Conservatives grumble: When will Congress cut spending?

This is a rush transcript from "The Fox News Specialists," September 7, 2017. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

EBONI K. WILLIAMS, CO-HOST: Hey, everybody. I'm Eboni K. Williams along with Kat Timpf and Mark Steyn. This is the "Fox News Specialists."

Bipartisanship and deal making are suddenly in vogue in Washington. This afternoon, the Senate passed a bill sponsored by President Trump and Democratic leaders Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi raising the debt ceiling and funding the government into December. Along with devoting $15 billion for Hurricane Harvey relief. The House is expected to pass the bill quickly, and President Trump isn't stopping there. Also agreeing with Senator Schumer to pursue a plan that would eliminate debt ceiling votes altogether. Administration officials are out advancing the new shift in strategy.


STEVE MNUCHIN, TREASURY SECRETARY: We're very happy that we have a deal. So the president's priority was to make sure that we had funding for Harvey and to make sure we raise the debt limit to pay for that, and we've accomplished that. The best part about this is this clears out the next 90 days for us to focus on important things. So we have the funding for Harvey. We're focused on tax reform. That's going to be the big priority for the next 90 days. We're going to work with the two committees on that and get that down to the floor so that we can have a bill passed for the president to sign.


WILLIAMS: The moves by President Trump may have some establishment Republicans up in arms, but former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee argues that they're just out of touch.


MIKE HUCKABEE, FORMER GOVERNOR OF ARKANSAS: They're not nearly as unhappy with the president as the American people are unhappy with this Republican congress. There is outrage. And I don't think these guys get it. They're furious at them for not being able to deliver to a president.


WILLIAMS: Let's quickly bring in today's Specialists. He is the founder and executive director of Turning Point USA, Charlie Kirk is here. And he is the founder of the bipartisan D.C. firm called Caldwell Strategic Consulting, Gianno Caldwell is here.

I'll start with you, Gianno. We see Mnuchin talking about Harvey relief, which everybody is in agreement around. Also talking about tax reform which largely Americans want regardless of party affiliation. This feels like a layup for President Trump. A clear opportunity to put legislative points on the board, what say you?

GIANNO CALDWELL, CALDWELL STRATEGIC CONSULTING FOUNDER: I think it was the right move, the deal in which he made yesterday. I mean, I think for many of my conservative friends that have objected to the deal, you put him in this environment. The congressional Republicans put Donald Trump in this environment where he had to get Democratic votes. My issue, though, with this is the optics. In addition to the optics, the fact that this particular deal, this debt ceiling deal, doesn't just have like a three month deadline. It took the cap off the funding. Whereas you can rack up as much debt as you want. So in D.C., when do we actually cut spending? And that's a real consideration.

WILLIAMS: For conservatives, this looks like a disaster. And certainly not a conservative move on the part of the president. So politically is there going to be a consequence?

CHARLIE KIRK, TURNING POINT USA FOUNDER: There might be. I don't love the deal. I can see why he did what he did. But look, the GOP congress they takes off the entire month of August after doing nothing for six months. They parade back to D.C.

WILLIAMS: They need a break. They need a break.

(LAUGHTER) KIRK: They parade back to D.C. and they expect to have some triumphant return by the president. So I can understand why he did what he did. You didn't get Obamacare done. You didn't get my agenda passed through. You're getting me nonsense on the wall. I want my tax cuts. I need some breathing room to do that. Again, I'm a fiscal conservative guy, I agree with you. Where are the spending cuts? I don't love the deal. But I can empathize with it because the GOP congress is doing nothing.

KATHERINE TIMPF, CO-HOST: And finally, the one thing they agree on it, yeah, we can all just spend.

KIRK: Yeah, exactly.


TIMPF: Yeah. We all agree we can just keep spending and spending and never address it. I don't know how the GOP can still, much of the GOP, say that it's the party of fiscal responsibility and keep a straight face. It's not. They just spend money on different things.

MARK STEYN, CO-HOST: But basically, nobody likes Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell. They run the most incompetent parliamentary majority on the planet. I maybe being unfair. I don't know what's it's like in the upper house of the Somali legislature. But in most of the world standards they have been complete incompetence for eight months, and that's the best view of the situation. The worst view is that they're deliberately indifferent or hostile to the president's agenda.

WILLIAMS: So let's talk about that, Mark. Some people have said that they feel on some level that Paul Ryan and even Mitch McConnell might be trying to sabotage the president's agenda, whether it's that intentional or not. Certainly, their actions have not been comprehensive to support it.

