Dean Promising to Use Terri Schiavo Case

Now some fresh pickings from the Political Grapevine:

Dean Promising to Use Terri Schiavo Case

Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean is promising to use the Terri Schiavo case against Republicans in the 2006 and 2008 elections. Speaking outside Los Angeles to the group Access Now for Gay and Lesbian Equality, Dean denounced House Republicans, and singled out Majority Leader Tom Delay for trying to prolong Schiavo's life, saying, "Are we going to live in a theocracy where the highest powers tell us what to do? Or are we going to be allowed to consult our own high powers when we make very difficult decisions?"

He insisted, "This is going to be an issue in 2006, and it's going to be an issue in 2008 because we're going to have an ad with a picture of Tom DeLay saying, 'Do you want this guy to decide whether you die or not?'"

Sayonara to Stewart

The Boston Globe has cut ties with freelance writer Barbara Stewart for her report last week on a seasonal hunt for baby seals off the coast of Newfoundland. The story, published on Wednesday, detailed how "Hunters on about 300 boats converged on ice floes, shooting harp seal cubs by the hundreds, as the ice and water turned red." Thing is, the hunt hadn't taken place. It was scheduled for Tuesday, but was postponed due to inclement weather. The Globe has issued a correction.

Stewart, meanwhile, insists she never meant to deceive anyone, telling the Washington Post she was "careless" and "quite dumb ... but not vicious."

Permit for Protesters

Organizers of Saturday's International Monetary Fund and World Bank protests in Washington secured a permit for as many as 5000 protesters, promising to "celebrate our vision of a better world with music, poetry and creative education." But, as it turns out, fewer than 200 people showed up for the protests, and many police officers assigned to the protests were re-assigned to crime patrol back in their districts.

What's more, the protests at one point turned into chants of "Free Palestine." All this as one protester carried a big, bright sign saying, "Imperial Mother F----er."

Covert Canines?

Lebanese authorities are investigating two dogs, who they say may be spies. Lebanese security officials insist the two dogs "infiltrated" Lebanon from Israel, through a hole in a fence on the border. And, they say, the dogs may be booby-trapped or carrying electronic implants used for spying. The dogs are being held at a police station, while authorities look into the matter.

— FOX News' Michael Levine contributed to this report