Does Hillary Clinton Really Think Terror Attacks Help Republicans?

Now some fresh pickings from the Political Grapevine:

Terror Helps GOP?

Hillary Clinton is drawing fire from a fellow Democratic presidential hopeful over a statement Thursday that Republicans would be helped by a new terror attack — and she's the best candidate to deal with that.

Clinton told supporters, "If certain things happen between now and the election, particularly with respect to terrorism, that will automatically give the Republicans an advantage again, no matter how badly they have mishandled it, no matter how much more dangerous they have made the world. So I think I'm the best of the Democrats to deal with that."

Connecticut Senator Chris Dodd Friday said, "Frankly, I find it tasteless to discuss political implications when talking about a potential terrorist attack on the United States."

Going to the Dogs

The head of the National NAACP is trying to rein in the leader of the group's Atlanta chapter over the Michael Vick case. Vick is the Atlanta Falcons quarterback who has agreed to plead guilty to charges related to dog fighting. He is looking at prison time and an indefinite suspension from the National Football League.

Earlier this week the president of the Atlanta NAACP said Vick should be welcomed back to the NFL after he serves his time. But national chief Dennis Hayes told USA Today, "Sometimes, politics being local, local chapters speak to issues that we'd just as soon leave to others to deal with…. We would hope that our units... would be dealing with the larger issues of the day that surround things like jobs and tackle problems that go to the root cause of our affliction as a community."

And Hayes told the "Today" show that "(Vick) was in control of his actions and he's not a victim."

The Reverend Blogs

An MSNBC Online story about the Vick case referenced a purported blog by the Reverend Al Sharpton. It linked to a statement defending dog fighting and contending that if a white NFL quarterback were involved in a dolphin-fighting scheme, he would not have been busted.

The problem is the Sharpton blog was a hoax on a Web site known for such things. MSNBC has put up a correction.

Not Fit to Print

The New York Times also has had to set the record straight after this statement about former CIA chief George Tenet in a Thursday editorial: "When George W. Bush won the White House, Mister Tenet seems to have shifted his priorities. The CIA chief suddenly seemed consumed with hanging onto his job (through such innovative anti-terrorism measures as naming the CIA's Langley, Virginia, headquarters for Mister Bush's father)."

But in fact the building was renamed in 1999 while Bill Clinton was president.

Picture Problems

Muslim and Arab-American groups are upset with the FBI over the release of photographs of two men who they say have been acting suspiciously aboard Washington state ferry routes in recent weeks.

The bureau is asking for the public's help in finding the men because of concerns they might be scouting for possible terrorist attacks. But Arab and Muslim leaders say the FBI should have consulted them first and that cooperative relationships may be damaged.

"We need to get some type of apology from them and figure out how to get back to where we were," says the head of the Arab-American Community Coalition.

But an FBI official in the Seattle office says, "People in those communities have to get over this sensitivity toward feeling victimized."

—FOX News Channel's Martin Hill contributed to this report.