Donald Trump dominates Super Tuesday
But how would he fare in the general election? The debate continues on 'The Five'
This is a rush transcript from "The Five," March 2, 2016. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.
KIMBERLY GUILFOYLE, CO-HOST: Hello, everyone. I'm Kimberly Guilfoyle with Juan Williams, Eric Bolling, Dana Perino and Greg Gutfeld. It is 5 o'clock in New York City and this is "The Five."
Super Tuesday 2016 is in the history books and it was a huge night for Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. We've got a ton to talk about, including the news that Ben Carson won't be attending tomorrow night's GOP debate, even though he hasn't yet dropped out of the race -- that surprising announcement, coming up shortly. But we begin with Trump's triumphant Tuesday, a sweep of 7 out of 11 republican races. His delegate total now stands at 319 with four others trailing far behind. He was the front-runner after his multiple victories.
DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: I'm so honored by this evening. If you would have told me on June 16th, when I was with my wife, Melania, and we came down the escalator in Trump tower and it looked literally well, it looked a little bit like this, you have a lot of cameras here tonight.
It looked literally like the academy awards. I had never seen so many cameras in my life. And it takes courage to run. I'll tell you what; it takes a lot of courage to run for president. I've never done this before. I've been a job producer, I've done a lot of things, but this is something I've never done. But I felt we had to do.
GUILFOYLE: Last night, Trump defined himself as a uniter (ph) and vowed he will win in November if his party unites.
TRUMP: We are going to be a much finer party, a much -- we're going to be a unified party, I mean to be honest with you. And we are going to be a much bigger party, and you can see that happening. We are going to be a much bigger party. Our party is expanding and all you have to do is take a look at the primary states where I've won. And just look, we've gone from "x" number to a much larger number. That hasn't happened to the Republican Party in many, many decades.
GUILFOYLE: So Donald Trump saying that he's adding numbers to the party by gaining interest and momentum, people getting involved and joining the GOP. Apparently, we have a buzzman (ph) at the table.
GUILFOYLE: . who has an issue.
GUTFELD: I need to correct something in the intro, written not by you, Kimberly, because you would never make this mistake.
GUTFELD: Obviously, a producer wrote a sweep of 7 out of 11. How do you sweep 7 out of -- don't you have to sweep everything? It's like, if they swept the series -- you don't sweep 7 out of 11, you morons.
DANA PERINO, CO-HOST: But you do sweep a 7-Eleven.
GUTFELD: Yes, that is true. But this like -- it's like they gave lips to LeBron James. You know, Trump did good. You don't have to make it better. Also --
GUILFOYLE: Take it easy. Don't mention lips.
GUTFELD: I also -- I know.
GUILFOYLE: Those in glass houses.
GUTFELD: I could have said, I could have said give Dolly Parton a wonder bra, but I choose lips to LeBron James.
PERINO: . were terrified.
GUTFELD: Yes. But the other thing --
GUTFELD: One other thing.
GUILFOYLE: Leave Dana, I'm out of this.
GUTFELD: . delegates, you've got 319, Cruz got 226. That's not failing far behind. That's 93.
GUTFELD: That's my quibble. Proceed with a fantastic opening.
GUILFOYLE: Thank you, Mr. Ombudsman.
BOLLING: Can I tease the B block, because I'm going to take, though -- I'm going to take the numbers and we gonna go through the numbers line by line because everyone seems to want to think, you know, go at me because I've been saying this is a Trump nomination to lose. In the B block, I'm going to break it down by numbers.
GUILFOYLE: You know that is my tease, right?
BOLLING: I know, I know.
BOLLING: But -- what he did there, after the 7 of the 11, he came out. It was a very -- it was a press conference, he took questions, it wasn't a rally, it wasn't a campaign event. It was very definite. You notice the flags behind? It's almost like he was saying, OK, Hillary pivoted to a general election posture, and it seems he like maybe trying to do the same. I think what is important, though, is that what we found out after last night is the turnout in the states have been phenomenal. They broke records in South Carolina. They broke records in Nevada. They broke records in New Hampshire. They are doing exceedingly higher than prior year's average turnout. And so the numbers, I would hope, would be more indicative of what the voting population is looking for, because there is a bigger turnout.
GUILFOYLE: Do you believe that there is a nexus between that, the voter turnout that we're seeing now that has definitely, you know, increased and then the general election because that was part of the problem with Mitt Romney?
BOLLING: Well, and that is the speculation if people who normally didn't vote for a party who would come out when they want to.
GUILFOYLE: Or get engaged.
BOLLING: Right, become engaged. But the interesting thing is the breakdown. A lot of people are saying, oh, you know, Trump is the older white party or the white party. It's not. It's falling of almost along the same demographic lines as he had been doing prior to that. In other words, it's not like the voter turnout is coming, it's big and the additional people are all white. That's not the case.
JUAN WILLIAMS, CO-HOST: What? Are you kidding me?
BOLLING: No, no --
WILLIAMS: You must be joking. Look at the numbers sometime. It's like 90 something percent of all the voters are white.
BOLLING: No, but my point is, with the additional people breakdown at the same rate as the people who are voting for him prior to that.
WILLIAMS: I'm a little confused, but I certainly think that it's overwhelming that the people voting in these republican primaries are white. It's not even close.
GUILFOYLE: All right, Dana Perino, looking lovely in red (inaudible).
