Dana Perino's new book 'Everything Will Be Okay' hits stores March 9
'The Five' co-host discusses her forthcoming motivational book of life lessons for young women
This is a rush transcript from "The Five" December 9, 2020. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.
JESSE WATTERS, FOX NEWS HOST: Hello, everybody. I'm Jesse Watters, along
with Greg Gutfeld, Dana Perino, Geraldo Rivera, and Judge Jeanine Pirro.
It's 5:00 in New York City, and this is THE FIVE. An explosive development
in the Hunter Biden saga, the president-elect's son says his tax affairs
are under federal investigation.
And according to a brand-new report, the Justice Department paused this
probe into Hunter's taxes in the months prior to the presidential election.
The Biden transition releasing a statement from Hunter that reads in part,
quote "I take this matter very seriously, but I am confident that a
professional and objective review of these matters will demonstrate that I
handled my affairs legally and appropriately.
Including with the benefit of professional tax advisors." And the Biden-
Harris transition saying President-Elect Biden is deeply proud of his son,
who has fought through difficult challenges, including the vicious personal
attacks of recent months, only to emerge stronger. All right, Judge
Jeanine, let's start with you.
This kind of jives with the reporting that we did before the election that
there was indeed an active investigation into Hunter Biden. Now, Hunter has
confirmed it. What say you?
JEANINE PIRRO, FOX NEWS HOST: Well, what I say is that this can't possibly
be simply a tax investigation without expanding into some of the more
international accumulation of monies that Hunter Biden collected, for
example, when he went to China and got the $1.5 billion from a -- the
Chinese Communist Party-connected bank, as well as the money that he got in
And I understand it's Romania and a few other places. So I think that --
two things, that it's got to expand beyond just this country, number one.
And I think, number two, the idea of a Special Counsel is certainly very
interesting, because it's going to be very difficult for any United States
attorney who is working ultimately if Joe Biden, you know, takes the
presidency and the electors decide on December 14 to investigate the
president's son.
And I think also that they can say this has nothing to do with that laptop,
but I know full well that tax investigations involve every piece of paper
you have ever touched, every purchase you have ever made, every airline
ticket. There is nothing that is out-of-bounds for these investigators. And
it all has to be looked at completely and totally.
And this is a guy, you know, to say the believes that everything is in
order, it sounds crazy because he is so out of it. He left his laptop at
the, you know, at a repair facility and forgot it.
WATTERS: Yeah. Geraldo, I would assume that the judge is right. This isn't
a simple turbo tax mistake. Like, he uploaded his taxes onto the internet
and didn't carry the one. This is a guy who that's doing dozens of
international business deals for decades through wire transfers. I can
imagine that there are a lot of things to look at here by federal
GERALDO RIVERA, FOX NEWS HOST: At the very least, Hunter Biden is a
parasite who has been sucking the blood off his father's official duties.
It's never, as Jeanine -- as Judge Jeanine says very accurately. It is
never just a tax matter. He is a hot mess. Attacks -- probes like this are
like a malignancy. They are a cancer that grows and grows and grows until
it infiltrates every aspect of every shady deal he ever did.
It is, to me, ironic that like the Trump administration, the Biden
administration is beginning under these awful circumstances now. This --
the shadow, the dark shadow of his son's troubles will definitely take the
luster off a lot of the -- the beginning of the Biden presidency. He is in
real trouble. You know, hearing stories about Chinese business people
leaving jewels under the pillow in his hotel and other undeclared income
like that.
You know, it's going to be big and bad for Hunter. It's going to embarrass
the president-elect. And this will taint, I think, the beginning of the
46th president's term in office. This is a very big deal. I'm glad the
father still loves the son because this son is a screw up. He's been a
screw up his whole life. He's cut corners.
He's taken money that he didn't earn from coast-to-coast, from continent to
continent. And now, it seems the, you know, chicken has come home to roost
there, Jesse.
PIRRO: Indeed.
