Cuccinelli: Caravans heading to US border acting as 'human Petri dish'

This is a rush transcript from "Hannity," January 18, 2021. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

SEAN HANNITY, HOST: Welcome to "Hannity."

All right. Tonight, we start with troubling news that we must report. Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Nancy Pelosi, and Chucky Schumer are only two days away from implementing their radical platform, and what can only be described as a chilling Orwellian effort now has emerged to silence, cancel, erase any opposition voices. It's rising up, believe it or not, right here in the USA. 

Now, couple all of this with the most radical big governments, socialist agenda ever even proposed in American history and a commitment to implementing it. And, of course, starting with this radical new environmental Green New Deal and regulations, canceling the Keystone XL pipeline, amnesty for illegal immigrants and so much more, everything we warned you about. 

Noticeably missing from the Biden Harris agenda, anything actually related to unity. After an extremely close, contentious election, it is clear no one on the left actually wants to bring 75 million Trump voters into the fold, quite the opposite. Instead, Democratic leftists -- they are now looking for ways to squash any and all dissent, and silence any and all rivals and any opposition voices, and pretty much cancel anybody anywhere that dares to get in their way. 

At the top of the list is, of course, the president who has been banned from almost every social media platform in the country. These powerful big tech companies are now working in statist solidarity to stop any legitimate competition even from emerging, another voice, another platform. A dangerous alliance of these powerful institutions starting with the Democratic Party in conjunction with the mob and the media, big tech all working together, and now, hundreds of writers, book agents. 

Now, their very livelihoods actually depend on something called freedom of speech, freedom of expression, freedom of the press. They are actually demanding that publishers ban any future books from President Trump. We'll silence him that way. 

One publisher has already canceled a book deal with Senator Josh Hawley, all because he supported a ten-day audit of the election results. You don't have to like him. You don't have to agree with him. They want to silence, shutdown, muzzle, shame out of existence any and all dissent Dangerous times. 

Even so-called moderate Democrat, Joe Manchin, he's caved into the mob pressure. He wants to consider a plan to remove Senator Hawley and Senator Ted Cruz from Congress. He wants to use the 14th Amendment. In other words, bypass the will of the people in Texas and Missouri. Just totally ignore what they want, and again, all because they supported what was a perfectly legal audit of the election results as part of an electoral challenge, something the Democrats themselves did in 2000, 2004, 2016. 

Meanwhile, Democrat Andrew Yang is now demanding that the federal government regulate which guest can appear on this program and programs like it, what topics will be allowed to cover. We get this new Orwellian fairness doctrine. 

So, let's see, what government agency and who actually gets to decide what they deem is acceptable or not acceptable? Naturally, the music industry, they are also plagued by censorship demands. One musician was just dropped from a record label for merely attending the president's January 6 rally. He didn't participate in the Capitol riot, nor did by the way the 99 percent of people that were in D.C. the day of that rally. Now he watched the president's speech and then he went back to his hotel room, probably ordered room service and opened the mini bar. 

And according to Miranda Devine who will join us tonight from "The New York Post", the far left quote, it's not enough to just arrest and prosecute actual lawbreakers who smash their way into the Capitol. No, anyone who supported the president, voted for him, worked for his administration now has to be hunted down and purged. say, yeah, we can't hire people that worked for Trump. Have you or have you ever been a Donald Trump supporter? 

Don't just take her word for it. Listen to this, now former PBS lawyer. This is a guy caught on tape just a short time ago talking about reeducation camps. Remember? For children of Trump supporter's and sending them to PBS school every day. After you empower the government to take your kids. Take a look. 


MICHAEL BELLER, PRINCIPAL COUNSEL, PBS: Even if Biden wins, we go for all the Republican voters, and Homeland Security will take their children away.


BELLER: Ad we'll put them into re-education camps.



HANNITY: You can't make this up believe it or not. This kind of rhetoric is now commonplace on the left. 

On MSDNC, a "Washington Post" columnist wondered how millions of mostly white, mostly Republican voters, how do we deprogram them? Into what, little socialists like you? Take a look. 


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: There are millions of Americans, almost all white, almost all Republicans, who somehow need to be deprogrammed. It's as if they are members of a cult, a Trumpist cult, and would have to be deprogrammed. 


HANNITY: So-called journalist, fake news anchor Katie Couric joining the chorus, asking a similar question. Take a look. 