PERINO: Oh, I thank you very much. I guess I've got a few thoughts here. So I think Hillary Clinton making that pivot to the general election, it's easier for her to do because democrats, even though there's going to be some consternation about that the Bernie Sanders voters are not enthusiastic about her. The democrats have shown in past, they consolidate and they will rally around her. And remember, they -- the democrats tend to treat the general election like the Olympics. It's every four years and it can't wait (inaudible) of demand. In the midterm elections, they don't really show up as much, which is one of the reasons that democrat -- a republican have done so well and were able to take back both the House, and the Senate, and the governorship, and I think 69 of 99 state legislators. So republicans have done well in off years and in state elections. They do not do well in national presidential elections. John McCain got roughly 60 million votes in 2008. Mitt Romney got around 61 million. Obama secured 70 million of those same votes. So in this election, just numbers wise, republicans have to do a lot better than they did in 2012. And the democrats have to do a little bit worse.
BOLLING: And that's what --
PERINO: That's a lot of hope.
BOLLING: But that's what is actually happening, right?
PERINO: Well, I --
BOLLING: Republican turnout.
PERINO: I don't know --
BOLLING: . to be somewhere around 40 percent higher than 2012. And Democrats are not as down.
PERINO: For the Republican Party, I hope that is true. But I also remember being here about a month before the election in 2012 and believing the polls and that some people said -- not everybody, including Fox News poll, Dana Blanton got it right here, saying that Romney couldn't win. But we are all like, no, Romney can win. Of course Romney is going to win, like nobody is going to vote for Obama again, right? And then, (inaudible) sitting there that night, going, "Oh my God, I got to go home and take an ambient because we just lost."
GUILFOYLE: Because everybody loves Romney.
WILLIAMS: You know what is interesting is.
WILLIAMS: . I can't believe --
GUILFOYLE: Hold it. Yeah, go.
WILLIAMS: What? You want to say something?
GUILFOYLE: No, I was telling -- I'm yeah.
WILLIAMS: Go ahead. I don't want to interrupt you.
GUILFOYLE: No, I'm giving it before I'm asking Greg to hold this so we can go. Please.
WILLIAMS: Oh, oh, oh, I was going to say, I was amazed that Cruz was at the Redneck country club. I found that so amusing.
PERINO: I thought it was awesome.
WILLIAMS: I was like, wow! Who would think to name your club, the Redneck Country Club? Anyway --
GUTFELD: So as expensive as the Redskins.
WILLIAMS: It could be.
WILLIAMS: And here's, you know, I don't even call them that. But I will say --
GUTFELD: I don't say redneck anymore.
WILLIAMS: Is that right? I'm glad you've given up. That shows a heightened level of.
GUILFOYLE: All right.
WILLIAMS: . enlightenment.
GUILFOYLE: Do you want to see my neck right now -- red.
WILLIAMS: But I was struck that, you know what; both Cruz and Rubio, in their comments last night, said, "Trump will be a disaster for the Republican Party."
GUILFOYLE: They've been saying that.
WILLIAMS: And they say this, and they say this with a passion that they've got to stop them. And I think they are trying to enlist the republican establishment, which today said, they are rallying. You see all these republicans, they will going to put more money now into stopping Trump. The question is -- can they stop him in the course of this upcoming contest, March 15th and going for?
BOLLING: Now they want to do that?
BOLLING: Now they want to do that?
GUILFOYLE: Juanito, just --
WILLIAMS: Or it's too late.
GUILFOYLE: Just woke up on the --
BOLLING: On March 2nd after March -- after Super Tuesday happens.
BOLLING: . and Trump takes seven -- sweeps 7 of 11.
BOLLING: . states.
GUILFOYLE: I love 7-Eleven and their slurpee --
BOLLING: It's like this one. So the establishment is so ticked off. Mitt Romney comes out --
BOLLING: . from the Bush.
WILLIAMS: He said he's going to give a speech tomorrow.
BOLLING: How about Paul Ryan? Think about this for a second. Now they want to do it. It's like your wife has left you. She's gone. She's already -- she's already married the personal trainer, they have two kids --
BOLLING: And now you're gonna start to attack the personal trainer.
GUTFELD: Wait a second. Those are my metaphors.
GUTFELD: You are not allowed to do those metaphors.
BOLLING: I give it back.
GUTFELD: No. That is good. It was good.
BOLLING: All right.
WILLIAMS: It was very good. It was very good.
GUILFOYLE: It sounds true, the trainer is not Frank. OK.
GUTFELD: A little late.
WILLIAMS: It's a little late. But I think, don't forget --
GUILFOYLE: OK. Guys, guys, I've got to clean this table up.
GUILFOYLE: It's getting sloppy and I don't like it. Go ahead.
GUTFELD: Just a point that Ben Carson is dropping of the debate, that raises the question, how could you tell?
WILLIAMS: Well, it also raises the question.
GUILFOYLE: Oh my, gosh.
WILLIAMS: . where do his -- where do people who support him go? Do they go.
WILLIAMS: . to Cruz and --
BOLLING: And 1 percent.
GUTFELD: Also --
WILLIAMS: No, no. He was 80 -- still 80 percent.
BOLLING: He had 1 percent.
GUTFELD: Also Ted Cruz --
WILLIAMS: No, no. I mean, last night?
GUTFELD: Ted Cruz won Alaska.
BOLLING: He has 1 percent of the delegates.
WILLIAMS: Oh the delegates.
GUTFELD: Can we -- this is important.
WILLIAMS: I'm not to vote.
GUTFELD: Ted Cruz won Alaska. That just shows you how important a Sarah Palin endorsement is.
WILLIAMS: Yeah, (inaudible).
