'Culture Warriors' on Palin's 'Mama Grizzlies' Video, Teen Vampire Craze and Condoms for Kids
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This is a RUSH transcript from "The O'Reilly Factor," July 8, 2010. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.
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BILL O'REILLY, HOST: In the "Culture Warriors" segment tonight: three hot topics, beginning with Sarah Palin, who is branding a new political term: Mama Grizzlies.
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SARAH PALIN, FORMER GOVERNOR OF ALASKA: It seems like it's kind of a mom awakening in the last year and a half where women are rising up and saying, "No, we've had enough already." Because moms kind of just know when something is wrong. Here in Alaska I always think of the mama grizzly bears that rise up on their hind legs when somebody is coming to attack their cubs, to do something adverse towards their cubs. If you thought pit bulls were tough, you don't want to mess with the mama grizzlies.
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O'REILLY: All right. Here now the "Culture Warriors," Fox News analyst Margaret Hoover and "Fox & Friends" co-anchor Gretchen Carlson.
All right, Carlson, Mrs. Palin, Governor Palin trying to mobilize conservative moms into kind of a powerful voting block. Will it work?
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GRETCHEN CARLSON, CO-HOST, "FOX & FRIENDS": It's not only conservative moms. I believe that this is specifically being targeted to independent women. Many independent women and men, for that matter, are upset with President Obama right now. The latest polls show that a lot of them are angry, downright angry. This is a brilliant video. This is put together very smart. It's going to pull at the heartstrings of some women. Many women are never going to like Sarah Palin no matter what video she puts together.
O'REILLY: Right.
CARLSON: But I believe this is a precursor to her running for president.
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O'REILLY: OK, what do you think?
MARGARET HOOVER, FOX NEWS ANALYST: I totally agree with pull the heartstrings. George W. Bush, president, always said a successful speech has to pull the heartstrings. This ad absolutely...
O'REILLY: Well, what about mama grizzly...
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HOOVER: It's empowering. It gives women who watch it this sense that there is -- women are going to stick together and say no.
CARLSON: That they have a voice.
HOOVER: And stand together like there's a community behind the women.
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O'REILLY: Their kids are in jeopardy, and the women are going to rise up.
HOOVER: Well, it also just appeals to sort of ordinary, everyday women who don't feel like their government in Washington is representing them, and that's who she is and that's who she's talking to.
O'REILLY: It's a powerful voting block if she can do it.
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HOOVER: Here's the thing. You mentioned independents. The problem is that independents broke against Sarah Palin in the 2008 election.
O'REILLY: Right.
HOOVER: She was a very polarizing figure. Most people know already how they feel about Sarah Palin. So I think this is going to galvanize her supporters. I don't know if it will win over new people.
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CARLSON: A lot of independents thought they loved Barack Obama, too, and guess where they are now.
O'REILLY: I don't know if they will rally around Sarah Palin. Nobody would know unless they take a poll, which would be an interesting thing for us to do.
Here is the second topic tonight. You know the "Twilight" movies and books, Stephenie Meyer, sold I think it's 100 million books. Unbelievable. It's about vampires. There are vampires running around. They're cool; they're young; they're chic vampires. But some teenagers are now imitating, actually doing real vampire things, and CBS News reported on it. Roll the tape.
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UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Fans are sinking their teeth into all things vampire. But it may have spawned a troubling new trend among teens: biting. Some are even vamping for the camera, then posting the clips on YouTube.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: There was this guy. He said, "So, will you be willing to give your blood for me?" And I said no.
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UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: While the Dallas tenth grader refused, she says couples at her school are drawing blood to pledge their love and devotion.
O'REILLY: All right. Hoover?
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HOOVER: I think that, yes, the vampire saga stories are rocking the nation.
O'REILLY: It's huge, right?
HOOVER: It really is actually.
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O'REILLY: It's a big phenomenon. Right.
HOOVER: A hundred and twenty million dollars this week at the movie theaters.
O'REILLY: Everybody wants to be a vampire.
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HOOVER: But here's the thing.
HOOVER: When I was in high school, grade school, there was -- Angelina Jolie was wearing a vial of blood around her neck from her husband, her boyfriend.
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O'REILLY: But she's a kook.
HOOVER: Yes. Well, there is teenage fringe behavior that I think transcends any era.
O'REILLY: Yes, but when you're biting each other, I mean...
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HOOVER: So different from a hickey? Let's be honest. Marking each other…
O'REILLY: No, but it's a different thing, you know. Look, I don't want to get overdramatic here, Carlson, but blood spreads AIDS, you know? And if you're biting people and drawing blood, I mean, this is a dangerous thing on every level and shouldn't be done. I don't know how widespread this is, but all -- any fad, any fad people go overboard.
HOOVER: Well, exactly, this is just one more thing for parents to be worried about; more importantly to be aware about.
