Does chaos of Iowa caucuses tarnish Democratic Party brand?

This is a rush transcript from "The Five," February 4, 2020 . This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: When does -- independent party -- never tested state wide. And why did the Iowa Democratic Party denied the Department of Homeland Security offer to test the app?

TROY PRICE, IOWA DEMOCRATIC PARTY CHAIRMAN: We have one -- I have no knowledge of the Department of Homeland Security making that offer to us. I will say that we have worked with cyber-security experts -- nationally renowned cyber security experts to test this app and do testing and security checks on this app. So we took the steps we felt was necessary, but we found a coding error last night. Once we discovered some irregularities as the results started to come out. What's that?

No, there weren't. And that is why what happened last night is simply unacceptable. And so, again, we're going to have a thorough and independent review of exactly what happened last night. We still -- right now, we are in the process of making sure that we get these results out. And that is what we are going to stay focused on.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Donald Trump has suggested that the process is rigged. How do you combat that? How do you assure Americans that this is trustworthy?

PRICE: We have said all along that we are going to make these caucuses the most transparent possible. This year, we are reporting out more data than we ever have reported before. And in addition to that, we have paper trails that we have never had before. And so we're going to take the time we need to verify these results. But these results are being based off what happened in the precincts last night.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Are you feeling pressure to step aside?

PRICE: When I ran for Chair, I made a commitment to see the caucus process through. That is what I'm working on. That is what I will continue to work on. And whatever happens after that is to be determined. Anyways, thank you all, folks. The results are coming in. We will see you later.

DANA PERINO, FOX NEWS HOST: All right. So you were just looking at the Iowa Democratic Chair trying to explain the debacle in Des Moines last night. We have THE FIVE. We are all going to get to come. You'll hear from Katie Pavlich, Juan Williams, Jesse Watters, and Greg Gutfeld, and myself. But let's first bring in Bret Baier and Martha. There are those guys.

But we have Bret Baier and Martha MacCallum. They're going to break it all down for us. What did you just hear? It was a little bit of an apology and a promise that there's going to be a review, and that you can be assured that the results that they are going to present to us are accurate.

BRET BAIER, FOX NEWS HOST: Yeah. He said it was -- saying it is unacceptable, and that they're going to try to get to the bottom of it. Bottom line, he's going to put out 62 percent of the vote. You're going to see this on your screen once we get the actual vote dump from the Iowa Democratic Party. At that point, the Fox News decision desk is going to make a decision whether we can make a stipulation of where everybody came in.

First, second, third, and fourth, based on what we had going in and the raw vote total they dumped right now at this hour.

MARTHA MACCALLUM, FOX NEWS ANCHOR: All right, obviously, this is a very unusual situation. And you also have the campaigns weighing in with the numbers that they believe they have. They have their own apps, and counting people at all of these precincts across the state of Iowa. So brace yourself for what could be a battle over these numbers when we start to get them, because it's clear that they may not line up perfectly with what the candidates think is fair.

And Joe Biden's team already said last night that they would consider some form of legal action if they feel like the numbers aren't on the up and up. So a lot riding on that, gentlemen, Troy Price's shoulders right now as these numbers roll out, Dana.

PERINO: Indeed a lot of accountability. All right, Bret and Martha, we are going to keep you there in the studio next door. Let's take it to THE FIVE up in New York. Juan and I are in D.C. Let me start there. Look at all these fine people. You got Katie Pavlich, Juan Williams, Jesse Watters, and Greg Gutfeld and his unicorn cup.

Greg, let me start with you about just your general thoughts as this all went down last night. We were there in a very quiet convention center waiting for results. We never got them.

GREG GUTFELD, FOX NEWS HOST: I know. This was the Democrats' first day of school and they showed up in their underwear. And then they proceeded to throw up on everybody. I think everybody has had that nightmare. And they've got a whole that they have to dig themselves out of. The other -- I have a thing like Gutfeld's Law. Would you like to hear it?


GUTFELD: Republicans run things. Democrats ruin things. And one difference is I, which for four years stood for impeachment. They were so consumed by an outside phantom from Moscow that they failed to realize that the phone call was actually calling -- coming from inside their own house that they had issues. They had four years, four years to figure this out and they didn't.

I mean, they should've listened to Joe Biden and learned how to code, because this is so embarrassing. It just shows you that Dems can't run anything. They can't run cities. They can't run websites. They -- remembers cars for clunkers. The Puerto Rico disaster relief, they can't run anything.

PERINO: Well, look, I mean, it is absolutely embarrassing. And you have the chair there, Jesse, trying to say -- well, he did say he was sorry, but this is a big debacle.

JESSE WATTERS, FOX NEWS HOST: Apology not accepted. I don't think that guy exuded confidence. Maybe I'm wrong. I just didn't buy what he was slinging. I actually can't believe I'm going to say this. I've never said it before.

PERINO: You feel sorry for them?

WATTERS: But I feel sorry for Democrats, I do.


WATTERS: I feel sorry for the voters in Iowa, because elections are supposed to be fun. It's supposed to be a great night, and they got robbed. And they got robbed by a crooked firm. Literally, the firm that did the app was run by Hillary Clinton staffers. They didn't need the app and the app didn't work. They got paid to roll the app out anyway.


WATTERS: And they're laughing all the way to the bank because they still get to keep the money. They didn't vet it. They say they tested it. They didn't roll it out by Department of Homeland Security. And then they said, oh, DHS never offered. We will see about that, because I bet there is a paper trail for that. And Greg is right.

This is why Trump was elected, because powerful people don't deliver results for the American people. And Democrats, above everything else, they have to be competent. And they have to be more competent, because their entire agenda is put us in charge. Let us control your healthcare, your food, your energy, your car, your lifestyle, because we know how to do it better than you.

And when something like this happens and they face-plant, that destroys their entire brand. And I am sick of hearing the mainstream media mock Trump supporters for being dumb hillbillies. They can't read a map. They can't even read. Making fun of Donald Trump misspelling something on Twitter, and they go out and they do something so catastrophically stupid. It blows up their entire brand of these brilliant, sophisticated leaks --


WATTERS: -- that understand technology. You know, Republicans don't believe in science, remember? But these guys have it all under control. Please.

PERINO: Now, it was, Juan, the mainstream media actually that was amongst the most critical. One, because they were furious, they wanted the result. But also, they spent all that time and effort and money covering this campaign. And then you get to the big night. You don't get any results. And now, I think that even though the chair says that all of this is going to be accurate and assured.