GUILFOYLE: Alright then, let's talk about the party of Juan. Hillary Clinton took some shots at Trump during a victory speech last night, mocking his campaign slogan and some other things, and the Donald certainly knows how to hit right back.
TRUMP: We're going to make America great again, folks. We're going to make it great again. And, you know, I watched Hillary's speech and she's talking about wages have been poor and everything is poor and everything is doing badly, but we're going to make it. She's been there for so long. I mean, if she hasn't straightened it out by now, she's not going to straight it out in the next four years. It's just going to become worse and worse. She wants to make America whole again. And I'm trying to figure out what is that all about. Make America great again is going to be much better than making America whole again.
GUILFOYLE: Uh-huh. All right, so a little bit of back and forth, getting a little flavor for the general election -- Bolling, what do you think? What's that --
BOLLING: Yeah, that's what it called right?
GUILFOYLE: Almost like a kinder, gentler tone.
BOLLING: Yeah. I'm not sure he wears that well, though.
BOLLING: I was watching, I'm like, OK. Where's the good stuff?
GUILFOYLE: Although --
BOLLING: Where's the, you know, the optic stuff.
BOLLING: . I'm winning. I'm gonna be your nominee --
PERINO: Right.
GUTFELD: He wanted to make a joke, but he stop. Let's face it.
PERINO: Right on the whole.
GUTFELD: He wanted to make a joke. Because I could see -- I've had that feeling. I'm like, here it comes.
GUILFOYLE: You do it every day.
GUTFELD: I know. Yes.
GUILFOYLE: You usually say it.
GUTFELD: And then I have to put the second floor.
PERINO: But he showed restraint.
GUILFOYLE: Then we embellish you.
GUTFELD: That is so -- yes, the new Donald.
GUILFOYLE: You like it?
PERINO: I asked what I liked as a PR nerd was looking at how the three front-runners handled their speeches last night. They were very distinct, different ways to handle it. I thought that Cruz had a very good speech. Had he a big crowd there. And it was written exactly to give him the boost when he wanted them and the applause when he wanted them. The timing, that was really good. I thought he sounded really good. It so like --
GUTFELD: Get a room.
PERINO: That speech is great. Come on.
PERINO: I thought that Donald Trump -- the tone that a lot of people have loved for eight months I didn't love. I was like, OK, I could like listen to that, maybe a little bit more, it's like -- and I also feel like the republicans have made a mistakes over the years on overpromising on things they could never deliver, and I don't mean --
PERINO: . on big tax reform or things like that. I am talking about things like that you could get the Obamacare repealed by shutting down the government.
PERINO: And there are people who cheerily did from the sides because it was great for ratings. It was really fun to talk about. It was like never going to be possible. We all knew that President Obama was never going to sign a bill to repeal Obamacare.
GUILFOYLE: Well, Dana --
WILLIAMS: That I wouldn't have known by listening.
PERINO: And now, I just want -- if I could just finish this thought for a second.
PERINO: I know you need to move on. But if I could say -- so when -- it could be that somebody like Donald Trump comes along, and all of a sudden, compromise is not the dirty word that was slapped on Ryan knows for all of this time because they were like, we'll wait. If we want to get a tax reform, maybe we need to actually get to the middle of it.
BOLLING: Can I just reiterate that metaphor? Now, they want to talk about compromise. That's the, that is the issue right there --
PERINO: No, I don't think -- who is talking about compromise?
BOLLING: It's the last --
PERINO: You are saying that Donald Trump is talking about compromise and that's refreshing.
BOLLING: Well to the --
PERINO: And it would be good for the Republican Party, instead of like trying to shut down a government.
PERINO: . for Planned Parenthood with has 75 percent approval rating.
BOLLING: That the reason for the rise in Donald Trump Because he -- the people, the anger that is there, they feel like the establishment class has left them, has made a lot of promises like on Obamacare.
PERINO: Right. Because --
BOLLING: . and they never came to --
PERINO: But who was cheering on --
BOLLING: . spending.
PERINO: OK. But who was cheering on ideas like, you can shut down the government and you can repeal Obamacare, which we knew was never going to happen. That kind of thing --
BOLLING: Ted Cruz.
PERINO: Well, that's my point.
PERINO: Which is that is refreshing. And I think those two are --
BOLLING: But my -- I am agreeing with you that it is refreshing and it is a good thing for the American --
PERINO: So now, let's see thing -- OK.
BOLLING: My point is the establishment class is going.
PERINO: Well, it's good to know that that is the case now.
BOLLING: . OK, let's -- this is not a bad idea, then maybe we should be --
PERINO: But it's good to know that's that the case now, because if you were against.
BOLLING: Agreed.
PERINO: . the shutting down the government plan before, you were called all sorts of names.
WILLIAMS: Well, let me just say that what strikes me --
BOLLING: Fair enough.
WILLIAMS: We were talking earlier about establishment background. I'm still interested in what Rubio and Cruz have to say about the big Trump night, which is that it will be a disaster in the general election, or I think it was Cruz who pointed out like two-thirds of republican voters didn't get voted last night, did not vote for Trump.
GUILFOYLE: I know. That's coming up next.
GUILFOYLE: Remember the big.
WILLIAMS: Well, go ahead of it.
GUILFOYLE: . highlight at the top of the --
WILLIAMS: Go right ahead.
GUILFOYLE: Election pocket (ph).
All right, that's all we have time for.
GUILFOYLE: Much more to come on the last night result and the future contest to come. Next, do Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio have a shot anymore to derail Donald Trump? Bolling raise on the numbers, ahead. And a quick programming note, I'm heading to Detroit tomorrow to report from the site of the Fox News debate. So please tune in for that at 5:00 p.m. eastern. Back in a moment, I'll be there live.
