This is a rush transcript from "Tucker Carlson Tonight," July 30, 2020. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

TUCKER CARLSON, HOST: Good evening, and welcome to "Tucker Carlson Tonight." After two months of rioting and political chaos, there are still people out there who claim this is all about the death of George Floyd. Believe it or not, there are.

Some of the people who say that may actually believe and we're giving them the benefit of the doubt. The liberal mom who lives next door to you, for example. She is probably entirely sincere when she lectures you about the scourge of police brutality, she means it. She has no idea BLM is about anything else.

We're not judging, and that's not surprising. Most Americans are nice people. They're literal and ingenuous. They tend to take claims at face value because they want to believe the best.

But in this case, they are wrong. None of what you are watching is about Civil Rights. Violence and race baiting are the enemies of Civil Rights.

What you're watching instead is a power grab. It's being coordinated by the most ruthless and cynical figures in American politics. They don't want you to know what they're doing. They're not honorable enough to state their intentions. They're not like you at all.

When normal people want something, they can be aggressive. But the professional left never is. It's invariably passive aggressive. Their first instinct is to manipulate rather than persuade, they hide their real beliefs. They say precisely the opposite of what they mean every time.

They accuse you of the crimes they themselves are committing. It makes your head spin. Arguing with them is pointless, by the way, they're nihilists. They don't believe in the existence of truth or in the fixed meaning of words.

They care only about power. It's painful to say this. It hurts to admit there are people in our country who are like this, but there are and they have more power than ever.

If you need more evidence of that, Barack Obama showed up at Congressman John Lewis' funeral today. Obama claimed he was there to eulogize his own friend, but that's not true, and that's not what he did. Instead, Obama gave a divisive and deeply dishonest campaign speech in church. Here's part of what he said.


FORMER PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA: By ending some of the partisan gerrymandering so that all voters have the power to choose their politicians, not the other way around.

And if all this takes eliminating the filibuster, another Jim Crow relic, in order to secure the God given rights of every American, then that's what we should do.


CARLSON: It's hard to believe that clip is real, but it is, down to the cloying fake accent, Mr. Hawaii guy. But take three steps back, imagine if some greasy politician showed up at your loved one's funeral and started throwing around stupid partisan talking points about Senate procedure, can you imagine that? You'd be shocked if that happened. You'd probably walk out.

Desecrating a funeral with campaign slogans? What kind of person would do that? But Democrats in the audience didn't seem offended. They didn't blink, they cheered. It all seemed normal to them, and why wouldn't it? Political power is their religion. It's not out of place in a church. It's what they worship.

People who will politicize a funeral will do anything, and they're trying to. Democrats are working systematically to dismantle the core institutions of American life, beginning with the family and with faith.

They're subverting the core system in our government, the justice system. They're nullifying laws, burning police stations, attacking courthouses, working to eliminate the legal equality of American citizens, the foundation of it all.

They've systematically repurposed Federal law enforcement agencies as political weapons. They have imprisoned their political opponents.

Their leaders have called for making all of these changes permanent by packing the Supreme Court, packing the United States Senate, packing the electorate itself by importing tens of millions of new voters. Why are they doing all of this? They'll tell you, it's to make the country better and more just, but the country isn't improving and it's not fairer.

They're doing this for one reason: to ensure they have complete control of the United States. We're watching it happen right now, though almost no one ever admits it and those who do come close to getting shut down. We can tell you stories.

So how should the rest of us respond to what we're seeing? And let's be clear, by the rest of us we're not just talking about conservatives or people who watch the show. We're talking about literally, everybody else -- moderates, the politically non-aligned, traditional liberals who still care about civil liberties; there are some of those, sincere religious people of all faiths, immigrants from abroad who came to this country because of our Bill of Rights, only to watch it evaporate once they got here.

In other words, everyone who fundamentally loves this country, which is still most Americans. What are people like that do in the face of this? This revolution? Well, it's simple. Defend the system that we have. That's our job.

The American system is flawed. No one doubts that, but it works better than any other system in history and tearing it down will not help. In fact, it will benefit only a few of the ones pushing for it, and it will crush millions.