And the integrity of the election is of utmost importance. Do you think they'll be able to actually convince people of that?

JUAN WILLIAMS, FOX NEWS HOST: No. I think that was an unmitigated disaster, a disaster, as Dana pointed out, for all the good people of Iowa who trekked off to the gym or the firehouse or the schoolhouse to caucus last night. And, you know, it is a wonderful exercise in American democracy. I've been there. And I to tell you those people are so proud.

And I have got to believe they are so hurt by what happened, just a terrible thing. And, you know, to what Greg and Jessie were saying, I've got to say it's a pretty good talking point that stuff about the Democrats now. How can you trust them health care? Look, I get it. I think that really works with the Trump base.

Although, I still think I haven't seen anything on healthcare coming from President Trump and the Republicans to this day after all those replace and repeal votes. But the key here for me is now all the conspiracy theories and the division among Democrats. Who does this help? Who does this hurt? What we are going to get in a few minutes is only about -- according to the Iowa Democratic Party.

Only 60 percent of the results, so there are still going to be arguments about who was helped, which cities, which sites did this come from, and could it be that the remaining 40 percent would change their results?

PERINO: Juan, speaking of that, we actually have the first results. And Martha and Bret, if you're still there with us, if you could share with us what do we know?

BAIER: You know, 62 percent. And you're seeing this on the screen. These are the precincts that are in. There's a slight lead for Mayor Pete Buttigieg over Bernie Sanders. You see Elizabeth Warren in third, and Joe Biden back at under 16 percent in forth, Amy Klobuchar at 13 percent in these early numbers. Now, let's just be sure that we understand.

This is 62 percent of the precincts. This is not the whole picture. And this could change as we get more of not only the raw vote total, but also what our decision desk is going to look at going in with our voter analysis.

MACCALLUM: And obviously, we want to keep an eye on the counties and get a feel for which counties are still out there and where those counties are and how they might impact the remaining movement of these votes, as we take a look. But I mean, clearly a good night for Pete Buttigieg, anyway you stretch it. I mean, even if he ends up in second place and Bernie Sanders in first place.

And that could happen as the rest of these numbers come in. He claimed victory last night. He got a lot of heat for it. And it did feel like he jumped the gun given the situation as it was unfolding. But clearly, he has performed well here. And no doubt -- and he's already, you know, crowing about in New Hampshire as he's moved on there to campaign.

BAIER: We should point out one thing, Dana. The internal Sanders numbers they put out today say that he is going to pull this out in the end at about 30 percent over Buttigieg at 24 percent. They are going by their precinct captains and their internal vote count. We can't, you know, confirm that. But looking at these numbers at 62 percent, you realize how lucky Joe Biden was last night to get out of there.

Because he is fourth, fourth, the former vice president of the United States, who now heads into New Hampshire where Bernie Sanders is running strong.

PERINO: Martha or Bret, do you know in -- do you know what the voter turnout was? And that was one of the questions last night, was if the turnout was more like 2016 than it was in 2008, that that didn't sound too good for the Democrats. Do we know anything about that from these numbers?

BAIER: They are still staying with 2016 right now. They're saying that it's roughly about 170,000. That is not a good number for Democrats over all. It may be better for Mayor Pete Buttigieg than it is for Sanders. Sanders would've benefited from the 240, the Barack Obama year number, 240,000. It looks closer to 2016, 170,000.

MACCALLUM: If that holds when we get the full look at this, I think that is one of the big story lines here as well. And it begs the question is there a candidate who is really driving this race on the Democrat side and exciting people to get out and vote and participate in all of this? They were really expecting blow-out numbers, that they might even surpass the number in 2008 for President Obama, which was around 240,000.

So that is something to watch really closely, and we will see if it changes as we get the rest of these numbers.

BAIER: One other thing. The Klobuchar campaign thinks that their internal numbers show them right neck and neck with Joe Biden in fourth and maybe even overtaking him. So again, the rest of these precincts we have to watch closely.

PERINO: Well, the Joe Biden campaign was setting very low expectations yesterday afternoon, and this might be explain why. Bret and Martha, we'll be back to you in a minute. Before I get back to Juan who has something to say, Katie Pavlich, we haven't had a chance to hear from you. Last night, just to talk about Mayor Pete, if he does -- this is 62 percent.

At 26 percent, he's in the lead. The line that really, you know, got everybody's eyes wide in the event last night is when this was all uncertain, he said we have turned an undeniable hope and it became an improbable victory. And it just felt premature, but maybe he knew something.

KATIE PAVLICH, FOX NEWS HOST: He either knew something or just took the opportunity while everyone was sitting around trying to fill air time while we were waiting for these results. You know, 62 percent is still a D. It is two percent away from a failing grade. And the question I think that Democratic voters, especially, who made the effort to go out and caucus for their candidate and maybe change their mind and went over to somebody else is, how are we supposed to trust these results?

I mean, the chairman didn't come out and really say anything about the details of what happened. He said there were irregularities that beg the question about more explanation about really what happened. Where did the money go? Why is it that a party that's been sure worried about election meddling from Russia for the last three years didn't take Homeland Security's offer, which they say was on the table to vet the app and the cyber concerns that they had going into the caucus.

There are, I think, going to be a lot of questions rather than answers. And when it comes to an independent and thorough investigation, who's going to do the investigation and how long is that going to take what Democrats are -- as you mentioned Pete Buttigieg flying out to Iowa and they're all claiming victory here just like, you know, Amy Klobuchar essentially did last night for getting out first and --


PERINO: Indeed. Juan, you had a quick thought?

WILLIAMS: Well, you know, the thing about Iowa is it is politics, but also it is media. It's the balance that you get coming out of Iowa. That balance should've been there this morning. So just based on the numbers we've seen so far that have Buttigieg and Bernie Sanders in the lead, they're not going to get that big bounce. They have lost a tremendous opportunity in this moment.

We've got state of the union tonight. We've got the vote for acquittal in the impeachment tomorrow. Those are the headlines. And, you know, it's -- when you get that media balance it leads to donors and money. Pete Buttigieg clearly outperformed. He will get something. But I think a lot of Democrats who ran and put their heart into Iowa, I'm thinking specifically Amy Klobuchar. They really got ripped off.