BOLLING: Senator Marco Rubio finally scored his first victory last night winning Minnesota, but he didn't farewell elsewhere. He's still confident, though, he's going to go all the way.
MARCO RUBIO, PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: And no matter how long it takes, no matter how many states it takes, no matter how many weeks or months it takes, I will campaign as long as it takes and wherever it takes to ensure that I am the next president of the United States.
BOLLING: And he is still keeping up his new line of attack on front-runner Donald Trump.
RUBIO: Just five days ago, we began to unmask the true nature of the front- runners so far in this race.
Five days ago, we began to explain to the American people that Donald Trump is a con artist. We are going to send the message that the party of Lincoln and Reagan, and the presidency of the United States will never be held by a con artist.
GUILFOYLE: Charlie Rose of CBS challenged Rubio for his attacks last night. He thinks the senator is insulting Trump supporters.
CHARLIE ROSE, "CBS THIS MORNING" CO-HOST: Donald Trump had a big night and many will say that when you call him a con artist, you are criticizing the people who are voting for him.
RUBIO: Well, he's a con artist. I don't deny that there are some people that have been taken by his message. Look what happened in Virginia and virtually every other state tonight, Donald Trump did not sweep. This man is a world-class a con artist. And he is conning people into believing that he fights for the little guy.
BOLLING: All right KG, your thoughts on Rubio?
GUILFOYLE: I don't know. I don't like it. I like Rubio. I don't like that. I just think as a prosecutor and like con artist, like straight up criminal, put him in jail like forever, whatever. Throw away the key. And then he keeps saying it, it's getting very repetitive to the point where it's becoming problematic. And there's a lot of people, say he were to become the nominee. You want to be able to get all of that support and aggregate it. And then, so people are saying, what are you saying? I'm being duped by somebody, by a con artist? I'm getting con because I'm stupid. There's a negative connotation there that I think Charlie Rose is hitting on something. If I were Rubio, I will just focus more about why he should be like, the one.
BOLLING: Juan, is it working? The negative attacks Trump?
WILLIAMS: Well, it's the question for someone like Marco Rubio is what else is there to do, because he didn't stoop to this level before, but he wasn't getting any traction. He does this, he gets attention, we're discussing it, the whole argument about (inaudible). And I think he is saying something that is on the minds of lots of republicans, not to mention democrats. Which is, they think that, you know, Trump is basically a carnival barker and he's got a lot of people entertained and distracted, but there's no reality in terms of what he is promising these people.
BOLLING: Your thoughts on this, is this effective?
PERINO: Well, I think, what he would say, I think what he was trying to say last night is that he was able to close the gap. Not in the sound bite that we showed, but in the coverage last night. He was saying that in the last few days before Super Tuesday, he was able to significantly close the gap in Virginia to become -- to be right behind Donald Trump. And if you look at the exit polls last fight, then late deciders, people who weren't already dug in for their candidate Trump, or Cruz, or Kasich, or Carson, the late deciders went for Rubio. So I think he's trying to make that point. And also, Virginia is a very interesting state. It's now a purple state. It used to be a red state. Georgia is going to go republican, no matter what. Virginia is this must-win state for republicans this year, and it's a different look and feel, and in that state, Donald Trump did 7 percent better than Rubio with men. Rubio did 7 percent better with women. He did better with millennials, independents and moderates by a little bit. So I think that Virginia is a must-win state. Rubio is making the case that he can try to close that gap.
BOLLING: All right. And Greg, our producers point out that Rubio swept one -- having contest --
GUTFELD: One of eleven. Hey look -- I'm going to use a metaphor. A guy walks into a bar, he gets sucker punched and then he gets up and punches the guy back and gets arrested by the cop. "The Five" right now is the cop.
GUTFELD: We're ignoring the soccer punch, the soccer punch being Donald Trump, beginning this low-blow affair when it started, when he talked about McCain, you're making mocking his suffering as a war hero, talking about Carly Fiorona's face -- Fiorini's face, Fiorina's face.
GUTFELD: I'm ruining her name.
GUTFELD: Talking about a guy's disability. All of these things started well before Marco went darko, you know. He was this, this happened. And by the way, you know who is insulting their followers most? Donald Trump. When he -- in that interview with Jake Tapper, when he got really, when he started to waiver on the KKK stuff, why? Because perhaps, as Rush Limbaugh said, he was worried about alienating some of his voters.
GUTFELD: That's insulting.
WILLIAMS: Oh yeah. It was an earpiece. I can't believe that.
BOLLING: Can I -- as promised, can we do the math?
BOLLING: And I love doing the math. Yeah, this one is camera six, OK. So here's -- the remaining delegates in the month of March, fully through the month of March; 830 left, 459 are proportional, 371 are win or take all. Here is the percentage of the proportional votes that Donald Trump's got, Cruz's got and Rubio so far. If you break that down, if you add that and apply that to these proportionalities, here's what you come up with; Trump, 211 proportional votes to the end of March. He -- right now is leading every single win or takes all states, if you were those 371. The polls have been spot on straight through with the exception of Iowa first. And he ends up with 582 delegates by the end of March, added to his 319. He finishes with the month of March with 953 votes. Delegates, that's 77 percent of the way. If you add -- do the same math for Cruz, he gets 151 proportional. He doesn't get any of the win or take all. That gives him a total of 377 at the end of March. And then you go to Rubio, Rubio at 73 proportional; ends up with 183. Now, 59 percent of all delegates would have been awarded by the end of March. Trump will be at 77 percent. You're not getting there via Ted Cruz, because he hasn't anymore Texas on the schedule. And you're not getting there via Marco Rubio because he just can't get there statistically. Donald Trump has New York and he has Pennsylvania, win or take all states, on the calendar in April and that's another 160 votes and that's what.