KATIE COURIC, TV ANCHOR: It's really bizarre, isn't it, when you think about how AWOL so many of these members of Congress have gotten. But I also think some of them are believing the garbage they are being fed 24/7 on the Internet, by their constituents and bought into this big lie. And the question is, how are we going to really almost deprogram these people who signed up for the cult of Trump? 


HANNITY: Reeducation camps, deprogramming, okay. According to the fresh wing of the Democratic establishment party and the socialist party, you, we, the people, we need to be deprogrammed or cancelled, or put in reeducation camps because of our political opinion, and the different from theirs. 

Sadly, after decades on TV and radio, let me just tell you what this is really all about. Now, this effort from the left, it is not new. It is only accelerating. I'm not complaining but this is really been my reality in radio and television, conservative talk radio's reality, a few of us here on FOX News for decades. There are now entire organizations extremely well- funded, millions and millions of dollars dedicated and have been for many years to put some of us on this network and in talk radio out of business. There are paid professional stockers of the media mob. They watch every minute, every second of the show in hopes that we might slip up and say one thing that will get us fired or boycotted or silenced forever. And of course because that we don't meet their standards. 

There are Democrats all over the country who would cheer for our demise and the demise of the few conservative voices that are out here. I have dealt with this my entire career. For them, clearly dissent is evil, debate is evil, difference of opinion, outright evil. 

Now, these Democrats, they're not liberals. You know, they are little totalitarians. Their one goal is to shut you up, shut us up. 

Point in case here, despite his liberal views, late-night host Bill Maher actually himself has long been the target of the far left mob and far right mob, if you will. Just crazies on left and right, because he doesn't always toe the party line on political correctness. 

Remember when ABC kicked them off the air, "Politically Incorrect"? Yeah, I was one of those few conservatives that actually spoke out against firing him and I hate the guy but I believe in free speech. 

Now to his credit, he is the only one of Democrats, liberals, leftists, libertarians, whatever he actually is who will actually stand up for millions of Trump supporters, the overwhelming 99 percent are good, hardworking, law-abiding, taxpaying, decent people that want a better country that believe in limited government, energy independence, secure borders, don't want judicial activists on the court, free and fair trade deals, and peace through strength. 

Gee, oh, the thought of it all. Take a look.


BILL MAHER, TV HOST: Let's not confuse 5,000 people was 74 million. Excuse me. Yes, even supporting the insurrection in spirit is, well, deplorable. But there's a difference between holding illiberal beliefs and acting violently on them. At least that's what they always told me about Islamic terrorism. 


HANNITY: Sad day when it's only Bill Maher has a better moral compass than any of his colleagues in the media mob or big tech for that matter and any elected official in Washington. They will eventually, I can assure you, they will come back around and try to silence him at some point. But here we are, in just two days, Democrats will be in charge of the federal government and dissent is clearly not welcome. 

Here with more is the host of "FOX & Friends" weekend, Pete Hegseth, "New York Post" columnist, FOX News contributor, Miranda Devine. 

Miranda, you wrote a great column. In this column, I want to just -- because what you said, when you talked about the petition at Harvard, that would demand that Trump staffers have their degrees revoked, and you talk about, you wrote, a feverish mood is afoot evoking the spirit of McCarthyism and the Salem witch trials in which irrationality and hysteria point fingers at the innocent. 

Now, 99 percent, I always said, of the deep state, law enforcement are good people. I would even argue 99 percent of the people peacefully protesting this summer, good people. I just disagree with them. 

I agreed with their protests after the tragic and horrific death of George Floyd which can't happen again. Ninety-nine percent of the people that raided the capital, most of the people at that rally didn't go, 99 percent. 

But what is it? Are you now or have you ever supported Donald Trump? Is that where we're headed? 

MIRANDA DEVINE, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: Well, it certainly seems like that. It's a peaceful movement from all sides and the fact that you have people in the media, people in the book publishing industry, people in the music industry whose very livelihood is based on sharing ideas the fact that they are now so illiberal that they are silencing free speech, silencing the voices of people who they basically don't agree with is really frightening, and it's as if they don't realize, as if they don't understand the lessons of history that that kind of totalitarian crackdown on free speech and freedom is going to come and bite them in the end as well. 

And we don't think -- 

HANNITY: I'm not sure.

DEVINE: -- what's the way for this country to go.

HANNITY: I'm not really sure, Miranda. I'll tell you what -- I mean, it seems like they start here and then eventually you must be a good little robot liberal Democrat socialist, or they'll come for anybody apparently. 