STEYN: No, I think they're trying to -- I think they're trying to turn him. They're trying to turn him into a housetrained, normal Republican.

WILLIAMS: Establishment.

STEYN: . president. George Bush Sr. They're basically trying to get the side of the president.

WILLIAMS: They're trying to tame him.

STEYN: Yeah. And I don't think -- and that would be fine if they weren't totally incompetent. I mean, I can't get -- Mitch McConnell comes back after his month off and says, oh, we've got a lot to do. (LAUGHTER)

STEYN: And we've got a lot to do. We've got to ensure that we don't default and we've got to fund the government. That's housekeeping. That's not doing anything. That's housekeeping. That's like trying to say, oh, I've got a lot to do this month. I've got to try to remember to pay the electric bill, and then I got to remember to transfer $50 into my savings account. I mean, that's crazy.

WILLIAMS: It is crazy. And Gianno, that's the thing when I talk about legislative points on the board. When this president goes out to stump for people for 2018, which he will do, and they try to hold on to his coattails, because his popularity, at least with his base remains intact. What will be the articulable points of legislative achievement around what we all know is a Republican run White House, congress, and senate.

CALDWELL: You know what, I take you to my newest, favorite book, Pretty Powerful, you may not have heard of it.

WILLIAMS: Let me think about that. I think that comes out on Tuesday.

CALDWELL: Tuesday. Amazon, of course. All the talent and intelligence in the world -- all the talents and intelligence and hard work in the world doesn't matter unless it's coupled with opportunity. Of course, President Trump took an opportunity and he's going to continue to take an opportunity to advance his agenda. We need tax reform desperately. This deal was set up to put us in a position where we can actually get that done. McConnell hasn't performed. Speaker Ryan hasn't performed. And I feel really bad about that because I thought hard, just like a lot of you, to get a Republican majority. So now we're in a position, and I know these guys, I know they're legitimately good guys.

WILLIAMS: You work with Paul Ryan.

CALDWELL: Paul Ryan on the Mitt Romney campaign.


CALDWELL: But the point of it is now we're in a situation where we're looking awful. And you've got people like Nancy Pelosi that's going around -- you know, grinning about this opportunity to work with Donald Trump and saying, hey, we pushed them on a deal. This is the deal that we presented to him.


TIMPF: If that's the only thing they get done, they'd agreed to spend as much as they want.


KIRK: That's bipartisanship.

WILLIAMS: Those optics, and you talk about it, I mean, they look really bad. I mean, you see Nancy, can barely contain the smile on her face. Schumer is grinning like Cheshire cat. What's going on.


KIRK: Here's what I can't understand -- from where I disagree at this -- I mean, he bartered a deal with the very same people that are investigating him and his entire business enterprise for supposed collusion with Russia. I mean, these are people that if an impeachment vote was brought to the floor, they would enthusiastically get behind it.

STEYN: That's how bad Ryan and McConnell are. Even slimy duplicitous toads like Schumer seem reasonable.


KIRK: I think what the president is thinking here, is he had to blow up the traditional power structure. Paul Ryan does not own me. Mitch McConnell does not own me. I can go work with other people. I believe that was the motive.

CALDWELL: Hopefully, it works out. That's the point.

KIRK: If he gets tax cuts done, it'll work up, absolutely.

WILLIAMS: You think this will buy him any political capital with the Dems?

KIRK: That's hard to say.


WILLIAMS: We need a whole another block for that one. Up next, President Trump tweeting out new assurances to DACA recipients. Apparently, the request on all of these (INAUDIBLE) Nancy Pelosi. What on earth is going on in D.C.? Stay with us.


TIMPF: The developments in Washington over the last 24 hours may have you thinking you've woken up in an episode of the Twilight Zone. Case in point, a tweet from President Trump earlier today, where he writes, quote, for all of those DACA that are concerned about your status during the 6 month period, you've nothing to worry about. No action. A bizarre twist. Apparently, President Trump put that out there at the request of Nancy Pelosi. If that weren't weird enough, today Pelosi also described her cordial discussions with the president over the DREAM Act.


REP. NANCY PELOSI, D-CALIF., MINORITY LEADER: We made it very clear in the course of the conversation that we would -- the priority was to pass the DREAM Act, that we wanted to do it, and obviously, it has to be bipartisan. The president said he would support that. He would sign it. But we have to get it passed, and that's a high priority.


