This is a rush transcript from "The Five," September 16, 2016. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.
KIMBERLY GUILFOYLE, CO-HOST: Hello, everyone, I'm Kimberly Guilfoyle along with Eboni Williams, Eric Bolling, Meghan McCain, and Greg Gutfeld. It's 5 o'clock in New York City and this is "The Five."
The Obama birther controversy was reborn yesterday. Was it buried for good today? This morning, Hillary Clinton pounced on the opportunity to tear into Donald Trump for declining to tell the "Washington Post" where he stands on the president's citizenship now.
HILLARY CLINTON, DEMOCRATIC PRESIDENTIAL NOMINEE: For five years he has led the birther movement to delegitimatize our first black president. His campaign was founded on this outrageous lie. There is no erasing it in history. Just yesterday, Trump again refused to say with his own words that the president was born in the United States. Barack Obama was born in America, plain and simple. And Donald Trump owes him and the American people, an apology.
GUILFOYLE: Is Clinton the one who owes the president an apology? Didn't her supporters kick off the birther movement back in 2008?
STEVE KROFT, CBS "60 MINUTES" HOST: When this photo of Obama, in ceremonial African tribal dress during a visit to Kenya, was featured prominently on the internet and attributed to people in the Clinton campaign. Senator Clinton disavowed any knowledge of it. Will you take Senator Obama at his word that he's not a Muslim.
CLINTON: Right, right.
KROFT: You don't believe that he's a Muslim .
CLINTON: No, no. Why would I?
KROFT: . or implying?
CLINTON: There's no --
KROFT: Right?
CLINTON: No, there, there is nothing to, to base that on, as far as I know.
KROFT: It's just --
GUILFOYLE: Trump told the "Post" he wanted to answer the birther question at the right time, and that time came today.
DONALD TRUMP, REPUBLICAN PRESIDENTIAL NOMINEE: Hillary Clinton and her campaign of 2008 started the birther controversy. I finished it. I finished it. You know what I mean. President Barack Obama was born in the United States, period. Now we all want to get back to making America strong and great again.
GUILFOYLE: OK, Eric, so does this answer the question he wanted to definitively say, and he said, "Look, the president was born in the United States, period."
ERIC BOLLING, CO-HOST: So, if he -- all right. So let's clarify a little bit right here, right?
BOLLING: So back in 2008, there was a supporter who sent that e-mail around with the picture, not of --
GUILFOYLE: Of Hillary.
BOLLING: The picture of President Obama in the --
GUILFOYLE: Right, Hillary supporter.
BOLLING: Right, Hillary supporter, and she -- so the campaign went back and forth in 2008. It's not like republicans now or conservatives or Trump people are painting this as she started. That's not what happened.
BOLLING: David Plouffe worked for President Obama at the time -- I'm sorry, Senator Obama, the time when he was running against Hillary. Her campaign was crashing and burning during the primary. She wasn't going get the nod. She wasn't going to be the nominee. This started to go around, and Plouffe working for Obama said, "Hey, wait a minute. Clinton, you did this," and the campaign started fighting this way. So this started amongst them democrats in 2008. Fast forward to now, it gets brought back up --
GUILFOYLE: So they built that?
BOLLING: They built that. You know, yeah, great point. They built that. Fast forward to now, "Washington Post" tries to corner Donald Trump, asks him about it. He probably could have said put it to rest right away during the interview, but he didn't for whatever reason, but fixed it today with a 20-second response saying, "look, this is done, let's move on." Bottom line, she's on the ropes. The deplorables comment followed by her health questions, she, her numbers are tanking right now. And he's in the zone. He's going to Flint, Michigan. He's saying all the right things and doing all the right things. So they needed something and it's evident -- the fear in the campaign, you can see it, because on Twitter, Hillary Clinton doesn't tweet all that much. Over these last couple of days, they are just on fire trying to, trying to get him back into that place where he fights back and he's smart. He's kicking back going, "I'm not going to get sucked in this time."
GUILFOYLE: All right. So Meghan, what do you think? They tried to resurrect it, breathe a new life .
GUILFOYLE: . into the birther movement. Is it going to work for her because, you know, Bolling's right, I think she's a little bit on the ropes .
GUILFOYLE: . in trying to gain some traction and poke some holes in him.
MCCAIN: This is a one-day story, I think at the most. This is Friday. I think it's going to dissipate over the weekend. Her lead is evaporating. We're not talking today, though, about -- like you said, her emails, her passing out like a zombie in "The Walking Dead" at the 9/11 memorial. We're not talking about, you know, her basket of deplorables comments. We're not talking about any of that right now. Right now we're talking about how all republicans are racist, we're all racist everywhere. This is an old, old, old story. I'm sick of talking about it. I would have preferred Donald Trump to say he was born in the United States, we're moving past this, and move on because it's just neat to liberals and the liberal media to spin this, but I think it's the one-day story, and then she still got a ton of problems.
GUILFOYLE: Yes. She still has a lot of issues. What do you think Greg?
GREG GUTFELD, CO-HOST: Well, I mean, this was the, "break glass in case of emergency" issue.
GUTFELD: And they were, they were going to have to use this at some point, and they could -- they saw you that -- I mean, the only person that had a worse week than Hillary was Bill, because he had to deal with Hillary during this worst week ever.
GUILFOYLE: And the body double.
GUTFELD: Her campaign was on the verge of collapse, so this -- they had to do this. Having said that, this is a legitimate issue because whether or not -- and it's true, and I even brought it up weeks ago that it was somebody in Hillary's campaign that did this. Trump is the OB, he's the original birther. He's been pushing the birther story for years and then he ends it in 27 seconds. I mean that, he was married to this theory, and then it's like a quickie Vegas divorce. It's like, hey, 27 second, we're done, let's move on, and it's such an about face. What I think would be great is if Obama did exactly the same thing and then just comes on and says, "Wait a second, I am. I was born in Kenya. I've been, you know, I got four months left. I was actually born in Kenya ."