WILLIAMS: Well, here's the thing.
BOLLING: . over the threshold.
WILLIAMS: Here's the thing with the numbers. The hope for Rubio and Cruz is somebody gets hot quickly. And now --
BOLLING: It doesn't matter.
WILLIAMS: No, does matter because it doesn't necessarily Kasich. Everything is going to be proportional, Eric. What I'm trying to say is, in win or take all states, somebody gets hot and starts racking up these win or take all states, suddenly they can push the numbers. And even in the numbers, as you add them up, Trump is only, you know three-quarters of the way there. And then you talk about.
GUTFELD: Also, also --
WILLIAMS: . a brokered convention.
GUTFELD: Trump has won it --
BOLLING: No, no, no --
GUTFELD: Can I just add this, my numbers think --
BOLLING: Yeah, yeah.
GUTFELD: Because even though I'm an English major, I know that Trump is one in three in close primaries, that's the only both primaries where republicans can vote.
GUTFELD: The next 10, 8 are closed.
WILLIAMS: Right. So it changes the dynamics (ph).
BOLLING: Juan, he's 70 percent -- 77 percent.
WILLIAMS: That's what I said. But he's not there.
BOLLING: Cruz is 30 percent.
BOLLING: He's not getting there. And Rubio is not either.
WILLIAMS: But what I'm saying to you is, so it opens the door to what is now being discussed widely, which is a brokered convention.
BOLLING: You make a very good point that the other two can't get the nomination.
WILLIAMS: It doesn't -- if that doesn't --
BOLLING: But they can stop a Trump, possibly.
BOLLING: Possibly.
WILLIAMS: They could come together and then you get the brokered convention where in the Republican Party.
WILLIAMS: . you have pledged delegates, about 500. What happens if they try to say, "You know, we don't want Trump."
BOLLING: They -- but they have to. By law --
WILLIAMS: Exactly.
BOLLING: Yeah, the delegates.
WILLIAMS: You say they to --
BOLLING: The award that they have to vote Trump --
WILLIAMS: No, no, no. The pledge --
BOLLING: All right.
WILLIAMS: The pledge delegates, the -- I'm talking about people who are just --
PERINO: Go on.
WILLIAMS: Like RNC officials or elected officials.
BOLLING: Right, right, right.
PERINO: No, I was agreeing and listening and being very interested. And I believe Colorado did something where they -- they didn't want to obligate their delegates or something. I mean, the delegate thing is kind of frustrating and confusing. I'm not arguing the math.
BOLLING: All right, there you go. I mean, we got to go. Ahead, our take on Hillary Clinton's huge victory last night. And we'll check in with election's Ed Henry, coming up.
HILLARY CLINTON (D), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Thank you all so much. What a Super Tuesday!
Imagine what we can build together when each and every American has a chance to live up to his or her own God-given potential. Thank you all so very much! Thank you!
PERINO: It was a night of celebration for Hillary Clinton and struggling for months to come -- overcome distrust among voters, Clinton won super -- seven Super Tuesday races. I'm sorry. Maybe I'm having an eye issue.
She built up a wide delegate cushion over rival Bernie Sanders, even though he won four races himself. And now she's directing her focus on defeating another opponent, Republican front-runner Donald Trump.
We already know what her game plan is: convince voters that he will divide America.
CLINTON: The rhetoric we're hearing on the other side has never been lower. Trying to divide America between "us and them" is wrong.
I believe deeply that, if we resist the forces trying to drive us apart, we can come together to make this country work for everyone, the struggling, the striving and the successful. If we all do our part, we can restore our common faith in our common future.
PERINO: All right. For more on Clinton's resounding victories, we're joined by Election Ed Henry. And one thing I think is important is that we all witnessed history last night. She is now the presumptive nominee, the first woman presidential candidate in American history. And that's certainly something to celebrate. And I think that she certainly liked winning. She seemed to have a little more pep in her step last night.
ED HENRY, FOX NEWS CORRESPONDENT: No doubt about it. I mean, look, she has struggled in the early months in this campaign, leading up to the beginning primaries and caucuses. And then, of course, we saw what happened, barely winning Iowa, then getting drugged in New Hampshire.
She wins in Nevada, wins big in South Carolina and then last night had a really big night. She's got a rally going on behind me here at the Java Center in New York City, because she wants to pivot out of Super Tuesday and say this campaign is going national if she doesn't believe Bernie Sanders can keep up, guys.
PERINO: Well, he did win four states, though.
Eric, you have a question for Ed?
GUTFELD: He swept four!
BOLLING: Swept four. So Ed, I mean, it clearly looks like she's -- she's focused on Bernie. Is he done? Is it time for him to say, "Thank you very much. We tried. See you later"?
HENRY: No. He's -- no, he's going to stick around. I mean, winning four states last night is better than anyone expected, I believe, especially winning a state like Colorado, which is actually a battleground state. And then think about the money he's raising. In the month of February, he raised about $12 million more than Hillary Clinton.
I'm not saying he should or shouldn't stay in, but if you're Bernie Sanders, why would you get out? You have -- you're raising more money right now, No. 1. And No. 2, because of the way the Democrats do it with proportional delegates...
