
This is a rush transcript from "The Five," February 6, 2018. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

DANA PERINO, CO-HOST: Hello, everyone. I'm Dana Perino along with Kimberly Guilfoyle, Juan Williams, Jesse Watters and Brian Kilmeade. It's 5 o'clock in New York City, and this is "The Five."

Well, we've read the GOP memo alleging surveillance abuses by DOJ and FBI investigating the Trump campaign. Well, the president also declassified the Democratic rebuttal. We are awaiting a decision from the White House.


WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY SARAH SANDERS: The president has seen the memo. He met with deputy attorney general, Rod Rosenstein, within the last hour to discuss some of the differences between the two memos. And we are undergoing the exact same process that we did with the previous memo in which it will go through a full and thorough legal and national security review. We're in the middle of that process. When that's completed, the president will be given a thorough briefing on the findings of the different organizations and stakeholders that are involved and will make a determination at that time.


PERINO: Democrats say they want it release as quickly as possible but they're also voicing some concerns:


REP. ADAM SCHIFF, D-CALIF.: What I'm more concerned about, Allison, is that they make political redaction, that is not redaction to protect sources or methods which evats the department of justice and the FBI to do, but redactions to remove information they think is unfavorable to the president. That could be a real problem and that's our main concern at this point. But it will certainly appear that the White House is trying to stonewall again if, in fact, they make these political redactions that we fear.


PERINO: There is a theory it could be a trap for the president. A source tells Fox News the rebuttal is filled with sensitive details intentionally to pressure the White House to either block it or significantly redacted. So, I guess that is a ploy that someone could use, Kimberly, if they wanted to make a big deal out of it.

KIMBERLY GUILFOYLE, CO-HOST: Of course, right? It's a made-for- TV moment. If he redacts anything, oh, it's the least transparent president since the country's ever seen. Adam Schiff will run to the podium, probably like pull a leg muscle trying to get there in time to be like, look at this, like show it's all redacted. So, it's a made-for-TV moment and that's what they're hoping for to say it's so bad and damaging for the president, wants to keep all of this out, to keep it from the American people, only wants to release what's favorable to him. He did this as an attempt to distract, that's the argument of what they'll say. So, there is a little bit of a risk, you can't release one, really, and not release the other.

PERINO: The Democrats really thought, Juan, that the Republican memo was a flop. So they basically said -- and Judge Napolitano said they overpromise and under delivered. Do the Democrats risk the same?

JUAN WILLIAMS, CO-HOST: Oh, yes, if they don't -- if they're unable to make the case. The problem here is -- and I think Kimberly actually said it. It should be released in the name of transparency, which was the argument last week about releasing the Devin Nunes memo. The only problem there was, of course, that there was so much classified information not attached so it's hard to fully gauge whether or not they're making a serious case or it's just about discrediting the FBI, the department of justice and undermining the Mueller investigation. In this case, you also have questions about classified information that's attached. And the issue for me is once you agree to let out the Republican memo, how can you not let out the Democrats response? And the only issue here it seems is whether or not President Trump, feeling that he's being intentionally lured into a trap, decides no, I'm not going to do it, and doesn't give a hoot what anybody has to say even though he's the one, by the way, who put on the dog and pony show that started this.

PERINO: My sense, Jesse, is that the White House will release it as long as it doesn't compromise sources and methods. And may be if there is some sort of a trap in there, they might try to go back to the Democrats and say you need to fix this. But my sense is they're going to release it. What do you think?

JESSE WATTERS, CO-HOST: They will. The Democrats are running scared. They're afraid of the truth. They know the truth is not on their side.

PERINO: Scared of what?

WATTERS: They're scared of this FISA memo that came out last week. They're saying it's not a big deal because they know it's a big deal because they can't address the facts on the merit. I don't trust Schiff. He's a proven liar and a leaker. Remember he leaked the Don Jr. testimony that blew up in his face when he got the date wrong. And then, he said this Nunes memo was going to jeopardize national security, it was going to compromise methods, and it was going to be tampered with. All of those things were not true. So he's trying to trap the president into redacting something that makes him look like an obstructer. Who knows what the president is going to do. He's going to side on the side of national security. They know they have to play games because they can't address the abuse that they undertook at their own justice department and FBI.

Now, the real collusion is with Hillary and the Russians. She was the one that paid for an agent to go to Russia. She was the one that paid for fake Russian dirt, and she was the one that paid for the wiretap on the Trump campaign. Comey better lawyer up because Comey knew that it was unverified and salacious. Comey testified to the senate that it was unverified and salacious. Yet, he was the one that brought this unverified and salacious document to the FISA judge. That is against the law. You cannot present unverified information to a FISA judge. So he's in big trouble. Also, why did he deliver this unverified document to president-elect Trump when he knew Hillary paid for it but didn't tell the president-elect that Hillary paid for it? And the day after he briefed the president on the dossier, it leaks. Very suspicious. He should maybe stop writing his book and lawyer up.

WILLIAMS: You know if I was a judge I'd say, excuse me, lawyer, counselor, there was no relevance to anything you said to this case.

WATTERS: Yeah? What's the one thing that I said was incorrect?

WILLIAMS: I think you said.