So if you care about the United States, fight for its institutions. They have served us well. This country has survived almost 250 years through a Civil War. Let's keep going.

The president this morning vented his frustrations on Twitter about potential voter fraud in the upcoming election. He wrote this quote, "With universal mail-in voting, not absentee voting, which is good, 2020 will be the most inaccurate and fraudulent election in history. It will be a great embarrassment to the United States."

We don't know if that's true. We hope it's not, it could be, though. That's what the President wrote. And then he ended this way, quote, "Delay the election until people can properly, securely and safely vote." End quote.

Delay the election, and that was the headline across cable news today and we should be clear that will not happen. The election will almost certainly take place in November.

But at this point, it's probably unwise to suggest changing the election. Voter fraud or not. Too much is in flux already. That's not accidental. It's by design. A bewildered population, dealing with change from every possible direction cannot fight back. That's why they're doing it.

So our job is to defend what we already have as a nation and to promote the continuation of it. Keeping things the same has never been more important than it is right now.

Victor Davis Hanson has thought a lot about all of these topics and we're honored to have him as we always are tonight.

Professor, thanks so much for coming on.


CARLSON: If you are able to clear your head long enough to get the overview here, every -- by my count, every significant institution in American life is under sustained assault from the left. What's the point of that, do you think?

HANSON: I think the point is they don't have confidence in their message that will resonate with 51 percent of the population, at least, they seem that way so they want to change the system rather than work within the system that won't yield the result that they demand.

And I think Donald Trump is frustrated, but I think you're quite right, Tucker. He is the enforcer of traditions and protocols that have gone back to the 19th Century. We always have the first Tuesday after the first of November, and that's what we did.

We did it in the Civil War. We did it in World War I. We did it in World War II.

He has been the victim of weaponization of the F.B.I., the C.I.A., the D.O.J., the distortion of the 25th Amendment. He has been a victim of trying to erode the institution of impeachment, to politicize it in a way we hadn't seen before.

So he has to strike back and say, I'm not going to pack the court. I'm not going to destroy the Electoral College. That's what you want to do.

You want to let 16 year olds vote, you want to let felons vote. But in this next 90 days, I'm going to get task forces to make sure the Postal Service is swift, efficient, and with balloting. I'm going to get more polling stations available so we can social distance.

We're going to accommodate these crisis of virus, lockdown, rioting, recession. We can do it and that's -- and he doesn't need to do it. That's what's ironic because there's about seven or eight known unknowns tougher from now until Election Day.

We don't know the waxing and waning of the virus. We don't know whether the lockdown will be porous. We don't know the status of the economy. We don't know the effect of all of this lawless anarchy and chaos on the so-called silent voter.

We don't know what John Durham is going to do. We don't know what the Vice President selection of Joe Biden will portend. We don't know what Joe Biden will do if he actually has to go out and perform like a regular candidate.

I have a sneaking suspicion that those are tailwinds for Donald Trump. That he doesn't need to alter the system because that's the natural role for the Republican Party in general and for him in particular.

He has been a victim of people who try to distort these constitutional frameworks and he has got to remind everybody that he is the protector and the guarantor of them.

CARLSON: He is the protector and the guarantor of our system. That is exactly right and so nicely put. Not surprisingly. Victor Davis Hanson, thank you for that summary. Great to see you.

HANSON: Thank you.

CARLSON: Rioters, domestic terrorists have been waging a sustained war on the City of Portland, Oregon for more than two months now.

For some reason, the U.S. government has allowed this to continue even as rioters have damaged Federal property and attacked police officers.

Last weekend, one of them stabbed a journalist. We have footage of it, here it is.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Someone is stalking us.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Hey, buddy. Why are you following us?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Did you just stab him? Bro, he just stabbed him, dude.


CARLSON: He did just stab him and the man who was stabbed survived. He joins us tonight, the journalist Andrew Duncomb. We welcome him. Andrew, thanks so much for coming on.


CARLSON: So the factual questions first, why were you stabbed? Who did it? And has that person been arrested?