BOLLING: Ed, you get out because you're not going to -- you get out because you're not going to win. I mean, come on, I mean, it's almost the same delegate math on -- it's worse on the Democrat side than it is on the Republican. What are you doing? You're just going to spend some donors' money?
HENRY: Well, mathematically, you're right. I think Hillary Clinton has taken command of this mathematically. But if you're Bernie Sanders, with proportional delegates, even when you come in second and you walk away with delegates, maybe he wants to have a bigger voice at the Democratic convention in Philly in July. I mean, that's up to him, not up to me.
PERINO: All right. Juan Williams.
WILLIAMS: Hey, Ed, so I thought the biggest result last night was Massachusetts. I thought Bernie Sanders was going to win Massachusetts.
WILLIAMS: It's Elizabeth Warren -- Senator Elizabeth Warren's home state. She is the, you know, heroine of all liberal Democrats at the moment. She has not endorsed. What does it mean for Hillary Clinton to win Massachusetts?
HENRY: You know, I think it does mean a lot. You're right. And here's why.
Bernie Sanders virtually gave up the South, because he knew she had a big edge with African-American voters. The Clinton camp, frankly, in private, is scratching their heads as to why Bernie Sanders didn't at least try harder in the South.
Why did that matter in Massachusetts? Because he played it hard in Massachusetts. He desperately wanted that state. It's obviously near New Hampshire, where he did well, and also near his home base of Vermont, which he won last night. So Hillary Clinton played there, as well, and beat him. They feel very good about that in the Clinton camp.
PERINO: Kimberly.
GUILFOYLE: Hi, Ed. I mean, I think it's probably a good reason, an idea for Bernie to stay in. He's got all the cash, right? He's got a tremendous amount of support. It can only bode well for him going forward in the future with this movement he's created. And also there is a that nasty little investigation that she's facing with the e-mail server. And you never know what could happen.
HENRY: Well, you raise a good point here, Kimberly, which is what Vice President Joe Biden and all these other big Democratic heavyweights opting out of this race. Bernie Sanders is the last guy standing. Martin O'Malley had no juice. And so, if anything happens to Hillary Clinton, obviously, why would he get out now? There is an open FBI investigation. They feel confident in the Clinton camp it's not going to go anywhere, but when you have the FBI director testifying yesterday on Capitol Hill that he's following it closely, this is a serious investigation.
GUILFOYLE: Yes. It sure is.
PERINO: The moment you've been waiting for, Greg Gutfeld.
GUTFELD: I have one question: Can you do me a favor and tell those people behind you to be quiet? That's all I've got. Thank you. They're very loud. Very loud.
PERINO: All right. Thank you, Ed.
Ahead, black voters delivered a huge advantage for Clinton throughout the South last night, but could Trump steal those votes away from her in a general election? We're going to debate that next.
WILLIAMS: Hillary Clinton dominated Bernie Sanders with minority voters last night, but would she win the black vote if she went up against Donald Trump in the general election?
Television commentator Tavis Smiley suggests black America could get on the Trump train. He writes, quote, "In this presidential election cycle, conventional wisdom left the building long before the train ever left the station. Something tells me that if Donald Trump is indeed the Republican nominee, it might be a miscalculation for Democrats to assume that black voters are a lock for their nominee, even with the first black president and Barack Obama both campaigning for her."
So the question is, Gregory, do you believe that Tavis Smiley is right or wrong?
GUTFELD: I think that he is more right than people think. It's about alienation versus aspiration.
It would be a really interesting survey if you went to young black man or female and said, "What would you rather be, a BLM activist or someone like Donald Trump, someone who is successful in business?" I am willing to bet that most black and white men and women would prefer the latter, to be successful. The belief is that they don't have the same opportunities.
I think the Republicans could do better in outreach. However, it's hard for the Republican Party to do outreach when you are -- when you are fearful of being humiliated or marginalized or mocked for doing it. And I think that's why you see a lot of Republicans who shy away going out and don't do that kind of thing.
WILLIAMS: Really? They're afraid of being mocked?
GUTFELD: I think it's happened. I seem to remember Mitt Romney doing -- was it Mitt Romney doing something in Philly? Or maybe it was Rand Paul.
PERINO: Rand Paul gets a pretty good reception.
WILLIAMS: Yes, he gets a good reception.
GUTFELD: I think it was Romney.
WILLIAMS: All right. So...
BOLLING: He did. He spoke, and Rand Paul did as well.
WILLIAMS: I think he went to Howard University and the like and pretty much delivered what Greg said about, you know, "Don't you want to be successful -- opportunity in your life?"
So I was going to come to Dana about the politics of this, because I was having an argument earlier with someone we know well who said to me, "Oh, you know, if -- if Donald Trump can just get, like, 20 percent, maybe 15 percent of the black vote, more so than Romney got, then that's all it takes."
PERINO: OK. But that's a lot of ground to make up. It's -- it's -- that's not easy, necessarily, to do.
However, I think Tavis Smiley is worth listening to, because he's tapped into this question of this election, which is what is going to be different? OK. I you want an -- in the exit polls, Republicans said by, like, 90 percent, they want an outsider in the election. OK? Democrats will say they want somebody with experience.
But could Donald Trump actually convince them that their lives might actually change and you could see a trajectory for something better? He might be able to, but to make up that much ground, I think it's going to be very difficult.
WILLIAMS: I think it's going to be terrifically difficult. But you stop and think about it, one of...
GUILFOYLE: Still going to try.
WILLIAMS: ... one of the big differences in this election is, for the Democrats, you don't have Barack Obama running.
