This is a rush transcript from "Hannity," August 17, 2020. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

SEAN HANNITY, FOX NEWS HOST: All right, thank you, Tucker. By the way, if the satellite goes down, you can always call me.

All right. Welcome to “Hannity”. We begin with this Fox News alert. It is 9:00 p.m. on the East Coast and 6:00 p.m. on the West Coast.

The 2020 Democratic National Convention is now officially underway, launched from Biden's basement bunker.

So, let's quickly sum up what we have already seen, what we will continue to see all week. Without a doubt, it will be the most boring, repetitive, though mean-spirited convention in history. And, of course, we will get a heavy dose of hatred and rage and cult-like madness, psychosis, hysteria against all things Donald Trump.

They will call him evil, awful, terrible. They will lie. They will make false, radical, and completely unrealistic socialistic promises that can never, ever be kept ever.

What they won't to tell you is how much of your money they will waste, how many of your freedoms will disappear. You will not hear about American greatness, American exceptionalism, and American genius. That I can predict, too.

Now, the predictable playbook that I warned you that we see every two years and every four years will be on full display. They will divide this country, old versus young, rich versus poor, men versus women. And they will also divide the country along racial lines. It's like clockwork, and we've proven that, through, one "Hannity" history lesson after another.

Now, naturally, there will also be plenty of anti-Trump conspiracy theories. Why stop now after four years of them?

In just a moment, we're going to tell you about the left's latest insane hoax surrounding the U.S. Postal Service. And we have a critical warning about actual voter fraud that Democrats are all too happy to ignore. A "Hannity" special investigation I promise you the mob will not report.

Plus, we'll bring you a full report from America's liberal cities in crisis. Real crisis, real danger, real lack of safety and security, or as I like to say, cities and states that have been run by liberal Democrats for decades in utter anarchy, collapsed in chaos or better put, a preview of coming attractions if Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are elected in 78 days.

Let's start with a viewer warning: what you're about to see is extremely graphic tonight. In Portland, Oregon, a man begging for his life as he is beaten unconscious by a group of so-called protesters, I remind you that this is now day of the lawlessness, the anarchy, the madness in Portland like many other cities.

Take a look.


HANNITY: All right. Now, we have a slow -- look at the slow down version. They beat this man and beat him. The victim is said to be recovering.

We're going to have the horrific details and more of this video, shocking as it is, straight ahead.

Here's a pretty simple question: why is Joe Biden hiding from the media and the world? Where is his so-called leadership during any of this? Short of saying police have become the enemy -- yes, I'll reallocate funds from the police or his running mate Kamala Harris praising the $150 million cut from the LAPD.

The mob and the media, the biggest contributors to all things Democratic radical socialist and Biden his biggest fans, they are practically dying for a chance to lob softball questions his way, but yet still his campaign is cowering in fear in the basement bunker.

Look at this: since March, President Trump has taken more than 1,800 questions at press conferences, over eighteen hundred.

Biden? Well, taking less than 50. By my count, 34 to be exact.

And according to "The Washington Examiner", in the past month alone, the president has fielded 700 percent more questions than the ever -- well, forgetful and ever hiding bunker Biden.

This guy is the weakest presidential candidate and the most radical in American history, especially modern history. In fact, Joe Biden might not even be capable of holding a lengthy, unscripted press conference.

According to reports, even former President Obama, he is worried -- this was in the "Politico" -- that he is allegedly privately voicing concerns that Joe, you know, never underestimate Joe's ability to F this up.

And just today, instead of holding a real press conference, the Biden campaign released this cringe-worthy interview with rapper Cardi B. Wow. Let's take a look.


CARDI B, RAPPER: Hi, Biden, how are you?


CARDI B: Well, hello there, Joe.

I feel so crazy because I feel like I'm a little bit late, but, Biden, then let me tell you something, when you have kids my age, like the one my age two years old, your schedule never go as planned, you know what I'm saying?

BIDEN: You're telling me? I got four kids, five grandkids. Come on. I'm an expert. I understand about kids, the most important thing in the world, they come first.

CARDI B: Yes, definitely, always, my kids come first.

BIDEN: Keep it that way.

CARDI B: So, Joe, I heard you got some questions for me.

BIDEN: Oh, I do have some questions for you. First of all, I want to congratulate you, the cover of -- well, I tell you, that's pretty good, that's pretty big time, number one. Doesn't surprise me you're on the cover.


HANNITY: Does that count as a press conference? Biden running for president, leader of the free world, got to sit down with Putin and China and Kim Jong-un and Iran. Oh, that's right, he describes the fellows in Iran the chant "death to America" the most powerful, the single most demanding job in the entire world, the free world. He's struggling to get through a 15-minute heavily edited pre-planned softball interview with one of his big supporters.

Most concerning thing about Biden's being frail and weak and frankly mentally, seeming to me, checked out is that he is completely controlled by his radical base. That was Bolshevik Bernie. And, oh yeah, the Green New Deal czar, yeah, that would be Ocasio-Cortez.

And then, of course, the most liberal -- even more than Bolshevik Bernie -- senator in the United States Senate, that would be his running mate, Kamala Harris, and supported by a mob in the media that has disgustingly and repulsively lied about this president, Donald J. Trump since the day he came down that escalator at Trump Tower with his wife Melania.

And that's why Trump is calling Biden a Trojan horse for socialism. No truer word spoken actually. Take a look.


PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: In the months ahead, we will need every ounce of your strength and drive and patriotism. We're in a fight for the survival of our nation and civilization itself. We are really in a fight. This is the most important election we've ever had, in my opinion.

But these are people that are seriously radical left. Joe Biden is nothing but their puppet. He has no clue what's happening.


HANNITY: We'll more on my monologue in just a moment.