WATTERS: One thing.

WILLIAMS: Because Steele dossier may have been paid for by the Clinton campaign, it should have been ignored. So if the information.

WATTERS: It was unverified. So you don't take unverified information to a FISA judge.

WILLIAMS: You don't know that it was unverified. We don't know it was unverified.

WATTERS: Comey said it was unverified.

WILLIAMS: No, he didn't.

WATTERS: Yes, he did. Pull the tape.


WATTERS: Comey said it was unverified and salacious.

WILLIAMS: And the Democrats are a bunch of criminals, is that right?

WATTERS: And what is on the dossier that has been verified, Juan? Because our own brain room says.


WATTERS: So are you going to go against your own company on this and Comey? You just Comey and Fox News.

WILLIAMS: That's me. It's me. Even Kimberly agrees.


WILLIAMS: . but I must say, you're out there, buddy.


WATTERS: This whole hoax is imploding and you're just trying to cover it up.

WILLIAMS: Oh, for sure.

PERINO: Not sure he's helping.




KILMEADE: There's a giant Donald Trump looming over your shoulder.



KILMEADE: I'd like to back -- this is who's going to help heal the show. I liked to back to New York Times effort to release the transcripts of the petitions put in front of the FISA court and we'll once and for all for the first time since this court was created in 1978 what really went on in order to win over that judge. And it had to refresh my memory on this because it's always around terror cases up until President Trump was elected. And as you know, Kimberly, the judge sits there by himself. There's no counter argument or defense attorney, they just go -- FBI says can you take a look at this, I'd like a warrant. And there's no pushback.

PERINO: It's a little more difficult than that.

KILMEADE: To be blatant, I'd like a warrant. And they say, OK. We will take a look at this. And you know what, judging by everything I see here out of 35,000 times, I'm only going to reject 12, this won't be one of the 12, so it's rubber-stamped stamp and put forward. So there's two things that's going to be very interesting to find out in this 10-page memo. Number one, they say they're going to put in context Andrew McCabe's statement when he came out and said we would not have gotten this FISA warrant without the dossier. They say it's taken out of context but the quote is accurate. So I can't wait to see how they put that in context. I guess through laughter or something. I'm not sure. The second thing is the footnote at the bottom of the page that says it was a political organization that paid for the dossier where it didn't say Hillary for America or Democratic National Committee or anything. We know that would have been a blatant way to say who paid for the dossier that might have changed the judge's mind.


KILMEADE: We don't know because we don't have the transcript.


KILMEADE: That's what we need to see. If I'm a judge, the follow-up question would be, by the way, what's the name of this organization, they gave you this dossier?

WILLIAMS: What does it matter?

KILMEADE: It's very similar. Juan, if you're coming at me and I'm saying why is this guy mad at me? Well, it turns out my enemy is screaming and telling you bad things about me before I got here. That means you're dispossessed to hate me. So these people were paid the dossier had a political motive to what they call fact. The political motive is get Hillary elected. The person who got it said I'll do whatever I can to make sure Donald Trump is not elected. There's nothing I said was inaccurate there. So let's see the argument, let see the transcripts.

WILLIAMS: Well, the first thing I would say to you is, one, there were FISA requests on Carter Page way before Donald Trump.

KILMEADE: 2013 for one.

WILLIAMS: Hand on. Slow down. And then subsequent -- they were requests. And again, they had to be approved, especially in the last case as we know by Rod Rosenstein, who is a Trump.

KILMEADE: I'll accept your -- why do you need the dossier?


KILMEADE: Why do you need the dossier?

WILLIAMS: Because, guess what.

KILMEADE: Five times you needed the dossier.


KILMEADE: All five times you needed this dossier.

WILLIAMS: Not five times. The dossier doesn't exist until late 2016.

KILMEADE: You said to get the petition forward.

PERINO: But in order to get it approved for another time, you have to prove that there is still a need to be following somebody. So they have to provide additional evidence to that. And I'm not necessarily for one thinking that we need to open up -- this is to me a real slippery slope, to open up all of law enforcement to crowdsourcing by people like us. I am not qualified.

GUILFOYLE: Yes, because it undermines their ability.

KILMEADE: Because it doesn't involve us. It doesn't involve me. If I'm Carter, I'd like everything I can. I'm the most important person in the world. If I'm -- someone is surveilling me because of a petition put in front of the FISA court, I'd like to find out the transcript.

PERINO: You want to listen to Carter Page? Here he is from this morning. Take a look.


GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS, 'GOOD MORNING AMERICA': These are your words: "I served as an informal adviser to the staff of the Kremlin" -- you're advising the Kremlin.

CARTER PAGE, FORMER TRUMP CAMPAIGN ADVISER: They would say a lot of people advising -- we were part of an informal group, you know, and meeting in Geneva, Paris, we had a meeting in the New York Stock Exchange. The first meeting was in the New York Stock Exchange. What I've seen thus far is just complete ridiculousness.

STEPHANOPOULOS: You've been under surveillance from the court since October 2016. Since that time, have you ever spoken to Donald Trump?

PAGE: I've never spoken with him since. I've never spoken with him any time in my life.