PERINO: Right.
WILLIAMS: So you don't have a black candidate at the top.
BOLLING: That's good. That's good for the Republicans.
WILLIAMS: That's what I'm asking you. You think that's the difference?
BOLLING: So here's all you need to do. Here's what I think you would do. If Barack Obama was such a great president for the African-American community over the last eight years, then why has the poverty in the African-American community gone up under President Obama? Why has unemployment gone up?
WILLIAMS: Yes, but wait. Hold on. I've heard this.
BOLLING: Let me finish these. Why is median -- the only -- the only group -- not whites, not Hispanics, not Asians -- the only group to have a lower median household income under Obama are African-Americans? If you combine those three stats with the crime bill from her husband, and the work for welfare with husband, you have a very good case that Hillary Clinton is not best-suited to help the African-American community.
GUILFOYLE: Following up on what Eric's saying here really quickly, because we have to go, bottom line is, he's understanding that there is opportunity there. You have to at least try. You can't just say, "Oh, well, that box is checked." You have to be able to get out there and try and secure that vote, because Tavis Smiley is hitting on something very important.
There is a growing but still struggling African-American middle class in this country, and they want jobs. And they want lower taxes. And they're looking at him as somebody, perhaps, that can make it better for their family and their individual...
WILLIAMS: So the anti-immigrant rhetoric, the anti-Muslim rhetoric, you think that's not going to hurt?
GUILFOYLE: Well, I would have to ask and poll those individuals. I'm talking about more of an economic argument.
PERINO: I know you've got to go.
WILLIAMS: I've got to go. They're getting at me.
PERINO: I want to make a point. On the entrance poll last night, several people said, "Sanders is my first choice." Who is your second choice? "Donald Trump."
GUILFOYLE: Donald Trump.
WILLIAMS: That's true.
PERINO: That's happened. That's actually...
WILLIAMS: That's right.
PERINO: At the time. I don't know if it's enough to sustain.
WILLIAMS: All right. Still to come, it was Donald Trump's night last night, but on the stage behind him -- oh, my gosh -- someone else stole the spotlight. Chris Christie's facial expressions were all the talk on Twitter. Greg Gutfeld all over it, next on "The Five."
GUTFELD: The best part of last night's Trump presser: poor Chris Christie. Look at him over there, his eyes darting like forlorn pinballs. Alone like a forgotten "Bachelor" from episode one. No rose for you, little guy.
He's like Ben Carson at the debates. He's like me at gym class: everyone is climbing the rope. Not him. He has a note from the doctor.
It's not a presser. It's a depressor. Looks like he could use a hug, but Obama is nowhere in sight.
Trump placed him there as a symbol of support or, perhaps a symbol of submission, like a professional angler getting a picture with that big fish he just caught.
Pity when the alpha goes beta, bested through strength and aggression. They become your jacket holder, a tail between their cheeks.
Christie is now the reluctant henchman. He reminds me of "L.A. Confidential's" Bud White, the conflicted thug who did Captain Dudley Smith's dirty work. He took people out -- like Rubio. His only way out, earning accolades from daddy. But he's still sad.
He's not the only one. Many men are reduced to cheerleading status when taken in by celebrity and power, their happiness predicated on the attention from papa.
For Christie, his first love was Bruce Springsteen. Christie tailed him like a drooling puppy. At least Trump let's him hang around in the rear.
But this is about career as a choice between principle and survival, between individuality and tribalism, between the bandwagon and the boonies. We know which way Chris went. He's not the first. And he certainly will not be the last.
So Kimberly, Trump put him out there on purpose, correct? Why?
GUILFOYLE: Why wouldn't he put him out there? Chris Christie actually has a tremendous amount of support. He's got a lot of donors.
GUTFELD: How did he look out there?
GUILFOYLE: I think he looked fine. I mean, he's out there. Whatever. That's his choice. And I don't know. I think that he's a man of accomplishment. I think he's been, you know, I mean, may have some issues with the numbers, but you know, good governor. I think he's worked very hard. He certainly was respected by the National Governors' Association, which he was the head of. I think he was a very good prosecutor, speaking from another prosecutor.
GUTFELD: I'm talking about, though, him being back there.
GUILFOYLE: I know, but you were bad-mouthing him and, like, bashing him. So I'm just going to stick up for him, because I actually admire him.
GUTFELD: I wasn't bad-mouthing him. I wasn't bad-mouthing him. I was talking about how unusual it was.
WILLIAMS: Yes, I think it's more than Greg, though. I think the mockery was pretty widespread. And I think it's that he had this kind of vacant stare. And let me just say, on a political level, boy, people in New Jersey, I think six papers came out opposed to him.
BOLLING: They're all run by the same group.
WILLIAMS: The Manchester Union-Leader is not owned by the group. I mean, they...
BOLLING: No, no, you said in New Jersey.
WILLIAMS: I think a lot of people in the GOP establishment are just, like, what happened to Chris Christie?
GUTFELD: He's entitled to endorse whoever he wants, but it's just that it just looks so bad, the optics.
BOLLING: I think that's why he did it. Because everyone is thinking, well, Chris Christie, where is he going to go? And the establishment was - - wow, that threw the establishment for a loop, like Chris Christie's going to back Trump after all this? And I think that he will continue to show that Chris Christie's backing Donald Trump. Jeff Sessions wasn't there, and he also endorsed Donald Trump. So I think it's actually smart on Trump's part.
Chris Christie, look, he's going to need a job...
GUTFELD: Yes. That is true. That is true.