PERINO: Greg, I read -- wish I could remember where I saw this, because I would like to give them credit. But I will just repeat here. And if you said on Twitter, congratulations, it caught my eye that this was really a win for socialists last night, because everybody walked away with a victory.

GUTFELD: I think I said that, Dana, if you don't remember it.

PERINO: OK, I will give you credit for it.

GUTFELD: Thank you. I didn't say that. But it is true. Every body went home with a trophy. But Juan is right. It's completely deflated. And to Katie's point, we had a party that had been seeding the -- sowing the seeds of doubt about our voting system. So in a weird way, they kind of got what they wanted through their own obsession over Russia and their own incompetence.

Now, who are they going to blame? Are they going to the Electoral College or Trump or the Russians? Meanwhile, as Jesse points out, the company, Shadow Inc., what a great name, I guess spies at night was taken. But it was linked to Clinton. And I think that -- you could make a lot of money if you sell something called a Clinton detector.

It's like a smoke or carbon monoxide detector and you just wave it in all the rooms, and it can detect a color-less, odor-less gas of a Clinton influence and then you can just fire those people. Lastly, to Jesse's point about how people mock the Trump supporters, it really is mocking the outsiders versus the insiders, because if you remember when a Trump administration took shape in 2016, those jokes were always about how stupid these outsiders were.

They were hiring terrible people. They were making awful mistakes. Now, you have these political pros and they can't do it. I think -- big winner here is Bernie. Bernie is their Trump. I would not joke about him getting the nominee. And I would say he's going to be the strongest person against Trump, because he galvanized the distaste and dislike for all the people, all the insiders, and elitists, the Clintonites.

The same way Trump galvanized it on the right. He's going to do it on the left. And you're going to see -- I think it is going to be Sanders-Trump.


PERINO: Jesse, I was going to mention that one of the things that I read this week was from Jonathan Chait in New York Magazine. And he said in 2016 there was that populist fervor. And you had some Bernie people say that they ended voting for President Trump because they were so mad about what happened to them and the DNC and all those changes that resulted from that.

But he also writes that the financial anxieties that existed in 2016 amongst people who have a populist band, those have been alleviated. And you today in Gallup that President Trump has a 63 percent approval rating in the handling of the economy.

WATTERS: Right. Well, it's bizarre to run a socialist during a record- breaking economic boom. It just doesn't make sense to most people. To Greg's point and to Juan's point, they really stole Bernie's momentum last night. If this thing goes the way Bernie's folks say it goes and he comes out ahead, then he loses that wind to his back going into New Hampshire where he is ahead in the last two or three polls.

So for me at least, Joe is on the ropes. And not reporting the results really softened the blow, but it's even worse than that. He had the whole state to himself or three weeks. He was on air with Super Pac money for the last week solo. I don't know if Pelosi's deal backfired. But if you think about it, all we heard in January was about where's Hunter, quid pro Joe, and Burisma.

That couldn't have helped things. And I think a lot of donors are going to get on the phone today and say the well is dry, Joe. We're going somewhere else. He didn't have a good fourth quarter last fundraising time.


WATTERS: And I don't think people are going to come back and throw money around at this loser. He has to win somewhere, or else the whole electability rationale doesn't mean anything. He's not winning any elections.

PERINO: Katie, let's talk about Amy Klobuchar for a moment. Because as her team says, like, she's close with Biden but they are both going to be fourth or fifth when this is all said and done. Iowa's -- she was basically putting all of her chips and Iowa. If she does have this result, if it turns out to be at the end when they have all the votes in that she's only in fourth place. What does she do? What's the calculation there?

PAVLICH: Well, I think the calculation at this point is that Iowa, again, how long is it going to last when it comes to these results. When they get a 100 percent of reporting, people are going to have major questions about the process and whether the numbers are accurate and match all the data, how long is that going to take.

And now that everybody has already kind of moved on to New Hampshire, it's become really ground zero now for starting over, and really becoming the first state when it comes to actual results. You know, she can prove that she's willing to work hard. She's willing to be the underdog during impeachment. She flew into Iowa and flew out the next morning.


PERINO: Katie, let me interrupt you there. Bret and Martha have an update for us, some little news there, Bret and Martha.

BAIER: Well, I just want to point out something. The percentages you are looking at the screen, this is essentially the Iowa Democratic Party's final alignment. This would be after a caucus, after somebody doesn't qualify, and some people go to another corner. This is not the popular vote, the first alignment that we talked about. As confusing as this sounds, just bear with us.


MACCALLUM: -- so what we are asking is we were told by the Iowa Democratic Party that they were going to release the first alignment number, then the realignment number, and the final number. So this is the number that we are seeing that's going to go into the delegate count, ultimately. So one way that Larry Sabato's putting it right now is Buttigieg won the Electoral College and Sanders won the popular vote.

So the question is when voters -- you know, we talked last night about how some of these districts were -- you know, Biden was not viable in some of these areas, so where did that vote go? It appears that it went to Buttigieg.


BAIER: Because Sanders leads with 28,220, Mayor Pete, 27,030, Warren, 22,254, Biden all the way back down at 14,176. These are popular votes. That's first alignment stuff, just wanted to put that in there as we wait for more numbers.

PERINO: But then what really matters in the end then?

BAIER: The numbers you see on the screen, because that leads to the delegates, the percentage of the 41 delegates that Iowa is going to dole out.

MACCALLUM: Once again, you're going to have a situation like you have last time where Bernie Sanders is claiming that he won because he has the popular vote. And also, that he is the person who forced this issue, so that we have this new system in the first place, and he ended up sort of at the same boat.

PERINO: Wow. Let's get Juan's thoughts on that, Juan, some frustration there amongst Democrats?

WILLIAMS: Look, delegates count. That is how you get the nominee. So it's the delegate count. But I just want to point out that when you have the party handling this, it gets wild. I mean, I go back 2012. Remember the Romney-Santorum race where they said Romney won. And then the Republican Party of Iowa then says several weeks later, oh, no. Santorum won and got delegates.

This is really a -- it's not about a conspiracy theory. I think this is about absolute confusion, malfeasance in terms of management that the Democratic Party of Iowa has to be held accountable for. I think they have damaged the process and the faith in the process. And that is what goes forward. It absolutely contributes to the idea that Bernie Sanders and his supporters, the Bernie-bros, will say we are getting screwed and ripped off again.