STEPHANOPOULOS: You've never spoken to Donald Trump in your life?


STEPHANOPOULOS: No email, no texts, nothing like that?

PAGE: Never.


PERINO: So there you have it, Jesse, never even talked to the president.

KILMEADE: But yet he threw the election for Trump.

WATTERS: Yeah, right.


WATTERS: Not the sharpest knife in the drawer. But I will say this they just released some documents from 2015 from the justice department that said Carter Page actually helped the FBI put away Russian spies and exposed them that were infiltrating our systems in the United States. So, either he's a double agent, which he's not clearly.


WATTERS: . or why would the Russians recruit him again after he helped put Russian spies away a few years ago? It doesn't make sense. And he's an informal, unpaid advisor to the Trump campaign. It just doesn't add up why you'd open up an investigation.

KILMEADE: It's so clear that Papadopoulos and he threw the election for Trump. Why can't you see that? It's so obvious. A guy he never talked to or texted before threw the election and stopped Hillary Clinton to be the first female president.

GUILFOYLE: Well, the president doesn't text.

WATTERS: Yes, thank God.


PERINO: All right. I think we've beaten this memo to death for today. We'll find out tomorrow if there's going to be a Democratic memo to be reviewed and picked apart as the GOP one has been. Until then, could there be another government shutdown -- over immigration. The president addressed that today. Next.


GUILFOYLE: Making our borders safe again, always on the might of President Trump. And today, he hosted a roundtable with law enforcement officials on the threat of MS-13 and how to close the immigration loophole that have allowed gang members to enter our country.


PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: These incredible professionals at the table cannot do their job unless we change really the legislation and we're going to get it done. Frankly, I'll go a step further. If we don't change the legislation, if we don't get rid of these loopholes where killers are allowed to come in to our country and continue to kill, if we don't change it, let's have a shutdown. We'll do a shutdown and it's worth it for our country.


GUILFOYLE: Loopholes allowed a twice deported illegal immigrant back in the country who is now suspected of killing two people over the weekend, including Indianapolis Colts player Edwin Jackson. The president calls it disgraceful. One of many such preventable tragedies. We must get the Dems to get tough on the border and with illegal immigration fast. OK. Brian, this is an issue that he campaigned heavily on and something that the president is very passionate about. And you see yet another example, someone who should not be in the country, that is somebody who is a criminal recidivist, and then takes two lives.

KILMEADE: He tweeted on this morning right after we've discussed it. We have a couple of experts on it. We went out the details that he's on the side of the road, he got sick with an Uber car, and then this guy with a point two, I think three times the legal limit, runs over him and kills him and the Uber driver. It turns out he's a 26-years-old line back from Indianapolis. Even the vice president of the United States talked about it. But I think, you know, I don't want to see these tragedies made into bigger stories. It's just an example. But here's the problem, I think fundamentally everyone is getting hung up on the fact that he said just shutdown. He's angry. He just left the MS-13 conversation. He feel as though it's still being ignored, we're going too slow in cracking down on it. Number two, he sees this McCain-Coons bipartisan agreement. The bipartisan agreement is let's get the Democrats, the DACA agreement, and let's do nothing on the border. We will study it. It's a big border that's wide open. It's terrible.

PERINO: I'm thinking -- I watched this today, that he is utilizing the bully pulpit in the most effective way. He's actually quite a fearsome communicator if you're on the other side. So he's constantly able to take headlines of the day in social media and then drive the message on one of his preferred policies. And on this one, when you have a story like out of Indiana combined with the one that we all know about Kate Steinle, that's still fresh in our minds, then passions run hot for his supporters and it ratchets up the pressure on people like Senator Joe Manchin or a Claire McCaskill or Senator Donnelly of Indiana because those are red states with blue senators and they're up for reelection, and this issue does drive people to vote with their passion. I'm not saying Republicans are going to win necessarily, but it does make it harder for them in particular.


WATTERS: I don't think the Democrats want a real immigration deal. They want to run on Republicans hate Hispanics. They think they can get away with it because they know the media is going to cover for them. They're way out of the mainstream on immigration. Trump is offering them something very generous, 1.8 million amnesty in exchange for a border wall that they all voted for in 2006. Harvard study says nearly 70 percent of the Americans support the DACA deal in exchange for border wall and merit-based immigration system. They don't want to play, that's fine. We'll show the government down. They'll shoot themselves in the foot twice. They did it before. They'll probably do it again. Trump is going to stare them down and they're going to blink. On this other case in Indiana, horrible situation. Where's black lives matter? You have a black athlete, great career ahead of him, gets killed by a twice-deported illegal alien. I haven't heard a word from black lives matter. What's that all about? Shows the border is not secure. We've got to secure the border. If you have a house, you keep getting the house broken into, maybe get an alarm system.

WILLIAMS: I don't know -- is the immigrant a cop?

WATTERS: No, Juan.


WILLIAMS: It wasn't someone who had the authority of the state and a weapon -- oh, it was an illegal immigrant.

WATTERS: It was a preventable tragedy.

WILLIAMS: So this is another example the kind of fraud that President Trump and his acolytes are throwing out there to distract people. First and foremost.

WATTERS: It's not a distraction, Juan, when someone dies.