WATTERS: Yeah. It could be an awkward dinner at the Biden household over
Christmas vacation, Greg. How do you think the media is going to begin to
cover this new development with Hunter and his father?
GREG GUTFELD, FOX NEWS HOST: They won't. You know, it's funny. It's like
Hunter is a walking episode of Law and Order. I mean, you've got sex,
you've got drugs, you've got strippers, you've got videotape, you've got
mystery people coming in and out. It's amazing, though, how the media finds
Hunter beneath them, and I mean that figuratively, not literally.
Although, it could be possible with Hunter, you never know. Can I say this,
though? I will say this for the 5:00 audience. Payback is a pregnant dog,
because that's what you're going to see right now. You are going to see
payback in every shape. And, you know what, I'm not a vengeful person. But
Mueller spent two years and $32 million chasing something that didn't take
Involving a country whose GDP was roughly that of Texas, right? Russia was
nothing compared to China. China's economy, arguably, is now bigger than
ours, and they are ruthless. They have concentration camps going right now.
They have got our tech giants. They have got our professional sports teams.
They've got entertainers and politicians already defending them.
And why is that? It should raise your concerns that China -- China is so
happy that Joe Biden is coming in, and that is not good news for America.
When your number one adversary on this planet is ecstatic that you have a
new team captain and the new team captain is Joe Biden, that's kind of
scary. So I think that the Judge is right that this isn't really -- this
isn't about taxes.
We've got to look into these relationships that Hunter had with China,
trying to get about $10 million in exchange for making introductions, which
I assume was Joe Biden, who was the big guy. We're talking -- I mean, this
administration is already compromised. They're more compromised than a
preacher after a four day bender in Vegas with Jesse.
WATTERS: Oh, just threw my name in there like that at the end. I did not
see that coming.
WATTERS: Dana Perino, it does look like China is now going to dog the
Biden administration probably worse than Russia, you know, substantively,
because it does look like there is a lot more material there. How do you
think Joe Biden will handle something like this? He can't fire the
prosecutor, can he?
DANA PERINO, FOX NEWS HOST: Well, actually, I'm curious about that,
because every president has the ability to fire the U.S. attorneys. Most
presidents do fire all the U.S. attorneys, and then you appoint new U.S.
attorneys to that position. Now, some U.S. attorneys do stay on. I don't --
we don't know enough about this. This investigation apparently started back
in 2018, I believe.
So it depends on if it was a career public official that was handling this.
That's going to be very dicey. And if I were the incoming Biden
administration, I wouldn't touch that with a 10-foot pole. But Jesse, do
you know who is the most happy person right now about this Hunter Biden
news? Congressman Eric Swalwell.
WATTERS: Oh, we are going to get to Swalwell in a second.
PERINO: It all leads back to China. But you know, sometimes --
WATTERS: But in a way, those, Dana -- yes, I agree. But in a way, those
two stories are very connected, because they both involve the same country,
the same kind of --
PERINO: Yes. But if you're Eric Swalwell, you would much prefer for, you
know, for the incoming president's son to be the one getting the headlines
24 hours after you are getting the headlines.
PIRRO: Jesse, can I say one thing? All the -- most incoming presidents
request all of the U.S. attorneys to hand in their resignations. And what
Bill Barr tried to do by claiming that Special Counsel for John Durham, I
mean, Special Counsel can be dismissed in a second by the sitting attorney
general, so don't be confident that this thing will be covered up, either.
GUTFELD: But the media is going to cheer. The media is going to cheer when
he --
RIVERA: This is different. This is different. When it's all about not
paying your taxes, at the very least, you are in a big jam.
PIRRO: -- that's supposed to be a big one.
WATTERS: And we are still waiting on that.
WATTERS: More on another explosive story that we just mentioned, a
suspected Chinese spy allegedly cozied up to a number of politicians,
including California Democratic Congressman, Eric Swalwell.