Meanwhile, Pete Buttigieg is going to say I'm getting hurt. And guess what? Joe Biden, I thought a lot of people were going to say Joe Biden might be behind this. In fact, you see kind of crossfire now between Sanders and Pete Buttigieg as each is saying behind the scenes. I am blaming him. I'm blaming him. This is really now a circular firing squad on the Democratic side.

PERINO: So Greg, let me ask you. When you talk about Bernie Sanders, how does he take the strong support he has and broadened that out? Because you can't win with just the support he has. He has to either get the Democratic Party behind him in some way or to peel off some of the Trump voters which seem a little improbable.

GUTFELD: Yeah. I don't think that's going to happen at all. What's interesting, -- what they have in common, a lot of people voted for Trump even though he didn't express the same principles they did, right? It was like, you know, I didn't -- I'm free trade. He's not free trade. People question whether he was actually pro-life. And a lot of conservatives who became never-Trumpers believed that he was not sufficiently conservative.

On the Democratic side, you could do the same where this guy is crazy socialist. He's like -- even too left for us, but would override it both Trump and Sanders is the need to burn the house down. That is a very strong emotion, especially when something like this happens. And when you feel like you are being screwed and Trump rode that emotion about you are not being represented by the people in D.C.

They are screwing you over. And like, the mirror image, I swear, is Sanders, who maybe wrong on every single issue you believe in. But what he is right on is the same thing Trump was, which is a deep dissatisfaction for the people who looked down at you, who think you are dumb. And I think he's got that. What is amazing to me is that how Trump keeps seems to keep winning without actually doing anything.

Because of what the Democrats are doing, I mean, this helps him. He's got a state of the union tonight. This is, like, this makes him look even better.

WATTERS: Yeah. I mean, this makes Trump look like a competent, steady manager who has guided this economy into a league that we haven't seen before. And to Greg's point about the economic anxiety. I think where Trump survives this in a race against someone like Bernie Sanders is because of the Trump economic recovery has been from the bottom up.

If this was a recovery only on Wall Street and you still had that Obama era malaise where people were getting hosed. People feel like it was rigged against them. Wages were stagnant. And people feel like they weren't getting a fair shake, then Trump would've been vulnerable. But I think because his focus on the middle class, on the trade deals, on things immigration, and because of the massive regulation cuts.

He's been able to have a bottom up recovery, which kind of insulates him from the Bernie Sanders attack that this guy's from the rich. We need to burn the system down. Because right now the system, capitalism, free-market capitalism, is actually doing a lot better than it has been in say, a decade or two or even three.

PERINO: Let me ask -- Katie, can I get you to talk a little but about -- if the team could put up the alignment numbers again. I want to talk about some of the people that got significant amount of press. And yet, they were all at less than one percent. And I'm talking about Andrew Yang, Tulsi Gabbard, and Tom Steyer, the billionaire who put a lot of money into things.

PAVLICH: Well, look. Social media is not something that only reaches Iowa. And a lot of these candidates are trying to campaign not just in the first state but also around the country, obviously. But when it comes to what the media decides to focus on. There is the establishment version of people thinking that they can focus on all of the wrong candidates for all the wrong reasons.

Joe Biden, for example, the non-establishment Bernie part of the Democratic Party has accused the media of taking his side because polling shows that he is the most electable candidate. And yet, here we are with the results in Iowa, showing that despite having everything on his side, including the media behind him, he is coming forth at this point.

And when it comes to moving forward with this campaign, Michael Bloomberg decided not to play in Iowa. And last night, I think that he was looking at the debacle and going this is why I'm not there. And he's been able to buy a lot of his own ads. And he's doubling his staff and continuing to do that.


PERINO: -- double the amount of money --


WATTERS: -- he spent a quarter of a billion dollars and got beat by uncommitted.


WILLIAMS: Here is the thing to keep in mind. So he is going to double his money right now. What does that say to people in the Democratic side? It says that what he saw last night indicated blood in the water. That he is starting to see an unravelling on the Biden side. He needs Biden out of the way to have a clear lane in the Democratic Party process.

I will say this. To be fair to Joe Biden, Joe Biden's been under attack from Donald Trump from day one. That is what the whole impeachment thing is about, getting dirt on him. And secondly, he didn't intend initially to play in Iowa. His bork (ph), his iron wall is South Carolina. And the key here is if what happened in Iowa and what's likely to happen in New Hampshire, Bernie ahead by a lot there. It's his neighboring state to Vermont.

Does any of this say to voters, especially black voters in South Carolina that, in fact, Joe Biden is not going to get over the finish line? I don't necessarily see anything there to indicate that yet. But that's what's at play at the moment. And with Bloomberg putting more money on the table and getting more support by the minute, I mean, it's really a fascinating moment in terms of American politics.


GUTFELD: You know what Juan is saying is really good point. And I can't believe I said that. I'm kidding, Juan. The irony is that the guy that really screwed over Joe Biden is named Adam Schiff. If Adam Schiff had not pushed this impeachment so much, you wouldn't have had this two month blowback on Biden's kids and Burisma.


GUTFELD: So it's all on Schiff.

PERINO: Do we have -- Martha and Bret, I wanted to see if I could bring them back in for a moment to ask a quick question about somebody we haven't even mentioned, which is Elizabeth Warren, coming in third. And then she goes to New Hampshire, of course, that is kind of her neighborhood. She is from Massachusetts. What is she thinking now, Martha, do you wonder?

MACCALLUM: I mean, I think she's got a feel like she got some momentum last night. I think she will feel good about that, because the whole story going into it was that she kind of slipped off the map. The other interesting story that we're kind of looking at developing here as we look at the counties, Dana, is Buttigieg and the counties where he won.

A lot of them are outside of the cities. Sanders' looks like he did very well in Des Moines, Cedar Rapids. We look outside to the more rural areas, and Buttigieg seems to have won those. He spent a lot of time in the 31 counties that were Obama counties and then -- or districts and then became Trump districts. He wanted to try to win those districts back to the Democrat side.

So I think it's going to interesting when we get a really -- a better handle on it. But it looks like in the early indication that those are the areas where he did well. And those are areas I think where Biden had really hoped to do well.

BAIER: I think on Elizabeth Warren, Dana, to your question. Her close was about a unity candidate. And she's going to make that pitch to progressives and say I'm better at closing than Bernie Sanders, as far as head-to-head, and can get the Biden people and maybe even the Buttigieg people on their - - on her side. That was her close in Iowa. I expected it to be her close in New Hampshire. We should point out that these are not final numbers. These are 62 percent, and they could change as we get the rest of the numbers.