First, joining us now with reaction, author of the upcoming book "Liberal Privilege", Donald Trump Jr.

Congrats on your first number-one bestseller.

You know, I'm watching this --


HANNITY: Donald Trump Jr., 1,800 questions versus 34, 1,803 if I'm going to be exact based on my count, I might be a little off, and the mob, boy, they'd jump all over me if I didn't have the exact number, and I didn't include Cardi B's hard-hitting interview.

He doesn't talk. They hide him. His now is the entire -- he's like your dad is running against a ghost.

TRUMP JR.: A hundred percent, Sean, and that's the reason I wrote the book "Liberal Privilege" because that is the perfect example. You can have a candidate that wants to replace the president of the United States. He refuses to speak to anyone in the press. He's incapable of getting through a press conference.

When he speaks to a group of 10 people, he needs a teleprompter and he still screws that up. I mean, it's mind-boggling. And, by the way, no one in the press says anything. They're, oh, this is perfectly normal. This is your Joe Biden.

I mean, when you have clear cognitive decline like this, they run him because the media can try to sell to Middle America that this guy is somehow a moderate. But you're not a moderate if you're appointing Beto O'Rourke as your gun czar. You're not a moderate if you're appointing Kamala Harris as your VP, who has the most liberal record in the Senate.

You're not a moderate if you put the Bernie Sanders joint unity platform on your website because it's the communist manifesto of the new age, Sean, there's nothing moderate about Biden.

But the media is going to give him billions, billions worth of free coverage, hiding his obvious flaws, hiding the graft of his family, hiding the years of bad decisions that he's made in Washington, D.C. as a swamp creature for half a century. That's not me saying it, that's Robert Gates, Obama's own secretary of defense who literally said Joe Biden has been on the wrong side of every decision of his entire political career. That's really saying something. That's impressive.

A monkey guessing at random could have performed better than Joe Biden in terms of major decisions for America, and I haven't even started talking about the way he built up China over that same 50 years.


You know, sometimes he confuses the day of the week, the office he's running for. He seems to forget that we're actually endowed by not the thing, Joe, you know the thing, but God the creator of everything.

You know, where was he with coronavirus ten days after the first known case in America? He was calling your father's travel ban and subsequent travel bans and the first quarantine in 60 years, and then the largest medical mobilization in history -- hysterical, xenophobic and fear-mongering.

And where has he been -- look at this guy beaten in Portland, I'll re-rack it for our audience. It's hard to watch. We have more coming up. This guy beaten nearly to death. We don't even know if he'll survive based on reports, we've made calls all day.

Where's Joe? Where is Joe?

TRUMP JR.: Their solution for that, Sean, is to defund the police, reallocate it to social workers. I mean, they're sitting by as BLM is destroying Democrat-run cities. These are cities that have been controlled by Democrats in many cases and in some cases for up to a century and somehow, it's magically Donald Trump's fault.

I mean, this is the quintessential example of liberal privilege. This stuff shouldn't be happening. It cannot be going on in America.

And guess what, it's not just happening in these big cities. It's only a matter of time until the Democrats who are literally siding with criminals and offenders over law-abiding tax-paying citizens until this comes into your backyard, Sean. It's inevitable. They're incapable of pushing back against the bad guys. That's their base.

HANNITY: I cannot believe he's allowed to stay silent. Look, we've known the media they have smeared, slandered, besmirched. They libel. They're involved in conspiracy theories and hoaxes, and they have from day one, and then after not only your dad but as much collateral damage as they can take and that would be you too.

They ruined Carter Page's life for four years and also, General Flynn's life and guys like let's see, oh, Paul Manafort, Roger Stone --

TRUMP JR.: And Brett Kavanaugh --

HANNITY: And Brett Kavanaugh.

TRUMP JR.: -- and the Covington Catholic kids.

HANNITY: Yeah, and I'm wondering and this week is going to be they get a pass.

TRUMP JR: There's no one they won't destroy to get their way, Sean. There's no one they won't destroy to get their way.

Look at what they did to Nick Sandmann, who's a 16-year-old kid. His crime, being a male conservative from the South who supports Trump and happens to be a Christian. I mean, that's a cancelable offense today in terms of the eyes.

It's no longer OK to simply be apolitical, you must be woke. Problem with woke is the goalpost move. If you're awoke today. By tomorrow, you're no longer woke, you're then part of the problem.

They don't know what's going on. They're run by lunatics and the reality is, the farthest left, the most lunatic of the lunatics, those are the people who are the thought leaders of the Democrat Party. Those are the people who are going to be pulling, you know, Joe Biden's purse strings.

He's the guy that's just the puppet. He's been a puppet for a long time but if you don't think that he is if you think he's the same guy all you need to do is get on YouTube and watch a video of him in the Senate floor, say 15 years ago, look at that and look at the guy today, and tell me they're the same people.

The only difference is, they can try to sell to America that Joe Biden is somehow a moderate. He's not. It's a lie.

You need to educate yourselves before you go vote because the media is in this game. They've given up their -- the object of pretense. They don't even pretend anymore to be objective. They are liberal activists and that's it.

HANNITY: All right. Donald Trump Jr. By the way, it may not be a good week for you and your family to watch it just saying. But there's only so much, you know --

TRUMP JR.: I have to, Sean. It's like -- it's comic relief. It's comic relief at this point.

HANNITY: It's comical but I've got to be honest --

TRUMP JR.: The idea that you as the American taxpayer --

HANNITY: If their stated policies, Donald Trump Jr., ever implemented, it's over. You can't recover from this madness to socialism.

TRUMP JR.: A hundred percent.

HANNITY: All right.