RIVERA: China, China, China. This other blockbuster story rocking Capitol
Hill, a Democratic member of Congress possibly compromised by a Chinese
spy, a woman. Lawmakers demanding answers, Congressman Eric Swalwell, at
the center of what could be a massive scandal for his ties to this Chinese
spy. She really worked for their spy agency, targeting him and other
Sometimes using sex to influencing these American politicians. Congressman
Swalwell not only denying any wrongdoing, he's trying to blame President
Trump for this story coming out.
REP. ERIC SWALWELL (D-CA): The wrongdoing here, Jim, is that at the same
time this story was being leaked out, is the time that I was working on
impeachment on the House Intelligence and Judiciary Committees. And if this
is a country where people who criticize the president are going to have law
enforcement information weaponized against them.
That is not a country that any of us want to live in, and I hope that it is
investigated who leaked this information.
RIVERA (on camera): Who leaked the information? How about what you did?
House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy is not buying Swalwell's explanation
of being entrapped. H wants Swalwell well off the House Intelligence
Committee. So I want to go -- Dana Perino, you are a very nice person.
that go down to the level of a mayor. They court and help a city council
council member become a Congressman. This Congressman now gets in the House
Intel Committee. Why is he still on the Intel Committee? Why is he still a
member of Congress Did Adam Schiff know, as chairman of that committee,
that he had this problem?
RIVERA (on camera): Ahead, Democrats admit putting politics over people,
I'll get right to that. But Dana, here's a quote from Chris Wray, the FBI
Director. China is engaged in a highly sophisticated, malign foreign
influenced campaign. They are using, you know, Fang-Fang, this woman to --
who entrapped, she had sex with a couple of mayors.
I never liked fall -- Swalwell, because he's such a smarmy person. But does
he have any juice when he says that this is all them trying to get him
because he went after Trump for impeachment?
PERINO: Well, first of all, they had 48 hours to actually, like, come up
with a better excuse than Trump campaign or somebody in the Trump
administration is leaking this to hurt me. I just, logically, think if
somebody were going to leak this, they would have done it during
impeachment, and not only during impeachment but what was happening just a
few months before that. Does anyone remember?
Eric Swalwell threw his hat in the ring to run for president. And so this
information, I would imagine, was going to come out at some point. Like, if
-- is he that blind to how this all works, that he thinks that he could run
for president and this information wouldn't come out? Now, whether the --
like, for Speaker Pelosi or Adam Schiff.
If they knew about this and didn't care and put him on the Intel Committee
instead of putting him on the Rules Committee or something like that, where
may be his past wouldn't have come up, that would be one thing. I think
that this is just extremely problematic. Again, he's lucky that Hunter
Biden is taking the headlines right now.
But we haven't seen the end of this story, and I don't think that it's
going to cut it for him to blame leaks on the Trump administration.
RIVERA: I totally agree with that. Greg, I know how paranoid you are about
China but, you know, that doesn't make you wrong. I think China, China,
China, they're trying everything, whether it's the honeypot or jewels under
the pillow. They will do anything to get influence. How scary is it, Greg?
GUTFELD: First off, her name is Fang-Fang. That should've tipped you off
about sinking her teeth into you. Although, I think the she's the real
victim if she has to hoop up with Swalwell. But think about this. While
Swalwell walked (ph) Trump for raising concerns about China, China, he
knew, was compromising him. So why did Swalwell do this?
Why did Swalwell push the Russian hysteria story? Because he wanted to get
it away from him, so he was actually pushing a lot of this stuff. That's my
opinion. But now, this is really important. Now, you see why Trump was so
despised by the media, politicians, academia, the tech giants. He stood
between them and China.
He was the first to call out this threat and he had to go. So this is
another weird thing that Trump was right. He called them out, and he was
demonized for it early on. People mocked him when he said China, China,
China. And again, where are all the Woodward and Bernsteins? They were too
busy cataloging tweets to do their job.