You know, I worry about that Pete Hegseth in what, as I sit here, okay, everybody was genuinely rightly outraged over George Floyd. Ninety-nine percent of protesters, they weren't violent, a lot of people were outraged over the deep state. You know what, 99 percent of FBI agents I believe are good people. Ninety-nine percent of the people at that rally did not partake in what happened at the Capitol nor would they.

PETE HEGSETH, FOX & FRIENDS WEEKEND CO-HOST: That's true, but what this is ultimately about, Sean, is intimidation, silencing and marginalizing a political viewpoint. 

Miranda is entirely correct. Eventually, they move the sliding scale further and further left, and if you're not woke enough, you eventually meet the fire break and you're included as well.

You know on CNN, you had a Democrat congressman today go on and say that 75 percent of the National Guardsmen that are on Capitol Hill today probably voted for Trump and as a result they should all be seen as suspects. So, if you're wearing the uniform have sworn an oath, you're a white male, you supported Trump, you're a suspect.

What does that say about every voter out there who voted for President Trump, maybe thought the election wasn't above board? You're a suspect too eventually, at whatever platform they could come at you.

Or how about Madison Cawthorn who I know you're going to have on your program? His Democratic opponent said that you know he's guiltier than 95 percent of Guantanamo Bay detainees. Sean, I spent a year of my life at Guantanamo Bay. I had guys threatened by the guys inside the camp. They couldn't wear name tapes because they said, I'm coming for you and your family.

He's saying a congressman who objected to an election is as bad as al Qaeda, what will they say to people that don't have that congressional lapel pin, who don't have a show on FOX News Channel, who don't have a column at "The New York Post"? 

They will say, you better shut up and you should be ashamed of the fact that you supported a president who put America first. Ultimately, this is all about intimidation they go as high as they can including silencing the president United States and they will go to every single person to say you're canceled.


And, Miranda, I'm never changing my views. I'm America first. I want low taxes, less bureaucracy. I want constitutional justices, energy independence. I want secure borders. I want peace through strength and better trade deals. Not that complicated.

That's the average conservative I know.

DEVINE: Yes, but that is exactly the problem and this is the reason why conservatives are have to be silenced, because we now have -- the Democrat Party has power in both houses and in the White House. This is their once- in-a-lifetime opportunity to push through all their wish list and to entrench one party rule. 

And what they're trying to do is silence dissent before they do it. They're preemptively silencing and crushing their opposition and they know because their policies, their prescriptions for America are disastrous. They've been proven to be disastrous in the cities that they control and they know that most Americans don't want them.

And so, what they're doing is ensuring that the very Americans who have common sense and who don't want the -- who aren't radical, who aren't far right wing and just sensible common sense, what used to be sort of moderate Democrats even, they don't want those policies. They don't want one party rule.


And, Pete, all summer long, oh it's not happening there are fires. There's arson. There's taking over city blocks, burning down police stations, but there's no violence whatsoever. Two thousand cops hurt, 25 dead. 

And now, we're going to investigate and the National Guard that's there that will protect us when we should be doing a nine -- the equivalent of a 9/11 commission to get to the bottom of how that could have happened on the sixth?

HEGSETH: And now, we have 25,000 troops, two divisions. That's the equivalent, guarding a virtual inauguration when people watch their own city blocks be burned to the ground, watch graffiti say "kill the police, kill Trump", that's insurrectionist language if I've ever seen it. Yet it was governors and mayors unwilling to bring in the National Guard in those moments, to protect citizens. 

Yet, when our lawmakers, when our representatives in something that we all have said should not have happened are threatened, that requires 25,000 unprecedented footprint, it's because the big lie all along. They've been talking all about the big lie across media. People have heard it.

The big lie all along is that the media ever gave anyone a fair shake. Katie Couric, she was always a leftist, just didn't just didn't expose herself as such. Now because of Trump derangement syndrome, which is a real thing, because he really fought the way conservatives and Republicans never did, they've exposed themselves.

HANNITY: You need to be deprogrammed and, Miranda, you need a re-education camp. That's it, you know? 


HANNITY: Thank you both.

All right. In recent weeks, on rare occasions, away from his basement bunker, very rare, the very weak, the very frail, the cognitively struggling Joe vowed to make unity a top priority. We will remind you.


JOE BIDEN (D), PRESIDENT-ELECT: I pledge to be a president who seeks not to divide but unify, that this is part of the mandate given to us from the American people. They want us to cooperate in their interest and that's the choice I'll make.

And now it's time to turn the page as we've done throughout our history, to unite, to heal.