MACCALLUM: And just one other thing. Watch Amy Klobuchar because she did, I think, better than most people thought she would And they're -- it's highly possible that she and Biden could flip as you get the final numbers in here. They're very close and these tallies.

PERINO: Let me ask you a question you might not be able to answer. You both went to the lunch today at the White House with President Trump. There's an annual tradition that presidents do right before they give the State of the Union. Is there anything you can tell us about his thoughts about the 2020 election or is that off the table?

BAIER: It was not on the record so we can't get into the quotes about that. I can tell you that he is confident. I think you can see that on the stump and on the campaign.


BAIER: But he exuded that in a number of different ways.

PERINO: All right. I don't mean to put you on the spot.

MACCALLUM: No, I think you can definitely characterize his mood.

BAIER: But you can characterize it.

MACCALLUM: He was very -- I think he was very confident, brilliant almost, and I think he's also very focused on tomorrow, and he's going to do a speech tomorrow as well after that vote. So I think that was a significant takeaway as well.

GUTFELD: I was there at the lunch and --

PERINO: What did you eat?

GUTFELD: I was serving.

PERINO: Greg, how did the lunch treat you?

GUTFELD: I was actually serving

BAIER: I saw you.

GUTFELD: So I could tell you everything that went on. It was crazy.

BAIER: Thank you for that Splenda.

GUTFELD: A lot of it is about you, Dana. I have to tell you. A lot of stuff behind your back.

WILLIAMS: I tell you what I'm looking for. I can't wait to hear tonight about Space Force. I'm sure that's part of the record. I'm sure that was discussed at the lunch.

PERINO: Well, let me ask -- let me get Jesse Watters in here on something. We saw something today that happened for President Trump. I mean, what a day for it to land. He gets a personal best in the Gallup approval rating at 49 percent. If he does well tonight, you can imagine that in the next couple of weeks, he might hit that 50 percent number. And then the talking point that the Democrats have used against him that he's the only president never to hit 50 percent in his first term, that will go away, too.

WATTERS: And this isn't a Rasmussen poll. This is -- this is Gallup. So, Juan, you can take that one to the bank. And there's a lot of other good material from the Gallup poll. I think Republicans, more Republicans are identified than Democrats for the first time in a while. Independent approval up five points to around 42 percent. And his handling of the economy is well over 60 percent --

PERINO: 63 percent.

WATTERS: 63 percent. So a lot of great numbers to chew on for the President of the United States.1 It does look like the more he prevails over these constant attacks, whether it's Mueller, he prevailed. If you look at impeachment, he's prevailing. The stronger he gets, and it looks like he is on the right side of history, and the Democrats keep coming up empty- handed, and the way they're going about it looks more and more underhanded.

And the economy surging in an election year at this point, he's got the wind in his back. It looks to me like the American people say, I get this guy, there's going to be some chaos, there's going to be some drama. But at the end of the day, I got a big paycheck this past week, things are calm, and we're just going to have to get used to the constant drama, and we have to get used to the president prevailing because he's undefeated when it comes to these coups.

PERINO: Are you getting tired of winning, Jesse?

WATTERS: Not yet.

WILLIAMS: Now, let me just remind you --

GUTFELD: Can I just say --

WILLIAMS: Let me just remind you, these same polls show that half the American people think he should be out of office?

WATTERS: That's not true, Juan. 52-46 against impeachment.

WILLIAMS: I don't know what you're looking at but every poll says it's about 45 to 50 even, beyond 50 in the Fox poll, say this guy should be out of office.

WATTERS: The last three polls, the last three polls show the president should not be impeached.

WILLIAMS: But here's the thing. He's going to talk about oh, this is all I've done tonight. I've done so much. What is he done about health care? I don't know. Where's that wall, Jesse? I don't know.

PERINO: I think though tonight -- Katie, let's talk about that for a moment. The President tonight, they've signaled that they are going to talk about immigration, the safety of the American people. What do you think that he will say tonight on that topic? I know you follow it closely.

PAVLICH: Yes. According to the press secretary, Stephanie Grisham, he'll be talking about the opportunity that America presents, and his eternal optimism for the country, and what America is capable of achieving. Oftentimes, Dana, and you know this, a lot of -- the guests that the First Lady and the President decided to invite and bring to the State of the Union oftentimes show us what he will be discussing and talking about.

He has a border patrol agent on the list coming tonight. He has a veteran who went and served his country in Afghanistan, who then came back, suffered from PTSD, and then became an addict who has now recovered. That goes into their opioid agenda that they've been pushing and been pretty successful at over the past couple of yours. And so those are the things that the President is focusing on.

We have heard he may mention impeachment, and we're hearing a couple of rumblings about how some Democrats may be handling the State of the Union address tonight. We do know that some of them are boycotting and deciding not to show up.

PERINO: Yes. What do you think about that, Greg, about people just saying I'm not going to go?

GUTFELD: I'm not -- I'm actually not surprised, because that's the direction of the Democrats lately. I think what he has to do is he is it out his economic achievements clearly and directly and then ask the public, do you want this to continue or do you want this to end? He needs an analogy of some kind that, you know, imagine the -- imagine the economy is a fully charged phone, right? You hand this phone over to the Democrats, it just turns into a brick. Or you use a pulse or you use a heartbeat, the heartbeat stops the moment you move.

I think that he needs a simple analogy. I also think he has to then pivot from that to how it's going to be even better. But I do think he should address the coronavirus and be very specific about what he's doing. Are we shutting down all the airports keeping China out or not? Because I think that's -- I think it's an important thing to reiterate going into the new year.

PERINO: Jesse, what do you think about the president tonight in a State of the Union Address as he lays out his thoughts for a second term?

WATTERS: Was that addressed to me?


WATTERS: He hasn't really laid out a second-term agenda. I think to Juan's point earlier, people may say, roll out some sort of hand across the aisle on health care. Obviously, there's more wall to be built. We have I think, about 400 miles completed at the end of this year, supposedly. And -- but I think also, Republicans don't want the President to be running on health care in 2020. So maybe he doesn't get too detailed about that.

I do think he keeps it broad as Greg mentioned on the economic policy, the jobs, and how it's benefited average people and not make a lot of noise at me to that more noise about GDP --

WILLIAMS: But let me just speak -- let me speak to that point.