WILLIAMS: Not a distraction? What is the death -- sad and tragic death of this football player have to do with the immigration debate? It has nothing to do with it.

GUILFOYLE: It has everything to do with it.

WILLIAMS: He could have been killed by an American who was a drunk driver.

GUILFOYLE: But he wasn't.

WATTERS: Of course he could have. But that American didn't cross the border twice.

WILLIAMS: So what is that have to do.

WATTERS: Because the border is not secure.

WILLIAMS: The border is secure.

WATTERS: But how did he get back into the country twice, Juan?


WILLIAMS: Let's see if we can quiet Jesse's yelling and just look at some facts. That's all I'm asking you to do.

WATTERS: OK, go ahead.

WILLIAMS: The fact is that what we know is that 2017 saw the lowest level of border crossing in American history. Second fact that I want you to be realizing is that between 2005 and 2017, we went from 135 miles of border barriers to 635 miles. And one final point, and this is where I disagree with Dana about what an effective communicator -- it's like 65 percent of Americans oppose building this wall, see it as superfluous, redundant, a waste of money at a time when we have huge deficit.

KILMEADE: Well, I don't know where that last number came from.


KILMEADE: I would say, number one, I think border security is of extreme importance in America. Number two, to be on the border and talking to our new homeland security secretary, she says those numbers when he first took over, went down because they thought the crackdown was coming. When it didn't come, they started picking up again. It's something that President Trump doesn't like to talk about because he wanted to think the law and order presence, the new sheriff in town. But they on the other side are smart, they're looking at legislation. What are we actually doing? So there's an urgency here. To me, this is so easy a deal. It could be the first time in 20 years we've got legitimate improvement on the border and immigration in general. They want this, the country wants this, and they want border security. Work it out. And you can't say he's just winging it. He actually gave a plan. He says here's my four things I want, could you start talking about it at least. But this last plan, this McCain-Coons plan is an insult to anyone who wants to see something done.

WILLIAMS: I don't think so. I think what you have is an opportunity here for people to finally work together -- let's get an immigration reform package passed.

KILMEADE: Study the border is an answer? Study the border? Coons wants to study the border.


WILLIAMS: We're not just responding to rhetoric. Let's (INAUDIBLE) responding to the actual issues on the border.

KILMEADE: You know there's great studies on this stuff.

WILLIAMS: Let's go for it. But I just think Trump is taking on this wall like he's Humpty Dumpty. Humpty Dumpty is going to have a fall. I

GUILFOYLE: I don't think so, Juan.

WILLIAMS: I think so.


GUILFOYLE: President Trump makes a joke about treason and Democrats go wild. Next.


WATTERS: There's not a thing President Trump can say that doesn't set off the hypersensitive left. As you may remember, Democrats were stone-faced at a state of the union address and he had some fun mocking them to a crowd yesterday.


TRUMP: You're up there. You've got half the room going totally crazy, wild. They loved everything. They want to do something great for our country. And you have the other side, even on positive news, really positive news, like that, they were, like, death. Un-American. Un-American. Somebody said treasonous. I mean, yeah, I guess, why not? Can we call that treason? Why not? I mean, they certainly didn't seem to love our country very much.


WATTERS: Of course, the liberal media heard the word treason and went berserk.


JOHN AVLON, THE DAILY BEAST: It is outrageous and we shouldn't get numb to it by saying that's just Trump being Trump. Words have meanings. Treason is the most serious civic sin there is. It is a crime. And to say all of a sudden that Democrats, the political opposition, is treasonous for the crime of not applauding you during a state of the union is just nuts.

DAVID GREGORY, VETERAN JOURANLIST: It is incredible insecurity I just don't think is good for the office.

LAWRENCE O'DONNELL, MSNBC: In every State of the Union address, half of the Congress spends most of their time applauding and the other half spends most of their time refusing to applaud. And no president in history has ever been so ignorant or reckless or demented as to call that treasonous.


WATTERS: Guys, settled down. The White House points out the obvious. It was a joke.


SANDERS: The president was clearly joking with his comments. But what isn't a joke is that Democrats refused to celebrate the accomplishments of last year that has helped all Americans. What I don't understand and what I don't think the country understands is why Democrats are so upset about lower taxes and higher wages. That's something that every American should be celebrating, not crying about. Not sitting on their hands for.


WATTERS: What do you think, Dana?

PERINO: Well, I think some jokes fall flat, and the treason one probably is one of those. I maybe -- I wouldn't have said it.

I like it when he does things, like...

GUILFOYLE: Didn't qualify for "Dana's Corny Jokes."

PERINO: ... like when he says, "They didn't stand for me. They looked so grumpy. But that's OK. Like, maybe they'll come around." Like, I like it when he does something like that, because it looks like he is actually trying to advance the ball.

Who cares if they didn't stand up? Republicans didn't stand up for Obama.

I actually think that for the media, though, in covering it incessantly, it just kind of makes his point that it's ridiculous. There are so many big issues. Like one of them I couldn't even get to today on the 2 p.m. show, in Syria, Assad has been using chlorine gas against his own people. And we have a big decision to make in this country. Like, what are we going to -- are we going to stand for that?