TIMPF: I'm going to try to make this broader, rather than just only think about the tweet or what that conversation might have been like. It's hard for these people not to worry, Mark. Of course, if you're in that situation, you're going to worry. But of course, also, the only way to permanently not have to worry is it has to go through the legislature.

STEYN: Yes. I'm sympathetic, because I'm -- I'm a legal immigrant. And boy, I wouldn't make that mistake again. Once you are -- once you're in the system -- once you're in the system, there is no end to it. There's a zillion and one. I'm committing 47 paperwork infractions just in the hour I'm sitting here, and I don't even know it.

So they're -- so they're DREAMers, because they just took a flat-bottom skiff across the Rio Grande. But if we're boring people who fill in the paperwork, we're non-DREAMers. We're America's worst nightmare.

So I'm -- I dislike -- I loathe the sentimentalization of public policy, Kat.

TIMPF: Well, I mean, we're talking about people who came here as children, of course.

But again, I want to talk about, Charlie, about Nancy Pelosi. So she's so concerned about it and instead of actually starting to work on a bill, she thinks that what they would really want is for her to call the president or whatever and say, "Hey, like, tweet out that things are going to be OK." I mean, what? What?

KIRK: I think this is the genius of President Trump. I think he only tweeted that because he knew that B-roll of Nancy Pelosi was going to be shown for the next two days.


KIRK: And every time Nancy Pelosi's on cable TV, his approval ratings continue to skyrocket. "The more she keeps talking, I keep doing better."

CALDWELL: So you're a DREAMer, too, then?

KIRK: Exactly. All kidding aside, look, I mean, the president here, I think the right decision to not act on DACA. I believe it's unconstitutional; it was done by executive fiat under President Obama in 2012. But look, is Congress really going to do anything about this? Absolutely not. I mean, they can't even, you know, get together, you know, to -- well, actually they can get together to agree to borrow a trillion dollars. That's about all they can agree on now.

WILLIAMS: I think that point is accurate, Charlie. Is that we all know, including President Trump, that Congress is going to be unable to be successful here. So that's why, when the president talks about, you know, handing this off to Congress with the intention of a long-term, as you point out, Kat, solution for these so-called DREAMers, I can't buy it. Because experience knows and, certainly, what we've seen has shown us that Congress is absolutely incompetent. You might have used even stronger words earlier.

KIRK: And accurate terms.

WILLIAMS: Right. So we know that that's going to be an epic failure by the part of Congress to pick up the ball. They're not going to do it in six months. They probably wouldn't do it in six years. So what we know is that these 750,000 some people who were brought here as kids, illegally but as children, with no intention of their own behalf, are understandably concerned and fearful.

CALDWELL: You know, it's interesting, because it feels like it's 2016 all over again, and this time Hillary Clinton won. The Democrats are taking credit for all the potential legislative action. It's a sad scenario.

What's more sad is the fact that there's been all this fake outrage, if you will, at the part of people like lying, cheating, sleazy Mayor Rahm Emanuel of Chicago, who's having a press conference saying this is a Trump-free zone, when in fact, we know that, according to President Obama himself, who said that he couldn't unilaterally create law or rewrite the federal statutes, he said that DACA was going to be a temporary program. So knowing that this was going to be a temporary program, why are you so outraged? Further...

WILLIAMS: OK, go ahead. Just to the opportunistic point you made earlier, you're right. This is -- I mean, President Obama knew, because he's also - - he used to teach Con law. The man's not dumb when it comes to constitutional restrictions. He understands that this is beyond scope of what's permitted with the executive branch. He did it as a temporary measure. You're right, Gianno.

Because I think he thought that was a better opportunity than doing nothing. He knew he had no political capital. Nothing he would have tried to put forth through that Congress would have been successful.

But this is where President Trump again, as we're going back to old tweets and old things, 2012 talked about, as a civilian, he would have compassion for these people.

STEYN: Yes, but Eboni...

CALDWELL: The compassion is the six months, though. I would argue that's compassion.

STEYN: But in practical terms, it makes no difference. We're having a constitutional argument about whether it's the president or the legislature who has the right to surrender to mass lawbreaking that nobody does anything about.

CALDWELL: The Supreme Court has issued -- and of course, we've got a lawyer on the panel -- the president has broad authority who to let in the country and who out, who leaves, whatever that is. But Congress has the ultimate authority in terms of immigration.

WILLIAMS: Writing laws.

CALDWELL: With that being the case, wouldn't you rather, especially if people are saying that Donald Trump is a racist, he's a bigot, he's cruel to animals, humans and everything else.