GUTFELD: . would be hilarious. But I don't think he will do that. But I just, I do think that --
GUTFELD: I don't think he will. But I do --
GUILFOYLE: He's really debated this.
GUTFELD: I do think, I do think you have to be, you know, these are compatible stories. The Clinton campaign did have a role in this. But you can't excuse Donald for pushing this for a long time. It was a very explicit and very -- and very complete tweets about him not being born in the United States.
MCCAIN: You can't, you can't excuse Donald Trump, but I don't think it's a coincidence that this is the narrative that she's using and liberals are pouncing on. And I got so many tweets all day.
GUTFELD: Absolutely.
MCCAIN: I'm sorry. The Middle East is on fire, the economy is in the tank, we have so many problems, the worst humanitarian crisis since World War II raging in Syria right now.
MCCAIN: And you know what we're talking about, the birther issue.
BOLLING: You know who put --
GUTFELD: It helped her.
BOLLING: Do you know who put a fire hose on Hillary's fire on this birther issue? President Obama did. Earlier today he goes, "You know what? Don't we have more important things to talk about than ."
BOLLING: ". than my birth certificate?" I think that was -- he said, "I'm pretty sure I was born in Hawaii."
GUTFELD: What is that tell you?
BOLLING: He said, "I'm pretty sure," Greg.
GUTFELD: What is that tell you?
BOLLING: You said he wasn't fully sure.
GUILFOYLE: Eboni has the answer.
BOLLING: You are a conspiracy theorist.
BOLLING: Welcome.
WILLIAMS: So here's the thing, after seven years in the White House, I'm certainly glad that Donald Trump is satisfied to know that Barack Obama was born here in the United States. I'm going to get to Hillary in a minute, but I want to talk about why this is actually good politics for Donald Trump.
WILLIAMS: And I think it's actually was well-played by him. There are some -- his base is not going to abandon him.
WILLIAMS: But his base that still buys into the fact .
WILLIAMS: . that Obama was born elsewhere. They're not going to leave him for coming out today and acknowledging the truth. But this is where it's good for him. There are people in this country right now that are still trying to decide, is Donald Trump a president or is he a crazy conspiracy theorist? And for those people, these can kind of work at his advantage to kind to dissipate some of that belief. Now, about Hillary Clinton, though, here's why her saying that -- I had to laugh .
WILLIAMS: . when she talked about him, you know coming for the first black president. Hillary Clinton, you did and said everything you possibly could to make sure that Barack Obama would not be America's first black president .
WILLIAMS: . including the fact that her supporters -- and this is an important distinction -- and you're right. Trump could be so precise and put this to bed, yet, again and just say you know, Hillary? Maybe you didn't say it, but your supporters did, your volunteers did, and this was not originated completely by me. And really call her out on it, because I remember who Hillary Clinton showed herself to be in 2007.
WILLIAMS: And I will not forget it. And people that want to sit around, they act like they have amnesia now. They will do so at their own peril. She showed me exactly .
MCCAIN: Yeah, I think --
WILLIAMS: . who she was in that primary.
MCCAIN: But that clip they showed of her saying, "as far as I know," that's like saying, well, I don't think he murdered anyone, as far as I know. As far as I know, that's not even --
WILLIAMS: That's what she always does. No, that's who she was, Meghan. And for someone who is paying like very -- I was looking for who her core was. I have long suspicions around Hillary and Bill Clinton, and their true nature of their relationship with the black community. And to, like I said, she showed me exactly who she was during that primary.
GUILFOYLE: That's interesting. So to follow up on that really quick, do you think also in terms of African-American communities .
GUILFOYLE: . sorts of a little bit of a reminder that kind of the, you know, the dispersions that were cast upon President Obama that her camp didn't really quell at the time.
WILLIAMS: No, they didn't, Kimberly. And today, to see the congressional black caucus come up, many of whose members I do respect, but kind of a rally around Hillary Clinton and be protectionist for her on this issue is absolutely appalling to me. You cannot act like this woman is not done and said the things that she has in reference to the president, and it's very important. I know how much she's depended on the coalition, that almighty Obama coalition to save the day for her, but you got to be accountable for what you've said and done.
BOLLING: You know there's an interesting corollary to that. The other side of that coin is President Obama when he's senator running against Senator Clinton, said some pretty nasty things about her. And now if you juxtapose what he said in '07 and '08 during the campaign, to what he's saying about her now, it's vastly different.
BOLLING: At one point, I think he said she's -- one of the most dishonest politicians around.
BOLLING: And went along that vein.
BOLLING: And now he's saying, "Hey, vote for her." It just the way it's ugly politics.
WILLIAMS: Well, he's got to say that, but Colin Powell told us all what the real deal is.
WILLIAMS: And I love those e-mails for that. Because look, again, that nastiness, KG .
WILLIAMS: ... that went down in that primary .
WILLIAMS: . doesn't go away just because of political --
WILLIAMS: Political convenience.
GUILFOYLE: There's another aspect to that, too, especially when she is trying to have, you know, the ownership and "I'm the candidate for you. I'm the champion of African-Americans of minorities, communities."
GUILFOYLE: If you recall back in 2008, Obama's campaign manager, actually accused the Clinton campaign and say, shameful, offensive fear mongering with circulating that post. The photo that tried to, I mean to smear Obama --
BOLLING: Yeah, that was Plouffe.
GUILFOYLE: Yes, exactly.