PERINO: There's so many issues. There are so many issues here in the country, et cetera, that wasted a lot of time this morning talking about that.

WATTERS: OK, so Dana did not like the joke and wouldn't have said it. Brian definitely would have made that joke, I know.

KILMEADE: He cares more about the audience in front of them. Like -- almost like stand-up comedians as opposed to movie actors. He doesn't care what the audience at the box office says. He cares about the crew. He cares about the audience, like the audience behind you. So he's just looking to get the most out of them.

We've seen these live events before. He exaggerates. It's part of putting on an outstanding show, which gets him big ratings and big crowds. That's why it's not just a political rally to see him. You never know what he's going to say.

But I was able to see other politicians that we know who have said things very similar. Like Joe Biden. Biden says of Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan, "They bet against America all the time." Like Paul Krugman, that famed economist: "GOP opposing global warming legislation is treasonous." David Plouffe, who got President Obama elected twice, says "House GOP committing acts of treason by shutting the government down." This has been -- this have been a common phrase. No one went crazy about that.

WATTERS: Not only that. They've been accusing Trump of being a traitor for colluding with Russia, which they haven't even proven.


WATTERS: For the last year.


WATTERS: And then it wasn't tongue in cheek.

GUILFOYLE: Well, they're just -- you know, they're hypocritical in that sense. It's like hypocritical hyperbole. OK? They can use it, but they don't like it when it's used against them.

Obviously, the president was making a joke, sort of like tongue-in-cheek. And guess what else? The president is used to people applauding and liking what he has to say, because he did all those rallies.

KILMEADE: Remember, he was telling them to get up during...

PERINO: That was funny.

KILMEADE: It's real.

GUILFOYLE: You know, but that's what he's used to. He's used to getting the big response and, like, winning in the room and everybody loving it. He's like, "This State of the Union thing, I mean, half this audience is duds."

KILMEADE: He might not do it next year.

WATTERS: Democrats a little sensitive, Juan, about being called traitorous. Why do you think that is?

WILLIAMS: Well, you know, I don't think "The Wall Street Journal" editorial page is exactly the home of liberal Democrats, but I saw that one of their editorials today said that the president was way over the line calling people treasonous and that what he's doing is he is making his political opponents into devils for his supporters. And that's just not good for real, honest debate in our country. It's just not good that you would demonize your opposition in this way.

WATTERS: Oh, no. No one ever demonizes Republicans, Juan.

KILMEADE: Like Lawrence O'Donnell, who just called him demented?

WILLIAMS: Legitimate use is when they demonize you guys.

WATTERS: Really?

WILLIAMS: But let me just say, Tammy Duckworth had the best response. The senator from Illinois who's a double amputee from war wounds reminded people of exactly who this president is when she said guess who had deferments for bone spurs to get out of Vietnam?

KILMEADE: Bill Clinton.

WILLIAMS: Oh, I see.

WATTERS: I'm not fighting in Vietnam. That was an evil war, Juan.

WILLIAMS: Oh, I see. Anything to defend...

WATTERS: Everybody should go over to...

WILLIAMS: Is there any limits? Is there any limits?

WATTERS: I would just say, the party that kneels during the anthem, Juan...

WILLIAMS: Oh, I see.

WATTERS: ... you're going to be upset about when people call you a traitor?

WILLIAMS: A traitor? For kneeling during...

WATTERS: Come on.

WATTERS: You guys kneel during the anthem. You call our troops Nazis.


WATTERS: You root against America all the time.

WILLIAMS: Who was that?

WATTERS: Dick Durbin...

WILLIAMS: Who was that?

WATTERS: You all remember Dick Durbin, senator of Illinois, compared U.S. soldiers to Nazis during the Iraq war.

WILLIAMS: I missed that one.

WATTERS: Well, I can pull it up for you on Google.

WILLIAMS: Thank you. All right.

WATTERS: If you're like me and plan to take your daughter to the school's father-daughter dance, you may be out of luck due to crazy new gender rules. Next.


WILLIAMS: Oh, my. Is this another case of political correctness gone crazy? I'm a dad, and this one is hard for me to wrap my head around.

And elementary school in New York has canceled its annual father-daughter dance over new gender guidelines issued by the state of New York. One official claims that excluding any gender can be, quote, "uncomfortable and triggering for some people."

GUILFOYLE: Oh, jeez.

WILLIAMS: The school is facing a backlash for the decision.

What do you say, Jesse?

WATTERS: Well, I have a father-daughter dance this Friday. The only thing that's going to be uncomfortable are going to be my dance moves. I think it's going to be fine. No one is going to have a problem with it. You don't ruin a dance for 200 people, because one person with two moms might be upset. It's the tyranny of the minority. It's what happens when radicals are in charge.

De Blasio is now anti-cop, antifamily. He's pro-illegal and pro-homeless, but he gets elected in New York.

It doesn't make sense to me. If you take this to the extreme, I mean, what's going to happen? When you play with these gender roles, you're going to have boys playing on the field hockey team, everyone showering together. It's total chaos.


WATTERS: Everyone is -- this is what happens.

KILMEADE: Men can play field hockey in Europe.

WATTERS: They do?