KIRK: Really quick.

TIMPF: He doesn't even have a dog.

KIRK: Really quick, the DREAMers should be thanking President Trump. The 5th Circuit was about to strike this down, and very few people know that. In the court.

WILLIAMS: It's true.

KIRK: He had to act on this, or else all the DREAMers would have been put in a terrible situation.

STEYN: No one would ever get deported anyway. You can't get deported. People say -- someone threatened to deport me.

WILLIAMS: People can get deported. I've had clients.


TIMPF: People have been -- people have been deported before.

OK. Straight ahead, the latest on Hurricane Irma's path and the dire threat to Florida.


WILLIAMS: Florida racing to prepare for the potential big one with Hurricane Irma's wrath quickly bearing down on the state. For the latest, we go to Fox News chief meteorologist Rich -- excuse me, Rick Richmuth [SIC] joins us from the Fox Weather Center. Reichmuth. Excuse me, Rick.

RICK REICHMUTH, FOX NEWS METEOROLOGIST: It's a doozy. Don't worry at all.

WILLIAMS: So many "R's."


This is the last little images here on visible satellite. This is actual -- what the satellite sees looking down on Earth, and you see the center of the storm right there. That right there is Cockburn Town in Turks and Caicos, and they're getting pummeled by a Cat 5 hurricane. Probably something they've never seen here. Similar to what we saw yesterday, yesterday the islands in the Western Tales (ph) and British Virgin Islands that have never seen that strong of a storm.

This is what the future radar looks like. So throughout the night tonight, it's going to move through Turks and Caicos, kind of the southern Bahama islands here. But nothing at all that is going to break this storm apart.

And this brings us to Saturday morning. You still still a very well- defined storm here. In fact, all of our forecasting shows that it will maintain Category 5, maybe Category 4 strength all the way through interaction in south Florida. A lot of that is because the water temperature is incredibly warm. It's going to be going over the warmest water that it has in its entire life span so far. Tends into the upper SC. That's plenty of fuel for the storm.

And take a look at what's happening right now. So we talk about storm surge, maybe 15 to 20 feet across these islands in Turks and Caicos. A lot of those islands aren't even that tall. So we're going to have a complete wash over of those islands.

And then waves on top of that: 45 and 46 feet of waves. That's what we're recording on some of these buoys out here. So all of those waves moving that direction. Things are looking bad.

Overall, the forecast track has changed a little bit from what we've been talking about throughout much of the day today. It shifted a little bit to the west. It's really not good news for all of this population zone here on the eastern shore of Florida, especially around Homestead and up towards Miami. That would put in an intense amount of storm surge right into this area. Not just the wind but the storm surge. And would probably be one of the worst storms we've ever seen in this area, the way this is looking right now.

WILLIAMS: God, Rick, that sounds incredible. And if you're in that area, that has to feel really, really terrifying. How confident, though, are we with that, you know, prediction two days out?

REICHMUTH: Yes. Not super confident. So we're confident that Florida is going to get a big impact from the storm. We've been seeing -- most of the trending going towards the eastern side here of Florida.

I will tell you, so this is the European model, and it's probably the best forecasting model that we have. In its last run, it took a big jog to the west, and that puts it making landfall over the Keys here and brings all of the bad weather. It's bad weather everywhere. But the worst of the weather here towards the Miami area.

I will tell you his is the first run that has moved that far west. They will probably continue to bounce back and forth. And I don't think we will really know exactly what track this takes until we see that right-hand turn, and that's going to be Saturday sometime.

So even throughout the day tomorrow we're not going to know for sure. Anywhere in south Florida is going to be dealing with hurricane-force winds and eventually probably towards Monday, maybe north Florida, certainly into Georgia. Prior runs that show this further offshore, still a very real possibility. But second -- this second landfall in Georgia and South Carolina. But also, now, may be possible it just stays over the Florida Peninsula.

TIMPF: And what impact, if any, do you think that Hurricane Jose might have on all this?

REICHMUTH: Well, not much impact on what is happening with Hurricane Irma, but I tell you what. This is really frightening.

So a Category 5, the worst hurricane ever, went over these northern islands here. And the lesser Antilles in the British Virgin Islands. The worst one they've ever had. The pictures that are coming out are devastating.

Hurricane Jose behind it is now a Cat 3 hurricane. That's a major hurricane. And take a look at this. Barbuda yesterday was hit. Right here in this cone, possibly having a second major landfall of a hurricane in four to five days. I've never heard of anything like that.