We've overcome incredible challenges as a nation and we've done it before and we will do it again. We'll do it by coming together, by uniting after years of pain and loss. 

Unity is not some pie in the sky dream. It's a practical step to getting things done.


HANNITY: Yeah, just compare two Republican senators to Nazis.

In case you were wondering, here's what Joe's unity platform looks like. He first compared Trump supporters to Nazis, as I said. He announced plans to offer amnesty to 11 million immigrants, saying as we speak, another massive caravan from Central America headed straight to our borders. I wonder if they're going to wear masks after his mask mandate.

Now, Biden told them, don't come yet, because he said the situation at the border isn't going to be transformed overnight. Biden also promised to cancel, yes, energy independence. By the way, if you work on the Keystone XL pipeline, and you have a great high paying career job, it's probably going away, destroying countless jobs in the energy sector.

And, of course, now, creating higher oil energy prices and yes, more dependence on nations that hate our guts, like Russia and China and countries in the Middle East. And he vowed to re-enter, yes, the insane Paris climate accords. China is viewed as a developing nation. We pay full freight and it's going to provide student loan, debt relief, raise the minimum wage. Nancy Pelosi wants D.C. statehood and yes, COVID election laws, you know, to be permanently implemented. 

And unity so far, not a part of the plan instead according to "The L.A. Times", Biden wants to, quote, make America California again. Oh, you left California, you thought you got out of there, forget it. Now, it's the whole country.

Meanwhile, unity be damned and other top Democrats are obsessed with another impeachment Schiff show charade. Now, forget the fact the president will be out of office, the left is hell-bent on conducting yet another latest political smear.

Now, to weak Republican senators and there are a lot of weak ones, if you're going to participate, you shouldn't in what is a sham Schiff show Senate trial. It's unconstitutional. It will do nothing to actually help Americans improve their lives and instead, it will inflame tensions and this is just political theater. You need not and should not be a part of this unconstitutional post-presidency impeachment. Oh, we'll just -- we'll keep going after Trump. 

And the American people have seen enough of these Schiff shows to last a generation. Here with reaction, North Carolina Congressman Madison Cawthorn and Florida Congressman Matt Gaetz.

I mean, Senate Republicans, really? My suggestion is, they don't show up, the president not send any lawyers, and when it comes time for a verdict, Republican senators walk in, they vote to acquit and say, are we ready to do the country's business? Because it's not constitutional. 

Why can't they do that?


HANNITY: Matt, go ahead, Matt Gaetz, please? 

REP. MATT GAETZ (R-FL): Okay, sure. When Democrats talk about unity, it's very difficult to facilitate through impeachment, cancellations. They want to digitally erase us online, pursue us in the flesh, make us unemployable and make it difficult for conservatives to be able to assemble and share ideas. 

I'm deeply troubled at the initial plans we're seeing from the Biden administration. They want to shut down America's businesses but open up the borders. They want to close the Keystone pipeline, opening opportunity for Russia and some of America's adversaries. 

And then they want to take the treasure of America's people and they want to spread it around the world through the Paris Climate Accord and America last organizations like the U.N. and the World Health Organization. That won't benefit American prosperity and success.

And, Sean, listening to -- you talk about these things, it's hard to think it's anything other than abjectly depressing, not just like tear-rolling- down-the-side-of-the-cheek depressing but draw-the-warm-bath-and-get-the- sharp-blade depressing. Hopefully, Madison can cheer us up.

HANNITY: Now, I noticed, Madison, you're part of the silencing effort this letter of Democrats from your state sent to Nancy Pelosi, because you said people need to have a spine and that you actually in a speech that they claim that you use violent language. I've looked over it, I've not seen it. They put in their letter that you issued a tweet urging people that you're fighting a battle for the Constitution on the House floor with other patriots. 

Well, to me, it's obvious you mean your colleagues. The battle is on the House floor, not in the streets of D.C. You were at that day and the days after I see that you repeatedly condemned it. 

But I guess they want to cancel you too. They want to cancel Matt Gaetz, for sure, which, by the way, the firebrand himself, at least the original firebrand.

REP. MADISON CAWTHORN (R-NC): Well, you know what? They don't want to have strong patriots who are willing to stand up and fight for the Constitution and fight for the American people. You know, myself, Matt Gaetz, and just about everybody on the Republican side is willing to forsake partisanship to work for the betterment of the American people. 