We -- this is actually a massive story. You have compromised Americans. You
have them defending China. And now, you have China ecstatic that Joe is in
the White House. seems to me that would be something good for somebody to
win a Pulitzer for, instead of just chasing tweets.
RIVERA: I think you're -- you know -- it's a fanciful notion that the
press will work as hard to investigate the Biden family as they did to
wreck the Trump family. But Judge Jeanine, you have a situation here with
China, really is this malignancy now. And I have nothing against --
obviously, this isn't about Chinese people. This is about the Communist
Party that runs the richest nation on Earth right now, Judge.
PIRRO: Well, you know, the hypocrisy of it all just makes me crazy. You
know, Eric Swalwell, who's is complaining about Donald Trump and all this,
that Trump is a Russian asset and a Putin puppet, he gets a warning. He
gets the FBI to tell him, look, Fang-Fang, Feng-Feng, whatever her name is,
you know, she is part of a communist Chinese intelligence group.
The president, they try to impeach him. You know, the president's kids get
investigated. I want Swalwell investigated. I want to know what he said.
What did she tell him? And I don't want him to get away with some stupid
answer, like, I can't engage in this story right now because it may involve
classified information, hogwash.
The Trump's were put through hell for four years. This is real. The Russia
collusion delusion was a delusion. China with the culture centers was
infiltrating people in this country, they are a danger to this country, as
Hunter, and they accessed people with egos like Swalwell who think he can
be the president of the United States.
That's who they are giving money to. And that's who they are playing with
or were sleeping with, whatever.
RIVERA: Whatever. Jesse, what about him being the real Manchurian
WATTERS: Yeah, I don't buy that. I don't think he is a Chinese agent. I
just think he's a fool. I mean, the guy had a Chinese spy put an intern
into his congressional office. Do you know the things you can access at a
congressional office? I interned with Joe Lieberman in college. I had
access to lots of stuff I shouldn't have had access to, God knows what they
But I'm going to be fair to him and a little respect. But when someone
says, did you sleep with a spy, and your answer is it's classified. You
probably slept with the spy. Maybe he's a little shaky because the spy
slept with a couple other politicians, but it's humiliating. And the fact
that they put a compromised guy open to blackmail on the House Intel
Could you imagine if Devin Nunes was sleeping with a Russian spy and the
GOP knew about it and had him running House Intel? That's crazy. The only
thing I don't understand is, and Judge hit on this perfectly, how come the
FBI didn't frame Swalwell for colluding with the Chinese? How come --
RIVERA: I want to see what his dossier -- what does his dossier look like,
a real dossier. You know, they made that Russia thing last for three and a
half years and tried to destroy Trump. Now, they have this, this is
gigantic. Democrats admit that they put politics over people, holding up
the stimulus aid while Americans were suffering. Greg's got a scathing
monologue, we are told, right after this. Don't miss it.
GUTFELD: First, she spilled the beans.
NANCY PELOSI, HOUSE SPEAKER: This is -- has simplicity. It's what we've
had in our bills, but that's OK now because we have a new president.
GUTFELD (on camera): Then Bernie backed it up.
UNKNOWN: The Democrats walked away from that bill because they wanted to
$.2 trillion, and they walked away from $1.8 trillion. Was that a mistake?
UNKNOWN: That's what I'm saying.
GUTFELD (on camera): Now, this Dick.
UNKNOWN: there was some exuberance involved because an election coming,
and they were both betting one another in trying to find some common
ground. They didn't reach that point, but to return to those pre-election
days and sentiments, political sentiments, is very difficult.
GUTFELD (on camera): That's Dick Durbin. So the party of rich libs admits
they turned down massive COVID relief that would help you because an
election was near. They knew if it kept Americans in pain, that would
Trump, and therefore help Biden. And they try to throw the scent off by
accusing Trump of the very same sins that they were committing.
PELOSI: You're in a full-blown economic and health catastrophe. And it's
amazing to see the patience the GOP has for other people's suffering.
