Did Eliot Spitzer Rile the Campaign of the Candidate He Supports for President?

Now some fresh pickings from the Political Grapevine:

No Connection

The Hillary Clinton campaign is dismissing speculation that the current troubles of New York Democratic Governor Eliot Spitzer will have a negative impact on the senator's presidential bid.

Some have made comparisons between Spitzer's alleged involvement with prostitutes and President Bill Clinton's affairs — both alleged and confirmed. Hillary Clinton spokesman Howard Wolfson says Spitzer's scandal does not hurt the campaign.

Newsday reports there are hard feelings between the two staffs — dating back to the governor's support of a plan for granting drivers licenses to illegal immigrants. Senator Clinton had difficulty with a question about the plan during a rough outing in a debate last October.

Gotcha Moment

Also tonight — details are emerging on that story of a high-ranking government official who has crusaded against immorality — now disgraced after being caught in the company of prostitutes. And — it is not New York's governor.

It's the former police chief of Tehran. Iran's Farda News reports Revolutionary Guard General Reza Zarei was arrested after being discovered nude in a local brothel with six naked prostitutes. Zarei had been in charge of the modesty crackdown on women for not adhering to strict Islamist policies.

Fact or Fiction?

The British Broadcasting Company is being accused of fabricating a news report that Israeli forces destroyed the home of the Palestinian man who killed eight students at a Jerusalem seminary last Thursday.

A BBC report Friday showed a bulldozer tearing down a burning house. The reporter said — "Hours after the attack, Israeli bulldozers destroyed his family home."

But the non-partisan "Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting" says that as of today — the terrorist's family home is still standing.

The house is in the background in this Associated Press picture taken Friday showing Palestinians taking down flags in front of the home — under Israeli police orders.

Monday — three days after the BBC story said the home had been destroyed — Israel's parliament speaker asked the attorney general to order the demolition of the house.

Safe at Home

And California's top public education official says his department will not try to stop parents from home schooling their children — despite a controversial appeals court ruling late last month. The judge ruled that home schooling parents must have a teaching credential — or be subject to criminal prosecution.

Earlier this week governor Arnold Schwarzenegger said he would take steps to have laws passed protecting home schooling parents' rights — if the court ruling is not set aside.

FOX News Channel's Martin Hill contributed to this report.