But the Democrats say, we won't work with you unless you bend the knee. They want to kick people like myself and Matt Gaetz out of Congress because we're willing to fight back against them. 

I'll tell you. This is a dangerous precedent to set and we're headed down a very dark road.

HANNITY: You know, but I -- one thing I could say, Matt, is that I think they've already overreached and they don't even realize it, and I think the American people are going to watch this chilling these major institutions big tech mob in the media Democratic party silence voices and you know what, let's see what happens in two years, we do have other elections coming up. 

I would think that they could be beaten at the ballot box when they run against liberty freedom, freedom of speech, the First Amendment. Not sure that's going to work. 

GAETZ: Well, the only way we're going to beat them at the ballot box is if we fix the problems at the mailbox, and we're going to need to see courage emerge from the several states and from legislatures. We'll need states like Florida and Texas to lead the way with innovative examples and certainly a defense of freedom that we don't expect from the incoming Biden administration. 

I hope America is successful over the next four years, but the agenda we're seeing is not one that puts our country and our people first.

HANNITY: All right. Matt, Madison, thank you both.

When we come back an exclusive on HANNITY. Project Veritas posted their newest leaked video exposing Twitter. We've got the tape. 

Also, you'll meet Parler -- the Parler CEO. He is hopeful his site will be back online by the end of the month. Big tech unite together, block any Twitter competition. In America? 

Stay tuned. 


HANNITY: Now, big tech's blatant abuse and bias is on full display again tonight, because while the platform has banned President Trump and other prominent conservatives, it has no problem letting the far left activists charged last week in the Capitol riots continued to tweet freely. Where is Mr. Free Speech @Jack now?

By the way, are the ayatollah still allowed to speak on Twitter? 

And, tonight, Project Veritas has yet another undercover video from inside of twitter. The video features twitter's legal policy and talking about the company's plans for yet more censorship. 

As always, we report. We'll let you decide. 


VIJAYA GADDE, HEAD OF LEGAL, POLICY AND TRUST TWITTER: Beyond de- amplification, we are going -- conspiracy theories -- we are going to be permanently suspending those accounts. 

There's also been a lot of questions about retros, and, of course, we're going to do a retro. I mean, we're in the midst of a retro around the election and generally this will most definitely be folded into it. 

What we saw on Wednesday morning was really concerning to us, obviously. So, a small team gathered from Trust and Safety, and were discussing the potential for violence to happen. And we decided to escalate our enforcement of the Civic Integrity Policy and use a label that disabled engagements, to stop the spread of potentially inflammatory content which is the content around election interference, election fraud, stealing the election, that type of thing. 


HANNITY: Now, we've reached out to Twitter. They provided us with the exact same statement as Friday, following the video of CEO, Mr. Free Speech @jackdorsey.

And, by the way, joining us with reaction, he is the founder, CEO of Project Veritas. James O'Keefe is with us. 

You know, as I watch that and I put that together with @Jack's tape that you released last week, and even put it with the NPR guy that you got on tape saying that he wants the government to take our children and send them to reeducation PBS camps, which I can't believe -- what dawns on me, what really struck me is that I hear we've tried this. We've been able to perfect this and other places. Now, we are just going to implement the strategy long-term here. 

Am I interpreting that the right way? How did you interpret it? 

JAMES O'KEEFE, CEO, PROJECT VERITAS: Yeah, Sean. This is Vijaya Gadde from the Orwellian-sounding Trust and Safety Council with Twitter. And she talks about how they're going to go beyond the de-amplification. Sean, this is something that Twitter has denied doing previously with their shadow banning and de-boosting. Now, they are saying they are going to go beyond de-amplification. 

She also says in this tape potentially inflammatory content. Not just inflammatory content but potentially inflammatory content needs to be censored, anything touching something like voter fraud, and we've done stories on voter fraud that has led to people being arrested. But according to Twitter, even that could lead to violence. 

So, I think that's the keyword there was potentially and I said they are taking this whole thing global now, Sean. They are going to go well beyond anything that we could imagine. 

And, again, I know they are private companies, but at Veritas, we just want these private companies to be honest. We don't think that's too much to ask given they have more power than all three branches of government. 

HANNITY: And they also get Section 230 protection, meaning that if they get to be editors like any news organization, but with all the liability issue. 

Any more tapes coming? 

O'KEEFE: Yeah, we've had so many people inspired, Sean, reaching out to, including one individual today who works for a company bigger than Twitter. They're very inspired. It's kind of creating some momentum here with these whistle-blowers. 

We should see more tapes in the coming days. 