UNKNOWN: Our efforts to pass another emergency relief bill through the
Senate have been stalled until now for one reason, the Republican leader
has refused to compromise.
PELOSI: Every single one of those deaths is important to us. We carry
those people in our hearts, and they should be carrying them on their
GUTFELD (on camera): Ghouls. It was them who actually hurt you to help
themselves. Just like any toxic ideology, it's politics before people.
Because if you want an omelette, sometimes you've got to break a few eggs,
except those eggs are actually people. It's evil, but it's a pattern among
leftists. I mean, first, they lied about lawlessness to help their cause.
Remember these bozos?
DON LEMON, CNN ANCHOR: Democratic cities are in chaos right now. Is this
what you want from Joe Biden? And they're going to take your country away
and they're taking down the statues --
CHRIS CUOMO, CNN ANCHOR: Crime is rising, they're going to defund police.
LEMON: Crime is rising. Oh, my gosh.
GUTFELD: Then they routed against the vaccine undermining trust to help
their cause.
the scientists, but I don't trust Donald Trump.
us that we should take it. I'll be the first in line to take it.
Absolutely. But if Donald Trump tells us I should take it -- that we should
take it, I'm not taking it.
GOV. ANDREW CUOMO (D-NY): The Trump administration is rolling out the
vaccination plan and I believe it's flawed.
GUTFELD: In some, they sacrifice lawn order, then undermine scientific
efforts during a pandemic, and now delayed urgent help all for politics.
People died, lives destroyed, homes wrecked so the political could complain
about the least political man on earth. The Press played sidekick pushing
lies to help the Democrats stall relief. And now in December, you see was
just another media hoax.
The media didn't mind. They weren't losing their jobs. One smart man
tweeted this contrast. Trump got impeached for allegedly withholding
Ukraine aid for political reasons. The Dems withheld Coronavirus aid for
American citizens for political reasons. One fake tail captured the presses
the virus spread; the other real crime deliberately ignored until it's too
It makes you wonder how much of your suffering the left could be cool with
just to win. Remember how happy CNN was about the new guy?
LEMON: It was very normal, very safe, very sedate, and it was welcoming
news. It was good to watch.
GUTFELD: It's amazing what the media will do to you for a full belly and a
little peace of mind. So, Judge, it's interesting to me how matter of fact
every Democrat is about this. You know, oh yes, we stalled because they're
having that -- they're not even bothering to hide it.
PIRRO: Right. Well, they don't have to hide it because their plan is so
all-encompassing that they've got the answers to everything. They all talk
in lockstep. They all agree with each other. They circle the wagons. And
there's nothing that we can do, including talking about the truth like you
defund the police and crime goes up, you know, or if you don't give
stimulus money or COVID money, you know, people are going to die. But you
know, they'll blame republicans anyway.
I mean, the sad part about all this is when the media is connected to the
lying left, then we've got a message out there that kind of permeates
everyone, especially the low, you know, low depth voter. And as far as I'm
concerned, it's disgusting. And that's why 74 million people voted for
Donald Trump.
And you know, you tell me 80 million people voted for Joe Biden. I mean,
people know what's going on. No cities are burning right now. There's no
Black Lives Matter protests out there right now. You know who did that.
They did it in a way to threaten you. They extorted you. If you don't give
us power, we won't give you peace. Now, we gave them power and they're
GUTFELD: So, Geraldo has President Trump called you yet? Is he still not
talking to you?
RIVERA: Let me just -- in a very, very serious note, at the end of this
month on the 31st, the expanded support for jobless ends, the nationwide
eviction ban expires, and the emergency paid sick leave -- sick leave --
emergency paid sick leave also expires.
The people, the working people of this country are in financial peril. And
when you look at why this was done, why this happened, why Nancy Pelosi
turned down $1.8 trillion. And now she's begging for half of that, less
than half of that? I think that this is really a story of monumental
proportions, Greg.
