and scholars from China who have studied here for years and years, and the university is protecting the right to be here and stay here, many of them handpicked by the CCP. But they slap you down and actually ban you from campus?

TONG: Supposedly, we have the First Amendment here. We have the Constitution, but that's not what Fordham University thinks. That's not what the bad people, as I call them, the bad people think. And that's why we have to fight back.

Look, I'm not going to say sorry. I'm not going to back down. This is not just my case. They took my life away, OK? They put my future into a very bad place. And that's I'm going to bet all my future into this. We'll be fighting hard. I'm going to be suing them very soon. And we're going to be fighting for people across the country. People from across the country came to me, OK, friends and family. We have the NRA, students, the campus reform, media and Instagrammers, we are forming a new movement against this, because no more can we be silenced by the institutions that overpower us. We will let them know there is consequence to this.

INGRAHAM: The Justice Department needs to get involved, frankly. These are civil rights that are being summarily -- students being deprived of their civil rights, their free speech. Fordham said that you violated its policy on bias. But listen to an associate professor there, Christina Greer.


CHRISTINA GREER, FORDHAM UNIVERSITY PROFESSOR: Donald Trump has been abysmal for American democracy and is actually poisoning a lot of the soil in America. He's a few months away from just screaming white power. And so he continues with more white nationalist, more white supremacist message day by day.


INGRAHAM: So I guess, Austin, you can violate their policy, but professors can't?

TONG: I think she just said to you that Mr. Trump, after one year, he went to the school. The school right now is a total disaster what they did, it's shameful. And we'll make sure people know about that.

INGRAHAM: Keep fighting, Austin. Austin, keep fighting. We're going to following this. We'll have you back. Unbelievable, Fordham University, shame on you.

Up next Bill Gates has the inside scoop about your kids going back to school. The Last Bite, next.



BILL GATES, CO-FOUNDER, MICROSOFT CORPORATION: If you're in a hot spot, sadly, in this fall, it won't be normal school activities for most high schools and colleges. By fall, 2021, which is a long time from now, I think we'll have things under control enough. But the entire academic year, this next academic year, does hang in the balance.


INGRAHAM: Oh, you hear that? Because it's easy to say when you have tens of billions of dollars. It's not so easy when you need to pull double shifts and rely on public school for your kids.

It's all the time we have tonight. Shannon Bream and the "Fox News @ Night" team take it all from here, Shannon.

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