When you imagine all the pictures that we've seen there, all of that loose debris, the houses, the structures that have been weakened. Now another storm moving on right behind that. It is -- it's kind of unfathomable what potentially could happen there.

STEYN: Rick, speaking to that, they don't have any tall buildings in those delightful sleepy British colonies, like Grand Turk, but they do in Florida. Now what's -- have wind speeds -- the wind speeds, as I understand, get higher the taller you get. In a tall building, it's more like 200 miles an hour. What's that going to do to those buildings?

REICHMUTH: Well, it's a great question. For one thing, we haven't seen that across some of those buildings. Since Hurricane Andrew, they've put in a lot better building codes in a lot of south Florida, and a lot of those high rises are new. So in some cases, those building codes would be able to withstand it.

That said, a Cat 4 or a Cat 5 is probably past its ability, at least with some of those windows. So I think we'll see a lot of window damage in some of those areas. And you're also right: We could see winds at the higher elevations may be 20 miles higher than you'll see right there at the ground.

WILLIAMS: Rick Reichmuth, thank you so much.

Coming up, Steve Bannon holding nothing back in an upcoming interview with "60 Minutes." Virtually no one is spared, and I do mean no one. We'll show you, right after this.


TIMPF: Steve Bannon is coming out swinging in his first TV interview since his ouster from the White House last month. The interview with "60 Minutes" airs this weekend. And among a big slate of topics, Bannon addresses his persona in the media.


CHARLIE ROSE, "60 MINUTES": So how do you want to be perceived, you today, because you have a media image?

STEVE BANNON, BREITBART: The media image, I think, is pretty accurate, I'm a street fighter. That's what I am.

ROSE: You're more than that.

BANNON: I think I'm a -- I think I'm a street fighter. By the way, I think that's why Donald Trump and I get along so well. Donald Trump is a fighter, great counterpuncher. Great counterpuncher. He's a fighter. I'm going to be his wing man outside for the entire time. To protect...

ROSE: You will not be attacking Donald Trump in your role?

BANNON: No. Our purpose is to support Donald Trump. By the way...

ROSE: And destroy his enemies?

BANNON: To make sure his enemies know that there's no free shot on goal.


TIMPF: Oh, boy. Gianno, what are your thoughts on that?

CALDWELL: As you are reading that, the first thing I heard was Steve Bannon is coming out. And I'm like "Really?" This is more interesting than I thought.

So I've worked for a number of elected officials at the federal, state and local level. And one of the first rules I learned was you never become a distraction for your boss.

Steve Bannon was nothing but a major distraction for Donald Trump. There was questions about, is Donald Trump racist, because Steve Bannon works for him?

TIMPF: Right.

CALDWELL: Is -- is Donald Trump as smart as he says he is, because Steve Bannon is pretty much the puppet master?


CALDWELL: So all these questions came up, and he really should have been kicked out of the White House a long time ago.

I understand the populism. I appreciate the fact that Donald Trump is not an ideologue. I appreciate the fact that he has an America-first vision. So it could be a Democrat; it could be a Republican. Whatever -- whoever has the best idea for America, let's go with that. I can appreciate that. But this guy, Steve Bannon, he was better on the outside the whole time.

TIMPF: Yes, Eboni, he talked about his image. What do you think? Is he pretty powerful? Or do you think that street fighter doesn't really work?

TIMPF: This message is for you. Tuesday, September 12, at a bookstore near you, check out "Pretty Powerful."

Yes, I agree with Gianna's assessment that the minute the announcement was made, pre-inauguration, that Steve Bannon was going to be a top advisor in this White House, I think people that were possibly willing to consider some open-mindedness when it came to President Trump immediately closed down. Because there's such a narrow interpretation of what a Steve Bannon represents in anybody's Oval Office.

KIRK: I will disagree a little bit. I think, first and foremost -- a little bit. A little bit. Some people mislabel Steve Bannon in a lot of different ways. Being a white supremacist and a racist.

WILLIAMS: Is that a mislabel, though, Charlie?

KIRK: I believe it is, and I've gotten to know, you know, Steve over the years.

WILLIAMS: Do you understand why, based off some of the stats (ph) and some of the statements and some of the headlines that are on Breitbart...


WILLIAMS: ... that that's -- some of the headlines, pretty much. I mean, you can talk about them, talks about the alt-right. He talks about, you know, Jews. Death to Jews. I mean...

KIRK: No, no, Breitbart never said anything like that.

WILLIAMS: That has been on Breitbart. Sure it has.