GUTFELD: I agree. You know, Dana, I remember during this whole battle, you
were -- you weren't screaming, but you were pointing out who was doing the
stalling. Every time people were trying to blame the Republicans, you're
going no, no, no, it's this, it's this, it's this, and nobody -- no one in
the media listened.
PERINO: And yesterday, Mitch McConnell actually gave up a huge thing.
Remember, Greg, initially and you and I talked about this, that he wanted
liability protections for small businesses so that they could keep open and
keep, you know, paying their employees and not be ruined by frivolous
But the Democrats absolutely said no way. The trial lawyers, they love that
stuff. And then on the Democratic side, they really want state local money
regardless of, you know, need. But McConnell said yesterday was, tell you
what, strip up all that out. Both state and local money, strip out
liability protection. Let's just get money directly to the people who need
it. So, we called their bluff and guess what happened? They're like, oh
yes, no. We're not for that. We can't do that.
I thought your monologue should be played on a loop at a place like at the
food pantry lines, where you have people who have never had to ask for
charity in their lives. And now they have to be in a line waiting to see if
they can get some help. And they can't worry about politics. They don't
have time for that. Their lives are too busy trying to figure out a way to
survive. We have to do better than this. And Congress should not go home
without getting this done.
GUTFELD: Yes. You know, Jesse, you still have the media claiming Trump
killed thousands and that he has blood on his hands. While all this was
going on, they get a free -- they get a free pass.
WATTERS: Yes. Like your friend, Scott Adams, Greg. I too remember when
withholding aid for political purposes was an impeachable offense. So, if
it's a high crime in Ukraine, then it's a higher crime in the United States
of America. Where's the media by the way?
Do you remember the debt ceiling situation? John Boehner was called a
terrorist because people couldn't go camping in a national park. Now, they
can't leave their house. They can't go out to eat. They can't cross state
lines. And they call Nancy Pelosi brilliant. The cornerstone of the
Democrat political philosophy is paying people not to work only during a
pandemic. Does that make any sense?
So, the one time when we should be doing that, the only reason the
Democrats didn't do it was because Donald Trump agreed with it. So, right
now I am taking their compassion card that they play, and I'm taking it
back, and I'm putting it in our deck because we care.
GUTFELD: Yes, especially you, Jesse. No one cares as much as you do.
GUTFELD: Yes. All right, coming up next, pressure building Joe Biden to
build the most progressive cabinet ever. Why his problems with the far-left
just got worse?
PIRRO: Joe Biden causing even more controversy with his Cabinet picks. His
nominee for Defense Secretary Retired General Lloyd Austin is facing
opposition from both sides of the political aisle. And that comes as the
far-left attempts to twist Biden's arm to have the most progressive cabinet
All right, let me start with you, Greg. Does the fact that the socialists
are really ramping up the criticism? I mean, this Lloyd Austin would be the
nation's first Black Secretary of Defense. Is Biden focusing more on
diversity or qualifications?
GUTFELD: He'll do anything the loudest voice tells him to do. What's
hilarious about progressivism is that the selling point of progressivism is
we're not that progressive, right. It's like selling left-wing ideas is how
a waiter sells fish at a restaurant. Oh, you'll love it. It doesn't smell
or taste fishy at all. That's exactly how -- you know -- you know your
ideology sucks when you're telling people, oh, it's not really like that at
all. Defunding the police isn't really defending the police, even though it
kind of is.
PIRRO: OK. All right, got it. All right, Jesse. Does being Black make it
impossible for people to vote against Lloyd Austin?
WATTERS: Judge, I don't see color. You know, that's why race isn't an issue
for me. I look at the content of the character most importantly. But
General Austin, I mean, he'd totally wrap me into a pretzel, so I'm not
going to say anything bad. But in all seriousness, he oversaw the Mideast
from 2010 to 2016. Not a great stretch there. That would be like coaching
the Jets for the last six years and asking for a contract extension. Sorry,
we're going to look elsewhere.