HANNITY: James O'Keefe of Project Veritas, it could be everywhere. You never know. All right, James, thank you. 

All right, also developing tonight, social media platform Parler, they continue to fight against big tech. The CEO says Parler will hopefully be back by the end of the month. 

Joining us now to explain is the Parler CEO, John Matze is with us. 

You know, I said this to Dan who is a part of your group. You know, I'm really genuinely heartfelt sorry that this is happening to you, guys. I know other people involved. You believe in the freedom of speech, even the freedom to criticize Dan Bongino on a platform he's part of. 

JOHN MATZE, PARLER CEO: Yes and thank you for having me on. 

You know, really what had happened I feel like is Amazon and these other tech companies ran a PR campaign against us, claiming falsely, you know, without any evidence really other than a couple of articles that didn't have evidence either that, you know, Parler somehow is responsible for inciting violence, which is crazy because their statements alone on the first day that it was released, you know, had over 1,000 death threats to our lawyer alone. 

Our employees are harassed. You know, we're harassed. And so I feel like really the ones who are inciting violence is AWS, Amazon, who incited, you know, economic violence against our company and has, you know, created people who actually want to threaten us and our employees, too. 

HANNITY: John, I used to say years ago, I've kind of got away from saying it, but we've got to become the media. That's the only option we have. 

I've got to believe that there are some brilliant -- I'm not one of them when it comes to this, conservative tech minds that will be able to create a usable platform for you, the equivalent of what you had. Yet, you're not dependent on Apple or Amazon or any of these other companies moving forward. 

Now, I understand you are working towards that. How far away do you think you are from making all that happen? 

MATZE: Well, our first step is to get onto infrastructure, you know, servers, DDoS protection, WAF protection, other tech-related things that don't rely on Amazon or any of the other big tech companies. You know, we've reached out to over six vendors, all of whom, you know, are capable hosting us, all of whom said no and cited almost exactly what Amazon cited when they said no to us. 

So we really need to build our own infrastructure and our own technology. And I think it needs to be more than just liberal versus conservative. I myself am a libertarian. I'm not a conservative. But what I do believe is that we need to have principles, that free speech and privacy should be respected. And, apparently, that's too much for big tech.

And so, we really need an alternative set of resources so people can develop software without learning about these technology companies going after you. 

HANNITY: You know, John, all the years I've been attacked all over social media. Remember, years ago, There's message boards, and then it devolved into Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and all this. 

All of the horrible things, lies, smears, slander, besmirchment, attacks, even memes that are actually pretty funny against me, not one time what I say they shouldn't be allowed to say that. Not one time. 

Now, you would take down racist comments. Your site took down virulent anti-Semitic comments. You wouldn't put up with calls for violence, correct?

MATZE: We have absolutely a no-tolerance policy for violence and incitement. And, you know, despite that, they still went after us. So yeah, of course, it's not allowed. It's not free speech to incite violence. 

HANNITY: Yeah, and by the way, the two tweets cited by the president, to put a permanent ban on him, tell me what's wrong with them, those specific tweets. 

All right, John. We'll continue to follow it. Hoping you can get back up soon, maybe we can have some platforms out there, where our voices can be heard. 

Now, this migrant caravan I told you about on its way to the U.S., they might be disappointed at -- yes, the ever weak, frail, cognitively struggling Joe and what he is saying, next. 


HANNITY: All right. Just days before our weak grandpa Biden moves into the Oval Office and gets moving on his open borders agenda. Another massive migrant caravan making its way to the U.S. from Honduras. Hoping the Biden administration they say will fulfill their promise of mass amnesty.

With one migrant rights group releasing a statement that reads in part, quote: we will advocate that Biden's government honor their commitments. Okay. Now, did they vote for him? 

That's not all because fake news CNN International actually interviewed a migrant over the weekend that said he is ready to come to the U.S. because Biden is promising to help them all. Take a look.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I'm here today because I'm dreaming to get to the U.S. What I want for my people, I just want patient and (INAUDIBLE) that we can get to the U.S. because they have a new president, of course (ph), Biden. He's going to help all of us. He has given us 100 days to get to the U.S. 


HANNITY: And now, thousands of migrants stormed past troops in Guatemala on their way to the U.S. border and while the Biden team is telling groups it's not the right time now, they spent an entire campaign pushing for open borders and incentivizing pretty much opening their arms and saying, yeah, come, free amnesty. Oh, that would be an incentive.