TRUMP JR.: You --


TRUMP: You, the American taxpayer, have the privilege of spending $4 trillion to give health care to illegals. Now, you don't get that for your own family but you can pay for theirs. Education, housing for criminals coming out of prison, you can pay for that, but you don't get to get it for yourself and for your kids.

That is the state of the Democrat Party.

HANNITY: And how's that Obamacare working out?

Donald Trump, Jr. Thank you. Good luck, with your new book, by the way, as always.

We're only days away from this election. You are the ultimate jury. Democrats, they would like to completely upend how America now votes. Oh, let's change it the last minute.

Let's start with this. The ever beloved by Democrats and the media mob, Dr. Anthony Fauci, I do have a great respect for, just said there's absolutely no reason in-person voting can't take place and shouldn't take place, of course, being safe with mass and proper social distancing.

Now, we all know that in-person voting where the voter ID is the most verifiable way to cast a ballot. Now, if I was like usual, more tough times during a pandemic, and I was at the DNC, with a lot of security like I've been in the past, if I was there tonight and all week -- well, guess what, I would need a picture ID just to walk in the door, every single night.

But in some states, these same Democrats are pushing for paper mail-in ballots without a need for voter ID, to be sent to every single person on the voter rolls that are alive, I assume.

Now, just today, Senator Cory Booker, I have such faith in him, praising mail-in voting and said that mail-in voter fraud is very rare. Cory Booker, you're lying, that is a lie. Let's look at the Heritage Foundation, shall we?

There have been 1,088 voter fraud cases, including 949 criminal convictions, including a 2019 mail-in vote buying scheme in Booker's home state in New Jersey. And during the same year, there was also mail-in ballot fraud in North Carolina. That resulted in a brand new election.

2018, there were four cases of illegal mail-in voting schemes in Texas that caused two elections to be overturned. 2016, Pennsylvania man convicted of altering the vote count and the list goes on. Massachusetts, Ohio, California, Georgia, Indiana, Alabama Washington and so many other states have experienced similar instances of recent mail in voter fraud.

And, by the way, voter fraud is just one part of why mail-in voting is so problematic. Think about this -- with widespread mail-in voting, United States Postal Service, they will be the ones responsible for the outcome of the election.

Now, with all due respect my mailman, I've loved my mailman ever since I was a kid. But are you going to trust the United States Postal Service with the future of our country? How's your local DMV working out for you? What about your local board of elections? Oh and how's that Obamacare thing working out considering millions of Americans lost their doctors and lost their plans, and on average, we're all paying about 200 percent more?

I just happened to be a Reagan trust but verify guy, and I don't trust the government in any liberty state or city and the bureaucracy to get this right. They can't even keep law and order, and they've done a pretty horrible job of, yeah, educating our kids.

And during New York's mail-in primary, by the way, just recently, the election was an absolute train wreck. Thousands of missing ballots. The final tally still not totally clear even.

Nevada's June primary, more than 223,000 mailed ballots were returned undelivered.

Virginia, more than 500,000 voters were mailed absentee applications with incorrect information. In New Jersey, ballots were just laying -- well, unsecured in the hallways of residential buildings. Also in New Jersey, a U.S. postal inspector found hundreds of mail-in ballots in one mailbox and, by the way, in what was an apparent voter fraud scheme by one city councilman and three others.

Why? Is this how you want your presidential election decided in 78 days? Of course not.

But now, the new cause celebre in the Democratic Party is the United States Postal Service. Now, remember, they're floating this conspiracy -- Donald Trump is going to have to -- if he loses, he's going to be dragged out of the White House.

Well, the next one is Donald Trump's trying to destroy the Post Office in order to rig the election. Just like Russia rigged the last -- oh, they didn't. There was never any evidence of Trump-Russia collusion. That was a four-year lie the mob and the media and the Democrats told the country. We're going to hold them accountable in 78 days?

Take a look at this.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: And the only way he feels now he can win this against the Biden-Harris ticket is to straight out steal it, and he's doing it in plain sight.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: You say the president should fix it, but it doesn't sound like he wants to fix it. In fact, he thinks that it's to his advantage for the system to be broken.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: He's going to find every single way he can to steal this election, to rig this election in his favor.

SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE NANCY PELOSI, D-CA: They're going to do everything they can to slow the mail because within this administration is an attempt to make sure your vote doesn't count and doesn't count as cast.

REP. MAXINE WATERS, D-CA: He sent his henchman over uh to run it and I'm already getting complaints from people who are saying that they believe that the president of the United States is managing the delivery systems, slowing it down, interfering with people being able to get their mail Russia.


HANNITY: Russia hoax, now, we got this over. Trump will never leave if he loses.

A new favorite conspiracy theory, particularly insane given that it was Obama, oh, and Biden, they removed more than almost 14,000 public mailboxes from city streets during their last five years in office. And, of course, what we are seeing is nothing new for the mob in the Democratic Party. Every two years, every four years, they claim Republicans, they want to restrict minority voting.

Remember, Al Gore, you know, he's speaking before predominantly African- American audience. He goes Republicans have the wrong agenda for African- Americans, I don't even want to count you in the census. Pretty accurate, that's how he started talking.

Sadly, I regret to inform you Al Gore, he's at it again. This time, a truly despicable race-baiting analogy. Oh, put you all back in chains -- that's right. Biden said that one. Take a look.


AL GORE, FORMER VICE PRESIDENT: So, in effect, by tampering with the Postal Service, he is in effect putting his knee on the neck of American democracy and trying to make it impossible for people to vote by mail.


HANNITY: The knee on the neck of American democracy. They don't even want to count you in the census -- lie, lie. Two years, four years. By the way, thank God that unhinged lunatic never became president.