GUILFOYLE: Which had, at least appeared on "The Drudge Report" first, on the website, with Obama dressed as if he was like a Somali elder, right? So you couple these kinds of things together --
WILLIAMS: That was the plan. They wanted to cast him as an, other, right?
GUTFELD: But here's the things -- you know what's interesting, too, is that Hillary is doing exactly what she's accusing Trump of doing with David Duke. Everybody saying, "Trump, why don't you condemn the people who support you for what they believe in?"
WILLIAMS: That's right.
GUTFELD: Like when --
GUILFOYLE: It's true.
GUTFELD: When David Duke support. But then, she should be condemning her supporters, so the people in her campaign that pushed the birther idea. And she didn't because the birther idea, the birther conspiracy --
MCCAIN: Served her.
GUTFELD: Would have served her.
MCCAIN: And it was right.
WILLIAMS: And your father, actually was so graceful -- sorry, Meghan.
MCCAIN: I was going to say .
MCCAIN: . you know these candidates' hands are clean. The only one that I remember disavowing this hands down, is my father.
GUILFOYLE: Oh my, gosh.
WILLIAMS: I agree -- yup.
MCCAIN: And I'm just saying like --
GUTFELD: Was he born here, though? Wasn't he born in --
GUTFELD: Wasn't he born in Panama? Wasn't he born in Canada?
MCCAIN: He's on a military base.
GUTFELD: I rest my case.
GUTFELD: He was born in Panama in an air force base.
MCCAIN: My dad, Ted Cruz, nobody's born in America anymore.
WILLIAMS: But that's true about that.
GUTFELD: I can't believe I remember that.
BOLLING: But here's ---
BOLLING: Juan, if you bring it up in that, in terms of that, it has nothing to do with race.
BOLLING: It has everything to do with location of birth. And Donald Trump - - look, whether he can say he didn't say it or he did or not say it. He also suggested that Ted Cruz; is he .
BOLLING: . a viable candidate for presidential race?
BOLLING: It has nothing to do with race.
WILLIAMS: I don't know. Ted Cruz isn't technically a man of color, though. I mean he's --
GUTFELD: He's Cuban.
WILLIAMS: He's -- yeah, he's Cuban. So I do think there is something to --
BOLLING: Oh my --
WILLIAMS: Is he not? Is he not?
BOLLING: Oh, yes.
WILLIAMS: Yeah, right? OK.
BOLLING: I didn't think of that, though, so he has a problem --
WILLIAMS: But I'm just saying that the lens of otherness, people do like that weaponry (ph). I'm just saying.
GUTFELD: Now Trump went after Cuba, but what was it about? Not a lot of evangelicals come from Cuba. That's what he said about that.
WILLIAMS: Yeah, that's --
GUTFELD: That's what he said. But you know what --
GUILFOYLE: But he said .
GUTFELD: Maybe you know --
GUILFOYLE: . Cruz is from Canada.
WILLIAMS: Yeah, not --
GUTFELD: That the criticism about conspiracy theories when, you know, I hate conspiracy theories, but to go after Trump about that --
GUILFOYLE: Bolling love it.
GUTFELD: Hypocritical.
BOLLING: You're going --
BOLLING: You have no idea what you're missing.
GUTFELD: I know. I know.
GUTFELD: But the left --
GUILFOYLE: It's so much fun.
GUTFELD: I'm trying to say that the left, the left started the art, the fine art of conspiracy theories.
MCCAIN: Oh yeah.
GUTFELD: They believed -- they pushed that .
GUILFOYLE: They birthed it.
GUTFELD: . and an aids was created by the CIA, remember that in the '80s?
MCCAIN: Oh, yes.
GUTFELD: The water fluoridation causes, you know, to weaken us, governments suppresses cures for cancer. JFK was killed perhaps by Richard Nixon.
GUTFELD: The Pentagon was hit by a missile. Like all of these stuffs --
GUILFOYLE: In 9/11 --
BOLLING: The NSA is spying on us.
BOLLING: Oops, that was .
GUTFELD: Yeah, But no, so that .
BOLLING: . conspiracy.
GUTFELD: . oil companies, you know, were investing and invading Iraq. These are all left-wing conspiracies.
WILLIAMS: Well, I'll say this final point, though. Bill Clinton was the originator of kind of .
WILLIAMS: . speaking to this underclass, you know, white America that was very much afraid of what, you know, could lie in front of them. And that's what he ran on in Arkansas to be governor. He ran on in 1992 to be president. So for Hillary Clinton now to pull this it's -- the hypocrisy is astounding.
GUILFOYLE: Boom. That's A-block.
GUTFELD: But it got the conversation off her health, for one day.
GUILFOYLE: Each day.
WILLIAMS: Yeah, for one day.
GUTFELD: Because we would have led the show about her health. And we didn't.
MCCAIN: Oh she's like --
BOLLING: That's Monday.
GUILFOYLE: That's right. Yeah.
MCCAIN: Not getting off the hook --
GUTFELD: I had to rewrite my whole show.
GUILFOYLE: We're going to bump into a special report because, you know, this is a serious show.
GUILFOYLE: Ahead on "The Five," Bill O'Reilly thinks he knows why the mainstream media is so biased. You're going to hear from him. And later -- yup, Facebook Friday is coming your way. Post your questions for us now on our page, And a quick programming note, this Sunday, don't missed "Fox News Sunday." you know why? George Clooney is on.
GUTFELD: George Clooney!
GUILFOYLE: He's so handsome. Catch that special exclusive on Fox News at 2:00 or 6:00 p.m. eastern or on the Fox Broadcasting Network. We got it all covered. Check, and look, and listen, the new -- stay with us.