GUILFOYLE: I'd like to see him or Gowdy or even Cruz prosecute Hillary Clinton. That would delight me.
PERINO: I think it's always hard to be the potted plant.
PERINO: OK? And so, even if Chris -- Chris Christie might have just been -- the looks, you could have captioned anything. But it's always hard to be standing there, and you don't have a role.
PERINO: And the speaking is going on for a long time. And especially for a press conference, because you can't -- he probably didn't want to show any emotion.
PERINO: So it's like, how could he have a fixed stare? So he's not doing that. Like, nobody ever wants to just be the potted plant next to somebody who's giving a speech, especially one in which you're taking questions from the press.
I think the better thing would have been for Chris Christie to introduce him, if that's what he was going to do, and then exit, or at least move off to the -- out of the camera shot, like the son did.
GUTFELD: Yes. Well, his -- that look will be around forever.
PERINO: Like Biden looking out the window of the Oval Office.
GUTFELD: Exactly. One of the great ones of all time.
GUILFOYLE: Or Boehner and poor Paul Ryan during the State of the Union.
GUTFELD: Yes. "One More Thing" up next.
GUILFOYLE: It's time now for "One More Thing" -- Eric.
BOLLING: A couple huge accomplishments for FOX News. No. 1, we broke a 13-year record. We were the No. 1 cable channel of any kind for six weeks in a row. That 13-year record has stood because that was our old record 13 years ago.
No. 2, last night, Super Tuesday. Bret, Megyn, Dana and Juan were involved. Also were No. 1, 4.9 million viewers.
BOLLING: No. 1, 4,9 million viewers; 40 percent over 2008. Last time, there was an uncontested Super Tuesday.
PERINO: That's good.
GUTFELD: Congratulations.
PERINO: Thanks for watching.
GUTFELD: You're welcome, Dana.
PERINO: Thanks for watching.
GUILFOYLE: Very nice. Excellent work. And nice job. Bolling, no credit there.
PERINO: I'm up next? OK. You need something to look forward to?
PERINO: OK, May -- of course you don't, Greg. May 8 through the 10th, the Invictus Games. You have got to get in touch with this. George W. Bush is the honorary co-chair of this. This is where you have 115 men and women being named today. They're going to compete in the Invictus Games. This is bringing together wounded, ill, and injured active-duty and veteran service members. It's hosted at DFC and Wide World of Sports Complex at the Walt Disney World resort. Bolling, you might know that place in Orlando.
Check out this short video clip of the games.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I'm a soldier. I am wounded, and I am Invictus.
(END VIDEO CLIP) PERINO: So competitors from 15 countries, 150 men and women. The tickets go on sale March 7. And if you go to the web site,, you can find all the bios of the 115 competitors of the United States who are announced today.
GUTFELD: How much are tickets?
PERINO: I don't know. Do you need one? You need the money (ph)?
GUTFELD: Yes. Please.
PERINO: OK, we'll find out for you.
GUTFELD: All right. Time for this.
GUTFELD: Greg's Crime Corner.
GUTFELD: You know, a lot of times people assume that humans commit crimes. But sometime it's not always humans. Here's a dog robot attempting to rest in a handicap space. And thankfully, this real dog is saying, "Look, robot, get off of that space. That's not for you."
You can always count on man's best friend to tell a robot where to go. Of course, then the robot ate him.
PERINO: What if the robot got pregnant?
PERINO: Then you get special parking privileges. Right?
GUTFELD: The robot can't get pregnant.
PERINO: Really?
PERINO: I'm trying to match the bizarre humor.
BOLLING: ... even worse.
GUILFOYLE: I don't even know what to say.
GUTFELD: No pregnant robots.
GUILFOYLE: You're going to wake up at, like, 3 a.m. with this nonsense. OK, that's getting weirder. But Sarah Connor will save you.
OK. Juan.
WILLIAMS: So after breaking records by spending nearly a year in space, NASA astronaut Scott Kelly back on Earth. When asked what it was like to come home after spending 340 days on the space station, Kelly was emotional.
SCOTT KELLY, NASA ASTRONAUT: Leaving the station was bittersweet. You know, I've been there a long time. So I looked forward to leaving. But at the same time, you know, it's a magnificent place. And I'm going to miss it.
WILLIAMS: Well, now they're going to monitor his health for a year. But one big difference: he grew two inches. Two inches.
GUTFELD: I'm going.
GUILFOYLE: Oh, my God! Leave Greg up there for, like, five years. Right?
PERINO: Is that true?
BOLLING: No gravity.
WILLIAMS: No gravity. No pressure on the spine.
GUILFOYLE: All right.
PERINO; Two inches?
GUILFOYLE: We have a -- silencio, por favor. (SPEAKING SPANISH). Yes, Eric Bolling, our co-host on "The Five," it is E.B.'s birthday today.
PERINO: You got the good one.
WILLIAMS: Isn't this beautiful?
GUILFOYLE: Yes, my favorite.
WILLIAMS: That's the best.
GUILFOYLE: Nice little treats of some of your favorite things.
GUTFELD: A knife.
GUILFOYLE: Here's a knife. A Puerto Rican woman will hand you the knife. OK?
WILLIAMS: Don't do "Psycho." Don't do "Psycho."
GUILFOYLE: There you go.
And Bolling loves all these little things. Altoids, a gigantic, the biggest super-sized Tic-Tac you've seen, your Red Bull.
BOLLING: Awesome.
WILLIAMS: Look at that, man.
PERINO: I want to see Eric eat this cake.
GUTFELD: Got to eat.
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