Now, the country is facing a ticket even more radical than that one and that is in 78 days, if Biden wins the election, his radical socialist policies, their stated policies if they are implemented buckle up, because United States of America with freedom and liberty and capitalism and risk and reward and innovation and invention, that will -- well, be fundamentally altered beyond recognition.

Here now, FOX News contributor, we call him "the architect", Karl Rove is with us.

Karl, here we go again. I don't know.


HANNITY: The same Democratic Party that can't keep their city secure and educate our kids and that Obamacare thing they lied completely, we're going to trust them now with mail-in voting. We'll change the laws, what, 78 days to go.

ROVE: Look, you know, this is -- this is fear-mongering. They go out and say, the Republicans are trying to suppress your vote after people stand in line in Forsyth and DeKalb Counties in Georgia and in Harris County, Texas, stand in line for hours in order to vote and they blame it on the Republicans, despite the fact that the Democrats are in charge of each one of those counties and a Democrat was in charge of each one of those elections.

Now, they're coming out and made unhinged claims about the U.S. Postal Service. My problem is, I know something about this issue because I know the man who's heading it, Louis DeJoy is a friend of mine. And when the postal board of governors came to him and said we'd like to interview you to be the postmaster general, I discouraged him because I said this is a really tough organization that's broken -- got a broken model from top to bottom.

But you know why he did it, Sean? He did it because he spent his entire life building a world-class logistics company that moved things from point A to point B on time, and he said I can bring those same skills and serve my country. And that's exactly what this guy's doing.

He has no intention whatsoever to slow down the mail. He wants the mail to speed up and guess what? He's doing it. If they simply looked at the record, they know this. I got a poor man's white board tonight because you refused to still send me those white boards. But that's OK, we'll talk about that later.

HANNITY: Oh, man, man.

ROVE: Late charges, the charges for sending for late delivery are $500 million a year, and when Louis came in he said you know we got to do something about it. And at that point, 89.8 percent of the mail moved on what's called on time dispatch to the -- to the final recipient. He has already moved that up to 97.3 percent, and by doing so, he's cut the extra trips by 71 percent, reducing hundreds of millions of dollars that's being taken out of the taxpayer's pocket. And that's exactly what he's doing up and down the entire agency.

And you're right, Susan Rice, former national security adviser for President Obama, goes out and slanders him because she gets a picture of people removing mailboxes. Well, it turns out that post office was taking old boxes and putting in new boxes.

And besides that, as you pointed out earlier the previous administration took away 14,000 mailboxes, poof, they disappeared, and we didn't hear the Democrats cut saying that Barack Obama was trying to break the mail system or suppress voters. No, no, no, no this is entirely politics. It is slander. It's fear-mongering and it is unjustified by the facts and shame on those Democrats who are trying to turn this election into such a circus.

HANNITY: Oh, come on. Stop. They have no shame. They had shame they'd admit they were wrong about Russia, because we now know the FBI knew that the Steele dossier was bogus in January 2017, and they were warned in August of 2016. So that's not on the table. We'll watch this week, what, divide the country along every line possible.

ROVE: Sure, absolutely.

HANNITY: And Donald Trump is Satan, that's all you're going to get and a socialist vision for America, how's that going to sell to America?

ROVE: Yeah. Well, it isn't. Can I say one more thing about the Postal Service? They're all up in arms saying that the Postal Service is going to try and stop delivery or delay delivery. In July, the Post Office sent a letter to every secretary of state saying, do not set standards for us to deliver the mail that we cannot meet. One of the states, I think it's New York says, you can postmark on election day and received within three days and, they've told the secretary of state of New York, our standards for delivery are between two and five days.

If you tell people they can mail on Election Day and be received three days later, it may not happen. You got a college student going to school in Massachusetts mailing the home is ballot to New York City might not happen in three days. So they said do not make promises that you expect us to keep if we are on record having set the standards for delivery that don't match up with what you're trying to promise voters that they can do.

So, you know, it's the secretaries of state, the states that are screwing this up, not the federal government. And states like New York that do not know how to do this, we've seen what happened after the Democratic primary. There's one change that states might want to make like New York and that is you get to begin processing those absentee ballots or mail-in ballots when they're received by the local officials and not hold them so that you can't even begin opening until the night of the election the states that allow that to happen. The earth the votes that come in early to be processed to be verified, they report a heck of a lot quicker than the states that say, we we're just going to stack those in the corner and start handling them and processing them after the polls finally close.

HANNITY: Hope the Republican Party has the lawyers ready.

Karl Rove, thank you.

ROVE: They're going to have them.

HANNITY: All right. One thing the country did agree on, what happened to George Floyd can't happen again. We're going to go to the DNC for a moment where George Floyd's family is delivering remarks live from Houston, Texas, there will be a moment of silence. We will honor that. That can't happen again.

FAMILY OF GEORGE FLOYD: All races, all ages, all genders, all backgrounds peacefully protesting in the name of love and unity. It's a fitting legacy for our brother but George should be alive today. Breonna Taylor should be alive today. Ahmaud Arbery should be alive today. Eric Garner should be alive today. Stephon Clark, or Atatiana Jefferson, Sandra Bland, they should all be alive today.

So it's up to us to carry on the fight for justice. Our actions will be their legacies. We must always find ourselves in what John Lewis called good trouble, for the names we do not know, the faces we'll never see, those who can't mourn because their murders didn't go viral.

Please join me in a moment of silence to honor George and the many other souls we lost to hate and injustice and when this moment ends, let's make sure we never stop saying their names okay.