WATTERS: -- make noise about -- and tell a story about it too.

PERINO: Can I -- can play some sound for you, Juan, to react to? Because I think that if you look at that leaderboard that we have from Iowa, here we have some of the candidates, and this is what they're saying about the economy as it stands today. Let's listen to that, and then we'll get Juan's thoughts.


SEN. ELIZABETH WARREN (D-MA), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Tonight has already showed that Americans have a deep hunger for big structural change to make our economy --

PETE BUTTIGIEG (D), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: We unifying a rising American majority ready to raise wages and empower workers in this fast-changing economy.

ANDREW YANG (D), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: We have to actually make an economy that works for us, instead of the bottom lines of these huge companies.

SEN. AMY KLOBUCHAR (D-MN), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: If you are sick and tired of hearing how great the economy is when you don't feel it, I know you, and I will fight for you.


PERINO: OK, Juan, you're a historian and you know that there's only twice since World War II that a president has not won a second term, and those two had bad economies. Do you think that the Democrats are effective there in their messaging in saying that the -- that the things that they're feeling about the economy aren't real?

WILLIAMS: Correct. I think they're very successful with this. I think that's what Democrats, it's not the Democratic camps, they're reflecting Democrats in the country. In fact, I think they're reflecting Independents and swing voters in the country. But I think the key point here is one, even as he speaks tonight and claims the you know, to be the savior of the world, guess what, impeachments still hangs over his head.

And when it comes to the economy, when it comes to the economy, it's not like Americans don't know the economy is doing pretty well especially for those at the upper-end Wall Street, big tax breaks for the rich and all --

GUTFELD: The wages are rising for people in the lowest quintile.

WILLIAMS: But I think -- no, it's doing great for the rich but it's not doing great for working people in this country --

WATTERS: That's a stale talking point.

WILLIAMS: Hang on, Jesse --

GUTFELD: But (INAUDIBLE) that makes me feel good.

WILLIAMS: But the problem is this. If you -- if you say the economy is doing well, and I think you cited the Gallup numbers that said Americans know it, a lot of Americans give him credit, they still think he's not the guy to be reelected. Why is that? Because historically, as Dana just said, if the economy is going well, he should be on his way to a cakewalk to reelection, and that's not the case.

PERINO: And I think it shows it that -- I don't think that anyone is thinking that this is going to be an easy election, Jesse. Am I characterizing that correctly?

WATTERS: Listen, I'm not taking anything for granted. Obviously, whoever the Democrat puts out there is going to be highly competitive, and it's going to be dirty, and there's going to be a lot of nasty tricks that the Democrats and the media are going to pull on the president.

I agree with Juan. You don't want to spike the football and say, everyone in America is rich now. Reelect me. Obviously, there are people that are still struggling. Obviously, people are living paycheck to paycheck. But if you look at 2016, I think the average income for middle-class family was like $60,000. It's at $65,000, $6,000 on average, that's a $5,000 raise. You haven't seen that big of a raise for the American middle class since the 90s. And that is a very real thing. And I think the President is going to focus on that.

WILLIAMS: And it's very -- and it's very real, Jesse, to say when he put the tax cut in place, he said this economy was going to take off for the working people.

PERINO: It did.

WILLIAMS: And guess what, all that reinvestment didn't happen. It didn't happen.

WATTERS: What do you think $60,000 a year is, Juan?

PERINO: Katie, let's get your thoughts. Katie, go ahead.

PAVLICH: Juan, people are hiring, people's paychecks are bigger, the economy is doing well. People have had wage increases, which is the Democratic issue. They've been saying, oh, well, the Wall Street's doing well but people's paychecks have remained stagnant. That is no longer the case for Trump has been able to pull off blue-collar workers because of the USMCA. The people complaining about the economy live in big blue cities that have been run by Democrats for decades.

WILLIAMS: How about you Republicans? Hey, didn't you Republicans say the deficits would go away?

PERINO: Let me hold you there. I feel this is really weird being in all these boxes, but I do want to go back to Brit and Martha before we lose them for any sort of last-minute update you have on Iowa or what else you could tell us about that we should be listening for tonight when we hear the President's State of the Union.

BAIER: OK, we'll start there because I think we don't know anymore from Iowa. We have 62 percent. That's all we have. We don't have any other data and they haven't told us when the rest of its coming in. So we are where we are. On the speech tonight, expected to be structured a lot like last State of the Union. There'll be stories woven in there, some surprises as well.

But the fact that the President said it's going to be extraordinarily low key. That's not usually the phraseology that he uses to describe anything he does, but that's how he described it on the record today.

MACCALLUM: Yes. And also, I think it's fair to characterize that he's thinking about tomorrow in terms of wanting to get past that vote, which will happen at 4:00 tomorrow in the Senate, and then he will speak after that. And you know, it almost feels like that is -- it's sort of a two-part speech in my mind. Tonight is going to be the State of the Union, and tomorrow I would look for that to be something like the state of the presidency as he sees it heading into the thick of the election year.

BAIER: And less low key.

PERINO: And may I -- may I jump in here just to tell you that the producers in my ear are telling me that Pete Buttigieg, he's in New Hampshire tonight, as we know, and he has just declared victory in Iowa --

BAIER: Again.

PERINO: Yes, again. I don't know if we have that sound. OK, he's just talking now, but that's basically what he said. And Bret, one of the things that is true in America is possession is nine-tenths of the law. So if you declare victory, do people just think that you're the winner?

BAIER: Yes, I will say this, that it is historic, OK. If you think about this moment, that was pretty much taken from him last night by the Iowa Democratic Party and how they handled it, this is the first gay American man with a husband who is essentially winning a state and the Democratic Party. It is historic.

And the speech that he had written, I think, was a lot like Barack Obama's speech in 2008, which was kind of soaring, and trying to embrace the moment, but it was overtaken by the chaos. And, you know, we'll see if he can catch on in New Hampshire and capitalize on what looks like a really good night in Iowa.

MACCALLUM: And it also says a lot for the way that it feels on the ground, right? There was a lot of energy behind Pete Buttigieg. The people who support him are very enthusiastic, kind of like the way that you saw for President Obama as well. Whether or not it's to the same -- to the same level, I think is another question.