WATTERS: Well, that's not America. Look what happened to Europe. It's a mess.

KILMEADE: Absolutely. Brexit.

GUILFOYLE: You know this? (ph) It's so nuts.

KILMEADE: The only thing I would do -- the only thing I would change about this -- I should wait to be called on. Juan, is it OK?

WILLIAMS: Go, baby.

KILMEADE: The only thing I would change about this, I do -- I have two daughters. I've been to all the father-daughter dances, and it's great. I do feel bad for kids who don't have -- or Dad's not around, not married, passed away.


KILMEADE: It becomes awkward. You bring...

PERINO: Overseas.

KILMEADE: Yes, overseas. You bring two girls there, because their mom doesn't want them to be left out. I do find that. I do sometimes think it could be parent-daughter dance. But not to be gender -- gender-wary.

PERINO: You could make an exception.

KILMEADE: Just to be somewhat -- have exception.

But I noticed in this Staten Island school, they do have mother-son bowling night. So that's allowed. The father-daughter is the problem.

WILLIAMS: Well, so according to this, what it says here is that transgender and gender nonconforming student guidelines really want that there be some clear purpose to the gender definition.

So for example, what you're talking about, they say if you have, the daughter has a best friend or a best guy in her life -- it doesn't have to be a dad -- and the dad is absent, whatever, that person can join in.

What do you think, Dana?

PERINO: Well, I think that that's great. Remember, we did that story about the mentoring event in Dallas where they were worried that there weren't enough dads, and then they ended up with 500 extra men...


PERINO: ... from the community who wanted to pitch in. So I think that you could get around this if you wanted to.

I think that yes, I agree with Jesse. It's getting a little over the top.

I've got to ask, though. Kimberly, have you ever been to a mother-son dance with Ronan?

KILMEADE: Mother-son bowling?

PERINO: Because you would be a hit. You'd be a hit.

WATTERS: Can I cut in?

GUILFOYLE: Everyone be themselves. Just let it all hang out.

I have not been to one, although Ronan has a school dance this week. Anyway, who knows.

PERINO: Are you going?

GUILFOYLE: Little Justin Bieber. No. No.

PERINO: He doesn't want you to?

GUILFOYLE: No, they said the parents, they don't want the parents there. It would just be weird and uncool. So it's just -- I don't know.

KILMEADE: It's a unique experience.

GUILFOYLE: Well, I used to love the father-daughter dance.


GUILFOYLE: I mean, we killed it, me and my dad. Tony G. in the house. Unbelievable.

WATTERS: You had a routine?

GUILFOYLE: Oh, my God, it was phenomenal. I was like, "Here we go."

KILMEADE: It's hard to imagine. I can't imagine that.

GUILFOYLE: Yes. It was so much fun.

WATTERS: You seem like you'd like attention.

PERINO: And she knows -- did he teach you how to dance?

GUILFOYLE: He's a phenomenal dancer, but so is my mom. But also, then all the teachers were cutting into dance with my dad. It was so bizarre. It was like a weird, like, you know, addition to become the...

PERINO: Pretty soon we're all just going to have to sit at home and do nothing.

WILLIAMS: Well, I don't like that.

KILMEADE: Cancel everything.

WILLIAMS: I don't think that, but I do think that they've gone overboard here. I mean, clearly, this is about bonding and affirmation for young women and knowing that Dad cares and Dad is going to go out with you.


WILLIAMS: This is not about Stacey's mom, Jesse.

WATTERS: Oh, right. Thanks for clearing that up.

KILMEADE: But I mean, the thing is, can you have any tradition? Can you at least say, "I remember"? Kimberly had her memory. But the next generation is not going to have those memories.

WILLIAMS: No, no, no. You can have the memory. But they just -- they want you to open it up so that, for example, a transgendered child could attend.

KILMEADE: So it doesn't matter, yes.

GUILFOYLE: Yes, but you can make these exceptions.

WATTERS: Well, they could bring an uncle or a grandfather.

GUILFOYLE: You can make these exceptions.

WILLIAMS: That's what I think. Right.

WATTERS: Well, then why don't they do that?

WILLIAMS: Well, I think that's what they're going to do.

GUILFOYLE: You can do that, Juan. You've got to make -- you can't be, like, "OK, because one person" -- then whatever. Listen, find a way, make an exception and do it.

And it's really important -- and you'll see there are so many studies on this -- that the relationship between daughters and fathers and how important it is for the development, you know, of women for their self- esteem, how they view themselves, their relationships with the opposite sex. So I think we need to leave this one.

WILLIAMS: But I think they're going to -- to your point, they're going to now try to schedule it in such a way that everyone can feel that they are included and it can be for everyone. So I don't have any objection to that, but I don't like the idea that you would cancel it. That to me is beyond the...

GUILFOYLE: I'm going to veto that.

KILMEADE: Come on, Staten Island.

WILLIAMS: More gender drama ahead. A woman gets a correction on her use of language from the beautiful prime minister of Canada.


WILLIAMS: Dreamy. Wait until you hear what word he took issue with. It's next on "The Five."


KILMEADE: All right. Last week Canada, which is right near us, made its national anthem gender neutral.