HANNITY: That's the type of thing that we have been saying on this program. It can't happen in America again and I will say this too, is that we also have to remember, we interviewed on this program, our own Lawrence Jones interviewed the father of that 1-year-old little boy and the grandmother of that 1-year-old child killed in a stroller in a park, or the 8-year-old beautiful girl that died in Atlanta, that little CHAZ, CHOP zone down there. And Lawrence also interviewed the family of that 7-year-old beautiful girl in Chicago that lost her life on the Fourth of July weekend at her grandma's house, or my interview with Horace Lorenzo Anderson Sr. in the summer of love zone.

It's the biggest choice election of our lifetime. The Democratic Party has been missing in action defund the police how about protect the most fundamental job you have is to protect America's national treasure. That would be our kids. They're failing spectacularly.

One thing all these big cities have in common, they've been run by liberal Democrats for decades. States run by liberal Democrats most cases for decades.

And because the carnage the chaos you're seeing unfold night after night on city streets, I call it a preview of coming attractions based on Biden statements and yes, Kamala Harris's statements and Biden's supporters and liberal Democratic mayors and governors they get their way in November, what, we're going to defund all the police look at Portland, Oregon, day 80, another senseless act of violence caught on tape this weekend.

Look at this and we'll re-rack it. A driver of a pickup truck, look at this, severely beaten by an unhinged mob knocked out by a roundhouse kick to the side of his head. What you're seeing is beyond disturbing.

Look, watch.


HANNITY: Now, Portland police, look at this in slow motion, look at that. Police telling FOX News, we just got this update, the man is recovering from non-life-threatening injuries an investigation underway. Well, we have the videotape. Maybe we can find the perpetrators of this.

And so far, no arrests mayor in Portland marching with the anarchists? A lot of good he's been doing out there. Eighty days, president's begging, let me send in help so you can restore law and order, it gets rejected. Despite the surging violence, extreme Democratic socialists, they're now doubling down on this destructive agenda, even calling for more unrest in our city streets.

Listen to Democratic Congresswoman Pressley, what she had to say.


REP. AYANNA PRESSLEY, D-MA: Turning a deaf ear to the needs of our families and our communities, hold them accountable.


PRESSLEY: Make the phone calls, send the email, show up. You know, there needs to be unrest in the streets for as long as there's unrest in our lives.

We are managing against converging public health and economic crises, amid a national reckoning on racial injustice in this country. Communities from Boston to Portland and everywhere in between are rising up to demand accountability and divestment from broken systems.


HANNITY: It's not just Portland. Cities like New York and Chicago, they suffered the carnage and the surge in violence. The state's failed governor, Andrew Cuomo, refused to take any and all responsibilities actually blaming the president. I guess to distract from his horrific coronavirus response which, yeah, put covert patients in nursing homes and long-term care facilities, leaving empty the beds that Donald Trump built manned and converted to covert with all the PPE and ventilators he ever needed and then some.



NEW YORK GOV. ANDREW CUOMO: Crime up in New York City, yes, crime is a problem. Crime is a problem. The genesis of the crime, you're going to have a great debate about, but the Trump economy, Trump not providing COVID relief, George Floyd murder, Trump's response to the George Floyd murder. So I think Trump has some liability for the increase in the crime.


HANNITY: Andrew, I think you have the liability for what you did with COVID. We're New Yorkers, we're not like these other country. We're not like -- we have the best medical care in the world.

Well, you didn't, did you, Andrew? And you sent COVID into the most vulnerable population. What's the result, Andrew? What happened?

Joining us with reaction, civil rights attorney, Leo Terrell, the host of "Justice", Judge Jeanine Pirro, good to see you both.

Leo, let me start with you. I watch that. There's a part of me that wants to get angry, but unfortunately, I just become grown accustomed to their madness and insanity. So I have a little bit of a hard time taking any of these people seriously, but I'm taking an election in 78 days very seriously. I have a book out it's called "Live Free or Die: America and the World on the Brink", and guess what that's not hyperbole, Leo Terrell.

LEO TERRELL, CIVIL RIGHTS ATTORNEY: I'll tell you right now, the Democrats have lost its -- their moral compass. That Congresswoman Pressley, she's encouraging violence. And, you know, when you asked me earlier when we're on your radio show about what the Democratic policy are, they have no policy with these cities.

And how disingenuous Governor Cuomo who's an egomaniac, he praised Donald Trump, he got all his ventilator. He got a ship. He got everything he wanted, and that crime that goes on in New York is crime generated by the worst mayor who look the other way when Black Lives Matter hurts and attack police officers. So, New York should be ashamed of himself, the Democratic leadership is a reflection of why the Democrats have no moral compass.

And what has to happen especially when you saw that photograph of that young man being battered if you want law and order this country. You've got to vote for Trump because the Democrats have abandoned law and order in this great country. We have to vote for Trump to restore law and order.

HANNITY: How come you wore the Trump hat when I had the night off? What was up with that?

Now, you got a white one, you had a red one, you got two. By the way, autographed by the president. Look at this -- oh he's got both of them -- oh, man!


HANNITY: Judge, I guess it's who you know not what you know because I don't you know I don't have my own hat.

But, seriously, every single thing that you see in these cities, they've been ruined. They're not safe. They're not secure. The educational system, we spend more per capita than any industrialized country with pretty much the worst results, worst return on investment.

Obamacare didn't work. Now, they want us to believe everything's going to be free. We're going to hear everything's free, and we're going to hear -- we're going to do this and that and we'll do it without oil and gas and everything.

How is this going to fly to the country?

JEANINE PIRRO, FOX NEWS HOST, "JUSTICE": You know, Sean, look, you cannot have economic prosperity unless there is peace and calm in a city or in a community. And right now, the disruption that is going on in this country that is not being commented on by Joe Biden or Kamala Harris or anyone on the left that is being blamed on Donald Trump is something that is part of a game plan. There will never be peace in this country. They're all saying Ayanna Pressley, keep protesting, keep causing unrest until it's over.