BOLLING: A new poll shows American trust in the media has sunk to a new low. Wonder why. Only 32 percent trust the news to be reported fairly and accurately according to the Gallup survey, that's down 8 percent from last year. Bill O'Reilly took the biased media to task last night on "The Factor."
BILL O'REILLY, "O'REILLY FACTOR" HOST: The question then becomes, why is it so difficult to simply report in a straight way without a tilt? The answer, emotion. Editors of many press operations now believe there they're on a mission to save the U.S.A. from a guy like Trump and the deplorables who support him. Same thing on the Clinton side, a few and I mean, a few news concerns believes she's not honest and we're out to get her. That kind of advocacy hurts the folks.
BOLLING: Both Clinton, Trump, and president Obama, I guess all three not both, have been playing into the distrust.
TRUMP: The dishonest media, these people, the most dishonest people you're going to ever find. The media is disgusting.
CLINTON: I have been somewhat heartened by the number of articles recently pointing out the quite disparate treatment of Trump and his campaign, compared to ours. I don't understand the reasons for it. I find it frustrating.
BARACK OBAMA, UNITED STATES PRESIDENT: I'm not running this town, but I sure you get frustrated with the way this campaign is coming. I'm just telling the truth.
BOLLING: All right. So Greg, I have noticed recently -- I don't know if it's been going on a long time, but no. For some reason I've noticed recently, I'll be watching MSNBC and I'll -- there will be a banner. To see that banner underneath, right there and they'll put something in there. And lately, they've been editorializing on the banner.
BOLLING: The Trump -- and then Trump sees falsely claims, dot, dot, dot. Should they be doing that?
GUTFELD: I don't know. I have a feeling that the public is getting tired of the way the news is being delivered. The reason why "The Five" is successful is we deliver the news differently. There's not a lot of cross talk. There's no interruption. If you look on other shows, there'll be five boxes of parrots trying to push 10 minutes of information and just 30-second blurbs. But we have been around each other long enough that we have these conversations. So we sound like how people sound at home. The problem with a lot of this news, it doesn't sound like the way people talk anymore, because everybody's rushed. They'd rather be memorable than factual. People should really be skeptical of the news. I came up with a list of things that the media has been so wrong on about health items in particular. You know, cell phones, the coming ice age, hour (ph) on apples, trans fats, DDT, artificial sweeteners, bird flu, genetically modified food, and now vaping. They can't trust the media to have an objective point of view, so that leads me to my conclusion; abandon the concept of objectivity. If people know and see you're bias, isn't that better? Like Sean Hannity will tell you, he is voting for Trump, and that he talks to Trump. That is healthier than the, than "The New York times" saying, "We are objective. We don't, we don't support Hillary or Trump" -- when you know they support Hillary.
GUILFOYLE: He also hosts an opinion show.
GUTFELD: Yeah, my point is .
GUILFOYLE: . paid for --
GUTFELD: . he is honest about his beliefs. He's not pretending to be something he's not. Advocacy is good if you tell people you're advocating.
BOLLING: Good for it.
GUILFOYLE: Yeah. I agree, and I mean, that's why our show works because we'll cover news of the day and on a variety of different topics. We will also then give our opinion. We are supposed to. When you sit in these chairs, you have opinions about things and you lay it out there. So it has its time, it has its place and then we have a separate news division that will go through people like Martha, Martha MacCallum, Bill Hemmer, et cetera, that will go through.
GUILFOYLE: Shepherd Smith, the news desk. That's how it works. So I think you, you get what you're looking for in a variety of different capacities at Fox News, which I think is honest and it's transparent in terms of how we approach it.
GUILFOYLE: And that's why it works.
BOLLING: Eboni, what do you, what do you think -- the millennials. Let's talk about young people.
BOLLING: How would they rather -- do they want to see, as Kimberly points out that news, you know, straight news, fact, fact, fact, bring someone in for an opinion, get out, fact, fact, fact. Or do they want to see something, as Greg points out, a little bit more relaxed in nature.
WILLIAMS: I think millennials like this era, because they can get the straight news from Twitter. News is different now. So they can get the headline from social media, from Twitter, what have you. So I think they absolutely like to tune in to something that gives them a perspective .
MCCAIN: Right.
WILLIAMS: . on the headline. And that's what we're doing. I think it's valuable and appreciated. I think the problem gets in where old-school news doesn't have, doesn't make room for that distinction that KG just laid out, objective stuff versus advocacy and things like that. And so there's confusion, like you know, because if you're not clear on that separateness, then you're going to be very confused.
BOLLING: All right, Meghan .
BOLLING: . how do we do better? What does the media need to do to, to get - - regain the public trust?
MCCAIN: I actually, the technology has been a great, like a mediator for this because, now journalists don't get away with the same things they used to. If President Obama's attending your wedding or you're attending the wedding of a high person on the Hillary Clinton campaign, I can't believe that you're going to report on there and the democrats in any kind of way that's not completely biased. And there's a lot of like back room liberal media, democrat stuff that goes on. And I've seen it firsthand, and everyone knows who the people are. Chris Matthews, I'm looking at you with your (inaudible). And the great part about Twitter, is that people are outed for their biased a lot more. And I just think you really need to make the distinction, are you a hardline journalist or are you an opinion person? And again, if you are socializing and hanging out, and you consider a close personal friend to be someone high up on the Clinton campaign or President Obama, maybe you shouldn't be in the industry anymore.
GUTFELD: That's why I have, I have no friends.
BOLLING: Stephanopoulos used to work for Bill Clinton --
MCCAIN: Exactly.
BOLLING: And also donated heavily to the Clinton Foundation .
MCCAIN: Exactly.