Our very own Sara Carter has an investigative report with explosive details about the caravan -- Sara. 

SARA CARTER, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: Well, that's right, Sean. I mean, this has been since Friday. I have been speaking with sources in Guatemala, as well as government officials in Guatemala who say that between 7,000 and 9,000 migrants have come through the border area in Chiquimula. And that was an area that I was in in 2019 when we saw some caravans. 

In these caravans, they have also diagnosed people with COVID. At least 25 people in the caravan have had COVID. 

One thing that is interesting is when I spoke to government officials on the ground, they said that the flood of migrants that came through appeared to be very political and very organized, very structured. The Guatemalan government has told the Honduran government that they don't want to see this happen again, that they had a meeting on January 12th and the Honduran government was supposed to work with them to stop the blood. 

But I've got to tell you this, they are expecting tens of thousands more people moving towards the U.S. and despite what President-elect Biden is saying that don't come in yet, we're not prepared for you, that's not going to stop the flood. The Mexican government right now has multiple buses waiting at the border to try to stop the flood from coming into Mexico, but they are very concerned that they are just going to break through like the wave and come straight into Mexico and head straight toward the U.S. border. 

HANNITY: All right, Sara. Thank you. 

Joining us now with more reaction is the acting deputy secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, Ken Cuccinelli. 

Was this like an invitation?


HANNITY: You know, the idea that they are going to have -- apparently, Biden's team was saying -- 

CUCCINELLI: Well, of course.

HANNITY: -- the first10 days, that's a first top priority, amnesty. 

CUCCINELLI: Yeah, yeah, of course, it is. And, you know, it was -- this isn't a surprise or a shock to anyone. And while I don't like it or appreciate it or think it's consistent with the law, it's not like Joe Biden snuck up on anybody with this, right? I mean, this is what he said he was going to do. 

And while -- and what we were saying along with the Department of Homeland Security was, hey, look, you are going to get way more then you are bargain for. And we saw the Trump effect, you know, this amazing drop, voluntary drop in illegal immigration when President Trump was sworn in because of the expectations he created. And now, we are seeing the Biden effect because of the expectations that he has created. 

But your reporter, Sara, made a really critical point and that is the COVID in there. So, when these caravans come up and really the whole illegal immigrant pipeline, Sean, they are in tight conditions that they don't control with people who don't care about them. Let's be very clear about that. And it is an absolute human Petri dish opportunity for the transmission of a demonstrably very transmissible virus. 

And, of course, we have to worry about this new strain now. 

HANNITY: Ken, I'll use Biden's word. That looks like a super-spreader event. It really does. 

CUCCINELLI: Sure, it does.

HANNITY: And you know, is it fair for Americans if they are going to have a mask mandate and, you know, government-imposed shutdowns in the country? Is it too much to ask that we'd be able to check -- people come legally, check out any radical background, associates that they have or associations? 


HANNITY: You know, check in the age of COVID, make sure they're not -- you know, they don't have COVID, they can't transmit COVID to innocent people? 

CUCCINELLI: Well, and, Sean, you know, the Guatemalans have fought this really hard, I mean, with yeoman's effort really for a nation of their resources. That's a result of the accomplishments of this administration. I mean, a big part of the way we fought illegal immigration was with partnerships with El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala, Mexico. And they've done more. 

This is the first caravan that's gone anywhere since early 2019 because of the relationships that President Trump achieved. And let's face it. He -- it was hard-nosed negotiating if you will remember almost two years ago when the president was criticized substantially on both sides of the aisle for being so tough. But it worked. 

We have the most for fruitful relationship in this area with Mexico and the Northern Triangle countries, if ever. And I hope the new administration will not flush all of that very productive effort down the drain. 

HANNITY: All right. Ken Cuccinelli, thank you. 

When we come back, First Lady Melania Trump released a farewell video just earlier tonight. We'll play parts of it.

And instead of working towards uniting the country, the left seems to be happy keeping everybody divided. You won't believe what a Democratic lawmaker just said about our own national guard. You can't make it up, straight ahead.


HANNITY: Now, despite their repeated calls for unity, Democrats continue to play the race card, sadly, dividing the country further. Congressman Steve Cohn, he joined fake news CNN this morning and attacked the National Guard station in D.C. to keep this week's inauguration safe. Good grief. Take a look. 


REP. STEVE COHEN (D-TN): The guard is 90 some odd percent I believe male. About 20 percent of white males voted for Biden. You've got to believe that the guard is predominantly more conservative. I see that on my social media and we know it. There are probably more than 25 percent of the people that are there protecting us voted for Biden, the other 75 percent are in the class that would be -- the large planks of folks who might want to do something. 