This is the Democrat socialist agenda: create chaos, get rid of law and order, and it's not -- and Cuomo, I mean, talk about nerve. This guy's the guy who signed the bill that there'd be no bail, the so-called euphemistic bail reform, where they go out these perps as soon as the paperwork's done by the cops, and you've got prosecutors like Cy Vance and you've got them all over the country now and even in Seattle saying we're not prosecuting anything

And that video that I'm looking at right now, that is a gang assault, that is riot, that's attempted murder. When you get a running start to a roundhouse kick, that's attempted murder and this poor man is on his knees saying please I don't want to hurt anybody and they won't let him get away with it.

As far as I'm concerned, the American people need to understand, this is the most important election in your life, if you want any kind of economic prosperity, if you want any kind of peace for your family, you've got to make sure you don't let the Democrats in office and not just the president -- the Senate, the House and everything else, because these are socialist- funded candidates. They want anarchy.

HANNITY: You know, Leo, for the first time in your adult life, you told me you're voting for a Republican for president.


HANNITY: This party I look at doesn't look like it the old Democratic Party I knew, the party of Joe Lieberman even.

TERRELL: I'll tell you, Sean, I wrote an op-ed piece for FOX, and I said I'm leaving the Democratic Party because the JFK party, that's not what your country could do for you but what you can do for your country, this Democratic Party wants to take and destroy America institutions.

I know about the concept of your book, if we elect these socialists in office, what we value for the last 255 years goes down the tubes. And what is scary, what is frightening is there's not a single Democrat that is yelling or calling out this violence. And, Congresswoman Pressley, you won't ever talk about racial injustice or racial justice in Obama had the White House the Congress where's the systemic discrimination, it's just talking point, it's just a bunch of lies.

There is no systemic discrimination in this great country. We got to vote Republican. We've got to keep Trump in office.

HANNITY: Last word, Judge?

PIRRO: Well you know what the facts speak for themselves this isn't about politics you look at every city where the crime is going through the roof, then they are Democrat-run system cities, this is part of the agenda. Shame on them and shame on us if we let them continue to rule.

HANNITY: All right. Thank you both for being with us.

Let me just -- let me just spell this out very specifically, that would mean everything is on the ballot. I -- I've said a lot in the past biggest most important tipping point election in our lifetime, but think about this: that would mean judges, that would mean judicial activists or people that believe in our rule of law and our Constitution. That would mean stacking the courts, that would mean getting rid of the Electoral College.

They are pledging trillions of dollars in new taxes. They are pledging open borders. The united sanctuary states of America. They are pledging to end even literally the lifeblood of our economy, energy independence versus energy dependence.

Excuse me, for the first time in 75 years, we are not only energy independent, but we are now the world's largest producer of energy.

I'm going to dip in. Here's James Clyburn of South Carolina.

REP. JAMES CLYBURN, D-SC: It was a decision I made with my feet firmly planted in this community. This community, for 80 percent of African- Americans in this country, can claim an ancestor who arrived on these shows in bondage. A few blocks from here over at Gadsden's wharf. This community that is still healing from the wounds we receive in their white supremacists entered Emmanuel AME Church and murdered nine black Parishioners as they studied the bible together.

The ground beneath our feet is seated with pain that is both old and new. But from that soil, we always find a way to grow together. Earlier this summer, the city of Charleston removed his statute honoring John C. Calhoun, an honored advocate of slavery, and construction is underway on the International African-American Museum at Gadsden's Wharf.

Much like the country as a whole, we are stepping out from the shadows of our past and beginning to lay the groundwork for a more just future. It won't be easy. We can only succeed if we move forward together. So we will need a president who sees unifying people as a requirement of the job, a president who understands the true meaning --

HANNITY: Listening to James Clyburn of South Carolina, I'm thinking, what about the shadows of Biden's past? What about the same guy that praised Robert the former Klansmen Byrd who headed up the Democratic Party in the U.S. Senate, the guy that filibustered the historic Civil Rights Act, and opposed the Voting Rights Act.

The same Joe Biden that partnered with this man to stop, you know, when it came to segregation integration of our schools. He worked with the former Klansmen to stop integration of schools, didn't want his kids you know going into school system that he described his words Joe Biden's words, as a racial jungle.

I just think of that past, that history, and how come the Democrats give Joe a pass. Kamala Harris didn't in the debate, she is now.

Well, joining us now our very own Lawrence Jones.

Speaking of Joe and his bunker basement in Delaware, well, he's asking residents, oh, Biden's been there 50-plus years, what has he ever done to help people in great state of Delaware, as he calls it, the slave state? Lawrence?

Good evening, Sean. Forty-seven years, that's how many years Joe Biden has been involved in politics. But the big question is, what is his main accomplishment and is this still the same Joe Biden, well, we asked the people that know him the best, the great folks of Delaware.



JONES: If you can name one accomplishment of Biden's, what would you say?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: That he's from Delaware, period.

JONES: That's it?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: A policy -- oh gosh, there's been so many, I can't like --

JONES: Just one.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I can't think of one.

JONES: Feel like he's accomplished anything in the 47 years of politics?


JONES: Do the gaffes concern you, ma'am?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Sure, because it makes me think maybe everything's not all right.

JONES: Do the gaffes concern you of Joe Biden?


JONES: Him not remembering certain things?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: No, I've been around a long time, Joe's gaffes and gaffe, but he still gets the job done.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: He's not a young man anymore. And as you grow older, you start losing your faculties a little bit.


JONES: Sean, the most concerning thing is that when I ask them, can they identify one man accomplishment, talking about his voters, they couldn't name it. That may work with his supporters, but independent voters would like to know. Back to you, Sean.