DUNCOMB: Yes, I was stabbed by a known Antifa member by the name of Blake Hampe. I was -- I feel like I was -- I feel like I was stabbed and/or targeted specifically due to my location being doxed, about me being here inside of Portland 17 hours before I had arrived.

CARLSON: Has the man who stabbed you been arrested? Is he in jail right now?

DUNCOMB: Yes, he's been arrested. He is charged with second degree felony assault, currently being held on a $250,000.00 bail.

CARLSON: He just missed your spinal cord. By the way, congratulations on surviving. This stabbing has received very little news coverage. I assume because you're not a leftist.

Had you seen this guy before? Did you expect it? Why do you think he did it?

DUNCOMB: I've never seen him before. Once again, I had been -- I had been stalked and doxed previously on Twitter, by these people here, the Rose City Antifa Group, where they would put my information out there saying like he'll be here, he will be here.

Previously in the past -- I've been targeted by Antifa previously in the past, and so for me to say specifically what the intent was, I'm not sure.

CARLSON: Right. Well, you're obviously a black man who disagrees with their views. So that must be deeply offensive to them. What happened after you were --

DUNCOMB: The targeting definitely has to do with me being a black Trump supporter. And anytime that I come to film, they know that it destroys their narrative and it goes against what they're trying to promote.

CARLSON: Yes, I mean, there -- I guess there's one revolutionary who doesn't think Black Lives Matter, I guess. So what happened after you were stabbed? What did they -- did they say anything to you? Did he say anything when he stabbed you? And what did the people around him say when you fell down with a knife wound?

DUNCOMB: When I fell down, I didn't -- I can't remember specifically there -- I was on a -- it was kind of a traumatic experience. I can't remember if he said anything specifically to me.

Once I got stabbed, my body kind of went into shock and kind of in a fight mode. And so I remember getting up after I hit the ground from falling and looking at him specifically. And I saw the knife that he had in his hands and it looked like -- it appeared to be about seven inches.

And so I just remember thinking I had to keep pressure on my wound and try to get somewhere safe. One of my guys that I was with stepped in between us and he told the guy that I was with, do you want to get shanked next to?

CARLSON: It's just -- it's just beyond belief that this is America. Did the governor of the state, the mayor of the city, city councilman, any of them -- the ones who have encouraged this kind of violence, did any of them reach out to you after you've been stabbed?

DUNCOMB: No, sir. Not at all. I haven't heard anything from any of them. The only ones that has reached out to me is some local reporters and things like that trying to -- they wanted to get this story out.

CARLSON: What do you conclude from this, Andrew? What have you learned?

DUNCOMB: I've learned -- basically, it's really not so much -- I've learned like with this incident, like I see it as a miracle to be here right now, to be able to even do this interview right now. It was -- the knife went in about four to five inches inside of my side and ended up missing everything.

Remarkably, I didn't require surgery, just a little bit of blood and pain. And so, more so, I want to turn this into a message to tell everybody that they need to wake up and people need to start exposing Antifa for who they truly are and that is a domestic terrorist organization who are actively deploying an assault against our democracy.

And they don't really care about black lives. They are using BLM as a front to carry out the senseless acts of assault against this country.

CARLSON: Yes, the leadership should be charged with criminal conspiracy and would be in prison right now, and they haven't been for reasons that aren't clear.

I'm glad you survived. Andrew, thank you. Thank you for coming on tonight.

DUNCOMB: Thank you, Tucker for having me.

CARLSON: Thank you. Well, for centuries, former American Presidents have followed a tradition of maintaining a dignified silence once they leave office.

Barack Obama doesn't bother with those rules. He used Congressman John Lewis' funeral today to give a nasty partisan political speech. The press didn't report that. But we have tape.

Plus, it's been two months since George Floyd died in Minneapolis. Has Minneapolis become a safer, happier, more just city?

A report from Minneapolis after the break.


CARLSON: As of this week, it's been two months since George Floyd died, and in that short period of time, this country has changed perhaps more than it has in decades. There has been widespread violence and lawlessness. We just talked to a man who was stabbed for the crime of trying to cover a riot.