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O'REILLY: Would you let your kids watch the vampire movies?
CARLSON: I don't know. I'm not into this whole thing. My kids are too young to be into it.
O'REILLY: Well, they're getting 8 and 9 years old are starting with the vampire stuff.
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HOOVER: Teenage angst love stories.
CARLSON: This is a peer pressure. This is like a trend. By next year I don't think people will be walking around biting each other. From those bites that I saw...
O'REILLY: I don't know. These Meyer books are huge.
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CARLSON: But from most I saw, they're not actually drawing blood. It looks like they're doing it...
O'REILLY: Vampires suck your blood. That's what they do.
HOOVER: Major incongruity here.
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O'REILLY: Incongruity.
HOOVER: I want you to know that these vampires...
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HOOVER: ...the whole point of this, Edward, the lead vampire, his whole thing is that he doesn't bite humans. So these kids are mocking…
O'REILLY: What does he bite? Squirrels?
HOOVER: Yes. Guess what? If you know anything about vampires, Bill, if you know anything about vampires, you would know that they actually get their energy...
O'REILLY: I was raised on Bela Lugosi, and the guy was after your blood. He wasn't biting your dachshund. He was biting you.
HOOVER: Bella -- Bella is the name of the human to -- with whom he falls in love. But he sucks his energy from animals not humans.
O'REILLY: I think you might be going overboard a bit here.
HOOVER: They don't bite.
O'REILLY: All I -- all I want to say to the audience is when I was 10 years old, the big fad was the hula hoop, all right? And if you bit it, you broke your tooth. All right? So how have we advanced.
All right. Now, a serious topic. In Provincetown, Massachusetts, we reported a few weeks ago the dopey school officials there were going to give condoms out to grammar school kids. After we reported, big outcry and what happened, Carlson?
CARLSON: The superintendent now comes out and says, "Oh, my policy was misrepresented." By guess whom? The media. The media, you and us when we initially discussed it and said how absurd could this be.
O'REILLY: And we didn't misrepresent anything, did we?
CARLSON: No. We didn't. First graders could get condoms. And the most important thing...
O'REILLY: First graders?
CARLSON: With the parents would not know about it.
O'REILLY: Not be told.
CARLSON: They would not be told about it. Now the superintendent says, "How dare you inaccurately portray my words?"
O'REILLY: I have to tell you one -- right. The superintendent should be fired immediately. She's lying. We reported accurately. I don't think first graders would have got it, if you walked into the nurse, Hoover, OK, and you were, say, 10 or 11 and you said, "I want a condom," they'd put it in your hand and they wouldn't tell your parents.
HOOVER: To be fair, in her interview with ABC News, she said the media outrage is this help me understand that our wording didn't communicate the kind...
O'REILLY: We helped them. We helped them understand.
HOOVER: We did. And so here's the thing. That's what, basically, she says. She gave the media...
CARLSON: Please.
HOOVER: She says she never intended.
O'REILLY: Never intended?
HOOVER: And a 5-year-old or a 6-year-old or a 7-year-old had come in and asked for a condom...
HOOVER: ...they would not have gotten them.
CARLSON: Guess what? Guess what?
O'REILLY: That's not equal protection under the law.
CARLSON: Bill, Bill...
O'REILLY: If a 10-year-old is getting it, the 8-year-old is going to get it.
CARLSON: Two members of the school board...
CARLSON: ...are still in favor...
O'REILLY: I've got to tell you...
CARLSON: ...of handing out these condoms to fifth graders without parental consent.
O'REILLY: I've got to tell you something. If I were 7, I'd want the condom to use as a water balloon, No. 1.
HOOVER: Well, that's what she said. She agrees with you.
O'REILLY: Throwing a water balloon. And No. 2, what Davy Crockett lunch box would not want a condom with the Oreos?
CARLSON: What? What?
O'REILLY: Davy Crockett lunch box, that's what I went to school with.
HOOVER: I can't -- I can't...
O'REILLY: I would like a condom with my Oreos and the Davy Crockett. Look at these two. They have no idea who Davy Crockett is.
HOOVER: We know who Davy Crockett is. I just don't get the Oreos.
CARLSON: I never knew you had a lunch box.
O'REILLY: Of course I had a lunch box. I had a hula hoop and a lunch box, and Davy Crockett's picture was on it, but there was no condom inside.
HOOVER: We are in la-la land.
CARLSON: In all sincerity, they have not made the final decision on this.
O'REILLY: Yes, they have.
O'REILLY: They're not going to give the condoms out.
CARLSON: They are.
O'REILLY: Or I'm going to have to go up there.
CARLSON: Well, they're going to make the final decision Monday night, and they're still going to decide the age limit. It won't be first grade but it will be fifth.
O'REILLY: Next week, you guys will be back, and you'll tell me what the final decision is and if I have to go there.
All right. They're the "Culture Warriors," everybody.
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