HANNITY: Well, he's what -- that he's from Delaware. Let's see, there's so many and you rightly asked, name one. Well, there's just so many. Name, so many though.

Or I really can't, no, I can't. He's been there 50 years, him, Pelosi, Schumer, 125 years. Then we got Bolshevik Bernie, the economic czar. We got AOC, the New Green Deals czar. Then we got Beto Bozo, oh yeah, the guns czar. And yes, Kamala Harris is even more liberal than Bolshevik Bernie.

Wow. Can you stay there? Maybe a month, let's see if you can get an answer within a month.

JONES: Well, maybe --

HANNITY: Would you mind, your 2020 correspondent on the ground investigative reporter. Maybe in a month you'll find one person that can name one accomplishment, because I can name all Trump's.

JONES: Or he can just accept some interviews from members of the press and then we can ask him himself what his accomplishments are. But he won't.

HANNITY: Oh, well, he's answered a whopping 34 questions by my count since March. He's really out there. He's answering the hard-hitting questions, really campaigning hard and a basement bunker, seemingly frail, weak and tired. Looks like he needs -- well, hot cocoa and a little nap every afternoon.

All right, thank you, Lawrence.

After four years screaming about the Russia hoax, in other words, four years of lying, the left-wing Democrats, the media mob seem to have no problem with quid Joe's cozy ties, yes, it wasn't just Ukraine and zero experience Hunter making millions, Communist China.

Even though the DNI wants China it is by far the biggest foreign threat to America, including election meddling.

Here with reaction, FOX News contributors Mike Huckabee, Dan Bongino are with us.

Well, I would say if they really cared about Russian collusion interference, I would say, Dan Bongino, they would have cared about Hillary's dirty bought and paid for Russian disinformation dossier, if they cared about quid and pro and quos, they care about Joe and zero experience Hunter, but the mob is corrupt and so is the Democratic Party corrupt?

DAN BONGINO, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: Yeah. I mean, Sean, the media, you know what is humorous and tragic at the same time about this? The media really doesn't care at all. I mean, they're not trying to do journalism anymore. I mean, I think every gets that. I know you get that. I hope some of our listeners get that.

I mean, it's such an obvious hypocrisy. This intelligence community assessment comes out, and says, China wants to -- would prefer Joe Biden over Donald Trump, which sounds like kind of a big deal, right? Totally ignored, so they can go back --

HANNITY: I'll tell you what. Dan, stay right there. Let's listen to Mr. COVID response himself, Andrew Cuomo.

NEW YORK GOV. ANDREW CUOMO: -- the initial division. The division created. Trump, he only made it worse.

Our collective strength is exercised through government. It is in effect our immune system. And our current federal government is dysfunctional and incompetent.

It couldn't fight off the virus. In fact, didn't even see it coming. The European virus affected the Northeast, while the White House was still fixated on China. The virus had been affecting us for months before they even knew it was here.

We saw the failure of a government that tried to deny the virus, and then try to ignore it, and then try to politicize it. The failed federal government that watched New York at ambushed by their negligence, and then watched New York suffer, but all through it, they learned absolutely nothing.

So today, six months after it began, the nation is still unprepared and we now face a second threat. But this time, not from Mother Nature. This is a man-made threat.

HANNITY: OK, that was probably the biggest amount of, let's see, revisionist history ever. Did he support the travel ban, the subsequent travel ban? No. Did he support the first quarantine in 56 years? No.

Is he the idiot, along with Governor Murphy of New Jersey, Wolf in Pennsylvania, Whitmer? Yeah, they're the dopes that, yes, put all the vulnerable and sick people at risk.

That was not Donald Trump. They left Trump's -- hospitals he built and manned and made COVID compatible, and also well, all the PPE you can -- he is the one that left those beds empty. Really? Spectacular lying and, well, let's just say, delusional on Andrew's part.

And, by the way, you want to talk about dysfunctional, that would be Andrew Cuomo's New York.

Anyway, Dan. I interrupted you. Then we'll go to Governor Huckabee.

BONGINO: No, I was just going to make one final point. You know, you asked Lawrence before what's Biden's biggest accomplishment? I can answer that for you, Sean. He does have a big accomplishment. If he does, that's incredible. He did.

He managed to get the prosecutor in Ukraine who was investigating his son who had this sweet gig where he's getting about 80K a month, you know, his son Hunter, he managed to get him fired before, while we were investigating his son's companies.

HANNITY: His six (ph) salaries.

BONGINO: I've got to tell you, that's an amazing accomplishment, Joe. Very well done behind the scenes. That is his biggest compliment. So, there you go.

HANNITY: He also got $5 billion from the Bank of China. Governor Huckabee?

BONGINO: Not bad.

HANNITY: Not bad, agree.

MIKE HUCKABEE, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: You know, I hope the RNC is taping that of Andrew Cuomo, and I'm sure they are, because next week, they can play those comments and juxtaposed them with Cuomo talking about how wonderful Trump was in getting them everything they needed in the early days of the China virus.

Because somehow what he was saying in the midst of it certainly didn't add up. But this is a fantasy.

I do have one bit of breaking news, Sean. I just saw in my own neighborhood a postal truck that was stalled and had a flat tire. President Trump was out letting the air out of the tires. That according to Maxine Waters and Nancy Pelosi, happened right on my street. I've got photos of it. I will send them to you.

HANNITY: Unbelievable.

You know, remember in the middle of -- in March, you got that dopey mayor, comrade de Blasio, saying, here's my list. Go out on the town. Here's my recommendation.

You had dopey Comey, what about the danger? Look at this other -- we're not like other countries. We're New Yorkers, and as New Yorkers, we have the best medical care in the world. No, he wasn't ready. And then he sent COVID-19 in the nursing homes.

How many thousands died, Andrew? Wow.