Instead of you know, looking at voting blocs who he should reward for
helping him get elected, I have a few nominees who I think played an
instrumental role. Maybe he could nominate these people for a cabinet post.
How about Jack Dorsey? Well, how about Jeff Zucker? How about the Attorney
General of Pennsylvania? I think those people played a pretty critical role
and should be richly rewarded for what they did to help Joe.
PIRRO: All right, Geraldo, what say you to that?
RIVERA: Lloyd Austin is a -- is a good soldier with a good reputation. The
GIs that I've spoken to liked him very much. He did oversee, you know, all
of Afghanistan as commander of CENTCOM. He commanded -- the first black man
to command a fighting division and in combat. That counts. You know, the
military is almost half people of color. It's about time.
He's the first and I think that that's a big, big plus. And to blame
General Austin for what happened with ISIS, you know, I think that that
really is scapegoating in the -- in a grotesque way.
GUTFELD: So, who do you blame?
PIRRO: All right, Dana, what do you think about the comment that ISIS
wasn't that big a deal?
RIVERA: Who, me? I think that -- oh, I'm sorry.
PERINO: Well, obviously, it was. It was the first thing that General Mattis
did -- General Mattis, the first order of business was helping President
Trump defeat ISIS. I also think that Javier Becerra from California as HHS
Secretary is becoming a big issue even down in Georgia for these runoff
elections because socialized medicine doesn't go over so well down there.
PIRRO: All right, everybody, we did it. And the "FASTEST SEVEN" is up next.
PERINO: Welcome back. Time for a little fun, and we deserve some fun,
right? So, sorry, guys, but this is backed up by science. A new study finds
women are better at multitasking than men. Judge, how is this news? Didn't
we all know this?
PIRRO: We all knew that. That's why women -- that's why women have been
able to have kids run the house, cook the meals, and go to work, and then
take care of the kids, wash them, put them to bed, and the men just come
home and put their feet up. I mean, we all know that.
But look, in this test, honestly, in this test they showed -- they showed
all the women are able to not just go on a treadmill that these infrared
cameras on them, but then they would ask them these tricky language tests,
and all the women were -- beat the men, all of them except that the woman
was over 60.
And the men were like (INAUDIBLE). They couldn't do the tricky language
tests while they were on the treadmill and it's no shock. Thank you, Dana.
PERINO: No shock. Geraldo, do you want to agree or disagree?
RIVERA: Oh, no, I totally agree. You know, I have three daughters and my
wife, they are -- they're like volcanoes -- not volcanoes. They're like
tornadoes, swirling energy, constantly doing this and doing that, you know,
have this screen open, that screen open on the phone, going someplace. You
know, it's a -- it's breathtaking. I admire it. I salute it. It's not me. I
love when I can just focus on one thing, but I love them.
PERINO: So, you want to make sure Erica is not angry at you tonight for
sure. That's what we have figured out here. Greg, do you want to debunk
this study?
GUTFELD: Yes, I want to bunk it and I also want to throw up. Look, OK,
first of all, imagine if the -- imagine if the -- no, listened to me
because you will understand this. Imagine if the findings were reversed,
that men are better at multitasking. You can't imagine it because those
findings would not be released, right? They would never publish them.
And if they didn't publish them, do you think a show like THE FIVE or any
show would actually cover it? No, because then you can't do this "Didn't we
all know this? Of course, women are better than that." All right. So, let's
assume -- let's assume that these findings are true. You want the reality,
the reason why it's true? You're going to have to look at evolutionary
The fact that childbearing and rearing creates multitasking talent, so they
are the gatherer in the hunter and gatherer. Meanwhile, the man has to be
singularly focused on one thing, which is finding food through hunting and
then protecting that bounty from other people, right? So, they had -- they
cannot multitask. They can only do one thing, whereas women have to do
other things.
So, you can have this evolutionary biology origin behind this which is
going to make it all even more sexist for the modern PC culture.