Crime rates have soared in almost every major city. Here's how people in Minneapolis responded to George Floyd's death.


CARLSON: So things fell completely apart. In case you don't remember that from a couple of months ago, a small group of violent people took control, but the most amazing part of all of this is how the City of Minneapolis responded, the City Council.

Rather than increasing the presence of the police, decided to eliminate the police department, and then that idea which two weeks before would have been considered so insane, no one would have said it out loud, metastasized almost immediately to the rest of the Democratic Party and defund the police became a talking point.

Now, Barack Obama, one of the sleaziest and most dishonest figures in the history of American politics used George Floyd's death at a funeral to attack the police. Here's what he said.


OBAMA: Bull Connor may be gone, buy today, we witness with our own eyes, police officers kneeling on the necks of black Americans.

Bull Connor? The country falling apart riven by racial strife and tribalism, and one of the most respected people in the whole country decides to pour gasoline on that and compare the police to Bull Connor?

As if America or Minneapolis is like Birmingham, Alabama in 1963. It's insane. It's reckless. But of course Obama doesn't care. It's only about November and the coming election.

The problem is, what they're doing to get there. What happens when you eliminate the police or diminish their power? Here's what happens.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE (voice over): Following riots and public demonstrations against the Minneapolis Police, the city is now seeing a surge in crime. Homicides have doubled this year. Gun crimes dramatically outpaced last year.

People who live in work where the riots hit say prostitution, drugs and burglary are now unabated.

With a segment of the public and the City Council against them, the Police Union says morale is terrible. Officers don't proactively police and are reluctant to use force.


CARLSON: Oh, so when you eliminate the police, there's more crime surprised precisely no one including the people who did it. Members of the Minneapolis City Council knew exactly what the result would be. They're not that stupid.

So even as they abolish the police, they forced taxpayers to pay for security for their homes. Oh, I get it.

Fox News senior correspondent, Rick Leventhal has been in and around Minneapolis really for months now. He joins us with report. Hey, Rick.

RICK LEVENTHAL, FOX NEWS SENIOR CORRESPONDENT: Hey, Tucker. As we all watched, Minneapolis became the launch pad for nationwide protests two months ago after the death of George Floyd and those demonstrations turned ugly fast, and the destruction that you've documented was widespread.


LEVENTHAL: Apartment buildings, restaurants and other businesses were set on fire and looted some in broad daylight. Vehicles were smashed and torched, including police cars and a Postal truck to the delight of the crowds, but no one is cheering now, Tucker.

Parts of the city have been deserted. Much has not been repaired. Crime is up and business is down. Homeless camps filling city parks are just now being dismantled.

A salon owner told "Fox and Friends" about the loss of her shop that she has had for 40 years.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I just could not believe it. Everything was just up in up -- up in just a big fire -- just a big ball of fire. Smoke and fire and I couldn't believe it.

It hurts to know I have no business. I have nothing at all. I don't even have a styling chair anymore, you know. I don't have a salon anymore, so it hurts.


LEVENTHAL: And Tucker, as you mentioned, in the aftermath of the riots, the City Council voted to defund the police, drawing criticism from a group of anti-violence black activists who held a press conference earlier this month.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It is time for us to stand up in this city. It is time to tell the City Council that utopia is a bunch of BS. We are not in Mayberry RFD. We are in the Wild, Wild West.


LEVENTHAL: The city needs help, Tucker, and many are wondering when it's coming.

CARLSON: I like how she put it. Thanks so much, Rick. Good to see you tonight. Thank you.

LEVENTHAL: You, too.

CARLSON: Pastor Steve Carlisle has been in Minneapolis for a long time for decades. He's seen the city evolve, including recently and we're happy to have him with us tonight. Pastor, thanks so much for coming on.

So, it's been about two months. Tell us, because you have perspective how you think Minneapolis has changed in that time?