All right. Guys, thank you.

Now, by the way, we also know basement dweller, bunker dweller Joe has lost his fast ball, if he's ever had one. He's already had two life-threatening brain aneurysms that required surgery. So, what about his strength, his stamina, mental alertness, acuity? Well, they asked that about McCain. They asked that about Reagan and we are asking it now.

Here's with his opinion, former White House physician, Texas congressional candidate, Dr. Ronny Jackson.

All right, so I actually have brain surgeon friends. Can you believe that? I'm asked about the specific surgery that Joe had, two as I understand, frontal lobe surgeries. When he had them and what they think likely what that meant and what that means for his future life.

I want to get your medical opinion on it.

DR. RONNY JACKSON, FORMER WHITE HOUSE PHYSICIAN: Well, Sean, he has had two surgeries, both for aneurysm. The second one was found as a result of the first one. But the first one was found pretty serious.

I looked at the medical stuff that came out when he was running with Obama back in 2008, and it looks like he actually lost consciousness for a period of time and he was rushed to the hospital. It was so bad that he actually didn't return to the Senate for six or seven months. There was a pretty big disability associated with it.

Anytime you have a leading aneurysm, that's essentially a hemorrhagic stroke and we all know we've seen patients and stroke, and sometimes they recover some of the function but not all the function. Any time you deprived your brain of blood flow, you are depriving it of oxygen. And some of that tissue is going to recover completely. Some of it, you will be left very vulnerable.

HANNITY: Well, he seemed sharper -- he seemed sharper now (ph) than many years ago. Do you see what I see? I mean, he seems frail and weak just compared to four years ago and does not seem too witted to me. I'm not a doctor. I'm not going to play along on radio or TV.

JACKSON: Well, you know, I think he has just lost his reserve, you know, as you get older. I mean, if you'd repeated knee trauma your entire life, at some point in your life, your knee would give out, and it wouldn't work anymore. I think that's where he is out right now with his cognitive ability.

And so, yeah, I know what the rigors mentally and physically are, basically occupying that office. I can tell you just watching him on TV, he does not have what it takes cognitively. I don't even think physically right now to withstand the rigors of that particular office.

HANNITY: Dr. Jackson, my nonmedical opinion is, yeah, I tend to agree. Thank you for being with us.

Joining us now, South Dakota, now, by the way, not impacted by the coronavirus as grave as New York. That's a heavy concentration of people, small geographical area. But Governor Kristi Noem out there has kept her promise her state open the whole time for business despite the pandemic. They had hot spots. They were able to put all those fires. When offered federal employment aid, the governor said, thank you, noting that 80 percent of South Dakotans already have their jobs back.

She is with us now.

I admire your bravery. Every state is unique, Governor. I admire your bravery, and it's very rare that you hear a governor say, you know what, we are good, but thank you. You're very gracious about it.

SOUTH DAKOTA GOV. KRISTI NOEM: Well, I appreciate the president giving us flexibility. But, frankly, South Dakota doesn't need it.

That 80 percent job recovery was back in June. I expect we are better off even today. In fact, we've got businesses and people moving to South Dakota. We are really in a bright spot and I think it's because of the fact that we relied on people to use their own personal responsibility to make decisions during this pandemic.

HANNITY: You know, when the president went and visited, there was a lot of controversy over him going there. Did you have any -- any hot spot as a result of the president at Mount Rushmore?

NOEM: No, we've had some big events in South Dakota. The July 3rd event was special. We had no increase in positive cases after that event. We had the first professional sporting event that had spectators at it in South Dakota as well. We had no increase in positive cases.

People did the right thing. They made decisions. They were concerned. They stayed home here. But overwhelmingly, people in South Dakota are showing up, going to events.

We just completed the Sturgis motorcycle rally in South Dakota that was very well-attended. I think the people took precautions, but still enjoyed it, and enjoyed South Dakota.

HANNITY: That raises the question, why is Hannity so stupid that he's paying taxes New York when I should be out in South Dakota or Florida or Texas, somewhere else but here. And the answer is a contract. But I'm -- contracts were made to be renegotiated.

Here's my next question. You know, if they can do it in South Dakota, did you hear about this legislator in California that wants to -- if you leave the state, leave the state, they want to be able to tax you for ten more years, 90 percent the next year, 80 percent. You're not a resident anymore.

Why -- why are we stupid enough in these blue states to put up with that crap? There's something wrong with us. I'm admitting it.

NOEM: Sean, what's different about this election is we have talked about choices in the past. We've talked about what could happen if we made the wrong choice.

The reality of today is that we are living the consequences. There are people out there across America that are living Democrat policies and they are miserable.

So, we need to go out there and really point out that this election is about the consequences that they see every day when they turn on their TVs or they look down their street. Republicans are about freedom. They are about equal opportunity and rule of law.

Democrats are what you see in Portland, Minneapolis, Seattle, and that is not what America is about. That's what this election is and what we should be talking about each and every day until we get to Election Day.

HANNITY: All right. Governor, thanks for all you do out there. Our best to the smart people of South Dakota.

By the way, if you are in one of those liberal states and move to a red state, leave your liberal politics at home. Don't ruin the next state you're going to.

More "Hannity", next. Glad you're with us.


HANNITY: All right, FOX continues to monitor the Democratic National Convention every night this week. And we'll have our updates every night.

But don't forget, Leo Terrell is going to be the moderator of a town hall, you can participate, all the details tomorrow right after my radio show, 6:00,

Don't forget, great, deep discount, "Live Free or Die." That would be Barnes & Noble, Costco, Target, Walmart, and, of course, Forty percent off.

Let not your heart be troubled, Bret and Martha followed by the one and only Laura Ingraham.

We will see you back here tomorrow night.


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