BOLLING: ... yet, they rely on him to ask Hillary Clinton questions on a Sunday -- very important Sunday morning talk show.
MCCAIN: 100 percent Eric and he --
GUILFOYLE: That's true.
MCCAIN: He makes me insane, too. He is close friends with them. He worked for them. He gave money to the Clinton Foundation. I just don't understand .
MCCAIN: . how I should be taking him seriously.
GUTFELD: But we do. To fair, be fair we have friends of Trump, interviewing Trump here.
WILLIAMS: Oh, absolutely.
MCCAIN: Yes, but I've -- yes, but it's a lot more egregious on the left.
BOLLING: Well, again .
WILLIAMS: I don't know about that.
BOLLING: . there is a distinction with the opinion shows --
GUILFOYLE: Right. And you see --
GUILFOYLE: You watch, you know, Bill O'Reilly, he starts his show of with the talking points memo. He has an opinion piece. That's what he does. And then you watch Sean Hannity, and that is where of a conservative covering the news, we'll give opinion, and it showcased. That's why "The Five" works, too. We give our opinion; we're not trying to fool anyone, no one here is being phony. You get what you see. We're not trying to saying, hey, listen, this is like the news crawl straight across from --
MCCAIN: No one's under the impression .
GUILFOYLE: You know --
MCCAIN: . that I don't have a --
MCCAIN: As George, George Stephanopoulos is trying to present himself as a newsman to everyone. There is a distinct difference between that and an opinion personality. I just have to push back on that a little bit.
GUTFELD: Well, you know, I resent that.
BOLLING: All right.
GUILFOYLE: As long as you don't resemble it.
MCCAIN: All right.
WILLIAMS: We're good.
BOLLING: We'll leave it right there. Susan's in my ear again. Ahead, the third-party factor in this election. Who gets hurts by a four-way race more, Clinton or Trump? We'll debate that next.
MCCAIN: A lot of voters remain undecided with less than two months to go before Election Day. Third-party candidates, Gary Johnson and Jill Stein are hoping to pull off a miracle to draw voters away from Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. Which nominee is hurt more with both of them in the race? Here's political guru, Larry Sabato.
MCCAIN: Third-party candidates Gary Johnson and Jill Stein are hoping to pull off a miracle to draw voters away from Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. Which nominee is hurt more with both of them in the race? Here's political guru Larry Sabato.
LARRY SABATO, DIRECTOR, UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA CENTER FOR POLITICS: Convinced that, especially in the swing states, Gary Johnson, believe it or not, is hurting Clinton more than Trump. Why? Because he's become a parking space for so many of those millennials who supported Obama but don't like Clinton. And of course, Jill Stein mainly takes from Clinton; she takes almost nothing from Trump.
MCCAIN: A new Quinnipiac poll backs up his theory. It shows young voters have turned toward third-party candidates, particularly Gary Johnson, who is in second place among voters age 18 to 34.
Eboni, I want to go to you first, because we had this conversation before the show. Are you surprised so many millennial voters are going third party instead of Hillary or Trump?
WILLIAMS: Not at all, Meghan. It actually makes complete sense to me. Because see, they're not going to go to Trump. Trump is struggling with young voters. I mean, that's been consistent and obvious. He's also struggling with college-educated white voters. Those are places where Hillary Clinton could be making up groundwork. But a lot of those happen to also be what Bernie Sanders supporters, who when they said "never Hillary," meant it.
So therefore, Johnson and Stein, they're going to reap the benefits. And you're going to see a lot of -- I would love to see the numbers on how many write-in candidate are going to happen this year. Because I think it's going to be a lot more than we're used to seeing.
MCCAIN: Kimberly, you and I both have the same disdain for Gary Johnson. Both of us believe in strong national security.
MCCAIN: I'm shocked this guy is getting as much as he is, even from millennials.
GUILFOYLE: I know, and I get the whole, you know, limited, small government, that sort of thing; cutting back; being financially, fiscally responsible. But I couldn't disagree with him more from a national security or foreign policy standpoint.
And I think that he has proved himself to not be well-equipped with the facts, the circumstances or the pressing need to be able to defeat a radical Islamic jihad, you know, in this world.
So to me, I don't -- maybe because the younger people are not as concerned, you know, about that and they're, like, searching for something, but I think overall, fine, stay in the race, because I think he's taking -- you know, he's taking away voters from Hillary Clinton.
MCCAIN: Are you a big Jill Stein fan, Eric?
BOLLING: I like -- I actually do like Jill. I like them both, all of them. Here's the thing. All right. He still -- Gary Johnson's still getting 9 percent now, because it's polling. It's not going to be the actual number. If, at the end when you count these totals, it's going to be 60 million, 60 million. He's not going to get ten million. That would be 9 percent of the total.
GUILFOYLE: Lying polls?
BOLLING: It's just not -- here's what it is right now. These two candidates, Clinton and Trump, have such high unfavorables. People are looking for anywhere to go other than these two. And for now, right now, they'll say Gary Johnson.
The guy didn't know about Aleppo. I mean, he is not a viable candidate -- there's no way he gets ten million. I think when we actually pull the lever come November 8, he'll get 1 percent, 2 percent. It won't be a relevant factor to the -- who wins.
MCCAIN: I agree with that. But Greg, do you think that he should have made it to the debate stage? He didn't.
GUTFELD: If he doesn't get the numbers, I don't think he should. But I will push back.
Aleppo as a gaffe is not as bad as kissing Putin's ass or praising a North Korean dictator because they're so powerful because they can kill people at will, Kimberly. Don't stick your tongue out at me.
GUILFOYLE: Most people don't mind.
GUTFELD: I just...
WILLIAMS: Oh, my God.