And I just think it's also worth reiterating that it looks like there were people who were maybe going to vote for Joe Biden and who crossed over and voted for Pete Buttigieg because he's seen as sort of a moderate compared to Bernie Sanders. So it looks like he got some of that Biden vote and they're going to have to scramble a bit. I

know they're doing a huge rollout of T.V. ads now in New Hampshire for the Biden campaign. So we'll see if he can register there.

PERINO: All right, Martha and Brett, we appreciate you joining us, helping us out here. I know you've got a busy night ahead of you. I'll see you in a couple of hours for this special coverage.

MACCALLUM: Thanks, guys.

PERINO: Greg, can I come back to you on this idea that the President told the anchors that were assembled there at the lunch that the speech will be long and extraordinarily low key.

GUTFELD: That has to be a prank.

PERINO: Right?

GUTFELD: It has to be a prank because that's -- there's no such thing as a low key Trump. But the thing is, I want to go back to you know, talking about how can somebody be so effective and yet people to have a distaste for him. Trump is a two-hour drive to an hour at the beach. You know, you got to put up with a few bumps and things. When you get there, the beach, the beach looks great.

You don't have to love your boss to know that he is effective. So constantly talking about oh, he's rough, he's obnoxious, everybody has gotten used to that. They've all pretty much moved up. You have wages that are up even in the lower quintiles. You have unemployment for women and minorities at all-time lows. You have peace, you have dead terrorists. You don't have -- you can love those results even if you don't love the guy. No one's expecting you to love him.

PAVLICH: You know, Dana, Speaker Nancy Pelosi is going to be sitting behind President Trump tonight. And going into tonight, I think she's pretty demoralized. She demanded that the Senate call new witnesses. She didn't get that. And then today she was asked by reporters in the hallway about the impeachment vote and going to the State of the Union. And then she immediately turned with Chuck Schumer to talking about the budget. So that's how well impeachment went for Democrats going into tonight.

PERINO: Jesse, can I ask you something about two lines that we heard throughout impeachment, which is, the Democrats kept saying, Donald Trump is going to try to cheat in the election of 2020. And Republicans kept saying that the Democrats are trying to steal an election from us from 2016. And yet then we have this Iowa debacle from last night in which it wasn't cheating or stealing, it was just incompetence. And if people are concerned about the integrity of the vote, like what's next on that front?

WATTERS: Yes, I feel like the Democrats have done a big disservice to the democracy. If you think about in 2016, they accused the president of stealing that election. Now, they're accusing him of stealing 2020, and it hasn't even happened yet. That's like if the San Francisco 49ers said, yes, the Chiefs cheated, and next year, the Chiefs are going to cheat again.

I mean, the Democrats have, like less class than professional football players at this point. And I right now, think about all the bad things that the Democrats have said that have made people think twice about the integrity of the elections. They paid for foreign interference with the dossier. They said Trump and the Russians rigged it. That was a hoax.

People in Georgia, they refuse to concede the election, and now they're mishandling their own caucus. I think it falls on their doorstep for making people question it, not Trump.

PERINO: Juan, a quick thought and then we go -- Juan, quick thought to respond to that and we'll go to a break.

WILLIAMS: Well, even today, when we saw, I think was Senator Collins on the floor. What she said was, yes, he did behave inappropriately, I wouldn't have made the call. This is the consensus now among Republicans. It was inappropriate, but not impeachable.

So Jesse, this idea of corruption, that you say, oh, you know what, the impeachment hurt Biden because Trump was able to convey the ideas that he did, or his son did something wrong. But we don't know. That's exactly right. Right. But what we do know is that Trump did something wrong --

PERINO: We don't know that.

WILLIAMS: We don't know that. That's exactly right. But what we do know is that Trump did something wrong even among -- even according to Republicans. And believe me, that corruption, that effort to get dirt on Biden, that was an effort to corrupt the 2020 election.

WATTERS: Susan Collins has the consensus for Republicans --

PERINO: I'm sorry you guys. They're asking me. Can we just take a quick break? We're going to be right back -- you know, they got to figure out a way to make a quick break, but we got to come back with all of these five people in just a moment.


PERINO: We have a little bit more FIVE for you. The Iowa Democratic Party just released some of the Iowa caucus results, 62 percent of the results. It comes after that long delay. And here's some of the media reaction to that.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: That's been chaos here in Des Moines.

JOE SCARBOROUGH, HOST, MSNBC: This is a disaster on every level for Democrats and for Iowa.

CHRIS MATTHEWS: A complete chaos and disaster.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The phone backup system that they had in place, according to one source is a disaster.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: They can't response, so they're just starting to tweet out their results. This is starting to look like a debacle.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It's staggeringly embarrassing and really unacceptable.

SCARBOROUGH: Was there election interference? Did somebody tried to hack into the app? Was it just pure incompetence?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: If it wasn't the Russians in this case, it appears to be the Democrats who have did it to themselves.

MATTHEWS: The guy in the White House is chuckling all night here showing the Democrats can't even get a three-car funeral organized.


PERINO: Greg, it was like so obvious that the Democrats in Iowa had screwed this up that even the media was like, we got to call them out.

GUTFELD: It must be so -- this reminds me of 2016 in a way that they realize that they can't say or do anything and all they do is seek out the best adjectives from the thesaurus. Remember, it takes a lot to see something really embarrassing on the Democrat side because of the Democrat apparatus which is protected by the media apparatus.

At this point, because the Democratic apparatus imploded, the media was a shell, so you could see the awfulness for what it was. However, if you're Republican, that stuff -- and you've screw up, it's out before it even happens.

WATTERS: I know. Everything the media has said so far has been wrong. Biden, this big Mr. Electability looks like fourth place.

PERINO: Well, that was he was saying.

WATTERS: But I mean, the media propped this guy up like this guy was, oh, the only reason that Donald Trump is going after Biden is because he's so scared of Joe Biden. Every time Joe Biden has run for president, he's failed. The only time he was successful was in Delaware, a state like this big, and when he was riding Obama's coattails.

PERINO: Hey, don't make fun of small states. Come on.

WATTERS: I'm sorry. No, size doesn't matter when it comes to states.

PERINO: Size doesn't matter when it comes to state.

WATTERS: Also, Mayor Pete, what an amazing job. He spent a fortune in Iowa --

PERINO: I was going to mention something about him.

WATTERS: -- and he's been on the ground there, very well organized. You really, really got to give Mayor Pete a lot of credit.

