Does Artwork Support Scott Peterson's Defense?

This is a partial transcript from On the Record with Greta Van Susteren, August 13, 2003.

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GRETA VAN SUSTEREN, HOST: Scott Peterson's defense team is using paintings near the San Francisco Bay to support its satanic cult theory. According to the defense, the paintings apparently depict ritualistic killings and occult practices.

Here with pictures of the artwork is artist Bruce Rayburn who joins us from San Francisco.

Welcome, Bruce.


VAN SUSTEREN: Bruce, explain, first of all, where is this artwork the defense is interested in?

RAYBURN: Well, it is on an old landfill which is directly across from they, I guess, found the body, but I think that's just kind of a coincidence.

VAN SUSTEREN: Is the artwork painted on a wall, or is it up on boards? What is this artwork?

RAYBURN: The area used to be a landfill, and they, of course, dumped a lot of building materials there, like concrete slabs and things like that, and we started about five years ago painting on these concrete slabs and big drainage concrete things.

And, after a while, we ran out of concrete, and a dock washed in, and we started painting on pieces of plywood off this dock, and we built a big arch out of styrofoam and just kind of found materials out there.

VAN SUSTEREN: All right. Now we're putting up some of the artwork or at least pictures of the artwork on the screen for the viewers.

But I understand that the art that was shown by one of the defense attorneys named Dalton to -- to their experts was -- for instance, one showed three children, the umbilical cords attached to the body of water as a giant octopus wraps its tentacles around a naked woman.

Is that the type of artwork? I mean, does that sound like something that was there?

RAYBURN: Well, I think I may have given you some image like that. There is an image like that. It was painted a number of years ago, but it is actually -- if you look at the whole picture -- it's kind of like a couple in a boat, and it's kind of like a love story.

I mean it's like one image to another. It's very narrative, and they're kind of like picking some scene. I mean it's like a couple gets together, they make love, and they have children. I mean this thing is kind of taken a little bit, you know, they're kind of reaching a little bit there, I'd say.

VAN SUSTEREN: All right. Another one that was described, at least as to what was shown to the defense experts, is a devil figure beheading a well-dressed couple in a theater balcony. Remember that one?

RAYBURN: Yes. That was the Schoenberg Concert kind of thing that went on in Austria, I guess, after the turn of the century that -- this outrage over this kind of dissident notes that were painted. It was just kind of a scene of a theater, and -- that was just...

VAN SUSTEREN: Let me just ask you one quick question. Let me ask you one final quick question. Satanic cult. Know anybody to practice anything like that in the area around the paintings? Are you part of that?

RAYBURN: Not at all. We're just a bunch of regular painters who paint on the weekends with our family, and we're out there to have fun.

VAN SUSTEREN: All right, Bruce. Thank you very much. Thanks for bringing your pictures with you.

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