GUTFELD: Now I've lost my train of thought. You know what the third parties...
MCCAIN: We need to say he didn't make it to the debate stage.
GUTFELD: I know, yes. But to your point, which is -- which is the right point, is that because there's so -- you know what it is? It's like when you're a child going to a fancy restaurant, and there's nothing good on the menu except the children's menu. That's what this -- that's what Gary Johnson and Jill Stein is right now...
GUILFOYLE: I love that.
GUTFELD: ... because everything on the French menu that your parents are ordering...
BOLLING: He's chicken fingers and French fries.
GUTFELD: It's like all the young people...
GUILFOYLE: Mac and cheese, tater tots.
GUTFELD: The young people are going for the chicken fingers and the tater tots.
MCCAIN: Yes, except if chicken fingers were going to let ISIS grow and it would be super dangerous for our national security.
WILLIAMS: But you know what? I think a lot of these millennials that are going this way, they don't even know anything about Gary Johnson. They don't even know that...
GUTFELD: They just know they don't like them.
WILLIAMS: ... he said that. They just know that he's not Hillary Clinton...
WILLIAMS: ... and he's not Donald Trump, and that's good enough for them.
MCCAIN: Well, they should Google him, because he's very dangerous when it comes to national security.
GUTFELD: Come on!
MCCAIN: Donald Trump -- he is very dangerous. Donald Trump drops by "The Tonight Show" again.
DONALD TRUMP (R), PRESIDENTIAL NOMINEE: I'm not thrilled about apologizing, but I'll apologize if I'm wrong about something.
JIMMY FALLON, HOST, NBC'S "THE TONIGHT SHOW WITH JIMMY FALLON": Yes. Have you ever played the board game "Sorry"?
TRUMP: No, I sort of like "Monopoly" better than "Sorry."
MCCAIN: At one point, he actually let Fallon mess up his legendary hair. See that Kodak moment for yourself next.
WILLIAMS: Donald Trump paid another visit to "The Tonight Show" last night, and he used the opportunity to clear up his relationship with Vladimir Putin and talked a little bit about his next debate.
TRUMP: Look, I don't know him, and you know -- know nothing about him, really. I just think if we got along with Russia that's not a bad thing. And, you know, we're getting along with other countries. I don't know.
What I want is what's right for the country. That's all that matters to me.
I never debated before the other 11 debates. I was in 11 debates, you know, in the primary system. And I loved it. I really like doing it. But I never debated professionally or from a political standpoint before. But I enjoyed that process. And I look forward to the next debate.
WILLIAMS: You happy now, Greg?
WILLIAMS: Well, it wasn't all serious talk last night, though. Here were some of the lighter moments.
FALLON: You pay attention to the polls?
TRUMP: Oh, I love the polls.
FALLON: You do?
TRUMP: But I don't pay attention -- if I'm losing or lagging, I never mention it.
FALLON: I just saw your childhood home is for sale.
TRUMP: Wow. I want to see that. Oh, that's sad to look at that. I want to buy it.
FALLON: Can I mess your hair up? Did you say yes?
TRUMP: Go ahead. My hair is good.
WILLIAMS: All right. Now I feel like President Barack Obama got a lot of heat and gets a lot of heat when he does a lot of these, and he does a lot of these, you know, late-night shows and daytime television things to show his personality and stuff. Do you think this is helpful for a candidate at this particular point in the election two months out?
BOLLING: Sure. Yes. I think it's -- humanizes him.
Trump gets into a lot -- a lot of things he says, he says off the cuff. He's just talking. He's conversational. He'll say something, and then the media and his opponents will drill in, "Well, what do you mean if Putin says something nice about you, you'll say something nice about him?" He talks like if you were having a beer with him. And he -- he really probably shouldn't do it at this point in the game. He should stick to the script and stop doing it. Otherwise, he has to do things like this. Sitting on Fallon and explain exactly what he meant every time.
But in another sense, though, it's what's really attracted a lot of people to him, because he talks like someone you would be having a beer with.
GUILFOYLE: This is Meghan McCain live, right? Presidential candidates there just like...
MCCAIN: They're just like us.
GUILFOYLE: Very funny on (UNINTELLIGIBLE) the other day.
MCCAIN: Can I say something?
MCCAIN: Thank you. Last night Jimmy Fallon was taking a lot of heat on Twitter for not doing a serious interview. And I was like, is Jimmy Fallon supposed to be Edward R. Murrow? You know why Jimmy Fallon is No. 1 in late night and Stephen Colbert is tanking? Because every time I turn on Stephen Colbert, he's lecturing me about being a conservative and being a Republican, and Jimmy Fallon keeps it apolitical.
I don't need Jimmy Fallon to ask him hard-hitting interviews. That's what some of these people coming up in the debate are going to do. I think he did great, and I think the hair moment where he's messing up his hair, I actually think it could be up there with Bill Clinton on the saxophone.
BOLLING: Can he do that to Hillary Clinton, though? If he goes, "Hey, Hillary, can I mess up your hair like that?"
WILLIAMS: No. That's not going to fly.
I will say that apparently, Hillary taped something for -- it's going to be out next week. She was on Fallon. So will that be good for her? Because she really seems to struggle with the kind of personality connectedness with audiences.
GUTFELD: I mean, three things. One, you're absolutely right. If Fallon was having that much fun with Hillary Clinton or Obama, there wouldn't have been any complaints. It just happened to be a Republican.
And you could not do that with Hillary, because there are gender differences. If you were to touch a woman like that, you would be gone.
But this is a huge victory for the Republican Party, because we've been -- we've been griping about this for years. That the Republican has a hard time -- the Republican Party has a hard time finding people...
