
And now some fresh pickings from the political grapevine:

Delay's Discussions?

Roll Call newspaper says House Majority Leader Tom Delay is quietly discussing the possibility that he may have to relinquish his leadership post... depending on what happens with an investigation into alleged campaign finance abuses by a political action committee he started.

A Texas grand jury is trying to determine whether Texans For A Republican Majority illegally used corporate donations for campaigns in the 2002 state elections. Roll Call says the investigation could result in felony charges against Delay... and if that happens, the majority leader would be forced to step aside -- at least until the case is resolved.

So far, Delay has not been identified as a target of the investigation and has not been subpoenaed. The PAC, meanwhile, insists its expenditures were legal.

Democrats Urged to Switch Parties

An international labor union that normally supports the Democratic Party -- and has endorsed democratic presumptive nominee John Kerry -- is now urging Democrats in Pennsylvania to switch parties.

The Transportation Communications International Union has sent voter registration cards to its 3,800 members in Pennsylvania, insisting that switching to the Republican party is -- "vitally important."

The union is trying to ensure incumbent Republican Senator Arlen Specter wins next month's Republican primary.... over Congressman Pat Toomey, who describes himself as the "conservative alternative" to Specter.

But unions, which have supported Specter in the past, want to hedge their bets... and make sure if a Democrat doesn't win, Specter does. And for Democratic Union members wary of switching parties, the Union tells them not to worry -- they can "switch right back after the primary."

Pet Protection

And safety is an important concern in every community. But what about pets?

A Santa Fe, New Mexico city council committee has approved a move to require dogs and cats to wear seat belts while riding in trucks and other vehicles. The ordinance says animals -- "in or on" a vehicle must be restrained to keep them from falling out.

Santa Fe pet stores have been stocking animal restraint devices for some time now, but area managers say few are ever purchased. The legislation is now being considered by the entire city council. Can't wait to see a cat in a seat belt.

FOX News' Michael Levine contributed to this report