GUILFOYLE: Hardest show on TV.

KILMEADE: Thank you. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, whose dad used to run that country, was on a mission to get his fellow countrymen -- I mean country persons on board with the PC lingo. I'm not kidding. Watch this.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: So that's why we came here today to ask you to also look into the policies that religious charitable organizations have in our legislation, so that it can also be changed. Because maternal love is the love that's going to change the future of mankind. So we'd like you to...

JUSTIN TRUDEAU, PRIME MINISTER OF CANADA: We like to say "peoplekind" not necessarily "mankind." It's more inclusive.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: There we go. Exactly. Yes, thank you.

TRUDEAU: We can all learn from each other.


GUILFOYLE: Oh, my gosh.

PERINO: I think he was joking.

GUILFOYLE: No, he's not.

KILMEADE: He's not joking.

GUILFOYLE: He's not.

PERINO: He's not saying it tongue-in-cheek?

KILMEADE: No. But he didn't get elected -- he didn't get elected joking about gender identity. Canada passed Bill C-16. You know what that means?

GUILFOYLE: I do. "C" for Canada.

KILMEADE: Which saying gender identity and gender expression into both of the country's human rights code. It's a hate crime to say anything but, I guess, "personkind." Juan, do you buy into this? Are you saying, "He's singing my song"?

GUILFOYLE: Does this go too far even for you, Juan?

WILLIAMS: No, I don't understand, but I must say, I'm all about, you know, being inclusive. So I like that idea. But I didn't understand this. I've often, like, thought about, like, a word like history. You know, I think...

PERINO: His story.

WILLIAMS: "... his story."

PERINO: You're not one of those, Juan.

WILLIAMS: No, but I just think...

WATTERS: Never thought of that.

WILLIAMS: I just think it's the way that we, in terms of gender roles and identities, men have dominated. I don't have any -- but I think he's gone a little much.

KILMEADE: Thank you. Gone a little much. I think it's ticking people off.

WILLIAMS: No. Obviously not. I was going to point out that the audience applauded.

WATTERS: It was a bunch of college students, Juan.

PERINO: She was there talking about how it needed to go the other way. I think that -- I do think that he was a little bit joking. I don't know. If...

KILMEADE: I don't see any account that says he's joking.

GUILFOYLE: Ask Peter. Check your phone.

PERINO: Peter?

KILMEADE: You know what? Ask Siri. Siri knows.

But Kimberly, this is something. I'm all for being open...


KILMEADE: But I mean, I've had -- I've had somebody I know quite well in a sports class saying, someone put up their hands and said, "Stop saying first baseman. It's first baseperson."

PERINO: No way.

KILMEADE: Yes. That's where we're going. That's where we're going.

GUILFOYLE: So crazy. I think this is just too much. You know? He's not working for me. I don't -- I'm not feeling it. Are you, Jesse?

WILLIAMS: Wait a minute.

WATTERS: This is why we need the wall on the northern border.

WILLIAMS: I though you thought he was so dreamy and beautiful.

GUILFOYLE: Not to me anymore.

WATTERS: But he's like the kind of guy that pretends to be politically correct just to get girls. Like you know that?

GUILFOYLE: Have you done that, Jesse?

WATTERS: He's, like, kind of like good-looking.

WILLIAMS: Wait a minute. Is that what's going on here?

WATTERS: I think that might be a little bit.

WILLIAMS: Are you getting girls with this act?

WATTERS: No, but I know guys that play that card to get girls.

PERINO: That's so funny.

WATTERS: They all live in L.A.

KILMEADE: Jordan Peterson, who's his -- in his "Bitter Social Enemy" says, the tyrannical bill, which he passed right away, is nothing but social engineering to the nth degree and all in the name of political correctness.

I think there's beginning to be blowback in Canada, and I think it's coming here.

PERINO: Well, I love Jordan...

WATTERS: That's why the father-daughter dance is banned. It's because of those guys up north.

PERINO: Yes, I love Jordan Peterson. And I think he makes a lot of good points. So maybe Justin Trudeau wasn't joking.

KILMEADE: Thank you.

GUILFOYLE: Trust me on this.

PERINO: You know, when you're a spokesman, you can be a spokesperson. But a spokesman, it never bothered me to be called a spokesman.

GUILFOYLE: Nobody in the audience even heard of that. No one uses that term.

KILMEADE: And they just said, you know, should Neil Armstrong have said "a small step for mankind?" Should he have said "humankind?"

WATTERS: Oh, my God.

KILMEADE: Should he have said "peoplekind"?

WILLIAMS: You know where this comes up? In Congress now, people don't want to be called "chairman." They want to be called the "chairperson" as a woman. And so this comes up all the time.

The one that struck me, though, on this issue is that they changed the national anthem in Canada to do away with "patriotic love from thy sons" to all of us, or whatever they changed. But they did away with "sons."

WATTERS: Stick to hockey.

PERINO: Do you think at hockey games they're going to be singing "sons"? It will never change.

KILMEADE: I've got to tell you this: I have a lengthy tease, so buckle up.

PERINO: All right.

KILMEADE: "One More Thing" is next.


PERINO: Time for "One More Thing." Juan, kick it off.