GUTFELD: ... who can survive talk shows. Now -- now imagine this: last night you had a Republican cracking jokes on a talk show while the Democrat is hiding in the attic. This is a rollover...
WILLIAMS: But you know what the difference is, Greg? This is the establishment hiding, right?
WILLIAMS: This is somebody who's not of that world.
GUTFELD: But the point is...
GUILFOYLE: "Flowers in the Attic"?
GUTFELD: We have reversed. The Democrat -- this is a very important point. Andrew Breitbart said that politics is downstream from culture. Donald Trump is the first candidate to come from culture. That is why he can do these shows and previous Republicans couldn't.
GUILFOYLE: Very good. I like that.
WILLIAMS: I agree. I think he's uniquely positioned.
GUILFOYLE: Yes, and I think, you know, he is. He's approachable. It's like this is -- when you get to know and you know the Trump family, you know Donald Trump, likeable, approachable. He lets his hair get ruffled, et cetera, dispelling any bizarre hair rumors there might have been. So I think this only helps him. He's funny. He's good -- good on "Fallon." He's good on "Saturday Night Live." I think it's great.
GUTFELD: I was just told by a producer that Fallon did tug on Hillary's hair.
WILLIAMS: Not true.
GUTFELD: No. That's...
WILLIAMS: Don't move.
BOLLING: Fair and balanced Fallon.
WILLIAMS: "Facebook Friday" is coming up next.
WILLIAMS: Definitely not.
GUTFELD: It's true.
ANNOUNCER: From Washington...
BOLLING: Approach.
GUTFELD: John McLaughlin.
All right, "Facebook Friday." Let's do this. Kimberly, you're up first.
This is from Monday H., interesting name. "If you are to be -- if you are to be invisible for just one hour, what will you do then?" One hour.
GUILFOYLE: OK, one hour? I could do a lot in an hour.
GUILFOYLE: I will definitely go to the Middle East, maybe to Raqqah, to the brain, to the nerve center, and I would go and kill them all.
GUTFELD: Wow, that's interesting.
GUTFELD: I don't think I could do that one.
BOLLING: Can I skip and say I had the same things? I had 30 minutes in the ISIS morning strategy meeting and then 30 minutes in Obama's strategy.
GUILFOYLE: I don't want to sit in on any meetings. Yes.
GUTFELD: Great. Spend an hour in a meeting. I'd like to be in a meeting.
BOLLING: I'll take notes.
GUTFELD: Yes, exactly. Exactly.
GUILFOYLE: No notes here. No pens involved.
MCCAIN: If time and space are no option, I want to be in that van after Hillary passes out and hear what everybody's saying inside and what they say in Chelsea's apartment. That's where I'm going with that.
GUILFOYLE: Good job. We're a great team.
WILLIAMS: Didn't even think that...
GUILFOYLE: "La Femme Nikita."
WILLIAMS: I would just want to be in the chambers of, like, the Supreme Court after oral arguments for something big and just hear like the discussions after that. That would be awesome to me.
GUILFOYLE: Very cerebral.
GUTFELD: If I have an hour, I would go to the Laundromat. Because I want to know what Martinizing is, because it's always one-hour Martinizing.
GUILFOYLE: Well, more so that's a dry cleaning term.
MCCAIN: That's what you would do?
GUTFELD: Yes. I just want to watch them do my -- I want to see if they're really cleaning my shirts.
BOLLING: One-hour photo.
MCCAIN: Raqqah, Hillary Clinton's van, terrorism...
GUTFELD: I don't think they're really cleaning my shirts. I don't think they're cleaning my shirts. I think they're just ironing them. Right?
GUILFOYLE: Hashtag #priorities.
GUTFELD: I've had that suspicion for a long time. And I'm going to get to the bottom or to the top.
WILLIAMS: I think they restarch them sometimes.
GUTFELD: We'll be right back -- all right. This is from Lillian. I'll start with you, Eboni. Lillian H. -- could that be Lillian Hellman? No, she's dead. "If you were a moderator at the first debate, what is the one question you would have to ask?"
MCCAIN: I got one.
GUTFELD: Well, you're going to have to wait.
WILLIAMS: OK, I'll start with -- I would definitely want to know first order of business from each candidate. First thing. First thing you're going do, first task in the White House.
GUTFELD: How about you, Eric?
BOLLING: Strategy to defeat ISIS. Specifics.
GUTFELD: All right. How about you?
MCCAIN: How are you going fix the V.A.? Be specific.
GUTFELD: Kimberly.
GUILFOYLE: Mine would definitely be national security and ISIS and what they would do, for sure.
GUTFELD: I would say where would I be in the new administration? That would be the first question.
BOLLING: I was hoping you'd say, "What is one-hour Martinizing?"
GUTFELD: Yes. "What are we going to do about one-hour Martinizing? Are they really cleaning our shirts?"
GUILFOYLE: And why do women get charged more for dry cleaning?
GUTFELD: That is so true. It is so true. And why is it called -- well, never mind.
Frank V., I'll start with you, Meghan McCain, "What would you consider the perfect meal, including drink and desserts?"
MCCAIN: Steak, potatoes, grilled onions, Jack and Coke. Simple. My favorite meal.
GUTFELD: I know how to make you happy. All right, Eric.
BOLLING: I lost 15 pounds on this exact diet. It's Chicken Paillard, pounded thin so there's no -- there's no breading on the chicken at all, grilled with steamed spinach and vodka with club soda.
GUILFOYLE: What about magic juice?
BOLLING: Sound -- the producers are saying it's boring. It's boring, but it tastes great, and it works.
WILLIAMS: Lasagna, side salad with balsamic vinaigrette dressing and a glass of cab.
GUILFOYLE: Mm. So many choices.
