Democrat Says Some Cutting Remarks About Barack Obama

Now some fresh pickings from the Political Grapevine:

Inside Job

The Barack Obama campaign may have to update its new Web site set up to combat vicious rumors thanks to a fellow Democrat.

Tennessee Democratic P arty Executive Committee member Fred Hobbs tells The City newspaper in Nashville, "I don't exactly approve of a lot of the things he stands for — and I'm not sure we know enough about him. He's got some bad connections, and he may be terrorist connected for all I can tell. It sounds kind of like he may be."

Hobbs was giving an interview to the paper about fellow Tennessee Congressman and Democratic superdelegate Lincoln Davis, who has not yet declared his support for Obama.

Reacting to Hobbs, Davis' Chief of Staff Beecher Frasier says he does not know for sure if Obama is terrorist connected, but he assumes he is not.

Fashioning a Fix

Comprehensive immigration reform has eluded the 110th Congress, but House Democrats are still hoping to help two groups of immigrants — fashion models and computer geeks.

The Politico reports that under current immigration policy, models coming to the U.S. for photo shoots or events compete with high-tech workers for the precious H1B visas.

Congressman Anthony Weiner has proposed a bill moving models into a new immigration category associated with entertainers and athletes. That way more models will get into the country — something Weiner says will benefit his Brooklyn district as well as Manhattan.

And, the move would free up more H1B visas for those much-needed computer experts. The bill has cleared the judiciary committee but there is some question whether the full Senate will take it up.

Daddy's Girl

Sometimes a card and a necktie for dad is just not enough. So for Father's Day, Meghan McCain, daughter of Republican presidential candidate John McCain, became a member of the Grand Old Party.

She went to the State Capitol Executive Building in Phoenix, Thursday, with mom Cindy, and changed her party affiliation from Independent to Republican.

Her Internet blog included photos showing her filling out forms, talking to Arizona's secretary of state and displaying her new identity as a Republican.

She writes, "I did this as a symbol of my commitment to my dad to represent the faith I have in his ability to be an effective leader... and strengthen the Republican Party when he is elected president of the United States. Happy Father's Day, Dad!"

Age Is Just a Number

And finally, some people say Senator John McCain's age is a negative — but not in the eyes of Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi.

The Italian leader says that while he cannot give an official preference about an election in another country, his personal feelings have him rooting for the 71-year-old McCain.

"This is for a very selfish reason, and that is — I would no longer be the oldest person at the upcoming G8 summit — because McCain is a month older than me."

FOX News Channel's Zachary Kenworthy contributed to this report.