HANNITY: Here with reaction, radio talk show host, nationally syndicated, Larry Elder, civil rights attorney, Leo 2.0 Terrell.

I still don't see a Larry 1.0. I can't believe it. 



HANNITY: Now, this 1 percent of lunatics in every group. I think we all agree with that, right? We saw a lot of people over the summer burning, looting, arson. But Democrats in the media told us that wasn't happening. We saw what happen, 1 percent in Washington on the sixth. We saw at the Capitol. 

We saw what happened with the deep state, 1 percent. I do have faith in the 99. 

Leo, what do you -- how do you handle this going forward as a country? 

LEO TERRELL, CIVIL RIGHTS ATTORNEY: You can expect the Democrats to play the race card for the next four years, as long as we allow them to. What that congressman said is outright ludicrous. National guard, the military, made a commitment to our country and to God, and for him to make the assumption just because officers in the military express their First Amendment right and vote for a particular candidate, that they are not going to defend the other guy? Dan Bongino had nothing in common with Barack Obama, but that man would have taken a bullet for Barack Obama. 

It is outright crazy to make to the false assumption that who you vote for will depend on your loyalty to the commander-in-chief. It makes no sense whatsoever. 

HANNITY: Larry, that's hard to beat. Good argument. 


ELDER: Well, Leo -- well, Leo is right. By the way, does this apply to the police? Should we assume that because the police very likely might have supported Donald Trump, they are not going to do their job either? 

It's insulting. What he is really accusing the men and women in the Guard is being of traitors. The only loyalty they have is to Donald Trump. He is insulting all of them. 

Where does it stop? Should we ask our doctors what -- who they voted for? Should we ask our dentists who they voted for? 

The pilots who fly an airline that we're on -- should we ask them who they voted for in order for us to be comfortable, we're going to be served well? Where does this madness end? 

HANNITY: Well, Larry, hang on.

ELDER: These guys are absolutely insane. 

HANNITY: They want to ban. They put them on no -- if you wanted a ten-day audit, they want you want to travel ban. If you have a degree from Harvard and you are conservative, they want to rescind their degree. Nobody who worked for Trump could apparently get a job or speak at Harvard. I mean, that's how nuts this is getting. Are you or have you ever been a Trump supporter? 


TERRELL: I'll tell you right now. Go ahead, Larry, I'm sorry. 

ELDER: Go ahead, Leo. 

TERRELL: No, listen, on January 21st. 

HANNITY: What's the hell happened with both of you here? Go ahead, Leo. All right. 


TERRELL: Thank you. January 21st, listen -- 

HANNITY: I like it better when you fight. Go ahead.

TERRELL: Sorry, that won't happen anymore. 

I'm going across this country. Hey, I hope the Democrats try to cancel me. I've got a big mouth. I'm going across this country all this year to talk about Trump's program. 


TERRELL: I am. I'm serious. This is ridiculous. 


HANNITY: I take issue with that. Leo doesn't have a big mouth. 


ELDER: You know, Leo and Sean, I'm looking at the year-end homicide stats, Chicago, over 700. Seventy percent of them black on black, even though the population is 30 percent. St. Louis, about 400 homicides, roughly the population about 45 percent black, 90 percent black victims, black perps. Same thing with Baltimore. 90 percent. 

Where are all of the woke white liberals on something like that? You can't pin that on racism. So, they can't -- so they are ignoring that. If you can blame this on racism -- 

HANNITY: I'm telling you.

ELDER: -- they're Johnny on the spot. When it comes to something like this, they don't care. 

HANNITY: I want to manage this team. Larry and Leo 2.0, Larry 1.0, Leo 2.0. 

All right, guys. Good to see you. 


HANNITY: First lady Melania Trump released a farewell video, it's online. But here is a small snippet. 


MELANIA TRUMP, FIRST LADY: No words can express the depth of my gratitude for the privilege of having served as your first lady. To all of the people of this country, you will be in my heart forever. Thank you. God bless you and God bless the United States of America. 


HANNITY: She said it was the honor of her lifetime to serve as first lady, did an amazing job representing our country, and was treated horribly. Typical. Sad, but true. 

Unfortunately, that's all the time you have left. We will always remain independent. We'll never be the media mob. 

Let not your heart be troubled, buckle up, Judge Jeanine is in for Laura.
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