GUILFOYLE: Appetizer?
GUTFELD: Salami.
GUILFOYLE: Sliced, thick and lean.
GUILFOYLE: Let's see what else. I love everything. I don't know. I love fried chicken, for sure.
GUTFELD: I love fried chicken.
GUILFOYLE: I love it. I love mashed potatoes.
GUTFELD: Who doesn't? Except for the potato.
GUILFOYLE: Well, they don't have feelings. Don't worry.
GUTFELD: Are you sure?
GUTFELD: They have so many eyes. They're watching you.
MCCAIN: Let her finish.
GUILFOYLE: And I love cheesecake.
GUTFELD: She never finishes.
GUILFOYLE: That's delicious. And strawberry shortcake for my birthday. That's also fantastic. I also like -- I also like wine. Red or white.
You don't see color. That's what I like about you. All right. I've had enough of you.
GUILFOYLE: I only see excellence.
GUTFELD: I would say ribs from Georgia's with extra sauce and Dark 'N' Stormies.
GUILFOYLE: Oh, my God, I tried one of those.
GUTFELD: So good.
GUILFOYLE: For the first time. They were unbelievable. My friend Anne, it was very good.
GUTFELD: They're telling me to tease now -- I had -- the last question was what's your favorite things to do...
GUILFOYLE: Pigs in a blanket! I can't leave it out.
GUTFELD: I was going to say what's your favorite things to do during the fall season?
GUILFOYLE: In a blanket.
WILLIAMS: Walking around Harlem. It's so beautiful in the fall.
BOLLING: "Walking Dead" comes back.
GUILFOYLE: Yes. Zombie apocalypse.
MCCAIN: Jack and Coke.
GUTFELD: Jack and Coke.
GUILFOYLE: Watch a Hillary video, Bolling.
GUTFELD: I love trick-or-treating. It's the greatest thing. At my height, I can pretty much get as much candy as I want.
GUILFOYLE: What do you like to do in the fall?
GUTFELD: Trick-or-treat. I trick-or-treat every day.
GUILFOYLE: No, I know what you like to do.
WILLIAMS: I misspoke. Watch Carolina Panthers play football.
GUILFOYLE: Yes, you should have said that.
GUTFELD: That's not really football.
MCCAIN: You're such a hater.
GUILFOYLE: You like this -- I love to watch football and eat wings, for sure.
BOLLING: You think they're going to get back to 500 this week?
WILLIAMS: You're such a hater.
GUILFOYLE: Haters hate.
GUTFELD: I love to look at the foiliage [SIC]. I hate it when people say that: "Oh, the change of the leaves." Shut up!
GUILFOYLE: Are you yelling at the control room?
GUILFOYLE: it's time now for "One More Things," and it's "Kimberly's Royal News."
Oh, the crown. All right. Well, hats off and crowns off to Prince William today for coming to the aid of a veteran soldier who fell over during a royal visit.
Jonathan Douglas Hughes, the vice lord lieutenant of Essex and the queen's representative in the county, was standing behind Prince William, as you see, and his wife, the Duchess of Cambridge, when he tripped and fell to the ground. So the 70-year-old dignitary quickly got to his feet with the help of William and other officials.
He is just always a class act.
And then they later visited students at the Stewart's Academy, which is a secondary school in Harlem. So he was very appreciative of that.
And also, don't forget to watch our teammate's new show, Sunday at 5 p.m. Eastern, Dana Perino, Chris Stirewalt. I'll tell you what, watch it.
To you.
GUTFELD: OK. Tomorrow night, "The Greg Gutfeld Show" has Tyrus, wrestler; Louise Mensch, who runs Heat Street; and of course, we also have Lou Dobbs, who will be reading the infamous e-mail that that woman sent out from her dorm, demanding bunk beds from her fellow sleep mates.
LOU DOBBS, FOX NEWS: I want the desk that's near the window, plain and simple. I don't care about who gets the bottom bunk. But just know that what I stated above is what I'm expecting once I arrive at the dorm, and I won't be in the mood for any arguing or other nonsense, because one of you two decided to deliberately disregard this e-mail.
GUILFOYLE: I mean, the relationship you have.
GUTFELD: That's beautiful.
GUILFOYLE: Charming.
BOLLING: OK. Not nearly as funny, but serious. I saw -- last couple of years I've gotten away from writing "Cashin' In." I used to write. I went back to that. Tomorrow, completely written. Take a look at this. It's -- it's a work from my heart. Watch.
BOLLING (voice-over): The economy has squeezed the American middle class for ten years under both presidents, Bush and Obama. We've seen the urban plight our major cities have experienced. In Detroit, abandoned homes number in the tens of thousands. In Baltimore, where poverty is still soaring at 23 percent, and unemployment among young African-Americans is a staggering 26 percent, five times the national rate.
BOLLING: DVR, 11:30 tomorrow.
MCCAIN: All right. Former President George W. Bush visited an elementary school that's named after him, the George W. Bush Elementary School in St. Paul, a Dallas suburb. He made a joke that "When I was a student, it's safe to say, my teachers never imagined there would be a school named after me." Ha-ha.
And the students later serenaded him.
WILLIAMS: Meghan, you'll love this one. Pets are now becoming the replacement children for millennials. Our age group now literally -- which I can believe. I can barely even commit to owning a dog, even though I want one very badly. Looks like millennials are now deciding that, you know, "Kids, way too much. But we'll start with pets. And they could be our children for now."
GUILFOYLE: That's very nice.
GUILFOYLE: Like comfort dog.
WILLIAMS: Training.
All right. Set your DVR so you never miss an episode of "The Five." That's it for us. Everybody, have a great weekend. "Special Report" is next.
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