PASTOR STEVE CARLISLE, VINE CHURCH MINNEAPOLIS: Well, there's less of a cop presence, which means that crime is on the up and up. And you know, it's sad. It's sad to see -- well, first, I'll say Minneapolis is a beautiful place. If you've been here, it's a beautiful place.

CARLSON: Yes, it is.

CARLISLE: And it's really sad to see people move out. It's sad to see people live in fear. I personally have -- I have seven kids and a wife and, and it gets tense at times. I mean, there's no sirens and there's no cop presence. You know, there's no cops pulling up and, you know, want to get to know -- you know, talk with us.

And so that's a little bit disheartening, I would say.

CARLSON: So, the irony is this violence, these riots were committed in the name of the weakest in Minneapolis. We're helping the little guy, the underdog, they told us. It sounds by the description you just gave that people without a lot of money and say seven children haven't been helped by this at all.

CARLISLE: Well, again, this is what I know because I know that we need a greater cop presence. There's incidents -- I just happen to live about six blocks from the Third Precinct, six blocks away from where the target was burned down and all of that. And I can tell you speaking from where I live, we just -- people, it would seem -- it would seem like the Wild, Wild West.

I mean, people are just bowled into -- fire guns and just break into places and this or that, and it's just -- it becomes scary. It becomes scary.

CARLSON: Are you going to stay?

CARLISLE: Well, I'm going to stay. I'm going to stay. You know, I was born and raised here. I'm a pastor at the church next door. And we're pointing people -- we're pointing people to Christ and pointing people to the hope that we have in Christ. So hey, Tucker, I am going to stay.

CARLSON: You're a brave man. Pastor, thank you for joining us with that update. I appreciate it. Good luck.

CARLISLE: Yes. Thank you.

CARLSON: So Dr. Anthony Fauci has commanded you to wear a mask. He has commanded you to stay inside. Now, he wants you to do something else. Something extra. It's not Halloween. It's public health. We will tell you what Dr. Fauci has asked you to do, next.

Plus the tech companies censored a video about the coronavirus they didn't like because they thought it might hurt Joe Biden's chances in the election. One of the physicians in that video lost her job. She's here straight ahead to tell us what happened.



DR. ANTHONY FAUCI, DIRECTOR, NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF ALLERGY AND INFECTIOUS DISEASES: You have mucosa in the nose, mucosa in the mouth, but you also have mucosa in the eye. And that's one of the things that you know, theoretically you should protect all the mucosal surfaces. So, if you have goggles, or an eye shield, you should use it.


CARLSON: Anthony Fauci is 79 years old, he probably never thought that he would have to wait this long to accumulate as much power as he now has. But he's wasted no time in using it.

Fauci has told you to do a lot of things over the last several months, wear a mask, stay inside, not go to work. Millions of people have lost their jobs. Restaurants, small businesses closed forever.

He has transformed the American way of life in just a matter of months, but he's not done. Anthony Fauci has new plans for you. Now, Dr. Fauci says he would like you to wear goggles when you go out in public.

Yes, that's not based in science actually. We checked. Most major studies on the transmission of the coronavirus through the eyes have been inconclusive. We're not sure and it doesn't look like a major vector for the spread of the disease.

But that doesn't matter to Anthony Fauci. Shut up and put your goggles on, is his position. Unless of course, you're in the opening (AUDIO GAP).


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: If you're swiping on a dating app, like Tinder or Bumble or Grindr, and you match with someone and you just kind of like, maybe it's fine if this one stranger comes over, what do you say to that person?

FAUCI: You know, everybody has their own tolerance for risks. And that depends on the level of the interaction that you want to have.

If you're looking for friends sitting in a room, put a mask on, and you know, chat a bit. If you want to go a little bit more intimate, well, then that's your choice regarding your risk.


CARLSON: Oh, so it's totally your choice. You have to stay inside, not go to work, wear a mask. But you can find a stranger on a dating app, Bumble or Tinder and have sex with that person and that's not a risk. That's your choice.

Oh, okay. But just remember, when you go outside, you must wear a mask.


FAUCI: But some sort of mask-like facial covering, I think for the time being should be a very regular part of how we prevent the spread of infection.


