Cuba Kicks Out Foreign Reporters

Now some fresh pickings from the Political Grapevine:

"Modest Means"

Former President Clinton came into office in 1992 as a man of modest means and left office in 1996 with huge debts of about $12 million in the aftermath of his legal battles over the Whitewater and Monica Lewinsky scandals.

But that's all behind him now—according to Senator Clinton's tax disclosure statements, detailed in today's Washington Post — the former president has earned $40 million in the past six years in speaking fees.

Goldman Sachs paid Clinton $650,000 for four speeches, while the banking firm, Citicorp paid

$250,000 for just one speech. But U.S. companies didn't represent the largest of President Clinton's speaking fees—those came from overseas clients — such as a Saudi firm that paid Clinton $600,000 for two speeches and a real estate group run by an official of China's communist party paid him $200,000.

The fortune that President Clinton has amassed could come in handy for his wife's run for the presidency. Senator Clinton is expected to forgo public financing, and rules allow for candidates to tap into their personal wealth to fund their campaigns.

Journalists Packing

Communist Cuba is sending three foreign journalists packing, including an American. Cuban authorities have told journalists for the Chicago Tribune, the BBC and a major Mexican newspaper that they can no longer report from the island.

The Chicago Tribune said their reporter, Gary Marx was told Wednesday that his stories were too negative. His press credentials were not renewed during the annual process and he and his family have 90 days to leave Cuba.

Mexican journalist Cesar Gonzales Calero was also asked to leave because authorities said his reporting was, "not the most convenient for the Cuban government." Havana's grown increasingly sensitive about how the communist-run country is portrayed by the international media, and is particularly touchy about speculation on the health of Fidel Castro, who ceded power to his brother Raul after undergoing a series of intestinal operations last July.

Anxious Youngsters

All the reports about the dire consequences of global warming are having one unintended effect — they're scaring the wits out of some children. According to a recent study of 1,100 British youngsters between ages 7 and 11, half of them are so anxious about the effects of global warming, they frequently lose sleep over it.

The survey, conducted for a supermarket chain in Great Britain found that a quarter of the children blamed politicians for climate change, while a seventh blamed their own parents for not doing enough to save the environment. The most feared consequences of global warming among the children included the possibility of entire countries being submerged by flooding, and of course, the welfare of animals.

A spokesman for the supermarket chain seemed pleased that youngsters are so worried about global warming that it keeps them awake, as he lamented that, "many adults may look the other way."

—FOX News Channel's Martin Hill contributed to this report.