PERINO: And we do. And I wanted to mention this because I'm sorry I'm looking at my phone, but that's how I'm getting information right now. This is for Katie, and then, Juan. Lis Smith who is a communications director for Pete Buttigieg's campaign just tweets this. "The Web site is currently getting the most traffic we have recorded on any day in this campaign." And it says, #phasefour. So, they're declaring victory and moving on.

PAVLICH: Yes, leading up to the Iowa caucuses I think that the Pete -- Mayor Pete Campaign did a pretty good job of not lowering expectations but not going overboard and saying that we're going to win. They said that we look to do well, and Pete Buttigieg did that town hall with Chris Wallace and said, look, we're going to do the best that we can.

So I'm not surprised that people are a little bit surprised, shocked. And now they're going to find out who this guy is, what his platform stands for. And according to a lot of the people on the ground in Iowa, they weren't actually sure about his background. So now people are interested.

PERINO: It's pretty interesting. And I also just got a statement from Jeff Weaver. He is a senior adviser to Bernie Sanders. Juan, let me ask you to respond to this. He says we want to thank the people of Iowa. We are gratified that in the partial data release so far, it's clear that in the first and second round, more people voted for Bernie than any other candidate in the field. So trying to make that popular vote argument.

WILLIAMS: Well, the popular vote does matter. In fact, you know, you could argue that that's what they should do. They should stop with the whole caucus concept maybe in Iowa and just go to the popular vote. Just report it out straight. Let people know how the people of Iowa decide on an individual basis, and maybe even let the state count it.

Most places in America, the state does the counting, but in the caucus system, it's the party that does the counting. And as I said earlier, going back to 2012, we've seen Republicans not do so well with it. This time, an absolute disaster for the Democrats.

But I just want to speak to the media point. When the media criticizes Democrats, you guys say oh, well, now the media finally woke up. But when you criticize Republicans, you say, oh, it's unfair media. I don't get it. What an inconsistency.

PERINO: Yes, you see how that works, Juan?

WILLIAMS: Yes, I get how it works now.

WATTERS: I'll give you an example. I'll give you an example. When you have a colossal mistake, there's nowhere to hide, they have to criticize them.

WILLIAMS: I see. Well, I think a lot of what Trump does are colossal mistakes and I sit next to you, Jesse, and I hear you defend it.

PERINO: You have somebody like Mayor Pete who came out against the Electoral College. He wants to abolish the Electoral College, and yet he is making an argument that because under the rules, he actually can claim victory in Iowa because he's saying that under those rules, it's like the Electoral College, and Bernie Sanders is saying, but I won the popular vote.

WATTERS: Well, I mean, the rules to me look like a pyramid scheme. No one - - regular American understands these new Iowa caucus rules.

PERINO: They're difficult to understand.

WATTERS: I do know this. It's not winner take all. So a couple people, maybe what is it, the top three or four going to split the 40 delegates at Iowa, so they all have like a little tiny handful of delegates going into New Hampshire. And then out in New Hampshire, same thing, not winner take all. Each snatch a little handful of delegates. So this is why this primary is going to take forever, and no one is going to be a clear winner.

GUTFELD: Hey, can I add one think to this?

WILLIAMS: Well, I just want to make one quick point about what we're going to see with Mayor Pete. I think that still I'd be interested but I'd think that you're still going to see Sanders do very well in New Hampshire.

PERINO: Yes. Well, he won New Hampshire in 2016.

WILLIAMS: Right. And the question then becomes about South Carolina. Mayor Pete has very little support on South Carolina, especially among black voters.

WATTERS: But don't they go to Nevada?

PERINO: But maybe people will give him another look now. I mean, it's possible that that will happen that, Katie, young people may be trying to convince their parents or their grandparents to look at a younger generation.

PAVLICH: There is -- last night, there was video of a young man trying to convince his dad to switch his boat from Joe Biden to Mayor Pete. So that was certainly going on. But in terms of the --

PERINO: It might happen.

PAVLICH: It might happen. But going -- you know, Juan keeps talking about South Carolina. There was a new poll that came out this week showing that Joe Biden actually only has 30 percent of black support now. He's at 25 percent, and Bernie Sanders got 20 percent. We still have a very long way to go before we get to South Carolina, and it doesn't seem like the Biden campaign is capable of making its own momentum. And certainly, they don't have a movement like Bernie or Pete does.

PERINO: Well, Juan and I have been on the road for so long. We feel like we've been on that very long road. Greg, are you going to be live-tweeting the speech tonight? Can we look forward to that?

GUTFELD: I will be on Tucker tonight to talk about some stuff.


GUTFELD: But you know what I find most interesting about the real support for Bernie Sanders is that here you have the Democrats who despise the Russian influence, but they're voting for a guy who loves the Soviet system. So it's like -- I don't -- does anybody ever pointed that out? Isn't that weird?

PERINO: Yes. I think that there's a big -- a big old bucket of opposition research that the Democrats have been holding on to, Jesse, that's about to be dumped somewhere.

WILLIAMS: Well, this why he's Trump's -- he's Trump's pick for the Democrats. He sees an easy -- what I call a tomato can, easily bloody.

WATTERS: OK, well then, they're all cans of tomatoes then, Juan.

WILLIAMS: Oh yes, no, no, no. Remember, you look at those same polls. They're all -- they're all beating Trump.

WATTERS: Polls, polls, polls, Juan.

WILLIAMS: A minute ago you love that latest poll on Trump.

WATTERS: Yes. See how that works? I just -- I just read a letter that some Soviet official sent to Bernie Sanders when he won the mayoral race in Burlington, Vermont. And that is at the height of the Cold War. So you're already starting to see the anti-Bernie oppo drop.

PAVLICH: You know, Dana, last night I was thinking when they were complaining about not being able to report the results, the Bernie folks, it was interesting considering that they are now complaining about waiting in lines since Bernie Sanders said bright lines and countries were a good sign of economic growth. Apparently, it's a problem now.

PERINO: Well, Juan and I will be there -- will be here watching the speech all together. We will be back with you in New York tomorrow. It would be good to be back at the table.

GUTFELD: I'm in your seat, Dana. I'm sitting on your chair.

PERINO: Are you using my pillows? All right. Thanks, everybody. That is it for us. Set your DVRs. Please, please, never miss an episode of THE FIVE. I mean, how could you miss this? We just gave you everything that you needed to know as a great catch up. "SPECIAL REPORT" up next.

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