CARLSON: Okay, I hope you're following along. Fauci has never been elected to anything, but his word is law, and if you criticize him, you're in trouble.

So ignore what we're about to show you. It's a picture of Anthony Fauci sitting in a baseball game within six feet of other people without wearing the mask. And by the way, you'll notice no goggles. Hmm. Fauci also, by the way, wants to end the handshake.


FAUCI: I don't think we ever should ever shake hands ever again, to be honest with you, not only would it be good to prevent coronavirus disease, it probably would decrease the incidence of influenza dramatically in this country.


CARLSON: So people have been shaking hands with one another through all known human history since at least the Greeks, but that's no longer allowed, unless you're Anthony Fauci or you're having sex with strangers you meet on Tinder. Hmm. And now we have to wear goggles.

Whoa, how long before mandatory spacesuits or 12-foot hula hoops to ensure proper social distancing? Okay, we'll keep you posted on the goggle question. Dr. Anthony Fauci.

Well, America's tech oligarchs as we reported the other night censored a video of physicians expressing their views about treatment for the coronavirus. Some of those views were optimistic that would hurt the Joe Biden for president campaign. And so they pulled it off the internet and banned anyone from sharing it. That's the state of free speech in America.

We're allowed to share it here because we don't work for Google or Facebook. So here's a clip.


DR. SIMONE GOLD, BOARD CERTIFIED EMERGENCY PHYSICIAN: This is a treatment regimen that's very simple, and it should be in the hands of the American people.

The difficult aspect of this is that at the moment because of politics, it's being blocked from doctors prescribing it, and it's being blocked from pharmacists releasing it. They've been empowered to overrule the doctor's opinion.

I'm in favor of it being over the counter. Give it to the people. Give it to the people.


CARLSON: Dr. Simone Gold was in that video, the banned one. She was censored, but more than that, she was fired from her job, apparently, for appearing in that video. We're going to get the story directly from her because she joins us now.

Doctor, thanks so much for coming on. Can it be true that you lost your job for expressing your medical opinions on camera?

GOLD: Yes, thank you so much. I'm a board-certified emergency physician for 20 years. In fact, until it seems like five minutes ago, I was considered a hero and people would be clapping and glad that I was doing what I was doing.

And then the video came out and I was summarily fired for appearing in what was told to me is an embarrassing video. So that's what happened.

CARLSON: Leaving aside the legal question of whether an employer is just allowed to fire someone for appearing in a video that might hurt the Biden campaign, I'm interested in what their justification was.

You're a doctor treating patients in an emergency room. What does a video have to do with your work?

GOLD: Yes, of course, it has nothing to do with my work. I'm very well liked, well regarded. Thankfully, I've got a wonderful reputation with the patients, with my staff, with my colleagues and actually, I enjoy what I do.

But you know, we came to Washington because we're so distressed. You know, frontline doctors like myself, we're seeing patients not get what they need. We're seeing the doctor-patient relationship being completely eroded that the governors are empowering pharmacies to overrule doctors who had conversations with their patients. It's really something that Americans should be alarmed about.

And as you probably know, I did not know things were going to go viral. Of course, I was told later that we were the most viral video of all time. Apparently, there was 18 million views on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, wherever it is, and they all kind of summarily pulled all of it. It was just all taken off. My own website was taken down, and it's been interesting ever since.

CARLSON: And we should say for our viewers who haven't seen it, and presumably our viewers can't see it because the tech companies have censored it, but it wasn't an hour-long video on hydroxychloroquine. There are many parts to it, including what you just said that were interesting that were clearly true.

Shouldn't you as a practicing physician with a medical degree be allowed to express your views on science as you practice it without being censored?

GOLD: You know, what's funny is the video that got the most attention was a press conference we did right in front of the Supreme Court, but actually the Summit was seven hours of doctors teaching the American people. We decided to come straight to the American people with lots of social media, so we did a morning session for three and a half hours and an afternoon session for three and a half hours.

