Democratic Bloggers Plan to 'Google Bomb' Controversial 9/11 Docudrama

Now some fresh pickings from the Political Grapevine:

Dropping a "Google Bomb"

Democratic Web loggers are so upset by that ABC 9/11 movie that they've planned an Internet attack — known as a Google Bomb — to make sure their view of the film dominates the Web.

Activists on Dr. Bob Bowman — who headed up a missile defense program under Presidents Ford and Carter — says that, if elected, he'll call for a truly independent investigation of 9/11, calling the 9/11 Commission's report a "whitewash, a cover-up and a bundle of deception."

So who does he think was behind the attacks? Why, Vice President Cheney of course, who Bowman accuses of "high treason and conspiracy to commit murder."

Exorcising Liberal Spirits?

White House political strategist Karl Rove enlisted a priest and two other Catholic leaders to officially purge "evil" spirits from his new West Wing office in 2001 — which had previously been occupied by Hillary Clinton. That according to the new book, "The Architect: Karl Rove and the Master Plan for Absolute Power," authored by Dallas Morning News political writer Wayne Slater.

Rove's former adviser on courting Catholic voters, Deal Hudson, describes the blessing as an "actual liturgical ceremony," saying "we sat at the table; we prayed. A priest said a series of prayers, including a blessing. It was about five minutes long, but it was substantial."

The White House, meanwhile, says Rove denies such an incident took place.

No Apologies

The University of Virginia's student newspaper, the Cavalier Daily, is refusing to apologize for publishing cartoons ridiculing Christian beliefs, including one portraying the Virgin Mary with a sexually transmitted disease. But the Catholic League is accusing the paper of a double standard — noting that last year, editors immediately apologized for a cartoon criticized by homosexual activists.

Editor-in-chief Michael Slaven tells Cybercast News that newspaper policies permit cartoonists to make fun of a group based on their opinions or action, but not for traits they can't change. Catholic League President Bill Donahoe says it's, "nice to know that the newspaper actually has a policy that justifies anti-religious commentary... but deliberately fails to apply the same libertarian policy to gays."

—FOX News Channel's Aaron Bruns contributed to this report.