PERINO: Jesse, I'll give you the final word.
WATTERS: Well, I was going to ask you to virtually hold my hand, Dana, but
Greg already said exactly what I was going to say. It was that the men are
so focused on killing the woolly mammoth with a spear and the women are
back in the village doing what Jeanine said, the cooking, the cleaning, and
the child raising. That's evolutionary biology.
PERINO: Well, I think that we solved everything as we always do on THE
FIVE. "ONE MORE THING" is up next.
WATTERS: Before we get to "ONE MORE THING," more breaking news on Hunter
Biden. A source tells Fox News that Hunter Biden is a subject or target of
a grand jury investigation, but the President-Elect Joe Biden is not a
subject of any grand jury investigation at this time. Dana Perino will lead
us off.
PERINO: All right, "ONE MORE THING" it is. OK, so it's been a few years,
but I'm excited to announce it. I have a new book coming out on March 9th,
and it is called Everything Will Be OK: Life Lessons for Young Women from a
Former Young Woman, which is me. I would be the former young woman.
It's career life advice, everything all in one. My goal is to hopefully,
hopefully, lower the anxiety level of people and give them a little bit of
a push. It's kind of tough as well. It demands personal responsibility and
good decision making. So, I'm excited about that. It comes up March 9th.
And tonight at 6:30 p.m. Eastern, I'll do a Q&A on my Facebook page to tell
you a little bit more about it. So, I hope you'll check it out.
WATTERS: All right, so the book is just for women. Guys are not allowed to
read this book. We should not even open the book at all.
PERINO: Actually, Peter -- actually, Peter thinks that every guy should
read this book so that he can understand that he will never really
understand women.
WATTERS: OK, because we're not good at multitasking either, so we can only
read the book. We can't do anything else while we read the book.
PERINO: You can read the book while you're on the subway.
WATTERS: OK, I don't take that anymore. Trust me. Before we get started,
congratulations to Pete Hegseth whose new book Modern Warrior is now on the
top 10 of The New York Times bestseller list for the second week in a row.
Congrats, Pete. Number eight in print sales, number seven in combined print
and ebook sales. Way to go.
Now, we have Jesse's Robot News. Very good. Look at those little robots.
All right, so we know Jordan is the best basketball player of all time.
Now, he's the greatest golf course owner. Look what they dial up instead of
the golf cart girl.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: This is a drone bringing our drinks. You got to be
kidding me.
WATTERS: So, they're not having people drive around and give you drinks
because of the Coronavirus. So, they'll just drone you a case of beer out
in the course. That is the greatest idea he has ever had. And he's had a
lot of good ideas. Greg Gutfeld, who also has some good ideas, you are up
GUTFELD: Well, actually, you know what, I want to throw an audible here. I
have -- I just wanted to announce that I also have a new book. It's called
Everything Sucks And Will Not Get Better. And it is not for women, but it's
also not for men either. It's for non-binary woodland nymphs, which is a
very small target audience, but they are big Gutfeld fans.
But I want to say congratulations to Dana. The book cover looks beautiful.
I don't understand why you would put a former young woman in your -- in
your deck because you're young at heart, which is what they say to really
old people.
WATTERS: What a beautiful endorsement. Geraldo, you're up.
RIVERA: Dana is one of the most impressive and pleasant people I know. I'm
sure the book is great. This month marks nine years since the last convoy.
I was honored to be on the last convoy leaving Iraq driving into Kuwait. It
was a tumultuous time. We were deployed where we were assigned 11 times to
Iraq 11 more to Afghanistan. Anyway, it's --
WATTERS: Thank God you survived that convoy.
RIVERA: I can't believe it. It's so long ago, nine years ago.
WATTERS: And thank God you survived the show. Thank you, Geraldo.
RIVERA: Yes. This is --
WATTERS: Sorry Jeanine.
WATTERS: "SPECIAL REPORT" is up next with Bret.
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