I'm not sure you even knew that and we went through everything with the lockdown, masks, hydroxychloroquine treatment, other treatments, just all of it. How it affects older people, younger people, et cetera. That was actually the majority of the Summit.

And yes, people will be able to find it on -- I had to rebuild my website really quickly, America's Frontline Doctors. They took my URL, so it's got the word Summit now,

I don't want anyone to just believe me, because I'm saying it. We put together a white paper that has all the scientists utterly irrefutable that hydroxychloroquine is safe. That's without question.

And there's tons and tons of studies to show now that it is quite efficacious. You have to kind of wonder why we're still talking about an F.D.A. approved medication. It has been around for 65 years. It's been around since long before George Washington who gave it to his troops. Why are we still discussing it? It's a little bit strange.

CARLSON: Yes, I mean, look, I majored in Russian History. I don't know anything about hydroxychloroquine. I do know about the way the country is supposed to work and physicians should be allowed to explain their experiences, their clinical experiences, treating patients and you're not allowed to because Joe Biden getting elected is more important, and that's scary and I'm grateful that you came on tonight, Doctor. I really am.

GOLD: Let me say one thing. There's a lot of people -- there's a lot of people saying some negative things about me. I would ask people please to stop saying negative things about me.

I'm a board certified emergency physician. I take good care of patients. We've hired Lynn Wood to help me in this matter. And I hope that that puts to rest anything that people might want to say that's defamatory.

CARLSON: I hope so, too. I rarely root for lawyers, but I am in this case. Dr. Gold, thank you. Appreciate it.

GOLD: Thank you.

CARLSON: So as you know, if you watch the show, repeatedly over the years, we have attacked robots. Automating everything has downsides. And by the way, robots are creepy.

Well, apparently a moment ago, the robots at the center of our camera, fought back and messed with the picture. You probably couldn't see the show for a couple of minutes. We wanted to tell you why you couldn't because the robots took over -- just a little glimpse of our future, our amazing crew got it back and running.

Just ahead, probably the best advantage a person can have in fighting the coronavirus according to some research is being married. Married couples are more likely to survive infection than unmarried. That's far from the only health benefit or benefit in general of marriage, but it's one. We're going to talk to someone who knows a lot about it, after the break.


CARLSON: There's been a lot of talk about public health since March when the Wuhan virus arrived here from China where they unleashed quite something on us. But the one public health imperative that Washington consistently overlooks in fact consistently undermines is marriage.

Married men and women are nearly twice as likely to be satisfied with their lives, happy than those who are unmarried. They're also less likely to be infected with the virus or more likely to survive if they are infected.

Here to explain the link between marriage and health is the Director of the National Marriage Project, Bradford Wilcox. Mr. Wilcox, thanks so much for coming on. So how is the state of marriage related to survival rates of coronavirus?

BRADFORD WILCOX, DIRECTOR OF THE NATIONAL MARRIAGE PROJECT: Tucker, what the evidence indicates is that counties that have more married people are less likely to be suffering from higher rates of infection from coronavirus. That's what we see, in terms of that particular angle.

We also see when you look at married couples more generally, in the face of the kind of emotional traumas that I think all Americans are facing, we're seeing that married Americans, about 40 percent less likely to be depressed, to be anxious, to be worried. So there's kind of an emotional piece to it.

They're kind of riding out this pandemic more successfully on the emotional front as well.

CARLSON: Social scientists has pretty much, I would say, proven this over decades of research. So why does Washington either ignore it or actively seek to undermine marriage?

WILCOX: Well, you know, I think there is this paradox that, you know, many elites today in America are actually living quite successful marriages. We've seen actually kind of divorce decline dramatically in the last 30 years or so particularly among college educated Americans, but they don't only kind of talk about marriage in public.

I think they are kind of reluctant to address, you know, kind of family issues for really two reasons. One is that, you know, I think everyone knows people who have struggled in their marriages have gotten divorced, have had some kind of family difficulty, and they don't want to kind of sort of tackle that issue.