KIRK: No, no, no, no, no. They've had a couple headlines against Billy Crystal two years ago, but I would hardly say that Breitbart...

WILLIAMS: But do you -- I understand it's not your opinion, but do you understand why some people would interpret it that way?

KIRK: Wrongly interpret it. Sure, I can see how people...


KIRK: ... based on the information they're consuming, would wrongly come to that. Just really quick is -- the reason I'm disturbed that Steve Bannon is no longer in the White House is who was more consistent with President Trump's agenda than Steve Bannon? It's not...


CALDWELL: But we haven't gotten anything done.

STEYN: To your point, Eboni...

TIMPF: Go ahead, Mark.

STEYN: To your point, Eboni, one of the things about Trump that happened during the primary was that the traditional things that destroy people, accusations of racism or whites supremacists and whatever, Trump was able to overcome. And Bannon was an important part of the fact that he could overcome political correctness. So when Bannon bites the dust, that tells you something about Trump's powers, too.

WILLIAMS: I don't think that Bannon bit the dust. Maybe I'm just seeing it different. I think -- just I take him at his word that he's going to be a fierce, staunch advocate for this president outside the White House. I think he's probably be able to be more effective, because I think the tensions internally were just really making him ineffective. So if you want to say he's a good protector of the president, I don't disagree with that. I think he could be more effective on the outside.

STEYN: It's becoming too normal a White House. All the crazy people, the Bannons.

CALDWELL: Since when? What are you talking about?

STEYN: I loved all the Bannon hates Priebus, Priebus hates Scaramucci.


CALDWELL: It's so much reality show, though.

TIMPF: Entertaining to watch. Entertaining to watch, but...

STEYN: But it's really -- you were saying, Gianno, that we -- in America, you have professional back-room boys who were all in the front window, like, showing off.

CALDWELL: That's what you were doing last night.

STEYN: Like strippers advertising their wares.

KIRK: The one thing is you said he became a distraction.

TIMPF: Bannon? I'm very concerned.

KIRK: He only did one interview in his entire time in the White House.

CALDWELL: He did two interviews.

KIRK: And then in his last week after he submitted....

CALDWELL: Any time the conversation is about an individual that's working in your White House versus the president's agenda.

KIRK: Was that because of him or because of people that saw him as a...


WILLIAMS: That's a distinction...

TIMPF: We're going to have to continue this conversation at a later date, because we have to say goodbye to our specialists. I'm sorry. Charlie Kirk and Gianno Caldwell. Thank you both for joining us.

Up next, it's "Wait, What?" Don't go away.


STEYN: And now for our last segment today. It's time for...




STEYN: Yes, I'll kick things off. This is from my hometown in Toronto. The winner of the bee beard. This is Juan Carlos Novez Ortiz. And that is a record bee beard that he kept it on his face for 61 minutes.

By the way, if you've got the high-definition, and you notice my beard moving, that is actually because my beard is ticks. And in about 15 minutes, it's the tick beard finalists. In about 15 minutes later, they're all going to be on Eboni's face.

WILLIAMS: I assure you that's fake news.

STEYN: Over to you, Kat.

TIMPF: OK. So a hotel in Belgium is letting lonely guests rent goldfish overnight to stay with them. And I have a real problem with this for many reasons.

First of all, not a cuddly animal. Also not a hearty animal. It is very easy to accidentally kill a goldfish. I've done it many times. Accidentally, to kill them. And if you're so upset that you are renting a fish to spend the night with you, then you probably can't handle its death. It's a very irresponsible thing.

WILLIAMS: That's exactly right. Shame on them.

All right. Well, it's back to school day and night for many parents across the country, and one very special little cherub is going to school for the first time. Prince George and your future king, Mark.

STEYN: Oh, yes. Go for it.

WILLIAMS: Go for it. So that's exciting. They're really cute pictures of...

TIMPF: And think about the goldfish having all those mommies and daddies and never...

WILLIAMS: There he is. There's Prince George, walking in. Little George there, so adorable. And he's dressed like a little prince. I love it.

STEYN: Yes, he's dressed like an English schoolboy. That's kind of impressive.

WILLIAMS: Very preppy little look.

STEYN: Yes, it's -- that's a nice look.

That is it. Thank you for today. Thanks for watching, and make sure to follow the show on social media, @SpecialistsFNC on Twitter and Facebook. And remember, 5 o'clock will never be the same. Bret Baier, "Special Report," and all your Hurricane Irma coverage from the Caribbean to Florida is coming up live right now.

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