WILLIAMS: So big space news today with this amazing video. Take a look.

Yes. That's the SpaceX Falcon heavy rocket launched earlier today from the Kennedy Space Center in Florida. After previous failed attempts, the launch was quite successful. It's a billion-dollar investment in the world's biggest, most powerful rocket.

You should also know the rocket is carrying a 250,000 cherry-red Tesla roadster with a dummy pilot dubbed Starman in tribute to the late David Booey.

PERINO: Bowie.

WATTERS: David Bowie.

WILLIAMS: Elon Musk, who obviously is paying the bill here, has been putting the car in space for fun and to get the public excited. His goal is to use this rocket so humans can routinely shuttle back and forth between the planets. What, did I say...?

PERINO: Bowie.

WILLIAMS: David Bow-ie. Bowie. Jim Bowie. No, it was Jim Booey.

KILMEADE: Yes, Imam, right?

PERINO: It was pretty cool to watch today.

KILMEADE: It was amazing. I was so glad it worked out.

GUILFOYLE: Iman, not Imam. But Iman, yes, the model.

PERINO: She's the pronunciation guide for the show.

KILMEADE: She knows the supermodels.

PERINO: You have to be on your toes at all times.

KILMEADE: She knows the supermodels.

PERINO: You know what? You know when you're getting old when this happens. It's a sign of the times. Best Buy declaring that they will no longer sell any CDs. Nothing.

WATTERS: What's a CD?

PERINO: And -- I knew you were going to say that. And they're not even going to replace it with anything hard copy.


PERINO: So I don't know if you guys remember what it was like for you. See, in 1992, CDs took over from tapes. Do you know what tapes are?

WATTERS: Cassette tapes.

PERINO: Did you know what an 8-track tape is?

WATTERS: No, I was not around for that.

PERINO: My Dad had one of those adapters. You put it in a big pickup truck.


PERINO: You can play that. I was trying to think of my first CD. I think my first album was "Thriller" that I got. And then did anyone have "High Voltage"?

GUILFOYLE: I had Abba. I just loved it.

KILMEADE: Really? It would later become a play.

GUILFOYLE: I would sit there, at the dining table and listen to the music.

PERINO: I don't know. So anyway, we're getting a little bit older. No more CDs at Best Buy.

KILMEADE: I'm not ready to -- I'm not ready to throw out my VHSs or my CDs or DVDs or Blu-rays yet.

WILLIAMS: What are your kids going to do? They're going to have to empty out the closets?

KILMEADE: Absolutely. They get to go through my stuff forever.

PERINO: All right, Kimberly.

GUILFOYLE: Stop talking, they said. You.

KILMEADE: Wow. They told you to not tell me that. That was a secret. You're not listening.

GUILFOYLE: Yes. Megan Albano said you'd got to zip it.

OK. So this is a wonderful story. First lady Melania Trump toured the Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center yesterday, and she was briefed by hospital officials about the dramatic rise in opioid-addicted births in this region.

And then she got to meet the real stars of the show, the little kiddies. And she shook hands with each child she met and asked them their names and their ages. She's really wonderful with children. She brought White House coloring books, crayons, and Valentines to pass out to the young patients.

Do we have a SOT there?


GUILFOYLE: All right. And she also said, thanking the hospital after the visit, she said, "Children will always be my top priority, and I appreciated the opportunity to visit with the young patients today and witness firsthand their strength and spirit."

PERINO: I'd like to learn more about what they are doing for kids that are born with that addiction. Maybe we'll find out from her.


WATTERS: Me. OK. One of America's greatest presidents would have turned 107 today. Let's take a trip down memory lane.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE (singing): Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday, Mr. President.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE (singing): Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday, Mr. President.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE (singing): Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday, Mr. President.


WATTERS: There he is. Juan's favorite president, as well, too. So we'd all like to wish him a happy birthday to Ronald Reagan here on "The Five."

KILMEADE: All right. And lastly, it wasn't a good weekend for Mr. Gronkowski. It turns out he lost the Super Bowl. He did not have a great game, especially in the first half, and his house was robbed.

WATTERS: Didn't he get two touchdowns?

KILMEADE: Right. But his house was robbed. They took his guns and his safe. Why? Because his guns were in a safe, and it wasn't nailed down. He had to actually call in and say, "I was robbed." I feel so bad for him.

Plus he had a concussion two weeks ago, and he might even retire at the age of 28.

Lock your doors. And this is the reason not to be -- this is lucky you're not in the Super Bowl. Because if you're in the Super Bowl, the whole country knows where you are. And so do the bad guys, and they got his stuff.

WATTERS: He just left the door unlocked?

KILMEADE: He might have, possibly, because he's Gronkowski.

By the way, if you want to see me on Friday night, you're going to have to go to Barnes & Noble in Ashburn, Virginia, to see "Andrew Jackson: The Miracle of New Orleans." This is the first Barnes & Noble that serves liquor. They're actually selling beers.

WATTERS: That's how you have to get them to come.

KILMEADE: You got it.

PERINO: Set your DVRs. Never miss an episode of "The Five."

WILLIAMS: Washington football...

PERINO: "Special Report" is up next with Shannon Bream tonight.

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