The second though, I think piece to this is that there's kind of this progressive idea out there that sort of change of any sort is good and that family change of the last, you know, 50 years is, you know, by and large, you know, a good thing. So it's kind of a reluctance to sort of really think about whether or not these family changes we've seen in America over the last, you know, five decades have been good for our kids, and good for our communities.

CARLSON: Yes, they're good at destroying, not so good at building. Bradford Wilcox, thank you so much. Great to see you.

WILCOX: Thank you, Tucker.

CARLSON: President Obama desecrated the funeral of Congressman John Lewis today to give a political speech. More on that after the break.


CARLSON: Barack Obama showed up at a funeral today, John Lewis's funeral, to give a eulogy, but he didn't do that. Instead, he gave a grubby and dishonest political speech that went on and on, a vicious one, too. Here's Obama extolling the virtues of mail-in voting.


OBAMA: Even as we sit here, there are those in power, who are doing their darndest to discourage people from voting by closing polling locations and targeting minorities and students with restrictive ID laws and attacking our voting rights with surgical precision, even undermining the Postal Service in the run up to an election that's going to be dependent on mail- in ballots, so people don't get sick.


CARLSON: Yes, targeting minorities. That's a lie. That's a flat out lie. There's no evidence of that whatsoever and in the middle of racial turmoil, here's a former President stoking the fire for political reasons. It is disgusting.

And actually mail-in voting, which is underway, has proven to be a disaster in a lot of places. In Washington, D.C. thousands of voters didn't receive their mail-in ballots at all, or until the day of the last election.

In May, the Justice Department indicted a mailman for altering voters' ballot requests.

Jen Ellis has fought all of this. She is a legal adviser to the Trump Reelect. She joins us tonight. So leaving aside the philosophical questions of mail-in voting, how is it actually working? Well?

JENNA ELLIS, TRUMP 2020 SENIOR LEGAL ADVISER: Well, it's a disaster. It's absolutely a disaster, Tucker, and you don't need more studies. You don't need more debates about it to just look at what's going on in New York where even "The Washington Post" called it a total train wreck. President Trump highlighted that today where we don't even know the results of one district and the Democrats think that this is somehow 95 days before the presidential national election, we can implement universal vote by mail and we'll get the results on Election Day or even close to it.

You look at Paterson, New Jersey where one out of every five ballots was discarded for being fraudulent. And there were reports of massive amounts of mail-in ballots that were just left in apartment buildings and didn't get to their residents.

You look at what's going on in Pennsylvania. You look at the Democrats, who -- and their allies who are suing in dozens of states to try to have the election ballots to be counted days -- 10 days and days after Election Day.

I mean, this is something where you're talking about the Democrats wanting to destroy the pillars of American society, the family and the church.

It's also the civil society, the peaceful transition of power, the elections that are by the people, of the people and for the people. This is what started with the corrupt Obama administration, not allowing the peaceful transition of power to President Trump when he was still President-Elect.

They tried to do this through the Russia hoax. They tried to do this with witch hunt impeachment and now, because they haven't successfully gotten rid of President Trump, they're trying to undermine our vote and the sanctity of our election and our franchise through universal vote by mail, which is a complete disaster.

We're already seeing the results. And it's only the Democrats that want to remove election safeguards and they want to push out this universal vote by mail under the auspices of the coronavirus.

If we can stand in line at a grocery store, at a hardware store, we can stand in line to vote.

CARLSON: And they racialize everything -- everything. This has nothing to do with race. All Americans have the right to vote. No one is contesting that. No one is being targeted because of their skin color. This is insane and it makes people hate each other. It makes them suspicious. It causes them to abandon faith in the system.

And there's a cost to that.

ELLIS: Absolutely.

CARLSON: Jenna Ellis, thank you so much. I appreciate it.

ELLIS: Thanks, Tucker.

CARLSON: Not to get overwrought, but it's true, and there's so much of that going on, it's always the same storyline. Do what we want or we will impugn your character and make it impossible for you to live in this country. That's blackmail, honestly.

We will be back tomorrow. The show that is the sworn enemy of lying, pomposity, smugness and groupthink.

Now, Sean Hannity from New York.

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